"What do I think this is going to lead to? Well, now this is going to give Trump the excuse for
not leaving Syria in spite of the fact that most of ISIS has been relegated to pockets in the desert and there is
no reason for the US troops to be there. In fact two of them were killed recently, so now this chemical attack is
going to provide the perfect excuse to stay in Syria for longer. Is it going to lead to a wider regional
war?…Possibly. Anything can happen at this point because it’s very easy to spark a world war if Russia feels that
it’s being threatened it might attack.
…Well basically the way you have to see it is that France, Turkey, and the US are a bunch of
vultures that are trying to pick off the corpse of what they believe to be a dead Syria. They are trying to
basically divide the areas of control. France had its eyes on Manbij and turkey has its eyes on Manbij, cause they
have this deal they want to make with the US that only everything east of the Euphrates belongs to their Kurdish
proxies, and everything west of the Euphrates in the north of Syria is supposed to belong to Turkey. And France is
kind of trying to carve out its own chunk. Of course at the end of the day Syria is alive. The military is strong.
And the Syrian president has said that the entirety of Syria is going to be liberated.
So the idea that any of those forces are going to stay and takeover a piece of Syria is a pipe
dream. And it will lead to death and WAR and destruction. Already two US troops have been killed…this is sadly you
know only the beginning and for what reason?…For Syrian oil? The US has plenty of oil. It’s not about wanting more
oil. It’s about making sure that Syria can’t control and use its oil to rebuild because that’s going to threaten
Israel. At the end of the day, this is really just about Israel, and protecting Israeli interests."
he US-led military coalition has no legal mandate
whatsoever to be in Syria in the first place. Its forces are in breach of international law
by operating on Syrian territory without the consent of the government in Damascus and
without a mandate from the UN Security
- Finian Cunningham -
(Article)Syria: US Flagrant Aggression is Absurdly Described
as'Self-Defence' -
Iraq Veteran Speaks Passionately on Injustice and the
Complicity of an Indifferent/Psychotic America
*** Warning: Hard Language ***
Angelo John Gage
-- US Hypocrisy and Death & Theft by Taxes --
Depleted Uranium
Wastelands Birth defects in Iraq Surpass Hiroshima and
Al Jazeera reporter Dahr Jamail discusses how the U.S. invasion of Iraq has left behind a legacy
of cancer and birth defects suspected of being caused by the U.S. military’s extensive use of depleted uranium
and white phosphorus. Noting the birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Jamail says: "They’re extremely
hard to bear witness to. But it’s something that we all need to pay attention to ... What this has generated is,
from 2004 up to this day, we are seeing a rate of congenital malformations in the city of Fallujah that has
surpassed even that in the wake of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that nuclear bombs were dropped
on at the end of World War II."
Please Share these images with as many people as possible
Did You Know That Almost Every
Penny Of Your Income Taxes Goes To Defense Spending?
Friday Mar 27, 2015
Every penny - maybe more,
maybe a little less. This was a pretty amazing revelation to me.
Now, the amount of defense spending is fairly always misrepresented. Many sources try to portray defense spending as
around 18% of all federal revenues - putting defense spending behind Social Security or
Medicare/Medicaid. The Obama White
House puts defense spending as 24.79% of tax revenues. Or, for example, Bill
Moyers puts the number at 27% of each tax dollar.
The numbers vary because many times defense related spending is not included in a given tally of
"defense spending." For example, one analysis may exclude the cost of nuclear weapons (which is
lodged under the Department of Energy). Or, for example, the Obama White House's 24.79% figure
includes nuclear weapon costs, but fails to include the cost of veteran benefits and disability or
(most glaring and most repeated) fails to apportion any part of the national debt service payments
to defense spending. (Failing to allocate a substantial portion of the debt service to defense
spending is indefensible. Defense spending is one of the largest annual outlays, and at least one
other large budget item - Social Security - has not added a nickel to the national debt at all.
Thus, each year a significant portion of the interest on the debt is directly attributable to prior
defense spending. To leave "interest payments" as some sort of free-standing, unallocable budget
item ignores both reality and basic accounting principles.)
When all the properly associated defense spending is added up, you start to get a more
representative number. Instead of 25 cents of every tax dollar, somewhere around 46 cents of each
tax dollar goes to defense spending. The 46 cent number is pretty shocking and undiscussed. Yet . .
. it still doesn't really convey the enormity of our defense spending.
Why? Look at the above chart (based on White House numbers). Without including any of the debt
interest or other defense related items buried in other categories (CIA, anyone?), the White
House's official number is $895 billion a year on defense spending. When debt interest and other
items are added in, the real amount of annual defense spending is roughly $1 trillion. (An
article put the 2013 defense spending as $994.3 billion. The Center for Defense
Information puts 2015 defense spending at
$1 trillion.)
Now look on the revenue side of the above chart: all individual income tax receipts total . . .
$1.1 trillion! In other words, all or nearly all of your April 15 income tax payments go
only to defense spending, without paying for any other function of government.
And viewing this solely through your personal income taxes is the appropriate way to finally
understand how skewed our defense spending has become. When you ask: "how much of my tax dollars go
to the military?", you are not thinking about excise taxes, customs and duties, estate taxes or
corporate taxes. You want to know how much of your income tax dollars go to defense spending?
Fairly, you can assume 100 cents of every dollar. All of it.
Think about that the next time you hear a budget debate, worries about the deficit, or an
argument about allegedly out-of-control social spending.
It is shocking . . . here is a
link to Eisenhower's farewell warning about the dangers of the
military-industrial complex.
STEAL ( ( ( ( This Includes Oil ) ) ) ) Neither Donald Trump Nor the US MilitaryAre Above GOD'S LAW! All People of Conscience Must Stand Against This
Blatant War Crime
Audio Excerpt: The Last American Vagabond - Video: Baghdadi Deception Exposed, Israel Bombs
Gaza After Phantom Rocket & US Violates Own Syria Sanctions
“In international law, you can’t take civilian goods or seize them. That would amount to a war
crime,” Anthony Cordesman, the Arleigh Burke chair in strategy at the Centre for Strategic and International
Studies. “Oil exports were almost the only Iraqi source of money. So you would have to pay for government
salaries, maintain the army, and you have triggered a level of national animosity far worse than we did. It
would be the worst kind of neo-colonialism. Not even Britain did that.” [bold emphasis
Jay Hakes, the author of A Declaration of Energy Independence, about the relationship between US
national security and Middle Eastern oil, was similarly unsparing.“It is hard to overstate the stupidity of this
idea,” he wrote on Real Clear Energy. “Even our allies in the Middle East regard oil in their lands as a gift from
God and the only major source of income to develop their countries. Seizing Iraq’s oil would make our current
allies against Isis our new enemies. We would likely, at the least, have to return to the massive military
expenditures and deployment of American troops at the war’s peak.”
Hakes pointed out that Gen Douglas MacArthur, who Trump professes to admire, did the opposite when
he oversaw the occupation of Japan: MacArthur brought resources in to help fend off starvation of the
population.“By giving up the spoils of war, MacArthur and the United States earned the respect of the Japanese and
the world, helping legitimise America’s status as leader of the free world,” he argued.
While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in
Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at
As U.S.-based intelligence firm Stratfor noted in 2002, taking control of Syria’s northeast would greatly complicate
the land route between Syria and Iran as well as the land route between Iran and Lebanon. In January, Tillerson
made this objective clear. Speaking at Stanford University, Tillerson noted that “diminishing” Iran’s influence in Syria was a key goal for
the U.S. and a major reason for its occupation of the northeast.
By cutting off the route between Tehran and Damascus, the U.S. would greatly destabilize and weaken the region’s
“resistance axis” and the U.S. — along with its regional allies – would be able to greatly increase its regional
influence and control. Given the alliance between Syria and Iran, as well as their mutual defense accord, the
occupation is necessary in order to weaken both nations and a key precursor to
Trump administration plans to isolate and wage war against Iran.
With internal reports warning of the U.S.’ waning position as the “world’s only superpower,” the U.S. has no
intention of leaving Syria, as it is becoming increasingly desperate to maintain its influence in the region and
to maintain as well the influence of the corporations that benefit the most from U.S. empire.
Media coverage needs a balance. We are losing faith in the corporate mainstream media, particularly after the sad
proxy war on Syria, which is one of the examples of media bias. My name is Kevork Almassian, I'm from Syria, I
moved to Germany during the war, and I'm here to tell you exactly what's happening in my beloved country. So
subscribe to our social media platforms to follow my latest analysis YouTube: https://www.YouTube.com/c/SyrianaAnal... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SyrianaAnalysis Twitter: https://twitter.com/SyrianaAnalysis
The Terrifying Truth of What is Really Happening
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 9, 2018
This is what every person needs to know about what is really happening in Syria. To
jump to the most recent news, skip to 26:05 and SHARE THIS VIDEO!
World Alternative Media
Published on Apr 7, 2018
Josh Sigurdson reports on declassified CIA documents from the 1980s showing an
elaborate plot to overthrow Assad Sr. and to cause civil uprising and violence in the country in
order to install a puppet leader to benefit the United States military industrial complex.
First published at 01:15 UTC on September 6th, 2019.
It doesn't matter if you are a hard-working American. YOU are not
entitled to keep your own income. YOU are a cash cow for the Zionist state of Israel. America's labor force is
Israel's Golden Goose. And I am going
to show you the financial statistics to prove it.
Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of
their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic
cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and
present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of
Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world
government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda
(the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The
Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex
Jones are a part of it.
This is a detailed summary of military and political developments in Syria since the start of the Russian military
operation until now. (2015-2018) You can find a full text of this summary here: https://southfront.org/russian-milita...
If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work
wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: southfront@list.ru,
http://southfront.org/donate/ or via: https://www.patreon.com/southfront, BTC:
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"The fact that governments lie is generally
accepted today, but World War I was the first global conflict in which millions of young men were sacrificed for
hidden causes. They did not die to save civilization; they were killed for profit and in the hopes of establishing
a one-world government."
- Jim Macgregor, Gerry Docherty - Prolonging the Agony: How The Anglo-American Establishment
Deliberately Extended WWI by
Three-and-a-Half Year
WHO: 24.4 Million in Yemen Need Humanitarian Assistance, Jan 18, 2019
"This support to the Saudi-UAE effort to wage this war in Yemen,
though, is not legitimate. It's illegal. It was started by the Obama administration and continued and
emphasized by the Trump administration. It's illegal. It's brutal."
-- Col. Larry Wilkerson --
Most of Congress "Likes War" and Opposes Ending US Support for Saudi War in Yemen.
TheRealNews, Published on Nov 6, 2017
“A lot of people at least the corporate media,
the western media, the establishment media - whatever you want to call it - tend to tell us that this is a proxy
war between Saudi Arabia and Iran...Is that true?” [Rick Sanchez]
It’s not to the extent that they talk about it at all. MSNBC ignored
this conflict for two years as Fair showed. But, now that they are talking about it; what they need to point out is
that the Houthis have been winning for two reasons: One is that they actually recommandeer billions of dollars of
weapons the US supplied the deposed and dead dictator Saleh. And worked along side the Yemeni army which was
formerly supplied by the US not Iran. Iran is supplying some political and media support but not the weapons that
our government and the Saudis claim. So the
idea of a proxy war is false. The Houthis are an endogenous
nationalistic resistance force that is fighting against a puppet government that poses an existential threat to
them!” [Max Blumenthal]
--Rick Sanchez & Max Blumenthal--
The ABC’s of the War in Yemen with Max Blumenthal. RT, Nov1, 2018
"The UN embargo/blockade against Yemen and the
Yemenis violates Genocide Convention article II (e): Deliberately inflicting on the group, conditions of life
calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." --Prof. Francis A
Boyle-- YEMEN: A Genocidal War Against Children and
Civilians Sanctioned by the UN, US, UK & NATO
"Boyle explained that the Saudis and their allies in the Gulf Arab
Emirates wanted to establish full control over the entire Arabian peninsula and also of the choke point region at
the head of the Persian, or Arabian Gulf through which all oil exports, including those of Iran and Iraq were
shipped by sea. 'They want to control the entire Saudi Peninsula, all its
resources, and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait through which all the oil and gas to Europe must
pass,' he said."
-- Vanessa Beeley, Journalist -- YEMEN: “Saudis, Emiratis and USA are Inflicting a War of Genocide Against the Houthis"
- Prof. Francis Boyle
Whitney Webb Interview The Ignored Yemen Genocide: "18.4 Million People Are Starving To Death" The Last American Vagabond Published on Nov 1, 2018
“While US President Donald Trump boasts about the defeat
of Islamic State in Syria, US government-purchased weapons appear in the hands of Islamic State terrorists in
EP 294 of the SUNDAY WIRE show, host Patrick Henningsen spoke with Bulgarian investigative journalist
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, to discuss her latest
investigation which reveals illegal US Department of Defense operation to traffic weapons clear into
2018-2019 – and into the hands of ISIS terrorists in Yemen and Syria. The details in this story leave no doubt as
to the scale and severity of this illegal operation which contravenes US, EU and international law.
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 10, 2018
World War 3 News - US, French, British jets preparing to strike Syria. Russia vows response.
President Assad Fighting Against
Christian Genocide in Syria
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 12, 2018
US-backed terrorists in Syria have been committed genocide against the Christian community. But
President Bashar al Assad and the Syrian Arab Army have made great sacrifices to protect the Christians from being
Should the USA Attack Syria? A Tale of Two Trumps
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 9, 2018
In matters of life and death, we should have the courage to hold our politicians
accountable regardless of their party affiliation.
Israel Attacks Syria - Trump & Bolton Prepping More
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 9, 2018
The Terrifying Truth of What is Really Happening
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 9, 2018
This is what every person needs to know about what is really happening in Syria. To
jump to the most recent news, skip to 26:05 and SHARE THIS VIDEO!
Another False Flag - Will Trump Escalate In Syria?
Streamed live 3 hours ago
Rebel-allied organizations in Syria have claimed that the government has released
chlorine gas near Ghouta, killing dozens. The Syrians and Russians deny the charges. Neocons are
all demanding that Trump launch a bigger attack or America will "lose face." Will the Russians sit
back and allow another US attack on the Syrian government? And if they don't?
What Just Happened, And Who Is Really Responsible?
Published on Apr 9, 2018
In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange is joined by Partisan Girl to discuss
what just happened, and who is really responsible. The Trump administration has made plenty of
false promises in the past, but this may be the biggest one.
