" Look Into It - DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People Part 1








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DHS Arming for War with Americans

Federal agency has now acquired enough bullets to wage 30 year war!


VIDEO UPDATE July 26, 2013 --> Check below for recent articles on new purchases since!

In response to nationwide shortages of ammunition and concerns amongst Americans regarding the Department of Homeland Security's enormous ammo orders, Senate and House Republicans have introduced legislation that would limit stockpiling of bullets by federal agencies.

The bill, known as the Ammunition Management for More Obtainability Act, or AMMO act for short, was authored by Sen. Jim Inhofe (R., Okla.) and Rep. Frank Lucas (R., Okla.) who say that there must be more "transparency and accountability" regarding government stockpiling.






Alex Jones & Mike Adams Are Pushing a Faux "Revolution"

The Conscious Resistance
Published on Sep 24, 2018

Derrick Broze examines recent videos from Alex Jones and Mike Adams claiming that Trump will declare martial law. These men and infowars are not to be trusted. They are going to help create the perfect conditions for a civil war that the ruling class will use to enact complete control.





Don't Fall for Alex Jones' Civil War Deception

The Conscious Resistance
Premiered Dec 27, 2018

Derrick Broze breaks down the ongoing efforts of Alex Jones, InfoWars, and Trump supporters to push for a civil war.

Is a Second Civil War Really Coming?

The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings.

Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com

Our work is supported by SmartCash, the business focused, user-friendly & decentralized crypto-currency. www.smartcash.cc

Support our work: Patreon.com/DerrickBroze

Alex Jones Does 180 on Police State

Advocates Military Be Used to Arrest US Citizens to Resolve Contrived Left-Right Tensions

"...They're going to guillotine everybody and have a communist utopia and they're all nodding 'we're going to kill the conservatives and the christians, we're going to kill them'. And these are marches with hundreds of thousands of people nodding their head, 'We are going to kill you.' As far as I'm concerned, the safest thing to do would just to be, have Trump, just go ahead and have the Army go ahead and arrest these people. We are in a red alert right now; we need to have the Army just arrest these people. And I guarantee you George Washington, if stuff like this was going on, would go arrest the people that were doing it."

-- Alex Jones, vid: Is The Civil War Here NOW?, WeAreChange Jul 2, 2018 --

"...And this comes from a man who made four, not one, not two, not three, four movies called The Police State and even another one called Martial Law 911 warning the general public about the use of the US Army domestically inside The United States. This is a man who is most well known for warning the American public about the rise of the police state, who has now completely turned 180 degrees and is ultimately calling for martial law in the streets to arrest people who are protesting the government!"

-- Luke Rudkowski, vid: Is The Civil War Here NOW?, WeAreChange Jul 2, 2018 --

** For more information go to the False Left-Right Paradigm page and look at the section: Alex Jones Paradigm Pivot **


 Infowars Employees Expose Alex Jones

 Know More News
Published on Oct 4, 2017

Former Alex Jones employees and guests speak out about the big problems going on at Infowars


Rob Jacobson

Kurt Nimmo

Anthony Gucciardi

Aaron and Melissa Dykes

Luke Ridkowski

Jason Bermas

David Icke

Wayne Madsen

and Jack Blood


Beware of both MSM & ALT-Media





"The globalists create confusion by design so that people see a smokescreen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just roll over and give up."

-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To Attack Syria --

Adaptation and Conformity
The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars





In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment.









Trump's Speech After Shootings Paves Way
For A Dramatic Loss Of Rights, Censorship & PreCrime


An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen

Published on Mar 17, 2019

These letter was written by Dr. Chuck Baldwin and read live prior to the message preached by
Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, March 17, 2019 during the service at Liberty Fellowship.



Pastor Chuck Baldwin Exposes Donald Trump's Broken Promise To Protect The 2nd Amendment

LibertyFellowshipMT | Published on Aug 19, 2019 | www.chuckbaldwinlive.com

Donald Trump promised the American people that he would protect our 2nd Amendment. No promise Trump made was more emphatic than his promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.

But now President Trump has joined anti-gun Democrats by becoming the loudest proponent for more draconian gun control laws, including universal background checks and "red flag" gun confiscation laws.

Donald Trump's betrayal of the 2nd Amendment is inexcusable--and unforgivable.

The NRA is compromised and in complete disarray and will be no help. It is up to the people who voted for Donald Trump to stop this. If they do not rise up en masse NOW and let Trump know in no uncertain terms that he has lost their vote FOREVER if he enacts these egregious gun control and gun confiscation laws, Trump will go down in history as having enacted more communistic gun control laws than any president since Lyndon Baines Johnson in the 1960s.

In this video, Pastor Baldwin presents the clarion call for everyone in America who cherishes their right to keep and bear arms to rally en masse against these police-state gun control laws before it's too late.

This is not about Republicans or Democrats, right or left or who wins an election. The right to keep and bear arms is more important than any election and any political party. The right to keep and bear arms is about FREEDOM.

Please share this video with as many friends and loved ones as you can. We only have a short time to stop these Orwellian gun control laws from coming into existence. We only have a short time to make Donald Trump accountable to his promise to protect the 2nd Amendment.

"We are not talking about gun control. We are talking about

- Chuck Baldwin, This Is Deadly Serious! March 14, 2019 -

This Is Deadly Serious!

An Open Letter To Our Legislators, Judges And Lawmen


Links: 2nd Amendment , F.B.I. , FALSE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM , General Summary/Crash Course


Make The CALL:



Call White House now 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414

Call any Congressman via 202-225-3121 or 202-224-3121 








The War on Ammo
Is the shutdown of the last US smelter part of
a multi-pronged attack on ammunition?


David Knight
October 31, 2013

Most gun control advocates still cloak their true intentions behind opposition to “assault rifles”. But some are coming out of the closet, explicitly or tacitly admitting that their goal is a full ban on private arms. Gen McChrystal said in Jan 2013, “I think serious action is necessary. Sometimes we talk about very limited actions on the edges and I just don’t think that’s enough,” he said. Translation: we’ve been infringing on the Second Amendment, now we need to get serious and ban arms.

And as McChrystal worked the talk show circuit, he didn’t just talk about vaguely defined “assault rifles” but focused repeatedly on how the dangerous full metal bullets used by the military shouldn’t be in private hands. The reality is that while full metal jacket bullets may have better penetration of bulletproof jackets, hollow point bullets are designed to do far more damage to the human body. So much more damaging that hollow points are banned by Geneva Convention from use by the military against enemy combatants. Yet, hollow points are what governments use against their own citizens and what Homeland Security is hoarding by the billions.





Gun control organizations are turning their attention to ammunition instead of specific guns. When we encountered the 4 or 5 protestors from “Moms Demand Action” in San Antonio, their organization’s national flyer called for

- tracking the sale of large quantities of ammunition and banning online sales
- background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases
- establish product safety oversight of guns and ammunition
- banning of assault weapons and ammunition magazines of more than 10 rounds


EPA efforts to remove lead pollution in paint have turned into a campaign to eradicate all traces of lead in everything. Fishing tackle, small tire weights for balancing, zippers in children’s clothes and, of course, lead bullets are in the crosshairs.

The Center for Biological Diversity has lobbied the EPA to regulate ammunition by including it in the Toxic Substances Control Act. While they failed in that effort, California has become the first state in the nation to outlaw lead in bullets for hunting. Gov Brown signed the law over the objections of California state game wardens.

And this week, Doe Run, the last and only ore to lead producer in the US closed rather than try to comply with EPA regulations. Over 20 years the company had been researching a wet chemical process and investing $30Million to replace smelting. The new process would have eliminated 99 percent of all current land, air and water pollution releases. But EPA’s regulatory uncertainty and estimated expense of $100 million to convert, caused the company to throw in the towel.


Its not just ammunition that being regulated out of existence. American industry is being regulated out of existence and jobs are being exported. Lead will still be manufactured, but it will be manufactured in China and other countries with virtually no environmental oversight and the products will be scarce and expensive with fragile supply lines.

But lead is not the first component of ammunition that has been attacked in the Obama administration. Back in March of 2009, immediately after Obama took office, the DoD stopped selling spent brass to ammo manufacturers, a policy that would cause shortages and price increases of ammo. Both of Montana’s Senators, Max Baucus (D) and Jon Tester (D) wrote a letter to the Defense Logistics Agency reminding them that according to law, “demilitarizing or disposing of small arms ammunition is prohibited, unless the small arms ammunition is certified by the Secretary of the Army or designee as unserviceable or unsafe for further use. The intent of this law is to ensure once-fired small arms cartridge cases are made available intact in the open market.” Tester’s office said it was told by DoD that the brass destruction policy was reversed.

Yet we learned in Dec 2012, three years later, that according to their Solid Waste Management Plan, at least one Army Garrison, Fort Drum, NY was crushing spent brass into scrap, going to extra expense to reduce its value, sell it cheaply to China and keep it from being made available to the open market to create private ammo.

And while its uncertain whether other military installation besides Fort Drum are violating the law by keeping brass shells off the open market, InfoWars has covered numerous, massive purchases of ammunition by Homeland Security on the open market. Purchase orders for over 2 billion hollow point bullets have created market shortages and stoked demand from a public concerned about the implications of DHS’ actions.

There’s a multi-pronged attack on ammunition:

- Creating market shortages by massive purchases
- Drying up the market by making ammunition components like lead and spent brass
scarce and expensive
- Using environmental regulation to ban the use and manufacture of lead

And after the domestic sources of ammunition dry up, the UN Arms Trade Treaty (UN-ATT) can be used to stop the importation of ammunition.

The gun control movement’s public agenda against “assault rifles” hasn’t been effective. But their war on ammunition by limiting access via regulation, manipulating the market and shutting down manufacturing, has been very effective. And if they succeed, it would be the same as a comprehensive ban on guns.

This article was posted: Thursday, October 31, 2013 at 5:50 pm

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Now It’s William Barr: When Will Christians And Conservatives Stop Making Excuses For Donald Trump?


Published: Thursday, January 24, 2019

Okay, we all know how awful Hillary Clinton is. We all know that Donald Trump said all the right things (well, many of the right things) on the campaign trail. We all know—at least believed—that Trump was not an establishment insider. We all know that Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” dramatically reduce America’s out-of-control deficit spending, protect the Second Amendment, get America out of its endless foreign wars, terminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, overturn Roe v Wade and build a wall on our southern border—that Mexico would pay for—in order to stop the flow of illegal immigration into America.

Now, after two full years of a Donald Trump administration in which he enjoyed both houses of Congress being held by fellow Republicans, we all know (and if we don’t, it’s because we don’t WANT to know) that none of the above has happened. Yet, Christians and conservatives by the millions continue to make excuses for this faker.

First, a brief comment about the border wall: All of the drama regarding a partial government shutdown and incessant public theater by actors from both political parties is quite nauseating. Republicans had control of both houses of Congress and the White House for two years. Why wasn’t money appropriated for the wall then? Why was there no government shutdown over the lack of funding for the border wall then? Why wait until Democrats take over the House to shut down (partially) the federal government and threaten to declare a State of National Emergency?

Forgive me, but this stinks to high heaven. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors. All of the high profile theatrics over the border wall is the biggest distraction to envelop our country in quite a spell. While everyone is fighting over the wall, some very serious attacks against our liberties are being waged almost without notice. And all of the hullabaloo over the wall is completely covering up Trump’s failure to carry out the rest of his campaign promises—and the fact that Trump himself has often worked in direct opposition to many of his campaign promises.

Secondly, his rhetoric notwithstanding, President Trump has NOT drawn down America’s involvement in endless foreign wars. Trump’s promise to bring U.S. forces home from Syria is so much hot air. Trump’s “immediate” withdrawal order is now mired in an indefinite time schedule. In other words, there is no time schedule. Our troops that are still fighting in Syria are not only still based in Syria, but they are also still using bases in Iraq as launching pads for military excursions into Syria. Of course, Trump promised that the U.S. bases in Iraq were not going anywhere—and that’s one promise he will keep.

Our troops are still fighting endless wars in Afghanistan and Somalia. In fact, Trump has shoved record military spending through Congress and has done nothing to reduce America’s global military presence (U.S. troops are stationed in over 160 countries, which equates to 95% of the world’s foreign military bases). America is as much the global cop as it was when Trump was elected. No, that’s not quite true: We are MUCH MORE the global cop than when Trump was elected, as Trump has expanded our military presence in Eastern Europe to unprecedented levels—levels not even seen during the Cold War.

Thirdly, as we have just passed the 46th anniversary of the ignoble Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion-on-demand nationwide, unborn children continue to be legally murdered—in spite of the fact that Donald Trump was President and Republicans controlled both houses of Congress during the past two years. All of Trump’s “pro-life” rhetoric hasn’t saved the life of a single unborn baby. Since Trump was elected, over 2 million unborn children have been mercilessly murdered in the wombs of their mothers—with the complete approbation of a Republican-led federal government.

