" Look Into It - Executive Orders




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Executive Orders

 Executive Orders

United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law,[1] since issuances are typically made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress, some of which specifically delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation), or are believed to take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution. However, these perceived justifications cited by Presidents when authoring Executive Orders have come under criticism for exceeding executive authority; at various times throughout U.S. history, challenges to the legal validity or justification for an order have resulted in legal proceedings.


“An Executive Order is a policy or procedure issued by the President that is a regulation that applies only to employees of the Executive Branch of government,” notes the Tenth Amendment Center. “When a President issues an unconstitutional Executive Order and Congress allows the order to stand they are violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”



Executive Orders
and How to Stop Them


“The magistrate in whom the whole executive power resides cannot of himself make a law”

A good reminder for today – and every day of the year – from James Madison, writing in Federalist No. 47.

But telling politicians to “read the Constitution,” or follow what Madison had to say – isn’t really effective. And Madison himself recognized this as well. In Federalist No. 48, he wrote:

“A mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits of the several departments, is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.”

In short – constitutions don’t enforce themselves.

As Thomas Jefferson put it in 1798, “where powers are assumed which have not been delegated a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy.”

This echoed what John Dickinson wrote in a November 1765 broadside urging resistance to the hated Stamp Act.

“IF you comply with the Act by using Stamped Papers, you fix, you rivet perpetual Chains upon your unhappy Country.”

In his broadside, Dickinson explained why – precedent:

“You unnecessarily, voluntarily establish the detestable Precedent, which those who have forged your Fetters ardently wish for, to varnish the future Exercise of this new claimed Authority.” [emphasis added]

Future Supreme Court Justice James Iredell put it this way in the North Carolina Ratifying Convention:

The only resource against usurpation is the inherent right of the people to prevent its exercise. This is the case in all free governments in the world. The people will resist if the government usurp powers not delegated to it. [emphasis added]

Notice he didn’t consider resistance a mere “good idea,” or a potential solution. Iredell – like Jefferson – considered it essential, the “only resource” in response to usurpation – an exercise of powers not delegated in the Constitution.

Founder after founder repeated the same strategy for dealing with government overreach – Theophilus Parsons, Archibald Maclaine, James Otis, Benjamin Franklin – and many others.

At the end of the day – it’s not liberty if it comes with a government permission slip.

Thomas Jefferson may have summed it up best:

“A free people claim their rights, as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate”

There’s a basic lesson here. We the people need to learn how to exercise our rights whether the government wants us to or not.





The Tenth Amendment Center

- Michael Boldin -

Nullify Everything!

Tenth Amendment Center | 3/25/18

A $1.3 trillion budget and $21 trillion in debt.
Democrats and republicans are in it together.
It's time to nullify all their unconstitutional acts!

national debt 


Quarantine: States, Feds and the Constitutions

Tenth Amendment Center | 3/18/20

A national emergency declaration, and many others on the state and local level too. Looking at the leading constitutionalist views of what can and can't be done.


Show Notes


"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation."
- James Madison -


"The essence of government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands,
will ever be liable to abuse."

- James Madison -


"The people didn't fight the British to be brought under despotic rule under the notion of
'strong government,' or in form of elective despotism."

- Richard Henry Lee -







Top-5 Worst Executive Orders in History

The founders recognized that “there can be no liberty” when legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or body of people. Yet, here we are today. These are the worst executive orders in history - and the hardest part is narrowing it down to just the top-5.

First published at 17:59 UTC on October 1st, 2021.

Path to Liberty. Fast Friday Edition: October 1, 2021

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Executive Orders

What is an Executive Order?
And why you should pay close attention to Government






The Executive Order Explained

Reference Article 2 Section 3 of the US Constitution (clause 5)

Check out:
Executive Order 13603 - Pursuant to 1950 Defense Production Act - Auth. to apportion resources to defense

Executive Order 13088 - Pursuant to Emergency Economic Powers Act - US involvement in conflict in Kosovo

Executive Order 13618 !!!

Research many more of each president at:

Only 2 EO Failures:
Executive Order 10340 -Nationalization of Steel Mills (FAILED)

Executive Order 12954 - Gov't barred from business with companies not using union labor (FAILED)

Bookmark my website:







Executive Orders

Brian Tuohy - Disaster Government and Executive Orders


An overlooked broadcast that would appear to have relevance 2 months later. Ian Punnett's interview with Brian Tuohy about his historical research into Executive Orders, US planning for natural disasters, national emergency and continuity of government. First 7 minutes talks about the fixing of sports events. Quote from Tuohy's website: The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" - Ronald Reagan. Edited - no breaks.








Disaster Government with Brian Tuohy

(Interview starts @ 0:08:16)

Disaster Government is the new book by author Brian Tuohy based entirely on the federal government's own files. It delves into national emergencies, Continuity of Government, Presidential Executive Orders, martial law & the Posse Comitatus Act, FEMA and its history, USNORTHCOM, and the Presidential Emergency Action Documents. Also covered is the odd world of the secret underground bases and relocation sites built across the country to protect our officials in the event of a "national emergency." Shockingly, hidden within these secret cities is an unelected shadow government ready to assume control should our elected officials be killed in a terrorist attack or nuclear war. Visit www.disastergovernment.com for more information.