What You're Not Being Told About Trump's New Offensive
Streamed live 21 hours ago
In this video, Luke Rudkowski and Jason Bermas talk about the news regarding
Trump's latest tweets, where he now stands on Russia and the Big Price they may be
Israel attacks Syria T4 airbase after Gas Attack FF (As
Episode #229 – with Vanessa Beeley, Piers Robinson
Alternate Current Radio Presents: Sunday Wire - Your Weekly News & Analysis
Compendium on ACR
This week the SUNDAY WIRE broadcasts LIVE as host Patrick Henningsen is joined in-studio by Mike
Robinson editor of the UK Column to discuss this week's top stories from the US, Europe and beyond. In the first
hour we'll go on the ground in Damascus, Syria with reports from 21WIRE associate editor, Vanessa Beeley, to talk
about Friday evenings US,UK and French missile strike against Syria, and we reveal evidence which indicates that
the White Helmet's alleged 'chemical attack' performance was in fact staged. Later in the second hour we'll connect
with Professor Piers Robinson from the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media, to analyze the US and UK
claims that there was a chemical weapons used in Syria and well as the collapse of the UK government's official
'Novichok' conspiracy narrative, and the recent hit-piece by Rupert Murdoch's Times newspaper attacking him and his
colleagues' work. Later in the final hour of overdrive, we'll try and connect with Sunday Wire roving correspondent
for culture & sport, Basil Valentine, to survey the damage to the British government's credibility following
two of the tallest tales told in recent memory. All this and much more. Enjoy the show...
Escalating US & Russian Tension
In Syria
Patrick Henningsen & Mark Anderson - Boiler Room - EP #156
Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Anti-War -
Dig it?
Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire and Truth Hound, Mark Anderson, join Hesher and Spore for
this special Live Boiler Room presentation. Listen and share now! Help stop a potential war! The time is now for
everyone to set aside partisan identity politics and the bull honkey coming out of the mainstream media and unite
over the FACT that no one in their right mind wants to see a larger regional war in Syria. Share far and wide and
let Silicon Valley know that we the people do not support their suppression and censorship of INDEPENDENT media and
journalism. http://www.alternatecurrentradio.com/news-radio/acr-boiler-room/
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column News.
US-UK-France’s Nonexistent Case on Syrian
WMDs and More Murdoch Fake News
UK Column
Published on Apr 16, 2018
Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's news update from the UK Column.
Going over the Friday night’s post-mortem in Syria, and pondering the Tripartite powers’ apparent
decimation of international law. It seems that the US, Britain and France have a lot to answer for now. Meanwhile,
the BBC offers a platform to a Syrian terrorist moonlighting as a White Helmet-terrorist, and Rupert Murdoch
continues pumping out fake news on Syria.
UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with a break down of this and much
The White Helmets Are A Propaganda Construct
Published on Feb 9, 2018
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: corbettreport.com/whitehelmets
Contrary to what its multi-million dollar international PR campaign would have you believe, the
"White Helmets" are not a group of volunteer search-and-rescue workers that sprang spontaneously out of the Syrian
soil. When you peel back the layers of foreign financing and reveal the foreign intelligence operatives and murky
lobbying groups at the heart of the organization, what you find is that the White Helmets are, in fact, a
propaganda construct.
Syrian War Report – April 19, 2018: Journalists
Find Boy Filmed In Douma Chemical Attack Video
South Front
Published on Apr 19, 2018
If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the
project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal
'They gave dates & cookies to kids at Douma
hospital' – father of ‘chem attack’ victim
Published on Apr 19, 2018
A correspondent from the Russia 24 TV channel claims to have found a Syrian boy
seen in the White Helmets' footage, said to show the aftermath of an alleged chemical attack. READ
MORE: on.rt.com/93lf
Meet 11 year old victim of "Assad's chemical
Syriana Analysis
Published on Apr 19, 2018
An 11-year-old Syrian kid from Douma, Hassan Diab appears on a Russian TV
explaining what happened on the night of the alleged use of chemical attack in his town.
A group of Russian correspondents led by Evgeny Poddubny has found a boy filmed by the White
Helmets in their video showing people “affected” by the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7.
According to Poddubny:
11-year-old Hassan Diab is fine;
He suffered no injures from the “chemical attack” because there was no attack (at least then and
The boy participated in the video for food (rice, dates and cookies).
Poddubny also contacted Hassan’s father – he also said that there was no chemical attack in the
‘Bombing proves there’s no solid
case’– analyst on alleged Douma chemical attack
Published on Apr 27, 2018
Russia’s envoy to the OPCW said it was crucial to avoid new false-flag
attacks in Syria and that Moscow “won’t allow” US military action there, as he described details of
Russian findings on the site of the alleged Douma incident.
Syrian voices muted by Western media for 7 years –
independent journalist
Published on Apr 27, 2018
Local Syrian doctors have testified that they saw no patients with signs of
chemical poisoning in the aftermath of the alleged attack in the city of Douma. RT asked
independent researcher Vanessa Beeley, who returned from Douma just days ago, about what she
No attack, no victims, no chem weapons: Douma
witnesses speak at OPCW briefing
Published on Apr 26, 2018
Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including 11-year-old
Hassan Diab and hospital staff, told reporters at The Hague that the White Helmets video used as a
pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged.
One former UK Ambassador, three international investigative journalists and two
leading professors discuss misreporting, misinformation and deliberate propaganda disseminated by
the mainstream media at times of international conflict, and military intervention.
One former UK Ambassador, three international investigative journalists and two
leading professors discuss misreporting, misinformation and deliberate propaganda disseminated by
the mainstream media at times of international conflict, and military intervention. The
demonisation of one non-aligned leader after another, setting the stage for public consent for
regime change has been part and parcel of establishment and corporate media's agenda this century.
While sidelining independent research and refusing to independently verify its own reporting the
mainstream has become obsessed with 'fake news' - So who is spreading 'fake news'? What effect has
fake news and propaganda had? Should we make the media accountable for its actions? These questions
and more are discussed by our expert panel in an event organised by Frome Stop War and supported by
Bristol Against Imperialism, entitled 'Media on Trial'.
One former UK Ambassador, three international investigative journalists and two
leading professors discuss misreporting, misinformation and deliberate propaganda disseminated by
the mainstream media at times of international conflict, and military intervention.
Did the BBC Fake ‘Saving Syria’s Children’?
Robert Stuart is a former newspaper reporter who has been researching the many startling inconsistencies and
anomalies surrounding the BBC Panorama documentary ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ since material from the programme was
first broadcast as MPs voted on military intervention in Syria on the evening of 29 August 2013.
Robert’s research has been endorsed by former UK Ambassador Craig Murray and has been featured on RT (Russia Today)
and Radio Sputnik.
• “...brilliant dissection of the BBC’s propaganda blitz on Syria, at the time when the security
establishment were trying to propel us into war against Assad... ... this is very, very important” – Craig Murray,
former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan
• “This [Saving Syria’s Children] was so badly done it is no wonder that all copies of the
documentary are being purged from YouTube, etc.” – Dr Christopher Davidson, Reader in Middle East Politics, Durham
University, author ‘After the Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies’
• [The BBC’s material] “clearly was faked”; “...any damage to the reputation and good name of the
BBC [was] self-inflicted” and the BBC programmes “should never have been broadcast” – TV-Novosti, Ofcom Broadcast
Bulletin, 21 September 2015.
Scores march against Syria strikes in front of White
Published on Apr 15, 2018
Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the White House in Washington DC on Saturday to
protest against the US-led airstrikes in Syria. Many of the protesters were holding banners and flags against the
war on Syria while others used words of civil right activist Martin Luther King Jr., a week after the fiftieth
anniversary of his death.
Check out http://rt.com
Syria, White Helmets, Russia & Trump: Modern
Technocratic Geopolitics
The Arktos crew talks geopolitics with the immensely knowledgeable Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com. From Syria to
Russia, from Europe to America, from the identitarians to the Atlanticists, join us as we investigate the real
powers that are vying for control in the global chessgame today.
'Assad had no reason to launch chem attack, unlike those
who want US involvement'
– Ron Paul -
Published on Apr 9, 2018
Washington and the US media seem to have no doubts about the Syrian government's complicity in
the Douma incident despite the fact that those who want America to stay in Syria have far more solid motives, Ron
Paul told RT.
Ron Paul: ‘Total Nonsense’ to Claim Syria President Bashar
al-Assad is Gassing His Own People
Written by Adam Dick
Tuesday April 10, 2018
“This whole idea that all of a sudden Assad’s gassing his own
people, I think, is total nonsense,” declared Ron Paul in a new RT interview with host Ed Schultz. President Donald
Trump has blamed Syria President Bashar al-Assad, along with Russia and Iran, for the alleged gas attack. However,
Paul, a former United States House of Representatives member and presidential candidate, points out that “over and
over again” the US has claimed the Syria or Russia government is guilty of this or that wrongdoing, from previous
gas attacks in Syria to the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in London, but “nothing panned out.” It is just,
Paul argues, one “fake news” story after another.
So why the rush to condemn the Syria government and take military action against Syria even though
the evidence does not show the Syria government is responsible for the most recent and prior alleged gas attacks?
Paul, who founded the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity in 2013 after leaving the US House, suggests that
the motivation is connected to foreign policy goals in relation to Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as the influence
of neoconservatives, oil interests, and the military-industrial complex.
Paul further argues that, while it makes no sense for Assad or the Russia government to bring about
a gas attack, people who want to provide a reason for the US military to be engaged in Syria, after Trump recently
said the US military very soon would leave Syria, could benefit from such an attack.
Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take
America Into War
Chuck Baldwin
Published: Thursday, May 25, 2017
(An Excerpt From The Article)
Ialready reported how
Donald Trump killed more people in the month of March than all of the so-called terror states of the world
combined. And Trump only became a more proficient killer in the month of April. “The Airwars monitoring group has
compiled reports of 1,280 to 1,744 civilians killed by at least 2,237 bombs and missiles that rained down from U.S.
and allied warplanes in April (1,609 on Iraq and 628 on Syria). The heaviest casualties were in and around Old
Mosul and West Mosul, where 784 to 1,074 civilians were reported killed, but the area around Tabqa in Syria also
suffered heavy civilian casualties.”
This is the same Donald Trump who on the campaign trail told Fox
& Friends, “Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi--take a look at Saudi
Arabia, open the documents.” Now, instead of opening the documents ON Saudi Arabia, Trump is opening the purse FOR
Saudi Arabia.
What is it about Christians and conservatives that they can be so easily duped into supporting war? What is it
that makes them not only overlook and excuse wars of aggression but also enthusiastically endorse and champion such
wars? Nothing builds the size and scope of government like WAR; nothing creates socialist government like WAR;
nothing causes people to accept authoritarian government like WAR; nothing separates families like WAR; nothing
leaves children homeless and helpless like WAR; nothing fills the political swamp like WAR; nothing empowers
globalists like WAR; nothing destroys a country’s economy like WAR; nothing destroys truth like WAR; and nothing
sears the conscience of a people like WAR. Yet, professing Christians and conservatives from Alex
Jones to Jerry Falwell, Jr. to Mike Huckabee to Tony Perkins continue to laud Donald Trump as a great
“conservative” even as he prepares to take America into yet another senseless, unconstitutional, and perhaps global
This moving video footage from Syria is haunting. All patriotic Americans must know what our
government is doing in the Middle East. PLEASE SHARE! Crowd funding keeps this channel alive!
Please support my work:
Killing For Peace? More Civilian Deaths Now Than Under
Streamed live 5 hours ago
Changing rules of engagement, increased bombing runs, and granting field officers
more authority to call in drone strikes has resulted in far more civilian casualties in the ongoing
US wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Will this acceleration lead to quicker victory? Or is
it planting the seeds for yet more expansion of the war?
President Trump To Unleash The CIA
According to recent media reports, President Trump is planning to lift the
restrictions on the CIA's use of drones worldwide. Will this new "counterterrorism" strategy
create more terrorists than it kills?
Monitoring and assessing civilian casualties from international airstrikes in Iraq, Syria and
Libya. Seeking transparency and accountability from belligerents, and advocating on behalf of
affected civilians. Archiving open-source reports, and military claims by nations.
The US Gov’t Killed More Civilians This Month Than All
Terrorist Attacks in Europe Over the Last 12 Years
In the last 12 years, terrorist attacks in Europe have killed
459 civilians. The U.S. killed at least 472 civilians in Syria, just in the last month.
Yemen, House Says US Involvement is Unauthorized
The Real News: Nov 17, 2017
MARK WEISBROT:"...they really don't want a full and open debate. They don't want
this to become a real political and possibly electoral issue, I mean a big issue. That's what they're afraid
of because it's completely indefensible. That's very important I think. The details are kind of
important for people to know because there's a real chance of stopping this terrible war, the worst
humanitarian crisis in the world."
MARK WEISBROT: ..."If people contact their members of
Congress and especially their senators now, the members of Congress can also and are going to be trying to
persuade the senators, so both of them. I think that could really be the beginning of the end of this war.
It's really urgent, you know, because as you mentioned the humanitarian groups, the UN
are saying that really millions of people are at risk and people are dying there every
SHARMINI PERIES: ..."If it is what you say, which is partly to prop up
Saudi Arabia in the region as the region of power as opposed to Iran, does the administration have the right to
go about doing that at the cost of this kind of humanitarian disaster?
MARK WEISBROT:"Of course, there's no right
to do any of this stuff. These are, as the New York Times said, these are actual war
crimes.They are literally starving the whole population to force the people that they're opposing
to give in.Of course, it's illegal under international law, but it's horrific. As I said, it's
the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, and this is one of the ways we can stop it. Unfortunately, it
hasn't gotten the attention that it deserves in the U.S., in the media overall internationally, but it's
getting a lot more."
!!! Humanitarian Crisis In
Yemen Is Worst In The World !!!
– Oxfam report -
As of March 27, 2017 According to RT Report :
At least 10,000 people killed from
coalition air strikes
More than
100 civilians killed in 1 month according to the
More than 3MILLION Yemenis have been
displaced from their homes
Oxfam describes the humanitarian
situation as the worst on the planet
An estimated 17MILLION People lack
access to food
7MILLION are 1 step away from
Published on Mar 27, 2017
Thousands of protesters in Yemen have vented their anger at the relentless bombing by the Saudi-led coalition,
as the conflict in their country rages on. The demonstration coincided with the 2nd anniversary of the Saudi
intervention... RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air
Selected Articles: US War
By Global Research News Global Research, November 19, 2017
In an era of media distortion, our emphasis has been on
the “unspoken truth”. As an independent site, it is our mandate to challenge the engineered truth by the
corporate media. The selected articles below reveal media omission pertaining to US war crimes across the
U.S. Africa Command has conducted fourteen airstrikes since August bringing the year’s total to eighteen.
The increased tempo of airstrikes started in September between the Kismayo and Mogadisu
Although the US has many times stated that its target is IS only, it appears that its intentions may go
beyond the stated objective. In fact, Washington is seeking to retain post-conflict zones
of influence within the country, where the American presence is illegal.
It turns out that the military’s assertion is a stunning underestimation of the true human cost of
Washington’s three-year-old war against ISIS. An 18-month-long investigation by the New
York Times has found that the US-led military coalition is killing civilians in Iraq at a rate 31
times higher than it’s admitting.
