UPDATE: The 10:10 Global organization has been forced to remove the video from their website
and issue an apology. Given the fact that the clip was pulled hours after it first appeared and yet involved
the contribution of dozens of actors and film professionals, the backlash must have been instantaneous and
overwhelming. Too late for apologies – the damage has already been done. This is one of the final nails in the
coffin of the increasingly desperate, threatening and unscientific global warming propaganda
A new climate change infomercial released by a
prominent global warming activist organization depicts children being assassinated for not reducing their carbon
footprint, as AGW skeptics are grotesquely blown up with innards and blood splattering everywhere, a frightening
reminder of the fact that the environmental agenda is merely a veil for a hideous religion of death, and that the
vehemently discredited and increasingly desperate global warming movement is in the last death throws of its
Entitled “No Pressure,” the clip begins by showing a teacher brainwashing children about CO2 emissions, before
blowing up two kids who do not go along with the mantra and refuse to lower their “carbon footprint”.
The video continues in the same vein, as climate skeptics are liquidated and their bodies horribly ripped apart
for having the temerity to hold a different viewpoint, in scenes that wouldn’t look out of place in the most
stomach-churning horror movie.
Watch the clip.
Stunned by the massive backlash the video has generated in
just the first few hours of its release, the organization behind the stunt, 10:10 Global (email them), pulled the clip from their own website. “Sorry, we’ve taken this video
down for now. More info coming very soon,” reads the text on the
page where the video formerly appeared.
10:10 Global is funded in part by taxpayer money through government bodies. As
James Delingpole points out, “The 10:10 Campaign is supported by: ActionAid (Govt of UK 2nd largest funder in
2009); The Carbon Trust (surely #1 on the list of quangos-to-go); The Energy Saving Trust.”
This video represents one of the last major death throws of the global warming movement. The sheer level of
desperation, vitriol and idiocy contained in the four minute clip is indicative of an ideological group who are
losing the scientific debate and are therefore forced to resort to crass and vile propaganda in a bid to shove
their discredited message down people’s throats.
“What were they thinking? They weren’t, because this is going to have the exact opposite effect they intended it
to have. I don’t have words to describe my disgust with the video,” wrote prominent climate
change skeptic Anthony Watts.
“This is hate speech, pure and simple. It legitimizes almost any action against or characterization of those who
do not agree with the most hysterical version of Catastrophic and Cataclysmic Climate Change–shoot ‘em all and let
God sort ‘em out,” writes Thomas
Using ten-year-old kids as both props and victims is a particularly nice touch.
When DDB created an ad for the WWF showing planes crashing into the World Trade Center as an advertisement
asking for support for green activism, it was grotesque, tasteless and an insult to all who suffered losses on
September 11th, 2001. It would have been impossible to imagine a cruder, less sensitive call to green
Until now.
For any of those on the activist side who wonder why skeptics (and lukewarmers) don’t trust the
communications put forward by their team, they might wonder just how much any sign of reason might be
contaminated by the stench from garbage like this.
It was the choice of the 10:10 movement to openly promote genocide. They are not just promoting it….they are
planning it. They are genuinely planning ways how to reduce the global CO2 emissions by 10% a year. And indeed,
genocide similar to what they present in the video is the only plausible way how something of the sort may be
The CIA, FBI, and others should go after the neck of the inhuman scum behind the 10:10 movement and those
who harbor them. These people are a genuine threat not only for your well-being but for your health (or life),
“James Lee killed himself too early: he would have surely been delighted by this film,” adds Motl, referring to
the gunman who entered a Discovery Channel building with explosives and took hostages in a protest against lack of
attention on global warming before being killed by police.
The 10:10 Global organization’s sick and twisted vision of murdering climate skeptics and indeed anyone who
refuses to adopt their belief system is one shared by the vast majority of prominent climate change alarmists.
As we have exhaustively documented, the global warming movement is merely a front for the religion of death –
neo-eugenics – and the agenda to impose draconian population control measures and eco-fascism in the name of saving
the earth.
Leaders of this new cult include people
like Finnish environmentalist guru Pentti Linkola, who has called for climate change deniers be “re-educated”
in eco-gulags and that the vast majority of humans be killed with the rest enslaved and controlled by a green
police state, with people forcibly sterilized, cars confiscated and travel restricted to members of the elite.
Linkola would feverishly enjoy using the red button depicted in the climate ad to liquidate skeptics, since he
once observed that another world war would be “a happy occasion for the planet” because it would eradicate tens of
millions of people.
As we have documented, although not going quite as far as Linkola, the eco-fascist movement is attracting
prominent advocates, including James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis. Lovelock told the Guardian earlier this
year that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat global warming and that “a few people with authority”
should be allowed to run the planet.
