" Look Into It - Eugenicist Bill Gates









Bill Gates

Bill Gates’ advocacy for “death panels” has caused controversy amongst conservative commentators, but the real outrage behind the story has been completely overlooked – the fact that Gates is a hardcore eugenicist and has called for lowering the global population through vaccines which his foundation funds to the tune of billions.


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#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2

LookIntoIt | August 8th, 2020 | https://www.bitchute.com/video/VsQZ73tolVvN/ | PLEASE SHARE


1 - #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2 on August 8

Corbett Report Extras | July 29, 2020

2 - Trump Commits Billions To Bill Gates' Vaccine Alliance - Both From USAID & From His Admin Itself

The Last American Vagabond | Jul 15, 2020

3 - If THIS Doesn't Wake You Up NOTHING Will - Wait Till the End

HighImpactVlogs | Jun 13, 2020

4 - Trump Promotes Masks, Says Military Will Help Distribute COVID Vaccine

The Conscious Resistance | Jul 22, 2020

5 - Stunning RFID Admission from ApiJect

HighImpactVlogs | Jun 12, 2020

6 - Trust in News Media Continues to Plummet - #NewWorldNextWeek

corbettreport - Aug 6, 2020

7 - Here's How They Will Convince You To Take the COVID Vaccine

The Conscious Resistance | Aug 4, 2020  









Who Is Bill Gates?

(Full Documentary, 2020)

Corbett Report Extras | TRANSCRIPT AND DOWNLOAD: https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/

Just in time for #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action, The Corbett Report is releasing the full Who Is Bill Gates? documentary in a single upload. Please help to spread the word about this documentary, including the audio and video downloads and hyperlinked transcript at corbettreport.com/gates





Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics: A Corporate takeover of global agriculture

Ethan A. Huff
Natural News
March 1, 2012


Eugenicist Bill GatesAfter it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world’s poor (http://www.guardian.co.uk). It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world’s systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture.

The Gates Foundation, aka the tax-exempt Gates Family Trust, is currently in the process of spending billions of dollars in the name of humanitarianism to establish a global food monopoly dominated by genetically-modified (GM) crops and seeds. And based on the Gates family’s history of involvement in world affairs, it appears that one of its main goals besides simply establishing corporate control of the world’s food supply is to reduce the world’s population by a significant amount in the process.

 Article continues below the videos 





MUST SEE: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

corbettreport | May 1, 2020


Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates' unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.

Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World

corbettreport | May 8, 2020

TRANSCRIPT AND DOWNLOAD: https://www.corbettreport.com/gates

In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.




Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid

corbettreport | May 17, 2020

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/gates

The takeover of public health that we have documented in How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health and the remarkably brazen push to vaccinate everyone on the planet that we have documented in Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World was not, at base, about money. The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued is now being used to purchase something much more useful: control. Control not just of the global health bodies that can coordinate a worldwide vaccination program, or the governments that will mandate such an unprecedented campaign, but control over the global population itself.

Meet Bill Gates

corbettreport | May 24, 2020


There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates' rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.


Who Is Bill Gates?! MUST SEE Documentary By James Corbett on Press For Truth!!

Press For Truth | First published at 18:06 UTC on May 26th, 2020.

DONATE via Paypal https://www.paypal.me/PressforTruth  PFT DEMONETIZED! If I Had $1 For Every Subscriber?  https://www.gofundme.com/pft-demonetized-if-i-had-1-for-every-subscriber

Who Is Bill Gates is a documentary produced by James Corbett that explores the life of Gates, his family background, his rise to power and how a software engineer eventually became the trusted face of global health.

In a four part series this film covers his plan to monopolize global health, to vaccinate the world, to create a population control grid and how his eugenics ideology has shaped his world view. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the making of the film, life in a post Cover 19(84) world and most importantly what we as individuals can do to help stop such a monolithic threat to society!


Eugenicist Bill Gates | World Health Organization | Vaccines Expose | Depopulation Agenda | Depopulating The Third World!
Big Brother/Sis And Surveillance Systems | India Biometrics 1.2 Billion People  | National I.D. Card | Health Care |
CASHLESS TRACKABLE SOCIETY | TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL | World Bank  International Monetary Fund | Agenda 2030 |
General Summary/Crash Course









#ExposeBillGates Day of Action

LookIntoIt | First published at 05:37 UTC on June 5th, 2020 | https://www.bitchute.com/video/47Yi0rbEMMUt/

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Announcing ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action on June 13, 2020

WHAT: A non-partisan coalition of alternative media organizations and activist groups are calling for a Global Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates and his control agenda.

In the first few months of 2020, billionaire Bill Gates has been promoted as the savior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although he is lauded as a hero Gates has been a force of disruption and shaky science. The truth is Bill Gates hides a darker agenda.

Gates has made numerous media appearances calling for extended lock downs, contact tracing surveillance, digital certificates to travel and work, and announced his intention to vaccinate 7 billion people. Gates’ family also has ties to discredited eugenics science and believes billionaires like him should help reduce the world’s population. (For those who might be new to this information we recommend watching The Bill Gates documentary series from The Corbett Report and/or reading The Bill Gates investigation from The Last American Vagabond.)

It’s time to #ExposeBillGates and expose his agenda. Together we can shine the light on Gates’ true intentions and change the course of humanity.

WHEN: Join us on Saturday June 13, 2020 as we spread the word about Bill Gates’ agenda. We encourage everyone interested to organize and host documentary screenings, share articles, pass out flyers, drop banners, and share on social media using the hashtag #ExposeBillGates. We encourage everyone to share accurate and credible information about Gates’ goals. This is a non-partisan event and activists from all sides of the political spectrum are welcome.

To help spread the word about #ExposeBillGates Day please make this image your profile pic on all social media accounts.

#ExposeBillGates Day is being organized by The Conscious Resistance Network, The Corbett Report, The Last American Vagabond, Activist Post, The Free Thought Project, The Anti Media, and We Are Change. If you represent an alternative/independent media channel or website and would like to be involved please get in touch.

CONTACT: Derrick Broze / [email protected]

---------------------------Derrick's Articles:

Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 1: Philanthropic Narrative Shaping

Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 2: The COVID-19 Operation

Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 3: Health Surveillance, Event 201 and the Rockefeller Connection

---------------------------Corbett's 4 Part Documentary Bitchute Links:








---------------------------Corbett's Transcripts and Sources:


---------------------------More Information on Bill Gates Here:







#ExposeBillGates 2 International Day of Action
August 8, 2020

The Conscious Resistance | 7/28/2020

Announcing #ExposeBillGates International Day of Action

Every 2nd Saturday of Every Month Until the End of the New Normal

Details on how to get involved: https://www.theconsciousresistance.co...

#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2,
AND Gates Questioned on Vaccines!

The Conscious Resistance | Streamed live on Jul 25, 2020

#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2, AND Gates Questioned on Vaccines!

The Conscious Resistance Network and a coalition of alternative/indy media outlets present:

#ExposeBillGates International Day of Action on August 8, 2020! Do what you can to spread the truth about Gates' control agenda.


On June 13, 2020, hundreds of thousands of people from around the world participated in the first ever #ExposeBillGates Day of Action. The event was a success with #ExposeBillGates trending all day on Twitter, information about Bill Gates’ agenda being translated in several languages, hundreds of protests and outreach events, and mainstream outlets taking notice. Now, it’s time to do it again.

In late July, Bill Gates crawled out of his basement to make numerous media appearances. Gates is now calling for multiple doses of vaccines, closing school till Fall 2021, and more lockdowns. We must continue to expose Gates and the agenda he represents.

WHAT: A non-partisan coalition of alternative media organizations and activist groups are calling for an International Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates, his control agenda, and the Predator Class he represents. Beginning August 8, this international Day of Action will take place every 2nd Saturday of every month.

Throughout 2020, billionaire Bill Gates has been promoted as the savior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although he is lauded as a hero, Gates has been a force of disruption and shaky science. Gates made numerous media appearances calling for extended lock downs, contact tracing surveillance, digital certificates to travel and work, and announced his intention to vaccinate 7 billion people. Gates’ family also has ties to discredited eugenics science and believes billionaires like him should help reduce the world’s population.

The truth is Bill Gates hides a darker agenda. It’s time to #ExposeBillGates and expose his agenda. Together we can shine the light on Gates’ true intentions and change the course of humanity.

(For those who might be new to this information we recommend watching The Bill Gates documentary series from The Corbett Report and/or reading The Bill Gates investigation from The Last American Vagabond.)

WHEN: Starting August 8th, join us on every 2nd Saturday as we spread the word about Bill Gates’ agenda. We encourage everyone interested to organize and host documentary screenings, share articles, pass out flyers, drop banners, and share on social media using the hashtag #ExposeBillGates. We encourage everyone to share accurate and credible information about Gates’ goals. This is a non-partisan event and activists from all sides of the political spectrum are welcome.

#ExposeBillGates Day is being organized by The Conscious Resistance Network, The Corbett Report, The Last American Vagabond,Activist Post, The Free Thought Project, The Anti Media, We Are Change, and Wake Up News. If you represent an alternative/independent media channel or website and would like to be involved please get in touch.

CONTACT: Derrick Broze / [email protected] 


Organize an event in your city! Host a documentary screening, hit the streets with flyers, and banners, and talk to people!

Organize an online event or spend the day spamming your social media feeds with the hashtag #ExposeBillGates #ExposeMelindaGates #ExposeThePredatorClass

To help spread the word about #ExposeBillGates Day please make this image your profile pic on all social media.

Download these flyers for sharing, editing, etc! Start here And here are a few more templates: 1, 2, 3, 5,  6


LINK: Eugenicist Bill Gates




Technocracy: I Never Voted for This, Did You?

Truthstream Media
First published at 05:27 UTC on October 15th, 2019.

Our first Bitchute-only video, the first of many. If you like what we're doing, please consider supporting us over at Patreon. We're trying to finish our second feature-length film right now. Patreon.com/truthstreammedia

Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here: https://www.patreon.com/truthstreammedia 
Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Site: http://TruthstreamMedia.com | Our Film: TheMindsofMen.net | Twitter: @TruthstreamNews 
Backup Vimeo: Vimeo.com/truthstreammedia | DONATE: http://bit.ly/2aTBeeF | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bbxcWX

we're going to start putting up exclusive content there because of the obvious.


TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL | Transhumanism And The Technocratic Era | General Summary/Crash Course



Look Who's Coming to the Rescue! | Truthstream Media | Premiered Apr 7, 2020

Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here: https://www.patreon.com/truthstreammedia

Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Our Film: TheMindsofMen.net | Site: http://TruthstreamMedia.com
Twitter: @TruthstreamNews | Backup Vimeo: Vimeo.com/truthstreammedia | DONATE: http://bit.ly/2aTBeeF |
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/bbxcWX

LINK: Eugenicist Bill Gates





If THIS Doesn't Wake You Up NOTHING Will
- Wait Till the End -

HighImpactFlix - First published at 04:11 UTC on June 14th, 2020.












Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?

The Corbett Report - First published at 18:57 UTC on June 19th, 2020.

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=36846

We've all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And if these ham-fisted attempts at soft censorship aren't the solution to online misinformation, what is? Join James for this week's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast, where we explore the murky world of information gatekeeping and ask "Who will fact check the fact checkers?"




Guess Who's Funding and Promoting Gene Drives...

Corbett Report Extras

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=36781

Jonathan Latham of Independent Science News joins us to discuss his 2017 article, "Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives." We talk about gene drives, the dangers inherent in this technology, how the UN is involved, and why the Gates Foundation and DARPA are so interested in introducing genetic modifications into various species.




Bill Gates' GMO & Eugenics Funding
Follows Father's Footsteps



Depopulating The Third World!