 Executive Orders




Revealed within the pages of Disaster Government is the most detailed information ever made public regarding Continuity of Government programs. These are the Top Secret plans the U.S. federal government created to save itself in the event of a nuclear war or some other "national emergency."

What is a national emergency? You'd be surprised.

When one is declared--which occurs more often than one would believe--a whole slew of horrific legislation is made available to the President to enact. Some of this could do what you would hope is
impossible, including:

  • rationing of food, water, and energy; the confiscation of your personal vehicle (car, boat, or plane);
  • the confiscation of your personal "electromagnetic device" (cell phone, ipod, computer, television, etc.);
  • forcing you to work where and on what project the government deems necessary;
  • the ability to control your wages;
  • and much, much more.

These dormant laws waiting to spring to life were put into place by Democrats and Republicans from both the Left and the Right "for your protection"...and theirs.

Disaster Government delves into Presidential Executive Orders, martial law & the Posse Comitatus Act, FEMA and its history, USNORTHCOM, and the Presidential Emergency Action Documents that make much of this possible. Also covered is the odd world of the secret underground bases and
relocation sites built across the country to protect our officials. Shockingly, hidden within these secret cities is an unelected shadow government ready to assume control should our elected officials be
killed in a terrorist attack or nuclear war.

The scary part is: It's all true.







Obama Brings Ebola Into America After Signing Executive Order to Detain
Sick Americans

Officials are importing Ebola into the U.S. which doctors have failed to contain in Africa


by Kit Daniels | Infowars.com | August 3, 2014

Despite the fact that doctors in Africa cannot keep Ebola from spreading, United States officials brought an affected patient into the country only days after President Obama signed an executive order mandating the detention of Americans who show signs of “respiratory illness.”


The first known Ebola patient on U.S. soil, Dr. Kent Brantly, was flown into Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, today after contracting the disease in Liberia during the latest outbreak in West Africa which has claimed the lives of over 700.

“Video from Emory showed someone wearing a white, full-body protective suit helping a similarly clad person emerge from the ambulance and walk into the hospital early Saturday afternoon,” CNN reported.

This has stoked concerns among the American public that Ebola could now spread inside the U.S., especially since the virus has been difficult to contain in Africa.

“It sounds like the perfect script for a horror movie: A virus with no vaccine and no cure kills hundreds of people; despite containment efforts, it keeps spreading, but it’s actually all too real in West Africa, where doctors have said Ebola is now ‘out of control,’” wrote Sheila M. Eldred for Discovery News.

Hospitals in America may not fare any better considering that antibiotic-resistant “nightmare bacteria” spread from one medical facility in 2001 to 46 states by 2013.

“Allegedly the Ebola carriers will be quarantined in special rooms, but we already know that American hospitals cannot even contain staph infections,” columnist Paul Craig Roberts wrote. “What happens to the utensils, plates, cups, and glasses with which the ebola infected persons eat and drink and who gets to clean the bed pans?”

“One slip-up by one person, one tear in a rubber glove, and the virus is loose.”

This really highlights the reckless nature of the global elite and government officials for importing a virus into the country which has no specific treatment and a mortality rate of up to 90%.

Similarly, state-funded universities and other facilities across the U.S. are maintaining weaponized viruses for so-called “bio-defense” under the Project Bioshield Act passed by Congress in 2004, but because these facilities are only moderately secure for the most part, there is a real risk that a deadly virus could escape into the public and affect millions of Americans in an outbreak on the same level as the pandemics which killed 80% of Native American populations by the 19th century.

The National Research Council found that one of these laboratories in Kansas, for example, has a 70% chance that a virus will spread from its lab in the next 50 years, even though the facility is designated as “maximum security.”

And it should also be pointed out that this is just one lab out of many in the nation, a good percentage of which have even less security.

There is no doubt that an accidental or an orchestrated release of a virus from one of these labs could result in the deaths of millions as well as a draconian government response to the outbreak, including martial law, through both the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act drafted in 2001 and President Obama’s latest executive order which mandates the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness.”

Simply put, instead of preventing Ebola and other viruses from spreading within the U.S., Obama is readying his administration for a power grab if a major pandemic breaks out throughout the country.


Biological Weapons | Mandatory Vaccine Threat | Vaccines Exposed | Depopulation Agenda | Open Border Crisis








Obama Signs Executive Order to Allow Detention of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’

Amendment comes in wake of Ebola scare


by Paul Joseph Watson | August 1, 2014

As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness.”

The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”

The amendment signed by Obama replaces subsection (b) of the original Bush executive order which referred only to SARS. Obama’s amendment allows for the detention of Americans who display, “Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.”

Although Ebola was listed on the original executive order signed by Bush, Obama’s amendment ensures that Americans who merely show signs of respiratory illness, with the exception of influenza, can be forcibly detained by medical authorities.

