" Look Into It - GMO Genetic Armageddon!








Genetic Armageddon!!

GMO Genetic Armageddon!

Pandora’s Box has surely been opened. A dangerous genetic experiment has come out of the shadows, and the human-animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clones it has yielded now threaten to endanger and irrevocably alter life as we know it. The controllers of elite-funded science and R&D have wantonly tampered with the genetic code of the planet, ignoring the rather obvious dangers posed by cross-species experimentation and flagrantly jeopardizing the earth’s delicately-balanced biodiversity.




GMO Genetic Armageddon!

In 1997 Dr Jay Vacanti grew a human ear from cartilage cells the back of a mouse, causing outrage among animal rights and pro-life groups.











Genetic Armageddon Humanity's Greatest Threat


Genetic Genocide:
Humanity’s Greatest Threat

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones
July 27, 2011

Pandora’s Box has surely been opened. A dangerous genetic experiment has come out of the shadows, and the human-animal hybrids, chimeras and other transgenic clones it has yielded now threaten to endanger and irrevocably alter life as we know it.

The controllers of elite-funded science and R&D have wantonly tampered with the genetic code of the planet, ignoring the rather obvious dangers posed by cross-species experimentation and flagrantly jeopardizing the earth’s delicately-balanced biodiversity.

In a special video, Alex Jones addresses the profound risks posed by genetically-modified hybrids now featuring prominently in the field of biotechnology.

fresh revelations about a  “secret lab” program in the UK admittedly ongoing ‘for the last three years’ that developed such bestial-hybrids only serves to reinforce our available data concerning the fact that genetically-modified laboratory creations are fast spinning out of control. Now the biotech industry has unleashed these Franken-breeds into the world under the auspices of monopolizing some of the most important and dangerous developments in Agra, Pharma and Medical research for the 21st Century. Their GM “solutions” to life’s challenges promise lucrative returns, as we reported earlier today, due royalties on their patented gene-expressions.

Transgenic clones, created by deleting-and-replacing DNA sequences to create a cross-species hybrid (xenotransplantation) that is then grown in a host egg, are fast becoming a pet-project of corporate science that offers to fulfill “Pharming’s” promise of  replacement organs for ailing humans, industrial and pharmaceutical applications of artificial-protein production, and the hope of successful outlets for artificial fertilization & human cloning in an age of increasing sterility and infertility. However, it is these man-made creations that pose the greatest risks– including contamination, proven links to sterility in offspring and risks of cancer. Many clones, including the world’s famous first-cloned sheep, Dolly, have had conspicuously short lives and bad health. Arthritis, breathing problems and more have plagued their existence, while hundreds of embryos fail in cultivation for each successful clone. Still others die in the womb after only days, yet these entities are trusted to fulfill humanity’s betterment.

In particular, mixing the human genome with that of various ‘useful’ animals crosses the extremely risky bridge formerly separating many beast-borne diseases from those that typically affect humans, or plant species for that matter. The contagion of mixing unrelated species like mammals and jellyfish genes gives the opportunity for unforeseen consequences and uncontrollable mutations. Further, many genes which scientists have previously believed to be equivalent have proven to behave differently when transplanted into foreign DNA sequences. Additionally, lack of recognition or compensation for pleiotropic genes (where a single gene gives expression for multiple traits) makes some of the consequences unforeseeable, yet predictably dangerous.

Grotesque experimentation, iconically portrayed for more than a century in globalist H.G. Wells’ The Island of Dr. Moreau, has now come to life– growing human ears on the backs of mice, harvesting human-marked organs from cows, pigs and other host-species, synthesizing strategic proteins in host-milk production and other seemingly-sci-fi applications– paving the way to future biotechnology. Creations like  spider-goats are raised in contradiction to nature’s laws, all in the name of reaching industrial production of a stronger-than-steel protein from spider-silk that can create fibers for items like  bullet-proof vests, sold directly to the military-prison-industrial complex, further feeding the total domination of mankind.

GMO species have become  absolutely invasive, and their Doctors Frankenstein have unleashed them intentionally to wreck and destroy the native competing species. Crop contamination of non-GMO plants, combined with the genocidal effects of  Terminator seeds is devastating to ordinary farmers. Consumption of GMO crops have proven ties in mice studies to sterility (shown to be delayed until the second or third generation) as well as cancer and other issues.