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)






Bill Gates Oral Polio Vaccine
Cripples 47,500 Children

Eugenicist Bill Gates

LINKS: VACCINES | Mandatory Vaccine Threat




Eugenicist Bill Gates



Vaccines Paralyze 40 Kids In One Village

U.S. plans to add drone base in West Africa On December 20, 2012, a vaccination tragedy hit the small village of Gouro, located in northern Chad, Africa. According to the newspaper La Voix, out of 500 children who received the new meningitis vaccine MenAfriVac, at least 40 of them between the ages of 7 and 18 have become paralyzed. Those children also suffered hallucinations and convulsions.

Since this report, the true extent of this tragedy is coming to light, as parents of these vaccinated children have reported yet more injuries. The authorities in the area are shaken, as citizens set fire to a sanitary administration vehicle in a demonstration of their frustration and anger at the government's negligence.


Over Forty Children Paralyzed by Vaccines in One Village







 Bill Gates' Resurgence Of Nazi Era Bio Weaponry

 Mainstream media is reporting that the Nazis hoped to use mosquitoes as bio-weapons. Years later,
Bill Gates is using mosquitoes for forced vaccinations. There have been many vaccine related illnesses,
this includes vaccines that Gates himself pushes.

LINK: Biological Weapons





House to Pentagon: Did You Weaponize Ticks?
- #NewWorldNextWeek -

First published at 12:29 UTC on July 18th, 2019.

Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that
covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Story #1: House Orders Pentagon to Say If It Weaponized Ticks and Released Them

‘Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons’

‘Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Germ Laboratory’

Search: “Plum Island”

Episode 356 – Top 5 “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out To Be True

Episode 111 – A Brief History of Biowarfare

Requiem for the Suicided: Dr. David Kelly

Story #2: Scientists Find "Man-Made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice"

Winter Monsoons Became Stronger During Geomagnetic Reversal; Revealing the Impact of Cosmic Rays on the Earth's Climate


Interview 255 – Dr. Richard Lindzen

UN Warning: Just 3 YEARS Left to Save the Earth!

Just 96 Months to Save World, Says Prince Charles (2009)

Prince Charles Exclusive: We Have 35 Months to Tackle Climate Change (2015)

“Next 18 Months Will Decide” Climate Change Success – Prince Charles (2019)

“Why Does the Sun Shine?”

Story #3: FBI To Ramp Up Social Media Surveillance

PDF: “Social Media Alerting”

Episode 332 – The Weaponization of Social Media

300 Californian Cities Secretly Have Access to Palantir

Armies of Fake Accounts “Ruined” Twitter in the Middle East

Leaked Images Show US-Backed MKO Terrorist Social Media Ope..






UK Column News
[Bill Gates @ 25:38]

UK Column | Apr 13, 2020

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott are joined by Piers Robinson for today's UK Column News, bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates.To take part in live chat please join us here: https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/live





UK Column News:
The Imperial College Bill Gates Connection

UK Column | April, 15th 2020

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson are joined by Vanessa Beeley for today's UK Column News, bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates. To take part in live chat please join us here: https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/live


Media Controllers | Media Controllers2 | Media Controllers3





Eugenicist Bill Gates


Jason Bermas Breaks Down Bill Gates's Eugenics Speech










These 12 Hellholes Are Examples Of What The Rest Of America Will Look Like Soon

MORE: Climate Change


This week marks the one year anniversary of the release of emails and documents from the
Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that we now know as Climategate.

Sitting here now, one year later, it's becoming difficult to remember the importance of that release of information, or even what information was actually released. Many were only introduced to the scandal through commentary in the blogosphere and many more came to know about it only weeks later, after the establishment media had a chance to assess the damage and fine tune the spin that would help allay their audience's concern that something important had just happened. Very few have actually bothered to read the emails and documents for themselves.


MORE: Climategate Is Still the Issue







Eugenicist Bill Gates




The Mastermind Behind Global Eugenics Program
- Bill Gates -








Bill Gates
Death Panels Tip of Iceberg


Paul Joseph Watson, Kurt Nimmo & Alex Jones
Infowars.com September 15, 2010

Bill Gates’ advocacy for “death panels” has caused controversy amongst conservative commentators, but the real outrage behind the story has been completely overlooked – the fact that Gates is a hardcore eugenicist and has called for lowering the global population through vaccines which his foundation funds to the tune of billions.

Gates’ “death panel” comments were actually made over two months ago at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen Colorado, but they only garnered attention when the video clip appeared on numerous conservative websites on Sunday, including Breitbart.tv and The Blaze.


LINK: Euthanasia (The Case For Killing Granny)

The Aspen Ideas Festival is a project of the Aspen Institute. The Aspen Institute is primarily funded by foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ford Foundation. In 1952, the Rockefellers established the Population Council, a eugenics operation.

Jurriaan Maessen and other researchers have documented how the Rockefeller Foundation has pioneered “anti-fertility vaccines” and worked with the UN Population Fund, World Bank and World Health Organization to reduce world population. “Just four years after the Rockefeller Foundation launched massive funding-operations into anti-fertility vaccines, the Task Force was created under auspices of the World Health Organization, World Bank and UN Population Fund,” writes Maessen.

The Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in 1904 that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. “From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation’s social service agencies and associations,” Edwin Black wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle in 2003.

In the United States, key eugenic organizations funded by the Rockefeller, Harriman and Carnegie families included the American Eugenics Society, and its sister organization, the American Society of Human Genetics established in 1947, the above mentioned Cold Springs Harbor Experimental Station for the Study of Evolution, the Eugenic Record Office, and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

During a question and answer session at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Gates implied that elderly patients undergoing expensive health care treatments should be killed and the money spent elsewhere.

Gates said there was a “lack of willingness” to consider the question of choosing between “spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient” or laying off ten teachers.

“But that’s called the death panel and you’re not supposed to have that discussion,” added Gates.

The Microsoft owner’s advocacy for killing granny in the name of spending the money elsewhere strikes at the root of why so many Americans are outraged over Obamacare, which contains as one of its core components a cost/benefit board which will be able to refuse care to elderly patients, proving that death panels will indeed come into force despite establishment media PR campaigns to convince the public otherwise.

Prior to the passage of Obamacare, the corporate media excoriated critics of the plan for mentioning inclusion of death panels. As Joseph Ashby notes, however, death panels were established before Obamacare was enacted.

The Recovery and Reinvestment Act, commonly known as the Stimulus Bill, provided more than a billion dollars to fund the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. The Council was devised by former Health and Human Services Secretary Nominee Tom Daschle. “Daschle’s stated purpose (and therefore President Obama’s purpose) for creating the Council is to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians are politically unable to make,” writes Ashby.

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, sits on the Council. Under the rubric of “social justice,” Emanuel advocates denying medical care to patients who are no longer “participating citizens,” that is to say people who are considered useless eaters by the state. “Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination,” writes Emanuel, “every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years.”

Denying medical care to patients is not a recent phenomenon. Wesley J. Smith, an award winning author and a Senior Fellow in Human Rights and Bioethics at the Discovery Institute, has written extensively about “bioethicists and others among the medical intelligentsia” who have rationalized denying medical care to “dependent people and the growing number of our elderly.” Smith documents how the “bioethics movement” has successfully changed the classification for human care to medical care and in the process has paved the way for denial of health care and the establishment of death panels.

“Obamacare is intent on cutting costs,” Smith writes in a blog post entitled Obamacare: “Harardous Pathway,” The Road to Death Panels. “The great danger is that while the government will never ration its own spending, never cut its own perks, never decide that a program has outlived its usefulness, it will readily cut the most vulnerable among us out of life itself.”




On September 12, Alex covered hospitals denying care to citizens while offering it to illegal aliens. Alex makes his comments at 11:20 in the above video.

Although Americans will be subject to the whims of death panels, the federal government will “continue to require hospitals to provide emergency treatment to illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense,” the New York Times reported.

However, the wider significance of Gates’ comments has gone completely unnoticed by those outraged over what he said.

Gates is an avowed eugenicist who is committed to drastically reducing the world’s population in the name of combating global warming. This is alarming given the fact that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation funds the production and distribution of vaccines to the third world.

During a February 2010 TED conference, Gates openly stated that vaccines would be used to reduce global population and lower CO2 emissions.

Stating that the global population was heading towards 9 billion, Gates said, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 per cent.”

Watch the clip.


Quite how an improvement in health care and vaccines that supposedly save lives would lead to a lowering in global population is an oxymoron, unless Gates was referring to vaccines that sterilize people, which is precisely the same method advocated in White House science advisor John P. Holdren’s 1977 textbook Ecoscience, which calls for a dictatorial “planetary regime” to enforce draconian measures of population reduction via all manner of oppressive techniques, including sterilization.




Indeed, As Natural News’ Mike Adams revealed, one of the Gates Foundation’s current projects revolves around the funding of a “sterilization program that would use sharp blasts of ultrasound directed against a man’s scrotum to render him infertile for six months.”

“Now, the foundation has funded a new “sweat-triggered vaccine delivery” program based on nanoparticles penetrating human skin,” writes Adams. “The technology is describes as a way to “…develop nanoparticles that penetrate the skin through hair follicles and burst upon contact with human sweat to release vaccines.”

Fresh food that lasts from eFoods Direct (Ad)

The Microsoft founder’s advocacy for death panels is a shocking admission, but it pales in significance when one considers that Gates, as one of the richest men on the planet who routinely meets with other billionaires to discuss population reduction efforts, has publicly stated his intention to use the billions of dollars worth of vaccines that he funds to lower global population in the third world, which could only be achieved if the vaccines were designed to forcibly sterilize people without their consent or induce forced abortions.


Right-to-Die, Death Panels, Neo-Eugenics and
the Transhumanist Club You Aren't In

Published on Nov 6, 2014

The bar keeps getting raised on "the right to die" versus the right of the system to convince people their lives are worth little in the face of artificial scarcity otherwise known as "finite resources" as Bill Gates calls them. Now we've moved to a place where bioethicists are arguing it should be legal to kill live, otherwise healthy children after they are born and courts have allowed a mother to starve her disabled 12-year-old daughter to death.

But you see, the whole system and everything it's made of is completely made up. Fake boundaries within an evil system. It's a false debate centered around a false reality. They are attempting to put a price tag on the value of your life through the lens of their ridiculous bureaucracy and a society built on industrial complexes that live, breathe and feed on human suffering.

The Obamacare architect says we should only live to 75, that it shouldn't be our choice. Unofficial death panels absolutely exist. It's a Soylent Green society in its infancy. They act like spending the dough to give your grandma a few extra months to live at the end is simply too expensive and too much of a drain on their system, but they have no qualms about going $17 trillion dollars into debt fighting endless wars and all the rest of the wasteful, stupid nonsense our government is involved in day after day. Behind it all at the top of the pyramid, the important life-saving, life-extending technologies continues to be suppressed from general public view as they have been for decades now.

The whole thing is a bullshit sham, and when you hear what elitist billionaires like Bill Gates have to say about who should be allowed to get what treatment and that we should be "careful about whether you want to make those innovations available to everyone," and then you realize those rules don't apply to him and his family only you and yours, you'll understand why this entire thing is just new eugenics with a trendy technocratic overlay. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...

This isn't about someone's right to take or end their own life. This is about everyone's right to live in a world where that decision isn't made by government bureaucracies or elitist, eugenicist billionaires who would never make that same choice for themselves that they can so nonchalantly make for everyone else.

When we devalue one person's life, we devalue all our lives.

Bill Gates' Rolling Stone interview from March 2014 (there's a lot more ridiculous, creepy stuff going on in there if you want to read the whole thing): http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/n...

Website: TruthstreamMedia.com
Twitter: @TruthstreamNews
FB: Facebook.com/TruthstreamMedia


 LINKS: Euthanasia (The Case For Killing Granny) | Genocide by The House of Windsor | Transhumanism And The Technocratic Era






who logo header

The World Health Organization provides public health recommendations about the use of pharmacologic drugs and vaccines and provides guidelines and assistance in public health emergencies. When it was founded in 1948, the WHO relied on funding from its member states; their contributions were assessed based on their national income and population. The funds were not earmarked for any particular policy. In those days, the WHO was an independent organization. But over time, the WHO leadership traded its independence and with it, its integrity, for big money.