Claiming the right to launch preemptive wars and fighting an ill-defined “global war on
terror,” the U.S. government has slaughtered vast numbers of civilians in defiance of international law, says
Nicolas J S Davies.
It had not happened in decades. On Tuesday, members of the US Congress gathered to consider
the scope of presidential power in launching a nuclear strike. The state of the mind of the current president
was very much at the forefront of the discussion, even if some present preferred not to name him
These are four examples and there are many more. The manipulation of videos and images is
routine. In some cases, these manipulations are revealed by readers, independent media and social media. In
most cases they go undetected. And when they are revealed, the media will say “sorry” we apologize: they will
then point to technical errors. “we got the wrong video”.
"This support to the Saudi-UAE
effort to wage this war in Yemen, though, is not legitimate. It's illegal. It was started by the Obama
administration andcontinued and emphasized by the Trump
administration. It's illegal. It's brutal. "
"This horror, and I’m sorry it’s
hard to see, is caused in part by our decision to facilitatea bombing
campaign that is Murdering Children!”
-- Senator Chris Murphy --
‘Untold 1000s of innocent victims will die’: UN urges end of Yemen
Published on Nov 17, 2017
The heads of three UN agencies issued a fresh plea for the Saudi-led military coalition to lift its
blockade on Yemen.
Senator Murphy Demands Congressional Action On Saudi Arabia’s Blockade In
Senator Chris Murphy
Published on Nov 14, 2017
“What they are doing is a gross violation of human rights law. And it would be one thing if
the United States was a mere observer, but we are a participant in this. This
horror, and I’m sorry it’s hard to see, is caused in part by our decision to facilitate a
bombing campaign that is murdering children!”
"This is a stain on the conscience of our nation if we continue to be
"I hope that we make clear that there is NO legal
authorization for the Unted States to be part of a war inside Yemen. Congress has NOT given the
authorization for this president to engage in these military activities."
-- Senator Chris Murphy --
As US Fuels War Crimes in Yemen, House Says US Involvement is
Published on Nov 17, 2017
Overwhelming support for the nonbinding resolution, which passed the House 366-30, shows opposition
to Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen is growing, but more pressure is needed to stop U.S. involvement,
explains economist Mark Weisbrot of CEPR
Kids ofWar:
US ambassador to UN uses child victims as tool v Russia
Children suffering in war have become tools for the West, with Nikki Haley stating that Russia’s
hands are “covered in their blood” in Syria. However, the US seems to not mind “collateral damage” in the
wars it’s backing.
On John Robert Bolton's First Day, How Does US Respond To
Morning Joe MSNBC
Published on Apr 9, 2018
Syrian opposition activists and aid groups said Sunday that dozens of people had
died in a suspected chemical weapons attack on the city of Douma. President Donald Trump
described the attacks as 'mindless'.
Over50,000 children dead and millions suffering...No MSM coverage, Trump's Warcrimes go unreported by both MSM and Alt-media such as
“In the real executive power
structure, the president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international
-- Alex Jones...before he soldout --
How Trump Filled The Swamp
Published on Feb 3, 2017 SHOW
With promises to "drain the swamp!" still ringing in our ears, we have watched
Trump appoint nothing but Goldman banksters,
Soros stooges, neocon war hawks and police state zealots to head his
cabinet. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine the
swamp-dwellers with which Trump has filled his swamp.
Phoenix as the Model for Homeland Security and the War On Terror
- Douglas Valentine -
CIA Pacification Programs, Secret Interrogation Centers, Counter Terror Teams, Propaganda Teams
and military and civilian tribunals in all 44 provinces of South Vietnam; 1965 US military sent
in; National Liberation Front; secret 1967 CIA General Staff For Pacification combining all
CIA, military, and South Vietnamese programs to became The Phoenix Program; Phoenix based on
systems analysis theory combining 20-30 programs to pacify South Vietnamese civilians to
support the government; Phoenix instituted to more perfectly coordinate CIA and military
operations; streamlined and bureaucratized a system of political repression in South Vietnam;
media cover-up; CIA Foreign Intelligence including the Hamlet Information Program, the Province
Interrogation Center program and Agent Penetrations; CIA Covert Action Program; reliance on
corruption; Pacific Architects and Engineers oversaw design and construction of interrogation
centers in South Vietnam which became the model for the black sites.
Originally Aired: January 11, 2017
Trump Fills the Swamp With Steven
Published on Dec 7, 2016 SHOW
Trump has named Steven Mnuchin as his Treasury Secretary. So who is Mnuchin, and
what does his background tell us about his ideology and what kind of administration Trump is
assembling? Today we talk to Michael Krieger of LibertyBlitzkrieg.com about Mnuchin's career, his
Goldman Sachs and Soros ties, and his shady business practices, as well as the other people being
appointed to helm the Trump White House.
Economic progress under Trump is illusion, crash coming - Ron Paul
Published on Jan 3, 2018
With his first year in office drawing to a close, the US president has been talking up his
economic record in typical Trump style. But one man who does not share Trump's optimism is former
congressman Ron Paul. He told RT the growth is not even for all people.
The Fed Is Safe Under Trump
Nov 3 2017
President Trump is great at stirring up controversies and throwing red meat to the
media. He's great at keeping the left in a permanent state of hyperventilation. He's great at
rallying his supporters. But when it comes to actual policies, the
status quo has been maintained across the board. The warfare is safe. The welfare is safe. Even the
Federal Reserve is safe under Trump.
As The Corbett Report reported last year, Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater,
has slithered out from his hiding place and re-emerged as a figure on the political stage. He is
advocating for a rebirth of the US' infamous "Phoenix Program" to target the ISIS terrorists the
US created, and he is advising Trump from the shadows. Today Douglas Valentine, author of
The Phoenix Program and The CIA As Organized Crime joins us to discuss what The Phoenix Program
is and why its resurrection is so ominous.
The Incredible Trump Deception - F.
William Engdahl -
Originally Aired: December 28, 2016
Visit Guns and Butter at: www.gunsandbutter.org
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We examine some of the early political appointments of the new Trump
administration and the geopolitical shift in American foreign policy that it represents. The powers
behind the Trump presidency - the Netanyahu Likud connected think-tank, The Foundation for the
Defense of Democracies, including General Mike Flynn, Walid Phares; James Woolsey, and Michael
Ledeen, among others; an attack on the nuclear deal with Iran; the failed strategy of using radical
political Islam to destabilize and destroy countries; a strengthened alliance between Russia, China
and Iran; the failed CIA coup in Turkey of July 2016; a strong dollar policy and a weakened
European Union; rising interest rates and concomitant flight capital to a Wall Street safe-haven;
making America great again by re-building Americas defense industry infrastructure. #356
f course, Washington’s logic is riddled with absurdity.To claim that its forces are acting in self-defense
overlooks the glaring reality thatthe US-led
military coalition has no legal mandate whatsoever to be in Syria in the first
place. Its forces are in breach of international
law by operating on Syrian territory without the consent of the government in Damascus and
without a mandate from the UN Security Council."
[From Article Below]
[Absolute Must-Watch Videos]
"The U.S. is an Invader In Syria...The U.S. Has No
Business in Syria."
"The US & the coalition are in Syria without
any permission, w/o any lawful authority to be present."
U.S. Illegal Military Base in
Lew Rockwell talks to RT Inter-national.
"The people the U.S. is supporting in Syria, for example the Kurdish-forces spend
most of their time attacking Syrian Christians and the Armenian Christians, ethnically cleansing
their villages killing people...U.S. NEEDS TO GET OUT OF SYRIA, STOP BRINGING ON WAR."
Overthrowing Assad: US Policy in Syria Undermines
Legitimate Government
Published on Jun 30, 2017
Syria and Russia warn the latest accusations about chemical weapons are just a
flimsy pretext for a new US strike on Syria. One America's Pearson Sharp has the latest, and spoke
with Virginia Senator Richard Black, who says the US is waging an illegal war to overthrow
President Assad.
"Some members of the coalition may say “We are in clear violation of international law, maybe
this is not right.” Others bought into this coalition to be part of a group fighting ISIS, and now
they are saying “Wait a minute. We didn’t go into Syria to fight the legitimate duly elected
government of Syria; we went there to fight this terrorist organization.”…The coalition is
certainly not there to help the Syrian people; it is there to help Saudi Arabia with its Wahhabi
radical Islamic domination of the entire world beginning with the countries close to it".
Who Is The Aggressor In Syria?
Published on Feb 12, 2018
Just when it seemed the war in Syria might be winding down, it heats back up. First
a Russian plane is shot down, then an Israeli plane is shot down after completing a bombing run on
Syrian territory. Meanwhile the US continues occupying parts of northeast Syria with no legal basis
in US or international law...
The Syria Narrative Comes Apart - With Guest Sen.
Richard Black
Published on Apr 26, 2018
Nothing the US government tells us about Syria and the alleged chemical attack at
Douma makes any sense. VA State Senator and retired US Army JAG officer Richard Black joins today's
Liberty Report to draw on his experiences traveling to Syria and following the war. He does not
believe what Washington is telling us and he makes a very good case for why we are being lied
"The thing that is concerning is that the United States has established a military base within
the sovereign territory of Syria. Now up until now we've had four bases in Turkey Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, and Jordan all training terrorist to invade the Syrian nation...this is one instance in
which we actually have a 300 man base, which is actually located within Syria without the
permission of the Syrian government of course, again in clear violation of international
"We now have the Bush, Obama, Trump doctrine of regime change..."
US Expands Military Footprint in Syria to Eight Bases,
‘Modifies’ Kobani Air Base
Why is the US building more military bases on Syrian territory without permission?
Why is it funding and training a 30,000 strong border guard for Syria's borders with Turkey and
Iraq? With ISIS defeated, does the White House really believe it has legal authority to keep US
troops in Syria to "deter Iran"?
Trump: 'Just Kidding. We're Staying In Syria.'
Streamed live on Apr 5, 2018
That didn't take long. No sooner did President Trump vow to remove US troops from Syria, when
after a meeting with Defense Secretary Mattis and other advisors resulted in another flip-flop. Like with the
recent omnibus budget, he complained but went along with it. Will he pull out in six months as he more recently
promised? Don't hold your breath!
Trump Lies Again: 'Just
Kidding. We're Staying In Syria.'
The Truth About Trump’s Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Afghanistan And
by Chuck Baldwin Published: Thursday, January 3, 2019
As we all know, Donald Trump campaigned on
a platform of disengaging U.S. forces from unconstitutional, perpetual foreign wars. However, the first two years
of Trump’s presidency was a flagrant disavowal of that campaign promise. Not only did Trump not disengage our
forces from these illegal and immoral wars, but,as I have documented, he dramatically INCREASED America’s involvement in these wars. In
fact, President Trump has dropped more bombs on more people in his first two years of office than President
Obama did in his entire last term in office. Plus, he sent thousands of additional ground troops to Afghanistan
and Syria and several other countries.
Now Trump is saying that he is
going to withdraw all U.S. forces from Syria (ostensibly 2,000 in number) and half of our forces (reportedly
numbering 7,000 troops) from Afghanistan. Of course, high level government globalists such as Senator Lindsey
Graham and Secretary of Defense James Mattis are incensed at the announcement. Mattis tendered his resignation over
the decision, and Graham has had lengthy discussions with Trump about the matter.
And, sadly, the majority of
conservatives around the country are likewise chagrined. Remember that almost all (if not all) of these
conservatives are also Zionists, and they know the only reason America is fighting these wars of aggression in the
Middle East is for the purpose of assisting the offensive military machinations of the State of Israel. And they
are pouting over the possibility that Israel might actually be stymied from some of its bloodlust and apartheid
atrocities. They really shouldn’t worry, however. The U.S. has no intentions of cutting the bloody umbilical cord
from the Zionist state.
The US 'withdrawal' from Syria
might not mean the end of all its Syria-related operations where Israel is concerned, as Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo reaffirmed Washington’s ongoing commitment to Israel’s security on Tuesday.
Speaking ahead of a meeting with
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Brazil, Pompeo said the US’ commitment to Israel was unchanged,
despite the pullout of US troops from Syria announced by the Trump administration last month. Pompeo said that
the US effort to“counter Iranian aggression” would continue along with the
“protection of Israel” just as it had before.
Earlier, Trump had reassured Israel
that the US would“take great care” of Israel despite the withdrawal, citing the billions in foreign
aid Washington gives to Israel every year.
Donald Trump has told Benjamin
Netanyahu that the US is paying billions of dollars a year for Israeli security, and that Tel Aviv should not be
worried about losing its influence in the region after US troops withdraw from Syria.
“I spoke with Bibi [Benjamin
Netanyahu]. I told Bibi, you know we give Israel 4.5 billion dollars a year. And they are doing very well at
defending themselves,” Trump told reporters on his way back from Iraq where he paid a surprise visit to US soldiers
stationed there. “We are going to take great care of Israel. Israel is going to be good,” US
president added, replying to a question on how his announced withdrawal from Syria will impact Israel.
During Trump’s surprise, sudden
visit to U.S. forces in Iraq, he made it clear that he has no intentions of withdrawing America’s troops from the
Syrian theater.
President Trump’s big announcement
to pull US troops out of Syria and Afghanistan is now emerging less as a peace move, and more a rationalization
of American military power in the Middle East.
In a surprise visit to US forces in
Iraq this week, Trumpsaid he had no intention of withdrawing the troops in that country, who have been there
for nearly 15 years since GW Bush invaded back in 2003.
Hinting at private discussions with
commanders in Iraq, Trump boasted that US forces would in the future launch attacks from there into Syria if and
when needed. Presumably that rapid force deployment would apply to other countries in the region, including
In other words, in typical
business-style transactional thinking, Trump sees the pullout from Syria and Afghanistan as a cost-cutting
exercise for US imperialism. Regarding Syria, he has bragged about Turkey being assigned, purportedly,
to“finish off” terror groups. That’s Trump subcontracting out US interests.
What Trump seemed to be doing was
reassuring the Pentagon and corporate America that he is not going all soft and dovish. Not at all. He is
letting them know that he is aiming for a leaner, meaner US military power, which can save money on the number
of foreign bases by using rapid reaction forces out of places like Iraq, as well as by subcontracting operations
out to regional clients.
Most of the U.S. forces (5,000+)
fighting in Syria are actually based in Iraq. And as Trump assured them, they are not going anywhere, in spite of
the fact thatIraqi lawmakers have demanded that the U.S. leave their country. So, those
anti-establishment Trumpites who think that The Donald has fulfilled some kind of anti-war campaign promise and
is “sticking it” to the Deep State have yet again fallen victim to one of Trump’s masterful con jobs.
And theTimes of Israel reported that after holding extensive meetings with
President Trump, ultra-globalist war hawk Senator Lindsey Graham gleefully ensured that Trump is NOT going to
abandon the Syrian theater:
A senior Republican senator said
Sunday that President Donald Trump had promised to stay in Syria to finish the job of destroying the Islamic
State group — just days after announcing he would be withdrawing troops immediately.
