" Look Into It - What Can We Do? Part 1








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What Can We Do?

“Praying for freedom never did me any good til I started praying with my feet.” 

--  Frederick Douglass --




Suggestions Taken From: www.theamericandreamfilm.com 


You need to get educated on the many subjects we have discussed. We have suggested some reading and organizations that can help, but the very best you can do is become familiar with the real philosophy of liberty that America was founded upon. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They are not very long and surprisingly easy to read. Written by some of our greatest American leaders, these two documents are the basis for all our laws and explain what our government should and should not be doing.

Also, you should be dedicating your time, your money, and your vote to organizations and candidates that have a consistent record of championing these philosophies of Liberty. Voting is very important, but you can't expect to cast a vote every few years and wait for someone else to do something. Make your voice heard and work to protect your freedoms by informing yourself and dedicating your resources to values and causes that will truly matter to all of our futures. You do not have to become an activist unless you feel called, however we all need to be very active at this time and participate in the great American process of government by the people.



  • Get involved in elections  


Know about the candidates that are running in your area, and even in other areas where you might be able to help inform other people. It's easy enough to do, and ask yourself some basic questions about the candidates like: Have they done what they said? Does their record stand behind their words? Do they stand behind the Bill of Rights and the Constitution? Make sure you are informed on any ballot measures as well. If you find someone or something you are passionate about, get more involved with the campaign. Help collect signatures, go door to door, and work with the campaign to make a difference.



  • Talk to your kids  


We cannot leave it to schools and teachers to educate our kids. We need to be active in the education of our children by exposing them to information that is truthful and aligned with our values. There is all sorts of media that is available to help you. (For instance, John Stossel has a program he does with schools). You can start by helping your children read and understand the history and content of the Bill of Rights and The Constitution.



  • Blog  


Start a blog and get involved. Anyone can do it. The internet is a powerful tool and the world is your audience. Write your own opinions, post good articles and videos and spread them to everyone else. Disseminating the truth is vital and everyone's contribution counts.



  • Give money 


It takes a lot of resources to spread these ideas of liberty. The mission needs your help too. Give generously to grass roots organizations and candidates that are fighting for our freedom. We have connected you to a few good ones, and thankfully there are many others getting involved. Stay informed and research them carefully, so you can know that your money is being used wisely.



  • Contact your representatives  


Email, write, and call your elected representatives. It is very important that you tell them what you think and encourage others to do the same. Remember, you elected them and they serve you. Hold them accountable and they will act much more carefully when they know you are watching.



  • Share on facebook  


Let your friends know what you believe. Be confident and show others how you are helping to spread the truth of freedom, and how they too can be part of the solution to a better America. Invite them to events and discussion groups, and link to those things you believe in.



  • Educate  


To those who are educators, please take the time and energy to read and educate yourself on real history and teach the truth to your students. Teach them about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, show them what those documents say and why they are so important. Many text books and curriculum bend and revise history for convenience or political agenda. Make the buck stop with you and teach the truth.






"Go ye therefore..."



Email, write, and call your elected representatives. It is very important that you tell them what you think and encourage others to do the same. Remember, you elected them and they serve you. Hold them accountable and they will act much more carefully when they know you are watching.




A Blueprint For Beating COVID-1984



Look Into It | August 13th, 2021

This video excerpt was taken from the sermon, Compliance To The World System Makes One An Enemy Of God - by Dr. Chuck Baldwin, 8/8/21.

Watch the full sermon here:

Chuck Baldwin also wrote an article, CDC Planning “Green Zone” Relocation Camps For People At “High Risk” For The Coronavirus, where he talks further about the court case.

Here's an excerpt:

Just a few days ago, there was a monumental court case in Alberta, Canada, that the media is desperately trying to conceal. Here is a watered-down version of the case (without mentioning the case) in a Canadian news outlet:

Alberta is lifting much of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions in the coming weeks.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw, in her first COVID-19 update since June 29, announced Wednesday that starting Aug. 16, people who test positive for COVID-19 will not be mandated to quarantine anymore.

Additionally, Albertans with COVID-19 symptoms will not be asked to get tested, but to stay at home until they feel better.

That was just part of a shift in the province's public health response as it moves to lift a number of measures related to quarantine, isolation and masks.

Starting Thursday, close contacts of COVID-19 cases will no longer be mandated to quarantine.

Masks won't be mandatory in public transit, rideshares and taxies starting on Aug. 16, the province announced. Some masking may still be required in hospitals or continuing care facilities.

The backstory is that an Alberta citizen named Pat King went to court after he was fined $1,200 for violating a Covid law banning more than 10 people assembling together. In court last month, King subpoenaed the Chief Medical Officer, Deena Hinshaw, to present the court with material evidence that Covid existed. Hinshaw and the Alberta provincial government could not produce the material evidence for the isolation of SARS-COV-2.

Because the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Alberta could not produce the requested material evidence, Alberta closed its Covid regime—contact tracing, quarantining, masks, social distancing, etc. Instead, they declared Covid to be no more than a flu.

Americans all over the country should be following this brave Canadian’s example and start demanding that the respective governments (State, county and municipal) prove in a court of law via scientific data that SARS-COV-2 exists.

As several scholars and researchers have well documented, that data does not exist.

All over Europe, especially in France, Italy and Germany, millions of people are taking to the streets in protest over myriad draconian Covid restrictions to their liberties. The American people should follow suit.

But more than taking to the streets (although there is a place for that too), we need to be taking to the courts. It’s time for these wannabe tyrants in government and the medical establishment to come to an open court of law and show the science proving the novel coronavirus.

They keep telling us to “trust the science.” It’s time we start demanding that they “prove the science.”

If the American people do not rise up en masse against this phony Covid narrative today, many of us will find ourselves or our loved ones in the CDC’s “green zone” relocation camps tomorrow.






Why Americans must say,
"I Will Not Comply"

Technocracy News & Trends | Premiered Jul 22, 2020

Nonstop propaganda from national media continues to frighten people into mental paralysis and submission to health authorities. This Technocrat-led tsunami can only be resisted by
individuals who refuse to play their assigned role in the Great Panic of 2020.







#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2

LookIntoIt | August 8th, 2020 | https://www.bitchute.com/video/VsQZ73tolVvN/ | PLEASE SHARE


1 - #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2 on August 8

Corbett Report Extras | July 29, 2020

2 - Trump Commits Billions To Bill Gates' Vaccine Alliance - Both From USAID & From His Admin Itself

The Last American Vagabond | Jul 15, 2020

3 - If THIS Doesn't Wake You Up NOTHING Will - Wait Till the End

HighImpactVlogs | Jun 13, 2020

4 - Trump Promotes Masks, Says Military Will Help Distribute COVID Vaccine

The Conscious Resistance | Jul 22, 2020

5 - Stunning RFID Admission from ApiJect

HighImpactVlogs | Jun 12, 2020

6 - Trust in News Media Continues to Plummet - #NewWorldNextWeek

corbettreport - Aug 6, 2020

7 - Here's How They Will Convince You To Take the COVID Vaccine

The Conscious Resistance | Aug 4, 2020 







LINK: Eugenicist Bill Gates





COVID-19 And Vaccinations
- Interview with Barbara Loe Fisher -

Mercola | First published at 06:18 UTC on June 5th, 2020 | https://www.bitchute.com/video/rLDOLvHBmF3e/

 We need to start developing personal relationships with the legislators and officials we elect, including our county sheriff, who can intervene on our behalf to protect us from tyranny
- Sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal, an online communications tool that monitors vaccine-related state legislation and alerts residents when proposed bills are moving in their state
- H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, sets the stage for multiple violations of our constitutional rights, including the Fourth, Fifth, Eighth and Ninth amendments
- Based on the historical failures of past coronavirus vaccines, a fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine could become one of the biggest public health disasters in history. And, no one involved is accountable or will face any repercussions. Instead, they will all profit
- Only healthy people are enrolled in COVID-19 vaccine trials, yet only 4 in 10 Americans are actually free of chronic disease. What’s more, 87.8% of Americans are metabolically inflexible, which impairs their immune function so, in reality, 9 in 10 Americans are unhealthy to some degree

Read the full article https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/06/07/barbara-loe-fisher-vaccines-covid-19.aspx?cid_source=bitchute&cid_medium=video&cid=health_COVID-19-And-Vaccinations

National Vaccine Information Center:

Subscribe for the latest health news: http://bit.ly/2CEBM8j

Visit our website: http://bit.ly/2KhnpuS

Listen to our podcasts: http://bit.ly/34XeLcW

Find us on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctor.health
MeWe: https://mewe.com/p-front/dr.josephmercola
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmercola
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mercola



Vaccines Expose | Mandatory Vaccine Threat | Eugenicist Bill Gates | Vaccines Analyzed | Vaccines Killing Soldiers




Making a Difference in Government Locally
is the Most Effective

- Barry Klein Interview -

Published on Aug 15, 2016

This New Gold Stock Headed Up by an All-Star Management Team:

In this first time interview with us Barry of Houston Property Rights Association reveals the power in activism to influence local politics.
This is a more effective strategy than voting in the federal elections.