In 1988, Halfdan Mahler, Director General of the WHO from 1973 to 1988, warned the world against the power wielded by the pharmaceutical industry over the WHO. He stated, in the Danish daily newspaper (Politiken): “this industry is taking over WHO”. Unfortunately, no one at that time believed him.[1] The take-over intensified; with Big Pharma dictating global public health policies that the WHO initiates and promotes. Those policies have vastly enriched Big Pharma, and the WHO has been generously rewarded for its service.

Currently, 80% of the WHO budget relies on earmarked donations; primarily from the U.S. government, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Big Pharma. The WHO revenue in 2016-2017 was $5, 139 Billion, of which only $927 million came from assessed contributions by member states; these “core” funds cover the WHO’s general expenses. By contrast, $4,422 Billion were provided by major donors; and these funds are earmarked for activities that serve the donor’s financial interests. These major donors dictate and control the WHO policies, ensuring that WHO policies further their interests. [2] 

The WHO, it should be noted, is not accountable to public scrutiny – as non-profits are. The internal documents of the WHO are not available under Freedom of Information, and most of the WHO’s financial contracts are secret. In essence, the WHO became a vassal of, and the global marketing agent for Big Pharma and its aggressive drug and vaccine market expansion agenda. Time and again, the WHO has demonstrated its allegiance to its financial backers; adopting that have vastly enriched Pharma – even as the widespread, use – and misuse – of multi-drug cocktails and multi-virus vaccines – have caused epidemic number of serious adverse side-effects, hospitalizations, chronic illnesses, and deaths. [3]

During Margaret Chan’s tenure, Bill Gates has had a disproportionate influence over the WHO; his foundation has contributed more than $2.4 billion, while member countries have grown reluctant to put their money into the agency, especially after the 2008 global financial crisis. Bill Gates has been labeled by some as “the world’s most powerful doctor”.

Excerpt from: Anatomy of Corruption: WHO Public Health Guidelines, by Alliance For Human Research Protection

The Coronavirus Distraction...And The Continuing War On Iran

RonPaulLibertyReport | Mar 18, 2020

Link: World Health Organization





[ !!A MUST SEE!! ]

the white house
White House Press Corps Caught on Hot Mic
"Take Off the Masks...It's a HOAX!"

HighImpactFlix | First published at 20:40 UTC on April 21st, 2020.

ALERT! This channel is in jeopardy and may soon be terminated by the powers-that-shouldn't be.
To resist the tyranny of censorship & stay connected...subscribe to my private newsletter.
 http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlixOfficial (don't forget to CONFIRM)

Link: False Flag Event





Rock-SOLID Proof
Trump is Working WITH Bill Gates to INJECT AMERICA!!

HighImpactFlix | First published at 13:24 UTC on May 1st, 2020.

If you're "IN CHARGE" or "FAST TRACKING" the "FINAL SOLUTION," you're NOT working AGAINST....but WITH Bill (GLOBALIST, EUGENICIST) Gates and AGAINST America...and the World. THAT is what "Operation Warp Speed" is all about. Change my mind.

Trump Admin Commits Billions
To Gates-Founded Vaccine Alliance

As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Admin Commits Billions To Gates-Founded Vaccine Alliance

The Last American Vagabond | First published at 23:41 UTC on July 6th, 2020.

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

***Due To YouTube Censorship, All Video Source Links Can Be Found At The Last American Vagabond Here: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/

In Defense of My Gates-Trump Article

TheConsciousResistance | First published at 00:07 UTC on July 11th, 2020.

Derrick Broze checks in to discuss his recent controversial video/article on the Trump administration's relationship with Bill Gates and Gates related organizations.

Source:  https://theconsciousresistance.com/vaccine-bait-switch-as-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-to-gates-founded-gavi/


FALSE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM | Eugenicist Bill Gates | Trump Openly Funds Terrorists | General Summary/Crash Course






How To Become A Billionaire
(and what to do with it)

Corbett Report Extras

SHOW NOTES and MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=4616

So you want to be a billionaire? Easy. Just come from a well-connected, eugenics-obsessed elitist insider family and steal, swindle and scam your way to the top. Getting rid of your billions in a way that benefits you and helps to depopulate the earth, however…now that’s the hard part. Join us today as we study the master of billionaire-fueled, eugenics-driven philanthropy of our times: Bill Gates.

Link: Monsanto







Stop Calling It Contact Tracing! - #PropagandaWatch | corbettreport | Apr 27, 2020

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=36172

What's in a name? Everything. Find out about the latest attempt to package the Orwellian total police state surveillance grid as something wonderful and wholesome—and why you should never, ever say "contact tracing"—in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.


Cell Phones Are Tracking Devices | TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL | Big Brother/Sis And Surveillance Systems |
Tattle-Tale Squads and Surveillance | Snitch Phone Application | Post Office Trucks Stasi Data Collection Nodes |
The NSA (National Security Agency) | DHS SPY GRID | Communications Takeover by EAS | Propaganda History |
World Health Organization | You Are Being Targeted | Quick Start (Site Recommendations) | General Summary/Crash Course




We Need To Talk About Canada’s POLICE STATE Response To COVID-19(84)

Press For Truth | May 7, 2020

DONATE via Paypal https://www.paypal.me/PressforTruth | PFT DEMONETIZED! If I Had $1 For Every Subscriber? https://www.gofundme.com/pft-demoneti...

The Canadian government is currently ramping up their efforts to fight the spread of Covid-19 by giving sweeping powers to police and by taking big brother into the digital realm. Contact tracing apps are popping up on the provincial level and we may soon see a nationwide collective effort to track trace and database every single thing everyone does. Meanwhile families are being forcefully removed from their homes and taken to psychiatric facilities for peacefully protesting the governments abuse of power. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest police state news in Canada while also providing workable solutions on how to avoid being tracked by the government in this post Covid-19(84) world.














 Eugenicist Bill Gates



Bill Gates Pours Millions Into Geoengineering








Bill Gates Wants TO BLOCK THE SUN! Here's How!

First published at 20:08 UTC on August 14th, 2019.

Bill Gates Wants TO BLOCK THE SUN! Here's How!


Bitcoin - 1HHdgXD5e1DJrDqbEGWbnvzj2eb739eVVo

#BermasBrigade #BillGates #BlockTheSun





Depopulation Agenda

There is a single theme behind all our work -we must reduce population levels,” said Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the State Department’s Office of Population Affairs (OPA). “Either they [governments] do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it. “The professionals,” said Ferguson, “aren’t interested in lowering population for humanitarian reasons. That sounds nice. We look at resources and environmental constraints. We look at our strategic needs, and we say that this country must lower its population -or else we will have trouble. 


Did the Eugenicists Finally Get Sterilants Added to the Drinking Water?

Aaron & Melissa Dykes Jul 14, 2015

...“Fertility control agents in water supply” was exactly what was listed in the horrifying leaked memo written to Bernard Berelson, president of the Rockefeller-founded Population Council, by Frederick S. Jaffe, vice president of Planned Parenthood – World Population, found in “Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S.” dated 3/11/69 under the heading “Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality or Selectivity of Impact”. So were things like “encourage increased homosexuality” and “alter image of ideal family size” (overpopulation propaganda, anyone?) alongside forced abortions for out-of-wedlock pregnancy and “Compulsory sterilization of all who have two children except for a few who would be allowed three”.



Depopulation Agenda

John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization
needed to save the planet.

Book [Ecoscience] he authored in 1977 advocates for extreme totalitarian measures to control the population 

Soft Kill Depopulation Prgm.

John P. Holdren

Webster Tarpley: The Elites Plan for
World-Wide Genocide Revealed

In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current White House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes scientific elite's true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a global government to rule.


Soft Kill Depopulation Prgm.




First Person: John Holdren on Global Warming


Tinkering with Earth's climate to chill runaway global warming, a radical idea once dismissed out of hand, is being discussed by the White House as a potential emergency option, according to the president's new science adviser. 


Soft Kill Depopulation Prgm.

Enviro-Eugenicists Announce Mass Die-Off






Club of Rome’s 1993 The First Global Revolution

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”


LINK: Lord C. Monckton's Lecture







Soylent Green Now Actually Being Promoted
As a Way To Save The Earth

  Truthstream Media

First published at 20:50 UTC on September 8th, 2019.

We're at the point now where they're legitimately pitching Soylent Green to everyone
as the "solution" to society's manufactured "problem". Damn I wish George Carlin was here...

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we're going to start putting up exclusive content there because of the obvious.



 Propaganda History | FOOD! | Soft Kill Depopulation Prgm. | Depopulation Agenda | Climate Change | AGENDA 21 |
Eugenicist Bill Gates | Slave Mentality | The Govt is Raping You | The Occult In Government | If I were the devil | Psywars |
Enviro-Eugenicists Announce Mass Die-Off | Climate Change Hate Crimes | Full Spectrum Dominance |
General Summary/Crash Course






Al Gore: Africa's Population Must "Be Addressed" 

Al Gore, ever the eco-imperialist, participated in a "Climate Change" forum and its affects on the economy, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Gore suggested that population growth in Africa is a big problem that must "be addressed". He mentions "fertility management" which is a euphemism for population control. That sounds much like the goals of Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger's racist goals of controlling the number of black and brown people in the world.











Hidden History:
The Eugenics Record Office Is for Sale

First published at 02:04 UTC on August 17th, 2019.

{Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here: https://www.patreon.com/truthstreammedia}
We went to take the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory tour, mainly just to see if the place owns up at all to its long and infamous eugenics history. The short answer is no, it wasn't mentioned in any way whatsoever throughout the tour, and the history of the buildings themselves was spotty and hand-picked to carefully avoid mentioning anything that would even hint at eugenics or the fact that the lab was essentially considered the home of eugenics in America for the first half of the 20th century.

When we inquired about where the Eugenics Record Office was located, we weren't given an answer either. We were told we could check with the Carnegie Institute library on campus which of course wasn't open. There's nothing online about an address for this place and all the information about it is vague as to where it is actually at. This resulted in us driving around for over an hour trying to find the place based on 100-year-old photographs.

Well... we did finally find it tucked away in the woods, almost completely hidden from view of the main road by trees, in a place few would likely check. And apparently it's for sale (not that the realtor mentioned anything in her glowing description of the property that it was built specifically by Mrs. E. H. Harriman, a prominent eugenicist, to house the Eugenics Record Office either).

But really, who would actually want to live in the former Eugenics Record Office?

It was glaringly clear to us that they want this place completely forgotten. Too bad for them.
{Originally published August 30, 2015}

 LINK: General Summary/Crash Course








William H. Gates Sr., former head of
eugenics group Planned Parenthood


Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society. In a 2003 interview with PBS‘ Bill Moyers, Bill Gates admitted that his father used to be the head of Planned Parenthood, which was founded on the concept that most human beings are just “reckless breeders” and “human weeds” in need of culling (http://www.pbs.org/now/transcript/transcript_gates.html).

Gates also admitted during the interview that his family’s involvement in reproductive issues throughout the years has been extensive, referencing his own prior adherence to the beliefs of eugenicist Thomas Robert Malthus, who believed that populations of the world need to be controlled through reproductive restrictions. Though Gates claims he now holds a different view, it appears as though his foundation’s initiatives are just a modified Malthusian approach that much more discreetly reduces populations through vaccines and GMOs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Robert_Malthus).



Gates Foundation has invested heavily in converting Asian,
African agricultural systems to GMOs


William Gates Sr.’s association with Planned Parenthood and continued influence in the realm of “population and reproductive health” is significant because Gates Sr. is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (http://www.gatesfoundation.org/leadership/Pages/william-gates-sr.aspx  ). This long-time eugenicist “guides the vision and strategic direction” of the Gates Foundation, which is currently heavily focused on forcing GMOs on Africa via its financing of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).