This sentiment was echoed by author and environmentalist Keith Farnish, who in a recent book called for acts of
sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the
agrarian age. Prominent NASA global warming alarmist and Al Gore ally Dr.
James Hansen endorsed Farnish’s book.
Another prominent figure in the climate change debate who exemplifies the violent and death-obsessed belief
system of the movement is Dr. Eric
R. Pianka, an American biologist based at the University of Texas in Austin. During a speech to the Texas
Academy of Science in March 2006, Pianka advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the world’s population through
the airborne ebola virus. The reaction from scores of top scientists and professors in attendance was not one of
shock or revulsion – they stood and applauded Pianka’s call for mass genocide.
The current White House science czar John P. Holdren also advocates the most obscenely dictatorial, eco-fascist,
and inhumane practices in the name of environmentalism.
In his 1977 Ecoscience textbook, Holdren calls for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced
abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the
human surplus.
Given that these are the individuals at the forefront of the environmental movement, is it any surprise that we
are now seeing their talking points appear in depraved and debauched infomercials like the 10:10 Global film, which
openly promotes the idea of a “final solution” for dissenters who refuse to be brainwashed by the climate cult?
This movie proves beyond all doubt that the AGW alarmists have well and truly lost any rational scientific
debate as to the causes of climate change and have just resorted to barbarous veiled threats about mutilating and
killing anyone who disagrees with them.
Although the organization behind this film hoped to mark down the 10th of October as a date on which their
eco-fascist message would be widely broadcast and swallowed whole, as a direct result of the vulgar and frightening
tone of this movie, all they’ve actually achieved is to plant the seed of their own destruction, and a guarantee
that 10:10 will go down as another nail in the coffin of global warming alarmism.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He
is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been
interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most
listened to late night talk show.
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat
of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by
human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real
enemy then, is humanity itself.”
Comparing skepticism of man-made global
warming to racist beliefs, an Oregon-based professor of sociology and environmental studies has labeled doubts
about anthropogenic climate change a "sickness" for which individuals need to be "treated".
Professor Kari Norgaard, who is currently appearing at the 'Planet Under Pressure' conference in London, has
presented a paper in which she argues that "cultural resistance" to accepting the premise that humans are
responsible for climate change "must be recognized and treated" as an aberrant sociological behavior.
Norgaard equates skepticism of climate change alarmists -- whose data is continually proven to be politicized,
agenda driven and downright inaccurate -- with racism, noting that overcoming such viewpoints poses a similar
challenge "to racism or slavery in the U.S. South."
"Professor Norgaard considers that fuzzy-studies academics such as herself must stand shoulder to shoulder with the
actual real climate scientists who know some maths in an effort to change society and individuals for their own
good. It's not a new idea: trick-cyclists in Blighty and the US have lately called for a "science of communicating
science" rather reminiscent of Isaac Asimov's science-fictional "Psychohistory" discipline, able to predict and
alter the behaviour of large populations," reports the Register.
Here is an extensive collection of articles debunking global warming and man-made climate change, by experts and
scientists around the world. This collection is worth saving for the next time you are challenged for facts and
authoritative sources.
- TN Editor
Armed Troops Burn Down Homes, Kill
To Evict Ugandans In Name Of Global Warming.
Armed Troops Burn Down Homes, Kill Children To Evict Ugandans In Name Of Global Warming.
Worship The Earth Or Julia Roberts Will Kill You
Published on Feb 6, 2015
Alex Jones plays a clip from a creepy new video where Julia Roberts gives voice to mother
Published on Jun 15, 2012
Investigative journalist and senior editor of
The New American magazine, William F. Jasper exposes the dangers posed by the "Earth Charter".