Visit Barry: https://www.facebook.com/Houston-Prop...






Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Disciplined Aggression

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks about being aggressive with good disciple
in the pursuit of civil rights, freedom and justice.





No war on Iran:
How to revive the anti-war movement in the US

The Grayzone | Jan 7, 2020

Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Ben Becker, an organizer with the ANSWER coalition, to discuss the growing anti-war movement in the US. Over the weekend, thousands of US citizens took to the streets in up to 90 cities in order to voice their opposition to the Trump Administration's push to war with Iran. Ben and Anya talk about the struggles faced by the anti-war movement over the years what makes organizing massive resistance to war policy possible.

March on the Pentagon
- Emma Fiala on The Corbett Report -

Corbett Report Extras
Published on Sep 18, 2018

SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=28184

Emma Fiala of marchonpentagon.com joins us to talk about the Women's March on the Pentagon, the non-partisan march on the bipartisan war machine set to take place in Washington on October 20th and 21st. We discuss the march's genesis and goals, and how people can take this message to the streets wherever they happen to be.


Derrick Broze is Raging Against the War Machine

First published at 14:06 UTC on October 9th, 2019.

Derrick Broze is supporting the March on the Pentagon's Rage Against the War Machine event on




From a Veteran: Why YOU Should NOT Join The Military 


Hrodebert tjern
Published on Sep 14, 2018

My own reasons behind why you should NOT join the military.

My Views do not represent any group and are solely my own from experience and understanding of world events. I no longer serve the Military and I am no longer loyal to my government. I am not a "Pacifist" I merely believe our Young people should not be involved in wars that only benefit a few filthy rotten individuals.

If you like, like - if you dislike, dislike - if you want to see more or have any questions let me know, if this gets any views i may do more videos.

Most of all thanks for watching and always remember; PEACE IS PATRIOTIC

Links:  Pawns On The Chessboard , MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX , SYRIA , NATO , WE WHO DARE SAY NO TO WAR! , FALSE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM , U.S. Military Killing Its Own Troops! , Obama Orders Children Murdered!! , YEMEN




No War With Iran!
The troops can be the heroes!

Published on Jun 19, 2019


ADAM VS THE MAN is back with videos M-F.
Live on Facebook Mondays at 6pmPT.




Conscientious Objection

Don't Be A Pawn In Their NWO Game

Definition of Conscientious Objection

Current military policy has defined conscientious objection as the following: “A firm, fixed, and sincere objection to participation in war in any form or the bearing of arms, by reason of religious training and/or belief.” (DOD 1300.6)



How to Get Out of the Military at Any Time

Published on Dec 10, 2012

If you are in the military learn more about the process here: https://girightshotline.org

Want to help me finally free America from the federal government?


Get the MOST IMPORTANT BOOK EVER for FREE in every format including audiobook at
Please support FREEDOM! by liking and sharing this video, subscribing, and sharing! Then for everything else: http://TheFreedomLine.com

Help end government by getting away from government money with BITCOIN! This video is brought to you in part by

Why This Marine Is Leaving
The Military!

Published on May 4, 2018

Adam talks with friend and consciousness objector Andrew.

If you are in the military learn more about the process here: https://girightshotline.org

Want to help me finally free America from the federal government?


Get the MOST IMPORTANT BOOK EVER for FREE in every format including audiobook at
Please support FREEDOM! by liking and sharing this video, subscribing, and sharing! Then for everything else: http://TheFreedomLine.com

Help end government by getting away from government money with BITCOIN! This video is brought to you in part by


The Morality of Conscientious Objection

Streamed live on Nov 23, 2015

Do soldiers have an obligation to fight even illegal wars? In the era of an all-volunteer military the question is not often asked. Nevertheless, what happens when the government breaks its end of the contract and goes to war in an unconstitutional manner? Former US Air Force Captain Justin Pavoni joins the Liberty Report with his experiences as a conscientious objector.

Be sure to visit http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com for more libertarian commentary.


Two Conscientious Objectors from the Air Force Tell Their Story

Justin Pavoni
Published on Nov 28, 2015

Justin and Jessica Pavoni join Tom Woods on his podcast to discuss conscientious objection.

Tom Woods is a libertarian thought-leader. Read more from Tom at www.TomWoods.com 

Jessica and Justin Pavoni are former Air Force pilots that left the military as conscientious objectors. They are contributors to the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity and AntiWar.com. They also run their own blog at


May 8, 2014 – Justin and Jessica Pavoni – The Scott Horton Show

Scott Horton
Published on Jan 21, 2018

Justin and Jessica Pavoni, both Air Force pilots and conscientious objectors, discuss their intellectual awakening that motivated them to apply for CO status; their desire to protect the country after 9/11; and their service experiences and disillusionment with the War in Afghanistan.

Check out the interview page here: https://scotthorton.org/050814-justin  ...

Episode 3247

Conscientious Objectors: Their Fascinating History, and Their

Published on May 18, 2015

Tom discusses the tradition of conscientious objection to war: its history, and its ongoing relevance. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t...

How to Become a Conscientious Objector

Published on Sep 1, 2016

If you claimed conscientious objector status, would a draft board believe you?  Curt Torell of Quaker House has some tips for making sure they do.

Conscientious Objector Curriculum: http://QuakerSpeak.com/co-curriculum


 Foreign Policy and Libertarian Principles, Part 2

Foreign Policy and Libertarian Principles, Part 2

Libertarian policy scholars and bloggers talked about various aspects of their push for less government. They discussed fiscal policy, conscientious objection to compulsory military service, and the financing of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.


Paul-Martin Foss
Jessica Pavoni
John Sharpe
Brian McGlinchey

Ali Won His Greatest Fight

Streamed live on Jun 6, 2016

Muhammad Ali's refusal to be drafted for the Vietnam War was said by some to be his greatest, self-imposed, defeat. With the passage of time -- and so many more wars -- history may tell a very different story. What was the impact of Ali's stance on the war?

Be sure to visit http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com for more libertarian commentary.


The Center on Conscience & War



The Center on Conscience & War is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of conscience, opposes military conscription, and serves all conscientious objectors to war.





We Must Keep Calling For An End To The Yemen Genocide, Call 202-456-1111: The comment line is staffed from 9am to 4pm Eastern time Monday through Friday.

Excerpt from Whitney Webb Interview The Ignored Yemen Genocide:
"18.4 Million People Are Starving To Death"
The Last American Vagabond Published on Nov 1, 2018





Activists block Saudi ship from loading arms, lash out at EU

Published on May 14, 2019

A Saudi Arabian ship sent to pick up weapons in Europe has been hounded by protests along its journey. In France, activists succeeded in preventing it from collecting its cargo claiming the arms could be used against civilians in Yemen. READ MORE: https://on.rt.com/9ubk




Saudi ship forced to leave France without arms cargo after protests

Published on May 14, 2019

A Saudi ship's been forced to leave France without arms cargo after protests.



‘We won’t be complicit’
: Italian dock workers refuse to load Saudi arms ship over Yemen war (VIDEO)

Published time: 20 May, 2019 13:56 Edited time: 21 May, 2019 10:50


Italian unions have refused to load cargo onto a Saudi ship carrying weapons, in protest against Riyadh’s war on Yemen. The dock workers have gone on strike, refusing to work until the ship leaves port in Genoa.

While the Saudi Arabian ship, the Bahri-Yanbu, was expected to leave for Jeddah by the end end of the day, it seems the delivery might end up being rather late. After unsuccessful attempts to have the ship barred from docking in Italy altogether, it was greeted by banners and a protests as it arrived in port Monday.

Workers were joined by human rights campaigners who oppose stocking the ship over fears the supplies will be used against the civilian population in Yemen. The demonstrators held signs opposing the war and arms trafficking.

“We will not be complicit in what is happening in Yemen,” union leaders said in a statement. Port officials have acknowledged that the generators that protesters fear may be used for military purposes have been blocked from being brought on board, but say some non-critical goods will still be loaded. Union leaders are scheduled to meet with the port’s prefects to discuss the impasse.

The ship was loaded with weapons in Belgium, but successfully blocked from picking up additional arms at a French port as a result of a similar protest.

The UN describes the four-year-long Saudi-led war as the worst humanitarian disaster in the world today, with the death toll expected to top 230,000 by the end of the year. Italy’s 5-Star movement, a part of the government’s ruling populist-leaning coalition, has fought to end the government’s arms deals with the Saudi kingdom for years.






Why People of Conscience Must Stand Up to Zionist Bigots

Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Sep 24, 2018

Decent people find it increasingly difficult to have civil conversations in social media because of trolls and extremists. Certain issues, such as those facing the Palestinians and Israelis are hard enough to debate while maintaining a measure of civility. But matters are only made much more difficult because of the extremism of certain people: trolls and bigots. This video addresses that issue and explains how and why the silent majority must take a stand and reclaim the public square from those who only want to engage in flame wars.








