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The Military Industrial Complex


 Excerpt from strategic-culture.org

If War Comes, Don’t Blame the ‘Military-Industrial Complex’ – Things Are Even Worse Than You Think

James George JATRAS - 12.08.2017

"...In the past quarter century what began as Eisenhower’s MIC has become a multifaceted, hybrid entity encompassing an astonishing range and depth in both the public and private sectors. To a large extent, the contours of what former Congressional staffer Mike Lofgren has called the "Deep State" (which largely through Lofgren’s efforts has since become a household word) are those of the incestuous "expert" community that dominates mainstream media thinking but extend beyond it to include elements of all three branches of the US government, private business (especially the financial industry, government contractors, information technology), think tanks, NGOs (many of which are anything but "nongovernmental" but are funded by US official agencies and those of our "allies", satellites, and clients), higher education (especially the recipients of massive research grants from the Department of Defense), and the two political parties and their campaign operatives, plus the multitude of lobbyists, campaign consultants, pollsters, spin doctors, media wizards, lawyers, and other functionaries.

Comparing the MIC of 1961 to its descendant, the Deep State of today, is like comparing a horse and buggy to a Formula One racecar. The Deep State’s principals enjoy power and privileges that would have brought a blush to the cheeks of members of the old Soviet nomenklatura, of which it is reminiscent."

Full Article: HERE






Shocking History of the CIA

Published on Jan 15, 2015

In 1933, Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers to overthrow President FDR and establish a fascist dictatorship in the United States. The plan to install a fascist state by force was exposed when Butler blew the whistle and identified the ringleaders in a testimony given
to the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities.

Senator Prescott Bush went on to help finance Hitler's rise to power and continued business dealings with the Nazi's even after America entered the second World war.

At the end of WWII Operation Paperclip was launched by the OSS to smuggle Nazi war criminals into the United States.The OSS provided the perfect model for the CIA which was established in 1947. The CIA's sudden rise to power gave birth to the Military Industrial Complex. By the end of Eisenhower's presidency in 1961 it had become evident that the Federal Govt. could no longer control the agency. The CIA had gone rogue.

Search: Smedley Butler. The Business Plot. Prescott Bush. Bush Nazi Connection. Operation Paperclip. Skull and Bones. MK Ultra. The Church Committee. Sen Paul Wellstone Assassination. Gary Webb. Kill The Messenger. Bush Hinkley Connection.
Flight 455. Origins of ISIS

Links :



Martial Law Rise of The Police State

Troops Protect Government Drug Dealing

Assassination Program






Blood on Her Hands: Hillary's Lies Kill 30,000

Published on Jan 30, 2015

Just like the lies that led to the war against Iraq, Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, created false pretenses for the invasion of Libya. At least 30,000 people died as a result of this manufactured war.

U.S. 'switched sides in the War on Terror' and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants

Is the Taliban a Terrorist Group?

George Soros linked to social panic

why are elite buying hideaways?

......we've seen this before: Operation Garden Plot






The Globalization of War (and How to Resist It) - Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV

Published on Feb 9, 2015

Michel Chossudovsky joins GRTV once again to discuss his new book, "The Globalization of War." We discuss the threat of nuclear warfare, NATO's use of proxy terrorist armies to destabilise sovereign nations, and how people can fight back against the US-NATO war agenda.







How Corporate America Supported Nazi Germany: Jacques Pauwels




New York Times Reports U.S. Giving al-Qaeda Millions of Dollars 
Staggering amount of evidence reveals terror is U.S. and Saudi creation 
by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars.com | March 17, 2015 
The U.S. government says it has given al-Qaeda millions of dollars “largely because of poor oversight and loose financial controls,” reports The New York Times.


Accodding to Fox News and the corporate media it is merely another instance of graft and government mismanagement.


The money, supposedly part of a secret CIA fund to pay kidnappers, was used by al-Qaeda for operational costs and weapons.

The United States and Britain insist they do not pay ransom to terrorist groups.

Details of the money transfers supposedly showed up in the papers of Osama bin Laden who was, according to the official war on terror narrative, killed in 2010 in Pakistan by U.S. Navy SEALs. In fact, according to multiples sources, the former CIA operator who headed up the Arab Afghans in the CIA’s war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan died in late 2001, not 2010 as the government and its corporate media insist.

A fictional twist to the government story on the payment to al-Qaeda has Osama bin Laden worried the money was contaminated with radiation or poison or that it would be used to track al-Qaeda leaders and operatives.

Funding Crucial to War on Terror Operation

The recent effort to fund the enemy and thus continue unabated the highly profitable military industrial complex and government manufactured war on terror has cost over a hundred million dollars, most of it dispensed under the excuse of paying ransom, which the U.S. publicly denies paying.