Links to informative news articles by The New American magazine and other sources further exposing
the Earth Charter and the drive for a UN-controlled world government:
The New World Religion
Presented to the world as a mystical revelation, the UN Earth Charter is actually a diabolical blueprint for global
government. http://tinyurl.com/7ae93s7
Rebutting Rockefeller
The chairman of the Earth Charter Drafting Committee takes issue with this magazine's exposé, "The New World
Religion." The facts show that his objections are not sustainable. http://tinyurl.com/cjew9pb
The Potemkin Global Villages
Far from representing "global civil society," the Earth Charter Community Summits were tiny gatherings of
ultra-left activists financed by wealthy, one-world elitists. http://tinyurl.com/7mmc4f8
The Global School Board
By rejoining UNESCO, the U.S. government is aiding the UN's grab for power and boosting the Earth Charter crusade
to paganize our children. http://tinyurl.com/8axo79w
Gorbachev Charm Offensive
The former Soviet dictator once again brings his ongoing socialist, world government campaign to America's
heartland. http://tinyurl.com/6o4eh9g
New Age Roots
New Age paganism provides the global elitists with a ready tool for enchaining individuals in spiritual bondage —
making them prime candidates for citizenship in the New World Order. http://tinyurl.com/7nom5nz
The UN is NOT Your Friend
Behind the mask of peace, brotherhood, and universal understanding, the United Nations promotes terror and tyranny
in order to achieve its real objective: world government. http://tinyurl.com/bu6ncjl
Tendrils of Tyranny
The United Nations has long sought to control all aspects of human endeavor. Its vast bureaucracy is now closer to
that goal than ever before. http://tinyurl.com/7gyvw5z
Eco-agenda for Planetary Control
The Earth Summit's Agenda 21 and other radical proposals ? supposedly intended to save "Mother Earth" ? will bring
untold human suffering and ecological damage. http://tinyurl.com/c4sjb6a
Global Master Plan
Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty, the Wildlands Project, and other United Nations schemes for global control are
the basis for local environmental assaults on property rights. http://tinyurl.com/czp5egx
Hijacking "Spaceship Earth"
Claiming that Earth is a spaceship with limited resources requiring central control, globalists are steering
humanity into the black hole of UN-dominated world government. http://tinyurl.com/bw97mpg
Shaping Things To Come
Seeking to impose their global vision of a tyrannical "utopia," powerful elitists have effectively used science
fiction to evangelize for their cause. http://tinyurl.com/6peytb4
Environmental Stewardship
The evidence is in that free-market principles and private ownership of natural resources provide better
stewardship of the environment than government controls ever could. http://tinyurl.com/bo6mybf
Behind the Environmental Lobby
It may seem stranger than fiction, but it's a documentable fact: the eco-socialist movement is financed by the
super-rich as part of a comprehensive agenda for global control. http://tinyurl.com/clprr3r
Religious Neutralism
Some Christians see the decay of the world as predestined and inevitable, so they withdraw from society. Such a
retreat, however, only contributes to the growth of evil. http://tinyurl.com/cn7pc74
Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics' Homes
“Let’s start keeping track of them…let’s make them
Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Thursday, April 19, 2012
Writing for Forbes Magazine,
climate change alarmist Steve Zwick calls for skeptics of man-made global warming to be tracked, hunted down and
have their homes burned to the ground, yet another shocking illustration of how eco-fascism is rife within the
environmentalist lobby.
Comparing climate change skeptics to residents in Tennessee who refused to pay a
$75 fee, resulting in firemen sitting back and watching their houses burn down, Zwick rants that anyone who
actively questions global warming propaganda should face the same treatment.
“We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind
you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s
make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to
bear the cost of rising food prices,”
writes Zwick, adding, “They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us
have to pay for it?”
Even as the science itself disproves their theories – Arctic ice is
thickening, polar bears and penguins are thriving, Himalayan glaciers are growing – climate change alarmists are
only becoming more aggressive in their attacks against anyone who dares question the global warming
Earlier month we highlighted Professor Kari Norgaard’s call for
climate skeptics to be likened to racists and ‘treated’ for having a mental disorder. In a letter to Barack
Norgaard also called on the President to ignore the will of the
people and suspend democracy in order to enforce draconian ecological mandates.
But that’s by no means represents the extreme edge of eco-fascist sentiment that
has been expressed in recent years.
In 2010, UK government-backed global warming alarmist group
an infomercial in which children who refused to lower their
carbon emissions were slaughtered in an orgy of blood and guts. After a massive backlash, the organization
was forced to remove the video from their website and issue an apology.
The same year, ‘Gaia hypothesis’ creatorJames
Lovelock asserted that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat
global warming and that “a few people with authority” should be allowed to run the planet because people were too
stupid to be allowed to steer their own destinies.
In 2006,an environmental magazine to which Al Gore and Bill
Moyers had both granted interviews advocated that climate skeptics who are part of the “denial industry” be
arrested and made to face Nuremberg-style war crimes trials.
ClimateDepot.com’s Marc Morano is encouraging AGW skeptics to politely inform
Steve Zwick ([email protected]) that calling for people
who express a difference of opinion to be tracked and have their houses burned down is not a rational argument for
the legitimacy of man-made global warming science.
Indeed, it’s the argument of a demented idiot who’s obviously in the throws of a
childish tantrum over the fact that Americans are rejecting the global government/carbon tax agenda for which
man-made global warming is a front in greater numbers than ever before.
Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Friday, May 25, 2012
Praised by
Barack Obama as a model for the world, Australia’s highly unpopular carbon tax, set to take effect from July 1st,
is set to be policed by laws which forbid business owners from criticizing it for causing price rises – with
thought criminals who do so under threat of being hit with huge fines of over $1 million dollars.
“SHOPS and restaurants could face fines up to $1.1 million if waiters
or sales staff wrongly blame the carbon tax for price rises or exaggerate the impact,”reports the Daily Telegraph.