Citizen Ninja Training: Face Your Public Successfully

Mary Baker
Published on Apr 4, 2014

How To Become a Citizen NinjaTM is a SOFRA training that teaches citizens how to engage effectively in the public arena. This segment is part of Section 2: Self-Restraint. It is the introduction to Section 3: Self-Assertion and reviews the basic steps in order to Face Your Public Successfully. To host a training you can contact Mary Baker at www.societyoffreerangeamericans.com.






Mary Baker at Red Pill Expo Spokane 2018

Mary Baker
Published on Jul 31, 2018

This video is the speech I gave to hundreds of attendees at the annual Red Pill Expo in Spokane in June 2018.
RPE was conceived by J. Edward Griffin and his organization Freedom Force International.
The training can be found at https://cn.localactivist.org NOTE the temporary link as we transition
the site into a powerful social media network which will launch in September 2018.

Please SHARE, LIKE, and FOLLOW my YouTube Channel!





Citizen Ninja: Stand Up to Power! with Mary Baker

Rachael L. McIntosh
Published on Sep 21, 2017

Rachael talks to author Mary Baker about her book Citizen Ninja: Stand Up to Power.
Ms Baker’s goal is to train 2,000 citizen ninjas. It all starts by being able to talk to each other. Since the last election people don't know how to effectively communicate on very basic levels. She walks us through handling family with different political views and then takes us through dealing with local committees, state legislature, all the way up to confronting international organizations like the UN. YOU ARE A CITIZEN NINJA! - but you just don't know it yet!

In 2013, Mary launched a workshop and an accompanying training manual called How to Become a Citizen Ninja™. In 2014, Mary taught over 800 citizens how to participate in the civic process effectively, how to engage in civil discourse, and how to neutralize bullies who want to silence them.

CITIZEN NINJA available at Amazon and Barnes&Noble and at her website

To sign up for CITIZEN NINJA TRAINING go to
This training does NOT slant in any way to the left or right.

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and buy Rachael a coffee here: http://www.shadowcitizen.online/index...

ShadowCitizen is LIVE every Wednesday at 5pm est/ 2pm pfc at www.shadowcitizen.ONLINE and www.AmericanFreedomRadio.com The show is carried by multiple internet and AM/FM station affiliates across the globe. The shows are archived at: YouTube, Vimeo, iTunes, Bitchute and Steemit Seriously, buy Rachael a coffee here: http://www.shadowcitizen.online/index...








The three major topics of Smart Cities are infrastructure, connectivity and Internet of Things. Wherever you see or hear these words, you are touching Technocracy. Trump has already pledged to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, and he has appointed two infrastructure specialists to his cabinet: Elaine Chao as Secretary of Transportation and Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy. Both were heavily involved in the execution of George W. Bush’s North American Union scheme with Mexico and Canada.

- TN Editor, (Article) Will Trump Appease Technocrats By Focusing On Funding Smart Cities? By By: Michael Provenzano February 26, 2017 -

The Infrastructure Angle

"...We need to see their plans...If the infrastructure that they're working on now - using tax payer money - is being done in order to implement Technocracy: we're screwed."

"...We need to get on this you know, figure this out before they actually slam the door on us."

Patrick Wood, Video: How Technocracy ENSLAVED The World - The Real Deep State

Links: 5G , C.F.R. , Bilderberg Group


Yes, You Can Fight 5G
on the Local Level

The Conscious Resistance
Premiered Mar 12, 2019

Derrick Broze checks in for a quick update on how YOU can work to resist 5g on the local level. If you don't do anything, don't complain when it's here...

*Thanks to our partners Fairies Pyjamas! http://thefairiespyjamas.com/



Danville Council Fights and Wins

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VgRL...

Environmental Health Trust resources

Letter on Fighting 5g via County


Continue the conversation on our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/tQrNTYS

The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings. 

Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com

Support our work: 



Support via crypto: 




Derrick Broze Educates Houston City Council on 5G Tech

The Conscious Resistance
Published on Oct 10, 2018

On Tuesday October 9, Derrick Broze spoke to Houston City Council about
the dangers of blindly supporting the 5G technology roll out.

The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings.

Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com

Our work is supported by SmartCash, the business focused, user-friendly & decentralized crypto-currency. www.smartcash.cc

Support our work: Patreon.com/DerrickBroze



Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan's
5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018

Michgan Safe Technology
Published on Oct 9, 2018

SB 637 and SB 894, industry-sponsored 5G wireless infrastructure legislation passed though the Michigan House Energy Policy Committee this week with a vote of 15 to 4.

"Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period. This is no longer a subject for debate when you look at PubMed and the peer-review literature. These effects are seen in all life forms; plants, animals, insects, microbes. In humans we have clear evidence of cancer now; there is no question. We have evidence of DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, which is the precursor of congestive heart failure, neuropsychiatric effects... 5G is an untested application of a technology that we know is harmful; we know it from the science. In academics this is called human subjects research." ~ Dr. Sharon Goldberg, "We Are The Evidence" Medical Advisory Board

But 15 Michigan legislators voted to SUPPORT these bills. Do they realize they are SUPPORTING the FCC's preemption order to take power away from municipalities? Are the Michigan supporters of these bills now working for the FCC?

For more information see:










Published on Nov 13, 2018

Twitter: https://twitter.com/grindall61
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RealGrindall...
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/grindall61
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/grin...
DTube: https://d.tube/#!/c/grindall61
Bitcoin: 142311Dsduj2pkfPs5dSFM4zo6vS3BysvZ
Paypal: [email protected]
Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/crowdfund-gr...
Gary Gileno PO Box 523 West Covina Ca 91793




Action Alert:
Tell Houston City Council to Research 5G Tech

The Conscious Resistance
Published on Nov 15, 2018

Derrick Broze visits Houston City Council for the third time to inform the City of Houston about the dangers of the 5g roll out. Derrick calls on everyone who has questions related to 5g Technology to call and email studies and research to the Houston City Council. Please be respectful when contacting public officials.

Here is a short template to use:

"Dear City Council Member,

I am writing you because I am concerned with the current roll out of 5g technology. I am requesting the city to hold a public comment period and/or Environmental Impact Study to determine what, if any, health risks exist for the people of Houston. Also, I am interested to know if the city has considered precautions to prevent invasions of privacy related to 5g.

Thanks for your time.


Your Name"

Houston City Council Contact Info:

[email protected] 713.837.0311
[email protected] 832.393.3010
[email protected] 832.393.3009
[email protected]  832.393.3004
[email protected]  832.393.3001
[email protected]  832.393.3008
[email protected]  832.393.3002
[email protected]  832.393.3007
[email protected] 832.393.3003
[email protected]  832.393.3011
[email protected]  832.393.3015
[email protected] 832.393.3016
[email protected] 832.393.3014
[email protected] 832.393.3013
[email protected] 832.393.3005
[email protected] 832.393.3012
[email protected] 832.393.3017
[email protected] 832.393.0800

: [working links as of 11-17-2018]...[If links become broken search article titles or use https://web.archive.org]

Kaiser Permanente Study on Miscarriages: https://share.kaiserpermanente.org/article/new-kaiser-permanente-study-provides-evidence-of-health-risks-linked-to-electromagnetic-field-exposure/

National Toxicology Program Study on Rats: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/newsroom/releases/2018/november1/index.cfm

The Nation "How Big Wireless Convinced Us Cell Phones and Wi-Fi are Safe"https://www.projectcensored.org/4-how-big-wireless-convinced-us-cell-phones-and-wi-fi-are-safe/

The LA Times “Is 5G technology dangerous? Early data shows a slight increase of tumors in male rats exposed to cellphone radiation”: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-cellphone-5g-health-20160808-snap-story.html

The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings.

Find more videos like this at: www.theconsciousresistance.com

Our work is supported by SmartCash, the business focused, user-friendly & decentralized crypto-currency. www.smartcash.cc

Support our work: Patreon.com/DerrickBroze




FREE Upcoming 5g Summit & MORE NY Times Propaganda!

The Conscious Resistance
Premiered 5 hours ago
Derrick Broze breaks down the latest propaganda from the NY Times regarding 5g and the FREE upcoming 5g Awareness Summit!

Register for the FREE 5g Summit right here: https://the5gsummit.com/?idev_id=25758

Sources: https://theconsciousresistance.com/20...

Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and pain: https://bit.ly/30CbdLD


Link: Propaganda History











Derrick Broze Announces Mayoral Campaign to End the Drug War, 5g, and Surveillance

The Conscious Resistance
Premiered May 15, 2019



Derrick Broze is Running for Mayor of Houston

The Conscious Resistance
Premiered May 15, 2019


Derrick Broze is Running for Mayor of Houston

(Hey guys! Just sharing my campaign video. Don't expect to hear to much more about the campaign after this!)

