" Look Into It - TSA Now Needs False Flag Event








TSA Now Needs False Flag Event

* For explanation of what a "False Flag" is, please go here: False Flag Event

With the grassroots backlash over the TSA’s obscene pat-downs growing by the day, it’s becoming fairly obvious that the only way the U.S. government is going to get the public to accept these Fourth Amendment violations is if there is another “terrorist incident” that’s stopped by the TSA and its naked body scanners

The TSA has quietly admitted there is no actual “threat-addressing” basis for employing nude body scanners or invasive pat down procedures at airports, a notion many travelers who are weary of the federal agency’s borderline sexual molestation have long suspected but were hard-pressed to prove. (See Article Below)




TSA needs false flag security incident to convince Americans to accept obscene pat-downs 



Mike Adams
November 22, 2010

With the grassroots backlash over the TSA’s obscene pat-downs growing by the day, it’s becoming fairly obvious that the only way the U.S. government is going to get the public to accept these Fourth Amendment violations is if there is another “terrorist incident” that’s stopped by the TSA and its naked body scanners.

Be on the watch for a “staged” security event designed to convince the American people that they need to give up yet more freedoms in the name of police-state security.

So far, the TSA is molesting children, teens and grannies without being able to demonstrate that this gross violation of Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights is having any effect whatsoever on improving air travel safety. But if there’s anything to be learned from 9/11, it’s that the sheeple are always willing to give up their rights if they can be scared into doing so. (http://www.naturalnews.com…)

“After 9/11 people were scared and when people are scared they’ll do anything for someone who will make them less scared,” said Bruce Schneier, a Minneapolis security technology expert, in an AP story (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101121…). “But [this TSA] is particularly invasive. It’s strip-searching. It’s body groping. As abhorrent goes, this pegs it.”

TSA is fighting for its survival

The TSA is being threatened right now in a big way: One airport in Florida is already planning to ditch the agency and hire private contractors to run security. A NYC lawmaker has called for the “dismantling” of the TSA, and Rep Ron Paul has introduced legislation that would result in TSA agents being arrested for felony crimes if they touched peoples’ junk.

The TSA, in other words, is fighting for its very survival right now. What it desperately needs is some new terrorist incident to remind the American people how much they need to give up their freedoms in exchange for security.

Now, I’m not saying the TSA is going to plot to blow up an airplane or anything, but if there’s anybody who has the access to sneak something past airport security, it’s the TSA.

How false flag operations achieve government goals

The United States government has a long and detailed history of “staging” events in order to sway public opinion. The Gulf of Tonkin event in the Vietnam War era was deliberately staged by U.S. government officials in order to justify an escalation of military attacks on the North Vietnamese. Documents that were finally declassified just this year prove beyond any doubt that the U.S. government conspired to stage this “false flag” event. (http://www.prisonplanet.com/de-clas…)

Operation Northwoods was a similar plot. As Wikipedia relates:

The planned 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by the U.S. Department of Defense for a war with Cuba involved scenarios such as hijacking or shooting down passenger and military planes, sinking a U.S. ship in the vicinity of Cuba, burning crops, sinking a boat filled with Cuban refugees, attacks by alleged Cuban infiltrators inside the United States, and harassment of U.S. aircraft and shipping and the destruction of aerial drones by aircraft disguised as Cuban MiGs. These actions would be blamed on Cuba, and would be a pretext for an invasion of Cuba and the overthrow of Fidel Castro’s communist government. It was authored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, nixed by John F. Kennedy, came to light through the Freedom of Information Act and was publicized by James Bamford. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_…)

On the conspiracy theory front, there have long been accusations that the 9/11 attacks were an “inside job” staged as a pretext to clamp down on Americans’ freedoms and roll out the Patriot Act — the very law that coincidentally gives TSA agents the right to have anybody arrested and detained for 48 hours without cause, without a warrant and without legal representation. The evidence surrounding the collapse of the WTC 7 building now has literally thousands of engineers, scientists and citizens realizing the building was obviously brought down by demolition explosions (http://buildingwhat.org) and not an “office fire” as was the official explanation.

The point of all this is that when governments are cornered but don’t want to give in, they will sometimes resort to falsifying events in order to continue moving their agendas forward. As David Icke explains, it’s the old “problem-reaction-solution” approach. First, create the problem, then wait for the public reaction that allows you to enact the government solution.

The formula works like a charm for everything from pushing flu vaccines to justifying a war.

In fact, there is evidence that U.S. agents may already be working on this plan. The fake bomb recently found on board a German passenger jet, we now know, was manufactured by a U.S. company (http://www.prisonplanet.com/fake-bo…).

