How could there be aWar on
Terror and actually say that we're having awar against terrorism, and leave the borders wide open? If you
were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States,
and9/11 really happened the way
they want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't
get in the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Becausethe bankers want the borders open, because they
want aone-world government.
They want a North American Union. They don't want borders here.9/11 was only a manifestation. It was done to create
afear in the American public,
so that we willobey what they
want us to do.
Why Alex Jones Calls For Trump To Invade Venezuela?
Pulse Change
Published on Apr 4, 2019
Alex Jones calls for the invasion of Venezuela by Trump.
Read what follows, and notice how
much it tracks with the spirit of America’s evangelical pastors and churches today:
[A leader of this country] . . .
claimed to have had a conversion experience to Christianity while visiting in the home of some pietistic
friends. But he was faced with the realization that as a political statesman he had to violate the moral
principles that governed his private behavior as a Christian. He reasoned that when acting as a servant of the
state, a man was not bound by the same morality he should have as an individual. The state, it was argued,
should not be judged according to conventional law because its responsibilities went beyond ordinary human
Paul’s teaching that we should be
subject to political authorities was emphasized (Romans 13:1-2). The laws of the state were to be obeyed without
asking for a moral rationale for what one was commanded to do. As [one leader] said, “I believe I am obeying God
when I serve my king.”
Those who participated in the
atrocities of the [state] frequently appealed to this distinction to defend their actions. When asked how they
could reconcile their brutality with their humanistic values, they often replied, “Well, that was war, and
obviously one has to do his duty no matter how hard.” In the words of [one murderer], “I had to obey the laws of
my country and my flag.”
[Their leader] did become a god for
[One military commander] stated . .
. that he would have [killed] his own wife, children, and even himself if only the [leader] had commanded
[One spiritual advisor to his
political leader] said, “[The leader] is an awakener of souls, the vehicle of Messianic powers.”
Through surveillance, wiretaps,
spying, and rewarding those who betrayed their friends, [the leader] tried to control the citizens of [his
Adoration for [the leader] poured
forth from pulpits of [the country]. One pastor proclaimed, “In the pitch-black night of church history, [our
leader] became, as it were, the wonderful transparency for our time, the window of our age, through which light
fell on the history of Christianity. Through him we were able to see the Savior in the history of [our
Another pastor gushed, “Christ has
come to us through [our leader]. Through his honesty, his faith and his idealism, the Redeemer found us. . . .
We know today the Savior has come.”
The churches were so enamored with
[their leader’s] successes that they did not pause to ask in whose name these benefits had come to them. They
spoke of the political resurgence as a revival, a time of renewal and spiritual strength. The churches derived
strength from the improved economy and giddy optimism about a new day for [their country.]
Dedication services for [the
leader’s military police] were held in Protestant and Catholic churches.
One famous pastor from another
country visited the nation with its new leader. Here is his report:
“What, you ask, is the real
attitude of the [Christian] people toward [their leader]? There is but one answer. They love him. Yes, from the
highest to the lowest, children and parents, old and young alike—they love their new leader. Their confidence in
him cannot be shaken. They trust him to a man.”
“What about your elections?” I
asked. “You have no choice. It is [the leader] or no one. There is no opponent.” “We don’t want another party,”
they replied with indignation.
Clearly the majority of the clergy
had adopted an attitude of safety first.
The above could easily be taken
from a new best seller about President Donald Trump in any modern Christian bookstore. (If you doubt
that,read this report). But it’s not. The book is entitled Hitler’s Cross and was authored by Erwin Lutzer almost 25 years ago. The focus of
the book was the way Germany’s pastors and churches blindly adored and slavishly obeyed Adolf Hitler.
Mind you, I am NOT comparing Donald
Trump to Adolf Hitler. I AM, however, comparing the blind adoration and slavish submission that today’s evangelical
pastors and churches exhibit toward Donald Trump to the blind adoration and slavish submission that Germany’s
pastors and churches exhibited toward the German leader.
The spirit being exhibited by a
majority of evangelical pastors and Christians toward President Trump is more than respect and appreciation: It is
unabashed idolatry. Trump is a god for millions.
Don’t tell me I am making things up
or exaggerating. I am NOT! I receive thousands of pieces of communication each week from Trump loyalists. And from
a Christian constitutionalist perspective, it is downright frightening what these people are saying.
One lady tweeted, “All you pieces
of garbage who think you can bring down President Trump with asinine fits and lies will only destroy yourselves. I
guarantee his supporters will follow him into any hell you create & will have his back all the way! We’ll never
stop fighting for him.”
People such as this lady never talk
about fighting for the Constitution; they never talk about fighting for the rule of law; they never talk about
fighting for the Natural Laws of God. All they talk about is fighting for Donald Trump. I’m telling you, millions
of Christians and conservatives wouldn’t blink an eye if Trump used a declaration of a state of emergency to
suspend the Constitution and make himself emperor. In fact, they would unequivocally and enthusiastically support
such a declaration. I am positive of that.
I have been pummeled by Trump
loyalists over my opposition to the President’s declaration of a national emergency to circumvent the will of
Congress and build a border wall with unappropriated monies. I am on record for a long time of not liking border
walls. I see little that’s positive about them and a plethora of negatives. And I agree with Rep. Chris Stewart
(R-Utah) and many other conservatives who warn that if Trump’s declaration stands, the next Democrat President will
use Trump’s precedent to declare gun violence or climate change as a “national emergency,” and then Katy bar the
door.Conservative writer Matt Lewis agrees, “If a president can declare anything he wants to do
an ‘emergency,’ then our republican system has been torn asunder.”
Had Congress appropriated monies to
build the wall, I would have agreed that the President would be within his rights to build it. Congress didn’t,
and, therefore, I believe Donald Trump is acting outside the law. But I can (and do) respect the position taken by
principled, learned, proven conservatives who studiously disagree with me and believe Trump acted
But that is NOT what most of the
arguments that I receive in favor of the wall are saying. The vast majority of people berating my “anti-Trump”
position (it’s NOT anti-Trump; it’s PRO-Constitution) don’t care if the wall is constitutional or not. They truly
do not care. If Trump does it, they are for it. It’s as simple as that.
President Trump lied to the nation
today byfalsely claiming his administration stopped multiple illegal alien caravans, when in truth,
he let them into the USA. Speaking for 40 minutes, he never mention[ed] he just signed the dastardly and
secretive budget bill which incentivizes illegal immigration and child trafficking.
Trump just signed into law a bill
that 99% of Americans know nothing about which contains Amnesty for millions of illegals, incentives for child
trafficking, an expansion of Trump's deadly catch and release policies, less detention space for illegals,
reductions of interior immigration law enforcement, new buildings and buses to bring more illegals into the US
[and] raising of legal immigration levels.
Trump obfuscated and talked about
trade agreements, law enforcement, the border, and his plan to declare a state of emergency
for more than 40 minutes (View Video), but never admitted to the national audience that he
signed the budget bill that a majority of his supporters despise.
"I know without a doubt that
President Trump is a liar, he is deceptive, and intentionally manipulating his supporters to lead them to their
own doom through Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Trump is a Judas Goat!" said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "It is clear to me that Trump is not the man he
campaigns to be and he is complicit in passing a major policy bill in a disgusting way that prevented 99% of
Americans from learning what is in the bill until after he made it a law, just like Obamacare. In truth, Trump
shares Obama's tactics and immigration positions. The American patriots who see through Trump's lies and those
who are upset by his signature on the Amnesty budget bill today are the Americans we want to represent and give
voice to at ALIPAC."
Tell me, if the emergency is as
real as Trump says it is (and I have advocated for stopping illegal immigration into our country for decades, so
don’t try to label me as being “soft” on illegal immigration), was it not real in 2017 and 2018? So, why didn’t the
GOP Congress fund the wall during those two years when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House?