Derrick Broze is a freelance investigative journalist, author, and public speaker seeking to expose corruption, find solutions to the problems that affect all of humanity, and promote localization and decentralization. Derrick is a Houstonian who has survived depression, drug addiction, and prison. For the last ten years, he has dedicated his life to improving the City of Houston as an activist, journalist, and radio show host.

Now, Derrick is entering the 2019 race for Mayor of Houston. Derrick Broze is the only candidate who wants to give away the power of the Mayor of Houston and amplify the voices of Houstonians. Derrick also wants to decriminalize Cannabis, initiate a moratorium on the 5g rollout, and put an end to surveillance in Houston.


Derrick Broze Announces Mayoral Campaign to End the Drug War, 5g, and Surveillance

Friends, I have decided to run for Mayor of Houston. But this won't be your typical political campaign. Find out more here: https://www.derrickbroze.com

Please help us advance truth, healing, community building, and empowering the people to wake up and build a better world: https://www.Patreon.com/DerrickBroze , https://paypal.me/consciousresistance

Support via crypto: https://bitbacker.io/user/dbroze/#pro...

The Conscious Resistance Network can be found here: https://www.theconsciousresistance.com , https://www.Minds.com/TheConsciousRes... https://www.steemit.com/@dbroze

Discord channel: https://discord.gg/tQrNTYS
Join our text list for direct updates: https://www.remind.com/join/dbjourno

The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings.


Derrick Broze Educates Houston City Council
on 5G
 and They Actually Listen

The Conscious Resistance
Premiered Jun 26, 2019

On Tuesday June 25, 2019, journalist Derrick Broze returned to Houston City Council to speak about
growing concerns surrounding the roll out of 5g technology.





Journalist, activist Derrick Broze Runs for Houston Mayor (Fox26)

The Conscious Resistance
Premiered 8-20-2019

HOUSTON (FOX 26) - The race for mayor of Houston is a little bigger now. Derrick Broze is a freelance investigative journalist, activist, author, radio show host and public speaker who has thrown his hat into the ring.

original: http://www.fox26houston.com/home/jour...

Support the Future of The Conscious Resistance Network: http://fnd.us/theconsciousresistance?...




Fox 26 Doesn't Want You to See This Interview

First published at 18:32 UTC on October 6th, 2019

Houston Mayoral Candidate Derrick Broze has been censored by Fox 26 Houston.
Here is the interview they didn't want you to see.

Contact Greg Groogan
[email protected]

Contact Susan Schiller, Fox 26 News Director
(713) 479-2600

Support the Future of The Conscious Resistance: https://fundrazr.com/consciousresistance2







Be Aggressive Or Be Eaten


Alex breaks down the blatant fact that you must be aggressive in order to protect yourself from a mountain lion attack in a state park. You can't cower in fear and be eaten. The same goes for the corrupt militant police state that is growing exponentially as the New World Order's plan for total domination of The United States approaches completion. David Knight adds from an earlier report titled "EPA claims Smoky Mountains are smoggy mountains". The very same vigilant tactics must be used against the oppression of the EPA and other government entities.






The Federal Reserve
Truth in Media: 100 Years of the Federal Reserve

 100 years ago, this December, the United States Congress created a central bank today, we know it as the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. What most people don't know is that the bank isn't a federal entity and candidly, it really has nothing in reserves. Is the Federal Reserve good for the United States? Is it even possible to get rid of it?
The first step toward truth is to be informed.


N A T I O N A L D E B T ! ! ! ! ! !

Visit USADebtClock.com to learn more!

"...True, the United States does enjoy the “benefit” of appearing supremely powerful, but this is only a cruel joke. When the Network is satisfied that all major obstacles to its unelected rule have been removed, it will be a simple matter to destroy the US dollar, “justifiably” cut off the flow of money and credit to the United States, and create the political incentive (necessity) for the United States to fully enter the new global system..."

-- Joe Plummer, Tragedy & Hope 101 Chapter 3 The Network “Recovers” America

LINK:  General Summary/Crash Course 



 International Monetary Fund

"All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin,
credit and circulation."

John Adams




Hello, Iceland
Episode 122 – 03/21/2010

Running Time: 1:00:02

Description:Devastated by a banking collapse that has brought this once great nation to its economic knees, the people of Iceland are not giving up without a fight. Now they are gearing up to give the banksters and the globalists a taste of their own medicine with the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative. Get informed and get involved this week with The Corbett Report as we outline the efforts to make this small North Atlantic island a beacon of hope for freedom of expression the world over.


_Iceland Takes on The NWO_


Birgitta Jónsdóttir on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:
Iceland Takes on The Nwo with The Spirit of 1776


Birgitta Jónsdóttir on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:
Iceland Takes on The Nwo with The Spirit of 1776


Birgitta Jónsdóttir on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:
Iceland Takes on The Nwo with The Spirit of 1776


Birgitta Jónsdóttir on Alex Jones Tv 4/4:
Iceland Takes on The Nwo with The Spirit of 1776


Additional guests include Birgitta Jónsdóttir, a leading member of the Icelandic parliament who has called for the country to declare a debt moratorium and stop attempting to pay the $6 billion which the British and Netherlands governments are seeking to extort from Iceland with the help of the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission in Brussels,.




(Rothschilds next?) [We Can Hope]

Four former bank bosses in Iceland have been jailed for financial fraud. They were accused of hiding the fact a Qatari investor bought into the firm, with money lent illegally by the bank itself. It went bust in 2008, helping to cripple Iceland's economy.




'Iceland model: How to deal with bankers
should be standard for whole world'

In Iceland four former bank chiefs have been jailed for fraud - the sentences go as far as five years behind bars. They're accused of concealing that a Qatari investor bought a stake in their firm, using cash lent from the bank itself - illegally. The deal took place just ahead of the collapse of the bank due to huge debts. RT talks to economic expert Charlie McGrath, founder of news website Wide Awake News about Iceland's economy.




Berlin Woke Up, Now What About Your City?


Published on Jul 24, 2014

In this video Luke Rudkowski travels to Berlin Germany to cover the expanding and growing resistance moment. This event took place on July 19th and brought together over 5,000 people from all over Germany. This is a video of the people there and the message they have to you.

Check out our 2nd channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...

Support WeAreChange by Subscribing HERE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...

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Rep WeAreChange Merch Proudly: http://wearechange.org/store

OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out http://wearechange.org/donate

We take BITCOIN too





YouTube Blacklists Federal Reserve Information.
It’s Up To YOU To Spread It!


SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=32264

Breitbart finally covers the story of how Chris Hayes got YouTube to blacklist the search term "federal reserve" and scrub Century of Enslavement from those search results. Today, James puts out the challenge: can you break through the information blockade with good old word of mouth?

Links: The Federal Reserve , https://www.corbettreport.com/federalreserve/ , BANKS RULE THE WORLD






Get Off Your Ass and Join The Resistance!

Published on Dec 18, 2014

Join us tomorrow. Free Live Stream http://www.Infowars.com/show 3pm to 6pm central. Live Coverage from Spokane Washington MRAP Police State Buildup protest. Join us on the ground or on the web.

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs covers numerous examples of the all out attack on liberty lovers by the globalist hijacked Feds, including the comments a Spokane County officer made stating that the police have MRAP's to use on Constitutionalists. The time to passively sit by is over!


Police State 1

Police State 2

Police State 3

Police State 4

Posse Comitatus Act

Posse Comitatus Act 2

Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists

Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People




One Sailor Opens a Beach?
- Something OBVIOUS They Don't Want You to Know!! -


HighImpactVlogs | Apr 20, 2020

ALERT! This channel is in jeopardy and may soon be terminated by the powers-that-shouldn't be.
To resist the tyranny of censorship & stay connected...subscribe to my private newsletter.
http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlixOfficial (don't forget to CONFIRM)




Lookintoit.org Disclaimer: The information posted is for educational purposes, and as with all videos and articles on this site, doesn't necessarily constitute an endorsement of all an author's views and opinions. 


First published at 00:33 UTC on October 11th, 2020.

BitCHUTE Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/juH53r3AyWVW/




16 Yr Old Battles the NWO

[Explains What You Can Do]


Published on Mar 4, 2014

Follow Andrew Demeter:






 Ambush / Undercover Journalism

The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword

- James Corbett at TEDxGroningen -

Published on Dec 25, 2014

Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.


Ambush / Undercover Journalism




Episode 283 – Solutions: Make Your Own Media


On this special edition of The Corbett Report, James sits down with Broc West of APPerspective.net to discuss how to make your own media. In this wide-ranging conversation, James and Broc answer your questions on matters technical (software and equipment) and non-technical (processes and concepts) on the subject of creating media. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we demonstrate the fact that making your own media is easier than you think.

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).