Powerful globalists have declared themselves God, and seek to limit the complex expression of life with cheap carbon-copy clones that threaten to displace the genuine flora, fauna and other life on this planet. Not long ago, the world’s most prestigious scientists considered some 96% of DNA to be throwaway ‘junk’ with no genetic value. Now, in greater arrogance, they will make far greater mistakes as they pretend to understand the path to ‘transhumanism‘ where man supposedly ascends to godhood through life extension. Humanity must stand up and say no before it is too late.

RELATED: GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma



 GMO Genetic Armageddon!



Secret Cloning Projects Exposed: Help Us Warn the World

 Help us warn the world- send Genetic Genocide video to everyone you know and/or make your own video,write your own article and tell your neighbor there's more going on than just the ballgame.



" This legalised the creation of a variety of hybrids, including an animal egg fertilised by a human sperm; ‘cybrids’, in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras’, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos. "




GMO Genetic Armageddon! 


150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years



By Daniel Martin and Simon Caldwell
Created 9:18 PM on 22nd July 2011

Scientists have created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in British laboratories.

The hybrids have been produced secretively over the past three years by researchers looking into possible cures for a wide range of diseases.

The revelation comes just a day after a committee of scientists warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far.
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is currently considering whether donors can be paid for their services

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is currently considering whether donors can be paid for their services

Last night a campaigner against the excesses of medical research said he was disgusted that scientists were ‘dabbling in the grotesque’.

Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act.

This legalised the creation of a variety of hybrids, including an animal egg fertilised by a human sperm; ‘cybrids’, in which a human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and ‘chimeras’, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.



Scientists say the techniques can be used to develop embryonic stem cells which can be used to treat a range of incurable illnesses.

Three labs in the UK – at King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University – were granted licences to carry out the research after the Act came into force.

All have now stopped creating hybrid embryos due to a lack of funding, but scientists believe that there will be more such work in the future.

The figure was revealed to crossbench peer Lord Alton following a Parliamentary question.

GMO Genetic Armageddon!

Research centre: Warwick University has been growing animal human hybrids over the last three years

Research centre: Warwick University has been growing animal human hybrids over the last three years

Last night he said: ‘I argued in Parliament against the creation of human- animal hybrids as a matter of principle. None of the scientists who appeared before us could give us any justification in terms of treatment.

‘Ethically it can never be justifiable – it discredits us as a country. It is dabbling in the grotesque.

‘At every stage the justification from scientists has been: if only you allow us to do this, we will find cures for every illness known to mankind. This is emotional blackmail.

‘Of the 80 treatments and cures which have come about from stem cells, all have come from adult stem cells – not embryonic ones. ‘On moral and ethical grounds this fails; and on scientific and medical ones too.’

Josephine Quintavalle, of pro-life group Comment on Reproductive Ethics, said: ‘I am aghast that this is going on and we didn’t know anything about it.

‘Why have they kept this a secret? If they are proud of what they are doing, why do we need to ask Parliamentary questions for this to come to light?

‘The problem with many scientists is that they want to do things because they want to experiment. That is not a good enough rationale.’ Test centre: Newcastle University was another site where human animal hybrid testing was being undertaken

Test centre: Newcastle University was another site where human animal hybrid testing was being undertaken

GMO Genetic Armageddon!Earlier this week, a group of leading scientists warned about ‘Planet of the Apes’ experiments. They called for new rules to prevent lab animals being given human attributes, for example by injecting human stem cells into the brains of primates.

But the lead author of their report, Professor Robin Lovell-Badge, from the Medical Research Council’ s National Institute for Medical Research, said the scientists were not concerned about human-animal hybrid embryos because by law these have to be destroyed within 14 days.

He said: ‘The reason for doing these experiments is to understand more about early human development and come up with ways of curing serious diseases, and as a scientist I feel there is a moral imperative to pursue this research.

‘As long as we have sufficient controls – as we do in this country – we should be proud of the research.’

However, he called for stricter controls on another type of embryo research, in which animal embryos are implanted with a small amount of human genetic material.

Human-animal hybrids are also created in other countries, many of which have little or no regulation.



Human-animal hybrids are also created in other countries, many of which have little or no regulation.