And why didn’t Donald Trump issue his declaration of a national emergency in 2017 and 2018 when the Republican
Congress failed to appropriate funds for a border wall? Why? Why wait until 2019 when a Democrat House of
Representatives did the same thing a Republican House of Representatives did for two years: refuse to fund a border
wall? Why? Was there not a “national emergency” in 2017 and 2018?
Come on, folks. You and I both know
that Donald Trump waited until Democrats assumed control of the House of Representatives so he could use his state
of emergency declaration as a partisan political issue for his re-election campaign in
2020.Trump even admitted this was the case. But, again, Trump loyalists don’t care.
By the same token, Trump loyalists
keep saying Trump is “pro-life,” even though he has done nothing to save the lives of unborn children from legal
abortion: Roe v Wade is still the law of the land. Even though Trump and his fellow Republicans controlled the
entire political establishment for two full years, nothing was enacted under Article. III. Section. 2. of the
Constitution to make moot the infamous and illegal Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion-on-demand. In fact,
for two full years of GOP domination, Trump didn’t even keep his promise to defund Planned Parenthood. Since Donald
Trump became President, over 2 million unborn children have been legally murdered in the wombs of their mothers.
Tell those dead little babies how “pro-life” Trump is. Does this matter to Trump loyalists? Not a bit.
Does it matter that Donald Trump
has exploded the national debt over $2 trillion—to over $22 trillion—since becoming President two years ago? No!
Does it matter that Trump has expanded America’s neocon Warfare State and advanced the scope of America’s foreign
entanglements (now including Venezuela andNicaragua) beyond that of his predecessors, Republican or Democrat? No! Does it matter that
Trump has appointed the nastiest and swampiest CFR globalists, neocons and Zionists to his administration to a
level not even matched by Barack Obama? No! Does it matter that Donald Trump is attacking our Second Amendment
liberties more intensely than Obama did? No!
Since Trump called for America to
enact “red flag” gun confiscation laws, 13 states plus Washington, D.C., have passed such laws (including
GOP-controlled Florida), and thousands of innocent Americans have had their guns seized by police agencies; and a
few weeks ago, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio introduced a national “red flag” gun confiscation law in the
U.S. Senate. Does any of that matter to Trump loyalists? No!
Does it matter to them that Trump
has issued a Presidential Directive to create a sixth branch of the U.S. military: the U.S. Space Force? This new branch of the U.S. military is being created to take America’s
Warfare State into outer space. Does it matter to Trump loyalists? No! Does it matter that Trump is signing an Executive Order to promote artificial intelligence? (Now, what could
possibly go wrong with that?) No!
I could go on forever.
The point is, it just doesn’t
matter to Trump loyalists if what Trump does is constitutional—or just, moral and legal—or not. It truly does not
matter. If Trump does it, they are for it. It’s as simple as that.
Perhaps this photo sums up the Trump adoration and idolatry better than anything I’ve seen.
The worst thing about America’s
acceptance of a burgeoning imperial presidency (which is exactly what all of this is leading up to) is that it is
being spearheaded by evangelical Christians and pastors—just like it was in Lutzer’s historical account of the
Church in Germany.
P.S. You can order Erwin Lutzer’s
book,Hitler’s Cross, here:
P.P.S. I also recommend that people
read the book co-authored by my constitutional attorney son and me calledRomans 13: The True
Meaning Of Submission. Order it here:
*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing
audience, donations may be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
Trump Pushes Americans to Support
Deep State Coup in Venezuela
Blackstone Intelligence Network | Feb 6, 2020
In the 2020 State of the Union Address, President Trump promoted the CIA-trained
Venezuelan puppet, Juan Guaido, to the American people in an effort to gain US citizen's support
for an illegal coup attempt that is continuing to ruin the lives of hundreds of thousands of
After Trump Claims Everyone Supports Guaido, Venezuelans Attack &
Ridicule The US Puppet On Arrival
Reporter Walks Right Into Mexico Stunt illustrates how politicians'
"secure border" is a gross characterization
Published on Jul 23, 2014
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs
discovers an opening in the border fence in Hereford, Arizona, (a common occurrence all throughout the U.S. Mexico
border) and demonstrates how easy it is for an immigrant to walk across the border from Mexico into the United
States. This just further illustrates the fact that this entire border collapse is an orchestrated plan by the
government to finally completely collapse America forever.
More Than 347,000 Convicted Criminal
At Large In U.S.
Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number
have gone on to commit additional crimes.
According to a March 2, 2015 “ICE Weekly Departures and
Detention Report” obtained by Center for Immigration Studies expert Jessica Vaughan and shared with Breitbart News,
there were 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who had final orders of removal but who remained at large in the
Another 179,018 convicted criminal immigrants with deportation cases pending also remained at large.
While the vast majority were not in custody some were detained — namely 6,220 criminal immigrants facing final
deportation orders and another 7,680 convicted criminal immigrants with immigration cases pending.
In recent years there has been a focus on the number of annual criminal immigrant releases.
In 2013 the Obama administration
released 36,007 criminal immigrants who had nearly 88,000 convictions. Those convictions included 193
homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault
In January, the Department of Homeland Security revealed in a 38-page
document to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) showing that of those criminals released in
2013, 1,000 had gone on to commit additional crimes including, terroristic threats, lewd acts with a minor, various
types of assault, DUI, robbery, hit-and-run, gang activity, rape, and child cruelty.
“The Obama Administration claims that it is using ‘prosecutorial discretion’ to prioritize the removal of
criminal aliens from this country. But this report shows the disturbing truth: 1,000 undocumented aliens previously
convicted of crimes who the Administration released in 2013 have gone on to commit further crimes in our
communities,” Grassley said in January.
In 2014 the administration released another 30,558 criminal immigrants, who had a total of 79,059
The convictions included in the 2014 releases included: 86 homicide convictions, 186 kidnapping convictions, 373
sexual assault convictions, 449 commercialized sexual offenses, 1,194 battery convictions, 1,346 domestic violence
convictions, and 13,636 DUIs.
“When aliens released onto the streets go on to commit additional crimes yet could have been placed in ICE
custody, this Administration is responsible. From January 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014, over 10,000 detainers were
not honored,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said in
April. “The recidivism rate for these aliens was 29 percent. Innocent citizens and law enforcement officers could
be injured, maimed, or murdered due to a detainer not being issued or honored because of this Administration’s
“The Administration is responsible and will be held accountable,” he added.
Often the administration has pointed to the Supreme Court decision in Zadvydas v. Davis — preventing indefinite
detention of immigrants facing deportation, most often when the immigrant’s home country will not take them back.
However in recent months lawmakers have chipped away at that response.
In April the House Judiciary Committee revealed that of the 30,558 released criminal immigrants in 2014 just
2,457 were released due to Zadvydas or about eight percent.
In May the Obama administration revealed to the Senate Judiciary Committee that between 2010 and 2014, 121
convicted criminal immigrants with final orders of deportation were never removed and now face murder charges.
“Of these 121 individuals who were bonded out, 33 were released on a bond set by [The Department of Justice’s
Executive Office for Immigration Review] and 24 were released pursuant to the Supreme Court decision in Zadvydas v.
Davis,” ICE revealed in a released letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Grassley.
Gates Are Wide Open
Aerial Footage Shows Massive Holes In
Border Fence
Published on Jul 25, 2014
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs takes to the sky to demonstrate just how serious this
manufactured border meltdown really is. With aerial proof of a nonexistent border fence on a large portion of the
Arizona/Mexico border, it becomes even more obvious that the border collapse is an orchestrated and contrived
assault on the American people.