Although the quarantining of people suspected of being infected with the Ebola virus seems like a perfectly logical move, the actual preconditions for this to happen aren’t restricted to just those suffering from the disease.

As we highlighted earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has measures in place for dealing with an outbreak of a communicable disease which allow for the quarantine of “well persons” who “do not show symptoms” of the disease.

In addition, under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, public health authorities and governors would be given expanded police powers to seize control of communications devices, public and private property, as well as a host of other draconian measures in the event of a public health emergency.

When the legislation was introduced, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons warned that it “could turn governors into dictators.”

Yesterday it was reported that Emory University Hospital in Atlanta was set to receive a patient infected with Ebola. A hospital in Germany also accepted an infected patient earlier this week. Some critics have raised concerns about the risk of deliberately importing infected individuals into the west.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.



Martial Law Rise of The Police State | Indefinite Detention and Torture |
NDAA | Fema Camps | Fema Camps 2 | Re-education Camps








Executive Orders Unleashed: Obama “Can’t Wait” to
Bypass Congress

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

COMMENT: Apologists here for Obama’s use of executive orders point out the other recent presidents who’ve also overreached their use of executive orders. This makes the abuses more important, not less, as this has been an on-going deviation from the Constitutional limits of the president since at least FDR in the 30s. An executive branch run wild makes the abuses of kings and dictators almost inevitable. That is why it must be reined in; that’s why the framers constructed limited powers in their document. On the otherhand, there’s clear evidence that all of Obama & co.’s study of the Constitution must have been focuses on tactics to skirt its limitations.


Executive Orders Unleashed Obama Can't Wait to Bypass Congress






Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse

FEMA Continuity of Government Plans Prep Total Takeover of Society, Dispatching Military Domestically Under Economic Collapse Emergency


Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones
December 21, 2011

UPDATE: Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans. READ HERE.

Executive OrdersNOTE: Within an hour of posting this article and linking to the pertinent document, the feds at FBO.gov have pulled the link and implied that it was a classified posting. We believe this was public and of interest to American citizens, taxpayers and peoples of the world and are in the process re-establishing an archive link of the material. Obviously, however, this information is revealing and certain parties do not wish it to be widely known. If you believe this material is important, please archive it and share it with your contacts. In the meantime, here are links to many of the pages: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11

Infowars has discovered new FEMA documents that confirm information received from DoD sources that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans. It involves not only operations for the relocation of COG personnel and key officials, population management, emergency communications and alerts but the designation of the American people as ‘enemies’ under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA).

Further, this Nov. 18, 2011 FEMA-released plan National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS) [PDF] linked at the FedBizOpps.gov website outlines a scenario that overlays with eerie accuracy the bigger picture sketched out by concurrent calls for troops to keep order in the streets of places like New Orleans, as well as other bombshell documents like those released from KBR seeking to activate contracted staff for emergency detention centers and for services like fencing and barricades, as well as numerous agencies and think tanks who’ve prepared for civil unrest and economic breakdown in America.

Hold onto your seats. The plan for the takeover of the United States has not only been drafted, but activated. Our sources and independent research make this abundantly clear. Martial law scenarios preparing for a breakdown of order under the ongoing economic collapse are underway, even as pretexts for control are initiated in locales across the country. Bold individuals like Ron Paul have warned that dangerous legislation like the NDAA designate the American population as potential enemies. Now, there is more evidence this targeting of the people is sadly taking place.

A laundry list of operations organized under FEMA’s National Continuity Programs (NCP) provides a base of technical support for the deployment of national emergency plans and the logistical tracking of all personnel incorporated under what Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano has lovingly termed the big “federal family.”

“Friendly” military and FEMA personnnel, along with their contracted employees and those of other federal agencies, will carry transponder ID badges, like those described here, to designate their “blue” inclusive status. As our military sources have confirmed, under the Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA) all other American citizens and civilians are designated under the “red” category and treated as an enemy or potential unfriendly. Throughout his past investigative work including witnessing numerous military drills, Alex Jones has also witnessed the technology and the use of this alarming code branding ordinary Americans as battlefield enemies. The plan includes drone and other high-tech tools to monitor and target individuals designated under the “enemy” status.

Military's Blue Force Tracking Technology Pings The military’s blue force tracking technology has been adopted since 2003 in Iraq and used in theaters like Afghanistan to quickly distinguish “Blue” friendlies (including U.S. forces and allies like tribal forces) from “Red” enemies. However, on the U.S. homeland battlefield, it is the American people who will be designated under “red,” whereas cleared occupying personnel are tracked as “blue” friendlies by their ID transponder badges. The designation was set-up to reduce “friendly fire” incidents.

Blue Force and other related programs like Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), Continuity Analysis and the Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4) operations named in the document electronically track and verify the location and clearance of COG-related personnel, the usage of emergency shelter facilities and their components as well as the military’s friendly/enemy designations– creating a matrix for live monitoring and control coordinating with FEMA databases during martial law or national emergency scenarios.

For instance, FEMA acknowledges in its documents the use of Blue Force tracking systems and other geospatial information systems to monitor the capacity and usage of its facilities under the National Shelter System and other programs. Preparations for the orderly control of the masses have already been put into place.