How government agencies keep themselves alive (and get more funding)

Is the TSA at that point of desperation yet? I’m not sure, but it would certainly be easy for high-level TSA operatives to find some patsy who hates the government, convince him that he should carry some liquid explosives onto an airplane, and then “catch” him at a TSA security checkpoint, thereby proving that we need to keep giving up our freedoms in the name of security.

The mainstream media would have a field day with that story, and for the next two weeks on the news, we’d all hear how important the TSA is and what a great job they’re doing, and how this “terrorist” was caught by the naked body scanner machine, and so on.

Don’t be surprised to see such a scenario unfold. It’s not that I personally distrust the TSA in particular, because there are some good people who work there and who are not to blame for all this, but at the same time I’ve been around long enough and studied enough true history to know that government organizations will do practically anything to stay in power.

The DEA, for example, is desperately fighting against marijuana legalization not because marijuana is some highly dangerous drug (it isn’t), but because it’s job security for DEA agents.

The CDC, likewise, went completely out of its way last year to spread fear about the H1N1 Swine Flu for the same reasons: Job security. There’s nothing quite like declaring a stage-six pandemic to keep the Congressional funding flowing your way, huh?

The CDC also has a fascinating history of completely distorting the AIDS epidemic in order to boost its own funding, by the way. Watch this eye-opening video from House of Numbers to learn more: http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=4FE73…

Every government agency — the TSA, CDC, FDA, USDA, FTC and so on — fights for its survival every year. That’s because in an era of budget cuts, every agency knows it could potentially be on the chopping block for severe cuts. And funding cuts translate into job losses. So the unspoken rule at all government agencies is to “make ourselves important” in order to keep the money flowing.

This is also why the food contamination scares have been hyped up beyond all reason over the last two years: The FDA wants new powers to control the food supply, and the best way to do that is to latch onto stories about e.coli and salmonella and blow those all out of proportion in order to pass reactionary legislation called Senate Bill 510 (http://www.naturalnews.com/030461_S…).

The truth about this food safety situation is that right now something like 80% of the chickens sold in grocery stores are contaminated with salmonella (http://www.naturalnews.com/021258.html), yet you don’t hear a peep about that story. And the FDA is making no effort whatsoever to “ban chicken meat” from grocery stores. Their fear mongering about food contamination is very selective, it seems.

Perhaps the TSA has been learning its lessons from the FDA. Simply stage a false flag attack and you, too, can have increased Congressional funding to “fight terror” or whatever.

We do need protections, but we need our rights even more

All this isn’t to say that America doesn’t have enemies who really do want to destroy us. It’s true that there are really bad people out there — people and groups who want to bring America down.

There are some good people in Washington who are fighting for our safety behind the scenes. Yes, the FBI, CIA and NSA all have “a few good men” who are doing things around the world that you and I don’t even want to know about. Stuff that would make you cringe if you knew about it.

The sacrifices being made by some of these individuals in the name of protecting America’s interests on the international stage will never be fully known, nor recognized by anyone in the mainstream. The everyday American people who go about their lives shopping, watching TV, collecting a paycheck and surfing the ‘web have no idea what goes on behind the scenes to give them the luxury of pursuing such a carefree lifestyle.

That’s why nothing I print here is intended to disrespect the front-line warriors who are fighting for America’s interests — soldiers, the few “good” feds, etc. But at the same time that there are some “good men” (and women) in these agencies, there are also some rotten apples (like in any organization, I suppose). There are some people working in the government who absolutely would not hesitate to stage a false flag attack if it meant increasing their power, their pay and their importance.

And those people must be scratching their heads right now, thinking, “Gee, it sure would be easy to pull off a staged event of some kind that keeps us all in power.”

I just hope they come to their senses and realize they should not be at war with the American people. They’re supposed to be fighting to protect our freedoms, not to take away our freedoms. The real war is with the true enemies of America — those state-sponsored terrorist groups that genuinely want to destroy America and everything it stands for.

Certainly, we must not let the terrorists win. But neither must we allow freedom to perish in the process.

Reasonable security is fine

As a freedom-loving American who values both my freedom and my safety, I will gladly submit to having my luggage X-rayed and walking through a metal detector. I will gladly sit beside an armed Air Marshal on the flight, captained by an armed pilot on the flight deck who hopefully has a couple of spare mags along with his Colt 1911, too (pilots carry firearms on airplanes right now, most people don’t even know..).

Yet as much as those security precautions seem reasonable, I refuse to subject myself to a body X-ray that emits ionizing radiation, and I refuse to give in to an obscene pat-down that involves government personnel feeling up my genitals, with or without a latex glove.

At that point, “security” has become tyranny. And the terrorists have already won.