“He told me some things I didn’t
know that made me feel a lot better about where we’re headed in Syria,” the South Carolina lawmaker
Of course, now Trump is saying the
withdrawal will take “months.”
Now, reports indicate that the US
will allow“months” for the withdrawal, as opposed to a specific 30-100 day timeline.
The new timeline presented and
reported in the US now appears to be within 120 days; Trump says that the US is “slowly” bringing the troops
There are also new questions about
the degree to which the withdrawal will be coordinated with Turkey. Trump made his decision after a conversation
with the Turkish president on December 14. Ankara had threatened a military operation in northern Syria against
the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which it accuses of being linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party
(PKK). Trump claimed on December 23 that the US withdrawal would be “slow and highly coordinated” with
John Bolton, the national security
adviser, is now planning a trip to the region – along with chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford
and Syria envoy James Jeffrey – to discuss the withdrawal in Turkey and Israel. According to CNN’s Kevin Liptak,
only Bolton will travel to Israel, not the whole delegation. This comes on the heels of reports that Israel had
sought to convince Trump to slow down the withdrawal.
Trump is coordinating the war
against Syria (and Lebanon, Iran, etc.) with Israel and Turkey in such a way as to provide those two countries with
the opportunity to unleash their war machines (supplied by the United States, of course) against Syria (and
eventually Iran) without risk to U.S. troops, while, at the same time, expanding U.S. efforts to oust Bashar
al-Assad and take the war closer to Iran’s doorstep. Even with the assistance of American military forces, U.S. and
Israeli proxy armies (ISIS, al-Nusra, etc.) failed miserably in their assignment to overthrow Assad. Trump is not
angry about U.S. forces being there; he is angry that they failed to defeat Israel’s manufactured adversaries in
the region.
But not only is Trump pandering to
Israel and Turkey (a NATO member-state that is on the verge of allying itself with Russia over Washington’s
agitating actions toward Ankara), true to his “make Big Business bigger” MO, here is the real story behind Trump’s
military decisions in the Middle East—and it should horrify all men and women of decency. It won’t, but it
Mattis' resignation comes amid news
that President Donald Trump has directed the drawdown of 2,000 U.S. forces in Syria, and7,000 U.S. forces from Afghanistan, a U.S. official confirmed to Military Times, a
story first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
This month, in the January/February
print issue of the gun and hunting magazine“Recoil," the former contractor security firm Blackwater USA published a full-page ad,
in all black with a simple message: “We are coming.”
Is the war in Afghanistan — and
possibly elsewhere ― about to be privatized?
If Blackwater returns, it would be
the return of a private security contractor that was banned from Iraq, but re-branded and never really went
[Blackwater founder Erik]
has courted President Donald Trump’s administration since he took office with the idea that the now 17-year Afghan War will never be won by
a traditional military campaign. Prince has also argued that the logistical footprint required to support that
now multi-trillion dollar endeavor has become too burdensome. Over the summer and into
this fall Prince has engaged heavily with the media to promote the privatization; particularly as the Trump
administration’s new South Asia Strategy, which was crafted with Mattis, passed the one-year mark.
The news of a leaning on a smaller
number of privatized forces, instead of a larger U.S. military footprint — and contracted support for U.S.
forces that knew few bounds and at times included coffee shops, base exchanges, restaurants,
ahockey rink and local vendor shops — may be welcomed by current U.S. military
leadership on the ground. That includes former Joint Special Operations Command chief Army Lt. Gen. Scott
Miller, a source familiar with Miller’s approach told Military Times. Miller replaced Gen. John Nicholson as the
head of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan in September.
In an [sic] previous exclusive
interview with Military Times, Prince said he would scrap the NATO mission there and replace the estimated
23,000 forces in country with a force of6,000 contracted personnel and 2,000 active-duty special forces.
The potential privatization of the
Afghan War was previously dismissed by the White House, and roundly criticized by Mattis, who saw it as a risk
to emplace the nation’s national security goals in the hands of contractors.
But Mattis is out now, one in a
series of moves that has surprised most of the Pentagon.
Drastic change would “be more
likely” now, one DOD official said.
That’s right. Donald Trump is
preparing to replace U.S. military forces with mercenaries to fight Israel’s wars.
Here’s the horrifying part: These
“private contractors,” i.e., mercenaries, operate in a manner that is totally unaccountable to the rule of law.
Totally! They operate outside the Constitution, outside the Rules of Engagement, outside the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ), outside the Law of Nations, outside law period—and also outside public scrutiny. There is
virtually no accountability for whatever murders, rapes, plunderings or criminalities of any sort that these
mercenaries commit.
After a string of horrific PR
disasters saw elite US soldiers arrested for drugs, abuse, rape and murder, the Pentagon is cracking down on
disciplinary issues in its Special Operations Command, according to a new report.
of serious misconduct" piling up too high to ignore after two decades of war, General Raymond 'Tony'
Thomas, head of Special Operations Command, and Owen West, head of Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict
for the Pentagon, have outlined an ambitious 90-day plan to find out how the military's most elite corps lost
its way.
Combining Special Forces units that
are already plagued with rampant abuses of power with mercenaries who are virtually unaccountable to any human
authority is a recipe for the worst kind of barbarity and atrocity. This is what the Roman Empire did during its
last days of power and what Great Britain did in its failed war against the American colonies. And this is exactly
what Donald Trump is preparing to do. In fact, Trump is already setting the table for an unaccountable military
force byshutting down military watchdog groups, thus turning off the light of public knowledge and
ensuring military unaccountability.
Donald Trump’s presidency—a
presidency that is rife with graft, fraud, extortion, bribery, immorality and now government collaboration with
unaccountable mercenaries and military units to wage war on behalf of foreign nations—is what happens when supposed
Christian leaders such as Jerry Falwell, Jr., have their way.
In an interview with the Washington
Post,Falwell said, “You don’t choose a president based on how good they are.” He also said
in that interview that there was “nothing” Trump could do that would jeopardize his (Falwell’s) support.
“Nothing” means no lie, no act of immorality, no theft, no act of betrayal, no act of murder or no act of wanton
military slaughter would prevent Falwell from supporting Trump. Ladies and gentlemen, such an attitude is
nothing short of insane idolatry. In essence, Falwell was saying that he knows how immoral, unethical, dishonest
and violent Trump is, and he doesn’t care; it doesn’t matter to him.
Tragically, Falwell is
representative of the vast majority of evangelical Christian pastors and leaders in this country today. They have
sold their souls (not to mention their spiritual birthright) to sit at Trump’s treacherous, tainted, twisted,
thoughtless, tumultuous, terrifying, terrorizing, tortuous, tyrannical, Talmudic table. They should apologize for
all of their sermonizing about the Ten Commandments, the beatitudes of Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, the
Golden Rule, etc. They should take back all of their admonitions of honesty, integrity, morality, trust, fidelity,
honor, adherence to law, etc.
Let’s face facts: These evangelical
Christian “leaders” believe in situation ethics; they believe that some people are above the laws of men and God;
they believe the principles of biblical morality and honesty are apportioned according to position and power (or
the lack thereof); and their blind allegiance to the moral and ethical deviant Donald Trump has proven they never
meant what they preached.
Christian people by the millions
have supported, defended, lauded, extolled and glorified a man (Donald Trump) whose personal morals and ethics
rival the most vile leaders in world history. Donald Trump is a man without conscience. His behavior is
pathological and diabolical. And he is successfully searing the consciences of the millions of Christian people who
have sullied their own hearts by willingly partnering with his incessant crimes.
Trump is not pulling troops out of
Afghanistan and Syria; he is pulling the wool over the eyes of millions of Christians and conservatives.
By Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 03, 2019
Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc. 3 March 2013
The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone
of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the
Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first published by Global Research on April 29,
President Donald Trump has confirmed in no uncertain terms, his support of Israel’s illegal
settlements (including his opposition to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, pertaining to the illegality of the
Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank). In recent developments, the Trump administration has expressed its
recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” is supportive of the “Greater Israel” project. It consists in the
derogation of Palestinian’s “the right of return” by “naturalizing them as citizens of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria,
Iraq, and elsewhere regionally where they reside”.
Bear in mind: The Greater Israel design is not strictly a Zionist Project for the Middle East, it
is an integral part of US foreign policy, its strategic objective is extend US hegemony as well as fracture and
balkanize the Middle East.
Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is intended to trigger political
instability throughout the region.
According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the
Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised
Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
----------------------------------------------- ISRAEL - ZIONISM -----------------------------------------------
John Pilger: Palestine Is Still The Issue
- Real Stories -
Real Stories
Published on Nov 21, 2015
In 1977, the award-winning journalist and filmmaker, John Pilger, made a
documentary called Palestine Is Still The Issue. He told how almost a million Palestinians had been
forced off their land in 1948, and again in 1967. In this in-depth documentary, he has returned to
the West Bank of the Jordan and Gaza, and to Israel, to ask why the Palestinians, whose right of
return was affirmed by the United Nations more than half a century ago, are still caught in a
terrible limbo -- refugees in their own land, controlled by Israel in the longest military
occupation in modern times.
America, Israel's
Published on May 29, 2015
Description: Zionist headquartered in Israel have hijacked the U.S. and treat the
country much as a pimp treats his whores. They use and abuse the United States for selfish and
greedy purposes. They want a Satanic one world government to usher in the anti-Christ who will rule
from the world from Jerusalem.
The Zionist control congress and the President through their lobbies such as AIPAC, Anti-Defamation
League, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They use their ownership of the six of the largest
media companies to brainwash U.S. citizens with silly entertainments and lies. [Click Video Title
For Full Notes]
Benjamin Netanyahu should be arrested
Comment with George Galloway
Published on Aug 21, 2015
Gaza Unrest: At least 17 Palestinians killed, over 1000 injured in
clashes with Israeli soldiers
Published on Mar 31, 2018
At least 17 Palestinians have been killed and over a thousand injured in clashes
with Israeli soldiers at the Gaza border. Earlier, the Israeli army used live bullets, tear gas and
drones against Gaza demonstrators.
Former Marine Visits Palestine "It's Like Iraq, It's Horrifying"
Veterans For Peace
Published on Jan 30, 2018
Force Recon Marine, Mike Hanes, visited Palestine as part of a Veterans For Peace
delegation, this film series shows the harsh reality they witnessed.
Please subscribe to our channel to catch the next video in this film series. From filmmaker
Chris Smiley
Greater Israel -Zionism
WAR CRIMES! Video Proof That Israel Is Murdering Unarmed
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Mar 30, 2018
The intentional killing of unarmed Palestinian civilians by the Israeli Defense
Forces constitutes international war crimes.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
is one of the most corrupt political leaders on the planet. He is also one of the most heavily financed political
leaders on the planet.
In spite of his billionaire friends
and supporters, however, he is facing almost certain political destruction. His many crimes are being intensely
investigated by Israeli authorities. The only reason he hasn't been removed from office already is due to the
immense political and financial support he has from bankers, casino owners, land developers, etc., from
other countries--especially in the United States.
But it is doubtful that Bibi will
be able to tread water much longer. It appears that his political demise is inevitable. And you haven't heard a
word about it from the controlled mainstream media in the U.S., have you? Of course not. The men who own the
mainstream media are among Bibi's largest contributors.
Neither have you heard anything
about it from the so-called conservative publications, periodicals and websites. There is one common denominator
that links the mainstream media with the so-called conservative media: infatuation with the modern State of
Without a doubt, Netanyahu’s
plummet in popularity at home is one of the reasons (maybe the MAJOR reason) why he is pressuring Donald Trump to
ratchet up a war against Iran and why he is mobilizing accelerated (illegal) Israeli settlements on private land
owned by Palestinian people. War and military conflict has always been a favored tactic of embattled politicians to
increase their popularity and deflect negativity. Neither does it hurt that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's
son-in-law and presidential adviser, is a MAJOR financial backer of the (illegal) land settlements.
One indicator that Netanyahu will
be removed from office soon is longtime Bibi supporter, billionaire Sheldon Adelson, is starting to back away from
the embattled Israeli Prime Minister. That's NOT a good sign for Bibi at all.
The removal of Netanyahu from
office would be a very good thing for the entire world. The problem is the State of Israel is controlled by about
20 mega-rich Zionist families. To think that these power-brokers would replace Bibi with a truly honest man is as
likely as the sun rising in the west tomorrow morning.
Read this honest and objective
analysis of what I am talking about here:
As I often do, I tested this column
by writing a brief post on this subject on my Facebook page. I wasn’t surprised when Christians came out of the
woodwork in a vitriolic attack against me for what I said about Bibi. Many accused me of heresy and vowed to never
read my Facebook page again.
Since my lengthy personal research
and study into the Biblical teaching on Israel, I have come to learn this: the entire faith system of many
professing Christians depends on their allegiance to the modern State of Israel. These Christian Zionists might
recite a pledge of allegiance to the United States of America, but their true allegiance is to the State of
It is no hyperbole to say that for many
professing Christians, the modern State of Israel is every bit as important as Jesus Christ Himself and their own
personal salvation. In fact, many of these folks equate their allegiance to the State of Israel with their own
personal salvation. And they are quick to condemn anyone to hell who does not share their allegiance to the State
of Israel. I find this extremely perplexing. I truly wonder if this cultish infatuation with the modern faux Israel
might be the great “falling away” and devilish deception of the last days. But I digress.
Faithful readers of this column and
followers of my ministry know that for most of my adult life I subscribed to dispensational
modern-Israel-is-the-fulfillment-of-Bible-prophecy theology. And while I would debate with people holding
alternative opinions (as I hold now), I never felt that their differences of opinion on this subject somehow
invalidated their Christian faith.
So, why is it that so many
Christians are so dependent upon a commitment to the modern State of Israel to the point that it is part and parcel
to the very core of their Christian faith? For some nineteen centuries there was no modern State of Israel, and
believers were quite cemented and steadfast in the Christian faith. In fact, most Bible scholars who wrote previous
to 1948 had an entirely different perspective on the subject. Try reading some of them, and see for
Today, however, anyone who
challenges the scriptural validity of the modern State of Israel is cast off by many professing Christians in the
meanest and most vitriolic terms. Why does the modern State of Israel hold such a strong grip on people’s faith?
It’s as if their faith itself depends on the modern State of Israel, not Christ.
Christians seem oblivious to the
fact that Netanyahu is not only a globalist, crook, and murderer, he is also a Talmudist. Not long ago, he promised
that Talmudism would be official Israeli law. See the report here:
If you think the Koran is bad, try reading
the Talmud. As a point of reference, the Pharisees that hated Jesus were devout disciples of the Mishnah, the oral
traditions which later formed the Talmud. In other words, the Pharisees were Talmudists. And, as you probably know,
Jesus strongly condemned them for their devotion to the Mishnah.