The Gates Foundation has admittedly given at least $264.5 million in grant commitments to AGRA (www.gatesfoundation.org/about/Documents/BMGFFactSheet.pdf), and also reportedly hired Dr. Robert Horsch, a former Monsanto executive for 25 years who developed Roundup, to head up AGRA back in 2006. According to a report published in La Via Campesina back in 2010, 70 percent of AGRA’s grantees in Kenya work directly with Monsanto, and nearly 80 percent of the Gates Foundation funding is devoted to biotechnology (http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_21606.cfm).

The same report explains that the Gates Foundation pledged $880 million in April 2010 to create the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), which is a heavy promoter of GMOs. GAFSP, of course, was responsible for providing $35 million in “aid” to earthquake-shattered Haiti to be used for implementing GMO agricultural systems and technologies.

Back in 2003, the Gates Foundation invested $25 million in “GM (genetically modified) research to develop vitamin and protein-enriched seeds for the world’s poor,” a move that many international charities and farmers groups vehemently opposed (http://healthfreedoms.org). And in 2008, the Gates Foundation awarded $26.8 million to Cornell University to research GM wheat, which is the next major food crop in the crosshairs of Monsanto‘s GM food crop pipeline (http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_21606.cfm).



If you control agriculture, you control the populations of the world

LINK: Monsanto


The Gates Foundation‘s ties with Monsanto and corporate agriculture in general speak volumes about its real agenda, which is to create a monopolistic system of world control in every area of human life. Vaccines, pharmaceuticals, GMOs, reproductive control, weather manipulation, global warming — these and many other points of entry are the means by which the Gates Foundation is making great strides to control the world by pretending to help improve and save it.

Rather than promote real food sovereignty and address the underlying political and economic issues that breed poverty, Gates and Co. has instead embraced the promotion of corporately-owned and controlled agriculture and medicine paradigms that will only further enslave the world’s most impoverished. It is abundantly evident that GMOs have ravished already-impoverished people groups by destroying their native agricultural systems, as has been seen in India (http://www.naturalnews.com/030913_Monsanto_suicides.html).

Some may say Gates’ endeavors are all about the money, while others may say they are about power and control. Perhaps it is a combination of both, where Gates is still in the business of promoting his own commercial investments, which includes buying shares in Monsanto while simultaneously investing in programs to promote Monsanto.

Whatever the case may be, there is simply no denying that Gates now has a direct interest in seeing Monsanto succeed in spreading GMOs around the world. And since Gates is openly facilitating Monsanto‘s growth into new markets through his “humanitarian” efforts, it is clear that the Gates family is in bed with Monsanto.

“Although Bill Gates might try to say that the Foundation is not linked to his business, all it proves is the opposite: most of their donations end up favoring the commercial investments of the tycoon, not really “donating” anything, but instead of paying taxes to state coffers, he invests his profits in where it is favorable to him economically, including propaganda from their supposed good intentions,” wrote Silvia Ribeiro in the Mexican news source La Jornada back in 2010.

“On the contrary, their ‘donations’ finance projects as destructive as geoengineering or replacement of natural community medicines for high-tech patented medicines in the poorest areas of the world … Gates is also engaged in trying to destroy rural farming worldwide, mainly through the ‘Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa’ (AGRA). It works as a Trojan horse to deprive poor African farmers of their traditional seeds, replacing them with the seeds of their companies first, finally by genetically modified (GM).”




Monsanto connected to at least 200,000 suicides in India throughout past decade
One farmer every 30 minutes (commits suicide) in India now,
and sometimes three in one family


Tuesday, January 04, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


(NaturalNews) When India's seed economy was forced by the World Bank to become globalized in the late 1990s, economic conditions within the nation's agricultural sector almost immediately took a nosedive for the worst. Much of the common Indian seed stock turned from saveable heirloom varieties to patented, genetically-modified (GM) varieties that expire after a single use and require the application of expensive and cumbersome pesticides in order to grow, which plunged many Indian farmers into abject poverty. And nearly 25 years later, the devastating effects of this corporate takeover of Indian agriculture has resulted in countless suicides, 200,000 of which have occurred just in the past ten years.


GMO Devastation in India 


According to a recent report in the U.K. Independent, many Indian farmers have lost their farms and land over the past several decades. One of the primary causes is failed investments by farmers that banked heavily on the success of newly-introduced GM crops. Multinational biotechnology giants like Monsanto and Syngenta promised farmers that GM crops would bring incredible yields at lower costs, and save the country from poverty. But in reality, many of the crops ended up failing, leaving millions of Indian farmers with absolutely nothing.

"One farmer every 30 minutes (commits suicide) in India now, and sometimes three in one family," explained Palagummi Sainath, an Indian journalist, to the U.K. Independent. Left with nowhere to turn and a complete loss of their livelihoods, many farmers are literally drinking their crop pesticides. And since many of these suicides go unreported or unnoticed, actual rates could be even higher than those reported.

Years of drought and poor agricultural policy are also to blame for the widespread failure of agriculture in many Indian regions, but it all appears directly connected to the introduction of GMs in the 1990s. The U.K. Independent report states that the Indian government removed cotton subsidies in 1997, which resulted in a significant profit loss for many cotton farmers. But during that same year, GM varieties of cotton were also introduced, which many attribute directly to the crop failures that left the agriculture sector largely in ruin.

"Every suicide can be linked to Monsanto," explained scientist Vandana Shiva to the U.K. Independent. After subsidies were lifted, the cost of cotton production rose dramatically, especially when GM cotton was introduced because it required the application of expensive pesticides and herbicides. Natural varieties of cotton, on the other hand, do not necessarily require chemical applications to grow and flourish. And since farmers can save and reuse natural seeds every year, all is not lost during years of poorer yields because farmers can often try again the next year.

But in the GM crop paradigm, the stakes are far higher. Farmers must borrow large sums of money to invest in GM technology. They do so based on promises that yields will increase and profits will soar. But when the promises fail to pan out and farmers are unable to keep paying for the expensive pesticides, they typically end up losing everything, including access to reusable heirloom seeds. So, many end up killing themselves because they literally have nothing left.



The introduction of GM agriculture in India shifted the agricultural economy from one of biodiversity to monoculture, which is hugely significant in India's agricultural failures. Rather than grow a variety of different heirloom crops that each respond differently to periodic changes in climate -- which Indian farmers have always done prior to the introduction of GM crops -- many farmers began to grow only one single GM variety. And when conditions turned out not to be favorable for that crop, both economically and in terms of climate conditions, disaster ensued. In fact, one statistic from a government report in India states that more than 90 percent of known suicide victims were in debt, which was largely brought about when farmers took the plunge into GM crops from their former methods.



The globalization of agriculture in general has dramatically increased poverty in India, as crop subsidies in other nations began to affect Indian agriculture, driving down crop profits. Indian farmers have lost billions of dollars over the years from having to compete in the global agricultural marketplace rather than grow their own biodiverse crops to feed their own people. Global powers have literally robbed India of its self-reliance and self-sustenance in the name of "ending poverty" by thrusting upon them a system of monopolized agriculture controlled and operated by companies like Monsanto. And unless India somehow secedes from the global system of corruption, conditions will only become increasingly worse for its people.


Bitter Seeds Trailer

India has more farmers than any country in the world, and they are in a crisis that is unprecedented in human history. Every 30 minutes a farmer in India kills himself in despair. In a village at the center of the suicide epidemic, a farmer and his family struggle to keep his land and a teenage girl makes her first steps to become a journalist and tell the world about the crisis. Bitter Seeds raises questions about the human cost of genetically-modified agriculture and the future of how we grow things. This is the third film in Micha Peled's globalization trilogy, following the award-winning Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes to Town and China Blue. Written by Teddy Bear Films







GMO Creations Caused
291,000 Suicides in India

Indian Farmers Facing Debt, Reliance on GMOs 


by Mike Barrett | Infowars.com | November 17, 2014

It is no secret that Monsanto is making life difficult for countless farmers in America with its parented seeds. After all, the biotech giant has already filed 145 lawsuits, or on average about 9 lawsuits every year for 16 straight years, against farmers who have “improperly reused their patented seeds.” But did you know that Monsanto is also leading hundreds of thousands of farmers to suicide?

Biotech has attempted dismiss the rise in farmer suicides in India due to the introduction of genetically modified crops, but the problem is too pervasive to wipe under the rug. While there are numerous contributing factors to farmer suicides in India, debt is the largest concern, which is largely fueled by non-viable crops.

Biotech sells seeds that either don’t grow or lead to the development of unstoppable superweeds and superbugs. Subsequently, biotech urges and nearly forces farmers to purchase RoundUp and other herbicidal chemicals which the farmers can ill afford. Thus, the mind-numbing cycle begins. Read this post for more in-depth information.

What’s worse is that after a farmer commits suicide, the debt falls on the remaining family members. Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and other suicide seed sellers have essentially created a generational slave economy based on their toxic chemical and seed monopolies.

According to figures outlining farmer suicide rates, 17,638 Indian farmers committed suicide in 2009 — about one death every 30 minutes. Oftentimes, the farmers would commit the act by drinking the very same insecticide that Monsanto supplied them with — a terrible end in which Monsanto has wrecked the lives of independent and traditional farmers.

Many families are now ruined thanks to the mass suicides, and are left to economic ruin and must struggle to fight off starvation:

‘We are ruined now,’ said one dead man’s 38-year-old wife. ‘We bought 100 grams of BT Cotton. Our crop failed twice. My husband had become depressed. He went out to his field, lay down in the cotton and swallowed insecticide.’

Now, Monsanto has caused a massive 291,000 suicides in India with its GMOs, chemical creations, and shameless business practices. 

“. . . the motivations for these suicides follow a familiar pattern: Farmers become trapped in a cycle of debt trying to make a living growing Monsanto’s genetically engineered Bt cotton. They always live close to the edge, but one season’s ruined crop can dash hopes of ever paying back their loans, much less enabling their families to get ahead. Manjusha’s father, like many other suicide victims, killed himself by drinking the pesticide he spreads on his crops.”

In the video below, Dr. Vandana Shiva talks about the current situation in India and how GMO’s have affected farmers there. Dr. Shiva is an Indian environmental activist and anti-globalization author.




Additional Sources:


This post originally appeared at Natural Society 


LINK: Monsanto








CNN Founder Ted Turner Supports
Population Reduction To 2 Billion!!


 CNN Founder Ted Turner Supports Population Reduction To 2 Billion!!






Bill Gates and 47,500 Cases of Paralysis

 Untested vaccines causing new wave of polio-like paralysis across India


PF Louis
Natural News
April 20, 2012

RELATED:  Paralysis Cases Spike in Wake of Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccination Effort in India
RELATED: ‘Super Hero’: Comic Book Paints Eugenicist Bill Gates as a Savior

Eugenicist Bill Gates(NaturalNews)

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is financially backing and publicly endorsing mass polio virus vaccinations in India. In case you didn’t hear him yourself, Bill Gates publicly announced that vaccines could help reduce the world population by 15%.

Gates also proclaimed that every newborn should be registered for vaccinations immediately to assure the goal of 90% of the population getting vaccinated for his “century of the vaccination.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation program in India was promoted as “The Last Mile: Eradicating polio in India.” The promotional video displayed numbers showing thousands of cases of polio in India decades ago, with the number of cases dropping to 42 by 2010. But it appears that wild polio virus stats have been traded for polio from vaccines and non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP).

In India, over 47,000 cases of NPAFP were reported in 2011. The paralysis symptoms of NPAFP are practically the same as what’s attributed to “eradicated” wild virus polio. Apparently, vaccine polio viruses also cause polio paralysis.

Some experts argue that wild virus polio rarely causes paralysis and was declining on its own before the Salk vaccine (http://www.vaclib.org/basic/polio.htm). Ironically, the Salk vaccine contained SV-40 (Simeon virus 40) associated with cancer’s surge since the 1950s.