We need to rise up and stop this. Just as some of our undercover federal agents (and active soldiers) are fighting for America’s interests overseas, you and I need to be fighting for our freedom right here at home, on American soil, with this airport security issue.

We are not subjects. We are not cattle. We are sovereign citizens and we will not surrender our bodies to be fondled by government agents with the excuse that “it’s for our own good.”

And be on the watch for a “staged” security event designed to convince the American people that they need to give up yet more freedoms in the name of police-state security. I’m willing to bet that precisely such a plot is on the drawing board in Washington D.C. right now.








American Border Debacle




Choose an image to begin

Shock Security Report: TSA Has a 95% Failure Rate Finding Weapons and Explosives


Mac Slavo
June 1st, 2015


With an annual budget of over $7 billion Transportation Security Administration officials claim that they set the standard for excellence in transportation security and counterterrorism.

But a recent investigation reveals that when undercover operatives attempted to smuggle banned weapons and even explosives through checkpoints nationwide the TSA failed to stop them 95% of the time.

The shocking security report shows that despite the billions of dollars spent and the millions of American citizens being inconvenienced, and often humiliated, America’s airports are no safer today than they were before the attacks of September 11th, 2001:

An internal investigation of the Transportation Security Administration revealed security failures at dozens of the nation’s busiest airports, where undercover investigators were able to smuggle mock explosives or banned weapons through checkpoints in 95 percent of trials, ABC News has learned.

The series of tests were conducted by Homeland Security Red Teams who pose as passengers, setting out to beat the system.

According to officials briefed on the results of a recent Homeland Security Inspector General’s report, TSA agents failed 67 out of 70 tests, with Red Team members repeatedly able to get potential weapons through checkpoints.

In one test an undercover agent was stopped after setting off an alarm at a magnetometer, but TSA screeners failed to detect a fake explosive device that was taped to his back during a follow-on pat down.

Officials would not divulge the exact time period of the testing other than to say it concluded recently.

Source: ABC News

The government claims that because undercover “Red Teams” are familiar with TSA protocols and vulnerabilities the security investigation results are not reflective of real world results. According to former TSA administrator John Pistole that because these “super terrorists” have access to TSA procedures “they can create and devise and conceal items that … not even the best terrorists would be able to do.” 

In effect the government is telling us that even though TSA failed to catch 95% of the explosives and weapons being smuggled onto planes, Americans have nothing to worry about because an actual terrorist would never know how to compromise the system. A real terrorist, whose sole purpose in life is to kill as many Americans as possible, would not have the time, resources, commitment or brains to identify weak points and gather intelligence about the vulnerabilities within the TSA’s security protocols.



But what can we expect from an organization whose front-line officers make just a hair over minimum wage?

For one, we can expect these highly trained agents of counter-terrorism to laugh and snicker while Americans go through demeaning screening procedures while being fondled.

And as for those highly secretive protocols, perhaps if the TSA focused on searching potential terrorists before they board public transportation, as opposed to pat-downs of moms and their children after they disembark from their travels, they’d be a bit more successful in stopping people who were trying to smuggle weapons aboard.

But no matter how wasteful or ineffective the Transportation Security Administration may be with respect to their actual duties, there are still those, fully one-third actually, who have succumbed to the years of propaganda and would gladly and without protest accept a full body cavity search for the privilege of flying.





Will LAX Shooting Be Exploited to Arm TSA Agents?

One TSA screener killed, media flip flops on gunman being off-duty TSA officer


Paul Joseph Watson
November 1, 2013

UPDATE: The media is now reporting that the gunman was not an off-duty TSA officer, which is a strange flip flop from earlier when law enforcement sources said that he was. This can now be exploited to justify further TSA abuse of power, which would have not been possible if the shooter had been a TSA agent.

The L.A. Times reports: “A federal law enforcement official said that the gunman was a ticketed passenger entering the airport. Officials don’t believe the gunman has ever worked for TSA. Law enforcement sources had earlier told The Times the gunman was a TSA employee.”

A shooting at LAX airport today which killed at least one and wounded several other Transportation Security Administration screeners could be exploited as a justification to arm TSA agents, a plan that has likely been in the works for some time.


According to reports, a man approached a document checker at Los Angeles International Airport, pulled out a rifle and opened fire on a security officer.

Several people were wounded during the shooting, which went on for around half an hour, including a TSA agent who was shot in the leg.

According to the L.A. Times ”two or three TSA employees were hit by gunfire.”

NBC News later confirmed that one of the TSA agents was killed.

The suspect was described as a clean cut white male who fired an AR-15. The gun is seen lying on the ground in the image below.

It was subsequently confirmed that the shooter had been killed by police.