Time Reference: 01:39



Time Reference: 05:30



Time Reference: 05:49



Desmogblog lies about Climategate.tv
Time Reference: 07:00



Free teleprompter software
Time Reference: 10:53



Final Cut Pro
Time Reference: 19:22



Time Reference: 20:12



Time Reference: 20:39



Time Reference: 21:39



Time Reference: 22:03



Zoom H6
Time Reference: 23:00



AT803 Omnidirectional Condenser Lavalier Microphone
Time Reference: 23:13



Shure SM58
Time Reference: 23:29



Time Reference: 24:08



“Do It Yourself” Original song by David C Russell
Time Reference: 49:28













Goodbye YouTube Party!!!

The Corbett Report Official LBRY Channel | November 10th, 2020

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=38451

Q: What's the biggest event of the year? A: The Goodbye YouTube Party, of course! Join James, Derrick, Ryan, Dan and Josh as they celebrate being kicked off the enemy's controlled information platform (well, everyone except James, that shill!). We look forward to pioneering the next phase of the development of the independent media and share our ideas about exciting new opportunities for sharing information outside of the grasp of the controlled Big Tech social media oligopoly.




(and other experiments in evil)

Published on Feb 1, 2019

TRANSCRIPT AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/tsa

In 1961, a psychologist conducted an experiment demonstrating how ordinary men and women could be induced to inflict torture on complete strangers merely because an authority figure had ordered them to do so. In 2001, the United States government formed the Transportation Security Administration to subject hundreds of millions of air travelers to increasingly humiliating and invasive searches and pat downs. These two phenomena are not as disconnected as they may seem. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore The TSA (and other experiments in evil).






Act NOW to Stop the Zionist Anti-Free-Speech Plot
- HR 336 - #BDS -

Blackstone Intelligence Network
Premiered April 26, 2019

HR 336 is a terrible set of proposed laws being considered by the House of Representatives. This bill increases US tax funding for Israeli weapons, further obligates US troops to die for Israel & crushes free speech by those who choose to boycott Israeli goods over their mistreatment of native Palestinians. #BDS #Israel #HR336

To take action, visit https://www.blackstoneintel.com/hr336

Purchase a BDS shirt here: https://blackstone-intelligence.mysho...




Join Our Task Force to Fight
the Zionist Attack on Free Speech!

Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 30, 2019

If YOU are willing to spend some time over the next 24 hours contacting some members of Congress by email, then let me know at [email protected] or www.twitter.com/morphonios





"Mandatory" Vaccinations
(and how to avoid them)

Published on Oct 10, 2012
Corbett Report Radio #234

Tonight we talk to Alan Phillips, JD of VaccineRights.com and PandemicResponseProject.com about the tricky legal minefield surrounding vaccine exemptions and waivers in the US. We also discuss pandemic emergency response and medical martial law, as well as what people can do to obtain reliable and accurate information about saying “no” to vaccines.


















UNEP Global Biodiversity Assessment
Calls For Population Of 1 Billion People

April 29, 2019 

The United Nations is holding its Biodiversity Conference in Paris this week to further define how mankind should co-exist with nature. The original Global Biodiversity Assessment from 1995 called for a sustainable level of human beings on planet earth: 1-3 Billion people. The GBA was the document that gave substance to Agenda 21, or the Agenda for the 21st Century, produced in 1992 at the first Earth Summit in Rio. This what THEY said, not me.

Technocracy News & Trends for Monday, April 29, 2019

Stories covered today

UN Biodiversity Conference To Create ‘Paris Moment’ To ‘Rescue Nature’

No One Left Behind In New Global Cradle-To-Cradle Biometric Database

Biometric Smackdown: Backlash Grows Against Facial Recognition

http://technocracy.studio/  [PODCAST ARCHIVE]

Full Podcast Here: http://technocracy.studio/e/unep-global-biodiversity-assessment-calls-for-population-of-1-billion-people/ 


Making a Difference in Government Locally
is the Most Effective





Operation Billboard: Engage


Published on Jan 27, 2015

Alex Jones talks with Infowars supporter Robert Breaux about how he is supporting and helping to fight the Infowar.







California Parents Shut Down Vote on Mandatory Vaccines

Published on Apr 17, 2015

Concerned parents and conscientious objectors packed out a California Senate committee hearing in Sacramento yesterday, loudly voicing disapproval of a bill which would severely restrict a parent’s right to opt their children out of state-mandated vaccines.

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. we all want liberty. Find the free live feed at http://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jo...

LINK : Mandatory Vaccine Threat







Legendary Navy SEAL Launches Operation To Expose Pedophiles


Published on Mar 31, 2017

Former Navy SEAL Craig "Sawman" Sawyer joins the Alex Jones show to talk about his new campaign to expose and bring down pedophiles.

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show









Army Vet Runs For Austin City Council to Replace
Gun Grabbing Bureaucrat


Published on Oct 27, 2014

David is joined in studio by Central Texas Gun Works owner Michael Cargill to discuss his run for city council. http://centraltexasgunworks.com/ | http://cargillfortexas.com/ | https://twitter.com/michaeldcargill


2nd Amendment

Founding Fathers Battle Gun Grabbers From the Grave

UN Arms Transfer Treaty (ATT) on Small Arms: Gun Grab Gradualism

Lubys Massacre Survivor Advocates Concealed Carry


Federal Government Moves to Disarm Veterans

Gun Control Leads To Genocide

Gun Control Hypocrisy!

 Mass Murder Pills









My Election Counsel

- Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Jun. 3, 2018 -

Published on Jun 4, 2018

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, June 3, 2018 during the service at Liberty Fellowship. To purchase a copy of this message or to support the fellowship please visit LibertyFellowshipMT.com

LINKS: FALSE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM , Bill of Rights , The Constitution , Morality and Politics , Asleep at the Switch , C.I.A. ,


Dr. Benjamin Rush

"Education is favorable to Liberty. Freedom can only exist in a society of knowledge. Without learning, men are incapable of knowing their rights, and where learning is confined to a few people, Liberty can neither be equal nor universal."




1) The Dangers of Democracy



2) Enumerated vs. Unlimited Power


3) Constitutional Economics,

Constitutional Money


4) Constitutional War Powers

and the Enemy Within


5) Exposing the Enemies of Freedom

6) Restoring the Constitution







What Can We Do?


“Praying for freedom never did me any good til I started praying with my feet.”












US Elections

-- How do they work? --

This 5 minute video introduces A Level Government and Politics students to the key features of elections






U.S. Elections: The Road to the White House

How does the American presidential election work? This video explains the start of the process, picking the candidate




Elections in the United States




2016 Election Archive





What Can We Do?



 The Freedom Index: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. The percentages below are cumulative scores are based on key votes from 1999 through 2013. Click on a senator's or representative's name to get a detailed breakdown of his or her voting record.






Current Members of the 113th Congress


Sen. Jefferson Sessions - 70%
Sen. Richard Shelby - 63%
Dist.1: Jo Bonner - 54%
Dist.2: Martha Roby - 66%
Dist.3: Mike Rogers - 54%
Dist.4: Robert Aderholt - 57%
Dist.5: Mo Brooks - 80%
Dist.6: Spencer Bachus - 53%
Dist.7: Terri Sewell - 14%


Sen. Mark Begich - 17%
Sen. Lisa Murkowski - 50%
Dist.: Don Young - 56%


Sen. John McCain - 64%
Sen. Jeff Flake - 82%
Dist.1: Ann Kirkpatrick - 20%
Dist.2: Ron Barber - 5%
Dist.3: Raul Grijalva - 28%
Dist.4: Paul Gosar - 77%
Dist.5: Matt Salmon - 73%
Dist.6: David Schweikert - 82%
Dist.7: Ed Pastor - 21%
Dist.8: Trent Franks - 75%
Dist.9: Kyrsten Sinema - 0%


Sen. John Boozman - 54%
Sen. Mark Pryor - 21%
Dist.1: Eric Crawford - 64%
Dist.2: Tim Griffin - 66%
Dist.3: Steve Womack - 64%
Dist.4: Tom Cotton - 70%