The GOP controlled the entire federal government for 4.6 years of G.W. Bush's eight years in office—and they controlled the entire federal government for the past two years of Donald Trump’s presidency. They did NOTHING about Roe v Wade under Bush, and they have done NOTHING about Roe v Wade under Trump. These phony pro-life GOP congressmen and senators haven't even defunded America's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.

Fourthly, as to ending the federal government’s extravagant spending habits, what a crock! During 8 years of a Republican majority in the House of Representatives, the federal debt INCREASED $7.9 trillion. And a Trump presidency did nothing to reduce Washington’s out-of-control spending—even with Republicans in control of both houses of Congress.

Fifthly, what about Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp”? This is one of Trump’s biggest lies of all. Trump never intended to drain the swamp. From the outset of his presidency, he began appointing mostly CFR globalists, neocons, warmongers, Zionists, corporate elitists and corrupt government insiders to his administration. And he hasn’t stopped.

I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing my conservative Christian brethren say things like, “Trump is trying his best, but he’s getting no help from his cabinet and staff.” Well, DUH! Who picked his cabinet and staff? Trump did.

Then they say things like, “Trump doesn’t really understand these issues; he really wants to do right, but he’s getting bad advice.” BARF! If he didn’t understand the issues, he’s had two full years as President of the United States to get caught up. But he continues to make the same unconstitutional, big-government, warmongering decisions over and over again. The excuse that “he wants to do right, but is getting bad advice” just doesn’t wash anymore. It’s time for Trump’s supporters to wake up and realize that Donald Trump is a great big boy, not a little kid, and is fully capable of thinking for himself.

Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s known exactly what he’s been doing from day number one. He is the consummate con man. He is a charlatan. He is a double-tongued pretender. He has filled the executive branch of the federal government with the same crooks as presidents before him.

And now Trump’s selection of William Barr as America’s next attorney general is the final straw. There can be NO MORE DOUBT.

William Barr is the swamp creature’s Swamp Creature. He is the personification of all of the evil and wickedness that has gone on in Washington, D.C., during the past 30 years. Name the act of criminality, cover-up or act of chicanery that has taken place in Washington D.C., over the last 30 years, and William Barr is probably neck deep in it.

Here is a summary of Barr’s career:

*Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.

*CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.

*When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.

*Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.

*Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.

*Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan). Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.

*Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.

*In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations,” drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.

*Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush.

*Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes.

*Barr left Washington, and went through the “rotating door” to the corporate world, where he took on numerous directorships and counsel positions for major companies. In 2007 and again from 2017, Barr was counsel for politically connected international law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Among its other notable attorneys and alumni are Kenneth Starr, John Bolton, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and numerous Trump administration attorneys. K&E’s clients include sex trafficker/pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital.

If all of this isn’t bad enough, William Bar is a co-conspirator in the murders of Vicki and Sammy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. James Bovard tells the story:

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Attorney General nominee William Barr have focused heavily on Barr’s views on Special Counsel Robert Mueller. But nobody is asking about Barr’s legal crusade for blanket immunity for federal agents who killed American citizens.

Barr received a routine questionnaire from the Judiciary Committee asking him to disclose his past work including pro bono activities “serving the disadvantaged.” The “disadvantaged” that Barr spent the most time helping was an FBI agent who slayed an Idaho mother holding her baby in 1992. Barr spent two weeks organizing former Attorneys General and others to support “an FBI sniper in defending against criminal charges in connection with the Ruby Ridge incident.” Barr also “assisted in framing legal arguments advanced… in the district court and the subsequent appeal to the Ninth Circuit,” he told the committee.

That charitable work (for an FBI agent who already had a federally paid law firm defending him) helped tamp down one of the biggest scandals during Barr’s time as Attorney General from 1991 to early 1993. Barr was responsible for both the U.S. Marshals Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, two federal agencies whose misconduct at Ruby Ridge “helped to weaken the bond of trust that must exist between ordinary Americans and our law enforcement agencies,” according to a 1995 Senate Judiciary Committee report.

After Randy Weaver, an outspoken white separatist living on a mountaintop in northern Idaho, was entrapped by an undercover federal agent, U.S. marshals trespassed on Weaver’s land and killed his 14-year-old son, Sammy [by shooting him in the back]. The following day, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed his wife, Vicki, as she was standing in the cabin doorway [holding her baby in her arms]. Horiuchi had previously shot Randy Weaver in the back after he stepped out of the cabin. The suspects were never given a warning or a chance to surrender and had taken no action against FBI agents. Weaver survived.

After an Idaho jury found Weaver not guilty on almost all charges, federal judge Edward Lodge slammed the Justice Department and FBI for concealing evidence and showing “a callous disregard for the rights of the defendants and the interests of justice.” A Justice Department internal investigation compiled a 542-page report detailing federal misconduct and coverups in the case and suggested criminal charges against FBI officials involved in Ruby Ridge.

Barr told the New York Times in 1993 that he was not directly involved in the Ruby Ridge operation. Two years later, the Washington Post revealed that “top officials of the Bush Justice Department had at least 20 [phone] contacts concerning Ruby Ridge in the 24 hours before Vicki Weaver was shot,” including two calls involving Barr.

In January 1995, FBI director Louis Freeh announced wrist slaps for the FBI officials involved, including his friend Larry Potts, who supervised the operation from headquarters and who approved the shoot-without-provocation orders that “contravened the constitution of the United States,” according to the Justice Department internal report.

When Attorney General Janet Reno later nominated Potts for deputy director of the FBI, top newspapers and members of Congress protested, but Barr told the New York Times that his friend Potts “was deliberate and careful, and I developed a great deal of confidence in his judgment… I can’t think of enough good things to say about him.” A few months later, the FBI suspended Potts after suspected perjury regarding Ruby Ridge. (Potts was not charged and retired two years later.)

The Justice Department paid $3 million to settle a wrongful death lawsuit from the Weaver family. But when Boundary County, Idaho filed criminal charges against Horiuchi, Barr sprang to action seeking immunity for FBI snipers. He spearheaded efforts to sway the court to dismiss all charges because holding a sniper liable would “severely undermine, if not cripple, the ability of future attorneys general to rely on such specialized units in moments of crisis such as hostage taking and terrorist acts.”

When the Justice Department won an initial appeals court victory in the case in 2000, federal judge Alex Kozinski warned in a dissent of a new James Bond “007 standard for the use of deadly force” against American citizens. The same court reversed that decision the following year. Kozinski, writing for the majority, declared: “A group of FBI agents formulated rules of engagement that permitted their colleagues to hide in the bushes and gun down men who posed no immediate threat. Such wartime rules are patently unconstitutional for a police action.”

Does William Barr still endorse “wartime rules” and a “007 standard” that absolve federal agents for questionable shootings of Americans?  Does Barr consider “illegal government killings” to be an oxymoron? Best of all, can Barr explain to us his understanding of the phrase “government under the law”?

See also this report in The American Conservative.

In addition, as far as William Barr is concerned, the Fourth Amendment does not even exist. Senator Rand Paul notes that Barr "has been a big supporter of the PATRIOT Act, which lowered the standard for spying on Americans, and he even went so far as to say the PATRIOT Act was pretty good — we should go much further."

Rand also said that Barr is a “big fan” of seizing people’s property through civil asset forfeiture. Rand continued by saying that “the first things I’ve learned about him [Barr] being for more surveillance of Americans is very, very troubling.”

Furthermore (yes, there is more), William Barr told liberal gun grabber Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in his senate confirmation hearing for becoming America’s next attorney general that he fully intends to push forward with Donald Trump’s Hitlerian “take the guns first, go through due process second” gun confiscation laws, also known as “red flag” laws. And remember: It was Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, who gave us more gun control by outlawing “bump stocks.”

Yep! The promise to protect the Second Amendment is another promise Trump has broken (that’s Number Six).

I have written previously about these Stalinesque “red flag” gun confiscation laws. And I will continue to warn people about these unconstitutional, draconian “red flag” laws as long as they continue to pose a threat to our liberties.

Of course, not only are most of the individual states currently in the process of considering “red flag” gun confiscation laws (13 states have already passed them), Republican Senator Marco Rubio (FL) has also introduced a national “red flag” law.

“Red flag” gun confiscation laws are the same kind of laws that were used to confiscate the weapons of undesirables (meaning anyone the state doesn’t like) in Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China—and in every despotic nation of the world.

Here is a warning about “red flag” laws (and the NRA) from TheFireArmGuy.

And here is William Barr’s statement that “red flag” gun confiscation laws are the “single most important thing” government can do regarding gun control.

Internet blogger and longtime supporter of Donald Trump, Carl F. Worden, recently wrote this:

Now I can understand how Trump fell for the wrongful nominations of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray.  That was early-on in Trump's presidency and Trump had no way of knowing those he trusted for advice were in fact Deep State maggots intent on destroying his presidency.  But this is a solid two years into Trump's first term, and it is more than obvious that Barr will not be a team player for Trump -- or us! In fact, Barr has a very troubling record on Second Amendment issues.

At this time, I have no confidence left in Donald J. Trump.  He is either a complete fool, or he knows exactly what he's doing, and either way he's not fit to represent me anymore.

No more excuses, Mr. Trump!

Bravo, Carl!

Sadly, a host of Trump’s supporters continue to be bamboozled by the elaborate psyops misinformation (translated: propaganda) entity known as QAnon, which keeps reassuring the Trump faithful that he is covertly waging war against the globalist insiders and that any day now the curtain is going to collapse on the swamp creatures. It’s all a hoax to give Trump cover—and more time.

If the nomination of William Barr as America’s next “Top Cop” doesn’t awaken the “Always Trumpers,” there is absolutely no hope for them. Even worse is the fact that the longer Christians and conservatives continue to make excuses for Trump’s lies and deceptions, there is less and less hope for America.


Many pastors and Christians are under the devilish delusion that the Bible promotes pacifism and non-resistance to tyrannical government. They believe and teach that, if government decides to outlaw firearms, Christians should sheepishly surrender their arms. These believers do not understand the Natural and Scriptural doctrine of self-defense.

In this message, Pastor Baldwin examines the life of Abraham as found in Genesis 14. This is an extremely important chapter of the Bible as it establishes several laws and principles given by God. This chapter introduces us to Melchizedek, the king and priest of Jerusalem who blessed Abraham after he had returned from "the slaughter of the kings" in defense of the inhabitants of the city of Sodom. Hebrews 7 retells the story of Genesis 14 and makes it clear that Melchizedek was either Christ Himself or a great type of Christ.

The timing of Christ's blessing of Abraham, and his establishment of several monumental doctrines for mankind, occurring following Abraham's armed defense of his family and community is extremely significant—and almost universally ignored and overlooked in modern churches.

As the title of the message states, this is "A Biblical Portrait Of The Righteousness And Requirement of Bearing Arms." Bearing arms for self-defense—which in the modern world points to AR-15-style rifles—is both RIGHTEOUS and REQUIRED of us by the laws of God. (Cont Nxt Column)

Unless you are over sixty-years-old, it is very likely that you have never heard a message like this before--and with the kind of compromising, watered-down preaching heard in most churches today, if you don't watch this one, you may never hear one like it in your lifetime.

But the truths of this message are undeniable and sacrosanct. And with the way that government--and many churches--are promoting the outlawing and surrender of AR-15-style rifles, this message is absolutely essential to the understanding of God's law on this subject--not to mention the survival of liberty in our land.

Today the debate over firearms rages, and on the heels of national tragedy and death, schools and other places have become "gun-free zones"—and killing fields. In addition, many in government are attempting to pass laws disarming the American people, beginning with banning AR-15 rifles. And, sadly, a host of pastors and churches are telling their congregations that Christians are obligated to surrender their firearms should civil government require them to do so. Such teaching is an egregious violation of the Word of God.

Written by Dr. Chuck Baldwin and his son, Attorney Tim Baldwin, "To Keep or Not To Keep: Why Christians Should Not Give Up Their Guns" is a CLASSIC defense of the right to keep and bear arms—not just from a Constitutional perspective—but from a Biblical one. We don't know of another book like this one on the market today.

Read this book and you will see why NO ONE—Christian or otherwise—should surrender their arms and why stripping Americans of their right to keep and bear the AR-15 rifle in particular is to in effect disarm the citizenry.

Pastor Baldwin is so determined to maintain the right to possess the AR-15 rifle that he has said, "When my AR-15 rifle is outlawed, I will be an outlaw." This bold statement is spoken not only out of adherence to the Second Amendment but more importantly out of adherence to God's Natural and Biblical laws. This book brilliantly explains those eternal laws.

Not since British troops marched on Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, during the early morning of April 19, 1775, to seize the weapons of the colonists has the American people's right to keep and bear arms been under such a direct attack.

Dr. Baldwin has shown in previous messages the Biblical duty of self-defense. In this message, he uses Nehemiah 4, the Book of Judges, Esther, Romans 15:4, and Ephesians 6:12 to show that the attacks against armed men are as much spiritual in nature as they are political and physical.

Pastor Baldwin goes on to show how Christians need to be watchful and alert to these attacks and be prepared to repel these attacks with both spiritual and Natural armor.