Reports indicate that the shooter was an off-duty TSA agent, suggesting the motivation could have been personal and not political. According to eyewitnesses, the gunman was clearly targeting TSA agents.

TSA Now Needs False Flag EventThe gunman was apprehended but the incident prompted an evacuation of Terminals 2 and 3 and all planes were later grounded, with incoming planes being diverted.

“We were just standing there in line and somebody started shooting,” said eyewitness Nick Pugh . “Everyone dropped to the floor and started crawling along the ground, abandoning their suitcases.”

The incident is almost certain to be exploited by the federal government and the media to justify draconian TSA security policies, but it could also be used to rubber stamp a policy of arming TSA agents.

As we reported earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security has been hiring shooting ranges near airports in order to train TSA agents, suggesting that a plan to equip the screeners with firearms has been on the agenda for a while.

More on this story as it develops….

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Friday, November 1, 2013 at 1:13 pm






Internal TSA Documents: Body Scanners, Pat Downs Not For Terrorists


TSA’s ‘Administrative Record’ admits ineffective security theater


Adan Salazar
Oct. 17, 2013

The TSA has quietly admitted there is no actual “threat-addressing” basis for employing nude body scanners or invasive pat down procedures at airports, a notion many travelers who are weary of the federal agency’s borderline sexual molestation have long suspected but were hard-pressed to prove.


The TSA understands body scanners and pat downs are ineffective at addressing a threat for which they admit “there is no evidence.”  

The TSA understands body scanners and pat downs are ineffective at addressing a threat for which they admit “there is no evidence.”


Redaction shows TSA is aware explosives on airplanes "are extremely rare.' (click to enlarge)The evidence was found in sealed court documents, available through the PACER.gov website, regarding engineer and blogger Jon Corbett’s ongoing litigation over the constitutionality of the agency’s loathsome security practices.

In a redacted version of the appellant’s brief, filed by Corbett on October 7 with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, several portions of the Summary of Facts section were blacked out, raising questions as to the nature of the censored information.

But in a sealed version of the same documents obtained through PACER.gov (and available here), the redacted sections appear with incriminating clarity.

Through Redactions, TSA Admits Terror Threats are Slim to Nonexistent


Redaction shows TSA is aware explosives on airplanes “are extremely rare.’ (click to enlarge)

A section detailing how “The TSA Has Misled The Public As to the Likelihood of the Threat ‘Addressed’ By Nude Body Scanners and Pat Downs,” includes a blacked out portion concerning the TSA’s knowledge that “explosives on airplanes are extremely rare.”


“For example, the TSA analyzed hijackings in 2007 and found 7 hijacking incidents across the globe, but none of them involved actual explosive devices,” Corbett explains in the brief, adding that the last attempt to bring an explosive onboard an airplane through a U.S. airport occurred 35 years ago.

Another redacted section highlights the government’s concession that, “due to hardened cockpit doors and the willingness of passengers to challenge hijackers,” it would be difficult to have a repeat of 9/11.

“The government also credits updated pre-flight security for that difficulty assessment,” the brief states, “but the assessment was written before the en masse deployment of body scanners and before the update to the pat down procedure. Further, the government admits that there have been no attempted domestic hijackings of any kind in the 12 years since 9/11.”

The TSA also had the following section completely censored:

This begs the question, then, of what evidence the government possesses to rationalize that we should be so afraid of non-metallic explosives being brought aboard flights departing from the U.S. that we must sacrifice our civil liberties. The answer: there is none. “As of mid-2011, terrorist threat groups present in the Homeland are not known to be actively plotting against civil aviation targets or airports; instead, their focus is on fundraising, recruiting, and propagandizing.”

In the brief’s Summary of Argument, another redacted portion concerns the TSA’s understanding that body scanners and pat downs are ineffective at addressing a threat for which they admit “there is no evidence.”

By redacting certain parts of the brief, the TSA also inadvertently admits “it is aware of no one who is currently plotting a terror attack against our aviation system using explosives (non-metallic or otherwise),” and that, in addition to a cabin of empowered passengers who would make short work of a hijacker, the Federal Flight Deck Officer program, which arms pilots with firearms, makes targeting an airplane “to be the definition of insanity.”

Get the TSA Out of Our Pants

catascopeThe redactions in Corbett’s court documents are a damning indictment of the TSA’s procedures, and only serve to bolster his claims’ truthfulness.

The 28-year-old entrepreneur arrived at his conclusions after admittedly “pawing through several thousand pages of the TSA’s ‘administrative record,’” which he says the TSA uses as the “alleged rationale behind why they must photograph us naked and literally put their hands in our pants to search us.”