GMO Genetic Armageddon!





GM Human-Hybrids Future Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma



Scientists have hoped for decades that developments in genetic research could lead to biotech applications. Now, human-animal hybrids and transgenic clones are paving the way for organ harvesting and artificially-created human life. But what are the ethics behind this new technology? A biotech culture of 'pharming' has also emerged where cloned animals with inserted cross-species genes are used to produce everything from a GMO-version of human-like bovine milk, to pharmaceutical drugs, to spider-silk bred in goats and glow-in-the-dark puppies, kittens and mice made translucent by the application of jellyfish genes.

Are there any safeguards or ethics in place to slow abuses of this emerging technology? And how long has science been developing cloning technology? Is it longer than we have been led to believe?

The technology promises to aid infertile couples even as global fertility plummets. It gives hope for those in need of organ transplants. It gives the potential for efficient industrial production of synthesized drugs and enhanced food products. But is it safe? Who is watching? And have we unleashed Pandora's Box?

Control over the Transgenic human-animal hybrid pose lucrative possibilities for new monopolies based on gene-patents for life, but it also threatens the integrity of the genetic code of life. GMO crops like soy have caused infertility and cancer in lab mice, much of which did not show expression until the second or third generation. If these devastating "side effects" show up in humans, it could take generations to understand or mitigate. Scientists from Purdue University concluded more than a decade ago that GM Salmon could cause the extinction of wild salmon populations within just 40 generations, yet this Frankenfish is poised to enter the global market place and your dinner table.


LIFE Magazine -- Control of Life: Audacious Experiments Promise Decades of Added Life, Superbabies with Improved Minds and Bodies and Even a Kind of Immortality (September 10, 1965)

150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years

We have created human-animal embryos already, say British team (April 2, 2008)

Human-rabbit clone announced and no noses twitch


Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough which could solve organ shortage

Scientists Prepare To Clone a Human; Experiment Aims to Help Infertile Couples

Artificial liver 'could be grown'

GM goat spins web based future



GMO Genetic Armageddon! 




Target Africa: GMO crop push to depopulate

Gates and Rockefeller foundations push 'green revolution' in Africa based on Monsanto GMO drought crops.




GMO Genetic Armageddon!




Operation Inheritance: Stop GMO Depopulation in Africa

Gates and Rockefeller foundations push 'green revolution' in Africa based on Monsanto GMO drought crops.




GMO Genetic Armageddon!





Spidergoats Are Here:
Get Used To It

The truth is always stranger than fiction

Alex Jones tells a personal story of confronting a person with the truth.








Secrets of Mutant Spider Dog Revealed

Published on Sep 6, 2014


robots taking jobs

Record 92,269,000 Not in Labor Force







The Era Of Chimeras: Scientists Fearlessly Create Bizarre Human/Animal Hybrids


by Michael Snyder | May 20, 2014

Did you know that scientists are creating cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids? This is happening every single day in labs all over the western world, but most people have never even heard about it.

So would you drink milk from a cow/human hybrid that produces milk that is almost identical to human breast milk? And how would you interact with a mouse that has a brain that is almost entirely human? These are the kinds of questions that we will have to start to address as a society as scientists create increasingly bizarre human/animal hybrids. Thanks to dramatic advances in genetic technology, we have gotten to the point where it is literally possible for college students to create new hybrid lifeforms in their basements. Of course our laws have not kept pace with these advances, and now that Pandora’s Box has been opened, it is going to be nearly impossible to shut it.

Scientists try to justify the creation of human/animal hybrids by telling us that it will help “cure disease” and help “end world hunger”, but what if scientists discover that combining human DNA with animal DNA can give us incredible new abilities or greatly extended lifespans? Will humanity really have the restraint to keep from going down that road?

In my previous article entitled “Transhumanists: Superhuman Powers And Life Extension Technologies Will Allow Us To Become Like God“, I explored the obsession that transhumanists have with human enhancement. The temptation to “take control of our own evolution” will surely be too great for many scientists to resist. And even if some nations outlaw the complete merging of humans and animals, that does not mean that everyone else in the world will.

And once animal DNA gets into our breeding pool, how will we ever put the genie back into the bottle? As the DNA of the human race becomes corrupted, it is easy to imagine a future where there are very few “pure humans” remaining.