Humanly speaking, the only thing keeping America's (and the rest of the free world's) liberties intact (to the degree that they are) is the fact that America is an ARMED citizenry. Remove the arms from the American people, and the entire world would plunge into a 500-year period of medievalesque Dark Ages.

This message is absolutely vital to the understanding of God's truth relative to the subject of Christian liberty and the duty of men to protect it.

© Chuck Baldwin

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***Posse Comitatus Act***

Posse Comitatus Act

 20 Drills that Prove the DHS’ Official New Enemy is the American People






The United Nations






Nashville Police Stockpile Weapons Of War
Items include grenade launchers

by Ben Hall | NewsChannel5.com | July 20, 2014

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A massive military build-up is underway right here in Tennessee.

Local law enforcement agencies are snatching up huge amounts of weapons -- from the Department of Defense -- used in fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Items include grenade launchers, mine-resistant vehicles and guns that have been deemed as surplus by the Pentagon.

The equipment is cheap or free for local law enforcement agencies to acquire.

The federal program has fueled a debate about the militarization of our police departments.

McMinn County is located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. It boasts beautiful scenery, but its sheriff's department can boast something else.

The department received more military surplus guns than any other local department in the state last year.

"We actually reconfigured the whole armory to accommodate all of this," said Sheriff Joe Guy.

Sheriff Guy oversees 31 officers and investigators, but his department received 161 army rifles and pistols, including 71 M16 rifles and 71 .45-caliber pistols.

NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked, "Why does your department need all these guns?"

Sheriff Guy responded, "Well, we don't need this many. There was a little error in the order."

The Sheriff said the Army surplus program doubled his initial order, but he hasn't sent the guns back.

"They're here as our department grows. We'll have additional firearms for future officers," Sheriff Guy said.

McMinn County is not alone.

A spreadsheet obtained by NewsChannel 5 Investigates shows thousands of pieces of military equipment going to Tennessee law enforcement agencies.

Equipment used to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan is now going to local departments.

"The way this stuff is being distributed, it's kind of reckless," said author Radley Balko.

He has written a book, Rise of the Warrior Cop, that raises concerns about militarization of American police departments.

"What we've seen is just a massive transfer of gear, guns, vehicles and other weaponry," Balko said.

Law enforcement agencies can go to a website administered by the Department of Defense and look for used equipment.

On the day we went to McMinn County, the department was looking for Humvees. Sheriff Guy reviewed what was available.

"It looks good," Sheriff Guy said to an employee who was looking up a vehicle on-line.

The employee responded, "It's got 14-hundred miles on it."

"How many of those did you put in for?" Sheriff Guy asked.

"Three," his employee answered.

Sheriff Guy responded, "Three of those and one truck."

Departments pay a registration fee, then all the equipment is free. Individual departments must pay for transportation and maintenance.

"The disbursement across the country is so uneven and random and sort of based on who is good at manipulating the system," Balko said.

Thirty Tennessee departments just received mine-resistant vehicles. They were designed to protect soldiers from road side bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lebanon Public Safety, La Vergne and Hendersonville Police Departments all received MRAPS.

"This is our newest armored protective vehicle," said Mike Justice with Lebanon Public Safety.

Justice hopes Lebanon police officers never use it.

"The situations we would use this vehicle in is hostage negotiations, putting this vehicle between the bad guy and the good guys," Justice said.

He said the surplus program is critical to smaller departments. It provides equipment is not just military in nature including trucks, lawn mowers and tents.

Many small departments could not afford them on their own.

"As a taxpayer, I paid for it the first time. When I paid my federal income tax, I paid for this vehicle. So the citizens of Lebanon now get the benefit from it," Justice said standing beside the MRAP.

But Balko said the militarization of police departments comes at a price, like more SWAT raids.

"What we've done is encourage the police to become more like the military," Balko said.

"When you surround yourself with the weapons of war, with the language of war, you're going to be much less likely to look for ways of resolving disputes using the least amount of force possible," Balko continued.

Our investigation also found some departments can't keep up with the weapons they're getting.

The Tennessee Highway Patrol reported two M14s missing last year.

A TWRA park ranger had an M16 stolen from his vehicle -- it was later recovered.

And at the tiny Bean Station Police Department in East Tennessee, the police chief's son took an M16 from the program and was arrested for impersonating a police officer.

"It's concerning that this stuff is getting lost or stolen because I think it again indicates how little monitoring the Pentagon is doing once this stuff gets out of their reach," Balko said.

Sheriff Guy keeps his guns locked up and knows where each one is.

But for some, a department with five times more guns than patrol officers raises questions about the military surplus program.

"There was never any sort of public debate on this, or public discourse. It all sort of happened under the radar, and I think that's concerning," Balko said.

Late Thursday, the Department of General Services told NewsChannel 5 Investigates that it has suspended the state coordinator of the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO).

Elbert Baker is on administrative leave with pay. The Department of General Services stated it discovered that it had given inaccurate and incomplete information to NewsChannel 5 Investigates.

We had asked for documentation involving missing weapons in the LESO program.

The state has alerted its auditors and is conducting a review of LESO files, records and internal controls, a spokesperson said. The auditors have notified the comptroller's office they are investigating a possible internal deficiency.

Finally, the Department of General Services expressed thanks to NewsChannel 5 Investigates for bringing "to light a record-keeping deficiency of which our department was previously unaware."






A former Marine Corps Colonel who was stationed in Fallujah and trained Iraqi soldiers warns that the Department of Homeland Security is working with law enforcement to build a “domestic army,” because the federal government is afraid of its own citizens.
In this exclusive in studio interview Ret. Col Martino covers the DHS buildup and solutions our overreaching corrupt government officials.


Ret. Marine Col:

DHS Is Prepping For War With Americans


You Are Being Targeted

Assassination Program

Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists


The NSA (National Security Agency)

Tattle-Tell Squads and Surveillance

Total Despotism in America






-- Psychological Operations --

“People in general just will NOT, take their heads out of the sand!”

Psyops, or psychological operations, is a term used to describe the techniques of psychological manipulation used in warfare. These operations are used to deceive, confuse, disrupt and demoralize the enemy, with an aim toward weakening enemy resistance or even causing enemy forces to surrender and enemy populations to capitulate.





Police State 1

Police State 2

Police State 3

Police State 4

Military Illegally on American Streets

Military Training to Take on Americans

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

Subverting The Public

Propaganda History

Bread and Circus






Document: Army Preparing to Use Lethal Force Against “Unarmed Civilians” During “Full Scale Riots” in U.S.

Training manual outlines "sniper response" during crowd control operations


by Paul Joseph Watson | August 18, 2014

A document released by the U.S. Army details preparations for “full scale riots” within the United States during which troops may be forced to engage in a “lethal response” to deal with unruly crowds of demonstrators.

The appearance of the document amidst growing unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, with the National Guard now being called in to deal with the disorder, is an ominous coincidence.

The 132-page document, titled U.S. Army Techniques Publication 3-39.33: Civil Disturbances (PDF), was written in April 2014 and recently obtained by Public Intelligence.

The document makes it clear that the techniques detailed therein are to be applied both outside and inside the “continental United States (CONUS)” in the event of “unruly and violent crowds” where it is “necessary to quell riots and restore public order.”


HD :



The training manual outlines scenarios under which, “Civil unrest may range from simple, nonviolent protests that address specific issues, to events that turn into full-scale riots.”

The most shocking aspect of the document is the fact that it describes the deployment of a “lethal response” directed against “unarmed civilians,” including “sniper response” and “small arms direct fire.”

Under the heading “sniper response,” the document states, “Ensure that target leaders or troublemakers are targeted,” in addition to a passage which states, “Exploit the psychological effect of an attack.”



Under the heading “small arms direct fire,” the manual states, “Escalate gradually, starting with a small caliber, single round and work up to a large caliber, automatic.”

Another graphic which depicts “escalation of trauma” directs soldiers how to use “riot batons” in order to cause the necessary level of injury or death to the subject. “Deadly force final target areas” include the back of the neck, the solar plexus, the neck, the spine and the head.



In light of events in Ferguson, where a predominantly black community has faced off with militarized police, it’s interesting to note that the manual makes reference to civil unrest that can arise out of “ethnic hatred” and, “Community unrest (that) results in urban conflicts that arise from highly emotional social and economic issues.” The document also mentions how rioters target “retail stores,” as happened during the looting in Ferguson.



Posse Comitatus Act

“Significant ethnic differences in a community can create an atmosphere of distrust, even hatred…… (and) can cause an eruption of civil disorder that can lead to full riots,” states the document.

Although the document makes reference to the Constitutional rights of American citizens it goes on to stress that such protections are null and void under a state of emergency, asserting that Posse Comitatus, which is supposed to limit the power of the federal government to use military personnel domestically, “does not apply” under declared “emergency authority” or “When the need for the protection of federal property or federal functions exists.”

It is important to stress that this training manual applies to U.S. Army operations in foreign countries as well as domestically on U.S. soil. Indeed, section 2-18 of the document goes into detail about domestic protests such as the 1999 anti-WTO demonstration in Seattle.

The emergence of the document as National Guard troops prepare to descend on Ferguson, Missouri to deal with looting and civil unrest follows a report we published just a few weeks before the outbreak of the Ferguson riots which documented how National Guard troops were training to detain unruly African-American citizens in prison camps before handing them over to police.

In a special video report, Alex Jones documented how the story was part of wider preparations by the government for domestic disorder that have been ongoing for years.

We have reported previously on similar documents that outline how the U.S. Army would be forced to resort to lethal measures in order to deal with unruly Americans during times of emergency within the United States.

In 2012 we covered FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, a U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers. The document makes numerous references to how government agencies like the DHS, ICE and FEMA will be involved in the domestic internment of U.S. citizens during “civil support operations.”

A second US Army Military Police manual that was leaked months later also outlined how military assets would be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

U.S. troops and National Guard also worked with local police to incarcerate Americans in detention camps during drills Alex Jones covered in 1999 in Oakland, California.

A report produced in 2008 by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”

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FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet



Police State 1

Police State 2

Police State 3

Police State 4






DOD Transferred Over $4.3B in Military Equipment to Local Police


August 21, 2014 - 3:57 PM
By Paul Lagarde



The Department of Defense transferred over $4.3 billion worth of surplus military equipment--including 345 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAPs), 205 grenade launchers and over 12,000 bayonets--to more than 17,000 state and local law enforcement agencies across the nation since 1997.

The transfers were made under the 1033 program of the National Defense Authorization Act and administered by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), according to a report by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) entitled War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing.

The DLA website does not include a comprehensive list of where surplus military equipment winds up, but a spokesman for the agency told CNSNews.com that a database found on the Detroit Free Press website that lists military equipment distributed since 2006 was accurate because the data had previously been obtained from the DLA under the Freedom of Information Act.

A CNSNews.com review of the database found that some of the surplus items, such as binoculars and .45-caliber pistols, can easily transition to a civilian police setting.

But other equipment clearly intended for military use has also been sent to local law enforcement agencies. For example, in March, Wyoming’s Laramie County received an MRAP from the DLA. The Laramie County sheriff’s office told CNSNews.com that there have never been any recorded instances of landmines in the rural county, which has a population of just over 91,000.

Concerns over increased militarization of the police have prompted calls from both the left and the right for an end to the 1033 program.

“Militarization unfairly impacts people of color and undermines individual liberties, and it has been allowed to happen in the absence of any meaningful public discussion,” the ACLU report stated.

“Dressing police officers as soldiers is dangerous because the mindset of a soldier is entirely inappropriate for a police officer,” writes Tim Lynch of the Cato Institute. “Soldiers fight a military enemy; police officers deal with citizens, who are protected by the Bill of Rights.”

“If the Pentagon hands local cops millions of dollars’ worth of hammers, it should be no surprise when suddenly everything looks like a nail,” Lynch added.

But Crisp County, GA Sheriff Bill Hancock disagrees that the 1033 program should be scrapped, pointing out the benefits for small local law enforcement agencies like his.

Hancock told CNSNews.com that Crisp County also received a MRAP in February through the 1033 program, but that the sheriff’s office has removed the gun mount from the top and has not used it to date. He added that it would only be used in a hostage or shooting situation where officers’ lives could be in danger.

“It’s a good program,” Hancock told CNSNews.com. “You take that program away and somebody my size is not going to be able to equip all their SRT [Special Response Team] members with bulletproof vests. We’re not going to be able to equip them with night vision equipment. We’re not going to have some small handguns that we need because you’re gonna do away with the whole program.”

“So let’s put restrictions and guidelines on it; [but] let’s don’t just arbitrarily jump up and say, ‘Do away with the program.’"










DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

Homeland Security to Purchase 25 Million Shotgun Rounds

DHS likely gearing up for mass panic in America
with perpetual ammo purchases

Kit Daniels
April 22, 2014

Yesterday the Department of Homeland Security announced that it is seeking an ammunition dealer who can provide 25 million shotgun rounds to the agency over a five year period, adding to its already enormous arsenal of ammo.


DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People


The solicitation posted on FBO.gov states that U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a department under DHS, is seeking “shotgun ammunition for use by all applicable agencies in the Department of Homeland Security,” more specifically three million rounds of shotgun slugs per year and two million rounds of buckshot per year for five years.

“The ammunition will be used as appropriate at all Department of Homeland Security (DHS or department) component locations nationwide and outside the CONUS [continental United States,]” the notice reads.

This is an excessive amount that not only reveals the vast scope of the emerging police state but also fuels fears that DHS is preparing for large-scale mass panic in America.

And as we’ve exhaustively documented in the past, mass ammunition purchases by DHS are becoming quite common.

Earlier this year, Homeland Security stockpiled over 141,000 rounds of .308 Winchester ammunition, a rifle round well-known for its consistency in long-range shooting.

The agency requested 168 grain rounds in particular, which have an effective range of 800 to 900 yards.

And last year, DHS released a market survey asking companies if they were able to provide two million rounds of ammunition under short notice.

The survey also asked companies for both their capabilities in producing “large quantity orders of any training caliber specified” within two months and what their lead time would be for a single order of two million rounds.

It has been estimated that over the past couple of years, DHS ammunition purchases have totaled over 2.5 billion rounds, with much of the ammunition being hollow point rounds known for their effectiveness at stopping human targets.

DHS also spent $80 million on armed guards to protect government facilities in New York last year and even sought more guards for federal buildings in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

More recently, the agency spent over $58 million for security details for two Social Security offices in Maryland.

But that’s not all. Back in March DHS began taking delivery of hundreds and perhaps even thousands of recently retrofitted Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAP) once used in Iraq and Afghanistan but now destined to roam the streets of America.

While these expenditures reveal that DHS is gearing up for civil unrest, the bulk ammunition purchases in particular are also exacerbating current ammunition shortages across America in what can be described as back-door gun control.

And it isn’t just DHS making large-scale ammunition purchases.

Last February, the United States Postal Service announced it was seeking “proposals for assorted small arms ammunition.” After intense scrutiny, USPS later claimed that the mass purchases were for its Postal Police.

But there is a massive arms build-up by just about every federal agency in existence. Even the U.S. Dept. of Education has been stockpiling firearms and ammunition since at least 2001.

Considering how well-armed Bureau of Land Management agents were during the recent standoff at Bundy Ranch, the increased militarization of government agencies is frightening indeed.

H/T: Rick Wells, gopthedailydose.com

Note: Despite the overwhelming evidence that DHS and other federal agencies are clearly engaged in a massive arms build-up, with billions of rounds, armored vehicles and cutting-edge weaponry, the mainstream media has continued to either outright deny or downplay what is going on. For example, in an article entitled Homeland Security’s Ammunition Purchases Should Not Worry You, the Military Times claimed that the ammo build-up was not excessive. The article also suggested that having 100,000 DHS armed agents in America, which is a de facto standing army, was not a bad thing. Other media outlets, such as Media Matters and Raw Story, have also made similar statements. Yet it is becoming crystal clear what is happening in America as these articles below present a glaring trend:

- DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition
- DHS Seeks Millions More Rounds of Ammunition
- DHS Contractor Apologizes For Selling Shooting Targets of Children
- Homeland Security to Purchase 141,000 Rounds of Sniper Ammo
- DHS To Buy 360,000 More Rounds of Hollow Point Ammunition
- GAO Now Investigating DHS Ammo Purchases
- DHS Ammo Hoarding Chronicled
- DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition
- DHS Classifies New Ammo Purchases Following Controversy
- DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo
- ATK producing ammo for Homeland Security (450 Million Rounds)
- Latest Homeland Security Armored Vehicle
- Feds' explanation of hollow point bullets raises more questions
- Media Portrays DHS Ammo Purchases as Conspiracy Theory
- DHS Buys 200,000 More Rounds of Ammunition
- Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile
- Retired Army Captain Warns DHS Acquisitions are ‘bold threat of war’ Against the American People
- Homeland Security Snipers Terrorize Confused Residents During Raid

This article was posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at 6:15 pm







 DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

Homeland Security to Purchase 141,000 Rounds of Sniper Ammo

‘Zombie Hunter’ bullets designed for deadly long range capability

Paul Joseph Watson
February 11, 2014


DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American PeopleThe Department of Homeland Security is buying more bullets with a solicitation for over 141,00 rounds of sniper ammunition.

According to a solicitation posted on FedBizOpps, the federal agency is looking to procure 141,160 rounds of Hornady .308 Winchester 168gr A-MAX TAP ammunition.

Such ammunition is sometimes retailed as “Zombie Max,” a marketing gimmick alluding to its power.

“What makes the .308 ammunition so deadly is the long range capability of the round,” notes James Smith. “The ability is called ballistic coefficient, or the efficiency of a projectile in overcoming air resistance as it travels to its target. According to Speer Reloading Manual Number 13, the .308 165 grain has the highest coefficient of any hunting rifle.”

The latest purchase further illustrates the fallacy of the DHS’ excuse that it is buying bullets in bulk in order to save money.

The federal agency will pay around $1.20 for each round, when a lower grain round could be acquired for around a quarter of the price.

The DHS has faced questions over the last couple of years as to the purpose of its mass ammo purchases which have totaled over 2 billion bullets, with some fearing the federal agency is gearing up for civil unrest.

The majority of the bullets purchased by the DHS were hollow point rounds (one order alone amounted to 450 million of them). Hollow point bullets just happen to be completely unsuitable for training purposes because they cost significantly more money compared to standard firing range bullets, contradicting claims by the DHS that the bullets were merely for training purposes and were bought in bulk to save money.

Large scale DHS bulk buys have contributed to ammo shortages across the country. In April last year, the Government Accountability Office announced that it would be investigating the issue, although no follow up has been forthcoming.

In May last year, the DHS sent out a request for information asking companies if they could provide 2 million bullets within a 30-60 day turnaround period.

In February last year, Law Enforcement Targets Inc., a contractor that had previously done $2 million dollars worth of business with the DHS, was forced to apologize after producing “no more hesitation” shooting targets which depicted pregnant women, children, and elderly gun owners in residential settings as “non-traditional threats.”

Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 1:00 pm

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DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

U.S. Postal Service Announces Giant Ammo Purchase

Post Office joins other federal agencies stockpiling
over two billion rounds of ammo

Kit Daniels
February 5, 2014

The U.S. Postal Service is currently seeking companies that can provide “assorted small arms ammunition” in the near future.

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American PeopleOn Jan. 31, the USPS Supplies and Services Purchasing Office posted a notice on the Federal Business Opportunities website asking contractors to register with USPS as potential ammunition suppliers for a variety of cartridges.

“The United States Postal Service intends to solicit proposals for assorted small arms ammunition,” the notice reads, which also mentioned a deadline of Feb. 10.

The Post Office published the notice just two days after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced his proposal to remove a federal gun ban that prevents lawful concealed carry holders from carrying handguns inside post offices across the country.

Ironically the Postal Service isn’t the first non-law enforcement agency seeking firearms and ammunition.

Since 2001, the U.S. Dept. of Education has been building a massive arsenal through purchases orchestrated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

The Education Dept. has spent over $80,000 so far on Glock pistols and over $17,000 on Remington shotguns.

Back in July, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also purchased 72,000 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson, following a 2012 purchase for 46,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point by the National Weather Service.

NOAA spokesperson Scott Smullen responded to concerns over the weather service purchase by stating that it was meant for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement for its bi-annual “target qualifications and training.”

That seems excessive considering that JHP ammunition is typically several times more expensive than practice rounds, which can usually be found in equivalent power loadings and thus offer similar recoil characteristics as duty rounds.

Including mass purchases by the Dept. of Homeland Security, non-military federal agencies combined have purchased an estimated amount of over two billion rounds of ammunition in the past two years.

Additionally, the U.S. Army bought almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines last fall, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or even NATO.

It would take a Lockheed Martin C-5 Galaxy, one of the largest cargo aircraft in the world, two trips to haul that many magazines.

A month prior, the army purchased nearly 3,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo, a huge amount but still only 1/6th of what the magazines purchased can hold in total.

The Feds have also spent millions on riot control measures in addition to the ammo acquisitions.

Earlier this month, Homeland Security spent over $58 million on hiring security details for just two Social Security offices in Maryland.

DHS also spent $80 million on armed guards to protect government buildings in New York and sought even more guards for federal facilities in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

While the government gears up for civil unrest and stockpiles ammo without limit, private gun owners on the other hand are finding ammunition shelves empty at gun stores across America, including shortages of once-common cartridges such as .22 Long Rifle.

This article was posted: Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at 1:36 pm


Post Office Trucks Stasi Data Collection Nodes





"That’s enough ammo to kill around 30% of the world’s population."





DHS to Purchase 62 Million More Rounds of AR-15 Ammo

Feds attempting to control the market, dry up supply? Purchase in addition to billions of bullets previously bought by feds


by Paul Joseph Watson | April 15, 2015

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase over 62 million rounds of ammo typically used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, just weeks after the ATF was forced to back down on a ban on M855 bullets.

A posting on FedBizOpps.gov this week reveals that the DHS is looking to contract with a company to provide 12.6 million rounds of .223 Remington ammunition per year for a period of five years – totaling 62.5 million bullets.

The solicitation explains that the purchase is intended, “to achieve price savings over the current .223 Rem duty ammunition.” The bullets will be used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide for “training” purposes.

The .223 Remington is one of the most common rifle cartridges in use in the United States and is used both in bolt action rifles and semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15 and the Ruger Mini-14.



In 2013, following concerns about the DHS buying large quantities of several different types of ammunition, weapons manufacturers noted that the feds may have been attempting to control the ammunition market by forcing manufacturers to hold back stock from general sale.

“If they periodically do this in increments, they’re going to control how much ammo is available on the commercial market,” a weapons manufacturer told Michael Savage, adding that the contracts with bullet manufacturers stipulate that everything made goes to the government as the number one priority before it is allowed to enter the commercial market.

In March 2013, Californian Congressman Doug LaMalfa and 14 of his House peers wrote a letter to the Department of Homeland Security demanding to know why the federal agency was buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether the purchases were part of a deliberate attempt to restrict supply to the American people.


Training Drills Expand As DHS Fortifies Ammo Stockpile


 Published on Apr 16, 2015

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase over 62 million rounds of ammo typically used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, just weeks after the ATF was forced to back down on a ban on M855 bullets. Meanwhile, military drills are popping up nationwide.

The Desert Dispatch reports on the training in Southern California. "U.S. Marines from the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit from Camp Pendleton conducted a non-combatant evacuation operation training exercise at Robert A. Sessions Memorial Sports Park.

Staff Sgt. Bobbie Curtis, media communications chief at Camp Pendleton, said the purpose of the exercise was to provide the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit the opportunity to conduct training in unfamiliar environments during the final phase of their pre-deployment program. During the certified exercise, the unit was required to conduct a series of challenging and realistic training events to test their ability to conduct conventional and specialized missions."

13 now out of Des Moines Iowa nonchalantly reports."This week you may notice extra emergency vehicles and public safety officers running around in tactical gear, Hazmat suits, and bomb suits. It’s a part of a statewide drill Des Moines is hosting Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare emergency personnel for dealing with weapons of mass destruction." In Arizona, Prescott News Lackadaisaclly reports,"If you see some unusual helicopters overhead in the next couple of days, there's nothing to worry about."Something large is looming in 2015. ISIS on our borders, but mainstream media won’t acknowledge it. Terror Cells quietly training with in the United States for decades. Patriotic Americans deemed the number one terror threat.

Read more:
http://www.infowars.com/dhs-to-purcha ...

(Article Continued) 

The extraordinary level of ammunition purchases made by Homeland Security seems to have, in states such as my own, created an extreme shortage of ammunition to the point where many gun owners are unable to purchase any,” LaMalfa wrote in the letter.

The bulk purchase follows attempts by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to ban M855 ammo, another popular round for AR-15’s used by hunters. The ATF justified the ban by claiming that the bullets were “armor piercing” and a threat to law enforcement officers.

After being on the receiving end of a huge backlash, the feds were forced to back down and ATF director B. Todd Jones subsequently tendered his resignation. Democratic Congressman Steve Israel called the ATF backdown “cowardly” and vowed to revive the ban.

The ATF’s threat to ban the ammo temporarily caused prices of the bullet to surge more than double in price.

Although federal agencies are increasingly hiding their purchases by limiting public information on fbo.gov, it can still be conservatively estimated from available data that the feds have purchased at least 2.11 billion rounds of ammunition since April 2012:

Date Reported Agency Amount Caliber
April ’12 – Feb ’13  Various 2,000,000,000 Various
03/25/13  DHS 360,000 .40 S
07/26/13  NOAA 72,000 .40 S
07/26/13  Army 2,550,000 7.62x39mm
07/26/13  Army 425,000 9x18mm Makarov
08/19/13  TSA 3,454,000 .357 SIG
02/11/14  DHS 141,000 .308 Remington
04/22/14  DHS 25,000,000 12 Gauge
05/22/14  TSA 24,000,000 .357 SIG
04/15/15  DHS 62,000,000 .223 Remington

TOTAL 2,118,002,000

That’s enough ammo to kill around 30% of the world’s population.