According to ACCC deputy chairman Dr Michael Schaper, the warning
applies, “to comments made by staff over the phone, on the shop floor or in meetings. It also covers advertising,
product labels, websites, invoices, contracts and contract negotiations.”
This draconian measure will be enforced by teams of “carbon cops” who
roam the streets conducting snap inspections of businesses to ensure they are not making any reference to the
The characterization of dissent against the carbon tax as a criminal
offense exemplifies how the measure passed last year goes way beyond merely forcing Australia’s top 500 companies
to pay an extra $23.78 per each tonne of CO2 emitted. The system will be rolled into a carbon trading system by
Not only will Australians be whacked with price rises on everything
from energy to food, small business owners will also be intimidated into silence when they are forced to pay out
more for key supplies. Energy prices across the country have already been skyrocketing over the course of the last
After the carbon tax bill passed Australia’s federal parliament last
year, the government set about “trying to erase any dissent against the jobs-destroying
legislation,”wrote Miranda Devine.
“It’s all very Orwellian: the tax whose name cannot be spoken. We
are already paying for the climate-change hysteria that has gripped Australia for a decade.”
“But no matter how Orwellian the tactics, no matter how many
carbon cops are sent into hairdressing salons to interrogate barbers on the precise nature of their price
rises, the truth remains: Australia has gone out on a limb, imposing a carbon tax that will send businesses to
the wall, cause undue hardship to families, and tether Australians more tightly to government
“And soon, we will send billions of dollars overseas to buy useless pieces of
paper called carbon credits. Investment bankers, lawyers and carbon traders will get rich, as will all the
usual spivs and scam artists ready to stick a bucket under the government spigot raining taxpayer
Although Barack Obama has largely been forced to abandon a carbon tax for
Americans, instead targeting coal-fired power plants via EPA mandates,last year he
praised the Australian system as being “good for the
we have documented, the entire carbon tax scam is a monumental fraud which
does nothing to help the environment even if you believe in climate change hysteria, in that its primary purpose is
to line the pockets of ‘carbon billionaires’ like Al Gore and Maurice Strong.
Obama’s support for Australia’s carbon tax is unsurprising given the fact that he was “instrumental in developing and launching the privately-owned
Chicago Climate Exchange” via millions of dollars in donations from the Joyce Foundation, with whom Obama served as
a director.
Carbon trading schemes are directly connected to people in third
world nations like Honduras and Uganda beingbrutally evicted from their land and in some cases slaughtered in cold
blood. Western companies make billions from seizing land and using it to
grow trees in return for lucrative carbon credits which are then sold to companies under carbon tax schemes like
the one passed in Australia.
The modern
environmental movement is nothing more than organized crime bent on harassing businesses while redirecting public
sentiment towards petty issues rather than real enviro-catastrophes like genetic modification.
Federal agents swooped
in on Gibson Guitar Wednesday, raiding factories and offices in Memphis and Nashville, seizing several pallets of
wood, electronic files and guitars. The Feds are keeping mum, but in a statement yesterday Gibson’s chairman and
CEO, Henry Juszkiewicz, defended his company’s manufacturing policies, accusing the Justice Department of bullying
the company. “The wood the government seized Wednesday is from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier,” he
said, suggesting the Feds are using the aggressive enforcement of overly broad laws to make the company cry
It isn’t the first time that agents of the Fish and Wildlife Service have come
knocking at the storied maker of such iconic instruments as the Les Paul electric guitar, the J-160E
acoustic-electric John Lennon played, and essential jazz-boxes such as Charlie Christian’s ES-150. In 2009 the Feds
seized several guitars and pallets of wood from a Gibson factory, and both sides have been wrangling over the goods
in a case with the delightful name “United States of America v. Ebony Wood in Various Forms.”
The Common Roots Of Climate Change And COVID-19 Hysteria
Look Into It | Apr 15, 2020
Technocracy News & Trends for Monday, March 30, 2020
People want to know: just how bad is the COVID-19 virus and is fighting it worth the destruction of
the world’s economic and financial system while disrupting the lives of hundreds of millions of people? The story
behind the story will make it clear that things are seldom as they seem.
In short and when seen through the lens of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, the whole
world has just been punked and then panicked into destroying itself over COVID-19.
Is "democracy" just a carefully managed con game? Professor Quigley not only spent decades
researching and writing about those who secretly control the machinery of our “representative governments,” he
was permitted to examine their secret papers. He was invited in, but he ultimately betrayed their trust when he
exposed their plans and their methods.
- Joe Plummer -
G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula
Bill Clinton And More From The Archives!
Jason Bermas
Premiered Aug 20, 2019
G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula Bill Clinton And More From The Archives!
Another great speaker who lays out a compelling narrative of history in the archived series!