Sadly, most of the scientists working in this field express very little concern for these types of considerations. In fact, one very prominent U.S. geneticist says that we should not even worry about hybridization because he believes that humans were originally pig/chimpanzee hybrids anyway…

The human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, an American geneticist has suggested.

The startling claim has been made by Eugene McCarthy, who is also one of the world’s leading authorities on hybridisation in animals.

He points out that while humans have many features in common with chimps, we also have a large number of distinguishing characteristics not found in any other primates.

So if we are just hybrid creatures ourselves, why should we be scared of making more hybrids?

From their point of view, it all makes perfect sense.

And right now, extremely weird human/animal hybrids are being grown all over the United States.

For example, just check out the following excerpt from an NBC News article about what is going on in Nevada…

On a farm about six miles outside this gambling town, Jason Chamberlain looks over a flock of about 50 smelly sheep, many of them possessing partially human livers, hearts, brains and other organs.

The University of Nevada-Reno researcher talks matter-of-factly about his plans to euthanize one of the pregnant sheep in a nearby lab. He can’t wait to examine the effects of the human cells he had injected into the fetus’ brain about two months ago.

“It’s mice on a large scale,” Chamberlain says with a shrug.

When this article came across my desk recently, I noted that it was almost ten years old.

Over the past decade, things have gotten much, much stranger.

For example, scientists have now created mice that have artificial humanchromosomes “in every cell in their bodies“…

Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy.

In one of the unpublished studies, researchers made a human artificial chromosome in the laboratory from chemical building blocks rather than chipping away at an existing human chromosome, indicating the increasingly powerful technology behind the new field of synthetic biology.

And researchers at the University of Wisconsin figured out a way to transfer cells from human embryos into the brains of mice. When those cells from the human embryos began to grow and develop, they actually made the mice substantially smarter

Yet experiments like these are going forward just the same. In just the past few months, scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Rochester have published data on their human-animal neural chimeras. For the Wisconsin study, researchers injected mice with an immunotoxin to destroy a part of their brains–the hippocampus–that’s associated with learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. Then the researchers replaced those damaged cells with cells derived from human embryos. The cells proliferated and the lab chimeras recovered their ability to navigate a water maze.

For the Rochester study, researchers implanted newborn mice with nascent human glial cells, which help support and nourish neurons in the brain. Six months later, the human parts had elbowed out the mouse equivalents, and the animals had enhanced ability to solve a simple maze and learn conditioned cues. These protocols might run afoul of the anti-hybrid laws, and perhaps they should arouse some questions. These chimeric mice may not be human, or even really human, but they’re certainly one step further down the path to Algernon. It may not be so long before we’re faced with some hairy bioethics: What rights should we assign to mice with human brains?

So what should we call mice that have brains that are mostly human?

And at what point would our relationship with such creatures fundamentally change?

When they learn to talk?

Scientists all over the planet are recklessly creating these chimeras without really thinking through the implications.

In China, scientists have actually inserted human genes into the DNA of dairy cow embryos.

Now there are hundreds of human/cow hybrids that produce milk that is virtually identical to human breast milk.

Would you buy such milk if it showed up in your supermarket? The scientists that “designed” these cows say that is the goal.

But of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. A very good Slate article detailed some more of the human/animal hybrid experiments that have been taking place all over the planet…

Not long ago, Chinese scientists embedded genes for human milk proteins into a mouse’s genome and have since created herds of humanized-milk-producing goats. Meanwhile, researchers at the University of Michigan have a method for putting a human anal sphincter into a mouse as a means of finding better treatments for fecal incontinence, and doctors are building animals with humanized immune systems to serve as subjects for new HIV vaccines.

And Discovery News has documented even more bizarre human/animal hybrids that scientists have developed…

-Rabbit Eggs with Human Cells 

-Pigs with Human Blood 

-Sheep with Human Livers 

-Cow Eggs with Human Cells 

-Cat-Human Hybrid Proteins 

As technology continues to advance, the possibilities are going to be endless.

One professor at Harvard even wants to create a Neanderthal/human hybrid. He says that he just needs an “adventurous female human” to carry the child…

Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School believes he can reconstruct Neanderthal DNA and resurrect the species which became extinct 33,000 years ago.