In particular, the Mt. Weather Emergency Operations Center outside Washington, D.C. is empowered to “coordinate, track, and synchronize the relocation of key leadership and staff from the DHS and FEMA Emergency Relocation Groups (ERG) members to perform their essential functions” during a declared national emergency using the Blue Force and other related tracking programs managed under the established joint relocation operations control center and emergency relocation programs referenced in the document. Section 1.3.4 further details the minimum ID requirements for contractor employee identification and verification.


FEMA Shelter Support


The FEMA National Shelter System (NSS) is a comprehensive, Web-based database created to support Federal, State and local government agencies and voluntary organizations responsible for Mass Care and Emergency Assistance. The FEMA NSS allows users to identify, track, analyze, and report on data for virtually any facility associated with the congregate care of people and/or household pets following a disaster.


FEMA has also outlined detailed support for its vast Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS), proscribed under Executive Order 13407 for the federal takeover of communications. It details the continuity of emergency communications and the issuance of warnings to the public, including public-private partnerships concerned with issuing alert messages through cellular providers– a program that only recently caused panic when it was publicly tested without forewarning in New Jersey. It is designated in the document under the Commercial Mobile Alerting System (CMAS).

As we have mentioned here and detailed in the past, this is part of larger COG government takeover– not part of any ordinary natural disaster response as the media has been told. The elite have initiated worldwide economic collapse and prepared their power-grabbing response as currencies and markets fall across the globe. All the experts we’ve talked to over the years concur with this basic analysis.

To put it simply: once the economic depression has sunken in completely, the population will willingly head in droves to government centers for basic requirements like food. As Henry Kissinger bluntly quipped, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” FEMA’s response will in hinge, in part, on just that– encouraging people sign up for their own enslavement.


Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports



DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports – Part 2/3



DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports – Part 3/3


This article was posted: Thursday, December 22, 2011 at 6:54 am






Will No One Challenge Obama’s Executive Orders?

Ron Paul
February 10, 2014


President Obama’s state of the union pledge to “act with or without Congress” marks a milestone in presidential usurpation of Congressional authority. Most modern presidents have used executive orders to change and even create laws without Congressional approval. However President Obama is unusually brazen, in that most Presidents do not brag about their plans to rule by executive order in state of the union speeches.

Sadly, his pledge to use his pen to implement laws and polices without the consent of Congress not only received thunderous applause from representatives of the president’s party, some representatives have even pledged to help Obama get around Congress by providing him with ideas for executive orders. The Constitution’s authors would be horrified to see legislators actively adding and abetting a president taking power away from the legislature.

Executive orders are perfectly legitimate and even necessary if, in the words of leading Constitutional Scholar Judge Andrew Napolitano, they “…. guide the executive branch on how to enforce a law or…complement and supplement what Congress has already done.” The problem is that most modern presidents have abused this power to issue orders that, as Judge Napolitano puts it, “restates federal law, or contradicts federal law, or does the opposite of what the federal law is supposed to do.”

Political opponents of the president rightly condemned Obama for disregarding the Constitution. However, it was not that long ago that many of the same politicians where labeling as “unpatriotic” or worse anyone who dared question President Bush’s assertions the he had the “inherent” authority to launch wars, spy on Americans, and even indefinitely detain American citizens.

Partisan considerations also make some members of the opposition party hesitate to reign in the president. These members are reluctant to set a precedent of “tying the president’s hands” that could be used against a future president of their own party.

The concentration of power in the office of the president is yet one more negative consequence of our interventionist foreign policy. A foreign policy based on interventionism requires a strong and energetic executive, unfettered by Constitutional niceties such as waiting for Congress to pass laws or declare war. So it simply was natural, as America abandoned the traditional foreign policy of non-interventionism, for presidents to act “without waiting for Congress.” After all, the president is “commander-in-chief” and he needs to protect “national security,” they argued. Once it became accepted practice for the president to disregard Congress in foreign affairs, it was only a matter of time before presidents would begin usurping Congressional authority in domestic matters.

It should not be surprising that some of the biggest promoters of an “energetic” executive are the neoconservatives. They are also enthusiastic promoters of the warfare state. Sadly, they have misled many constitutionalists into believing that one can consistently support unchecked presidential authority in foreign policy, but limit presidential authority in domestic matters. Until it is fully understood that virtually limitless presidential authority in foreign affairs cannot coexist with strict limits on Presidential authority in domestic matters, we will never limit the power of the Presidency.

The people must also insist that politicians stop viewing issues concerning the separation of powers through a partisan lens and instead be willing to act against any president who exceeds his constitutional limitations. Thankfully we have scholars such as Louis Fisher, who has just published an important new book on presidential power, to help us better understand the Founders’ intent with regard to separation of powers. The key to achieving this goal is to make sure the people understand that any president of any party who would exceed constitutional limitations is a threat to liberty, and any member of Congress who ignores or facilitates presidential usurpation is being derelict in his Constitutional duty.