Leading Expert: Flood Of Illegals Is
Asymmetric Warfare
Alex Jones talks with filmmaker Chris Burgard about the border as well as shows a clip of
leading border expert Zach Taylor discussing what is actually going on at the border.
Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children for
‘asymmetrical warfare’ “In other words [the
government is] assisting in
the downfall of America..”
by Adan Salazar | | July 23, 2014
By leaving strategic areas along the southern U.S. border unprotected, and
by using children as the face of the illegal immigrant surge to elicit public sympathy, the federal government is
engaging in a sophisticated military tactic known as “asymmetrical warfare” against the American people, a former
U.S. Border Patrol agent is warning.
Scroll to 11:44 for “asymmetrical warfare” reference (see
transcript below). / Video courtesy of Little Bonanza Productions. For more information, please contact:
[email protected].
As the government allocates resources to South Texas, it is systematically leaving areas within the U.S., as
well as vast swaths of land along the border, unguarded, outspoken former Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent Zach
Taylor says in an excerpted clip taken from an upcoming documentary entitled, “Back to the Border.”
“This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their
personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United
States without being noticed” the opportunity to do so, “because this part of the border is open, it is not
being controlled,” the 26-year Border Patrol veteran outlines in the extensive interview.
“If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise
America’s defenses against invasion,” Taylor says, “because they have to have their personnel inside the United
States to affect the infrastructure.. they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.”
The retired federal agent claims that by magnifying the mere ten percent of the influx that is actually
apprehended, and by mostly centering on the one percent who are immigrant minors, the government is deliberately
drawing attention away from the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who evade capture – who may or may not be
harboring communicable diseases, or may or may not have gang affiliations.
In Central America, children as young as 10 join violent gangs, like MS-13, an intelligence report notes, and according to an FBI report, many are initiated by having to
commit murder.
“What the people don’t realize is that it is putting their own children at risk, because
these children are going to be put in schools with their children,” Taylor says.
Taylor, who also serves as Chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, had previously
made headlines for slamming the recent immigrant wave as an Obama administration-manufactured crisis.
“This is not a humanitarian crisis,” Taylor wrote in a press release last month. “It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived
assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor Illegal Alien
children at risk for purely political purposes. Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands
of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance
of the United States Government.”
Below is a transcript of the portion of the video where Taylor explains how the immigration crisis is covert
asymmetrical warfare aimed at the U.S. public.
The whole idea of asymmetrical warfare is to defeat your enemy from within. It is not to attack him from
without. Of course the threat comes from without, but they have to be inside of the US to effect a successful
warfare strategy.
If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise
America’s defenses against invasion, because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to
affect the infrastructure: our hospitals, our schools, our electric grid, our power supplies our water supply –
basically what we call “infrastructure.” All of those things create our infrastructure – but they have to
affect the degeneration from inside the United States.
The markers that we’re seeing that indicate this is “asymmetrical warfare” is because the reaction that the
United States is taking is they’re taking the opportunity of inviting these illegal aliens to come here,
they’re concentrating them in one place in the United States, the Rio Grande Valley, and they’re drawing the
resources that are protecting the rest of the US border to care for the illegal alien children, to help with
the overflow of the minors, to transport, to take care of the needs of these people while they’re in Homeland
Security custody.
All this takes the resources that are protecting America at the border, off of the border. So now the
borders are wide open. This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their
drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being
noticed because this part of the border is open, it is not being controlled.
It is a perfect military strategy. It doesn’t raise any eyebrows because we’re focused on the children, but
we need to focus on our children, because this is asymmetrical warfare. Everything says it is. And the way the
United States government is responding to it is concealing that fact from the American people.
In other words they’re assisting in the downfall of America, and you need to understand that.
Feds warn of “imminent” terror threat on U.S.
According to high level sources, ISIS terrorist are operating in
Ciudad Juarez on the border across from the city of El Paso, Texas.The sources state
ISIS operatives will use vehicle born improvised explosive devices in the attacks. Homeland Security, Justice
and Defense Department agents have been placed on high alert “and instructed to aggressively work all possible
leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat,” Judicial Watch reports. The attack is “coming
very soon” the high-level source warned. It is speculated an attack will happen on the anniversary of the
September 11, 2001 terror attacks.“An attack is so
imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, another
source confirms. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial
Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information,” reports Judicial Watch.
Man Crosses U.S. Border Dressed as
ISIS Terrorist, Simulates Beheading
Stunt took place in exact spot where feds say
ISIS terror attack is imminent
by Paul Joseph Watson | September 5, 2014
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs crossed the U.S. border from
Mexico dressed as an ISIS militant to illustrate how easy it is for anyone to get into America despite warnings
that Islamic State terrorists are plotting to carry out attacks on the homeland from their base in Juarez.
Just miles from the center of El Paso, Texas,
Biggs was able to cross a river from Mexico into America dressed as a jihadist, while simulating a beheading and
waving an ISIS flag.
“We dressed up as an ISIS jihadi to be as obvious as possible and to show and illustrate just how
wide open the border really is,” states Biggs.
Last month, James
O’Keefe also demonstrated the porous state of the U.S. border when he crossed an unguarded footbridge in
the upper Rio Grande while dressed as Osama Bin Laden.
Biggs’ stunt is shocking given that ISIS militants are currently operational in Juarez, Mexico,
just across the border from El Paso, Texas.
According to an alert released by watchdog
group Judicial Watch which cites high level law enforcement and intelligence sources, “Islamic terrorist
groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car
bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED).”
“Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups
are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to
this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.”
As we previously reported, the
Vice President of the Border Patrol Council was silenced from commenting on the risk of an assault on the U.S.
border by ISIS.
recent report by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) found that illegal immigrants from
over 75 countries are crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, including individuals from Syria where ISIS has announced
the establishment of its Islamic caliphate.
Yesterday, Senator Rand
Paul urged the White House to, “secure our own borders and immigration policy from ISIS infiltration,”
pointing to the ISIS terror threat to the southern border.
The fact that it is so easy for ISIS militants, drug dealers and other terrorists to cross into
America via the largely unguarded border while ordinary Americans face routine harassment at the hands of the TSA
merely for flying within the country highlights the ludicrousness of the Obama administration’s claim that it is
adequately protecting the homeland.
Last month, the TSA admitted that illegals
were allowed to board planes within the United States without having to show any form of proper identification.
How could there be aWar on Terror and actually say that we're having
awar against terrorism, and leave the
borders wide open? If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States,
and9/11 really happened the way they
want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in
the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Becausethe bankers want the borders open, because they want
aone-world government. They
want a North American Union. They don't want borders
here.9/11 was only a manifestation.
It was done to create afear in the
American public, so that we willobey what they want us to do.
Aaron Russo - Excerpt from vid: Reflections and Warnings
Drug cartels across the border are
just as brutal as ISIS
Horrific violence not isolated to Middle
Ellen Weiss, Oct 23, 2014
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. officials have argued that
atrocities committed by the militant group ISIS are barbaric and that the group is a threat to the homeland, but it’s worth remembering that the horrific violence
perpetrated just across the U.S. border by Mexican drug cartels is equally barbaric and the cartels also
pose a threat to Americans.
This week brought another bloody reminder of the cartel’s brutality. Mexican activist Maria Del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, a physician and citizen journalist
who had taken a prominent stand against Mexican cartels on social media, died with a bullet in her head. And
her killers, in an obvious effort to terrorize others, tweeted her murder.
Yes, as President Barack Obama noted in his Sept. 24 address to the UN General Assembly, ISIS is leaving a trail of rape, beheadings,
dead children and mass graves. The numbers are terrifying: More than 5,500 people have been killed in Iraq
since June, according to the United Nations.