The information contained within the redacted portions support what Infowars and others have long suspected: that the sprawling agency – which is in the process of extending beyond the airport and onto highways, train stations and public buses – was never meant to thwart terrorists, but was instead set up to purposely obstruct, annoy, harass and train the American public.

In other words, the court documents go a long way in proving the TSA is pure contrived security theater custom-made solely to indoctrinate Americans, through prisoner training, into blindly accepting obedience to authority as a normal way of life, not to mention a huge waste of about $7.91 billion in taxpayer money a year.

TSA trying to make a monkey out of you.RELATED: TSA Loudspeakers Threaten Travelers With Arrest For Joking About Security

TSA trying to make a monkey out of you.

Corbett has made quite the reputation of going after the agency.

Last year, he made headlines when he demonstrated how to thwart TSA body scanners simply by sewing an object onto clothing.

Corbett had also previously filed a lawsuit challenging the TSA after he was detained for an hour at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. He also regularly adds updates regarding his ongoing litigation on his activist blog TSA Out Of Our Pants!.

Updates to Jon’s case can be found on PACER.gov, case #12-15893.

Below are both the redacted and sealed versions of the Appellant’s brief in the case of Jonathan Corbett v. Transportation Security Administration.

REDACTED Appellant’s brief.

SEALED Appellant’s brief.

This article was posted: Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 1:24 pm

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Blogger Who Thwarted TSA Body Scanners Now Harassed by DOJ

 Jon Corbett, the engineer and activist challenging the constitutionality of the TSA's body scanners and pat downs, has received a call from the Department of Justice stating he violated a court order sealing the documents that Infowars made public yesterday, even though the court had inexplicably published the documents on a public site. http://www.infowars.com/doj-censors-b...
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Arming TSA officers hits resistance on the Hill


By KEVIN ROBILLARD | 11/4/13 11:34 PM EST

The fatal shooting of Gerardo Hernandez and the ensuing gunfight at LAX called attention to a long-running debate over the powers of TSA, whose screeners aren’t considered law enforcement officers even though many of them wear badges. The 39-year-old Hernandez was the first TSA officer killed in the line of duty in the agency’s history.

(Also on POLITICO: Holder calls for study of TSA role)

Federal prosecutors have filed homicide and other charges against 23-year-old Los Angeles resident Paul Ciancia, whom authorities have suggested was specifically targeting TSA employees.

Both lawmakers and the Obama administration have called for reviewing airport security procedures after the shooting spree. But union officials are already offering a concrete proposal: create a new category of TSA agent in addition to the 45,000 existing screeners. People in the new positions would be law enforcement officers, who could carry handcuffs and firearms as well as make arrests.

Union leaders say the enhanced status would help protect an unfairly demonized workforce, as well as security checkpoints like the one where Friday’s mayhem began.

“We feel a larger and more consistent armed presence in screening areas would be a positive step in improving security for both [security officers] and the flying public,” said J. David Cox, president of the American Federation of Government Employees. “The development of a new class of TSA officers with law enforcement status would be a logical approach to accomplishing this goal.”

On Friday, union officials initially suggested simply giving every agent arrest powers. But they said Monday that that would be only a half-step.

(Also on POLITICO: FAA: Let the iPads fly)

“Just saying you can arrest somebody, how far is that going to get you?” asked AFGE general counsel David Borer. “The focus needs to be on how do we deliver the right amount of security at the checkpoint.”

But Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), who chairs the House Homeland Security subcommittee that oversees the TSA, told POLITICO in a statement Monday that he opposes arming the TSA’s massive screener workforce.

“There are practical, risk-based steps that can be taken to combat potential attacks without arming 45,000 TSA screeners,” Hudson said. He added: “In the wake of this attack it is of critical importance to review coordination and communication between TSA and local police, whose job it is to protect airports, as well as review TSA’s own programs for detecting and disrupting terrorist attacks.”

Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond, the subcommittee’s top Democrat, told POLITICO that he would look at the union’s proposal but was worried about the cost.

Richmond added that any solution should look beyond just keeping airports’ security checkpoints safe.

“What if he just went to the baggage claim?” Richmond said of the gunman. “It has to be broader than just the checkpoint. You want to have a safe place from the parking garage to the airplane.”

Republican lawmakers’ proposals for TSA have often focused on reining in the agency, which they portray as an overbearing force that harasses innocent Americans. As recently as 2011, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) introduced a bill that would have prohibited TSA employees without law enforcement training from using the title of “officer.” It also would have prohibited them from wearing uniforms or badges that resemble those worn by law enforcement. The bill died after attracting 42 Republican co-sponsors.





The Fake War On Terror Provides An Excuse To Form Paramilitary Forces And A Police State!