In neighboring Pakistan during 2011, 136 children came down with polio. Yet 107 of them had been vaccinated multiple times with oral polio vaccines (OPVs). That’s over 78% of those supposedly “immunized” against polio getting that same disease (http://www.immunizationinfo.org/vaccines/polio).

Yet the Gates Foundation wants to vaccinate the world? Hmmm.

Explaining OPVs (oral polio vaccines)

OPVs have been phased out in western countries because of their high incidence of adverse side effects. This type of vaccine was developed by Dr. Albert Sabin and FDA approved in 1963. The viruses in this vaccine are not dead. They are merely “attenuated” but still alive.

What is done with OPVs that are produced but banned in the West? Dump them on third world countries with the humanitarian cover that they are less expensive and easier to administer to large groups simultaneously.

Outbreaks of paralysis using labels other than polio, such as NPAFP (non-polio acute flaccid paralysis), conveniently obscures polio outbreaks among vaccinated populations. Experts outside the vaccination dogma box point out there are other polio type maladies with different names, including NPAFP, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and others.

Some incidents of vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) from OPVs are reported, which is why OPVs were banned in the West. Those polio episodes can be vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP). VAPP affects only those who had consumed the OPVs.

Yet there are other ways OPVs can spread polio. Family members, friends, even villagers associated with those who took OPVs can be infected from viral shedding.

Viral shedding is common among OPV vaccinated persons and those inoculated with attenuated live viruses. The attenuated viruses become more virulent after residing in the vaccinated person’s body. Upon excretion, water and materials exposed to the urine or stool has been known to spread this now more virulent polio virus to others.

Read more on case histories of OPVs’ causing polio in the USA and Nigeria, both to vaccine recipients and to others from rejuvenated viruses shed by those who were vaccinated: http://www.naturalnews.com/026951_vaccine_virus_vaccination.html.

This “Last Mile” campaign has caused many to walk their last mile. A lot of money has been spent for this campaign, money that could have been used more wisely on improving general basic living health conditions to minimize all diseases.

When millions are spent on vaccinations instead of improving basic sanitation and potable water in poorly developed regions, there is another agenda behind the humanitarian cover story.

Sources for this article include:











Bill Gates and 47,500 Cases of Paralysis



Joe Samuel
Food Freedom Group
April 20, 2012

In India, Monsanto  hired Bollywood actors to promote genetically engineered cotton seed to illiterate farmers. Nana Petakar became a brand ambassador for Monsanto. The advertising has been called “ aggressive, unscrupulous and false.”

Bill Gates, heavily invested in Monsanto’s GMOs as well as in vaccines, hired the most beloved of Indian actors, Amitabh Bachchan, to promote the oral polio vaccine.

Here is  one example of the ads Bachchan created. Here is Bachchan and  use of Bollywood itself to promote the vaccines, and here is  another ad, in which Bachchan employes his acting skills.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation says:

“Worldwide efforts in the last two decades have reduced the number of polio cases by 99 percent. Until we reach eradication, however, we are working with governments and all partners in the polio effort to ensure no child is at risk of either contracting or transmitting this crippling disease.”

Monsanto used Bollywood actors and succeeded in selling India’s farmers Bt cotton seeds. Profits for Monsanto rose. When yields were less than promised, farmers incurred massive debt, leading many to suicide, in what is considered “ the worst-ever recorded wave of suicides of this kind in human history.” To date, the number of suicides has surpassed 250,000.

P. Sainath details this  neoliberal terrorism:

“With giant seed companies displacing cheap hybrids and far cheaper and hardier traditional varieties with their own products, a cotton farmer in Monsanto’s net would be paying far more for seed than he or she ever dreamed they would. Local varieties and hybrids were squeezed out with enthusiastic state support. In 1991, you could buy a kilogram of local seed for as little as Rs.7 or Rs.9 in today’s worst affected region of Vidarbha. By 2003, you would pay Rs.350 — ($7) — for a bag with 450 grams of hybrid seed. By 2004, Monsanto’s partners in India were marketing a bag of 450 grams of Bt cotton seed for between Rs.1,650 and Rs.1,800 ($33 to $36).”

Long after it was apparent that Monsanto was having a lethal impact on India, Bill Gates who says he wants to help the poor in India, made a huge  investment in Monsanto. Does Gates care that he invested in a company that has left poor children of India without their fathers and lost them their land they had lived on?

How is Gates’ other investment – vaccines – faring? Mimicking Monsanto’s PR, Gates used Bollywood actors to strongly promote his vaccine campaign to ‘eradicate polio’ across India. Vaccines ware given to Indian children. Have they brought health?

From “ Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on” by Neetu Vashisht and Jacob Puliyel at Medical Ethics  http://www.issuesinmedicalethics.org/202co114.html:

“In 2011 there were an extra 47500 new cases of NPAFP [non-polio acute flaccid paralysis]. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Through this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated.”

The Oral Polio Vaccines were given to Indian children. The CDC dropped the OPV from its vaccine schedule in the US  because it was causing polio.

“In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the killed-virus vaccine used in the 1950s, testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively in the U.S. from the early 1960s to 2000) was the ‘principal if not sole cause’ of all reported polio cases in the U.S. since 1961 [44]. (The virus remains in the throat for one to two weeks and in the feces for up to two months. Thus, vaccine recipients are at risk, and can potentially spread the disease, as long as fecal excretion of the virus continues [45].) In 1992, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an admission that the live-virus vaccine had become the dominant cause of polio in the United States [36]. In fact, according to CDC figures, every case of polio in the U.S. since 1979 was caused by the oral polio vaccine [36]. Authorities claim the vaccine was responsible for about eight cases of polio every year [46]. However, an independent study that analyzed the government’s own vaccine database during a recent period of less than five years uncovered 13,641 reports of adverse events following use of the oral polio vaccine. These reports included 6,364 emergency room visits and 540 deaths (Figure 3) [47,48]. Public outrage at these tragedies became the impetus for removing the oral polio vaccine from immunization schedules [36:568;37;38].”

Did Gates not know the OPV had been dropped in the US as he suggested he wanted to bring the same good health to third world countries as Western countries enjoyed? If he did not know, is he pushing vaccines on the world’s children without such basic and truly critical information?

Neetu Vashisht and Jacob Puliyel at St. Stephens Hospital in Delhi address the question of  eradication:

“The charade about polio eradication and the great savings it will bring has persisted to date. It is a paradox that while the director general of WHO, Margret Chan, and Bill Gates are trying to muster support for polio eradication (22) it has been known to the scientific community, for over 10 years, that eradication of polio is impossible. This is because in 2002 scientists had synthesised a chemical called poliovirus in a test-tube with the empirical formula C332,652H492,388N98,245O131,196P7, 501S2,340. It has been demonstrated that by positioning the atoms in sequence, a particle can emerge with all the properties required for its proliferation and survival in nature (23, 24).” [Emphasis added.]

“Wimmer writes that the test-tube synthesis of poliovirus has wiped out any possibility of eradicating poliovirus in the future. Poliovirus cannot be declared extinct because the sequence of its genome is known and modern biotechnology allows it to be resurrected at any time in vitro. Man can thus never let down his guard against poliovirus. Indeed the 18-year-old global eradication campaign for polioviruses will have to be continued in some format forever. The long promised ‘infinite’ monetary benefits from ceasing to vaccinate against poliovirus will never be achieved (24). The attraction that ‘eradication’ has for policy makers will vanish once this truth is widely known.”

Eugenicist Bill GatesThe Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is apparently out of touch with what the scientific community has known for 10 years, as its website’s page on polio indicates”

2011 Annual Letter from Bill Gates: Ending Polio

Aid for the poorest has already achieved a lot. For example, because of donors’ generosity, we are on the threshold of ending polio once and for all.

And then the Foundation continues about how terrible polio is and how many children it paralyzed and killed.

Polio is a terrible disease that kills many and paralyzes others. Fifty years ago it was widespread around the world. When you talk to people who remember polio in the United States, they’ll tell you about the fear and panic during an outbreak and describe grim hospital wards full of children in iron lungs that maintained their breathing. At its peak in the United States in 1952, polio paralyzed or killed more than 24,000 people.

But in 2011 alone, the Bill and Melinda Gates’ polio vaccine campaign in India caused 47,500 cases of paralysis and death.

From Vashisht and Puliyel:

“It has been reported in the Lancet that the incidence of AFP, especially non-polio AFP has increased exponentially in India after a high potency polio vaccine was introduced (25). Grassly and colleagues suggested, at that time, that the increase in AFP was the result of a deliberate effort to intensify surveillance and reporting in India (26). The National Polio Surveillance Programme maintained that the increased numbers were due to reporting of mild weakness, presumably weakness of little consequence (27).

“However in 2005, a fifth of the cases of non-polio AFP in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) were followed up after 60 days. 35.2% were found to have residual paralysis and 8.5% had died (making the total of residual paralysis or death – 43.7%) (28). Sathyamala examined data from the following year and showed that children who were identified with non-polio AFP were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection (27).

“Data from India on polio control over 10 years, available from the National Polio Surveillance Project, has now been compiled and made available online for it to be scrutinised by epidemiologists and statisticians (29). This shows that the non-polio AFP rate increases in proportion to the number of polio vaccines doses received in each area.

“Nationally, the non-polio AFP rate is now 12 times higher than expected. In the states of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar, which have pulse polio rounds nearly every month, the non-polio AFP rate is 25- and 35-fold higher than the international norms. The relationship of the non-polio AFP rate is curvilinear with a more steep increase beyond six doses of OPV in one year. The non-polio AFP rate during the year best correlates to the cumulative doses received in the previous three years. Association (R2) of the non-polio AFP rate with OPV doses received in 2009 was 41.9%.

“Adding up doses received from 2007 increased the association (R2 = 55.6% p < 0.001) (30). Population density did not show any association with the non-polio AFP rate, although others have suggested that it is related to polio AFP (31). The international incidence of non-polio AFP is said to be 1 to 2/100,000 in the populations under 15 (32, 33). The benchmark of good surveillance is the ability to detect one case of AFP per 100,000 children even in the absence of polio (34).

“In 2011, an additional 47,500 children were newly paralysed in the year, over and above the standard 2/100,000 non-polio AFP that is generally accepted as the norm. (32-33). [Emphasis added.]

“It is sad that, even after meticulous surveillance, this large excess in the incidence of paralysis was not investigated as a possible signal, nor was any effort made to try and study the mechanism for this spurt in non-polio AFP. [Emphasis added.]

“These findings point to the need for a critical appraisal to find the factors contributing to the increase in non-polio AFP with increase in OPV doses – perhaps looking at the influence of strain shifts of entero-pathogens induced by the vaccine given practically once every month.

“From India’s perspective the exercise has been extremely costly both in terms of human suffering and in monetary terms. It is tempting to speculate what could have been achieved if the $2.5 billion spent on attempting to eradicate polio were spent on water and sanitation and routine immunization.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is apparently out of touch with what is known about the impossibility of eradicating polio, but it is not out of touch with the money involved.

“…. the last 1 percent remains a true danger. Eradication is not guaranteed. It requires campaigns to give polio vaccine to all children under 5 in poor countries, at a cost of almost $1 billion per year. We have to be aggressive about continuing these campaigns until we succeed in eradicating that last 1 percent.

“Therefore, funding is critical to success. Organizations such as Rotary International http://www.rotary.org and the governments of India, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan are all major contributors to the polio campaign. Our foundation gives about $200 million each year. But the campaign still faces a 2011-12 funding gap of $720 million. If eradication fails because of a lack of generosity on the part of donor countries it would be tragic. We are so close, but we have to finish the last leg of the journey. We need to bring the cases down to zero, maintain careful surveillance to ensure the virus is truly gone, and keep defenses up with polio vaccines until we’ve confirmed success.”