But here are some numbers – also terrifying – from just across the U.S.-Mexico border: In 2013,
Mexican drug cartels murdered more than 16,000 people, andHuman Rights Watch estimates more than 60,000 people were
killed in drug-related violence from 2006 to 2012.
Here’s the part, however, that seems to get overlooked. Mexican drug cartels have
beenspreading out across U.S. cities for years. From Texas, to
Columbus, Ohio, to Raleigh, North Carolina – in 2010, at least 1,000 U.S. cities cited the presence of one
of the four major drug cartels according to aU.S. Justice Department report. According to that
There is no disputing that Mexican cartels are operating in the United States. Drug policy analysts
estimate that about 90 percent of thecocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine on U.S. streets
came here courtesy of the cartels and their distribution networks in Mexico and along the Southwestern
border. DEA officials say they have documentednumerous cases of cartel activity in Houston, Los Angeles,
Chicago and Atlanta.
Cartel violence isn’t restricted to one side of the border. “Spillover violence” has taken thousands of U.S. lives, according to the FBI. In
other words, the cartel threat – while certainly different from the jihadist-style threat of ISIS – is
nevertheless a threat.
A whole stream of disturbing statistics about the Mexican drug cartels was brought to light in an
opinion piece written by Musa al-Gharbia, a research fellow at the Southwest
Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts. This is not a list for the fainthearted:
Beheadings – Mexico is ranked directly below Iraq on the Reporters Without Borders World Press
Freedom Index. On May 13, 2012, Mexican authorities found at least 49 decapitated and
dismembered bodies along a highway in Nuevo Leon state, between the cities of Monterrey and Reynosa.
Killing children and
women - As if decapitations and hanging dead bodies from bridges wasn’t enough, the
drug cartels have made a practice of targeting women and children to further terrorize communities or prove they are tougher than the next
gang. Children are shot in cars, in their grandmother’s arms or sitting next to their parents.
Mass graves: Mexican
authorities have discovered several mass graves with hundreds of corpses of victims of the drug gangs
in recent years. Some are filled with victims of the drug wars, others with those
murdered for refusing to join the gangs. Most recently, as part of the search for 43 young Mexicans studying
to become teachers, searchers have found six mass graves but so far none of the bodies has been identified
as any of the missing students. Six mass graves, and they still haven’t found the
right mass grave.
As noted, the comparison between ISIS and the cartels
has its limits. Operation Inherent Resolve (the silly name the administration has given America’s military action against
ISIS) and the “War on Drugs” are about different threats. ISIS wants to vanquish all sorts of infidels,
including Americans. The drug cartels are about business – and anyone who gets in their way – including
Americans – is a target.
It comes down to this: If the U.S. is being spurred into action against ISIS because of indignation and a
threat to Americans, then it is worth remembering that a beheading in Mexico is just as horrifying as one in
Iraq or Syria – and a threat against Americans is still a threat whether it is the result of ideology or
criminal drug traffickers.
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Obama, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and the
New World Order
“Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,”
an interview with author James Simpson.
Kurt Nimmo
March 10, 2009
On March 9, Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio interviewed author James Simpson. Entitled “Barack
Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” Howse’s interview of Simpson concentrated on Columbia University
professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven who wrote an article in 1966 for The Nation magazine.
“The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’. The
plan calls for the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing
our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions,” explains a synopsis on
the Worldview Radio website. “Cloward and Piven studied Saul Alinsky just like Hillary Clinton and President
Alinsky is considered to be the founder of modern community organizing in America. Alinsky’s teachings
influenced Obama early in his career as a community organizer on the far South Side of Chicago. Obama worked for
Gerald Kellman’s Developing Communities Project where he learned and taught Alinsky’s methods for community
organizing. Obama would later work for ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
According to Sol Stern of the Manhattan Institute, ACORN is a modern successor of the radical 1960’s
“New Left” and holds a “1960’s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism” to be implemented through “undisguised
authoritarian socialism.”
It is a brand of “undisguised authoritarian socialism” supported by the
establishment. As the Union News reported last October, ACORN receives funding from the Robin Hood
Foundation, a charity supported — to the tune $9,859,453 — by the globalist George Soros and his Soros Fund
Charitable Foundation.
“Soros is the visible side of a vast and nasty secret network of private financial interests, controlled by the
leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe, centered in the British House of Windsor,” writes William Engdahl. According to Engdahl, Soros “is part of a tightly knit financial mafia —
‘mafia,’ in the sense of a closed masonic-like fraternity of families pursuing common aims.”
As Antony Sutton documented (Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution), the very fount of “authoritarian socialism” was
created and lavishly funded by the bankers. “The involvement of the Rockefellers with their supposed blood
enemies, the Communists, dates back to the Bolshevik Revolution,” notes Gary Allen (None Dare Call it
Conspiracy, chapter 6). “The Federal Reserve-CFR insiders began pushing to open up Communist Russia to U.S.
traders soon after the revolution.”
In addition, the bankers have supported “communism” in the United States. Considering this, it should come as no
surprise the anti-capitalist “Cloward-Piven Strategy” was published by The Nation, a magazine with a
well-documented connection to the CIA. As researcher Bob Feldman notes, The Nation is connected to the National Endowment for Democracy, a
CIA front group involved in overthrowing countries around the world by way of “color revolution.” The CIA has a
history of collaboration with the Ford Foundation (see James Petras: “The Ford Foundation and the CIA: A documented case of philanthropic collaboration with the
Secret Police”).
In 1954, Rowan Gaither of the Ford Foundation told Reese Commission investigator Norman Dodd
that “the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to alter life in the
United States so that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union.”
This merging with the Soviet Union (or more accurately, “authoritarian socialism”) has nothing to do with the
sort of communism taught in school textbooks — a dictatorship of the proletariat and the workers — but rather it is
an authoritarian control system engineered by the bankers and the global elite. “This new and complete Revolution
we contemplate can be defined in a very few words. It is … outright world-socialism, scientifically planned and
directed,” H.G. Wells wrote in The New World Order.
It is a mistake to believe the Cloward-Piven Strategy is scheme cooked up by academic Marxists of “New Left”
bent dedicated to the destruction of capitalism in the name of some sort of vaguely defined humanitarianism. In
fact, “the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our
economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions” is a meticulous plan on the
part of the global elite to consolidate power and destroy all opposition.
It has nothing to do with liberating the proletariat but rather subjecting them to banker engineered
“world-socialism, scientifically planned and directed” and devised to transform the planet into a banker dominated
high-tech prison gulag.
Choose an image to begin
Obama Launches Border Crisis To
Destroy America
Treason: America Destroyed by
Design Orchestrated collapse of America's borders part of
globalist plan to create a North American Union
With daily reports of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States, Infowars decided to head to south
Texas to investigate.We discovered how the U.S. Border Patrol was providing travel accommodations to the illegals
they were supposed to be detaining and putting on trial.
The Globalist Created
'Humanitarian' Immigration Crisis:
Why This Is Happening Now
(Truthstream Behind the endless throngs of desperate Central American children
arriving on the U.S. border and a steady wave of illegal immigrants from Mexico and beyond is a covert plan for
global economic warfare -- those building up the world of globalization are tearing down the sovereignty and
financial strength of the United States and Europe to make way for the coming corporate new world
A generation of sending American jobs offshore under NAFTA, GATT and the WTO, dumping
cheap corn on Mexico thereby destroying millions of farming jobs and unleashing disruptive retailers like
Wal-mart upon the fragile economies of Latin America have created turmoil, uncertainty and rivers of human
migration... and along with it bitter tension and discord over the dynamics of immigration, illegal immigration
and the struggle for a lasting standard of living under the New World Order.
Border Patrol: Cartels Using De Facto Amnesty to Smuggle
“Whatever They Want”
Into U.S.