CHP Declares Itself A “Paramilitary Organization

Published on Dec 19, 2014

Join us tomorrow. Free Live Stream http://www.Infowars.com/show 3pm to 6pm central. Live Coverage from Spokane Washington MRAP Police State Buildup protest. Join us on the ground or on the web.






Obama Civilian National Security Force






Government Readies Youth Corps To Take On Vets

Boy Scouts Trained To Disarm Public


...Shocking New York Times article reporting on how the Boy Scouts are being trained to take on domestic terrorists, which apparently would include war veterans and American citizens if the Homeland Security definition of a terrorist is to be applied. Homeland Security and the FBI are behind the effort to indoctrinate and train the Boy Scouts to become tomorrow’s Gestapo...Gestapo Scouts will be required to combat “rightwing extremists” who will refuse to turn in their firearms after the next false flag terror attack or engineered pandemic. SWAT Scouts will be called to deal with those who refuse to participate in mandatory vaccinations. Police state Scouts will be the vanguard for Obama’s million-man Civilian National Security Corps. “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the military.






DHS Has Now Acquired Enough Bullets To Wage 30 Year War!! 








DHS to Hire “Top Secret” Domestic Security Force

Is the Department of Homeland Security building a mercenary unit?

Paul Joseph Watson
November 5, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security is to spend $19 million dollars on a private security force in Wisconsin and Minnesota, an armed unit that must have a “Top Secret” security clearance according to an official solicitation.

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the Federal Protective Service, a sub-agency of the DHS, intends to hire “armed Protective Security Officer (PSO) services at various locations throughout the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin.”

“The project will have a requirement for the contractor to have a Top Secret facility clearance by the start of performance,” states the FPS notice.

Unlike previous solicitations, which normally detail how the guards will be deployed to protect government buildings, the document does not divulge what role the armed security force will undertake.

The fact that the contractors being hired must have a “Top Secret” security clearance clearly suggests that the DHS is not merely seeking to hire armed guards, but Blackwater-style mercenaries who will be engaged in some kind of clandestine activity.

The notion of an armed security force operating domestically under a “Top Secret” designation, something normally reserved for foreign spying and military operations, underscores how the DHS increasingly treats America like some kind of occupied territory.

The hiring of private mercenaries with Top Secret clearances also suggests the DHS may be planning on using the contractors as cutouts who will be involved in a variety of different operations outside the purview of public and Congressional scrutiny.


DHS Is Building Mercenary Units In A State Near You. Plus, ABC News Implicates Alex Jones in LAX Shooting. DHS to Hire "Top Secret" Domestic Security Force.


For some, the idea of an ever-expanding federal government turning to a private security force with a “Top Secret” clearance will stir memories of Barack Obama’s pre-election promise to build “a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded (as the US military).”

The DHS’ purchase of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last 12 months has also prompted concerns that the feds are gearing up for trouble.

As we previously reported, the federal agency has spent large sums of money in recent weeks hiring large numbers of armed guards to protect government buildings, a development some have connected to the likelihood of civil unrest in America which could arise from food shortages linked to welfare cuts.

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto suggested that the Department of Homeland Security’s recent $80 million dollar outlay on armed guards to protect government buildings in upstate New York was related to potential food stamp riots.

The federal agency is also seeking to acquire 723,000 hours of armed guard services to protect government buildings in Arkansas and other areas.

The DHS also recently purchased half a million dollars worth of fully automatic pepper spray launchers and projectiles that are designed to be used during riot control situations.

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FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

This article was posted: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 12:20 pm

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TSA Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) teams are responsible for around 10,000 checkpoints every year in the US, and have expanded from airports to bus & train terminals and even highways despite the fact that there is “no proof that the roving viper teams have foiled any terrorist plots or thwarted any major threat to public safety,” according to the L.A. Times.

The VIPER teams have nothing to do with preventing terrorism, they are there to get people to cower and accept they are under control. Air marshal spokesman David Adams has commented that there is no new intelligence indicating that terrorists are interested in targeting transportation modes.






Homeland Security VIPER Teams Hit Tampa Florida Bus, Train Stations

Homeland Security VIPER Teams Hit Tampa Florida Bus, Train Stations






 Truckers Inspected by V.I.P.R. teams

 Truckers Inspected by V.I.P.R. teams

The TSA has announced its intention to expand the VIPR program to include roadside inspections of commercial vehicles, setting up a network of internal checkpoints and rolling out security procedures already active in airports, bus terminals and subway stations to roads and highways across the United States.







TSA to Purchase 3.5 Million Rounds of Ammunition

TSA to Purchase 3.5 Million Rounds of Ammunition 

Enough for its agents to fire 9,400 bullets a day, every day of the year


Paul Joseph Watson
August 19, 2013

TSA Now Needs False Flag EventThe Transportation Security Administration is set to purchase 3.5 million .357 SIG caliber bullets, enough for its agents to fire 9,400 rounds a day, every day of the year.