The Foundation’s page on polio begins with urging eradication which is known to not be possible, but it ends with wanting money. Like Monsanto’s Bt seeds which were an agricultural and financial disaster for India’s farmers, Gate’s polio vaccine campaign has been the same – a public health and financial disaster for India.

We have seen how polio, that was not a priority for public health in India, was made the target for attempted eradication with a token donation of $ 0.02 billion. The Government of India finally had to fund this hugely expensive programme, which cost the country 100 times more than the value of the initial grant.

Did Monsanto stop their sale of Bt cotton seeds after it became apparent that farmers were being destroyed by overwhelming debt, the poor yields of the seeds and their inability to save seeds?

Has anyone from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation rushed to India to suspend their polio vaccines until crucial questions can be answered about their causingNPAFP [non-polio acute flaccid paralysis] and deaths?

Is the Foundation addressing the lack of vaccine safety? Vaccine safety may be a sensitive subject as Mr. Gates is on record in saying that “people who engage in anti-vaccine efforts [those questioning the safety of vaccines] kill children.”

And yet Mr. Gates’ polio campaign has been documented to have paralyzed 47,5000 children. Puliyel says that “children who were identified with non-polio AFP were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection (27).”

Bill Gates gives no figures or any details to back up his claim that people skeptical of vaccines are killing children, but he referred to parents didn’t give their children the pertussis vaccine and measles vaccines and children dying. However, Mr. Gates may not be aware that teens in Canada vaccinated for measles have  come down with measles in greater numbers than the unvaccinated and  vaccinated children who are developing pertussis (whooping cough).

From  Investigative News Source:

· For pertussis cases in which vaccination histories are known, between 44 and 83 percent were of people who had been immunized, according to data from nine California counties with high infection rates. In San Diego County, more than two thirds of the people in this group were up to date on their immunizations.

· Health officials in Ohio and Texas, two states experiencing whooping cough outbreaks, report that of all cases, 75 and 67.5 percent respectively, reported having received a pertussis vaccination.
· Today, the rate of disease in some California counties is as high as 139 per 100,000, rivaling rates before vaccines were developed.

· Public officials around the world rely heavily on two groups of pertussis experts when setting vaccine policy relating to the disease. Both groups, and many of their members,  receive money from the two leading manufacturers of pertussis vaccine.

· Dr. Fritz Mooi, a well-known Dutch scientist who has been studying mutations of the pertussis bacteria for 15 years, said a more virulent strain of bacteria is contributing to outbreaks.

The polio vaccine uses a synthetic virus which has created a more virulent strain. Does the pertussis vaccine also use a synthetic virus?

The WHO, which is working with Mr. Gates through GAVI, classifies the paralysis occurring in India as non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). Perhaps Bill Gates might consider that while Monsanto’s Bollywood PR worked to sell Bt seeds and Gates’ Bollywood PR worked to push his polio vaccines, no Monsanto PR changes the reality of the farmers’ suicides. And ‘relabeling’ paralysis after the vaccines were given does not change the facts. Paralysis is paralysis to the child who can no longer walk. Death is death to the parents who have lost a child.

Mr. Gates intends to vaccinate every child in the world. He has not been slowed in that commitment despite the mass numbers of death and paralysis of children in India. Not pausing from and not even investigating the disaster he has already caused, how many more children will Mr. Gates “help”?






War on Syria begins with
mass vaccination program

Rady Ananda
Activist Post

Before the first official bomb lands on Syria, the New World Order plans to vaccinate 2.2 million Syrian children under the age of five, reportedly to protect against polio. The global plan now includes all of the Middle East, seeking to vaccinate 23 million children under the age of five.

That went so well in Africa, India and Pakistan that surely Big Pharma profits going in and out, in caring for all the syndromes that develop — later if not immediately — and earning a tidy sum under the snake oil promise that vaccines prevent disease or provide protection against them. Evidence show that vaccines are too loaded with toxins and nanobits of who-knows-what to risk the side effects or sub rosa purpose of today’s vaccines. But from a new book, authored by a medical doctor who dug into the history of vaccines, we learn vaccines have been militarized since year 1.

The World Health Organization reports that as of November 26, “17 children have been paralyzed by polio in Syria: 15 of these children are in the contested governorate of Deir Ez Zour, one is in Aleppo and another in Douma, near Damascus. Prior to this outbreak, no polio cases have been recorded in Syria since 1999.”

Commenting on the announcement, integrative medical doctor Sherri Tenpenny said, “They need food, clothing, love and protection. Instead, they’re getting 23M doses of polio vaccines with only 17 confirmed cases. So much for social priorities.”

When the eugenicists plied their vaccine program in India, 47,500 children became paralyzed in 2011. Pakistan suspended its globally-sponsored vaccination program after their children died or became disable from the vaccines. In a special 2011 report, a Pakistani health investigation concluded “that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan.”

Whistleblower and Merck vaccine scientist, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, admitted the presence of Simian Virus (SV40), AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines.

Physician Suzanne Humphries researched the history of vaccines and published in 2013 the landmark book, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History. Below, she gives a 70-minute talk covering some key points in her new book:


Showing a graph of polio outbreaks in the US, she notes that the first one, in 1916, can be attributed to Rockefeller experiments with weaponized polio in New York City, a few miles from the epicenter of the outbreak. The fatality rate of that 1916 outbreak was 25%, “the highest ever recorded in history” for polio. Of 23,000 patients, over 5,000 died.

The second outbreak, lasting over a period of several years and peaking in the '50s, can be attributed to several factors, Dr. Humphries says, including cause, treatment, susceptibility factors, and the very definition of polio.

Significantly, arsenic and DDT were widely used then, and women switched from natural breastfeeding to powdered formulas and bovine milk contaminated with DDT. “Exclusively breast-fed infants were exempt from polio,” she reports, highly recommending the Beyond Conformity website at http://www.beyondconformity.co.nz/.

Joel Lord, editor of Vaccine Resistance Movement (whose website has been under a viral attack for at least a week now), recently reported:
The WHO and all their corporate mainstream media minions pushing vaccine propaganda on the public, have, in fact, betrayed our communities, betrayed the Third World, and literally re-invigorated polio, having spawned a new, virulent hybrid of polio, known as ‘Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP), throughout the Third World via cross-infection & viral shedding, stemming from the original SV40 tainted Salk polio (Rhesus monkey colony derived) vaccine formula…
With that kind of in-your-face rhetoric, it’s no wonder the site is down or undergoing viral shenanigans. However, in Smoke, Mirrors, and the ‘Disappearance’ of Polio, Dr. Humphries corroborates him:
Unbeknownst to most doctors, the polio-vaccine history involves a massive public health service makeover during an era when a live, deadly strain of poliovirus infected the Salk polio vaccines, and paralyzed hundreds of children and their contacts. These were the vaccines that were supposedly responsible for the decline in polio from 1955 to 1961! But there is a more sinister reason for the “decline” in polio during those years; in 1955, a very creative re-definition of poliovirus infections was invented, to “cover” the fact that many cases of ”polio” paralysis had no poliovirus in their systems at all. While this protected the reputation of the Salk vaccine, it muddied the waters of history in a big way.
Even during the peak epidemics, unifactorial poliovirus infection, resulting in long-term paralysis, was a low-incidence disease that was falsely represented as a rampant and violent crippler by Basil O’Connor’s “March Of Dimes” advertising campaigns. At the same time as Basil O’Connor was pulling in 45 million dollars a year to fund the Salk vaccine development, scientists started to realize that other viruses like Coxsackie, echo and enteroviruses, could also cause polio. They also discussed the fact that lead, arsenic, DDT, and other commonly-used neurotoxins, could identically mimic the lesions of polio. During the great epidemics in the United States, the pathology called polio was reversed by alternative medical doctors who attested to great success, using detoxification procedures available at the time – yet they were categorically ignored.
The US Food and Drug Administration is intimately involved in the eugenics program, as evidenced by its approval of drugs that when used as intended cause 106,000 fatalities a year, while at the same time criminalizing raw milk which has proven health benefits, especially to the immune system. The full breadth of the medicinal benefits of marijuana is not fully explored, but it’s proven benefits include anti-seizure, cancer remission, sleep aid and improved mood and appetite. Yet, the US is one of the last domains where the 34-million year old plant is criminalized, while alcohol is promoted.

Humphries writes:
The polio vaccine had the fastest licensing in FDA history. It was approved for commercial production after only a two-hour deliberation amongst the Licensing Committee, in a pressured environment. These scientists witnessed a vaccine that was escorted to market, before academic and community doctors had a chance to read any published reports on the safety studies, and before the results of the big polio vaccine trial made it into any medical journal.
Lest anyone can warn Syria, and the Middle East in general, acquiescing to the WHO’s vaccination program seems to guarantee massive corporate and political profits along with a generation of toddlers who will become sickened and immuno-suppressed, and may even lose their ability to procreate. Just look at the US outstanding rates of autism, allergies, Epstein Barr, and other immuno-suppressed diseases, along with the rates of neurological disorders.

After Big Pharma come the genetically modified seeds and fast food joints, and oh yeah, economic dominance over China and access to the world’s easily accessible oil reserves. The globalists are marching in lockstep with the plans of the Grand Chessboard.






Bill Gates wants to use drones to deliver vaccines


Posted by Chris Anderson

on November 5, 2012 at 1:30pm


One of finalists of the Gates Foundation Grand Challenge competition is this team, which is working on doing the following:

Optimizing Immunization Systems: Delivering Vaccines with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

George Barbastathis and collaborators at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology in the U.S. are developing unmanned aerial vehicles that can be deployed by health care workers via cell phones to swiftly deliver vaccines to hard-to-reach locations.







Gates Foundation Pushing Dangerous Contraceptives on Black Populations

William F. Jasper
New American
October 25, 2013

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is taking fire from leaders of Black organizations and human rights advocates for funding and promoting a new form of the controversial contraceptive Depo Provera, particularly aimed at women in Africa and developing countries. Melinda Gates, wife of Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, recently told the New York Times that she is championing wide distribution of the drug as a result of talking to poor women around the world. But Kwame Fosu, policy director for the Rebecca Project for Human Rights, says Mrs. Gates’ claims are “disingenuous” because the women she claims to be helping are not being informed about the dangers involved.

“No African woman would agree to being injected if she had full knowledge of the contraceptives’ dangerous side effects,” Kwame Fosu told C-FAM, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute. “In fact,” claimed Fosu, “in countries where women are educated on the harmful complications, Depo Provera use is negligible.”

“Depo Provera (made by the Pfizer Corporation), the most deadly contraceptive (according to the FDA), is being marketed with malice and forethought at our precious women and girls of African descent world wide,” said Dr. Randy Short, a spokesman for the Washington, D.C.-based Rebecca Project for Human Rights, in a scathing statement earlier this year exposing the Gates-Depo Provera scheme. “Many nations have outlawed it, but it continues to be used in the USA, the Caribbean, Oceania, Latin America, and Africa,” Dr. Short noted. “The use of Depo Provera,” according to Short, “contributes to and in several cases causes life threatening diseases and medical problems: cervical cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, heart attack, sterility, miscarriages, HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia, and other STIs/STDs.”

Dr. Short said further:

In the USA, 84% of the Depo Provera is used by Black women. Wherever there are high rates of HIV/AIDS in Africa, the use of Depo Provera is universal. As recently as 2010, human experimentation on African women was done illegally with Depo Provera in Ghana. The USAID sends more Depo Provera to Africa than any other drug, and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation recently raised $2.6 billion dollars to buy Depo Provera to be able to “give” it to 100 million African women.

Dr. Short notes that “the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation got into trouble in Niger with some vaccination project being done on 180,000 African women.” “The Gates know that the drug is deadly,” says Short. “Mr. Gates’ father was an ardent eugenicist.”