In 2013 alone, the United States paid out $165 million. Since 2008, according to the Times, other countries added the following amounts to the total:

  • France: $58.1 Million
  • Qatar and Oman: $20.4 Million
  • Switzerland: $12.4 Million
  • Spain: $11 Million
  • Austria: $3.2 Million
  • Undetermined Countries: $21.4 Million


Additionally, millions of dollars ends up in al-Qaeda and Taliban coffers through contractors working in Afghanistan.

“I am deeply troubled that the US military can pursue, attack and even kill terrorists and their supporters,” said John Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction, in a letter sent to Congress in 2013, “but that some in the US government believe we cannot prevent these same people from receiving a government contract.”

The U.S., through its Gulf Emirate partners, has allowed millions of dollars to flow into the coffers of al-Qaeda — and now ISIS — affiliated proxy mercenary groups in Syria.

From the CIA’s massive operation in Afghanistan, funding and creating the Mujahideen that would become al-Qaeda and the Taliban, to its work with other terrorist groups, including the drug-running Kosovo Liberation Army, Chechnya terrorists and the Jundullah terrorists attacking Iran, there is plenty of evidence the United States government and its partners are engaged in supporting terrorist groups for political gain.

As Sam Muhho notes, it is not religious sectarianism or the Wahhabist drive to execute apostates under the banner of ISIS that is the problem, but rather it “is the hegemonic and imperialist designs of the NATO governments who have on-record worked with Saudi Arabia and Qatar to use Islamic extremists throughout the Middle East as their ‘Swiss army knife of destabilization’ in order to reorient the Middle East per their interests.”

As Robert Dreyfuss (Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam) and others (namely Peter D. Goodgame: The Globalists and the Islamists: Fomenting the “Clash of Civilizations” for a New World Order) have eloquently and exhaustively documented, the United States, Britain and their Saudi and Qatari partners are responsible for Islamic terrorism routinely exaggerated for propaganda purposes by the corporate media. This support includes direct funding and, more recently hands-on military training of ISIS terrorists by the U.S. military in Jordan.

The ISIS phase of the clash of civilizations, as plotted by the neocons and the globalist think tanks, is designed to make the war on terror a permanent feature. It not only enriches the military industrial complex and a burgeoning national and homeland security industry, but also aimed at threatening the designs of China and Russia in the Middle East and Africa, supporting the “imperial geostrategy,” as Zbigniew Brzezinski described it, and thus “prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”







How Do We Counter Military Worship?

Published on May 26, 2015

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=14877

In this edition of the Questions For Corbett podcast, James answers your questions on how to snap people out of the military matrix, the Japanese zaibatsu, Israel and geopolitics, Mao's Great Famine and more. Also, James asks viewers their thoughts on Cuba-US relations, personal care products and staying positive amongst the negative news.



The Best Reporting on Federal Push to Militarize Local Police

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action

The Pentagon paid 14 NFL teams $5.4 million to ‘salute troops’

22 veterans commit suicide each day

Episode 123 – Meet Smedley Butler

Ron Paul gets the most military donations

Princes of the Yen

The Zaibatsu of Japan

Keiretsu groups in the Japanese economy

Suicide Rocks White Supremacist Probe

Richard Guthrie’s Suicide

Bank Bandits Leader Who Killed Self Planned to Write Book

Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks?

Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects

Another Nineteen – Kevin Ryan on GRTV

Richard Perle caught on FBI Wiretap in 1970 passing classified info to Israel

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

Criticism Of Israel Not Allowed In Canada

More state power, not free speech, the likeliest we-are-Charlie result

Mao’s Great Famine documentary

Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘killed 45 million in four years’

Quote from “Mao’s Great Famine” About Mao’s 1959 Statement

The Real Jack Dallas


Germans Unhappy with Alternative Swine Flu Vaccine for Politicians






Global Warfare in the New World Order

- Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV -

Published on Jun 6, 2015

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=15009

Cyberwar. Economic war. Covert war. Theatre war. Proxy war. Nuclear war. Today we talk to Michel Chossudovsky about the development of the global multi-front long war against humanity in the emerging New World Order and the propagandists who make it possible.






War Industry Muster

“Huntsville Alabama: Where the Heart of MIC Beast Beats”

Published on Mar 21, 2017

In this episode of War Industry Muster Christian Sorensen presents us a primer on where the U.S. war industry is located. He focuses on three main locations: northeast Virginia; Huntsville, Alabama; and San Diego, California. All of the information he presents was gleaned from the Pentagon’s list of daily contracts.

Christian Sorensen is a military analyst for Newsbud. He focuses on tracking who profits from war. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran.

Show Notes

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smedley butler war is a racket


Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket

Major General Smedley Butler
April 18, 2009

In addition to his military career, Smedley Butler was noted for his outspoken anti-interventionist views, and his book War is a Racket. His book was one of the first works describing the workings of the military-industrial complex and after retiring from service, he became a popular speaker at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists and church groups in the 1930s.








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