PASTOR BALDWIN on Biblical View of UN-created I s r a e
Published on Jun 8, 2016
Consider, too: Tel Aviv is the
international capital of homosexuality. That is no exaggeration. Also, the government of Israel pays for women to
receive an abortion at any stage of the baby’s development. Plus, as seen in Cook’s article linked above, Israel is
known globally as being a safe haven for all kinds of money laundering for international criminal gangs, especially
from Russia. “A leaked U.S. embassy cable in 2009 warned that Israel was in danger of becoming a ‘promised
land’ for organised crime.
“The Haaretz newspaper observed recently that
this underground economy [from the money laundering by international criminal gangs] had become so big – with an
annual turnover reaching as much $39 billion – Israel could find itself on the same list as Iran as ‘one of the
leading state financiers of global terrorism.’”
Furthermore, for all intents and
purposes, many (if not most) Talmudists are practicing atheists. The Lord Jesus Christ (true Israel’s Messiah) is
scorned and hated as much in the modern State of Israel today as He was during the days when the Pharisees
crucified Him. If you think there is religious liberty for Hebrew Christians in Israel today, you couldn’t be more
The last time I was in Israel, I
spoke at two Baptist churches. One was in Jerusalem, and the other was in Bethlehem. Take a guess at the
composition of the Christians in those churches. They were 99% Palestinian.
In addition, Zionist bankers,
casino owners, land developers, media magnates, entertainers, movie producers, etc., are among Christianity’s
biggest enemies. That is NOT a racist statement at all. That is a cold, hard fact.
You must understand that Zionism has nothing
to do with race; it is a political philosophy. At its core, Zionism is communistic and atheistic. Accordingly, it
is little wonder that Zionists are found among the liberal/progressive political parties in virtually every Western
country. Zionists are found among all races and creeds. This is NOT a racial issue at all.
Plus, you should know that there
are many Jews in and out of Israel who are just as opposed to Netanyahu, Talmudism, and Zionism as I am.
Of course, the biggest reason for
this unbiblical infatuation with the modern State of Israel is the ubiquitous teaching of pastors and churches that
the promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 is intended for the State of Israel born on May 14, 1948. And much of this
teaching comes from seminaries and colleges such as Dallas Theological Seminary, Liberty University, and many other
Christian schools and universities. And much of the teaching of these schools is an outgrowth of the Scofield
Reference Bible and the writings of John Darby, Clarence Larkin, Tim LaHaye, John MacArthur, Hal Lindsey, et al.
Also joining in this “Israel First” indoctrination is the vast majority of charismatic televangelists, such as John
Hagee, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, Jim Bakker, Kenneth Copeland, et al.
One can barely listen to a Bible message on the radio, television, or in a local church without
being barraged with the “Israel First” doctrine that Genesis 12:3 is talking about the modern State of Israel.
Christians are also bombarded with the indoctrination that the State of Israel created by the Rothschilds in 1948
is prophetic Israel. I suppose that belief, by itself, wouldn’t be so bad, except for the hate, vitriol, animus,
and bitterness that accompanies it.
With all of the controversial
positions I have taken over my forty-plus years in the ministry, I have NEVER received the hate-filled opposition I
am receiving right now because of my position that the modern State of Israel is NOT the Israel of the Bible or the
“Israel of God.” (Galatians 6:16) That position is NOT based on racism or prejudice or anything of the kind. It is
based strictly on my study and understanding of the Holy Scriptures.
One would think I had denied the
deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His blood atonement, or His bodily resurrection from the dead. I dare say the
opposition against me would be LESS if I had. I am NOT making it up when I say that Zionist Christians have vowed
to ruin me, thoroughly discredit me, and some have even threatened (more than once) to KILL ME. Can you imagine?
It’s absolutely true. I guess Muslims aren’t the only ones who know how to hate.
I also wrote this related post on
my Facebook page:
For all of the good things Trump
has done thus far, he has wasted no time in beating the war drums against Iran. The rhetoric of Trump and Mattis
and Flynn is eerily similar to the rhetoric of Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld back in 2002 & 3.
Iran is being painted as the next
Big Bad Wolf that the U.S. must attack in order to save the world. But why?
Iran is condemned because
Iran-backed Houthi rebels attacked a Saudi warship and Tehran tested a missile. For this, "American lives are at
risk." Really? How so?
The Saudis have been bombing the
Houthi rebels and ravaging their country, Yemen, for TWO YEARS. Saudi Arabia is apparently exempt from retaliation
from wars it starts. But one act of self-defense by the Yemenis and Donald Trump puts Iran "on notice"-- and
generals Mattis and Flynn declare it to be America and the world's greatest threat. Really? Trump has also
foolishly reinstated sanctions against Iran. Both Russia and Iran see this as a violation of the 2015 treaty, which
now allows Iran to withdraw from the agreement altogether.
Where is the evidence that Iran even had a
role in the Houthis’ attack against the Saudi ship? Plus the UN resolution only forbade Iran from testing nuclear
missiles, not conventional ones--which Tehran insists this test was.
Of course, the globalist warmonger
Benjamin Netanyahu is cheering Trump on. Perpetual war in the Middle East is Bibi's best friend. Right now, he’s
counting on it to save his political career.
Furthermore, is it any coincidence
that the Saudi king spoke with Trump on Sunday (1/29) and then suddenly the Trump administration is beating the war
drums against Saudi Arabia's mortal enemy, Iran? The Sunni Muslim government of Saudi Arabia has long salivated
over conquering the Shia Muslim government of Iran.
Trump's public rhetoric and the
reinstatement of sanctions make a collision with Iran almost inevitable. Did Trump learn NOTHING from G.W. Bush and
Barack Obama? An unnecessary and unprovoked war in Iraq; wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen costing trillions of
dollars and thousands of American lives; not to mention a global harvest of hatred against America that launched Al
Qaeda and ISIS. Oh, yes, and there's also the little matter that Iran and Russia are committed allies.
Trump said he wanted a less hostile
relationship with Putin's Russia. Well, going to war with Iran is not the way to do it. As this is being written,
the U.S. Navy is practicing war games fifty miles off the coast of Iran. This is not good, folks.
Perhaps Trump is listening to the
advice of the War Party members that he foolishly appointed to his cabinet. (I tried to warn people about these
appointments when they occurred--but I didn't think the bitter fruit of these appointments would ripen in only two
weeks after his inauguration.) Convincing Trump to go to war with Iran would be a good way to make him a one-term
The American people didn't put
Trump in office for him to take the United States into yet another unnecessary and unprovoked Middle Eastern war.
But it looks like that is exactly what he is planning to do.
Some of the above I borrowed from
Pat Buchanan’s excellent analysis. Read it here:
And what’s at the center of all of
this war fever? An Israel-First foreign policy and an Israel-First “Christian” theology.
Hate me and stone me if you want
to: Americans should be all about America-First, and Christians should be all about Christ-First.
In the meantime, unless a U.S.-led
war against Iran can save him, it seems that Netanyahu’s crimes are starting to catch up to him. And if Christians
cared anything about truth, righteousness, and justice, they would be happy to hear it. I seem to recall that God’s
prophets had something to say about Old Testament Israel’s wayward kings. Speaking of which, where are God’s
prophets today?
P.S. Once again, I invite readers
to watch my two-DVD message series explaining my understanding of the scriptural teaching regarding Israel: past,
present, and future. The series is called “The Church And Israel.”
Folks, consider: I had believed,
taught, and preached dispensational, Israel-First theology for over thirty years--why would I take an opposite view
NOW, after all these years? Why would I risk my ministry, my livelihood, and my family’s future? And with the
hateful reaction to my position, that’s exactly what I’ve done.
Continued attacks against me for my
position on websites, radio talk shows, periodicals, and newspapers make columns such as this one obligatory. Like
my positions or not, I have always tried to be true to my conscience and my beliefs. And if I go to the poor house
over this issue, so be it. I will be faithful to the truth as I understand it, regardless.
Jewish Zionists: The Spiritual Descendants Of The Pharisees - DVD - By Dr. Chuck
This DVD is an excerpt from Pastor Baldwin's message "The First Principles."
Modern Jewish Zionists are the spiritual descendants of the Pharisees and Scribes. Their bible is
the Talmud not the Torah. Jewish Zionists often refer to the Torah, but they are referring to the Talmud NOT the
true Torah: the first five books of Moses (Genesis - Deuteronomy). They are as antichrist as were their fathers the
Pharisees. Modern political Zionists are a combination of Jewish and Christian Zionists whose goal is to bring the
United States under the subjection and domination of "Greater Israel." They may believe that
they are preparing the way for Christ, but they are not. They are preparing the way for antichrist.
Purchase the DVD here
Seventy Years Of Turmoil, Treachery, Death And Destruction
Four days from now, May 14, 2018, will mark the 70th anniversary of the
creation of the Zionist State of Israel. Most Americans—and especially most Christians—labor under the delusion
that the modern State of Israel is a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy of ancient Jews returning to their homeland.
Nothing could be further from the truth. As filmmaker Jason Charles writes,
It [the story of modern Israel] was
not the struggle of an ancient people coming back to their land in 1948. Instead it was the struggle of the
wealthiest family on earth using war and deception to gain control over the region at the behest of idealistic
Zionist Jews during the late 1800’s. The Rothschild family became their champion and is the sole benefactor
extraordinaire. Israel owes its very existence to the Rothschilds.
Charles continues:
The reappearance of Israel as a
nation state, and moreover [as] a Jewish state, has been nothing but turmoil for 70 years for the people of the
world. A confluence of never-ending war, violence and lurid political meddling in world politics. Just like
their Rothschild forefathers, Israel uses war, political manipulation, and subterfuge to assert dominance
internationally. The tactics that kept the Rothschilds in power for literally 100’s of years are alive and well
in the heart of Jerusalem.
Indeed. The creation of the Zionist
State of Israel has brought turmoil, treachery, death and destruction that is almost unequalled in modern history.
The Rothschild conspiracy to create its own Zionist state has its tentacles in both world wars and in virtually
every significant act of war afterward.
Charles writes again:
It took two World Wars engineered
and brought about by the Rothschild family to bring Israel into existence. WWI saw the fall of the Ottoman
Empire in 1918 giving Britain full control over Palestinian lands. The Rothschild family then pushed for the
Balfour Declaration in 1926. The infamous Balfour Declaration reads,
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord
I have much pleasure in
conveying to you. On behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish
Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
His Majesty's Government view
with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best
endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done
which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights
and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you
would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
So, WWI secured the rights to the
land, while WWII secured the means to force European Jews to flee the wrath of Hitler and move to Israel during
the Transfer Agreement. If you haven’t read about the Transfer Agreement you are badly misinformed about the
true intentions of the Zionists during this time. Edwin Black's book, theTransfer
Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, goes
into detail on this hidden history of WWII.
Jason is spot on. I distinctly
remember several of my theology professors in college (two different colleges, in fact) telling us ministerial
students (whether they were even aware ofThe Transfer Agreement isn’t known to me) that
“World War I prepared the land for the Jews, and World War II prepared the Jews for the land.” And this was stated
as if two world wars was a GOOD thing. So, if you think that Jason Charles’ assessment regarding the Rothschild
conspiracy to create a Zionist state being a major catalyst for both world wars is fantasy, it is YOU who believes
a fantasy.
One cannot even be true to history
and ignore the fact that the Bolshevik Revolution that brought Marxist/Leninist/Stalinist communism to power in
Russia was almost exclusively the handiwork of Rothschild’s Zionists. For all intents and purposes, communism and
Zionism are one. They always have been and always will be.
As Charles notes:
The Bolshevik Revolution, a Wall
Street and Rothschild funded endeavor, cost the lives of over 10 million people. This led up to WWI, which cost
the lives of both military and civilians an estimated 25 million. Then shortly after, WWII caused the death of
an estimated 80 million.
Christians need to come to grips
with this painful truth: It took the deaths of over 115 million people to bring the Zionist State of Israel into
existence. (This is “of God”?) And the Zionist state has caused the deaths of millions more since becoming a
nation-state, as almost every war that America has fought since 1948 has been on behalf of Rothschild’s Israel, and
America’s so-called war on terror is almost exclusively waged on behalf of the Zionist state.
There is even evidence to suggest
that Israel was an active participant in the attacks on 9/11. (See Jason’s film911 Core of
Corruption In the Shadows embedded in his column.) It was those attacks that were the catalyst for
America’s global “war on terror” that has included the invasions of two sovereign countries and the bombings of
several others that had absolutely NOTHING to do with 9/11—not to mention the innumerable killings and
assassinations by America’s CIA and Israel’s Mossad.
And there is absolutely no question
that the U.S. government’s (Donald Trump is a Zionist puppet) intention to destroy the governments of Syria and
Iran is nothing more than a bloody plot to force regime change (remember Iraq and Libya?) and bring those two
recalcitrant Arab nations into the Rothschild/Federal Reserve central banking system—not to mention to help the
Zionists in Tel Aviv to fulfill their goal of forming a “Greater Israel,” thus making Israel the dominant political
and military force in the region. Of course, almost no one bothers to mention the fact thatIsrael has already obtained hundreds of nuclear missiles. If Israel has the right to nuclear
weapons to protect itself, why doesn’t Iran have the same right?
All of the talk about Iran and
Syria being a threat to Israel is a bunch of hooey. The truth is, Israel is a threat to Iran and Syria.
And as an aside, Trump’s decision
to withdraw from the Iranian treaty on Tuesday of this week is nothing but political smoke and mirrors. The only
reason the U.S. government entered the agreement with Iran in the first place was because it fully expected Iran
would break the treaty, thereby giving Israel and the U.S. an excuse to attack the economically rich (and
Rothschild bank-free) country. However, since Iran KEPT the treaty (Netanyahu’s baseless accusations to the
contrary), Trump had to pull out of the agreement so as to find another justification for attacking
TheHal Turner Radio Show is reporting that Israel began attacking Iranian assets in Syria
almost immediately after President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Iranian treaty. He further reports that at
least two Russian military personnel have been killed in these attacks. It is clear that Israel is willing to
risk a major war with Russia and believes that President Trump will back his play with U.S. military action. Are
Jewish and Christian Zionists in Israel and the United States on the verge of taking the planet into its third
world war? If there is one thing that Zionists love, it’s war.
Since coming into existence, the
Zionist State of Israel has produced more political turmoil and chaos and more death and destruction than anything
in the world.
Think of the turmoil and chaos that
the Zionist state has produced in America. Ask yourself: What did America’s families look like before 1948? What
did America’s education systems look like before 1948? What did America’s entertainment industries look like before
1948? What did America’s culture look like before 1948? Across the board, America’s family/moral culture,
entertainment culture, educational culture, etc., were distinctively Christian. So, what has happened to America’s
Christian culture since 1948?
Since 1948, Zionists have virtually
taken over America’s family/moral culture, educational culture, economic culture, entertainment culture, political
culture and, yes, Christian culture. For the most part, Zionists control America’s entertainment industries,
economic policies, educational systems, news networks (including and maybe especially FOX News) and America’s
political and religious institutions.