Furthermore, U.S. soldiers were shooting around 5.5 million rounds of ammunition per month during the war in Iraq, or 66 million rounds annually. Using that figure, the feds have stockpiled enough ammo over the past two years to fight a 32-year war.

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FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

Kit Daniels also contributed to the bottom of this article with an update.




Military Takeover Plans and Psyops

Pawns On The Chessboard





LINK : Fort A.P. Hill Training Center





DHS Buys More Weapons to Use Against Americans

October 31, 2013

Homeland Security to purchase “riot expansion kits” & 240,000 pepper spray projectiles as agency prepares for domestic unrest.



This article was posted: Thursday, October 31, 2013 at 5:47 am

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DHS Building 'Domestic Army'  


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Breaking: Veteran's Insight on TSA Purchasing 3.5 Million Rounds


Breaking InfoWars EXCLUSIVE on TSA Purchase order of 3.5 million rounds of ammunition and what veterans warn is behind it.
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TSA to Purchase 3.5 Million Rounds of Ammunition

TSA to Purchase 3.5 Million Rounds of Ammunition

Enough for its agents to fire 9,400 bullets a day, every day of the year


Paul Joseph Watson
August 19, 2013

The Transportation Security Administration is set to purchase 3.5 million .357 SIG caliber bullets, enough for its agents to fire 9,400 rounds a day, every day of the year.

Image: YouTube

According to a solicitation issued by the agency on August 16, the TSA is looking to buy “3,454,000 rounds of .347 SIG Caliber Training Ammunition”.

Although TSA agents in airports are currently unarmed, last month the TSA announced its plan to hire the use of a firing range within a 20 mile radius of LaGuardia Airport in order to train TSA workers.

The federal agency’s huge bullet buy could signal an expansion of its controversial Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) program, where teams of armed TSA officers patrol railroad stations, bus stations, ferries, car tunnels, ports, subways, truck weigh stations, rest areas, and special events.

VIPR teams currently conduct around 8,000 operations a year. As well as providing security at transport hubs, VIPR teams are now being used to keep tabs on fans at sporting events.

Earlier this month it was announced that VIPR agents would now be patting down Americans “outside the airport” by conducting stop and search shake downs at transport hubs and public events.

As Government Security News notes, the amount of ammunition being purchased, “means the TSA could fire off more than 9,400 rounds per day, every day of the year, to consume that entire quantity annually.”

Significant bullet purchases by the TSA are likely to fuel concerns that the federal government is arming itself to the teeth in preparation for some form of domestic unrest or other catastrophe, following the Department of Homeland Security’s commitment to purchase more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last 18 months.

As we reported last week, Congressman Jeff Duncan’s attempt to get answers on why the IRS is also training its agents with semi-automatic AR-15′s designed for “standoff capability” has been ignored by the federal agency.

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U.S. Army Buying Millions of Rounds of Russian Ammo and Popular Civilian Firearms

Compelling proof Dept. of Defense is joining DHS
in drying up firearms and ammo supply.


Kit Daniels
July 26, 2013

The U.S. Army is now looking to stockpile nearly 3,000,000 live rounds of Soviet-era Russian ammo DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American Peoplepopular with civilian shooters.

A U.S. Army solicitation posted July 18 on the Federal Business Opportunities web site asks for “non-standard” ammunition from vendors which includes:

- 2,550,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ball ammo
- 575,000 blank rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo and
- 425,000 rounds of 9x18mm Makarov ball ammo

The army intends to store all these rounds in ammo storage facilities at both Camp Stanley in Boerne, Texas and the Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky.

As the solicitation implies, the 7.62x39mm and the 9x18mm Makarov are not standard-issue in the U.S. military or NATO.

Rather they are calibers developed by the former Soviet Union which are now commonly used by civilian shooters in the United States.

The 7.62x39mm in particular is extremely popular with private gun owners due to the wide availability and affordability of both military surplus ammo and firearms chambered for this round, such as the AK-47 and the SKS.

Handguns chambered for the 9x18mm Makarov, such as the FEG PA-63, are common, inexpensive imports.

The desired list of calibers attached to a previous, related acquisition request also included oddball rounds such as the .303 British and the 7.62×25mm Tokarev.

In addition to this solicitation for nearly 3,000,000 live rounds of Russian calibers popular with the public, the army made a similar request last year for a long-term weapon supplier who can ship both foreign non-standard and obsolete U.S. military weapons anywhere in the world.

According to this 2012 request, the U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) wanted to find a vendor who could “reach around the world at any given moment to gather and provide multiple types of weapons and weapon parts.”

The extensive list of desired weapons included firearms popular with civilians such as the aforementioned AK-47, 1911s, M1903 Springfields, Walther PP/PPKs (another common import), and other “commercial and para-military weapons.”

This solicitation also asked for “books, manuals, tools, and gauges” pertaining to the firearms.

Headquartered in New Jersey, ARDEC is primarily known for its research in advanced weapons such as lasers and nanotechnology.

These unusual requests prompt the question as to why the U.S. Army, and especially the army’s advanced weapons research and development division, needs a vast quantity of non-NATO rounds and decades-old – sometimes even 100-year-old – firearms popular with civilians for worldwide deployment “at any given notice.”

The ARDEC request in particular seems too broad.

Are World War I era M1903 Springfields really that common in today’s battlefields, or even the popular CZ-52 imports which have been retired from Czechoslovakian service since 1982?

Are these obsolete weapons used that frequently in current world conflicts to warrant specific mention in an army acquisition request?

Do century-old firearms really need to be shipped all around the world for “research and development?”

What about the huge purchase of 425,000 9x18mm Makarov rounds?

Are they going to somehow end up in the sidearms of Obama-backed Syrian rebels, especially after two congressional panels cleared the way for shipping small arms to Syria?

Handguns chambered in 9x18mm Makarov are still commonplace among Syrian militants because Syria received military aid from the Soviet Union for over 20 years.

These solicitations, with planned acquisitions ranging between $500,000 to $22,000,000, definitely forge fears of back door gun control by creating artificial scarcity that denies Americans access to a wide-range of firearms and ammo, especially in the wake of the U.N. arms trade treaty which was signed by Obama but rejected by the Senate.

Regardless of the army’s intentions, these large-scale purchases will only further intensify firearm and ammo shortages for gun owners across the country.





National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Buys 72,000 Round of Ammo

Weather agency makes another contract for
even more hollow point bullets.


Kit Daniels
July 26, 2013

Not satisfied with last year’s purchase of 46,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently solicited bids for an additional 72,000 rounds.

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American PeopleA solicitation by the scientific agency posted July 8 on the Federal Business Opportunities web site requested “56,000 rounds of .40 caliber 180 grain jacketed hollow points” and “16,000 rounds of .40 caliber frangible lead free rounds.”

The NOAA appears to have had an immediate need for the rounds as their requested response date was only four days later on July 12.

Jacketed hollow points (JHPs) are not training rounds.

They are designed to expand (or “mushroom”) on impact and are more expensive than ball ammo used for practice.

As reported last August by Paul Joseph Watson, the National Weather Service, operating under the NOAA, purchased 46,000 JHPs and 500 paper targets supposedly for various weather stations.

The Washington Times later reported, via a statement from NOAA spokesperson Scott Smullen, that last year’s ammunition request contained a “clerical error” and that the “solicitation for ammunition and targets for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement mistakenly identified NOAA’s National Weather Service as the requesting office.”

As Watson pointed out, this explanation still doesn’t explain why JHPs are needed for paper targets when they are obviously not training rounds.

“You should always practice with what you’re going to use in real life,” Steven Howard, a former federal agent said in support of training with JHPs, in an interview with TribLive.

Yet with “defense load” JHPs costing at least one dollar a round for common service calibers, it is hard to imagine CHL holders and local police departments spending that much money to stay proficient in shooting.

Even if costs are not an issue, local police departments may still have trouble procuring enough ammo for training due to the ammo shortage encouraged by our federal government, as Steve Watson reported back in May.

But in further response to Howard’s comment, bullet designs are not that significant in training as long as shooters use ball ammunition that is just as powerful as their defense load JHP, generating the same recoil and shooter reaction.

An expanding bullet means little to a paper target.

In regards to the quantity of ammo requested buy the NOAA, why does the Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement (FOLE) even need 56,000 JHPs, especially if the agency supposedly received 46,000 rounds last year?

Assuming that this latest solicitation is going directly to the FOLE for the agency’s own use and not somehow funneled into the Department of Homeland Security.

The FOLE is tasked primarily with enforcing fishing regulations, supporting scientific studies and protecting endangered marine species.

According to Smullen in a Fox News interview, the ammunition purchased is “standard issue” and will be used by 63 agents during training and qualifications.

That is the key point.

Sixty-three federal agents are armed with .40 caliber sidearms in order to enforce fishing regulations, “protecting the ecosystem” and “promoting marine conservation.”

As more regulations are added every year and more agents are hired for enforcement, more ammo will be purchased compared to the previous years.

This is true with the entire federal government as a whole as the cancer of tyranny grows and the roots of liberty decay.

As surreal as it sounds, the NOAA’s massive purchase of over 100,000 rounds of JHPs in the past two years follows the trend of other federal non-military agencies which combined have purchased conservatively 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition in little over a year.

In an interview with Breitbart, Jeff Knox, director of The Firearms Collective said that it’s the number of feds with guns that’s important, not necessarily the number of rounds.

“There are currently more than 70 different federal law enforcement agencies employing over 120,000 officers with arrests and firearms authority,” Knox said. “That’s an increase of nearly 30 percent between 2004 and 2008.”

“If the trends have continued upward at a relatively steady rate, that would put the total number of federal law enforcement officers at somewhere between 135,000 and 145,000.”

Knox said that’s a staggering number considering there’s only an estimated 765,000 state and local law enforcement officers.

“That means that about one in seven law enforcement officers in the country works directly for the federal government,” he said. “Not a local jurisdiction.”

The Second Amendment may simply suffocate under the weight of big government as ammunition manufacturers struggle to equip additional federal agents, leaving the ammo cans of the American people dry.





DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

Marine Corps Veteran Questions DHS
on Huge Ammo Buys

“We never trained with hollow points, why would
the need all those ball rounds just for training?”


Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
Mar 7, 2013

A military veteran has questioned why the Department of Homeland Security is purchasing enormous amounts of ammunition, making it clear that he believes the bullets cannot possibly be for training purposes.

Commenting on the DHS’s procurement of roughly 2 billion hollow point bullets over the course of the last year, former Marine Richard Mason told reporters with WHPTV News in Pennsylvania that he has serious concerns.

“We never trained with hollow points, we didn’t even see hollow points my entire four and a half years in the Marine Corps,” Mason said.

When questioned recently, DHS official Peggy Dixon claimed the bullets were bought in bulk to save money and were for training purposes only. However, hollow point bullets, are very expensive in ammunition terms, and it is highly unusual to use such bullets for target practice.

“Why would they need all those hollow points,” former marine Mason asked “why would they need all those ball rounds just for training?”




Record federal government purchases have coincided with national shortages of ammunition in gun stores, leading some to believe that it is a deliberate tactic to deprive gun owners, or something much worse.

To put the DHS’ ammunition solicitations in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last year to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.

Last September, the DHS also purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”

Purchases of large quantities of body armor by the DHS has also caused shortages. Last year, the agency also put out an urgent order for “riot gear” in anticipation of civil unrest. The agency has also ordered bullet-proof checkpoint booths and hired hundreds of new security guards to protect government buildings over the course of the last 12 months.

There is also strong evidence to suggest that the DHS has recently bought around 2,700 armored military style trucks. The agency has also cemented a $2 million dollar relationship with a contractor that recently had to apologize for producing shooting targets of pregnant women, children and elderly gun owners depicted in residential settings.

Coupled with continued and sustained secrecy surrounding these purchases and contracts, many Americans are convinced that the federal government is “stockpiling” in preparation for “civil unrest.”

The DHS’ primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative and libertarian political ideology with domestic extremism.

A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists. Many other recent similar government and law enforcement publications, papers and studies have also pushed this notion.

As we explained in a recent article, generating mass social dislocation has been an admitted tool used by the World Bank and the IMF to create the necessary chaos to loot major economies.

As respected investigative reporter Greg Palast exposed in 2001, the World Bank and the IMF have honed a technique that has allowed them to asset-strip numerous other countries in the past – that technique has come to be known at the “IMF riot,” a process of scaring off investors and causing government bankruptcies by fostering unrest.



DHS Arming for War with Americans

March 12, 2013

The Denver Post, on February 15th, ran an Associated Press article entitled Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6b rounds of ammo, so far to little notice. It confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. As reported elsewhere, much of this purchase order is for rounds forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America.