His scheme is reminiscent of Jurassic Park but, while in the film dinosaurs were created in a laboratory, Professor Church’s ambitious plan requires a human volunteer.

He said his analysis of Neanderthal genetic code using samples from bones is complete enough to reconstruct their DNA.

He said: ‘Now I need an adventurous female human.

‘It depends on a hell of a lot of things, but I think it can be done.’

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a really, really bad idea to me.

And right now, the U.S. federal government is actually considering a plan which would allow scientists to create babies that come from genetic material drawn from three parents

A new technology aimed at eliminating genetic disease in newborns would combine the DNA of three people, instead of just two, to create a child, potentially redrawing ethical lines for designer babies.

The process works by replacing potentially variant DNA in the unfertilized eggs of a hopeful mother with disease-free genes from a donor. U.S. regulators today will begin weighing whether the procedure, used only in monkeys so far, is safe enough to be tested in humans.

Because the process would change only a small, specific part of genetic code, scientists say a baby would largely retain the physical characteristics of the parents. Still, DNA from all three — mother, father and donor — would remain with the child throughout a lifetime, opening questions about long-term effects for this generation, and potentially the next. Ethicists worry that allowing pre-birth gene manipulation may one day lead to build-to-order designer babies.

Many scientists believe that these kinds of technologies will “change the world”.

They might be more right about that than they ever could possibly imagine.

When we start monkeying with human DNA, we could be opening up doorways that we never even knew existed.

If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Hopefully scientists around the globe will understand the dangers of these types of experiments before it is too late.

Originally appeared at The American Dream. 






Study Shows GM Corn Cause Massive Tumors in Lab Rats

Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto's Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. That's the conclusion of a shocking new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto's genetically modified corn.

The study has been deemed "the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats." News of the horrifying findings is spreading like wildfire across the internet, with even the mainstream media seemingly in shock over the photos of rats with multiple grotesque tumors... tumors so large the rats even had difficulty breathing in some cases. GMOs may be the new thalidomide.


New GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow tumors, 70% of females
die early


Mike Adams
September 19, 2012 

Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto’s Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. That’s the conclusion of a shocking new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto’s genetically modified corn.

The study has been deemed “the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats.” News of the horrifying findings is spreading like wildfire across the internet, with even the mainstream media seemingly in shock over the photos of rats with multiple grotesque tumors… tumors so large the rats even had difficulty breathing in some cases. GMOs may be the new thalidomide.

“Monsanto Roundup weedkiller and GM maize implicated in ‘shocking’ new cancer study” wrote The Grocery, a popular UK publication. (http://www.thegrocer.co.uk/topics/technology-and-supply-chain/monsant…  )

It reported, “Scientists found that rats exposed to even the smallest amounts, developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage as early as four months in males, and seven months for females.”

The Daily Mail reported, “Fresh row over GM foods as French study claims rats fed the controversial crops suffered tumors.” (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2205509/Fresh-fears-GM…  )

It goes on to say: “The animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage. The researchers said 50 percent of males and 70 percent of females died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group.” (Article Continued Below)



GMO Genetic Armageddon!


French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders...
full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry. More information http://www.gmo-global-alert.net






Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=8325

That a former Monsanto scientist should find himself in charge of a specially-created post at the very journal that published two landmark studies questioning the safety of that company's products should surprise no one who is aware of the Monsanto revolving door. This door is responsible for literally dozens of Monsanto officials, lobbyists and consultants finding themselves in positions of authority in the government bodies that are supposedly there to regulate the company and its actions.

Find out more about Monsanto's ability to suppress scientific dissent in this week's edition of the
BoilingFrogsPost.com Eyeopener report.



"GMO pushers will lie, cheat, steal, falsify and even mass-murder as many people as it takes to further their agenda of total global domination over the entire food supply… at ANY cost." 




(Article Continued)

The study, led by Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen, was the first ever study to examine the long-term (lifetime) effects of eating GMOs. You may find yourself thinking it is absolutely astonishing that no such studies were ever conducted before GM corn was approved for widespread use by the USDA and FDA, but such is the power of corporate lobbying and corporate greed.

The study was published in The Food & Chemical Toxicology Journal and was just presented at a news conference in London.

GMO Genetic Armageddon!