"Who or what is coming in, we don't know and we won't know
until something bad happens," Border Patrol rep says
by Rob Dew, Kit Daniels & Joe Biggs | | June 27, 2014
In an exclusive interview with Infowars, the Vice President of a Border Patrol union in El Paso, Texas said the
drug cartels are taking advantage of the de facto amnesty the U.S. is granting illegals in order to smuggle
“whoever and whatever they want across the border.”
“It is the cartels pushing these groups across the river
to tie up our agents,” Stu Harris of the National Border Patrol Council Local 1929 said. “Meanwhile our agents are
tied up processing and feeding these people, changing diapers, and the drug cartels are running whoever and
whatever they want across the border and other places.
“Who or what is coming in, we don’t know and we won’t know until something bad happens.”
And he emphasized that this invasion only began recently.
“A lot of what we’re hearing in the media and a lot of other places is that the conditions in Central America,
such as the economic, are horrible conditions and there’s violence, gang violence, and that’s true,” Harris said.
“That’s a terrible way to have to live, but that’s been going on for more than ten years.”
“So for this invasion to start suddenly happening, something else had to change, and what changed is the fact
that we were engaging in this ‘catch & release’ program and word spreads fast.”
As part of the immigration processing at detention facilities, Border Patrol agents ask illegal aliens why they
are currently coming to the U.S. and 90% of them say its because of the de facto amnesty, according to Harris.
“They know they are going to be processed and released and they are free to go wherever they want to go in the
United States and the likelihood of them ever showing up for their court date is slim to none,” he said. “Even if
they did show up to their court date, what we’re going to start seeing is what we call the ‘anchor babies’ because
these court dates are being set from what I understand so far down the road that these people are going to come
here, settle in, some of them are going to have children, and those citizens are now United States citizens.”
“How is a judge going to deport these people if they have a United States citizen as a child?”
Stand Down: U.S. Border Gate Left Wide Open,
Reporters observe de facto open border policy
in real time
by | June 27, 2014
The U.S. Border Protection agency is either abiding by a stand
down order, or is so busy performing other tasks they’re completely leaving entire sections of the
border unguarded and indeed wide open, Infowars reporters observed yesterday.
In El Paso, Texas, investigating the Central American immigrant surge, reporters Joe Biggs and Rob
Dew ventured near the Rio Grande river, where they encountered a large border fence on the U.S. side
sitting wide open and unguarded for a lengthy period.
“As we’ve documented, the Border patrol has been paying to ship these kids in, bus them in, fly them
in to our country, and now the gates are left completely wide open,” Staff Sgt. Biggs reports.
We’ve also documented some agents are so frustrated with being forced to break immigration laws, in
addition to having to prepare sandwiches, make food and drink runs and perform mass laundry detail,
they’re leaving the agency in search of new employment.
Last week Infowars reporters also traveled down to the Rio Grande Valley, ground zero where
immigrants from Central America are staging a virtually uncontested U.S. invasion, and were amazed to
find little to no Border Patrol vehicles in the area near the Brownsville & Matamoros International
“In and around Brownsville, far more Border Patrol vehicles could be seen parked at various
government facilities than patrolling the streets and surrounding areas,” Kit Daniels reported, “contrary to what one would expect considering the
current flood of tens of thousands of immigrants from Central America crossing the border.”
American Borders are Wide
Open...Jade Helm 15 is not
for our Security.
Feds more concerned about running drills than shutting down
Nighty News host David Knight breaks down the rampant hypocrisy of the federal government
as the border collapses and bureaucrats exploit children to push the globalist agenda. Nightly News reporters
Jakari Jackson and Sgt. Biggs file a report from South Texas on the border situation and Nancy Pelosi's
shameless effort to milk it for all the propaganda value she can.
Dr. Michael and Linda Vickers are the founders of Texas Border Volunteers, an organization that assists Border
Patrol in monitoring illegal alien activity that spills out onto their land and the surrounding ranches. The
increase includes an alarming amount of illegals from other parts of the world other than Mexico and South America.
This is a wake up call for those unaware of the dangers lurking in towns close to the United States-Mexico border.
And a hard lesson on whats to come if the current administration unleashes the wave of disease, terrorism, and
despotism that will certainly break the back of the United States of America. This is the first video in a series
of interviews with Dr. Michael and Linda Vickers.
Declaration Against The Illegal
Invasion Of America
July 4th Special Report
Published on Jul 4, 2014
Infowars reporters Lee Ann McAdoo, Sgt. Joe Biggs, Jakari Jackson, and Jon Bowne weigh in
on the evidence gathered that sheds light on what mainstream media will not tell you. We are being invaded by
illegal aliens with the help of our federal government and your tax dollars. Alex Jones breaks it all down in a
this important transmission.
Border Wide Open
- An
Alex Jones Special Report -
In this exclusive Infowars Nightly News report, Alex Jones, while at Big Bend national
park on the Texas-Mexico border proves how porous the border really is by personally video-taping illegal
immigrants crossing the Rio Grande river. This footage was shot just days before Barack Obama during his 2013
presidential State of the Union address said, "We can build on the progress my Administration has already made
-- putting more boots on the southern border than at any time in our history, and reducing illegal crossings to
their lowest levels in 40 years."
The border report continues after Alex and his crew pull into a Border Patrol checkpoint roughly 75 miles inland
from the Texas-Mexican border. Armed with information about the realities of immigration and border control, Alex
skillfully uses the correct words to end his interrogation and quickly send him on his way.
Open Borders Special Report: correspondent Patrick
Henningsen mounts part one of an in depth investigation into Operation 'Fast and Furious' in the search for
accountability, understanding how it happened, and who is responsible, with highlights of Congressional
hearings, White House speeches, and exclusive interviews with ranking members of the Arizona state legislature.
The conclusions are a damning indictment of a federal government bent on the restricting the Second Amendment,
in a conspiracy that has already cost lives along the US border with Mexico.
Whistleblower: Government Caught Smuggling
Alex continues with Fast & Furious whistleblower Ian Garland on the topic of his
wrongful imprisonment by the Federal Government after being setup as a patsy in the scandal & Alex continues
with callers regarding the news that the wave of radiation from Fukushima may have hit the West Coast.
Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter:
Fast &
Fast & Furious Scapegoat Speaks Out
Alex is joined by Ian Garland a whistleblower who has made the media spotlight exposing the
Government involvement in Fast & Furious.
Ron Paul's New Ad: "Secure America's
Borders Now"
There is a new empire in town, and its
global presence is increasing every day.
The kingdom of Alexander the Great reached
all the way to the borders of India. The Roman Empire controlled the Celtic regions of Northern Europe and all of
the Hellenized states that bordered the Mediterranean. The Mongol Empire, which was the largest contiguous empire
in history, stretched from Southeast Asia to Europe. The Byzantine Empire spanned the years 395 to 1453. In the
sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire stretched from the Persian Gulf in the east to Hungary in the northwest; and
from Egypt in the south to the Caucasus in the north. At the height of its dominion, the British Empire included
almost a quarter of the world’s population.
Nothing, however, compares to the U.S. global empire. What makes U.S. hegemony unique is that it
consists, not of control over great land masses or population centers, but of a global presence unlike that of any
other country in history.
The extent of the U.S. global empire is almost incalculable. The latest "Base Structure Report" of the Department of
Defense states that the Department’s physical assets consist of "more than 600,000 individual buildings and
structures, at more than 6,000 locations, on more than 30 million acres." The exact number of locations is then
given as 6,702 — divided into large installations (115), medium installations (115), and small
installations/locations (6,472). This classification can be deceiving, however, because installations are only
classified as small if they have a Plant Replacement Value (PRV) of less than $800 million.
