The TSA has quietly admitted there is no actual “threat-addressing”
basis for employing nude body scanners or invasive pat down procedures at airports, a notion many travelers who are
weary of the federal agency’s borderline sexual molestation have long suspected but were hard-pressed to
Public Relations Personnel Harass Journalists at Albany
Airport Over TSA Flyers
On this Friday, November 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Mike Adams takes control
of the command center in Austin, Texas. Mike covers the latest post-Thanksgiving news, including Black Friday mania
sweeping the nation and the knee-jerk response by law enforcement. On today's show, Mike talks with Dr. Edward
Group, the founder of Global Healing Center, about the toxicity of holiday food and what you can do to protect
yourself from it. They also talk about chemtrails and aluminum levels in foods. Mike talks with Mike Bundrant, an
expert in mental health, about the "madness of crowds" such as the Black Friday mobs, plus dealing with holiday
Thanksgiving, is giving thanks for the First Amendment, by getting back in the faces of those who are
attempting to abuse their authority to silence free speech and in turn conceal flagrant abuses of our rights and
our basic dignity – with the launch of the national Opt Out and Film campaign.
Of course, every week should be First Amendment week, but we’re
picking one week in particular as part of a grass roots outreach that we hope will contribute towards putting an
end to what has come to represent the face of big government tyranny – the Transportation Security
In November 2010, the national opt out day was a huge success that
generated massive media attention. The TSA was forced to mothball most of its radiation-firing body scanners for
that one dayin a desperate attempt to avoid embarrassment – a
political act that proved the naked scanners had nothing whatsoever to do with genuine security
Now it has been confirmed that the
TSA punishes people who opt out of the scanners by subjecting them to
more invasive grope downs, it’s time to re-assert our dignity, and we’re going to do it using the First
So that’s precisely what we’re going to do. Every invasive pat down,
every overbearing rude TSA screener, every act of humiliation metered out against the elderly and the disabled,
every attempt to intimidate and coerce Americans into a form of obedience that strips them of their basic human
dignity will be caught on camera.
Remember, this campaign is about shining a spotlight on the actions
of the TSA not only in airports but in every other place where TSA goons have infested –
subways, tohighways, topolitical events and evenschool prom
nights – the imposition of ‘Checkpoint USA’ is upon us and it’s time
to let the system know we will not be treated like prisoners in our own country.
Petty tyrants and the people whose orders they carry out behave
differently when a camera is rolling and they are exposed to the glare of public attention.
With the Republicans making noises about defunding the TSA and the
federal agency’s reputation already on the ropes as an increasing number of airports
replace TSA workers with private screeners, now is a perfect opportunity
to help torpedo this federal agency for good.
OPT OUT AND FILM WEEK! (November 19th, 2012 – November 26th, 2012)
Opt Out of the Body Scanner and other Invasive TSA
Why Opt Out?
- Because the backscatter body scanners have been associated with an
increased risk of cancer and millimeter wave body scanners are potentially damaging to cellular DNA.
- Because having TSA photograph your naked body is an invasion of
- Because the TSA have implemented other invasive procedures which
serve to facilitate compliance rather than enhance security.
Why Film?
- Because TSA have repeatedly abused their power and violated
travelers’ rights by touching their private parts.
- Filming the TSA holds them accountable and is a way to protect your
human rights.
We encourage people who want to become involved in this campaign to
create their own flyers and material to draw attention to this grass roots activist campaign.
Many thanks toAshley Jessica who
had the idea for the campaign and is helping with promotion and organization.
Watch a clip below where Ashley Jessica explains how you can support
Opt Out and Film Week.
Participating in Opt Out and Film Week
IMPORTANT: Send all Opt Out and Film Week
videos, photographs and stories to [email protected].
Special Comment From Alex Jones
There is an organized move on behalf of governments and
corporations to bully the First Amendment out of existence.
This is why Infowars is pioneering a new civil rights movement
that is not based around race, sex or any other minority issue. The fact that our rights are being violated and
characterized as suspicious and terroristic threatens the freedom of every individual, no matter from what what
race, gender or creed they originate.
We are being systematically intimidated out of expressing our
right to free speech as part of the advancement towards a new dark age of tyranny.