Sen. Barbara Boxer - 14%
Sen. Dianne Feinstein - 13%
Dist.1: Doug LaMalfa - 70%
Dist.2: Jared Huffman - 20%
Dist.3: John Garamendi - 10%
Dist.4: Tom McClintock - 92%
Dist.5: Mike Thompson - 20%
Dist.6: Doris Matsui - 18%
Dist.7: Ami Bera - 0%
Dist.8: Paul Cook - 70%
Dist.9: Jerry McNerney - 14%
Dist.10: Jeff Denham - 62%
Dist.11: George Miller - 23%
Dist.12: Nancy Pelosi - 16%
Dist.13: Barbara Lee - 27%
Dist.14: Jackie Speier - 20%
Dist.15: Eric Swalwell - 20%
Dist.16: Jim Costa - 18%
Dist.17: Michael Honda - 22%
Dist.18: Anna Eshoo - 19%
Dist.19: Zoe Lofgren - 23%
Dist.20: Sam Farr - 21%
Dist.21: David Valadao - 40%
Dist.22: Devin Nunes - 56%
Dist.23: Kevin McCarthy - 70%
Dist.24: Lois Capps - 20%
Dist.25: Howard McKeon - 52%
Dist.26: Julia Brownley - 0%
Dist.27: Judy Chu - 18%
Dist.28: Adam Schiff - 17%
Dist.29: Tony Cardenas - 22%
Dist.30: Brad Sherman - 20%
Dist.31: Gary Miller - 60%
Dist.32: Grace Napolitano - 22%
Dist.33: Henry Waxman - 18%
Dist.34: Xavier Becerra - 19%
Dist.35: Gloria Negrete McLeod - 22%
Dist.36: Raul Ruiz - 0%
Dist.37: Karen Bass - 18%
Dist.38: Linda Sanchez - 23%
Dist.39: Edward Royce - 73%
Dist.40: Lucille Roybal-Allard - 20%
Dist.41: Mark Takano - 10%
Dist.42: Ken Calvert - 52%
Dist.43: Maxine Waters - 26%
Dist.44: Janice Hahn - 28%
Dist.45: John Campbell - 72%
Dist.46: Loretta Sanchez - 26%
Dist.47: Alan Lowenthal - 10%
Dist.48: Dana Rohrabacher - 76%
Dist.49: Darrell Issa - 53%
Dist.50: Duncan Hunter - 77%
Dist.51: Juan Vargas - 30%
Dist.52: Scott Peters - 0%
Dist.53: Susan Davis - 17%


Sen. Michael Bennet - 11%
Sen. Mark Udall - 22%
Dist.1: Diana DeGette - 18%
Dist.2: Jared Polis - 21%
Dist.3: Scott Tipton - 78%
Dist.4: Cory Gardner - 75%
Dist.5: Doug Lamborn - 79%
Dist.6: Mike Coffman - 74%
Dist.7: Ed Perlmutter - 13%


Sen. Christopher Murphy - 16%
Sen. Richard Blumenthal - 12%
Dist.1: John Larson - 21%
Dist.2: Joe Courtney - 14%
Dist.3: Rosa DeLauro - 19%
Dist.4: James Himes - 7%
Dist.5: Elizabeth Esty - 10%


Sen. Thomas Carper - 15%
Sen. Chris Coons - 14%
Dist.: John Carney - 6%


Sen. Marco Rubio - 80%
Sen. Bill Nelson - 14%
Dist.1: Jeff Miller - 70%
Dist.2: Steve Southerland - 74%
Dist.3: Ted Yoho - 90%
Dist.4: Ander Crenshaw - 53%
Dist.5: Corrine Brown - 19%
Dist.6: Ron DeSantis - 90%
Dist.7: John Mica - 56%
Dist.8: Bill Posey - 86%
Dist.9: Alan Grayson - 18%
Dist.10: Daniel Webster - 67%
Dist.11: Richard Nugent - 69%
Dist.12: Gus Bilirakis - 64%
Dist.13: C. Young - 49%
Dist.14: Kathy Castor - 9%
Dist.15: Dennis Ross - 80%
Dist.16: Vern Buchanan - 58%
Dist.17: Thomas Rooney - 74%
Dist.18: Patrick Murphy - 10%
Dist.19: Trey Radel - 70%
Dist.20: Alcee Hastings - 22%
Dist.21: Theodore Deutch - 8%
Dist.22: Lois Frankel - 10%
Dist.23: Debbie Wasserman Schultz - 14%
Dist.24: Frederica Wilson - 17%
Dist.25: Mario Diaz-Balart - 46%
Dist.26: Joe Garcia - 10%
Dist.27: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - 41%


Sen. John Isakson - 53%
Sen. Saxby Chambliss - 58%
Dist.1: Jack Kingston - 63%
Dist.2: Sanford Bishop - 27%
Dist.3: Lynn Westmoreland - 74%
Dist.4: Henry Johnson - 16%
Dist.5: John Lewis - 25%
Dist.6: Tom Price - 72%
Dist.7: Rob Woodall - 69%
Dist.8: Austin Scott - 78%
Dist.9: Doug Collins - 80%
Dist.10: Paul Broun - 90%
Dist.11: Phil Gingrey - 65%
Dist.12: John Barrow - 31%
Dist.13: David Scott - 19%
Dist.14: Tom Graves - 81%


Sen. Brian Schatz - 10%
Sen. Mazie Hirono - 13%
Dist.1: Colleen Hanabusa - 16%
Dist.2: Tulsi Gabbard - 30%


Sen. Michael Crapo - 67%
Sen. James Risch - 84%
Dist.1: Raul Labrador - 87%
Dist.2: Michael Simpson - 55%


Sen. Richard Durbin - 11%
Sen. Mark Kirk - 33%
Dist.1: Bobby Rush - 22%
Dist.3: Daniel Lipinski - 20%
Dist.4: Luis Gutierrez - 21%
Dist.5: Mike Quigley - 14%
Dist.6: Peter Roskam - 72%
Dist.7: Danny Davis - 23%
Dist.8: Tammy Duckworth - 0%
Dist.9: Janice Schakowsky - 23%
Dist.10: Bradley Schneider - 0%
Dist.11: Bill Foster - 10%
Dist.12: William Enyart - 10%
Dist.13: Rodney Davis - 70%
Dist.14: Randy Hultgren - 74%
Dist.15: John Shimkus - 53%
Dist.16: Adam Kinzinger - 65%
Dist.17: Cheri Bustos - 10%
Dist.18: Aaron Schock - 69%


Sen. Daniel Coats - 70%
Sen. Joe Donnelly - 25%
Dist.1: Peter Visclosky - 28%
Dist.2: Jackie Walorski - 70%
Dist.3: Marlin Stutzman - 82%
Dist.4: Todd Rokita - 72%
Dist.5: Susan Brooks - 70%
Dist.6: Luke Messer - 70%
Dist.7: André Carson - 12%
Dist.8: Larry Bucshon - 69%
Dist.9: Todd Young - 64%


Sen. Thomas Harkin - 14%
Sen. Charles Grassley - 60%
Dist.1: Bruce Braley - 18%
Dist.2: David Loebsack - 16%
Dist.3: Tom Latham - 51%
Dist.4: Steve King - 66%


Sen. Pat Roberts - 61%
Sen. Jerry Moran - 63%
Dist.1: Tim Huelskamp - 85%
Dist.2: Lynn Jenkins - 77%
Dist.3: Kevin Yoder - 70%
Dist.4: Mike Pompeo - 69%


Sen. Mitch McConnell - 61%
Sen. Rand Paul - 93%
Dist.1: Ed Whitfield - 53%
Dist.2: Brett Guthrie - 70%
Dist.3: John Yarmuth - 16%
Dist.4: Thomas Massie - 100%
Dist.5: Harold Rogers - 53%
Dist.6: Garland Barr - 70%


Sen. David Vitter - 58%
Sen. Mary Landrieu - 20%
Dist.1: Steve Scalise - 74%
Dist.2: Cedric Richmond - 17%
Dist.3: Charles Boustany - 60%
Dist.4: John Fleming - 82%
Dist.5: Rodney Alexander - 55%
Dist.6: Bill Cassidy - 69%


Sen. Susan Collins - 40%
Sen. Angus King - 22%
Dist.1: Chellie Pingree - 25%
Dist.2: Michael Michaud - 27%


Sen. Benjamin Cardin - 17%
Sen. Barbara Mikulski - 13%
Dist.1: Andy Harris - 80%
Dist.2: C. Ruppersberger - 17%
Dist.3: John Sarbanes - 14%
Dist.4: Donna Edwards - 18%
Dist.5: Steny Hoyer - 15%
Dist.6: John Delaney - 10%
Dist.7: Elijah Cummings - 21%
Dist.8: Chris Van Hollen - 17%


Sen. Elizabeth Warren - 0%
Sen. Mo Cowan - 0%
Dist.1: Richard Neal - 19%
Dist.2: James McGovern - 23%
Dist.3: Niki Tsongas - 13%
Dist.4: Joseph Kennedy - 22%
Dist.5: Edward Markey - 23%
Dist.6: John Tierney - 26%
Dist.7: Michael Capuano - 27%
Dist.8: Stephen Lynch - 24%
Dist.9: William Keating - 18%


Sen. Carl Levin - 13%
Sen. Debbie Stabenow - 18%
Dist.1: Dan Benishek - 70%
Dist.2: Bill Huizenga - 76%
Dist.3: Justin Amash - 93%
Dist.4: Dave Camp - 53%
Dist.5: Daniel Kildee - 30%
Dist.6: Fred Upton - 48%
Dist.7: Tim Walberg - 71%
Dist.8: Mike Rogers - 51%
Dist.9: Sander Levin - 16%
Dist.10: Candice Miller - 51%
Dist.11: Kerry Bentivolio - 80%
Dist.12: John Dingell - 21%
Dist.13: John Conyers - 28%
Dist.14: Gary Peters - 15%