Image: YouTube

According to a solicitation issued by the agency on August 16, the TSA is looking to buy “3,454,000 rounds of .347 SIG Caliber Training Ammunition”.

Although TSA agents in airports are currently unarmed, last month the TSA announced its plan to hire the use of a firing range within a 20 mile radius of LaGuardia Airport in order to train TSA workers.

The federal agency’s huge bullet buy could signal an expansion of its controversial Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) program, where teams of armed TSA officers patrol railroad stations, bus stations, ferries, car tunnels, ports, subways, truck weigh stations, rest areas, and special events.

VIPR teams currently conduct around 8,000 operations a year. As well as providing security at transport hubs, VIPR teams are now being used to keep tabs on fans at sporting events.

Earlier this month it was announced that VIPR agents would now be patting down Americans “outside the airport” by conducting stop and search shake downs at transport hubs and public events.

As Government Security News notes, the amount of ammunition being purchased, “means the TSA could fire off more than 9,400 rounds per day, every day of the year, to consume that entire quantity annually.”

Significant bullet purchases by the TSA are likely to fuel concerns that the federal government is arming itself to the teeth in preparation for some form of domestic unrest or other catastrophe, following the Department of Homeland Security’s commitment to purchase more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last 18 months.

As we reported last week, Congressman Jeff Duncan’s attempt to get answers on why the IRS is also training its agents with semi-automatic AR-15′s designed for “standoff capability” has been ignored by the federal agency.

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Feds Arming TSA To Take On The American People

Alex covers the new ammo buy of 24 million rounds of "Duty ammunition" by the TSA and the plan to arm their agents, Special forces troops joined by forgein troops on US Soil in a staged invasion of Miami.
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TSA VIPR Show Up at Music Festival

TSA VIPR Show Up at Music Festival






Feds Move to Pin LAX Shooting On Patriots

Kurt Nimmo
November 5, 2013

The FBI will assume its traditional role as a political police force in the wake of the LAX shooting. On Monday night, the agency announced it is looking into the political beliefs of Paul Ciancia, the unemployed motorcycle mechanic who allegedly shot and killed a TSA agent last week.

TSA Now Needs False Flag Event

Ciancia reportedly had a handwritten note with him denouncing the “New World Order,” the TSA, former Department of Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano, and other government officials.

Presenting a search warrant for Ciancia’s cellphone on Monday, the FBI noted the alleged shooter’s “concerns about a New World Order.”

The resident expert on all things New World Order, the South Poverty Law Center and its spokesman, Mark Potok, have trotted out a politically charged definition of the New World Order that has been digested without comment by the establishment media.

“Ciancia’s language and references seemed to put him squarely in the conspiracy-minded world of the antigovernment ‘Patriot’ movement,” the SPLC told USA Today. “The New World Order refers to a longstanding conspiracy theory that today, in its most popular iteration, claims that global elites are plotting to form a socialistic ‘one-world government’ that would crush American freedoms. Often, the root of the alleged conspiracy is traced to the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve and the adoption of fiat currency — paper money that is not backed by gold, as it was once was in the U.S.”

Meanwhile, the establishment media is playing its role. On November 4, ABC News ran a Diane Sawyer piece on the shooting that inexplicably inserted a short clip of Alex Jones talking about the TSA. The clip was not explained. Alex Jones’ name was present in a lower third on the screen and infowars.com was displayed at the top of the screen. The insertion is clearly a brazen effort to pin blame for the shooting on the patriot movement in general and Alex Jones in particular.



Meanwhile, the Associated Press inserted an out of context reference to Infowars.com in a report about the Ciancia family.

“In the Ciancia family’s neighborhood in New Jersey, stop signs at either end of the street were adorned with stickers advertising Infowars.com, a website that discusses many of the same anti-government ideas officials said Ciancia mentioned in a hand-written note found in his bag. There was no way to tell who put the stickers on the signs,” writes Geoff Mulvihill for the establishment news wire.

The FBI has functioned as a political police force since its inception. The agency’s predecessor at the Justice Department arrested and deported anarchists in 1919 under the direction of then Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer. Beginning in the 1950s, the FBI began harassing and targeting the political enemies of the establishment under its COINTELPRO.

In September, the American Civil Liberties Union characterized the FBI as a “secret domestic intelligence agency” involved in violating the constitutional rights of Americans who disagree with the government.

[email protected]
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This article was posted: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 10:40 am

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 Expect More False Flags and Propaganda Like This To Get TSA Agents Carrying Firearms.