We are calling on like-minded people to join us in the Opt Out
and Film campaign, with the understanding that you will in all likelihood face official oppression for doing
The risk of being harassed or even arrested for legally
exercising your First Amendment right is significant. However, the risk of not exercising this right is far
greater. The risk of not exposing tyranny and allowing it to breed is unthinkable.
Use it or lose it. The First Amendment is under attack across the
board and unless we re-assert our right to speak up when our basic human dignity is being eviscerated by uniformed
goons on a daily basis, not only at airports but also subways, highways, political events, music concerts and even
high school prom nights, we can kiss our liberty goodbye.
The TSA has quietly admitted there is no actual
“threat-addressing” basis for employing nude body scanners or invasive pat down procedures at airports, a notion
many travelers who are weary of the federal agency’s borderline sexual molestation have long suspected but were
hard-pressed to prove.
The TSA understands body scanners and pat downs are ineffective at addressing a threat
for which they admit “there is no evidence.”
The evidence was found in sealed court documents, available through the website, regarding engineer and blogger Jon Corbett’s ongoing litigation over
the constitutionality of the agency’s loathsome security practices.
In a redacted version of the appellant’s brief, filed by Corbett on October 7 with the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, several portions of the Summary of Facts section were blacked out,
raising questions as to the nature of the censored information.
But in a sealed version of the same documents obtained through (and available here), the redacted sections appear with incriminating clarity.
Through Redactions, TSA Admits Terror Threats are Slim to Nonexistent
Redaction shows TSA is aware explosives on airplanes “are extremely rare.’ (click to
A section detailing how “The TSA Has Misled The Public As to the Likelihood of the Threat
‘Addressed’ By Nude Body Scanners and Pat Downs,” includes a blacked out portion concerning the TSA’s knowledge
that “explosives on airplanes are extremely rare.”
“For example, the TSA analyzed hijackings in 2007 and found 7 hijacking incidents across the globe, but none of
them involved actual explosive devices,” Corbett explains in the brief, adding that the last attempt to bring an
explosive onboard an airplane through a U.S. airport occurred 35 years ago.
Another redacted section highlights the government’s concession that, “due to hardened cockpit doors and the
willingness of passengers to challenge hijackers,” it would be difficult to have a repeat of 9/11.
“The government also credits updated pre-flight security for that difficulty assessment,” the brief states, “but
the assessment was written before the en masse deployment of body scanners and before the update to the
pat down procedure. Further, the government admits that there have been no attempted domestic hijackings of any
kind in the 12 years since 9/11.”
The TSA also had the following section completely censored:
This begs the question, then, of what evidence the government possesses to rationalize that we should be so
afraid of non-metallic explosives being brought aboard flights departing from the U.S. that we must sacrifice our
civil liberties. The answer: there is none. “As of mid-2011, terrorist threat groups present in the Homeland are
not known to be actively plotting against civil aviation targets or airports; instead, their focus is on
fundraising, recruiting, and propagandizing.”
In the brief’s Summary of Argument, another redacted portion concerns the
TSA’s understanding that body scanners and pat downs are ineffective at addressing a threat for which they admit
“there is no evidence.”
By redacting certain parts of the brief, the TSA also inadvertently admits “it is aware of no
one who is currently plotting a terror attack against our aviation system using explosives (non-metallic
or otherwise),” and that, in addition to a cabin of empowered passengers who would make short work of a hijacker,
the Federal Flight Deck Officer program, which arms pilots with firearms, makes targeting an airplane “to be the
definition of insanity.”
Get the TSA Out of Our Pants
The redactions in Corbett’s court
documents are a damning indictment of the TSA’s procedures, and only serve to bolster his claims’
The 28-year-old entrepreneur arrived at his conclusions after admittedly “pawing through several thousand pages
of the TSA’s ‘administrative record,’” which he says the TSA uses as the “alleged rationale behind why they must
photograph us naked and literally put their hands in our pants to search us.”
The information contained within the redacted portions support what Infowars and others have long suspected:
that the sprawling agency – which is in the process of extending beyond the airport and onto highways, train stations and public buses – was never meant to thwart terrorists, but was instead set up to
purposely obstruct, annoy, harass and train the American public.
In other words, the court documents go a long way in proving the TSA is pure contrived security theater
custom-made solely to indoctrinate Americans, through prisoner training, into blindly accepting obedience to
authority as a normal way of life, not to mention a huge waste of about $7.91 billion in taxpayer money a year.