Although most of these locations are in the continental United States, 96 of them are in U.S.
territories around the globe, and 702 of them are in foreign countries. But as Chalmers Johnson has documented, the figure of 702 foreign
military installations is too low, for it does not include installations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Kosovo,
Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, and Uzbekistan. Johnson estimates that an honest count would be closer to 1,000.
The number of countries that the United States has a presence in is staggering. According the U.S.
Department of State’s list of "Independent States in the
World," there are 192 countries in the world, all of which, except Bhutan, Cuba, Iran, and North Korea, have
diplomatic relations with the United States. All of these countries except one (Vatican City) are members of the
United Nations. According to the Department of Defense
publication, "Active Duty Military Personnel
Strengths by Regional Area and by Country,"
The United States has troops in
135 countries
Here is the list:
Afghanistan Albania Algeria Antigua Argentina Australia Austria
Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Belize Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil
Bulgaria Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Chad Chile China Colombia Congo Costa Rica Cote D’lvoire Cuba
Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia
Ethiopia Fiji
Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Guinea Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India
Indonesia Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon
Liberia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mali Malta Mexico Mongolia Morocco Mozambique
Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua
Niger Nigeria North Korea Norway Oman Pakistan Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania
Russia Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Sierra Leone Singapore Slovenia Spain South Africa South Korea
Sri Lanka Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Tanzania Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan
Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
This means that the United
States has troops in 70 percent of the world’s countries . The average American could probably not locate half of
these 135 countries on a map.
To this list could be added regions like the
Indian Ocean territory of Diego Garcia, Gibraltar, and the Atlantic Ocean island of St. Helena, all still
controlled by Great Britain, but not considered sovereign countries. Greenland is also home to U.S. troops, but is
technically part of Denmark. Troops in two other regions, Kosovo and Hong Kong, might also be included here, but
the DOD’s "Personnel Strengths" document includes U.S. troops in Kosovo under Serbia and U.S. troops in Hong Kong
under China.
Possessions of the United States like Guam, Johnston Atoll, Puerto Rico, the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands, and the Virgin Islands are likewise home to U.S. troops. Guam has over 3,200.
Regular troop strength ranges from a low of 1 in Malawi to a high of 74,796 in Germany. At the time
the most recent "Personnel Strengths" was released by the government (September 30, 2003), there were 183,002
troops deployed to Iraq, an unspecified number of which came from U.S. forces in Germany and Italy. The total
number of troops deployed abroad as of that date was 252,764, not including U.S. troops in Iraq from the United
States. Total military personnel on September 30, 2003, was 1,434,377. This means that 17.6 percent of U.S.
military forces were deployed on foreign soil, and certainly over 25 percent if U.S. troops in Iraq from the United
States were included. But regardless of how many troops we have in each country, having troops in 135 countries is
135 countries too many.
The U. S. global empire — an empire that Alexander the Great, Caesar
Augustus, Genghis Khan, Suleiman the Magnificent, Justinian, and King George V would be proud of.
Laurence M. Vance [send him mail] is
a freelance writer and an adjunct instructor in accounting and economics at Pensacola Junior College in Pensacola,
FL. Visithis
A crowd of more than 100 people pelted Border Patrol
agents with rocks and bottles as they tried to cross into the U.S. illegally, according to U.S. Customs and Border
The incident happened Sunday in the Tijuana River channel,
near the San Ysidro Port of Entry.
According to CBP, a Border Patrol agent ordered the Mexican nationals to stop, but they continued walking into
the U.S.
Flood of illegal immigrants has overwhelmed border patrol who are now unable to focus resources on stopping all of
the criminals crossing the border.
Border Agent Issues Desperate Plea
for Help, Says US Completely Overrun By Criminal Aliens “The ones we are losing are convicted felons, aliens from special interest countries,
and other high risk individuals.."
by Adan Salazar | Infowars | June 10, 2014
A US Border Patrol agent stationed in South Texas has reached out to
Infowars in a desperate plea for help, stating more than half of immigrants crossing the border end up doing so
successfully and that many of those are the most criminal types.
“As a Border Patrol Agent, I can tell you as an eye witness that we are currently losing more than we are
catching,” the agent claims, whose name has been withheld to protect him from retaliation.
Labeling efforts to secure the border an “ongoing crisis,” the agent points to numerous issues further adding to
the fruitless task, including a lack of staffing, a lack of support from the American people and the Obama
administration’s refusal to acknowledge the crisis.
Patrolling the Rio Grande Valley sector, the United States’ southernmost border with Mexico and its most porous,
the agent says immigrants who evade capture are typically the most violent.
“The ones we are losing are convicted felons, aliens from special interest countries, and other high risk
individuals. We are so overwhelmed and preoccupied by the flood of juveniles and family units that we cannot use
our resources to catch the more serious aliens,” the agent states.
Furthermore, the agent says, under the direction of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, immigrants are being
rounded up and released in largely-Hispanic populated South Texas towns, such as Brownsville and McAllen, because
“fewer people will notice or care.”
“We have been doing that for months before the stories broke in Phoenix, Arizona a couple of weeks ago,” reports
the agent.
Americans desperate for a solution to the overwhelming number of immigrants flooding past the border
(the agent estimates they are unable to prevent
sometimes more than 10,000 per week) have started petitions on the White House website
asking President Obama for support.
“The Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley Sector is overwhelmed and at a breaking point,” one petition says.
“We The People need President Obama and the Department of Homeland Security to protect us and take the necessary
steps to meet this state of emergency adequately and immediately.”
The agent’s statements echo sentiments put forth last year by Immigration Customs and Enforcement union boss
Chris Crane, who in February testified before a House Judiciary Committee about the lawlessness behind the
“nation’s broken immigration system,” stating that, “Ice has essentially prohibited its agents from enforcing”
immigration law.
While Infowars frequently highlights violations of the
Fourth Amendment by overzealous border agents, it is equally reprehensible the Department of Homeland Security and
the Obama administration are failing to address the flood of criminal immigrants invading the nation.
Below is the agent’s distressing letter in full…
Good Morning,
I am a Border Patrol Agent in the Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV), south of Corpus Christi, Texas. Thank you
for your continued support and coverage of the ongoing crisis on the border. I would like to take a moment to
convey the absolute desperation that we are reaching down here. We have been ordered to release thousands of
Family Units (Parent/Child), and thousands of teenage unaccompanied juveniles (Under 18). We have encountered
numerous instances of fraud, kidnapping, and exploitation where adults are claiming that very young children
are their own, when in fact they are not. Many of the unaccompanied juveniles are claiming that they have a
responsible parent to be released to, when in fact they do not.
As a Border Patrol Agent, I can tell you as an eye witness that we are currently losing more than we are
catching. On a good day, we catch approximately 30 to 40 percent of all crossers while the rest simply get
away. In the RGV, we have been averaging around 10,000 apprehensions per week. That means we are losing well
over 10,000 aliens per week. And the aliens that are getting away are not the juveniles or the family units
because they are turning themselves in at the first sight of agents. The ones we are losing are convicted
felons, aliens from special interest countries, and other high risk individuals. We are so overwhelmed and
preoccupied by the flood of juveniles and family units that we cannot use our resources to catch the more
serious aliens.
In the RGV, we have been releasing aliens, through ICE, in Brownsville, Texas and McAllen, Texas. We have
been ordered to go out of our way to bus them to those locations for release because they are cities of mostly
Hispanic heritage, so fewer people will notice or care. We have been doing that for months before the stories
broke in Phoenix, Arizona a couple of weeks ago.
We cannot get any attention or relief down here. We desperately need immediate manpower, resources, and a
firm support of Americans. This is de facto amnesty. The President and the Secretary of Homeland Security will
ignore this issue as long as possible in order to let as many illegal aliens gain entry into the United
Again, thank you for your undying support and patriotism. You have no idea how much my fellow agents and I
appreciate it.