This article was posted: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 6:50 am


DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People





DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People





(NO HESITATION) TARGETS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS!!DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People


Law Enforcement Requested Shooting Targets of Pregnant Women





Feds Buy Two Billion Rounds of Ammunition

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People 

Something strange is going on. Federal non-military agencies have bought two billion rounds of ammunition in the last 10 months. The Obama Administration says that federal law enforcement agents need the ammunition for “mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions.”

Radio show host Mark Levin is suspicious. He commented:

To provide some perspective, experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, the [Department of Homeland Security] is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war. A 24-year Iraq war! I’m going to tell you what I think is going on. I don’t think domestic insurrection. Law enforcement and national security agencies, they play out multiple scenarios. … I’ll tell you what I think they’re simulating: the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses. I suspect that just in case our fiscal situation, our monetary situation, collapses, and following it the civil society collapses, that is the rule of law, they want to be prepared. I know why the government’s arming up: It’s not because there’s going to be an insurrection; it’s because our society is unraveling.

Even though the National Rifle Association says that the amount of ammunition bought isn’t excessive, considering the number of federal agents and the fact that the ammunition is used over a five-year period, there are others who question why the need for so many federal agents. Among them is Jeff Knox, director of The Firearms Coalition, who said:

It’s not the number of bullets we need to worry about but the number of feds with guns it takes to use those bullets. There are currently more than 70 different federal law enforcement agencies employing over 120,000 officers with arrest and firearms authority . . . That’s an increase of nearly 30 percent between 2004 and 2008. If the trends have continued upward at a relatively steady rate, that would put the total number of federal law enforcement officers at somewhere between 135,000 and 145,000. That’s a pretty staggering number, especially when you consider that there are only an estimated 765,000 state and local law enforcement officers. That means that about one in seven law enforcement officers in the country works directly for the federal government, not a local jurisdiction.






DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition

Federal agency has now acquired enough bullets to wage 30 year war


Paul Joseph Watson
February 7, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People 

A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.

The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).

The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 quantities of 40,000 rounds).

An approximation of how many rounds of ammunition the DHS has now secured over the last 10 months stands at around 1.625 billion. In March 2012, ATK announced that they had agreed to provide the DHS with  a maximum of 450 million bullets over four years, a story that prompted questions about why the feds were buying ammunition in such large quantities. In September last year, the federal agency purchased a further 200 million bullets.

To put that in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.

Such massive quantities of ammo purchases have stoked fears that the agency is preparing for some kind of domestic unrest. In 2011, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

The federal agency’s primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative political ideology with domestic extremism.

A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

In August 2012, the DHS censored information relating to the amount of bullets purchased by the federal agency on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, citing an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation that could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.

As we highlighted last month, the DHS’ previous ammunition solicitation was awarded to Evian Group, an organization that was formed just five days before the announcement of the solicitation and appeared to be little more than a front organization since it didn’t have a genuine physical address, a website, or even a phone number.

While Americans are being browbeaten with rhetoric about the necessity to give up semi-automatic firearms in the name of preventing school shootings, the federal government is arming itself to the teeth with both ammunition and guns. Last September,   the DHS purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.





DHS buys 7000 full-auto assault rifles, calls them ‘personal defense weapons’

Mike Adams
Natural News
Jan 28, 2013

In yet another huge blow to the rhetoric and narrative of the Obama administration and its desire to disarm the American public, a DHS bid has been uncovered (see documents below) showing that the Department of Homeland Security recently put out an offer to purchase 7,000 full-auto “assault weapons” to be used domestically, inside the USA.

Keep in mind that President Obama is on the record saying, “AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals; that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities.”

But it seems he really means they don’t belong on the streets of our cities unless they are in the hands of homeland security enforcers, in which case they can be FULL-AUTO assault weapons.

The DHS bid for 7,000 full-auto assault weapons is   found by clicking here. The original credit for discovering this goes, to my best knowledge, to Awr Hawkins at Breitbart.com.

In the hands of the government, they’re called “Personal Defense Weapons”

The juiciest part of this bid is the use of the phrase “Personal Defense Weapons” to describe the full-auto AR-15s being purchased by DHS.

Apparently, when YOU hold an AR-15, it’s an “assault rifle.” But magically, if you hand that same rifle to an armed government homeland security enforcer, it instantly transforms itself into a “personal defense weapon.”

The request for bid actually says:

DHS and its components have a requirement for a 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and / or when maximum concealment is required.

So there it is, right in black and white: DHS enforcers need full-auto AR-15s which are “suitable for personal defense in close quarters” and for “maximum concealment.”

But if you or I make the same claim, suddenly we are branded lunatics by the fringe left and all the gun grabbers across America who apparently have no clue that their own government is arming up like never before.

Senator Feinstein, the gun-grabbing Senator from California, says she wants to take all the guns from all Americans. “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,” she says on the record. But while Mr. and Mrs. America are turning in their guns, ‘roid-head DHS goons are arming to the teeth with full-auto assault rifles.

This is all on top of the 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition the U.S. government has already stockpiled, as was discovered last year. What kind of government wants to domestically stockpile ammo and full-auto weapons, putting them in the hands of domestic agents who have nothing whatsoever to do with overseas wars? Well, the kind of government that plans to NEED 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and full-auto assault weapons, of course.

Read some language from the contract bid: Pistol grips, full-auto and more

Click here to see the bid.

Here’s some selected text from the bid:DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

ICE/Mission Support-DC
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Office of Acquisition Management
801 I Street NW, Suite 980
Washington DC 20536

Troy Teachey, [email protected]

Delivery Location Code: ICE/AS/NFTTU
ICE Natl Firearm Tactical Trng Unit
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
500 12th ST SW, Washington DC 20536

5.56X45mm NATO Personal Defense Weapon

During the base period and four option periods of this contract the maximum ceiling is $9,800,000.

Click here for the PDF document containing the following text:

The scope of this contract is to provide a total of up to 7,000 5.56x45mm North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) personal defense weapons (PDW) throughout the life of this contract to numerous Department of Homeland Security components.

The action shall be select-fire (capable of semi-automatic and automatic fire).

The action shall be capable of accepting all standard NATO STANAG 20 and 30 round M16 magazines (NSN 1005-00-921-5004) and Magpul 30 round PMAG (NSN 1005-01-576-5159). The magazine shall have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.

The receiver top shall be equipped with an integral MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rail for mounting sights and other accessories.

The fire control selector shall have three positions; safe, semi-automatic, and automatic.

The pistol grip shall be a fixed, vertical pistol grip constructed of a durable material.

DHS admits AR-15 with 30-round magazine is “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters”

This government document openly admits that AR-15s with 30-round magazines and capable of fully automatic fire are “suitable for personal defense” in close quarters (i.e. your home).

CNN, of course, doesn’t want you to ever hear that. Nor does Feinstein, Cuomo, Schumer, Obama, Eric Holder or any other gun grabbers. Even while their own government is arming up with 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and 7,000 full-auto “assault rifles” (plus lots more in other bids), they are trying to completely disarm the American citizenry through new gun registration and confiscation legislation.

The whole point of all this, of course, is to create firepower disparity between the government and the citizenry… To disarm the People while arming up the government agents who operate domestically. That way, the people can be forced at gunpoint into doing almost anything the oppressive government demands! (Taking vaccine shots, giving up private property, turning over farms and businesses, etc.)

What’s really hard-hitting about this is that the radical left keeps claiming things like “no one needs an assault rifle for personal defense.” Okay, if that true, then the Department of Homeland Security should abandon all such rifles first! Let’s see DHS turn in all its rifles and ammo, thereby setting an example of the “fact” that “nobody needs an assault rifle” for self defense.

In truth, a full-auto AR-15 is an outstanding weapon for self defense, which is exactly why DHS is buying thousands of them. Nothing stops bad guys faster than a barrage of high-velocity lead aimed in their direction. Again, that’s why DHS wants these rifles in the first place. One of these rifles in the hands of a citizen could have stopped the Sandy Hook shooting in seconds.

Pay attention to the word games (which are really mind games)

As you observe the highly manipulated gun control argument, pay special attention to the word games you’re being subjected to:

An AR-15 in the hands of a citizen is an “assault rifle.”
But an AR-15 in the hands of a DHS agent is a “Personal Defense Weapon.”

A full-auto-capable rifle in the hands of a citizen is called a “machine gun.”
A full-auto-capable rifle in the hands of a DHS agent is called a “select-fire rifle.”

According to the media, all government agents with assault rifles are presumed innocent and assumed to be stopping crime.

But all private citizens with assault rifles are presumed guilty and assumed to be causing crime.

When one citizen goes crazy and murders a bunch of people, the call goes out for ALL citizens to be stripped of their firearms.

But when one government agent goes crazy and murders a bunch of people, the calls goes out for MORE guns to be placed in the hands of MORE government agents!

Thank you, DHS, for admitting the truth

In summary, it looks like we actually need to thank the DHS for admitting the truth that Obama won’t: AR-15s are personal defense weapons, suitable for use in close quarters, especially when equipped with 30-round magazines.

That’s why I own one, and it’s why DHS wants thousands more (but theirs are full-auto, while mine is only semi-auto).

As a general rule, all freedom-loving Americans should want the same firepower their domestic government possesses. That’s the whole point behind the Second Amendment, and it represents the distribution of power in a free society.

But instead of firepower being equal in America today, DHS is using our taxpayer dollars to purchase thousands of full-auto weapons for their own agents. This is apparently being done under ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

This brings up the question for another entire article, and here’s the question: Why does immigration need 7,000 full-auto assault rifles? Is there a friggin’ Mexican invasion planned that nobody told me about? Is ICE going to invade Mexico and start a shooting war with the Mexican drug cartels?

Seriously: Why does ICE need 7,000 full-auto assault rifles? And why does DHS need 1.6 billion rounds of ammo?

Sources for this story include:







DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People


UPDATE 12-18-2012







DHS/TSA Order :
450,000,000 Rounds of Hollow Point .40 S&W Ammo

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People



DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People


DHS/TSA Order: 450,000,000 Rounds of Hollow Point .40 S W Ammo


Why Are DHS And ICE Stockpiling Ammo?


Hollow Point Ammo To US Homeland Security


Why Does DHS Need 450 Million Hollow Points






 DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo
Second massive ammunition buy this year fuels fears of civil unrest


Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 13, 2012


Fears that federal authorities are preparing for mass civil unrest have increased after it was revealed that the Department of Homeland Security is planning to buy a further 750 million rounds of ammo in addition to the 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets already purchased earlier this year.

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People 

A solicitation originally issued by the DHS in April but updated on Friday calls on suppliers to provide a plethora of different types of ammunition, including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls.

The PDF file for the solicitation lists the different units of ammo required by the thousand, with the total ammo purchase exceeding 750 million rounds.

“The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Glynco, Georgia anticipates awarding multiple award indefinite delivery and indefinite quantity (IDIQ) firm fixed price (FFP) contracts for commercial leaded training ammunition (CLTA) of various calibers for law enforcement officer firearms training courses at the following FLETC facilities Glynco, GA, Artesia, NM, Cheltenham, MD and Charleston, SC and to other Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agencies. The Government guarantees a minimum of 1,000 rounds per year on each resultant contract. Contracts will be for a base year and four (4) 12 month option periods,” states the synopsis.

Potential suppliers are required to respond to the solicitation before August 20.

The purchase comes in addition to an order for 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets which was  fulfilled by Alliant Techsystems Inc. back in March, news greeted by some  as an indication that the DHS was arming itself in preparation to go to war with the American people.

Although the ammo purchases are ostensibly earmarked for training purposes, the DHS has been reticent to clarifywhy such an unusually large amount of rounds are necessary and why such powerful bullets are required merely for training drills.

This has led to speculation that the purchases are connected to confirmed preparations for civil unrest in the United States.

The DHS recently put out an order for riot gear in preparation for the upcoming DNC, RNC and presidential inauguration. The U.S. Army is also busy buying similar equipment.

The DHS also recently purchased a number of bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.

A recently leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”

The manual includes lists of weapons to be used against “rioters” or “demonstrators,” including “antiriot grenades.” It also advises troops to carry their guns in the “safe port arms” stance, a psychological tactic aimed at “making a show of force before rioters.” Non-lethal weapons and water cannons are also included.

The increasing likelihood of a  full blown financial collapse in the coming months has also spurred federal agencies and the U.S. Army to hone their preparations for domestic disorder on a scale greater than riots witnessed in Europe over the past two years.

A 2008 report produced by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

Last year, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

Watch a video analysis by Madison Ruppert below.







 DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

National Weather Service Makes Huge Ammo Purchase?!





DHS Classifies New Ammo Purchases Following Controversy

Federal agency blacks out amount of bullets being bought

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Department of Homeland Security has redacted information relating to the quantity of bullets it is buying following a controversy concerning the agency’s purchase of over a billion rounds of ammo, which many fear is a sign the federal government is preparing for civil unrest in the United States.

Despite the fact that documents are only supposed to be redacted if authorized by Congress or for national security reasons,   a solicitation posted on the FedBizOpps website yesterday concerning ammunition purchases made by the DHS on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) contains numerous blacked out sections.