This article was posted: Monday, February 10, 2014 at 5:52 am







 Executive Orders

Obama Signs Dictatorial Executive Order Imposing Debunked Climate Change Policies

Another arrogant violation of Article I Section I of the Constitution


Kurt Nimmo
November 2, 2013

The Obama administration on Friday once again disrespected the Constitution by signing an executive order that circumvents Congress and the American people.

The latest move defiantly ignores a decision by Congress in 2009 to not establish a cap-and-trade system that would have supposedly discouraged greenhouse-gas emissions. The Waxman-Markey bill passed the House but was defeated in the Senate. At the time, Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.



The latest unconstitutional EO establishes a task force of state and local officials “to advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires, droughts and other potential impacts of climate change.” according to Fox News.

The EO lumps extreme weather events under the discredited rubric of climate change. It will mandate new federal building codes under Agenda 21′s “sustainability” and promises to “address climate impacts and infrastructure needs.” The order was praised by the EPA and its administrator, Gina McCarthy, who said it serves as a “roadmap for agency work” and forces the nation to face what it deems are “climate-related challenges.”

The EO will withhold money expropriated by the federal government from the states if they do not sign on to the latest climate scam proposals. It will “bring sweeping new changes to land use and resource policies,” “refocus of climate change data and use of it to push a new agenda into every priority of the federal government,” and, importantly, make policies immune to challenge by establishing “a new internal organization for coordination efforts during a government sequestration and possible future shutdowns.”

A study released last year debunked Al Gore’s “hockey stick” graph on warming and states that the statistical outcomes on climate change produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and associated organizations are “quite wrong.”

Data compiled by NASA’s Langley Research Center earlier this year, writes Ethan A. Huff for Natural News, reveals that “all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it.”

Article I Section I of the Constitution unambiguously states that Congress, not the executive, has legislative power. An executive order is not lawful legislation.

“An Executive Order is a policy or procedure issued by the President that is a regulation that applies only to employees of the Executive Branch of government,” notes the Tenth Amendment Center. “When a President issues an unconstitutional Executive Order and Congress allows the order to stand they are violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”

This article was posted: Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 9:35 am

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Executive Orders






Executive Orders

LINK: Climate Change





DHS Has Now Acquired Enough Bullets To Wage 30 Year War!! 







C.O.G. - Continuity of Government programs

 Continuity in Government programs have been one edge of the wedge to wrest control of the U.S. government away from Constitutional authority and put it in the hands of the secret teams under the direction of hidden interests.




The Continuity
in Government Project


Bruce Tanner
The Peoples Voice
September 8, 2008

The political infrastructure for martial law in the U.S. is already in place. Apparently unsure that the USAPATRIOT Act(s) and the Military Commissions Act weren’t strong enough, on May 9, 2007, Bush issued a document doubly titled “National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51″ and “Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20.” This document supposedly outlines the federal government’s plan for maintaining continuity in the face of a “catastrophic emergency.”


“Catastrophic emergency” is defined as “any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government function.” So, pretty much anything…

In the event of this improbable catastrophe, this unconstitutional legislation by the executive grants itself supreme power to ensure the continuity of Constitutional government. Good one.

In other words, NSPD 51/HSPD-20 would impose martial law under the authority of the White House through DHS. It would suspend constitutional government under the provisions of Continuity in Government (COG).

Since 2003, following the invasion of Iraq, Homeland Security (DHS) has contemplated time and again the possibility of a so-called code red alert “scenario” — using a potential or possible Al Qaeda terrorist attack on American soil — as a pretext for implementing martial law. At one time, Tommy Thompson Former Health and Human Services Secretary said that if we “went to” Code Red the entire civilian government would “shut down.” There are no known provisions for returning America from Code Red status, once it is invoked.

Michel Chosudovsky in “Bush Directive for a “Catastrophic Emergency” in America” writes:

“This Combined Directive NSPD /51 HSPD 20 grants unprecedented powers to the Presidency and the Department of Homeland Security, overriding the foundations of Constitutional government. NSPD 51 allows the sitting president to declare a “national emergency” without Congressional approval The adoption of NSPD 51 would lead to the de facto closing down of the Legislature and the militarization of justice and law enforcement:

The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government. In order to advise and assist the President in that function, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counter terrorism (APHS/CT) is hereby designated as the National Continuity Coordinator. The National Continuity Coordinator, in coordination with the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA), without exercising directive authority, shall coordinate the development and implementation of continuity policy for executive departments and agencies. The Continuity Policy Coordination Committee (CPCC), chaired by a Senior Director from the Homeland Security Council staff, designated by the National Continuity Coordinator, shall be the main day-to-day forum for such policy coordination. (National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive NSPD 51/HSPD 20, emphasis added)

NSPD 51 grants extraordinary Police State powers to the White House and Homeland Security (DHS), in the event of a “Catastrophic Emergency”. The Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counter terrorism (APHS/CT), who is slated to play a key role in the eventuality of Martial law, is a key White House adviser, Frances Fragos Townsend.”

Of course, preparations for emergency management of the U.S. Government has by this time become a tradition here in the Homeland.