Corbett had also previously filed a lawsuit challenging the TSA after he was detained for an hour at the Fort
Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. He also regularly adds updates regarding his ongoing litigation on
his activist blog TSA Out Of Our Pants!.
Updates to Jon’s case can be found on, case #12-15893.
Below are both the redacted and sealed versions of the Appellant’s brief in the case of Jonathan Corbett v.
Transportation Security Administration.
Here is Jon Corbett’s latest video on spoofing the TSA and its absurd, dangerous
and vastly expensive (for American taxpayers) naked body porno scanners. He was able to saunter around the machines
with metal objects undetected.
Corbett is taking his lawsuit challenging the TSA’s
countless violations of the Fourth Amendment all the way to the Supreme Court. If they rule in his favor, it may be
curtains for the gropers at the gate.
A TSA screener has lifted to lid to
reveal how the federal agency's $1 billion dollar plus fleet of body scanners is completely useless in that the
machines routinely fail to pick up prohibited items such as knives, guns and powder designed to resemble explosive
In an interview conducted by Jon Corbett, the engineer who recently exposed how the scanners could be fooled by
simply securing an object inside an external pocket sewn on to an item of clothing, "Jennifer," a TSA screener,
also reveals how the federal agency forced people without the necessary training to operate the scanners.
When Jennifer wrote to her Congressman complaining about the problems, the TSA retaliated by removing her from
screening duties and began the process to dismiss her altogether.
In the transcript below, Jennifer explains how the body scanners routinely fail to pick up prohibited items,
meaning they are nothing less than a complete waste of money and a prime example of "security theater".
Jon: Were there specific times where this machine didn't work, for either someone testing it, or a passenger went
through and it was determined that they went through with...
Jennifer: Absolutely. Yes, absolutely.
Jon: Metal objects?
Jennifer: Metal, non-metal.
Jon: Big, small?
Jennifer: Both.
Jon: Things like wallets I think you mentioned to me?
Jennifer: Wallets.
Jon: So you'd send someone through the scanner and you'd see a bulge in their pocket, but the scanner would show
Jennifer: Mmhmm.
Jon: Things during training?
Jennifer: Absolutely.
Jon: What would you test it with when you were testing the machines?
Jennifer: There were different props: guns, knives, bags of powder that were supposed to resemble explosive
Jon: Sometimes these would just go through completely undetected?
Jennifer: Absolutely.
Expansion of The TSA with Jon Corbett
I posted earlier about TSA patrolling outside of Detroit's Electronic
Music Festival. DHS apparently doesn't want to stop there: inside the festival, there were uniformed border patrol
What could CBP possibly be lawfully doing in a music festival? Well, of course, I asked. The response was along the
lines of: "We're within 50 miles of the border, and can patrol anywhere we want to. We can enforce both state and
federal laws."
Contacts: Media & Official - jon [at] -- please no phone calls, I will
respond to all e-mail inquiries very quickly. All others - please leave a note on my blog (link above). I do read
them all and generally reply if your post needs a response.
Legislators who have stood up to the TSA - especially Dr. Ron Paul & Sen. Rand Paul
...and all those who have both publicly and privately stood up to the TSA.
My legal battle against the TSA's nude body scanner and pat-down molestation program continues in court, soon with
a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. If you'd like to donate to this effort, send PayPal to: jon [at]
Copyright (C) 2012 Jonathan Corbett. All rights released for any non-commercial purpose.
Produced using Camtasia Studio and Windows Live Movie Maker on a PC. :) Video recorded using a Canon G10, except
for "undercover camera" using an iPod 4G. Audio recorded with Ableton Live and edited using Adobe Audition.
Media & Official - jon [at] -- please no phone calls, I will respond to all e-mail inquiries
very quickly.
All others - please leave a note on my blog (link above). I do read them all and generally reply if your post needs
a response.
With an imperious hatred for the Bill of Rights, both the NSA and the TSA are moving quickly to destroy our
republic and our country.
It is time for you to reassert your right to free speech and our new contest will allow you to do just that.
One entry will receive a cash prize of $10,000 for the best video that mocks or scorns suppression of free speech
by either the TSA, the NSA or both.
The top entries will be posted on and
We'll air excerpts on the Alex Jones Show and the Infowars Nightly News.
Please read the requirements carefully.
Send entries to: [email protected]
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