God Bless America,
Infowars has confirmed the identity of the agent.
Feds Stand Down As U.S. Border
Collapses Border Patrol trucks sit in
parking lots as surge
of illegal immigrants flood America
by Kit Daniels | | June 23, 2014
The decrease of Border Patrol activity in the border city of Brownsville, Texas, highlights how not only is the
Border Patrol stretched too thin, but its agents are also being pressured to stand down from enforcing immigration
Additionally, the feds are ensuring a media blackout of
the border collapse by closing down areas near the border which have traditionally been open to the public.
In and around Brownsville, far more Border Patrol vehicles could be seen parked at various government facilities
than patrolling the streets and surrounding areas, contrary to what one would expect considering the current flood
of tens of thousands of immigrants from Central America crossing the border.
And while Americans are routinely violated – and abused – at TSA checkpoints in the name of “safety,” illegal
immigrants on the other hand are roaming past America’s border with complete impunity and are given better
treatment by the government.
Of course, by shutting down public areas near the border, the Obama administration can cover this up to its
advantage as the White House pressures Congress into enacting amnesty in law, all while reducing national
sovereignty at the same time.
Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides
with Foreign Power Against Arizona
Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes July 7, 2010
Above all, Alex Jones makes the case that Barack Obama and his cohorts have avoided key duties demanded by the
Constitution, including defending the border, while engaging in a multitude of illicit activities specifically
barred by the Constitution.
Alex Jones examines the factors leading towards the Obama Administration's intention to
sue Arizona over its controversial immigration laws, an unconstitutional act of treason under the 11th Amendment
of the U.S. Constitution which bars the suing of states under certain circumstances.
Put these pieces of research together for yourself:
Why President Obama would ignore the popular outcry to
control the border and rally against Arizona with allies including Mexican President Felipe Calderon makes little
sense until put in context with the fact that he intends to ram through historically unpopular amnesty legislation.
Outrageously, Arizona
Senator Jon Kyl (R) claims that Obama told him privately that, in essence, an open border was a point of
leverage on the amnesty issue:
“If we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,”
Sen. Kyl quoted President Obama as stating.
This globalist partnership– pursued “by
stealth” and without the knowledge or consent of the American, Canadian or Mexican peoples– is indeed a
treasonous collaboration with foreign powers, and very much in the spirit of that which the 11th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, passed
in 1795, intended to prevent and punish.
Though the social cost of illegal immigrants is often the focus of unrest over the unsecured Mexican-U.S.
border, it is the increasingly violent Mexican drug gangs who pose perhaps the greatest threat. Already, the
Mexican government has been displaced by drug cartel control. Headless bodies, kidnapping and murders have now
become rampant, not only on the Mexican side of the border, but on the U.S. side as well. This alone is reason to
take border security very serious.
Yet President Obama and his ilk refuse to do what is necessary.
And yet, the Drug War continues, and in its final phase, preys upon the American people, searching and
monitoring them, and finalizing imprisoning and punishing its users. Through the prison industrial complex, the
system profits upon victimized addicts of the drug trade while doing nothing to end Wall Street money laundering or
cross-border smuggling operations. Now, it has been announced in New York that National Guard will
patrol American neighborhoods for the purpose of drug interdiction.
Not only is the use of military on American soil a violation of Posse Comitatus, but it is a symbol of the
ultimate hypocrisy and treason that has been committed by America’s globalist leaders for many years now.
Barack Obama has declared that "immigration reform is an
economic imperative", and is promising to do his best to get an immigration bill pushed through Congress this year.
But will "legalizing" all of the illegal immigration that has taken place over the last several decades improve the
struggling U.S. economy or will it actually make our economic problems worse? One of the favorite tricks of top
politicians is to promise that the economy is going to improve if we just support what it is that they are
currently pushing. Hopefully the Americans people will not buy the nonsense that Obama is spewing. The truth is
that Barack Obama is wrong about the economic impact of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants don't do jobs that
Americans "don't want" to do. A million Americans recently showed up to apply for a job at McDonald's. That is how
desperate Americans are for work these days. Please don't try to tell me that there aren't millions of Americans
out there that would not pick fruit for minimum wage. The millions upon millions of illegal immigrants in this
country are stealing jobs, they are depressing wages in a whole host of industries and they are a huge factor in
the erosion of the middle class. Millions of middle class American families can't afford to provide for their
families anymore and are losing their homes, drowning in debt or going bankrupt. Rather than what Barack Obama is
proposing (which is to essentially "legalize" illegal immigration), we need an immigration policy that makes sense
and that protects American jobs.
Before we go any further, it is important for me to make a few
points. It is not a bad thing that people want to come to this nation from another country. A lot of people
that want to come to the United States are really hard working and have really solid character. This nation
has a long tradition of immigrants arriving to build a better life here. At different times this country will
need different levels of immigration, but we will always need new immigrants. People on one side of a border
are not more "valuable" than people on another side of a border. There is a reason why our founding fathers
believed that "all men are created equal". In every nation on earth there are really wonderful people. We
should love all men, women and children no matter where they were born and no matter what they look like. God
created us all and He loves us all dearly.
The reason I went into all that is because of the way politics is played in America in 2011. The moment that anyone
suggests that there might be a problem with illegal immigration they are immediately branded with all kinds of
horrible labels. To put a horrible label on someone that is completely and totally untrue just to score political
points is absolutely despicable.
The funny thing is that some of the organizations that denounce others the loudest should actually be examining
themselves. For example, one of the largest pro-illegal immigration organizations is called "La Raza", which
literally means "The Race" (as if we all couldn't figure it out). Perhaps it is time for them to come up with a new
Look, we all have to start learning to love each other. If not, our society is going to continue to break down.
A majority of the American people (yes, that is what the polls show) are not against illegal immigration because
they "hate" another group of people. Rather, they just want all immigrants to go through the "front door" and they
want the government to be sensitive to changing economic conditions.
The sad truth is that the U.S. government has absolutely refused to secure the U.S. border with Mexico for decades,
and this has allowed millions upon millions of criminals, drug dealers and gang members to cross freely into the
United States. In addition, by refusing to secure the border we have allowed new diseases to spread unchecked into
this country.
Meanwhile, the law abiding people that would like to get into this country legally are put through absolute hell. I
used to practice law and I have filled out immigration forms. The process is a complete and total nightmare.
So we have been making it really easy for law breakers to sneak in the back door of our country and we have been
making it really hard for law abiding people to get in the front door.
Glenn Spencer Mexican Drug Cartels Conquest of America's
Borders 1
Alex talks with Glenn Spencer, an activist who advocates greater vigilance in securing the United
States--Mexico border against illegal immigration. Spencer is the founder of the American Border Patrol group
based in Sierra Vista, Arizona. American Border Patrol is a private, non-governmental, organization with the
stated purpose of informing Americans about the border. It is known for using small, radio-controlled aircraft
and ground sensing equipment to track illegal immigrants, and then relaying that information to the U.S. Border
Patrol. Spencer also has assisted with the Minuteman Project and also has produced two documentary videos:
Immigration: Threatening the Bonds of Our Union and Conquest of Aztlan.
Glenn Spencer Mexican Drug Cartels Conquest of America's
Borders 2
Alex talks with Glenn Spencer, an activist who advocates greater vigilance in securing the United
States--Mexico border against illegal immigration. Spencer is the founder of the American Border Patrol group
based in Sierra Vista, Arizona. American Border Patrol is a private, non-governmental, organization with the
stated purpose of informing Americans about the border. It is known for using small, radio-controlled aircraft
and ground sensing equipment to track illegal immigrants, and then relaying that information to the U.S. Border
Patrol. Spencer also has assisted with the Minuteman Project and also has produced two documentary videos:
Immigration: Threatening the Bonds of Our Union and Conquest of Aztlan.