An extensive new report by the Rebecca Project entitled “Depo-Provera: Deadly Reproductive Violence Against Women” provides a devastating critique of the unethical and criminal activities of organizations promoting the Depo Provera assault on the world’s poor. Among the many important revelations in the report is the dirty secret of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s ties to powerful “intermediaries.”

“Since it is illegal for Pfizer to promote off-label claims,” notes the report, “it utilizes intermediaries to evade US law who consequently become liable for the fraudulent promotion, marketing and administering of Depo Provera to women.”

According to the Rebecca Project report, the U.S. Department of Justice should charge Pfizer and its principal institutional intermediaries with fraud for the following and other reasons:

Pfizer with … Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, Population Council, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Planned Parenthood, Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, are engaged in a pattern of fraudulent and illegal promotion schemes with other agents and contractors, to deceive and defraud patients, US taxpayers, ethical physicians, ethical birth control providers, regulators/FDA, insurance companies, federal and state health programs, to cause prescribing and payments for Depo Provera.

The report also states:

The United States has created a normative population control worldview directed through a surreptitious patchwork of policies promulgated by organizations whose ideological formation and funding eugenicists have provided. At the top tier of population control policy are organizations created by pioneers and patrons of the eugenics movement: Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), Population Council, UNFPA (The United Nations Fund for Population Activities), and their patrons: the Ford Foundation, (Margaret Hempel), the Rockefeller Foundation, (Judith Rodin) and USAID. The newcomers to this elite group of eugenicist policymakers are Bill and Melinda Gates, welcomed with their foray into promoting the injectable contraceptive Depo Provera while concealing life-threatening harm.

The “Good Club” Billionaires

As we have reported previously in The New American, Bill and Melinda Gates are members of a secretive, elite clique calling itself “The Good Club,” composed of billionaire eugenicists who champion population control. The members of this group include David Rockefeller, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey. The Good Club is a major backer of the Obama administration’s Global Health Initiative, which is working, among other things, to further empower the World Health Organization, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and other United Nations agencies and programs.

This article was posted: Friday, October 25, 2013 at 12:47 pm

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Enviro-Eugenicists Announce Mass Die-Off 

Billionaires and
Population Control: Why?


By Melissa Melton on April 30, 2013

This isn’t going to be your normal “elitist psychopaths and their proven obsession with eugenics” article.

In doing research (sorry about the silence) for an upcoming report on some horrifying GMO projects underway, I came across Bill Gates yet again and his financial backing of contraception in nearly every form a scientist can dream up. While I’ve already written and even asked Gates personally about his population control agenda, it still somehow manages to surprise me every time I come across another list of grants Gates has funded regarding vaccine research or new contraceptives or some other scientific “innovation” aimed at the developing world.

Through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates and funded at least 28 research projects focusing on contraception just since 2010. One even planned to test the effectiveness of shooting high-frequency ultrasonic waves at a man’s testicles to kill his sperm. Another had to do with a smartphone app to collect data on a woman’s menstrual cycles, then using an algorithm, it sends her free text messages about her period. Some of you may be asking, “Why is Bill Gates paying to text me (or paying to text my wife/girlfriend) about my(her) period?” The answer is either starting to become obvious by now or horrifying (probably both), so I’ll just move on here for the moment…

The list goes on and on. Decoy nanoparticles that attract and fool sperm. ‘Improved’ intrauterine devices (IUDs). Microparticle ‘doughnuts’ that immobilize sperm. A varicose vein treatment placed into a foam that will permanently close a woman’s fallopian tubes. Oral bait that sterilizes rats as an edible contraceptive vaccine. One that messes with the food chain by using aphids to deliver sterilants to ant queens…

I guess I just have a quick question for all those Bill Gates fans out there who earnestly believe he’s all mushy gushy about saving lives.

Who appointed Bill Gates and his billions to a position where he can sway what happens in someone’s reproductive system?

(It surely wasn’t his non-existent years of scientific, pharmacological and gynecological education and training.)

Let me rephrase that.

Bill Gates, Microsoft billionaire who gave us the blue-screen-of-death Windows operating system that was created with planned obsolescence and forced updates, has all kinds of power over what should be very personal, private life decisions (and life-creating parts). Why?

(Pro tip: his dad being head of population control centers aka Planned Parenthood doesn’t count.)

[Article Continued Below]







Depopulation Agenda

Planned Parenthood Exposed

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=7513

Although the likes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Bill Gates are happy to sing its praises (or perhaps because they are), Planned Parenthood has a racist eugenicist past that it would prefer to sweep under the rug. The bigger problem for the organization, though, is that the past isn't over and the public is beginning to discover the real driving force behind this globalist institution. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we pull back the curtain and expose Margaret Sanger's monstrous offspring: Planned Parenthood.


Depopulation Agenda


(Article Continued)

People get mad at Republicans all the time over the pro-life debate, arguing that they should have no say about what happens inside a woman’s uterus. Gates, with his billions and his research funding, does it all the time…by the same logic, where’s the outcry? Who deigned him supreme contraceptive leader?

There’s something (at least one thing, probably more things) fundamentally flawed about this situation. Gates also won’t answer questions about how he owns 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock and touts its genetically modified foods which have been linked to sterility as a way to end world hunger.


“On a global basis, philanthropy in the United States is the envy of other countries because it’s able to try out things — innovative and diverse things — although with a very high failure rate, with enough of a success rate to really come up with big breakthroughs.” — Bill Gates [emphasis added]

Look at it like this: Let’s pretend you, dear reader, have suddenly won the biggest lottery of all time. You are now a billionaire overnight. By virtue of the very fact that you have all that money, does it then suddenly follow (common sense-wise or otherwise) that you should be able to use all that money to direct scientific research projects that could affect the lives of people all over the globe? Sure, it could be for the good, but it could also be for the very very bad (see quote to the right).


Remind me again what about any of having a whole lot of money makes someone suddenly qualified to pay people to make them ‘toys’ that stop people from having babies?

I must have missed that part.

Some call this “philanthropy.” Under that guise, billionaires will give you and the rest of the world whatever they want to, whether you asked for it or like it or want it or not.

So the bottom line is this: because Bill Gates has a nearly unfathomable amount of money, he can pay for whatever creepy scientific research his heart desires in whatever focus areas he so chooses. Instead of this being in some computer simulation game, however, it’s real life where the end results have real effects. Sure, people think it’s real cute when Gates offers to pay someone up to a million bucks to design a condom guys will actually want to use. It’s not nearly as cute, however, when his vaccine programs are reportedly linked to thousands of paralyzed children in developing countries like Chad and India and who knows what else.

Indeed. Who knows what else…





Breakdown of The Green Takeover 










Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century Americawill take those who have sat on the sidelines of the abortion fight and drive them to the streets. This powerful DVD is about eugenics, racial agendas, and elitism.  It exposes the ties between the Nazis, the American eugenics movement, Planned Parenthood, and a plan to create "racial purity"
that began over 150 years ago.

They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known. But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America's wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not particular about how it might be done. What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don't think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, and it's happening right now.









 Support The Film Makers & Spread The Word : HQ Version







An Interview With MAAFA21 Film Maker :








Bill Gates "Conceives" Remote Birth Control


Bill Gates "Conceives" Remote Birth Control


Published on Jul 11, 2014

...Birth control and eugenics is always on Bill Gates' mind. Now he's "conceived" the idea of remote controlled contraception. Question is, who gets the remote?















Bill Gates Pushes For Cashless Society

Published on Jan 24, 2015

Bill Gates is now promoting “digital currency” in third-world countries, which will make the poor even more dependent on central banks while also turning them into guinea pigs for the development of a “cashless society” in the U.S. and Europe.


Mosquito Drones Will Extract Your DNA

Harvard Professor Margo Seltzer warned that miniature mosquito drones will one day forcibly extract your DNA on behalf of the government and insurance companies as she told elitists at the World Economic Forum in Davos that privacy was dead.



Billionaire says WE need to do with less








Bill Gates Calls For Global Government

Published on Jan 29, 2015

Jakari Jackson reports:




LINKS: N.W.O. | Road to World Government|General Summary/Crash Course








Failed Monsanto GMO Corn Pushed on African Countries with Help of Bill Gates

Elizabeth Renter
November 17, 2013

Even if you aren’t opposed to genetically modified crops (with all this information, how couldn’t you be) and even if you like Bill Gates and his ventures (but with all this information, how could you), this latest should be enough to get you perturbed. And if you are anti-GMO and knowledgeable of the shady and questionable ways of the Gates Foundation, this latest story out of Africa will truly make your blood boil.

According to a recent statement from the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB), failed GM corn from Monsanto is now being pushed on African countries with help from the Gates Foundation. This maize, known as MON810, has been grown in South Africa for 15 years, where it “failed miserably”. But so as not to call the seed a complete waste, Monsanto and Bill Gates are now pushing it into countries like Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya—countries that need agricultural help.

Monsanto got the science completely wrong on this one. Independent biosafety scientists have discovered that the inheritance of resistance in African stem borers is a dominant, not recessive, trait as erroneously assumed,” explained the Director of the ACB Miriam Mayet. “Hence the insect resistance management strategies that Monsanto developed, and accepted by our regulators, based on these erroneous assumptions, were utterly ineffective.”

What this means, simply, is that pests in South Africa developed a massive resistance to the chemicals in the corn, annihilating the one prominent argument for GM crops, that it is resistant to insects. The corn was such a disaster that Monsanto willingly compensated farmers for the pesticides they had to spray on their crops to further fight the insects. Compensation from Monsanto? Weird.

Now, to not waste the waste of a seed, Monsanto has donated the MON810 technology to a “philanthropic” venture of the Gates Foundation and Monsanto called Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA), and they’ve done it royalty-free.

For small African farmers with few resources, WEMA was seen as a positive thing, providing seeds that could withstand harsh conditions. But now, drought-tolerant varieties aren’t the only seeds being pushed onto the continent.

Kenya and Uganda have already begun field trials on MON810. Mozambique is changing their biosafety laws to allow the GM crop and WEMA is putting pressure on Tanzania to do the same. Currently, Tanzanian biosafety laws allow Monsanto to be held “strictly liable” for damages that could arise from the use of MON810; WEMA is understandably opposed to this. After all, they know the dangers associated with their crops even if they don’t want to admit it.

Interestingly, and frighteningly, MON810 has been genetically altered into a variety of Egyptian corn known as “Ajeeb Yieldgard” which has already been patented by Monsanto and approved for commercial growing while circumventing Egyptian biosafety laws. The Egyptian government itself has published peer reviewed studies indicating the risk of MON810 to human and animal health.

Put best by ACB researcher Haidee Swanby, “The scariest revelation is that GM producers and regulatory authorities are making it all up as they go along, while the massive biotech PR machinery spreads the myth that these crops are connected to feeding the poor in Africa.”

Originally appeared at Natural Society.

This article was posted: Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 6:01 am

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_The GMO debate is over_



GM crops must be immediately outlawed; Monsanto halted from threatening humanity


GMO Genetic Armageddon!


 LINKS: GMOs = DEATH! | GMO Analyzed | GMO More Info | GMO Cloning Program | GMO Genetic Armageddon!





Bill Gates Spawns Killer Super Banana

So-called "super bananas"; are set to hit store shelves and the new GM crop is being touted as the answer to improving the health for millions of Africans. Considering the banana project is backed by $10 million in Bill Gates money,
will this open the door for eugenics masked as humanitarianism?





Food and Depopulation: International Takeover
by the UN


Cassandra Anderson 
June 16
, 2010

Part 3 of 4

Most people think that the United Nations is a noble enterprise and they don’t understand the history and malignant character of the UN.

Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore and Sean Penn are probably unaware, even though they are UN Ambassadors to the World Food Program (WFP), that the intent of the UN is to implement one world government (see videos below). The UN WFP, which spreads GMOs in poor countries, is just one tool used for advancing the goals of Agenda 21, the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control.

world food program
The WFP is corrupt to its core, as evidenced by a leaked UN document about Somalia which exposed that most of the aid goes to UN workers, Islamic militants and contractors.