A majority of Christian pastors,
evangelists, TV and radio preachers, Christian school teachers, Bible college and seminary professors, etc., are
proudly and outspokenly Zionist. For all intents and purposes, Christian Zionism has a monopoly on America’s
evangelical Christian culture.
The Donald Trump
Jewish Temple Prophecy
Know More News
Published on Aug 21, 2018
Know More News with Adam Green
Who are the loudest proponents for America’s wars for Israel? Christian Zionists. Who were the
loudest proponents of the military invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and bombings of Libya? Christian Zionists. Who
are the loudest proponents for waging war against Iran and Syria? Christian Zionists. Who are the loudest
supporters of the corrupt, lying, genocidal maniac Benjamin Netanyahu? Christian Zionists. Who are the loudest
voices supporting Israel’s perpetual persecution against the Palestinian people—many of whom are devout Christians?
Christian Zionists. Who are the loudest voices supporting the building of Israel’s “third temple” in Jerusalem,
knowing that the Dome of the Rock will have to be destroyed first and tens of millions of people annihilated in
order to build it? Christian Zionists.
And here is the creepy
thing: These Christian Zionists who openly promote all of this death and destruction knowingly and consciously do
so with the understanding that what they are doing also helps pave the way for a superhuman “antichrist” to rise to
power in Israel, a Satan-possessed man who is destined to inflict even MORE death and destruction upon the
world—especially upon the people of Israel. Yes! Christian Zionists are doing everything they can to “fulfill
prophecy” and assist the rise of the antichrist, who will inflict “Great Tribulation” upon ISRAEL. (There will be
no tribulation for the Christian Zionists, however, because they believe they will be “raptured” to Heaven first.)
At the same time, they claim to be doing everything in SUPPORT of Israel and in the name of Christ’s Second Coming.
Is this crazy, or what? They are claiming unflinching and unconditional support FOR Zionist Israel via massive
death and destruction so the antichrist can come to Israel and inflict even MORE death and destruction, but this
time UPON ISRAEL. I’m trying to get this straight. They support Israel bringing death and destruction upon others
as a precursor to the antichrist coming and inflicting death and destruction upon Israel. [bold added]
To quote the late great Ohio Congressman
James Traficant, “Beam me up, Mr. Speaker!”
This is all convoluted, maddening and
hyper-contradictory, I know. But that’s how deeply Christians have been seduced and deceived by Zionism.
The basis of all of this doctrinal
discombobulation is the result of the massive acceptance of the prophetic perversions of C.I. Scofield’s Reference
Bible, which spawned the growth of scores and hundreds of Bible colleges and seminaries, all regurgitating the
egregiously erroneous application of the promises God gave to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 and Genesis 15:18 to the
Rothschild-created Zionist State of Israel.
Jason Charles
70 years of Israel has been a curse
on the world, nothing more. As of this week the Rothschilds have a new dynasty heir, who will execute in
ruthless fashion just like all the others before him.
“Alexandre de Rothschild, 37,
was picked to replace his 75-year-old father, David de Rothschild, as the bank’s top executive. The successor
will become the seventh generation of the dynasty to take charge of the Franco-British investment bank, which
was founded in 1838." (RT)
They plan on celebrating their 70th
anniversary by launching another world war, and American Christian Zionists will cheer it on. That is the truth
of the matter; Israel is a pariah state that will just end up making the world a more hostile place for
Jason is right. The advent of the
Zionist State of Israel in 1948 has created more turmoil, confusion, division, bitterness, contention and downright
hatred and bloodlust among Christian people than anything in 2,000 years of Church history. It has also created
more political turmoil, war deaths and destruction than anything in 2,000 years of Western Civilization.
P.S. I invite readers to watch my
eight-message, two-DVD seriesThe Church And Israel.
I had been schooled in and
personally believed and taught Israel-based Bible prophecy for over 30 years. After MUCH prayer, deliberation and
personal study, however, I came to realize that everything I had been taught and had myself taught on the subject
was patently FALSE. I now realize that the Zionist State of Israel created in 1948 has NOTHING to do with Biblical
These two DVDs containing eight
messages explain the basic, foundational scriptural truth relative to the subject of Israel that must first be
comprehended in order to understand the full teaching of Scripture on the matter. I consider these eight messages
to be “Biblical Israel 101.”
To order my eight-message, two-DVD
seriesThe Church And Israel, go here:
"We have arrived at a period in American and world history when being awake is
of utmost importance. Being in a position of leadership and yet asleep to critical issues at such a time will
certainly lead to the ‘disastrous results..." -- An excerpt from, Asleep At The Switch: An Open Letter to America's
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 15, 2018
Israel has been conducting air strikes inside of Syria against Iranian Revolutionary Guards and
Hezbollah militias for a long time now. But did Israel conduct strikes shortly after Trump's cruise missile
The True Story of the USS Liberty - Important Documentary
on Israel
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 17, 2018
Please share this important educational video on the USS Liberty. This is true history that is
confirmed by scholars and historians. In 1967, the Zionist regime in Israel attacked a US navy vessel and tried to
kill all of the sailors on board. The purpose was to frame Egypt for the attack and draw the United States into a
war against Israel's enemy. It was a very similar plan to what Israel is doing to provoke the USA into a war with
Iran today.
Loss of
(Israeli False Flag Attack in 1967)
On June 8, 1967, Israeli warplanes and
torpedo boats launched a ferocious two-hour attack against the USS Liberty, an American intelligence ship operating
in the eastern Mediterranean. Of the 294 men aboard the vessel, 34 were killed and 172 were wounded.
"The Loss of Liberty" includes interviews with high-ranking Israeli military officers. High-ranking
American military and civilian officials, including Dean Rusk, former U.S. Secretary of State, and Admiral Thomas
Moorer, former Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, provide authoritative analysis.
"I have never believed that the attack on the USS Liberty was a case of mistaken identity," Admiral
Moorer has said. "What is so chilling and cold-blooded, of course, is that they [the Israelis] could kill as many
Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry. I have to
conclude that it was Israel's intent to sink the Liberty and leave as few survivors as possible."
"Israel's premeditated, sneak attack, on the USS Liberty was a direct attack on America," says
Phillip Tourney, a crewman wounded in the attack. Awarded the Bronze Star for his heroism under fire, he is
president of the USS Liberty Veterans Association. "The disgraceful refusal of unpatriotic American governmental
officials of dubious allegiance to defend America and come to the aid of brave Americans under attack can only be
characterized as treasonous," he says.
"The Loss of Liberty" tells the shocking, long-suppressed truth about the treacherous assault, and
tears to shreds the shameful official story that the attack was a case of mistaken identity.
What Is Zionism? And Why I'm a Proud
Anti-Zionist - Video Compilation -
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 19, 2018
This compilation provides a basic, non-controversial overview of the topic of Zionism from a
historical perspective that draws from extensive original and academic sources.
The Dire Threat of Israeli Zionist
Control Over America
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 18, 2018
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel. No nation has posed as much danger to
the survival of the United States as Israel.
I love history. Lessons learned by past generations can help us to navigate through today's
tangled maze - if we are willing to pay attention to history's lessons. History repeats itself, so we benefit from
studying previous events to avoid making the same mistakes again.
Zionist Warmongers Slaughter Scores of Iranians in
Unprovoked Attack
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 29, 2018
On Sunday, the Zionist regime in Israel carried out inexcusable acts of war against Iran by
carrying out multiple airstrikes in Syria targeting Iranian bases and troops. Scores were slaughtered in the
unprovoked attack.
The Truth About Benjamin Netanyahu's Anti-Iranian Propaganda
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 30, 2018
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a sordid history of lying to the American people to
gain the use of the US military to topple Israel's enemies. This video will open your eyes to his scam.
The Truth About the Iran Deal and Iranian Nuclear
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 1, 2018
This is an introduction to the Iran nuclear deal for people new to the subject - or
for those who wonder if Iran is truly trying to build nuclear weapons as Benjamin Netanyahu and
Israel claim.
There is in fact a Middle Eastern nation that is in fact in control of a vast,
undeclared stockpile of nuclear weapons. This nation does have the capability of deploying those
weapons anywhere in the region. It is not a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and
its arsenal has never been inspected by any international agency. But this nation is not Iran. It's
Israel's "Secret" Nuke Program (why Israel, not Iran is the threat)
Historic: US Embassy in Opens in Jerusalem Amid
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 14, 2018
Today marked the opening of the US Embassy in Israel - a historic event marked by ceremonies and
protests. #Israel #USEmbassy #USEmbassyJerusalem #Palestine #Trump
The World Is Uniting Against Israeli Ethnic
Cleansing of Palestinians
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 15, 2018
Thousands of people around the world, including Jews, are uniting to strongly
condemn the barbaric actions of Israel against the Palestinians.
Israeli Attacks on Palestinian Civilians Draw
Global Rebuke
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 15, 2018
While Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump surrogates opened the US embassy in Jerusalem,
Israeli Defense Forces massacred 60 civilians, including at least 8 children. With the exception of
the USA, the world united to rebuke Israel for its genocidal crime spree.
The 2014 Israeli Palestinian Conflict - Original
Air Date June 22, 2014
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 15, 2018
For a handful of years, Israel and the Palestinians had been in a relative state of
peace. But my geopolitical analysis of Israel's strategic goals suggested to me that they would
stage an even very soon to justify a massive incursion into Gaza. I published my warnings and 2
weeks later all hell broke loose. This is a documentary that I published in June 2014 that covered
the event.
Jake Morphonios: Crowd funding makes my investigations possible!
Israeli Racism & Zionist Apartheid - An Honest
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 18, 2018
Did you know that Israel has been compelling black Jews to receive long-term birth
control shots? This is a big controversy in Israel. In this video, I will discuss racism and
apartheid in Israel.
Everyday Israelis Express Support for Genocide to
Abby Martin
Empire Files
Published on Nov 7, 2017
On the streets of Jerusalem, Abby Martin interviews Jewish Israeli citizens from
all walks of life. In several candid interviews, disturbing comments reveal commonly-held views
about Palestinians and their future in the region.
Israeli-born human rights activist and anti-Zionist, Ronnie Barkan, explains why
these attitudes dominate Israeli society.
IDF tear gas canister hits Palestinian in face during Gaza border
Published on Jun 9, 2018
A Palestinian protester is on life support after a tear gas canister launched by an
Israeli soldier hit him square in the face. The still-smoking canister got lodged in the man's
cheek and had to be surgically removed.
How the Jewish Rothschild Zionists Created Modern Israel
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on May 29, 2018
This video is a historical review of how the modern day Zionist state of Israel
came into being, including the Rothschild connection. #Israel #Zionism
Israel Continues to Shoot Palestinian Children, Reporters and Medics -
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Jun 8, 2018
Today, Israel shot hundreds of Palestinian civilians, killing 4 - including a
child. The world is speaking out against this unjustified aggression that is tantamount to a
campaign of ethnic cleansing.
UN Has Evidence That MBS Ordered Khashoggi Murder &
Israel Names Illegal Settlement
"Trump Heights"
The Last American Vagabond
Streamed live June 19, 2019
Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant
independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.Not getting a YouTube notification? Sign up for Wire and
join the TLAV group to get a PING from me before every live show. https://wire.com
"One of the things that doesn't get discussed very much, when you add in the cost of those a hundred and something
missiles, when you add the cost of keeping the aircraft in air, when you add the cost of moving the ships around,
this operation cost us about a Billion Dollars. A billion dollars to make a point to not do anything strategic or
even tactically important, but simply to make a point. We talk a lot about that on the show: how money is wasted!
It does nothing to protect us, make us safer. Here's a billion dollars really just flushed away, unless you own
Lockheed Martin stock you are worse off after this bombing run. So we should think about that!"
-- Daniel McAdams --
Video: Unintended Consequences of Trump's Syria Attack
"...While gaining control of key
resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the
oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran."
-- Whitney Webb --
(Quote From Article Below)
How the US Occupied the 30 Percent of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and
We Need to Talk About the Iran
Published on Jan 5, 2018
Are these protests in Iran spontaneous, or are they the result of another regime change operation?
This week on The Corbett Report James explores the past, present and future of US and Israeli
involvement in Iran, and the attempts to foment unrest in the country.
Trump Recruits Zionist Neocon John
Bolton for War with Iran
Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Mar 22, 2018
In 2016, I predicted that Trump would bring John Bolton into his administration to
prep for war with Iran. I was right. Trump's administration is completely under the control of the
globalists and you have to be blind to not see it.
USA, Israel & Saudi Arabia Prepping for Zionist War With
End Times News Report
Published on Dec 9, 2017
War with Iran is inevitable. The Zionist puppet masters have been trying for years to start a war
with Iran and that reality has never been closer than it is today. The USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia
are all making coordinated moves in preparation for a major war.
“This channel [Truthstream Media] has covered multiple times that Iran is so
much in the crosshairs, it’s such a persistent target. It’s such a country that these war generals
and policy wonks in Washington are salivating over, that an actual entire book was written by
theBrookings Institute - yeah satan’s own think tank - raising the question, ’which path to
Persia?’ Not whether there would be a conflict in Iran, not whether they seek regime change, but
how to get there and maintain international credibility. And they ran through everything from a
false flag attack, to a joint air strike with Israel or Saudi
Arabia, to a domino situation with Syria or surrounding countries, to a PT boat confrontation and
much more.”
-- Aaron Dykes, journalist, Truthstream Media, video
: While Everyone Was Busy Being Distracted by Texas… --
SPECIAL REPORT: Bolton To The White House
Pre-Emptive War On The Way?
Published on Mar 23, 2018
John Bolton, a central figure in peddling the lies of the 2003 Iraq invasion, has
been chosen by President Trump to be a National Security Advisor. This is a very bad sign. We break
down why it's a terrible and dangerous choice in a special extra edition of the Ron Paul Liberty
Trump's Pick of 'War Criminal' John Bolton Just Super-Charged Threat of
Attack on Iran link
Let's Call Bolton What He Is: A War Criminal with Terrorist Ties, Not
Just "Hawkish"
In a sane society, people like Bolton wouldn’t be allowed on television, much
less put in charge of American security. link
Everything The Media Won't Tell You, John Bolton
Published on Mar 23, 2018
In this video, Jason Bermas breaks down the latest shake-up in the Trump
administration with the appointment of a new National Security Advisor, hawk, and professional liar
John Bolton. Bolton has a long history of fear-mongering and pushing for military action around the
globe while keeping information hidden from the public. Simply put,
Bolton is the swamp, and he is exposed.
Zionist John Bolton Is An Israeli Double Agent - News Compilation
Blackstone Intelligence Network Published on Mar 23, 2018
At every turn, Zionist Neocon (aka ZioCon) John Bolton has shilled for Israel - no
matter the cost or consequence to the safety of the American people.