Sen. Al Franken - 8%
Sen. Amy Klobuchar - 8%
Dist.1: Timothy Walz - 16%
Dist.2: John Kline - 56%
Dist.3: Erik Paulsen - 72%
Dist.4: Betty McCollum - 20%
Dist.5: Keith Ellison - 21%
Dist.6: Michele Bachmann - 80%
Dist.7: Collin Peterson - 46%
Dist.8: Richard Nolan - 20%


Sen. Thad Cochran - 53%
Sen. Roger Wicker - 52%
Dist.1: Alan Nunnelee - 67%
Dist.2: Bennie Thompson - 25%
Dist.3: Gregg Harper - 70%
Dist.4: Steven Palazzo - 68%


Sen. Roy Blunt - 54%
Sen. Claire McCaskill - 19%
Dist.1: Wm. Clay - 23%
Dist.2: Ann Wagner - 66%
Dist.3: Blaine Luetkemeyer - 72%
Dist.4: Vicky Hartzler - 68%
Dist.5: Emanuel Cleaver - 21%
Dist.6: Sam Graves - 56%
Dist.7: Billy Long - 66%
Dist.8: Jo Ann Emerson - 51%


Sen. Jon Tester - 24%
Sen. Max Baucus - 20%
Dist.: Steve Daines - 70%


Sen. Mike Johanns - 67%
Sen. Deb Fischer - 60%
Dist.1: Jeff Fortenberry - 56%
Dist.2: Lee Terry - 57%
Dist.3: Adrian Smith - 71%


Sen. Dean Heller - 72%
Sen. Harry Reid - 17%
Dist.1: Dina Titus - 4%
Dist.2: Mark Amodei - 70%
Dist.3: Joseph Heck - 66%
Dist.4: Steven Horsford - 0%

New Hampshire

Sen. Kelly Ayotte - 70%
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen - 10%
Dist.1: Carol Shea-Porter - 16%
Dist.2: Ann Kuster - 0%

New Jersey

Sen. Robert Menendez - 19%
Sen. Frank Lautenberg - 14%
Dist.1: Robert Andrews - 19%
Dist.2: Frank LoBiondo - 44%
Dist.3: Jon Runyan - 57%
Dist.4: Christopher Smith - 44%
Dist.5: Scott Garrett - 71%
Dist.6: Frank Pallone - 24%
Dist.7: Leonard Lance - 62%
Dist.8: Albio Sires - 9%
Dist.9: Bill Pascrell - 23%
Dist.10: Donald Payne - 11%
Dist.11: Rodney Frelinghuysen - 40%
Dist.12: Rush Holt - 25%

New Mexico

Sen. Martin Heinrich - 12%
Sen. Tom Udall - 21%
Dist.1: Michelle Lujan Grisham - 0%
Dist.2: Stevan Pearce - 55%
Dist.3: Ben Lujan - 15%

New York

Sen. Charles Schumer - 14%
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand - 10%
Dist.1: Timothy Bishop - 19%
Dist.2: Peter King - 45%
Dist.3: Steve Israel - 18%
Dist.4: Carolyn McCarthy - 19%
Dist.5: Gregory Meeks - 19%
Dist.6: Grace Meng - 0%
Dist.7: Nydia Velázquez - 24%
Dist.8: Hakeem Jeffries - 20%
Dist.9: Yvette Clarke - 21%
Dist.10: Jerrold Nadler - 22%
Dist.11: Michael Grimm - 55%
Dist.12: Carolyn Maloney - 20%
Dist.13: Charles Rangel - 18%
Dist.14: Joseph Crowley - 20%
Dist.15: José Serrano - 22%
Dist.16: Eliot Engel - 17%
Dist.17: Nita Lowey - 14%
Dist.18: Sean Maloney - 10%
Dist.19: Christopher Gibson - 70%
Dist.20: Paul Tonko - 16%
Dist.21: William Owens - 21%
Dist.22: Richard Hanna - 54%
Dist.23: Tom Reed - 66%
Dist.24: Daniel Maffei - 14%
Dist.25: Louise Slaughter - 20%
Dist.26: Brian Higgins - 14%
Dist.27: Chris Collins - 60%

North Carolina

Sen. Kay Hagan - 14%
Sen. Richard Burr - 56%
Dist.1: George Butterfield - 16%
Dist.2: Renee Ellmers - 68%
Dist.3: Walter Jones - 77%
Dist.4: David Price - 18%
Dist.5: Virginia Foxx - 72%
Dist.6: Howard Coble - 66%
Dist.7: Mike McIntyre - 44%
Dist.8: Richard Hudson - 80%
Dist.9: Robert Pittenger - 62%
Dist.10: Patrick McHenry - 72%
Dist.11: Mark Meadows - 80%
Dist.12: Melvin Watt - 22%
Dist.13: George Holding - 77%

North Dakota

Sen. John Hoeven - 54%
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp - 40%
Dist.: Kevin Cramer - 60%


Sen. Robert Portman - 50%
Sen. Sherrod Brown - 24%
Dist.1: Steve Chabot - 63%
Dist.2: Brad Wenstrup - 70%
Dist.3: Joyce Beatty - 10%
Dist.4: Jim Jordan - 80%
Dist.5: Robert Latta - 73%
Dist.6: Bill Johnson - 66%
Dist.7: Bob Gibbs - 68%
Dist.8: John Boehner - 54%
Dist.9: Marcy Kaptur - 30%
Dist.10: Michael Turner - 48%
Dist.11: Marcia Fudge - 18%
Dist.12: Patrick Tiberi - 52%
Dist.13: Tim Ryan - 25%
Dist.14: David Joyce - 70%
Dist.15: Steve Stivers - 63%
Dist.16: James Renacci - 62%


Sen. Thomas Coburn - 82%
Sen. James Inhofe - 71%
Dist.1: Jim Bridenstine - 100%
Dist.2: Markwayne Mullin - 80%
Dist.3: Frank Lucas - 60%
Dist.4: Tom Cole - 54%
Dist.5: James Lankford - 70%


Sen. Jeff Merkley - 14%
Sen. Ron Wyden - 17%
Dist.1: Suzanne Bonamici - 22%
Dist.2: Greg Walden - 48%
Dist.3: Earl Blumenauer - 20%
Dist.4: Peter DeFazio - 31%
Dist.5: Kurt Schrader - 21%


Sen. Patrick Toomey - 67%
Sen. Robert Casey - 10%
Dist.1: Robert Brady - 21%
Dist.2: Chaka Fattah - 19%
Dist.3: Mike Kelly - 64%
Dist.4: Scott Perry - 70%
Dist.5: Glenn Thompson - 69%
Dist.6: Jim Gerlach - 40%
Dist.7: Patrick Meehan - 57%
Dist.8: Michael Fitzpatrick - 46%
Dist.9: Bill Shuster - 56%
Dist.10: Tom Marino - 59%
Dist.11: Lou Barletta - 60%
Dist.12: Keith Rothfus - 70%
Dist.13: Allyson Schwartz - 11%
Dist.14: Michael Doyle - 29%
Dist.15: Charles Dent - 45%
Dist.16: Joseph Pitts - 62%
Dist.17: Matthew Cartwright - 30%
Dist.18: Tim Murphy - 48%

Rhode Island

Sen. John Reed - 14%
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse - 12%
Dist.1: David Cicilline - 22%
Dist.2: James Langevin - 20%

South Carolina

Sen. Lindsey Graham - 63%
Sen. Tim Scott - 80%
Dist.2: Joe Wilson - 60%
Dist.3: Jeff Duncan - 86%
Dist.4: Trey Gowdy - 80%
Dist.5: Mick Mulvaney - 78%
Dist.6: James Clyburn - 20%
Dist.7: Tom Rice - 70%

South Dakota

Sen. Tim Johnson - 17%
Sen. John Thune - 56%
Dist.: Kristi Noem - 73%


Sen. Lamar Alexander - 53%
Sen. Bob Corker - 67%
Dist.1: David Roe - 74%
Dist.2: John Duncan - 81%
Dist.3: Charles Fleischmann - 71%
Dist.4: Scott DesJarlais - 80%
Dist.5: Jim Cooper - 21%
Dist.6: Diane Black - 66%
Dist.7: Marsha Blackburn - 63%
Dist.8: Stephen Fincher - 76%
Dist.9: Steve Cohen - 18%