The UN grew out of the League of Nations, which withered after Woodrow Wilson ( Edward House’s puppet), failed to convince Congress that international treaties and entangling alliances were good for America. Later, Rockefeller was able to advance the globalists’ cause and even donated 18 acres of land for the UN headquarters, located in New York. The Rockefellers have conceived and funded most of the destructive UN programs.

The origin of the food monopoly began with the Rockefeller Dynasty, even before they funded biotech research and industry.(1) The major GMO seed companies like Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, etc. are based in America and the patent laws that protect their monopoly are American.(2) Therefore, it should come as little surprise that the forces behind toxic GMOs promote GMOs internationally by way of the United Nations, using American tax dollars.


USAID (US Agency for International Development) is a an independent federal agency that is concerned with economic growth and advancing US foreign policy and interests, under the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. The agency is funded by taxpayer money. These interests are often private companies, like Monsanto, that champion so-called humanitarian aid in the name of the American people, using our tax dollars. USAID’s humanitarian efforts include imposing GMO seeds on poor nations by way of complex methods that circumvent the laws of poor countries.(3) Poor countries rarely stand up to the US government directly and are under constant pressure, plus they risk losing financial benefits from the US. So, these poor and transitional countries sell out their own farmers and the population suffers because GMO crops are unhealthy, GMO crops yields are lower and they foster monopolies, resulting in ongoing dependence.

USAID funds many NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) that carry out USAID’s objectives- here is a list nearly 200 pages long- of the NGOs that are supported by US taxpayers.(4) It is interesting to note how many of these NGOs are concerned with ‘reproductive rights’, which is a fancy term for eugenics (selective breeding programs, often brutally enforced via forced sterilization and genocide). Further, USAID entered into a Public- Private Partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, with the help of Bill Clinton, in order to use investments to “address” social and environmental problems, under the shelter of a tax free organization.(5) This means that the tax free organization will be able direct ‘impact’ investing which is designed to have an effect on social and environmental problems. In other words, be on the lookout for large investors using their overwhelming influence upon infrastructures, utilities, sewage systems, water sources, etc, which will likely lead to corporate privatization, and total control in pursuit of the final goals of Agenda 21.


The UN WFP (World Food Program) receives most of its funding from USAID.

The WFP is corrupt to its core, as evidenced by a leaked UN document about Somalia which exposed that most of the aid goes to UN workers, Islamic militants and contractors.(6) Another example is in Ethiopia where only 12% of the food aid was delivered to the intended poverty stricken area. Additionally, there are more examples of corruption with shipping and trucking fees inflated up to 300% over cost. Of course, NGOs are deeply complicit in this international scheme of theft and incompetence with zero accountability.

Further, USAID director, Rajiv Shah worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the USDA, is also the director of A Green Revolution in Africa (Gates and Rockefeller funded). In fact, just last week, Shah said that the UN WFP is creating food systems that will eliminate “humanitarian” food aid over time; a cynic could interpret this as a depopulation plan, consolidation of monopolies and/ or privatization of all resources. Shah also wants to engage the private sector, which means establishing more PPPs (Public- Private Partnerships) which is the modern mechanism of fascism.(7)(5)

UN collectivists, trying to coerce governments to adopt GMOs, use urgent threats of starvation in poor countries to convince the masses that GMOs are beneficial, when the truth is that they have lower crop yields. The WFP, pushing GMOs, have exploited Africa’s famine problem by offering GMO seeds as the only aid/ help offered, in a ‘GM or Death’ ultimatum.(8)


The UN WTO (World Trade Organization) influences tariffs and can impose fines (of hundreds of millions of dollars) on countries when they trade internationally. While they promote the phrase “free trade”, it is anything but a free market, due to the favorable or unfavorable tariff taxes that the WTO sets. It fosters monopolies on a grand scale. It prohibits competition and true free market Capitalism.

F. William Engdahl, author of “Seeds of Destruction”, explains in detail how the Biosafety Protocol, a policy that requiring GMO testing and proof of safety, was undermined. This was done by forcing a clause into the Biosafety Protocol making its rules subordinate to the UN WTO, using the argument that banning GMOs was a barrier to trade under the WTO rules, because the concern over safety was “unproven”. Therefore, the burden of proof for the safety of GMOs was removed from Monsanto and the other manufacturers, which leaves consumers, independent farmers and anyone else harmed by GMOs the costly task of proving, scientifically and in court, that GMOs are unsafe.

In a related UN WTO decision, member countries were forbidden from using their own domestic standards for testing, their own food safety laws and their own product standards, claiming that it would set an “unfair barrier to trade”. Thus, the US government can threaten any government that bans GMOs with violating UN WTO so-called “free trade” rules which have resulted in costly monetary sanctions. The UN WTO settles international trade disputes in secret. Please read Engdahl’s excellent article about the WTO for more information on their manipulative policies.(9)

Incidentally, the Director of the WTO is Rufus Yerxa, former employee of the the US government and Monsanto. Vandana Shiva explains how the WTO imposed trade restrictions on India that limited exports and increased imports, crippling the market and increasing food dependency. The GMO crops also had lower yields because the seed was imported and not adaptable to India’s farming conditions, which resulted in the suicides of over 200,000 Indian farmers- often from drinking Round Up Ready herbicide. (Note that we do not agree with Shiva’s assessment of global warming):




The UN NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and other WTO agreements were signed introduced into law as “agreements”, instead of treaties. Under special legislation, NAFTA was passed into law after Congress authorized George W Bush to enter into tariff agreements and bypassed the usual process to make a treaty a law (requiring 2/3 Senate approval). After Bush entered into the agreements, both houses of Congress passed them into law (a mere 51% majority was needed) on a fast- track. The Supreme Court, acting as agents of the federal government, denied review of this misdeed.(10)

NAFTA has adversely affected both the US and Mexico because it promoted GMO farming in Mexico, contaminating their corn crops, which is a staple food. US grain and food subsidies were used to lower the prices of US food, which flooded the markets of Mexico, wreaking havoc on them. The subsidies were bankrolled by the unsuspecting US taxpayers. Mexico was once food self sufficient, but now it spends 78% of its oil exports to purchase food from the US. US food exports have decreased as a result of NAFTA because some educated countries reject GMOs.(11)


The UN IMF (International Monetary Fund) and UN World Bank are sister agencies that impose harsh conditions and penalties on loans made to governments, resulting in austerity and privatization. In fact, Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner in 2001, former chief economist of the World Bank and formerly one of President Clinton’s economists, exposed the corruption of the UN IMF and World Bank’s practice of keeping developing countries on the loan repayment treadmill, which can lead to harsh measures when the countries fail to repay the loan, instead of allowing a country to go bankrupt and then start over. In 2003, The IMF actually admitted that its policies have often failed for over 60 years.(12)

The IMF and World Bank, working closely with the WTO, offer financial aid and guarantees to multinational companies to privatize in poor countries. Even worse, the IMF and World Bank pressure countries, crippled by debt, to privatize utilities and other resources, especially water. Remember, water is a resource that affects food production. The US Treasury funds 51% of the World bank. The UN derives much power from indebted countries and then is able to make outrageous demands upon the debtor nations, that then benefit corporations and individuals like Bill Gates.(13)


Codex Alimentarius, the UN program to control food and health products internationally with the goal of HARMonization of food, means that plants, seeds, livestock, farming and how all food is processed is to become uniform. Of course, GMO food is a major component of this scheme. Codex Alimentarius is a program to codify food worldwide; it won’t work because there is a lack of consideration for local conditions (local weather, soil conditions, water availability, etc). This appears to be just plain stupid until one realizes its true intent: depopulation. Codex Alimentarius operates under two UN agencies: the WHO (World Health Organization), notorious for pushing unsafe vaccines for the H1N1 flu and insider deals with Big Pharma, and the corrupt FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). Kevin Miller’s excellent film “We Become Silent” is recommended for more details.(14)

There are several unpopular US “food safety” bills currently under consideration. By simply reading the short summary of Senate bill S 510, it is clear that the bill is not designed for food safety, but for government (Department of Health and Human Services, the EPA and the CDC) expansion, control and monetary gain. There are only a few representatives in Washington that are even remotely interested in true food safety and a real solution, which would include the abolition of GMOs, or at least the labeling of GMO food, so that consumers can make an informed choice. Barack Obama issued an Executive Order on June 10, 2010 that opens the door to Codex Alimentarius.(15)

In conclusion, it is obvious that the time is over-ripe for the US to get out of the UN. This action would result in the withering of the UN as it is funded primarily by US tax dollars. The American people will hopefully come to understand that our hard earned money is being used to poison and bankrupt us, and the rest of the world. Education of the masses is the key, and Americans must exert our power and sovereignty, especially now, with the November elections right around the corner.




 The United Nations





Support The Film Makers


Learn how top United Nations proponents exploit small arms, the environment, and justice to pressure Capitol Hill into quietly surrendering America's heritage of freedom. Should these UN plans remain unopposed, the consequences are ultimately grim. There is, however, a way to avert this danger. (2001, 60 min., DVD)




LINK: The United Nations






The Georgia Guidestones Have Officially Been
Updated with the Year 2014

Published on Sep 21, 2014

The elite's cryptic monument to depopulation and world government just became more mysterious (and creepier) – somebody has officially updated it with an engraved cube marking the year 2014 inserted into the English/Spanish slab of the 'new 10 commandments' for the 'Age of Reason' desired by its creators.

The full GA Guidestones 2014 video at KafkaWinstonWorld on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K_cu...

The GA Guidestones Guidebook: http://www.scribd.com/doc/16750848/Th...

H/T Shane Bullis for sending us this...

Website: TruthstreamMedia.com
Twitter: @TruthstreamNews
FB: Facebook.com/TruthstreamMedia





Super Wealthy's Genocidal Agenda

Published on Oct 17, 2014

The elite have been planning mass death for decades. The lax and fumbling efforts by the Puppet Obama Administration reflect their psychopathic philosophy. As average citizens question the lack of common sense during the Ebola crisis, elites sit back and pump their money into the very infrastructure that created the crisis in the first place. The United Nation's Members claim to have a humanitarian goal in mind
as they openly serve Luciferian New Age Doctrine.

Learn more:












Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century Americawill take those who have sat on the sidelines of the abortion fight and drive them to the streets. This powerful DVD is about eugenics, racial agendas, and elitism.  It exposes the ties between the Nazis, the American eugenics movement, Planned Parenthood, and a plan to create "racial purity" that began over 150 years ago.

ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement,
explains how for the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the elites to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker Alex Jones reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME.


Eugenicist Bill Gates 










For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the elites to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker Alex Jones reveals their secret plan for humanity's extermination: Operation ENDGAME. 
Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars – creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire. 
  • Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world's agenda and instigating World War III 
  • Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever 
  • Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation 
  • View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union 





[Help Educate Family And Friends With This Page And The Links Below]




Eugenicist Bill Gates 


Depopulation Agenda | INFANTICIDE! | Depopulating The Third World! | AGENDA 21 | Monsanto | Genocide by The House of Windsor | Radiation In Drinking Water | Soft Kill Depopulation Prgm. | DEATH BY PHARMACEUTICALS | Chem Trails | Chem Trails Exposed | Contrails vs Chemtrails | Vaccines Expose | Vaccines Analyzed | Vaccines Killing Soldiers | GMO Genetic Armageddon! | GMOs = DEATH! | GMO Analyzed | GMO Cloning Program | GMO at WHOLE FOODS | Bisphenol A (BPA) Death by Plastic | Fluoride | Fluoride2 | Fluoride3 | Electromagnetic Pollution | Overpopulation Myth |

Psywars - The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars






look into it videos







invisible empire



hollerith dvd



obama deception


Aaron Russo 


Terror Storm final cut 



police state 4


blueprint of madmen