Findings from the study

Here are some of the shocking findings from the study:

• Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death.

• Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors.

• Rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organic damage including liver damage and kidney damage.

• The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of GM corn that’s grown across North America and widely fed to animals and humans. This is the same corn that’s in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and corn snack chips.

The Daily Mail is reporting on some of the reaction to the findings:

France’s Jose Bove, vice-chairman of the European Parliament’s commission for agriculture and known as a fierce opponent of GM, called for an immediate suspension of all EU cultivation and import authorisations of GM crops. ‘This study finally shows we are right and that it is urgent to quickly review all GMO evaluation processes,’ he said in a statement. ‘National and European food security agencies must carry out new studies financed by public funding to guarantee healthy food for European consumers.’ (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2205509/Fresh-fears-GM…  )

Read the study abstract

The study is entitled, “A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health.” Read the abstract here:

That abstract include this text. Note: “hepatorenal toxicity” means toxic to the liver.

Our analysis clearly reveals for the 3 GMOs new side effects linked with GM maize consumption, which were sex- and often dose-dependent. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, although different between the 3 GMOs. Other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and haematopoietic system. We conclude that these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxicity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. In addition, unintended direct or indirect metabolic consequences of the genetic modification cannot be excluded.

Here are some quotes from the researchers:

“This research shows an extraordinary number of tumors developing earlier and more aggressively – particularly in female animals. I am shocked by the extreme negative health impacts.” – Dr Michael Antoniou, molecular biologist, King’s College London.

“We can expect that the consumption of GM maize and the herbicide Roundup, impacts seriously on human health.” – Dr Antoniou.

“This is the first time that a long-term animal feeding trial has examined the impact of feeding GM corn or the herbicide Roundup, or a combination of both and the results are extremely serious. In the male rats, there was liver and kidney disorders, including tumors and even more worryingly, in the female rats, there were mammary tumors at a level which is extremely concerning; up to 80 percent of the female rats had mammary tumors by the end of the trial.” – Patrick Holden, Director, Sustainable Food Trust.


GMOs: Changing the Human Genome One Meal at a Time

Natural News have teamed up with Infomatic Films to produce "GMO a Go-Go!", an animated film all about genetically modified organisms and how good they are - well, for Big Pesticide anyway. "GMOS, changing the human genome one meal at a time!"

This new animated video gives us all the basics on why GMOs are dangerous, as well as informing children, tongue-in-cheek, that they don't have to worry about eating good healthy vegetables any more.

With a horror theme, we are gradually introduced to how genetically modified seeds and crops are made and how they produce pesticides within the plants to kill insects. We also find that these insects are now getting immune to the built-in pesticides as nature adapts to get around the problem.

For more information, visit: www.infomaticfilms.com
Use the following for Tweets : @infomaticfilms #gmoagogo




GMO Genetic Armageddon!





GMO Genetic Armageddon!

Infowars Special Report With Mike Adams The Huge Secret GMO Cloning Program

They Are Turning Our Crops, Animals And Even Our Babies Into Freakish Genetic Monsters

The greatest environmental threat that we are facing is genetic modification. All over the globe, scientists are treating the fabric of life as if it was a playground where anything goes. Behind closed doors, scientists all over the planet are creating some of the most freakish and most bizarre monsters that you could possible imagine, and very few people seem concerned about it. But the truth is that messing with the building blocks of life is going to have some very serious consequences.

LINK: GMO Cloning Program






Intersex Fish From Gender-Bending Rivers

Published on Aug 6, 2014

Recent studies have found up to 100% of fish at some river test sites to have been changed from normal to intersex. It appears that the change is being brought about by chemicals in the food we eat and from our excrement. As human fertility rates plummet, can we afford to ignore the the toxic effects on not only fish reproduction, but human reproduction?

SPECIAL REPORT: PRISON PLANET OF THE APES - http://www.infowars.com/special-repor...

Prozac in Drinking Water? Likely So -http://www.webmd.com/depression/news/...


Fish swimming in water tainted with Prozac exhibit 'antisocial, aggressive and even homicidal behaviour' - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetec...


Bass fish increasingly switching sex as hormone-disrupting chemicals pollute waterways
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic...

As more male bass switch sex, a strange fish story expands - http://www.washingtonpost.com/nationa...