The classified portions of the document include references to the amount of 223 62 and 223 64 grain ammunition being purchased.

The solicitation explains how the contract put out by the DHS to purchase the ammunition was not subject to “full and open competition,” a process justified by what the DHS claims was an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation which could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.

The Department of Homeland Security’s decision to black out sections of the document, including the number of bullets being purchased, is likely to be related to a massive controversy which has snowballed over the last few weeks pertaining to concerns as to why the federal agency has purchased well over a billion rounds of bullets over the last 6 months alone.

The DHS’ decision back in March to purchase of   450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage prompted questions as to why the federal agency required such powerful bullets and in such large quantities merely for training purposes.

This was followed up by a more recent order for a further 750 million rounds of assorted ammunition, including bullets that can penetrate walls.

Given the fact that the DHS is also acquiring riot gear in preparation for civil unrest which could take place at the upcoming DNC, RNC and presidential inauguration, the purchase of ammunition in such massive numbers has stoked fears that the federal government could be preparing to use force against the American people.

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

This screenshot illustrates how the DHS has blacked out information pertaining to the amount of bullets being purchased.

The trigger for this could be an economic collapse that causes angry Americans to flood the streets similar to scenes witnessed across Europe over the last two years.

As Mike Adams writes, “The U.S. government clearly sees the writing on the wall. What lays ahead for America is a day of unbearable reckoning. The financial collapse will wipe out savings accounts, pensions, investment funds and equities of the working class, all across the nation. Imagine bank accounts being reset to zero, “bank holidays” enforced at gunpoint. That will unleash a wave of violent protests, social chaos and even talk of revolution. The government will almost certainly respond with a declaration of Martial Law, the rolling out of highway checkpoints, and before long, the use of live ammo on unruly protesters.”

The Social Security Administration has also  recently purchased a large quantity of hollow point bullets, potentially signaling that authorities fear welfare riots could occur if benefit payments cannot be made. The NOAA also recently purchased 46,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition.

The DHS’ decision to censor information related to bullet purchases for immigration authorities could also be an attempt to assuage concerns that the agency is expecting to have to resort to force to deal with a mass influx of immigrants from Mexico.

Back in December, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a substantial inundation of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, it was revealed that the federal government had established a contingency program under the pretext of a mass influx of immigrants called Rex 84. The program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”


  1. After Huge Ammo Buy, DHS Purchases Bullet Resistant Booths 
  2. National Weather Service Follows DHS In Huge Ammo Purchase 
  3. Is DHS Preparing for Civil Unrest with Massive Ammo Order? 
  4. DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo 
  5. Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets 
  6. Ammo sales, prices skyrocket 
  7. DHS and ICE Order 450 Million Rounds of .40 Caliber Ammo 
  8. Homeland Security Buys Enough Ammo for a 7-Year War Against the American People 
  9. Ministry of Homeland Security Rolls Out Armored Vehicles 
  10. Big Sis needs more ammunition – this time for training 
  11. White House gives cool welcome to bill restricting online ammo sales 
  12. Department of Homeland Security Investigating Large Ammunition Purchases 


  1. DHS and ICE Order 450 Million Rounds of .40 Caliber Ammo 
  2. After Huge Ammo Buy, DHS Purchases Bullet Resistant Booths 
  3. Why Does The Department Of Homeland Security Need 450 MILLION Hollow Point Bullets? 
  4. DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US? 
  5. Ammo sales, prices skyrocket 
  6. Homeland Security Buys Enough Ammo for a 7-Year War Against the American People 
  7. U.S. Army Purchases Riot Gear As Fears Over Civil Unrest Grow 
  8. U.S. Army To Buy $6 Million Of Riot Equipment 
  9. Big Sis needs more ammunition – this time for training 
  10. Acquitted Hutaree member gets back his 41 guns, 100,000 rounds of ammunition from feds 
  11. Public Outcry Leads Defense Department to Reverse Spent Ammo Directive 
  12. USA Gun Owners Buy 14 Million Plus Guns In 2009 – More Than 21 of the Worlds Standing Armies Combined 




 DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

DHS Purchases 200 Million More Rounds of Ammunition

Additional purchase includes bullets designated for snipers


Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Following controversy over its purchase of around 1.2 billion bullets in the last six months alone, the Department of Homeland Security has put out a new solicitation for over 200 million more rounds of ammunition, some of which are designated to be used by snipers. 

A series of new solicitations posted on the FedBizOpps website show that the DHS is looking to purchase 200 million rounds of   .223 rifle ammunition over the next four years, as well as   176,000 rounds of .308 caliber 168 grain hollow point boat tail (HPBT) rounds in addition to   25,000 rounds of blank .308 caliber bullets.

As James Smith over at the Prepper Podcast website highlights, “It is the type of ammunition and not necessarily the quantity that is troubling.”

Smith points out that the DHS’ acquisition of .308 rounds is of concern because they are set to be used by well-trained snipers.

“All of the sniper grade ammunition is being used by trained, or in-the-process-of-being-trained snipers,” writes Smith, noting that the math adds up to 135,384 potential kills for the snipers to make, using the 176,000 rounds of ammunition, basing the figures on the fact that United States Army and Marine Corps snipers in the Vietnam War expended 1.3 rounds of ammunition for each claimed and verified kill.

As this police training website documents, .308 caliber 168 grain bullets are the ammunition of choice for experienced law enforcement snipers.  The number of bullets purchased by the DHS now adds up to a staggering 1.4 billion over the last six months alone. Although all those bullets won’t be delivered at once, the DHS’ commitment to purchasing such an arsenal of ammo is both worrying and ironic given that Americans are being harassed and treated with suspicion for buying a couple of boxes of ammo at their local gun store.

Following a barrage of questions about why the federal agency has purchased so many bullets, the DHS has refused to respond and even gone to the lengths of censoring information relating to solicitations for ammunition.

The DHS’ decision back in March to   purchase of 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage prompted questions as to why the federal agency required such powerful bullets and in such large quantities merely for training purposes.

This was followed up by a more recent order for a further 750 million rounds of assorted ammunition, including bullets that can penetrate walls.

The mainstream media responded to the controversy by focusing on a purchase of 174,000 bullets by the Social Security Administration while completely ignoring the fact that the DHS had purchased well over a billion rounds.

Although the Associated Press and other media outlets dismissed concerns over the federal government purchasing large quantities of ammunition as paranoia, the fact that the DHS is preparing for civil unrest cannot be denied.

Having recently acquired riot gear, the DHS also purchased   a number of bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.

Last year, Department of Homeland Security chief  Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

The U.S. Army has also been preparing for domestic disorder.

A recently leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”

The manual includes lists of weapons to be used against “rioters” or “demonstrators,” including “antiriot grenades.” It also advises troops to carry their guns in the “safe port arms” stance, a psychological tactic aimed at “making a show of force before rioters.” Non-lethal weapons and water cannons are also included.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.






DHS to Hire “Top Secret” Domestic Security Force

Is the Department of Homeland Security building a mercenary unit?

Paul Joseph Watson
November 5, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security is to spend $19 million dollars on a private security force in Wisconsin and Minnesota, an armed unit that must have a “Top Secret” security clearance according to an official solicitation.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the Federal Protective Service, a sub-agency of the DHS, intends to hire “armed Protective Security Officer (PSO) services at various locations throughout the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin.”

“The project will have a requirement for the contractor to have a Top Secret facility clearance by the start of performance,” states the FPS notice.

Unlike previous solicitations, which normally detail how the guards will be deployed to protect government buildings, the document does not divulge what role the armed security force will undertake.

The fact that the contractors being hired must have a “Top Secret” security clearance clearly suggests that the DHS is not merely seeking to hire armed guards, but Blackwater-style mercenaries who will be engaged in some kind of clandestine activity.

The notion of an armed security force operating domestically under a “Top Secret” designation, something normally reserved for foreign spying and military operations, underscores how the DHS increasingly treats America like some kind of occupied territory.

The hiring of private mercenaries with Top Secret clearances also suggests the DHS may be planning on using the contractors as cutouts who will be involved in a variety of different operations outside the purview of public and Congressional scrutiny.


DHS Is Building Mercenary Units In A State Near You. Plus, ABC News Implicates Alex Jones in LAX Shooting. DHS to Hire "Top Secret" Domestic Security Force.



For some, the idea of an ever-expanding federal government turning to a private security force with a “Top Secret” clearance will stir memories of Barack Obama’s pre-election promise to build “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded (as the US military).”

The DHS’ purchase of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last 12 months has also prompted concerns that the feds are gearing up for trouble.

As we previously reported, the federal agency has spent large sums of money in recent weeks hiring large numbers of armed guards to protect government buildings, a development some have connected to the likelihood of civil unrest in America which could arise from food shortages linked to welfare cuts.

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto suggested that the Department of Homeland Security’s recent $80 million dollar outlay on armed guards to protect government buildings in upstate New York was related to potential food stamp riots.

The federal agency is also seeking to acquire 723,000 hours of armed guard services to protect government buildings in Arkansas and other areas.

The DHS also recently purchased half a million dollars worth of fully automatic pepper spray launchers and projectiles that are designed to be used during riot control situations.

Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 12:20 pm

Tags: , ,










Vaccines Killing Soldiers

The high level globalist minion Henry Kissinger purportedly said in an address to the Bilderbergers at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991...


“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful,"

(Links Below Give More Background And Insight To Henry Kissinger's Revealing Statement Of Troops Being Needed To Restore Order)








Bilderberg Group

The United Nations


The Federal Reserve


The more impoverished the nation gets, the more society will break down, and then Americans will welcome a militarized police force.

Detroit Appeals To UN For Humanitarian Assistance

Several groups appealed to the UN on Wednesday to assist in providing affordable water to the residents of Detroit. In March, the bankrupt city sent 45,000 shutoff notices to residents with overdue bills. So far, nearly 3,000 have had their water service terminated, and many more fear they are next. RTs Manila Chan has more details on the circumstances of theplea for help.






"All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation."

-- John Adams --






MORE: These 12 Hellholes Are Examples Of What The Rest Of America Will Look Like Soon



The more impoverished the nation gets, the more society will break down, and then Americans will welcome a militarized police force.




EBT Card Users Threaten Rodney King-Style Riots

Looting hit several Walmarts after system was down for just hours


Paul Joseph Watson
October 15, 2013

EBT card users are threatening to stage Rodney King-style riots in Los Angeles if the electronic food stamp system crashes again, following Saturday’s failure which prompted looting at several Walmart stores.



An EBT card user interviewed in the video above (2 minutes 30) comments, “They better resolve something because if it stays like this there’s gonna be an uproar in the city of L.A.” When the man is asked to clarify, he respond, “A Rodney King baby!”

The man is referring to the 1992 L.A. riots, spurred by the Rodney King beating, which resulted in 53 deaths, 2,000 injuries and over $1 billion dollars in property damages.

Several Walmart stores suffered looting and “mini-riots” following Saturday’s EBT card shutoff, which was caused after a routine check by vendor Xerox Corp. resulted in a system failure.

Managers were forced to close a Walmart in Philadelphia, Mississippi when people reacted to the failure by staging a “mini-riot.”

Meanwhile, at Walmart stores in Springhill and Mansfield, Louisiana, shoppers attempted to loot hundreds of dollars worth of groceries after the glitch temporarily allowed them to make unlimited purchases on their EBT cards.

“Walmart and local police in Springhill and Mansfield confirmed to CBS affiliate KSLA that officers were called into the stores to help maintain order Saturday as shoppers swept through the aisles at two stores and bought as much as they could carry,” reported CBS News.



A man who entered the Walmart in Mansfield just after the looters fled saw rows of empty shelves that had been stripped bare.

As we highlighted yesterday, if looting began after just hours of the EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) system being down, imagine what would happen if food stamps were delayed for a period of five days.

That’s what will happen if the US fails to raise its debt ceiling by the end of this week. Social Security checks will also be delayed.

Numerous EBT card users also took to Twitter following Saturday’s failure and said they expected riots to occur.



U.S. Army Training to Fight Black Americans

"Doomsday Disneyland" facility used as practice ground for civil unrest

by Paul Joseph Watson | July 17, 2014

A promotional video touting FEMA’s emergency response capabilities shows U.S. National Guard troops training to detain unruly African-American citizens in prison camps before handing them over to police.

The video appears on the official YouTube channel for Guardian Centers, an 830 acre “disaster preparedness and tactical training validation center” located in Georgia which is routinely used by FEMA and other government agencies to practice emergency response procedures.

After the 2 minute mark in the clip, the scene cuts to a black woman who is struggling to escape from the clutches of a uniformed soldier. The area is surrounded by concertina wire and guarded by other troops.

The clip then shows the woman, along with another African-American, being handed over to local police before being driven away.

Described by CNN as the “doomsday Disneyland,” Guardian Centers is a mock city complete with a subway station that “allow(s) a variety of responders to do a variety of drills in one location.”

The sight of National Guard troops training to detain Americans in prison camps is unlikely to quell concerns that authorities are preparing for domestic disorder.