Bolton Fabricated Lies that Justified War on Iraq
Published on Mar 23, 2018
Phyllis Bennis says new national security adviser John Bolton orchestrated the
ouster of Jose Bustani, chief of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, just as
he was close to an agreement with Saddam Hussein to allow intrusive weapons inspections
The World According to John Bolton… in His Own Words
The “Make America Great Again” crowd behind President Trump are either indifferent to or supportive
of the appointment of a major war criminal as their president’s national security advisor.
Breitbart wasted little time hammering the news into a weapon to use against
its enemies on the left side of the partisan divide. They said liberals are freaking out over the appointment
of John Bolton.
It’s not simply liberals. It’s anyone who knows anything about what the Bush administration did in
Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretense—killing more than a million people, destroying culture and society, and
leaving behind toxicity that will kill people for generations to come.
None of this merits mention.
It’s more important to keep the war between idiot liberals and equally idiotic “conservatives”
going at all cost. Everything else comes in a distant second.
On social media, many MAGA types enthusiastically support the appointment and declare it to be an
appropriate response to Islam, which they fatuously and ridiculously claim will take over America and impose Sharia
law and widespread head chopping of infidels.
But it’s not simply Wahhabi fanatics forged in the CIA’s foundry of terror and murder that drives
support for John Bolton and Trump’s wars, now set to get a large injection of steroids.
It’s the commies in Cuba, Russia, and China. Bolton called for the cold-blooded murder of Libya’s
Gaddafi. He wants to bomb Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities and poison hundreds of thousands of people, if not
ultimately millions. He wants troops in the Middle East permanently. He wants to overthrow Assad—and possibly
subject him to the same treatment suffered by Gaddafi—and follow a template designed for “creative destruction”
drawn up by his neocon colleagues, all whom follow the pied piper Zionist settlers in Israel determined to
ethnically cleanse millions of Arabs. This is no secret, although it is considered sacrilege.
It’s said Trump’s base is in revolt over his failure to veto the budget. It’s not, although you’d
think so if you read Ann Coulter’s tweets. The base supports whatever this president does, which is on par with
what Bush did, particularly in regard to war. The base is looking at shadows reflected on a cave wall while reality
unfolds behind them—endless war, possibly terminal war, a continuation of monetary policy that benefits the
financial class while driving millions into poverty, and political manipulation that results in violence and
bizarre social distortion.
Roger Stone: John Bolton Is A Vast Improvement Over McMaster For Security
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Mar 23, 2018
Roger Stone joins Alex Jones live via Skype to give his support to President
Trump's new pick for Security Adviser, John Bolton, who he believes is a vast improvement over H.R.
Neither Drudge nor Alex Jones complained about the appointment of this scurrilous war criminal to a
top foreign policy post.
Jones had Nixon era dirty trickster and shameless self-promoter Roger Stone on his show.
Stone praised Bolton. Jones didn’t disagree. He spent years and earned a ton of money attacking the Bush
administration, but only a few of us remember that now. He has a new audience of political nincompoops that believe
his bullshit and distortions of reality and happily send him millions of dollars to keep up the charade. [bold
Drudge, like Coulter, is pissed about the budget, and this headlines his vastly popular website
along with what passes for links to National Enquirer level stories and ad nauseam coverage of the manufactured
turf war between “liberals” and “conservatives,” terms for folks who prefer certain flavors of authoritarianism and
endless war.
The Master of War and their sycophants—Stone, the Breitbart gang, Drudge, Jones, and millions of MAGA zombies—will
help facilitate the Final War, the last conflict that will end life on planet earth.
If you look at the way things are going—Trump’s decision to use nuclear weapons, antagonizing
Russia (said to be reluctantly) and China, encouraging the obscene production of new and more deadly weapons of
war, including expanding the conflict into space—the only logical conclusion is all of this will not end well,
especially with the psychopath Bolton whispering in his ear.
Illustration: "Masters of War." Art from Society of Wood Engravers.
The Naked Zionist
4. Isis Plots Christmas Attack in US/UN moves Against Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex
Jones Channel, Dec 24, 2016.
5. Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, May 14,
“What would happen if the Jews pulled out of Israel today and left? Within a year there’d be nothing but people
murdering and killing each other and blowing each other up and fighting, because that’s what the middle east does.
You don’t build stuff; you don’t develop things; you don’t have a culture that’s based on renaissance; it’s all
based on conquest. And you’ll just start saying, You’re not as Shiite as I am, or you’re not as Sunni as I am, and
killing and blowing each other up in five minutes. That’s all I’m saying, for God sakes.” Alex Jones,
ISIS Plots Christmas Attack in US / UN Moves Against Israel, The Alex Jones Channel Published on Dec 24,
ISRAEL & PALESTINE Lookintoit.org Disclaimer: The information posted is for
educational purposes, and as with all videos and articles on this site, doesn't necessarily constitute an
endorsement of all an author's views and opinions.
ISIS Plots Christmas Attack in US / UN Moves Against
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Dec 24, 2016
Globalists Move Against Netanyahu in Preperation Against Trump
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Jan 2, 2017
Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on May 14, 2018
Alex Jones breaks down why he politically supports Israel in the midst of the
new conflict breaking out across the middle east between Israel, Syria, Iran, Russia, and the
United States.
Alex Jones Exposed as a Zionist Apologist AGAIN!
Know More News
Streamed live Jul 11, 2018
Know More News with Adam Green
With Trump elected the temporary hold on smacking Jones is over. Plus Alex went
full cuck mode for Israel. He said the Middle East other than the Jews, have no culture and
can't build anything. That they only know destruction. Funny because Europe colonized over half
the planet and started both world wars.
Alex Zionist Jones woodshed IV prayer for Netanyahu
How are Palestinians reacting to the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem and
violence in Gaza?
CBS News
Published on May 14, 2018
Noura Erakat, a human rights attorney and assistant professor at George Mason
University, discusses the Palestinian reaction to the U.S. embassy opening in Jerusalem and
examines the influence of Hamas on Palestinians in Gaza.
GREATER ISRAEL - The Infamous Oded Yinon Plan -
Greater Israel (Oded Yinon Plan) - Zionist Plan To Expand Israel's Borders And
Balkanize The Nations Surrounding It.
Cynthia McKinney
Ken O'Keefe
Mimi al-Laham aka Syrian Girl
Norman Finkelstein
‘Israel turned Gaza into a prison’
‘Intl community in no position to lecture Israel’ (GU)
Published on May 28, 2018
Going Underground’s Afshin Rattansi speaks to Palestine's Chief Negotiator Saeb Erekat about
Gaza, Israel and how the Israeli government can ever be made to abide by UN resolutions. Rattansi asks the co-chair
of North West Friends of Israel, Raphi Bloom, about the difference between self-defense and war crimes.
Given that the pretext for attacking Syria is falling
apart before the public's eyes [...at least it was back in 2013], why is the US preparing to wage war on
that country? Who benefits from the ongoing destabilization of Assad's government? What will the Middle East look
like if the Sunnis take over Syria? What is Israel's role in this? What do Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have to
gain from a war in Syria? And what does Bandar Bush have to do with all of this? Join us today on The Corbett
Report as we discuss these and other pressing issues as the world stands on the brink of yet another US-led Middle
Eastern military adventure.
8 reasons why the NWO hates Syria
No Rothschild central bank, NO IMF debt, No Genetically modified food, Oil and pipelines, Anti-secret societies,
Anti-Zionism, Secularism, Nationalism.
Months after the events took place, Pulitzer prize winning journalists and others are
finally reporting about the lies and manipulations of the US government regarding the recent chemical weapons
attack in Syria. Far from shining a light on the true situation in the country, however, these reports continue to
avoid the underlying causes and explanations for what is happening in Syria, and the forces that are behind it.
This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
"...While gaining control of key
resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the
oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran."
DAMASCUS, SYRIA – After the U.S. launched
“limited” airstrikes on Friday against Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced that the U.S. will maintain its illegal presence in Syria until U.S. goals in
the area are fulfilled, opening the door for the U.S. occupation to continue indefinitely.
While the U.S. military presence in Syria has been ongoing since 2015 – justified as a means of countering Daesh
(ISIS) — U.S. troops have since turned into an occupying force with their failure to pull out following Daesh’s
defeat in northeastern Syria. Currently, the U.S. occupies nearly a third of Syrian territory — around 30 percent — including much of the area east of the Euphrates River,
encompassing large swaths of the Deir Ezzor, Al-Hasakah and Raqqa regions.
Though the U.S. currently has between 2,000 to 4,000 troops stationed in Syria, it announced the training of a 30,000-person-strong “border force” composed of U.S.-allied
Kurds and Arabs in the area, which would be used to prevent northeastern Syria from coming under the control of
Syria’s legitimate government. Though it backtracked somewhat after backlash from Turkey, the U.S. has continued to train “local forces” in the area. Russian military sources have asserted that former members of Daesh — who were allowed
to leave cities attacked by the U.S. and their proxies, as was the case in battle for Raqqa — are to be included
among the force’s ranks.
This, along with the U.S. government’s insistence on maintaining the occupation until Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad is removed from power, shows that the U.S. government has no intention of permitting the reunification of
Syria and will continue to occupy the region over the long term.
The illegal U.S. occupation of Syria has been widely noted in independent and corporate media, but little media
attention has focused on identifying the wider implications of this occupation and the U.S.’ main objectives in
keeping northeastern Syria from coming under the control of the legitimate, democratically elected Syrian
government. As is often the case in U.S. occupations, both historical and present, it is an effort born out of two
goals: resource acquisition for U.S. corporations and the destabilization of a government targeted for U.S.-backed
regime change.
Control of fossil fuel deposits and flow
Northeastern Syria is an important region owing to its rich natural resources, particularly fossil fuels in the
form of natural gas and oil. Indeed, this area contains 95 percent of all Syrian oil and gas potential — including al-Omar, the
country’s largest oil field. Prior to the war, these resources produced some 387,000 barrels of oil per day and 7.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually, and were of great economic
importance to the Syrian government. However, more significantly, nearly all the existing Syrian oil reserves –
estimated at around 2.5 billion barrels – are located in the area currently occupied by the U.S. government.
In addition to Syria’s largest oil field, the U.S. and its proxies in northeast Syria also control the Conoco gas plant, the country’slargest. The plant, which can produce nearly 50 million cubic feet of gas per day, was originally built by
U.S. oil and gas giant ConocoPhillips, which operated the plant until 2005, after which Bush-era sanctions made it difficult
to operate in Syria. Other foreign oil companies, like Shell, also left Syria as a result of the sanctions.
With the U.S. now occupying the area, the oil and gas produced in this region are already benefiting U.S. energy
corporations to which Trump and his administration have numerous ties. According to Yeni Şafak, the U.S. along with the Saudis, Egypt, and Kurdish officials
held meetings where decisions were made to extract, process and market the fossil fuels harvested in the region,
with the Kurds being given a handsome share of the profits. As of 2015, the Kurds were said to be earning
in excess of $10 million every month.
Syria’s Kurdistan exports its oil to Iraq’s Kurdistan, with which it conveniently shares a border, and it is then
refined and sold to Turkey. Though no corporations are publicly involved, the deal between Syrian and Iraqi Kurds
was brokered by unnamed “oil experts” and “oil investors.” The Kurds in Syria and Iraq
did not even sign the agreement in person. They were subsequently “informed” of the agreement by the United
States and instructed to supervise the operation.
A source in Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) told NOW News that “with regard to southern Kurdistan, it was a company and not the KRG
that signed the deal, and it is [the company] that directly hands over the sums in cash every month.” Given that
over 80 foreign companies are involved in the KRG’s oil trade, most of them U.S.-based, we can safely assume
that many of the same players have also been involved in developing the oil trade of Syria’s Kurdistan.
Major corporate interests
The Trump administration’s numerous connections to the U.S. oil industry make this alliance clear. Former Secretary
of State Rex Tillerson, who was fired in March, was previously the top executive at ExxonMobil, an oil company that
brokered an oil deal with Iraqi Kurds behind the back of the Iraqi government and has expressed interest
in developing Syrian oil interests in the portion of the country currently occupied by the U.S.
ExxonMobil also had a major
stake in the proposed Qatari pipeline, whose rejection by Assad was a likely factor in jumpstarting the
Syrian conflict. Trump himself, prior to assuming the presidency, also had sizable investments in ExxonMobil — as
well as in 11 other major oil and gas companies, including Total, ConocoPhillips, BHP and Chevron.
In addition, even though Tillerson has now gone, his replacement, Mike Pompeo, is equally
a friend to the U.S. oil and gas industry. Pompeo is the “#1 all time recipient” of money from Koch
Industries, which has numerous interests in oil and gas exploration, drilling, pipelines, and fossil-fuel
While the U.S. occupation of Syria is no doubt motivated by a desire to exploit the region’s oil and gas resources
for itself, the U.S.’ refusal to leave the area is also born out of a concern that, were the U.S. to leave, its
chief rival, Russia, would claim the oil and gas riches of Syria’s northeast. Indeed, according to an energy
cooperation framework signed in January, Russia will haveexclusive rights to produce oil and gas in areas of Syria controlled by the Syrian
Since 2014, the U.S. has been aggressively trying to limit Russia’s fossil-fuel sector, particularly its
exports to Europe, andreplace them with U.S.-produced fossil fuels. As former Speaker of the House John
Boehner wrote in 2014, “The ability to turn the tables and put the Russian leader in check
lies right beneath our feet, in the form of vast supplies of natural energy.” Allowing the Russian fossil fuel
sector to strengthen, whether in Syria or elsewhere, would harm U.S. strategic objectives, U.S. corporate bottom
lines and the U.S.’ vision of maintaining a unipolar world at all costs.
Location, location: pipeline maps and a zero-sum game with Russia
In addition to its fossil fuel resources, Syria’s strategic location makes it crucial to the regional flow of hydrocarbons. Having the northeastern section of Syria
under the control of the U.S. and its proxies could have a profound effect on future and existing pipelines. As The New York Times noted in 2013, “Syria’s prime location and muscle make it the
strategic center of the Middle East.”
For that very reason, much of the U.S.’ Middle East policy has been aimed at seizing control of territory and
pushing for the partition of countries to secure safe transit routes for oil and gas. In Syria such plans to
partition the country for this purpose date back to as early as the 1940s, when European oil interests in the country’s northeast began to
grow. Since then, several countries have tried to occupy parts of northern Syria to secure control of the region
for these strategic purposes, including Turkey and Iraq in addition to Western powers.
A crucial pipeline already exists in northeastern Syria that connects Syria’s oil fields to the Ceyhan-Kirkuk pipeline. Though that pipeline
sustained heavy damage in 2014, there are plans to rebuild it or build a new pipeline alongside it. Thus,
northeastern Syria also boasts oil export infrastructure that could help Syrian oil travel easily to Turkey and
thus to the European market.