According to William M. Arkin in “Shadow Government” in the Case of a “Second 9/11:”

“Continuity programs began in the early 1950s, when the threat of nuclear war moved the administration of President Harry S. Truman to begin planning for emergency government functions and civil defense. Evacuation bunkers were built, and an incredibly complex and secretive shadow government program was created.

At its height, the grand era of continuity boasted the fully operational Mount Weather, a civilian bunker built along the crest of Virginia’s Blue Ridge, to which most agency heads would evacuate; the Greenbrier hotel complex and bunker in West Virginia, where Congress would shelter; and Raven Rock, or Site R, a national security bunker bored into granite along the Pennsylvania-Maryland border near Camp David, where the Joint Chiefs of Staff would command a protracted nuclear war. Special communications networks were built, and evacuation and succession procedures were practiced continually.

When the Soviet Union crumbled, the program became a Cold War curiosity: Then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney ordered Raven Rock into caretaker status in 1991. The Greenbrier bunker was shuttered and a 30-year-old special access program was declassified three years later.

Then came the terrorist attacks of the mid-1990s and the looming Y2K rollover, and suddenly continuity wasn’t only for nuclear war anymore. On Oct. 21, 1998, President Bill Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive 67, “Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government Operations.” No longer would only the very few elite leaders responsible for national security be covered. Instead, every single government department and agency was directed to see to it that they could resume critical functions within 12 hours of a warning, and keep their operations running at emergency facilities for up to 30 days. FEMA was put in charge of this broad new program.

On 9/11, the program was put to the test — and failed. Not on the national security side: Vice President Cheney and others in the national security leadership were smoothly whisked away from the capital following procedures overseen by the Pentagon and the White House Military Office. But like the mass of Washingtonians, officials from other agencies found themselves virtually on their own, unsure of where to go or what to do, or whom to contact for the answers.”

Continuity in Government programs have been one edge of the wedge to wrest control of the U.S. government away from Constitutional authority and put it in the hands of the secret teams under the direction of hidden interests. The elite decision-makers behind this crypto-fascist coup obviously include big finance, military corporations, elements of intelligence, and interlocking corporations, and also have curious deep ties to the creation and sustenance of the State of Israel.

It’s commonplace humor to refer to Dick Cheney’s being in a “secure location,” but he and Donald Rumsfeld have been intimately involved in Continuity in Government (COG) since their days in Congress. I’ve read several articles on this connection, but was interested to find that I could find no reference to this, or to much at all about the ongoing development of COG programs since the onset of the cold war.

It’s also interesting to note that in Arkin’s excerpt above he notes that for most of Official Washington the COG measures in place failed to take account for them, serving instead only some short list of insiders. This begins to make obvious just who this government serves.

This article was posted: Monday, September 8, 2008 at 11:19 am






Executive Orders

Document Reveals State’s Move To Vastly Expand Continuity of Government Powers

Mikael Thalen
December 16, 2013

A document currently circulating through the Washington state government details the attempt to vastly expand Continuity of Government powers by amending the state’s constitution.


Executive Orders


Exclusively revealed to Storyleak, the document, entitled “Modernizing State’s Continuity of Operation Planning,” asks State Representatives to pass legislation concerning the government’s ability to implement COG. Spearheaded by the Washington Military Department and the State Auditor’s Office, the document also details the move to add Continuity of Operations planning to state law.

Created at the height of the cold war during the 1960s, the Continuity of Government (COG) program was designed to give the federal government martial law powers in the event of a nuclear attack. Now, states have begun following the federal government’s lead in granting themselves much greater COG abilities.

“Change ‘only enemy attack’ to ‘any emergency, disaster or attack’ in the state’s Continuity of Government Act, as well as the Continuity of Government provisions developed for the Office of the Governor, the legislature, county commissioners and city or town officers,” the document states.

The document also goes on to call for erasing the government’s requirement of bringing the legislative body together no later than 30 days after a disaster or attack, giving the governor the power to keep COG operations ongoing for undetermined lengths.

“Amend the provisions for the governor calling the Legislature into session from ‘as soon as practicable or no later than the 30th day after the attack’ to ‘as soon as practicable,’” the document reads.

Under revised amendments, each state agency, commission and board will be directed to begin developing and practicing a yearly continuity of operations plan.

“COOP is nationally recognized as a critical Continuity of Government component to ensure Washington citizens receive government assistance during emergencies,” the document’s first paragraph details.

While some feel the expansion of COG operations is a simple update, other laws passed in recent years seems to paint a more focused picture, as historically low government approval ratings coincide with increasingly authoritarian legislation.

President Obama’s extension of the National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order last year, which allows the government to completely take over all manufacturing, food, transportation and water resources in the event of any stated emergency, whether legitimate or not, followed several unprecedented law changes.

The 2012 and 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, signed by President Obama, not only declared the entire United States a battlefield in the never-ending war on terror, but granted the US government the ability to kidnap and detain any American citizen without charge or trial indefinitely.

H.R. 347, also known as the “Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011,” was updated to more easily impose felony charges on citizens who protest at any location or event attended by anyone with secret service protection.