Back in 2012, we reported on FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, a U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers. The document makes numerous references to how government agencies like the DHS, ICE and FEMA will be involved in the domestic internment of U.S. citizens during “civil support operations.”

A second US Army Military Police manual that was leaked months later also outlined how military assets would be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

U.S. troops and National Guard also worked with local police to incarcerate Americans in detention camps during drills Alex Jones covered in 1999 in Oakland, California.

A report produced in 2008 by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”

Despite innumerable indications that the federal government is making preparations for riots, the Department of Homeland Security denied last year that it was gearing up for domestic disorder. In 2011, DHS chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

In the video below, Alex Jones highlights how the Guardian Centers video is yet another startling indication that authorities in the United States are preparing for civil unrest as America increasingly begins to resemble a militarized police state.


U.S. Army Training to Fight Black Americans



Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.



REX 84

Posse Comitatus Act

Posse Comitatus2







DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People





Robert Gibbs Lied to America about The Drone Program!



Drone Denial by Lame Stream Media





Robert Gibbs Lied to America about The Drone Prgm.




The lies are getting too ridiculous.







Former Obama Press Secretary Was Ordered To Act As If Drone Program Did Not Exist

The first rule of the drone program is that
you do not talk about the drone program

Steve Watson
Feb 25, 2013

In a rare admission, Robert Gibbs, the former White House Press Secretary under Obama, told reporters Sunday that he was ordered to act as if there was no such thing as an active US drone program.

“When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the first things they told me was, you’re not even to acknowledge the drone program,” Gibbs said on MSNBC’s “Up With Chris Hayes” this past weekend.

Gibbs said that he was told “You’re not even to discuss that it exists.”

Noting that the notion was “inherently crazy”, Gibbs said “You’re being asked a question based on reporting of a program that exists.”

“So you’re the official government spokesperson acting as if the entire program—pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Gibbs, who was Press Secretary between 2009 and 2011, said.



As we have tirelessly noted, the Obama administration has been heavily criticized for blocking the release of information relating to its overseas drone assassination programme, and will not even officially acknowledge that it exists, despite countless public references to the programme and the proven existence of an official “kill list”.

Gibbs stated that he expects the drone program to remain secret for the most part, despite moves in Congress to force more transparency.

“I have not talked to him about this, so I want to be careful,” Gibbs said, “but I think what the president has seen is, our denial of the existence of the program when it’s obviously happening undermines people’s confidence overall in the decisions that their government makes.”

While the program itself remains classified, it is no secret that Obama has vastly expanded the US drone war since entering office in 2009. Daily drone strikes are raining down on Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as Somalia.

A recent report released by Washington based think tank, The New America Foundation revealed that the number of secret US drone strikes in Yemen almost tripled in 2012, compared to 2011.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, has found that at least 171 civilians, including 35 children, have been slaughtered in Yemen by secret US drone strikes over the past ten years.

Communications released by WikiLeaks in 2010 revealed that the US and Yemen have repeatedly attempted to cover up the use of US warplanes to bombard Yemen.

Last week it was announced that despite the fact that drone strikes have killed thousands of innocent civilians in Yemen and Pakistan, the Pentagon is to reward drone operators with medals.

The DoD is creating a new ribbon, called the Distinguished Warfare Medal that will be awarded for “extra achievement” related to a military operation. This will encompass sitting at a computer console and pressing a button to release Hellfire missiles from Predator drones hundreds and thousands of miles away.

The medal will become the fourth-highest ranking combat decoration, placing above the Bronze Star.

Despite the official secrecy, the president has referred to the drone program several times in public, as have officials such as counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan.

Last year, the New York Times ran a major piece on the program revealing that the White House has asserted the right to carry out state-sponsored assassination anywhere in the world without having to provide any evidence or go through any legal process.



The administration merely has to state that the target is a terrorist and it doesn’t matter whether they are an American citizen or not, as we saw in the case of American-born Anwar al-Awlaki and his son, who were both killed last year.

In December of last year, Obama administration lawyers reaffirmed their backing for state sponsored assassination, claiming that “U.S. citizens are legitimate military targets” and do not have the right to any legal protection against being marked for summary execution.

During a CBS 60 Minutes interview in January, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta revealed that Obama himself personally approves the policy to kill American citizens suspected of terrorism without trial on a case by case basis.

Perhaps the real reason that the administration wants the details of the programme kept under wraps is that, as reported by Propublica recently, the programme is potentially much bigger in scope than anyone had previously thought.

The administration’s figures do not add up, they are chock full of contradictions and discrepancies, and there can be little doubt that there have been many many more civilian deaths as a result of drone attacks than have been publicly acknowledged.

Experts, including UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions Christof Heyns, as well as Pakistan’s UN ambassador in Geneva, Zamir Akram, have described the drone assassination programme as a violation of the international legal system, saying that some attacks may constitute war crimes.

Akram, who noted that US drone strikes had killed more than 1,000 civilians in Pakistan, also said “We find the use of drones to be totally counterproductive in terms of succeeding in the ‘war against terror’. It leads to greater levels of terror rather than reducing them.

Many also contend that the attacks infringe the national sovereignty of Pakistan and constitute an act of war.

In 2010, a report by Washington think tank The New America Foundation found that 32% of the more than 1,200 people killed since 2004 in Pakistan, or around 1 in 3, were innocent bystanders rather than dangerous terrorists.




Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.com, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

This article was posted: Monday, February 25, 2013 at 11:00 am










Yes Your Government Can Use Armed Drones Against You

Assassination Program

OBAMA Lied About Healthcare






Subverting The Public







Assassination Program

My topic for this evening is “now, it’s assassinations”. What have we allowed ourselves to become? Are we no longer a nation of laws? Have we become instead a nation of men who make secret arrests? Are secret prisons now simply another tool of the federal government law enforcement? Is secret rendition of individuals now permitted out of misplaced fear? Have we decided that the writ of habeas corpus is not worth defending? Is torture now an acceptable tool for making us safe?

Unfortunately, the single answer to all these questions from the leaders of our country to many of our citizens appears to be yes. And now we are told that assassination of foreigners as well as American citizens is legitimate and necessary to provide security for our people. It is my firm opinion that nothing could be further from the truth.

Secret arrests, secret renditions, torture and assassinations are illegal under both domestic and international law. These activities should be anathema to the citizens of a constitutional republic. The real threat doesn’t arise from our failure to torture, rather desensitizing our nation to the willful neglect and sacrifice of our civil liberties fought and died for over the centuries, is the threat.

-- Ron Paul --


LINK: Assassination Program






An independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security Council...There has been considerable criticism of the CIA relating to security and counterintelligence failures, failures in intelligence analysis, human rights concerns, external investigations and document releases, influencing public opinion and law enforcement, drug trafficking, and lying to Congress. In 1987, the former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, John Stockwell, said the CIA is responsible for tens of thousands of covert actions and destablization programs since it was created by Congress with the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. At the time, Stockwell estimated that over 6 million people had died in CIA covert actions.






The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a governmental agency belonging to the United StatesDepartment of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence). Also, it is the government agency responsible for investigating crimes on Indian reservations in the United States under the Major Crimes Act. The branch has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crime. The agency was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The agency headquarters is the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located in Washington, D.C. The agency has fifty-six field offices located in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation. More than 50 international offices called "legal attachés" exist in U.S. embassies and consulates general worldwide. 

'Federal Bureau of Investigation organizes almost all terror plots in the US' ...The report reveals that the FBI regularly infiltrates communities where they suspect terrorist-minded individuals to be engaging with others. Regardless of their intentions, agents are sent in to converse within the community, find suspects that could potentially carry out “lone wolf” attacks and then, more or less, encourage them to do so. By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize.








How could there be a War on Terror and actually say that we're having a war against terrorism, and leave the borders wide open? If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States, and 9/11 really happened the way they want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Because the bankers want the borders open, because they want a one-world government. They want a North American Union. They don't want borders here. 9/11 was only a manifestation. It was done to create a fear in the American public, so that we will obey what they want us to do.




False Flag Event


America Armed ISIS!!

Naked Body Scanners

American Border Debacle

Feds Radiating Americans

Illegal Checkpoints In America

Mobile Van Radiating the Public

Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

The NSA (National Security Agency)

The Federal Reserve

Fusion Centers



It’s no longer Al-Qaeda, it’s now supposedly your friends and neighbors.  This is the prevailing meme of every tyrannical fascist regime in history.

Attorney General Holder: American People Are Terrorists











Could Obama Face Impeachment For Bergdahl release

Total Despotism in America 

What happened in the last few weeks to change the Bergdahal situation? Was he a CIA operative, or was this a failed attempt to take the heat off the VA scandal?

Impeachment now very valid argument

Jay Carney 2013: we won't transfer detainess without consulting congress

Obama clearly broke the law

Is this a ramp up to "White al Qaeda"








AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example

Alex Jones breaks down the bigger picture behind the move to turn the war on terror against American citizens


White House Tells Parents: Children Could Be Terrorists!

I have told you this was coming. Under the new homeland we are all the enemy in the eyes of the occupiers.


You Are Being Targeted

Assassination Program


Terrorism Big Dirty Secret

AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example

Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

Posse Comitatus Act

Posse Comitatus2

Police State 1

Police State 2

Police State 3

Police State 4

The Fake War On Terror


In 1991, the Club published The First Global Revolution. It analyses the problems of humanity, calling these collectively or in essence the 'problematique'. It notes (laments) that, historically, social or political unity has commonly been motivated by enemies in common: "The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself - when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one, or else one invented for the purpose. With the disappearance of the traditional enemy, the temptation is to use religious or ethnic minorities as scapegoats, especially those whose differences from the majority are disturbing." "Every state has been so used to classifying its neighbours as friend or foe, that the sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void to fill. New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons devised."



AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example



Several years ago, after his popular video “Mad As Hell” was released and Aaron Russo began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Nicholas Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo’s passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite’s CFR.  Watch the full interview here: Reflections and Warnings.



Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terror!

Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terrorism!



Reflections and Warnings

Road to World Government


The Fake War On Terror

911 The Road to Tyranny









Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists


Preppers are becoming regular government targets these days, most recently when a Missisippi prepper group member with a clean record was suddenly taken off his flight halfway to Japan and informed he was on the no-fly list, an FBI terrorist watchlist, stranding him in Hawaii. Other preppers have been denied their Second Amendment rights without legitimate cause 


LINK: Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists







Posse Comitatus Act

Breaking: US Army Trains for Martial Law In US

Shock investigation: Pentagon accelerates plan
to confiscate guns, prosecute US conservatives.


February 15, 2014

The federal government has been in a big hurry to build a 300 acre city in just 2 years at an expense of $96 million in taxpayer funds in order to train the military “for problems we don’t even know we have yet.” If you’ve been following Infowars, you’ve seen us document over and over again what they’re training for with a detailed American city like this: martial law within this nation.

Posse Comitatus ActAnd now, The Telegraph is confirming the construction of this small town military simulation that will be used to train troops for combat against the American people.

Unlike the urban training centers we’ve seen before where the buildings are just empty concrete block structures or even plywood facades, this town is very detailed with glass windows, handicap parking signs, speed limit signs, logos on the subway that match the DC metro, and even a small town steeple (that was originally claimed to be a mosque). They’ve made it clear in manual after manual, scenario after scenario that they perceive the enemy as gun owners, limited government conservatives, libertarians and Christians.





This article was posted: Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 10:00 am

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 A divide and conquer strategy, also known as “divide and rule strategy” is often applied in the arenas of politics and sociology. In this strategy, one power breaks another power into smaller, more manageable pieces, and then takes control of those pieces one by one. It generally takes a very strong power to implement such a strategy. In order to successfully break up another power or government, the conqueror must have access to strong political, military, and economic machines.

Furthermore, in order to maintain power and influence, large governments will often work to keep smaller powers and governments from uniting. In fact, this use of the principles within the divide and conquer strategy is most common. It is much easier to prevent small powers from linking forces than to break them apart once they have aligned.

Leaders who use a divide and conquer strategy may encourage or foster feuds between smaller powers. This kind of political maneuvering requires a great understanding of the people who are being manipulated. In order to foster feuds, for example, one must understand the political and social histories of the parties intended to take part in the feuds. - WISEGEEK.COM




"When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.  This is well known among our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalism to govern the world.  By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd."


-- J.P. Morgan American financier, banker --


 Posse Comitatus Act









Is "democracy" just a carefully managed con game? Professor Quigley not only spent decades researching and writing about those who secretly control the machinery of our “representative governments,” he was permitted to examine their secret papers. He was invited in, but he ultimately betrayed their trust when he exposed their plans and their methods.

- Joe Plummer -





[Help Educate Family And Friends With This Page And The Links Below]




Founding Fathers Battle Gun Grabbers From the Grave



Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

Law Enforcement Requested Shooting Targets of Pregnant Women

Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists

Federal Government Moves to Disarm Veterans

Prisons for American Veterans | Assassination Program |

NDAA | Police State 1 | Police State 2 | Police State 3 | Police State 4 movie






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