TSA Now Needs False Flag Event


Modern Warfare 2 - Mission 4 - No Russian

(airport mission)

The controversial mission that I am sure all of you have heard about in the media - the airport mission. We are back with Allen who is acting as an under-cover agent to try and get intelligence on a Russian named Makerov, by attacking a Russian Airport



TSA Now Needs False Flag Event


TSA Now Needs False Flag Event


TSA Now Needs False Flag Event


TSA Now Needs False Flag Event


TSA Now Needs False Flag Event


Propagandizing Through Games

Propaganda History






The Fake War On Terror Provides An Excuse To Form Paramilitary Forces And A Police State!




How could there be a War on Terror and actually say that we're having a war against terrorism, and leave the borders wide open? If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States, and 9/11 really happened the way they want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Because the bankers want the borders open, because they want a one-world government. They want a North American Union. They don't want borders here. 9/11 was only a manifestation. It was done to create a fear in the American public, so that we will obey what they want us to do.






False Flag Event


America Armed ISIS!!

Naked Body Scanners

American Border Debacle

Feds Radiating Americans

Illegal Checkpoints In America

Mobile Van Radiating the Public

Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

The NSA (National Security Agency)

The Federal Reserve

Fusion Centers






It’s no longer Al-Qaeda, it’s now supposedly your friends and neighbors.  This is the prevailing meme of every tyrannical fascist regime in history.

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Could Obama Face Impeachment For Bergdahl release

Total Despotism in America 

What happened in the last few weeks to change the Bergdahal situation? Was he a CIA operative, or was this a failed attempt to take the heat off the VA scandal?

Impeachment now very valid argument

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Obama clearly broke the law

Is this a ramp up to "White al Qaeda"







AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example

Alex Jones breaks down the bigger picture behind the move to turn the war on terror against American citizens


White House Tells Parents: Children Could Be Terrorists!

I have told you this was coming. Under the new homeland we are all the enemy in the eyes of the occupiers.


You Are Being Targeted

Assassination Program


Terrorism Big Dirty Secret

AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example

Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns

Posse Comitatus Act

Posse Comitatus2

Police State 1

Police State 2

Police State 3

Police State 4

The Fake War On Terror


In 1991, the Club published The First Global Revolution. It analyses the problems of humanity, calling these collectively or in essence the 'problematique'. It notes (laments) that, historically, social or political unity has commonly been motivated by enemies in common: "The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself - when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one, or else one invented for the purpose. With the disappearance of the traditional enemy, the temptation is to use religious or ethnic minorities as scapegoats, especially those whose differences from the majority are disturbing." "Every state has been so used to classifying its neighbours as friend or foe, that the sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void to fill. New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons devised."



AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example



Several years ago, after his popular video “Mad As Hell” was released and Aaron Russo began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Nicholas Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo’s passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite’s CFR.  Watch the full interview here: Reflections and Warnings.



Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terror!

Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terrorism!



Reflections and Warnings

Road to World Government


Educational System Dismantlement

The Fake War On Terror

911 The Road to Tyranny








The Last Word on Terrorism



War On Terror
















TerrorStorm: Special Edition DVD – Re-Mixed + Re-Mastered

  • Shocking uncovered video evidence and new interviews that reveal undeniable proof that governments plan and carry out false-flag events to manipulate the geo-political structure to their advantage 
  • New footage from the historic 5th Anniversary 9/11 Truth rally at Ground Zero in New York City 
  • Smoking gun evidence that mainstream media was staging news coverage on 9/11 – including false-start reports that Building 7 had totally collapsed over an hour before it fell 
  • Powerful analysis of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta’s testimony before Congress that VP Cheney was clearly in control of the air defense stand down on 9/11 
  • Learn how the mainstream media is covering up the fact that the majority of living 9/11 victims and their families believe September 11th was an inside job 
  • New interviews and perspectives on false-flag terror and much more 

Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors.

In TerrorStorm you will discover that September 11th, the attacks of 7/7 in London, and many other terrorist events were self-inflicted wounds. You will witness British Special Forces troops caught in the act of staging terror attacks in Iraq and see official U.S. government documents laying out plans to hijack passenger planes by remote control. You will learn how the Reichstag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin and the U.S.-backed Iranian coup of 1953 are all interconnected false-flag terror events. 


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TSA Now Needs False Flag Event 



Fighting The Lawless TSA

Naked Body Scanners

Roadside Cavity Searches

TSA Now Needs False Flag Event

War On Terror


Mass Murder Pills

Posse Comitatus Act

 You Are Being Targeted

Boy Scouts Trained To Disarm Public

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

 Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists













look into it videos







invisible empire



hollerith dvd



obama deception


Aaron Russo 


Terror Storm final cut 



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