Recent revelations, such as the leaked FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations document, clearly outline the federal government’s plan to detain and “re-educate” political activists in military internment camps during times of unrest.

Military drills on the streets of America, which include unannounced machine gun fire from helicopters over busy city streets, have begun fueling debate over the government’s plans for the future.

With some of the world’s leading financial experts predicting the worst economic woes ahead of us, which are admittedly being carried out by design, the update to allow COG implementation over financial disruptions leaves little room for debate.

Now, the same government demanding increasing powers to protect citizens during disasters is stockpiling billions of rounds of ammunition while spending millions on paper shooting targets of pregnant woman and children. Unsurprisingly, the same government admittedly spying on mainline Americans, now deemed the main terrorist threat, is also unwilling to handle even the slightest disaster.

If Hurricane Katrina is any guide, the federal government’s main objective will be confiscating the guns of law-abiding citizens while others desperately wait for food and water. If Americans are lucky like New Yorkers, they will be greeted by “closed due to weather” FEMA signs instead of gun-confiscating soldiers during their next major disaster.

This post originally appeared at Story Leak

This article was posted: Monday, December 16, 2013 at 5:59 am

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Obama Is Establishing An Executive Dictatorship

White House crosses the rubicon

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, July 11, 2011

President Barack Obama is rapidly advancing an executive dictatorship that threatens to completely nullify the US Constitution if left unchecked, with his administration hastily eroding every other branch of government as the White House crosses the rubicon to push through its political agenda on every front, from the war in Libya to domestic gun control.




Obama has displayed open hostility to the rule of law and the Constitution when asked why he has failed to obtain Congressional approval for the war on Libya.

Obama has ignored his own constitutional lawyers on the legality of the conquest, claiming that Congressional approval is not needed because the legitimacy of the UN supersedes Congress and that the bombardment, which has included over 800 bombing runs flown by US warplanes, is not a war.

Obama has used word games and mental gymnastics to claim he hasn’t violated the War Powers Resolution. Even as universities, apartment blocks and marketplaces are bombed, killing innocent civilians, communications are blocked, and even as top admirals now admit that the  scope of the mission is all about regime change, the Obama administration still clings to the ludicrous fallacy that the bombardment of Libya is not a war.

Indeed, the White House itself characterized the goal in Libya as “installing a democratic system,” a euphemism for regime change, acknowledging that the agenda goes far beyond “protecting civilians,” as Obama claimed during his  March 19 speech.


As part of its bid to eviscerate the Second Amendment by stealth, or  “under the radar” as Obama himself called it, the White House is about to launch a new gun control offensive that will bypass the necessity of passing legislation in Congress and instead rely on “only executive orders or administrative actions.”

According to a Huffington Post story on the issue, Obama is likely to have more success pushing through gun control if he circumvents Congress on the issue. “Executive actions offer something that legislation doesn’t: guaranteed results. And as one gun control advocate told the Huffington Post, there are ways to “use these administrative changes to obtain similar results,” writes Sam Stein.

With the revelations surrounding Fast and Furious having blown up in their face, and the Obama administration’s ploy to blame violence in Mexico on gun rights even after they got caught shipping in the weapons in tatters, the White House is desperate to push through new gun control measures that are integral to advancing Rahm Emanuel’s May 2007 call to put people who are on a no fly list on a no gun buy list, stripping millions of Americans of their Second Amendment rights because they have been erroneously placed on a notoriously inaccurate no fly list that includes everyone from Senators to toddlers.


As part of Obama’s charge to sink America into more debt to foreign bankers, he has dredged up a 143-year-old clause related to the Civil War in a bid to raise the debt ceiling, overtly challenging Congressional control of the budget, a development that could spark a “constitutional crisis,”  reports AFP.

Obama’s attempt to use an obscure civil war clause to circumvent Congress, which is empowered to control the purse strings, is another example of his administration’s flagrant effort to nullify the separation of powers within government and give the executive branch supreme control.

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After the White House failed in its bid to implement a de facto carbon tax through cap and trade, Obama simply bypassed Congress completely and had the EPA declare CO2 to be a pollutant and a public health threat, allowing greenhouse gas emissions to be regulated and taxed through the Clean Air Act.

The EPA’s move was little more than a threat to back Congress into a corner and force them into passing legislation that would regulate CO2 for all new or expanded power plants.

The fact that this has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with fleecing American taxpayers was  confirmed when Obama gave a waiver to General Electric and ensured that one of the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide on the planet, and coincidentally one of Obama’s largest campaign contributors, was exempt from the new regulations.


Having already been ruled unconstitutional by federal judges in both Florida and Virginia, Obama has also been busy handing out waivers to over a thousand corporations, including McDonalds, a clear violation of the Equal Protection clause and proof “that D.C. is now completely ignoring the rule of law“.


Obama’s White House has issued a new executive order mandating the creation of a “Rural Council,” another step in the move towards a centrally planned economy.

According to this new executive order, the Obama administration plans to stick its itchy little fingers into just about every aspect of rural life,”  writes the Economic Collapse Blog. “One of the stated goals of the White House Rural Council is to do the following….”

“Coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America.”

This is merely a euphemism for a new layer of bureaucracy set to suffocate rural America, with federal control freaks already implementing new draconian regulations to put a stranglehold on farmer’s markets and other forms of self-sufficiency.


Another White House executive order that creates a council of state governors who will work with the feds to expand military involvement in domestic security has stoked fears that the administration is stepping up preparations for martial law. Rather than elected representatives being in control of states, Obama has created a body of ten lapdogs who answer to the federal government and not the American people.

The order, which is entitled Establishment of the Council of Governors (PDF), creates a body of ten state governors directly appointed by Obama who will work with the federal government to help advance the “synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States”.

The governors will liaise with officials from Northcom, Homeland Security, the National Guard as well as DoD officials from the Pentagon “in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments,” according to the executive order.

Conservatives and libertarians responded to the announcement by expressing their suspicion that Obama is preparing to give governors their marching orders in targeting “anti-government” types that have long been characterized as a terrorist threat by the feds in numerous reports stretching back over a decade.


The White House is aggressively advancing Chinese-style web censorship that would provide Obama with a figurative kill switch for the Internet, bypassing Congress completely as part of the federal government’s executive-level takeover of all communications.

On every front, the Obama administration is entering the final stages of a total power grab that represents a clear effort to turn the country into an executive dictatorship, another stark indication that America is quickly beginning to resemble a decaying banana republic.


Obama Attempting To Set Up Dictatorship!

There can no longer be any doubt,the office of the President is being transformed in to a dictatorial command system.







Obama Announces Plan to Rule by Executive Order

Next phase of dictatorship proposed to save children and workers

Kurt Nimmo
January 15, 2014

Obama has officially announced plans to trash the Constitution and move forward with a socialist-corporatist dictatorship without input from Congress or the American people. He made the announcement Tuesday during a cabinet meeting.



“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said.

“And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward in helping to make sure our kids are getting the best education possible, making sure that our businesses are getting the kind of support and help they need to grow and advance, to make sure that people are getting the skills that they need to get those jobs that our businesses are creating.”

Article I Section I of the Constitution clearly states all legislative powers reside with Congress. The founders were inspired by the writings of Montesquieu and insisted on three separate branches of government and instituted a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. “There can be no liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person,” Montesquieu wrote.

James Madison, writing in Federalist 46, warned that consolidated power at the executive level is the very definition of tyranny. “The accumulation of all power, legislative, executive, and judiciary in the same hands… may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

George Washington signed the first executive order proclaiming a national day of thanksgiving in 1789. Since that time, the Supreme Court has ruled executive orders may not be used to make law, only execute laws passed by Congress. From Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt onward, however, presidents have signed a large number of increasingly audacious and unconstitutional executive orders.

“Obama, lacking the charm of Franklin Roosevelt, nevertheless seeks to follow his path in growing executive power,” writes David Davenport. “Starting with President Woodrow Wilson, and culminating in Roosevelt’s New Deal, progressives sought to undermine the power of the legislature in favor of consolidating power in the executive branch. From passing the sweeping healthcare reform bill on a party-line vote, to the largest use of executive czars in our history, to initiating new policies on things like immigration and gun control by executive order, Obama seeks to leave 225 years of constitutional separation of powers behind. This needs to be exposed for what it is: a series of constitutional end-runs and a power grab by a frustrated and legacy-driven president.”

Republicans, looking for partisan ammo to attack a Democrat president, will undoubtedly criticize Obama’s latest constitutional affront. Executive orders and the gradual evolvement of the imperial presidency is not limited to Democrats, however.

“Both Republicans and Democrats are fond of referring to the ‘imperial presidency’ when someone from the opposite party is in the White House,” explains William L. Anderson. “Yet both parties have acted to protect and strengthen the presidency when it was to their advantage.”

“Unless members of the other branches are willing to act on the important principle of decentralization of power, the American Experiment will end up being nothing but a footnote of history.”

This relegation of the American experiment to an irrelevant footnote is precisely what the global elite with a stranglehold on government have in mind.

The globalist intelligentsia continue to argue in favor of trashing to Constitution. In 2011, CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria argued that the Constitution is outdated and its principles should be “debated and fixed” to conform with the modern era. He suggested “a set of amendments to modernize the Constitution for the 21st Century.”

Adherence to the Constitution is now portrayed as a form of mental illness. “Indeed, there is something infantile in the belief of the constitution-worshipers that the complex political arguments of today can be settled by simple fidelity to a document written in the 18th century,” the editors the Economist wrote in late 2010. “When history is turned into scripture and men into deities, truth is the victim.”

The Constitution stands between the global elite and their plan to reduce America to an economic and cultural ruin. Natural rights and individual sovereignty are intractable obstacles and must be destroyed if a one world totalitarian government is to be realized.

Obama’s latest comments on the plan to impose executive decrees – as usual, for the sake of the children – sets the stage for the next phase of dictatorial government and the dismantlement of the Constitution and its relegation to the dustbin of history.

This article was posted: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 10:06 am






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