Sen. Ted Cruz - 90%
Sen. John Cornyn - 68%
Dist.1: Louie Gohmert - 74%
Dist.2: Ted Poe - 70%
Dist.3: Sam Johnson - 66%
Dist.4: Ralph Hall - 59%
Dist.5: Jeb Hensarling - 67%
Dist.6: Joe Barton - 61%
Dist.7: John Culberson - 65%
Dist.8: Kevin Brady - 57%
Dist.9: Al Green - 23%
Dist.10: Michael McCaul - 61%
Dist.11: K. Conaway - 63%
Dist.12: Kay Granger - 52%
Dist.13: Mac Thornberry - 55%
Dist.14: Randy Weber - 70%
Dist.15: Ruben Hinojosa - 20%
Dist.16: Beto O'Rourke - 10%
Dist.17: Bill Flores - 70%
Dist.18: Sheila Jackson-Lee - 24%
Dist.19: Randy Neugebauer - 65%
Dist.20: Joaquin Castro - 10%
Dist.21: Lamar Smith - 55%
Dist.22: Pete Olson - 75%
Dist.23: Pete Gallego - 0%
Dist.24: Kenny Marchant - 68%
Dist.25: Roger Williams - 80%
Dist.26: Michael Burgess - 66%
Dist.27: Blake Farenthold - 72%
Dist.28: Henry Cuellar - 17%
Dist.29: Gene Green - 26%
Dist.30: Eddie Johnson - 18%
Dist.31: John Carter - 59%
Dist.32: Pete Sessions - 61%
Dist.33: Marc Veasey - 10%
Dist.34: Filemon Vela - 10%
Dist.35: Lloyd Doggett - 24%
Dist.36: Steve Stockman - 100%


Sen. Mike Lee - 90%
Sen. Orrin Hatch - 59%
Dist.1: Rob Bishop - 68%
Dist.2: Chris Stewart - 70%
Dist.3: Jason Chaffetz - 82%
Dist.4: Jim Matheson - 35%


Sen. Bernard Sanders - 27%
Sen. Patrick Leahy - 16%
Dist.: Peter Welch - 22%


Sen. Mark Warner - 14%
Sen. Timothy Kaine - 0%
Dist.1: Robert Wittman - 69%
Dist.2: E. Rigell - 74%
Dist.3: Robert Scott - 22%
Dist.4: J. Forbes - 57%
Dist.5: Robert Hurt - 72%
Dist.6: Bob Goodlatte - 61%
Dist.7: Eric Cantor - 57%
Dist.8: James Moran - 19%
Dist.9: H. Griffith - 78%
Dist.10: Frank Wolf - 48%
Dist.11: Gerald Connolly - 11%


Sen. Maria Cantwell - 13%
Sen. Patty Murray - 12%
Dist.1: Suzan DelBene - 10%
Dist.2: Rick Larsen - 17%
Dist.3: Jaime Herrera Beutler - 71%
Dist.4: Doc Hastings - 56%
Dist.5: Cathy McMorris Rodgers - 65%
Dist.6: Derek Kilmer - 10%
Dist.7: Jim McDermott - 24%
Dist.8: David Reichert - 39%
Dist.9: Adam Smith - 20%
Dist.10: Denny Heck - 0%

West Virginia

Sen. John Rockefeller - 14%
Sen. Joe Manchin - 40%
Dist.1: David McKinley - 66%
Dist.2: Shelley Capito - 46%
Dist.3: Nick Rahall - 33%


Sen. Tammy Baldwin - 28%
Sen. Ron Johnson - 86%
Dist.1: Paul Ryan - 58%
Dist.2: Mark Pocan - 30%
Dist.3: Ron Kind - 23%
Dist.4: Gwen Moore - 22%
Dist.5: F. Sensenbrenner - 77%
Dist.6: Thomas Petri - 60%
Dist.7: Sean Duffy - 64%
Dist.8: Reid Ribble - 75%


Sen. Michael Enzi - 70%
Sen. John Barrasso - 80%
Dist.: Cynthia Lummis - 82% 



"Here’s the bottom line. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 years for some new politicians to get in office and give your permission to be free. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 or 6 years for some federal court to tell you, “ok, you be free now.” You are supposed to stand up resist, refuse to comply and nullify unconstitutional federal acts – as soon as they happen. All the money and time you throw at firing congress or winning in federal court will never, ever work – unless you start resisting right here in your state. And, that resistance needs to be your first response, not your last."  - Michael Boldin, Article: James Madison: How to Stop the Federal Government


James Madison Refuse To Cooperate
James Madison:
How to Stop the Federal Government


By: Michael Boldin|Published on: Dec 15, 2014

In response to federal overreach, most people tend to focus on three types of actions to stop them: elections, conventions, and lawsuits. While they all have their place in an overall strategy to defend the Constitution, none of them should be the first step forward. That is, if you follow the advice of the “Father of the Constitution.”

Here’s what James Madison had to say in Federalist #46. The Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared:

“Should an unwarrantable measure of the federal government be unpopular in particular States, which would seldom fail to be the case, or even a warrantable measure be so, which may sometimes be the case, the means of opposition to it are powerful and at hand. The disquietude of the people; their repugnance and, perhaps refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union, the frowns of the executive magistracy of the State; the embarrassment created by legislative devices, which would often be added on such occasions, would oppose, in any State, very serious impediments; and were the sentiments of several adjoining States happen to be in Union, would present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter.”

Let me translate. Madison said that when the federal government passes an unconstitutional measure there are powerful methods to oppose it – amongst the people and in the states. He also pointed out that those methods were available even for warrantable, that is constitutional, measures.

Madison told us of four things that should be done to resist federal powers, whether merely unpopular, or unconstitutional.

1. Disquietude of the people – Madison expected the people would throw a fit when the feds usurped power – even using the word “repugnance” to describe their displeasure. That leads to the next step.

2. Repugnance and Refusal to co-operate with the officers of the Union – Noncompliance. The #1 dictionary of the time defined repugnance as “disobedient; not obsequious” (compliant). If you want to stop the federal government, you have to disobey them. Madison also suggested that people would perhaps directly refuse to cooperate with federal agents. This is an approach we preach here every day at the Tenth Amendment Center. James Madison apparently knew what we know today. The feds rely on cooperation from state and local governments, as well as individuals. When enough people refuse to comply, they simply can’t enforce their so-called laws.

3, The frowns of the executive magistracy of the State – Here Madison envisions governors formally protesting federal actions. This not only raises public awareness; executive leadership will also lead to the next step – legislative action.

4. Legislative devices, which would often be added on such occasions – Madison keeps this open-ended, and in the years soon after, which I’ll cover shortly, we learn how both he and Thomas Jefferson applied this step.

Madison also told us that if several adjoining States would do the same it would be an effective tool to stop federal acts. To repeat, he said that doing this “would present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter.”

Judge Andrew Napolitano agreed recently and said that people need to stop enforcing unconstitutional federal laws. He also said that if you could get an entire state doing this, it would make federal laws “nearly impossible to enforce.”

What’s important to note here, are some glaring omissions. The powerful means that Madison told us would be used to oppose federal power successfully did NOT include federal lawsuits in federal courts. He also did NOT include “voting the bums out” as a strategy, either.


Compare that with how people generally respond to what they consider unconstitutional or unpopular federal acts today.

The first thing I tend to hear from people who are opposed to a federal act is the “vote the bums out” mantra. We’ll fire congress, right?

Or some people tell us we have to sue and let the courts decide.

I’ve got some news for you. There’s nothing from the founders – anywhere – in which they tell us that our first response to extreme, repeated violations of the constitution and liberty is to vote the bums out, or sue the feds in federal court. Nothing.


Thomas Jefferson followed up on this in 1798 with the same kind of advice. That year, the Adams administration passed a wildly unconstitutional attack on the freedom of speech with the Alien and Sedition Acts. In response, while sitting as vice-president, Jefferson secretly drafted the Kentucky Resolutions, and here’s a little of what he wrote:

“The several states composing the united states of america are not united on a principle of unlimited submission to their general government.”

“where powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy”

“that every State has a natural right in cases not within the compact to nullify of their own authority all assumptions of power by others within their limits: that without this right, they would be under the dominion, absolute and unlimited, of whosoever might exercise this right of judgment for them”

Madison was consistent in his views on this. In 1798, he also drafted and help pass something known as the Virginia Resolutions, a state-level “legislative device” in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Here’s a key part:

in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them.

Like Madison advised in Federalist #46, both he and Thomas Jefferson advised a state-level response to dangerous federal acts. In 1798, neither of them even mentioned voting or lawsuits.

Jefferson told us that a “nullification is the rightful remedy.” And Madison told us that states are “duty-bound to interpose.”

When Daniel Webster called on these same principles in response to military conscription plans during the war of 1812, he said:

“The operation of measures thus unconstitutional and illegal ought to be prevented by a resort to other measures which are both constitutional and legal. It will be the solemn duty of the State governments to protect their own authority over their own militia, and to interpose between their citizens and arbitrary power. These are among the objects for which the State governments exist; and their highest obligations bind them to the preservation of their own rights and the liberties of their people”

Here’s the bottom line. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 years for some new politicians to get in office and give your permission to be free. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 or 6 years for some federal court to tell you, “ok, you be free now.”

You are supposed to stand up resist, refuse to comply and nullify unconstitutional federal acts – as soon as they happen.

All the money and time you throw at firing congress or winning in federal court will never, ever work – unless you start resisting right here in your state. And, that resistance needs to be your first response, not your last.





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