Glenn Spencer Mexican Drug Cartels Conquest of America's
Borders 3
Alex talks with Glenn Spencer, an activist who advocates greater vigilance in securing the United
States--Mexico border against illegal immigration. Spencer is the founder of the American Border Patrol group
based in Sierra Vista, Arizona. American Border Patrol is a private, non-governmental, organization with the
stated purpose of informing Americans about the border. It is known for using small, radio-controlled aircraft
and ground sensing equipment to track illegal immigrants, and then relaying that information to the U.S. Border
Patrol. Spencer also has assisted with the Minuteman Project and also has produced two documentary videos:
Immigration: Threatening the Bonds of Our Union and Conquest of Aztlan.
Confirmed: The DEA Struck A Deal With
Mexico’s Most Notorious Drug Cartel
An investigation by El Universal found that between the years 2000
and 2012, the U.S. government had an arrangement with Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the
organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs while Sinaloa provided information on rival cartels.
Sinaloa, led by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, supplies 80% of the drugs entering the Chicago area and has a
presence in cities across the U.S.
There have long been allegations that Guzman, considered to be “the world’s most powerful drug trafficker,”
coordinates with American authorities.
Newly released documents, and testimony from Justice Department and DEA officials now show
the stories of government running cocaine are true.
An investigation conducted in Mexico found the American
government allowed that country’s largest drug cartel, Sinaloa, to operate without fear of persecution. That groups
is estimated to be responsible for 80 percent of the cocaine coming into the country through Chicago. In exchange,
the leaders of Sinaloa provided the DEA information on rival gangs.
This article was posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 2:45 pm
While the U.S. government
and federal authorities busy themselves targeting American citizens as domestic terrorists, it seems they couldn’t
care less about the fact that the military of a foreign power is flying around American airspace with wanton
Residents of Falcon Heights, a south Texas border town, saw a Mexican
helicopter hovering over a house shortly after 6pm on Tuesday night. The chopper conducted surveillance for about
15 minutes before flying back to Mexico.
“They had armored individuals in the chopper, open ramp, very
military looking, in style and preparation,” said Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr. (The Article
Continues below videos)
Alex Covers Story of Mexican
Military Crossing Over into Texas Town 1
While Government Treats Citizens As Terrorists, Mexican Military Invades U.S.
“It’s proof the Mexican military sees no boundaries,”
reported local KRGV News’ Stephanie Stone, adding that the incident wasn’t
the first of its kind and wouldn’t be the last.
“The markings I understand read ‘La Marina’ which is equivalent to
the Mexican Navy,” said Gonzalez.
Local residents who saw the chopper refused to talk about it on
camera, but the news report showed images of the helicopter.
KRGV contacted nearly a dozen government agencies in an attempt to
get answers. After contacting the the FAA about the chopper, KRGV were told to talk to the Customs and Border
Protection, who said they knew about the incursion but were apparently unconcerned.
State and local authorities refused to return phone calls about the
incident after they were also contacted by KRGV.
“A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman says that a Mexican
military helicopter crossed the border into south Texas late Wednesday afternoon before returning to Mexico without
landing,”reported the Associated Press.
“Richard Pauza said Thursday that customs officers had spotted the helicopter over
U.S. territory near the Falcon Dam in Zapata County sometime after 5 p.m. Pauza said he had no other
Indeed, this only helps the process of acclimating the American
people to accept the sight of foreign troops on U.S. soil,a danger
Congressman Ron Paul has characterized as a “horrible precedent”
which is part of the “NAFTA scheme and globalization and world government.”
Imagine if Soviet bombers or Iranian fighter jets were caught
cruising around Los Angeles or Washington D.C. Would the government be at all concerned? Or are they too busy
worrying about gun owners, Tea Party activists and Ron Paul supporters?
Fast and Furious: Five
charged in agent Brian Terry’s death
The Justice
Department on Monday indicted five individuals in the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry —
a central figure in the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal — and offered a $1 million reward for
information leading to the arrest of four of them.
Manuel Osorio-Arellanes, Jesus Rosario Favela-Astorga, Ivan Soto-Barraza,
Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes and Lionel Portillo-Meza were charged with a variety of crimes including first
degree murder, second degree murder and assaulting a federal officer, among other charges.
States from Mexico illegally in the hopes of robbing drug
traffickers. On the night of Dec. 14, 2010, they engaged in a firefight with U.S. Border Patrol agents that
led to Terry’s death.
Manuel Osorio-Arellanes, the fifth, has been in custody since the night of
the shooting, and the FBI is offering a reward of up to $1 million for information leading to the arrest of
the other four.
The indictment was brought by a federal grand jury in November 2011, but
is being unsealed now to seek the public’s assistance in locating the fugitives.
“Agent Terry served his country honorably and made the ultimate sacrifice
in trying to protect it from harm, and we will stop at nothing to bring those responsible for his murder to
justice,” Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.
“This investigation has previously resulted in one defendant being charged
with Agent Terry’s murder and taken into custody, and today’s announcement reflects the department’s
unrelenting commitment to finding and arresting the other individuals responsible for this horrific tragedy
so that Agent Terry’s family, friends and fellow law enforcement agents receive the justice they deserve,”
the attorney general continued.
Terry’s 2010 shooting death was a milestone for the public uncovering of
the Fast and Furious gun-walking operation, during which the ATF allowed hundreds of guns to cross the
border into Mexico in hopes of tracking drug cartels and weapons traffickers.
In a bipartisan vote last month, Holder was held in contempt of Congress
for withholding certain documents about the Fast and Furious operation. His critics say that he was not
fully compliant with a Congressional subpoena; the Justice Department and his supporters say the documents
being withheld have traditionally been kept private because they contain private deliberations.
The Invisible War in Mexico with
Professor George Grayson
George W. Grayson, the Class of 1938 Professor of Government at the
College of William & Mary, has made more than 200 research trips to Latin America. He is a senior associate at
the Center for Strategic & International Studies, an associate scholar at the Foreign Policy Research
Institute, a board member of the Center for Immigration Studies, and a lifetime member of the NAACP.
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs
- Updated 2010 -
Immigration - Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated
version of immigration author and journalist Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and
U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version of this immigration gumballs presentation has been one of the most viewed
immigration policy presentations on the internet.
Presented by immigration author/journalist Roy Beck
Learn More
NumbersUSA Education & Research Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that favors an
environmentally sustainable and economically just America and seeks to educate the public about the effects of high
levels of immigration on U.S. overpopulation, the environment, jobs, and wages. We use government data to conduct
research on the impacts of U.S. population growth, consumption, sprawl, and current levels of immigration and
educate the public, opinion leaders and policy makers on the results of those and other studies.
Immigration by the Numbers -- Off the
A startling look at how U.S. immigration will add 300 million people to the country this century
if immigration policies are not changed. This dramatic presentation of the latest Census data raises serious
immigration questions about the ability of the country to achieve environmental sustainability and to meet the
quality-of-life infrastructure needs of the national community considering current immigration policy.
Presented by immigration author/journalist Roy Beck
Learn More
NumbersUSA Education & Research Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that favors an
environmentally sustainable and economically just America and seeks to educate the public about the effects of high
levels of immigration on U.S. overpopulation, the environment, jobs, and wages. We use government data to conduct
research on the impacts of U.S. population growth, consumption, sprawl, and current levels of immigration and
educate the public, opinion leaders and policy makers on the results of those and other studies.
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"...If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the
United States, and9/11 really happened the way they want us to
believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in the
country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Becausethe bankers want the borders open,
because they want aone-world
government." -- Aaron