In addition, the conflict in Syria – now in its seventh year – was, in part, initiated as a result of clashes
over two
pipeline proposals that needed to secure passage through Syria. Syria, not long before the foreign-funded
proxy war besieged the country, had turned down a U.S.-backed proposal that would take to Europe natural gas from
Qatar in favor of a Russia-backed proposal that would take natural gas originating in Iran.
Though those pipeline proposals are no longer as powerful in shaping motives as they once were – largely due to
Qatar’s rift with other Gulf monarchies andimproved relations with Iran – the northeastern part of Syria remains key to U.S.
objectives. According to the German publication Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, the U.S. has developed plans to build a new pipeline from the Persian Gulf to Northern
Iraq and into Turkey through northeastern Syria, with the ultimate goal of supplying oil to Europe. Russia, for
its part, opposes this plan, as it seeks to maintain its own lucrative exports of fossil fuels to Europe.
Water and land
Beyond fossil fuels and pipelines, northeast Syria boasts several other key advantages in terms of resources. Chief
among those is water – a resource of prime importance in the Middle East. The U.S.-controlled portion of Syria is
home to the
country’s three largest freshwater reservoirs, which are fed by the Euphrates river.
One of those reservoirs now controlled by the U.S. and its proxies, Lake Assad, is the country’s largest freshwater
reservoir andsupplies
government-held Aleppo with most of its drinking water. It also provides the city with much of its
electrical power, which is generated by Tabqa Dam, also located in the occupied territory. Another key
hydroelectric power plant is located at Tishrin Dam and is also controlled by U.S.-backed proxy forces.
In addition to its abundant water resources, northeastern Syria is also home to nearly 60 percent of Syria’s cropland, a key resource in terms of Syria’s
sustainability and food independence. Prior to the conflict, Syria invested heavily in bringing irrigation infrastructure into the area in order to
allow agriculture there to continue despite a massive regional drought. Much of that irrigation infrastructure
is fed by the occupied Tabqa Dam, which controls the irrigation water for 640,000 hectares (2,500 square miles) of farmland.
Game plan for occupation, partition
Unlike the northeast’s fossil fuel resources, the U.S. is not hoping to gain financially from the region’s water
and agricultural resources. Instead, the interest there is strategic and serves two main purposes.
First, control over those resources – particularly water and the flow of the Euphrates – gives the U.S. a key
advantage it could use to destabilize Syria. For example, the U.S. could easily cut off water and electricity to
government-held parts of Syria by shutting down or diverting power and water from dams in order to place pressure
on the Syrian government and Syrian civilians.
Though such actions target civilians and constitute a war crime, the U.S. has used such tactics in Syria before,
such as in the battle for Raqqa when it cut off water supplies to the city as its proxies took control of the city
from Daesh (ISIS). Other countries, like
Turkey, have also cut off the flow of the Euphrates on two occasions over the course of the Syrian conflict
in order to gain a strategic advantage.
By controlling much of the country’s water and agricultural land – not to mention its fossil fuel resources — the
U.S. occupation will not only accomplish its goal of destabilizing Syria’s government by depriving it of revenue;
it also invites a broader conflict from Syria and its allies, who are eager to prevent another long-term U.S.
occupation in the Middle East and to reclaim the territory for Syria.
Another way the U.S. has the ability to destabilize Syria through its occupation of the northeast is its plan to
have the Saudisrebuild much
of the area. Though the U.S. initially allied itself with the Kurds in northeastern Syria, opposition from
Turkey has led Washington to focus more on working with Arabs in the area, particularly those allied with or
formerly part of Saudi-allied Wahhabi groups, in order to create a
Saudi-controlled enclave that could be used to destabilize government-controlled areas of Syria for years
to come. The area is set to become much like the Idlib province, which is also essentially an enclave for Wahhabi
The U.S. plan to create a Wahhabi enclave in northeast Syria was directly referenced in a Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA) report from 2012. That report stated:
[capitalization original]
Despite Daesh’s defeat, their presence in Northeastern Syria, as the DIA reveals, was cultivated to
provide a pretext for the foreign control of the region.
Partition chess: thinking two moves ahead
Whether the Saudis or the Kurds ultimately end up dominating the portion of Syria currently occupied by the United
States is besides the point. The main U.S. purpose in occupying the northeast portion of Syria is its long-standing
goal of partitioning Syria, thereby permanently separating the country’s northeast from the rest of the
Throughout the Syrian conflict, the U.S. government has repeatedly tried to sell partition to the public, arguing
that partition is the “only” solution to Syria’s ongoing “sectarian” conflict. However, this sectarianism
was cynically engineered and stoked by foreign powers precisely to bring about the current conflict in Syria and
ultimately justify partition.
WikiLeaks revealed that the CIA was involved in instigating anti-Assad and “sectarian”
demonstrations as early as March 2011.Declassified
CIA documents show that the plan to push partition by directly engineering sectarianism in order to
weaken the Syrian state dates back to at least the 1980s. The partition idea was also repeatedly touted by the Obama administration, which stated on several occasions
that it “may be too late” to keep Syria whole.
Though the Obama administration has come and gone, the Trump administration is also set to push for partition,
thanks to the recent appointment of John Bolton to the position of National Security Adviser. As
MintPress recently reported, Bolton has long advocated for combining northeastern Syria with northwestern
Iraq in order to create a new country, which Bolton called “Sunnistan,” that would dominate the two countries’
fossil fuel resources and would count on the key water and agricultural resources of the region to sustain the
population. Bolton called for the Gulf Arab states, like Saudi Arabia, to finance the creation of that state –
hence the Trump administration’s recent attempts to negotiate
a “deal” with the Saudis by which they take over control of the U.S.-occupied portion in Syria if they
agree to pay $4 billion for reconstruction.
Aiming at Iran
While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the
U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran.
As U.S.-based intelligence firm Stratfor noted in 2002, taking control of Syria’s northeast would greatly complicate
the land route between Syria and Iran as well as the land route between Iran and Lebanon. In January, Tillerson
made this objective clear. Speaking at Stanford University, Tillerson noted that “diminishing” Iran’s influence in Syria was a key goal for
the U.S. and a major reason for its occupation of the northeast.
By cutting off the route between Tehran and Damascus, the U.S. would greatly destabilize and weaken the region’s
“resistance axis” and the U.S. — along with its regional allies – would be able to greatly increase its regional
influence and control. Given the alliance between Syria and Iran, as well as their mutual defense accord, the
occupation is necessary in order to weaken both nations and a key precursor to
Trump administration plans to isolate and wage war against Iran.
With internal reports warning of the U.S.’ waning position as the “world’s only superpower,” the U.S. has no
intention of leaving Syria, as it is becoming increasingly desperate to maintain its influence in the region and
to maintain as well the influence of the corporations that benefit the most from U.S. empire.
Acknowledgment: Investigative journalist Rick Sterling, who specializes in the Syria war, provided MintPress
with some images and pertinent information that was used in this story.
Whitney Webb is a staff writer for MintPress News and a contributor to Ben Swann’s Truth in Media. Her work has
appeared on Global Research, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has also made radio
and TV appearances on RT and Sputnik. She currently lives with her family in southern Chile.
Presidential hopeful Ron Paul insists that
the U.S. government shouldn’t go to war without a declaration of war. His son Rand has also taken this position, as
have several libertarian-leaning Tea Party candidates. According to the U.S. Constitution, the congress is invested
with the power to declare war. These constitutionalists say that this declaration should be a requirement before
military action is authorized.
I’m not sure that this is resonating with those that are unfamiliar with what a declaration of war
means. For most people, the declaration of war is a formality whereby the president makes sure that it is agreeable
to the Congress that he utilizes the military. Some might even go so far as to say it is the president “asking
permission” from the Congress to do so. By this reasoning, both Presidents Bush and Obama have complied, especially
considering H.J. Res. 114 (October 16, 2002). With that resolution, Congress authorized the president to use
military force in the war on terror. What is the difference between that and a declaration of war?
The answer is both intuitive and supported by history. First, a “declaration” has nothing to do
with “permission.” Neither is it the same thing as creation or initiation. One can only declare something that
already exists. Therefore, a declaration of war does not create a war or initiate a war. A declaration of war is a
resolution passed by Congress recognizing that the United States is already at war.
The intent of the declaration of war power is for the government to have an adjudication process
for war analogous to a criminal trial for domestic crimes. Evidence must be presented that the nation in question
has committed overt acts of war against the United States. The Congress must deliberate on that evidence and then
vote on whether or not a state of war exists. The actual declaration of war is analogous to a conviction at a
criminal trial. The Congress issues the “verdict” and the president is called upon to employ the military. To wage
war without a declaration of war is akin to a lynching: there has been no finding of guilt before force has been
employed in response.
Herein lies the difference between H.J. Res. 114 and a declaration of war. In order for President
Bush to have obtained a declaration of war against Iraq, he would have had to present his case that Iraq had
already committed overt acts of war against the United States. Like a prosecutor, he would have had to convince the
“jury” (Congress) that Iraq was guilty – not of “possessing weapons of mass destruction” but of having already
aggressed against the United States. Obviously, he would not have been able to do this. In fact, the absence of any
overt acts of war by the nations in question is the reason that there were no declarations of war against Korea,
Viet Nam, Bosnia, or any other nation that the U.S. government has waged war against since WWII.
The declaration of war power requires the government to obey the law of nature that that no
individual or group may initiate force against another. It ensures that before the executive launches a military
action against another nation, a separate body deliberates on evidence and agrees that said nation has been an
aggressor. Only then is waging war justified.
This interpretation is supported by every declaration of war in U.S. history. Here are two
When James Polk asked Congress to declare war on Mexico in 1846, he said,
“But now, after reiterated menaces, Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has
invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil. She has proclaimed that hostilities have
commenced, and that the two nations are now at war. [emphasis added]
As war exists, and, notwithstanding all our efforts to avoid it, exists by the act of Mexico
herself, we are called upon by every consideration of duty and patriotism to vindicate with decision the honor, the
rights, and the interests of our country. . . .
In further vindication of our rights and defense of our territory, I invoke the prompt action of
Congress to recognize the existence of the war, and to place at the disposition of the Executive the means of
prosecuting the war with vigor, and thus hastening the restoration of peace.”[1] [emphasis added]
After reviewing Polk’s request, Congress issued the following declaration of war,
“Whereas, by the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that Government and
the United States: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of American in
Congress assembled, That for the purpose of enabling the government of the United States to prosecute said war to a
speedy and successful termination…”[2] [emphasis added]
Note the italicized words. The state of war already exists because of the act of the Republic of
Americans are probably most familiar with the last occasion upon which the United States declared
war. In what may have been the only constitutional act of his entire presidency, President Roosevelt asked Congress
to declare war on Japan during this famous speech:
Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:
Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was
suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in
conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific…Yesterday,
the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night,
the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island. I ask that the Congress
declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has
existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.”[3] [full text of speech here]
In response, Congress resolved,
“Whereas the Imperial Government of Japan has committed unprovoked acts of war against the
Government and the people of the United States of America: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the state of war between the United
States and the Imperial Government of Japan which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally
declared; and the President is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the
United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Imperial Government of Japan; and, to
bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the
Congress of the United States.”[4]
Every other past declaration of war in U.S. history follows exactly this format. The president
presents evidence. The Congress votes on the validity of that evidence. It declares that war already exists. It
then directs the president to use the military to end the war.
Had this constitutional process been followed, the United States would not have been involved in
the wars in Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, or Afghanistan. The declaration of war power ensures that the
U.S. government never initiates force, but only uses the military to defend its citizens against an aggressor.
Following the constitution on this point would have kept the United States out of every war since
WWII and prevented the U.S. government from running up a large portion of its unresolvable debt. Abiding the law of
nature is not only moral, but cost-effective.
During the South Carolina Republican Primary Debate on May 5, Herman Cain articulated his position
on the government’s war powers. He stated that, as president, he would not involve the U.S. military in war unless
three criteria were met. 1. There was a clear objective. 2. There was a verifiable U.S. interest in question. 3.
There was a clear path to victory.
While his comments clearly titillated the audience panel interviewed after the debate, one must
recognize that Adolph Hitler’s wars would have been justified on this basis. Are those the only criteria upon which
the U.S. government should base its decision to go to war? How about, “They attacked us?” That should be the one
and only reason.
Going to war without a declaration of war not only represents aggression against the nation in
question, but against every U.S. taxpayer as well. The only argument that can be made for taxing a free people is
that taxation is necessary to underwrite protection of their lives, liberties, and properties. The only way that
they can be compelled to pay for a war is if a state of war exists between them and another nation. To tax them for
a war fought for other reasons, including defending people other than themselves, is to aggress against them. Once
the government is allowed to do that, it is time to stop calling the United States “the land of the free.”
Congress To Green-Light Perpetual Global
Published on May 8, 2018
The new, bi-partisan authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) introduced by Senators
Kaine and Corker is billed as evidence that Congress is finally taking its Constitutional war-making authority
seriously. This could not be further from the truth. Congress is about to grant the president "forever war" power
and return to its slumber. Bad for America.
Soldiers Please
To be confronted with the fact that you are
about to be ordered to commit an atrocity must be extremely uncomfortable. But the consequences of avoiding that
confrontation are unacceptable.
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link to set up your account http://db.tt/pqh9sC0Y and my account will be granted more free space to use so that I
can upload more videos and materials.
My own reasons behind why you should NOT join the military.
My Views do not represent any group and are solely my own from experience and understanding of
world events. I no longer serve the Military and I am no longer loyal to my government. I am not a "Pacifist" I
merely believe our Young people should not be involved in wars that only benefit a few filthy rotten
If you like, like - if you dislike, dislike - if you want to see more or have any questions let
me know, if this gets any views i may do more videos.
Most of all thanks for watching and always remember; PEACE IS PATRIOTIC
don't know what types of alliances are possible. All we can do is to hold aloft the banner of
justice and humanity and see who rallies to it. And no matter who joins us, fight we must.
For as Ludwig von Mises said, ‘Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved
of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is
sweeping toward destruction. Therefore, everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously
into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interest of everyone hangs on
the result…' Let’s all stand together.”
We Who Dared to Say No to War uncovers some of the forgotten but
compelling body of work from the American antiwar tradition—speeches, articles, poetry, book excerpts, political
cartoons, and more—from people throughout our history who have opposed war. Beginning with the War of 1812, these
selections cover every major American war up to the present and come from both the left and the right, from
religious and secular viewpoints. There are many surprises, including a forgotten letter from a Christian
theologian urging Confederate President Jefferson Davis to exempt Christians from the draft and a speech by Abraham
Lincoln opposing the 1848 Mexican War. Among others, Daniel Webster, Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, Grover Cleveland,
Eugene Debs, Robert Taft, Paul Craig Roberts, Patrick Buchanan, and Country Joe and the Fish make an appearance.
This first-ever anthology of American antiwar writing offers the full range of the subject’s richness and