Reproductive health indicators of fishes from Pennsylvania
watersheds: association with chemicals of emerging concern - http://download.springer.com/static/p...

Intersex fish: Endocrine disruption in smallmouth bass. - http://www.fws.gov/chesapeakebay/pdf/...

Warning Bell for Developed Countries: Declining Birth Rates - http://www.forbes.com/fdc/welcome_mjx...






Harvesting Organs of Aborted Babies

Published on Mar 11, 2015

A developing effort in the United States seeks to turn the organs of aborted babies into a commodity. The process, being developed by the California company Ganogen, removes the organs from aborted babies, transplants them into a rat or pig and then allows them to grow so they can be transplanted into a human.







INFANTICIDE! | Abortion Genocide! | GMO Cloning Program |

Dead Fetus Cells in Pepsi and other Products






Yes, they are selling baby parts.

Published on Aug 8, 2015

Yes, they are selling baby parts. There are literally hours of unedited video of them haggling over specific pieces in Planned Parenthood offices across the country. But don't let the truth get in the way of a good old fashioned false debate...

All Planned Parenthood undercover videos can be found on the official YouTube channel for The Center for Medical Progress here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

Here is the latest "Intact Fetuses 'Just a Matter of Line Items' for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egGUE...


Yes, they are selling baby parts




Will Google Use Aborted Babies In Their Quest For Immortality?

Published on Mar 11, 2015

Our children and unborn babies are being used as commodities and soon will be traded like livestock. A California company is using organs from aborted babies to grow full sized organs for transplants. Google is on a quest for immortality. Will they turn to this sickening procedure in their quests to become gods on earth?










INFANTICIDE! | Abortion Genocide! | GMO Cloning Program |

Dead Fetus Cells in Pepsi and other Products







LINK: Transhumanism And The Technocratic Era





The World According to Monsanto


 There's nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it -- it's strategic. It's more powerful than bombs. It's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations of the world. The story starts in the White House, where Monsanto often got its way by exerting disproportionate influence over policymakers via the "revolving door". One example is Michael Taylor, who worked for Monsanto as an attorney before being appointed as deputy commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1991. While at the FDA, the authority that deals with all US food approvals, Taylor made crucial decisions that led to the approval of GE foods and crops. Then he returned to Monsanto, becoming the company's vice president for public policy.

Thanks to these intimate links between Monsanto and government agencies, the US adopted GE foods and crops without proper testing, without consumer labeling and in spite of serious questions hanging over their safety. Not coincidentally, Monsanto supplies 90 percent of the GE seeds used by the US market. Monsanto's long arm stretched so far that, in the early nineties, the US Food and Drugs Agency even ignored warnings of their own scientists, who were cautioning that GE crops could cause negative health effects. Other tactics the company uses to stifle concerns about their products include misleading advertising, bribery and concealing scientific evidence.



Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell

Published on Jun 23, 2018

TRANSCRIPT AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/bayer/

It is hardly surprising that the first thing Bayer did after completing their takeover of Monsanto earlier this month was to announce that they were dropping the Monsanto name, merging the two companies' agrichemical divisions under the Bayer Crop Science name. After all, as everyone knows, Monsanto is one of the most hated corporations in the world. But Bayer itself has an equally atrocious history of death and destruction. Together they are a match made in hell.





"They have thrown it in our face and we are not even having a debate or a discussion about it.  We are being poisoned and manipulated through the food and the water, it is admitted. We are under attack.  There is a revolution against free humanity through the eugenicists' mindset of the globalists.  I'm Alex Jones reporting from the frontlines of the Infowar.  You have been warned, now please warn others!"











For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the elites to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker Alex Jones reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME. 
Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars – creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. 
  • Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III 
  • Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever 
  • Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation 
  • View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union 







[Help Educate Family And Friends With This Page And The Links Below]




 GMO Genetic Armageddon!


Monsanto | GMO Genetic Armageddon! | GMO Analyzed | GMO Cloning Program |

GMO at WHOLE FOODS | Aspartame is Made of GMO Bacteria Feces |

Soft Kill Depopulation Prgm. | Depopulating The Third World! | Depopulation Agenda |

Gov Wants Growing Food Illegal | Codex Alimentarius | Food Crisis | If I were the devil |






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