


( ( ( ( This Includes Oil ) ) ) )
Neither Donald Trump Nor the US Military Are Above GOD'S LAW!
All People of Conscience Must Stand Against This Blatant War Crime

Audio Excerpt:
The Last American Vagabond - Video: Baghdadi Deception Exposed, Israel Bombs Gaza After Phantom Rocket & US Violates Own Syria Sanctions

Trump's plan to seize Iraq's oil: 'It's not stealing, we're reimbursing ourselves'

“In international law, you can’t take civilian goods or seize them. That would amount to a war crime,” Anthony Cordesman, the Arleigh Burke chair in strategy at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies. “Oil exports were almost the only Iraqi source of money. So you would have to pay for government salaries, maintain the army, and you have triggered a level of national animosity far worse than we did. It would be the worst kind of neo-colonialism. Not even Britain did that.” [bold emphasis added]

Jay Hakes, the author of A Declaration of Energy Independence, about the relationship between US national security and Middle Eastern oil, was similarly unsparing.“It is hard to overstate the stupidity of this idea,” he wrote on Real Clear Energy. “Even our allies in the Middle East regard oil in their lands as a gift from God and the only major source of income to develop their countries. Seizing Iraq’s oil would make our current allies against Isis our new enemies. We would likely, at the least, have to return to the massive military expenditures and deployment of American troops at the war’s peak.”

Hakes pointed out that Gen Douglas MacArthur, who Trump professes to admire, did the opposite when he oversaw the occupation of Japan: MacArthur brought resources in to help fend off starvation of the population.“By giving up the spoils of war, MacArthur and the United States earned the respect of the Japanese and the world, helping legitimise America’s status as leader of the free world,” he argued.



How the US Occupied the 30 Percent of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas
Written by Whitney Webb | Monday April 16, 2018

Aiming at Iran

While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran.

As U.S.-based intelligence firm Stratfor noted in 2002, taking control of Syria’s northeast would greatly complicate the land route between Syria and Iran as well as the land route between Iran and Lebanon. In January, Tillerson made this objective clear. Speaking at Stanford University, Tillerson noted that “diminishing” Iran’s influence in Syria was a key goal for the U.S. and a major reason for its occupation of the northeast.

By cutting off the route between Tehran and Damascus, the U.S. would greatly destabilize and weaken the region’s “resistance axis” and the U.S. — along with its regional allies – would be able to greatly increase its regional influence and control. Given the alliance between Syria and Iran, as well as their mutual defense accord, the occupation is necessary in order to weaken both nations and a key precursor to  Trump administration plans to isolate and wage war against Iran.

With internal reports warning of the U.S.’ waning position as the “world’s only superpower,” the U.S. has no intention of leaving Syria, as it is becoming increasingly desperate to maintain its influence in the region and to maintain as well the influence of the corporations that benefit the most from U.S. empire.





First Images Of US Troops
Occupying Syria's Oil Fields Stir Outrage

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 19:24 UTC on November 3rd, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 11/2.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:

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Donald Trump's god



smedley butler war is a racket

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"What do I think this is going to lead to? Well, now this is going to give Trump the excuse for not leaving Syria in spite of the fact that most of ISIS has been relegated to pockets in the desert and there is no reason for the US troops to be there. In fact two of them were killed recently, so now this chemical attack is going to provide the perfect excuse to stay in Syria for longer. Is it going to lead to a wider regional war?…Possibly. Anything can happen at this point because it’s very easy to spark a world war if Russia feels that it’s being threatened it might attack.

…Well basically the way you have to see it is that France, Turkey, and the US are a bunch of vultures that are trying to pick off the corpse of what they believe to be a dead Syria. They are trying to basically divide the areas of control. France had its eyes on Manbij and turkey has its eyes on Manbij, cause they have this deal they want to make with the US that only everything east of the Euphrates belongs to their Kurdish proxies, and everything west of the Euphrates in the north of Syria is supposed to belong to Turkey. And France is kind of trying to carve out its own chunk. Of course at the end of the day Syria is alive. The military is strong. And the Syrian president has said that the entirety of Syria is going to be liberated.

So the idea that any of those forces are going to stay and takeover a piece of Syria is a pipe dream. And it will lead to death and WAR and destruction. Already two US troops have been killed…this is sadly you know only the beginning and for what reason?…For Syrian oil? The US has plenty of oil. It’s not about wanting more oil. It’s about making sure that Syria can’t control and use its oil to rebuild because that’s going to threaten Israel. At the end of the day, this is really just about Israel, and protecting Israeli interests."

-- Maram Susli, aka Mimi al-Laham, aka Syrian Girl --

What Just Happened, And Who Is Really Responsible? [video] WeAreChange Published on Apr 9, 2018




"...While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran."
-- Whitney Webb --



How the US Occupied the 30 Percent of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas


Written by Whitney Webb
Monday April 16, 2018

DAMASCUS, SYRIA – After the U.S. launched “limited” airstrikes on Friday against Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced that the U.S. will maintain its illegal presence in Syria until U.S. goals in the area are fulfilled, opening the door for the U.S. occupation to continue indefinitely.

While the U.S. military presence in Syria has been ongoing since 2015 – justified as a means of countering Daesh (ISIS) — U.S. troops have since turned into an occupying force with their failure to pull out following Daesh’s defeat in northeastern Syria. Currently, the U.S. occupies nearly a third of Syrian territory — around 30 percent — including much of the area east of the Euphrates River, encompassing large swaths of the Deir Ezzor, Al-Hasakah and Raqqa regions.

Though the U.S. currently has between 2,000 to 4,000 troops stationed in Syria, it announced the training of a 30,000-person-strong “border force” composed of U.S.-allied Kurds and Arabs in the area, which would be used to prevent northeastern Syria from coming under the control of Syria’s legitimate government. Though it backtracked somewhat after backlash from Turkey, the U.S. has continued to train “local forces” in the area. Russian military sources have asserted that former members of Daesh — who were allowed to leave cities attacked by the U.S. and their proxies, as was the case in battle for Raqqa — are to be included among the force’s ranks.

This, along with the U.S. government’s insistence on maintaining the occupation until Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is removed from power, shows that the U.S. government has no intention of permitting the reunification of Syria and will continue to occupy the region over the long term.

The illegal U.S. occupation of Syria has been widely noted in independent and corporate media, but little media attention has focused on identifying the wider implications of this occupation and the U.S.’ main objectives in keeping northeastern Syria from coming under the control of the legitimate, democratically elected Syrian government. As is often the case in U.S. occupations, both historical and present, it is an effort born out of two goals: resource acquisition for U.S. corporations and the destabilization of a government targeted for U.S.-backed regime change.

Control of fossil fuel deposits and flow

Northeastern Syria is an important region owing to its rich natural resources, particularly fossil fuels in the form of natural gas and oil. Indeed, this area contains 95 percent of all Syrian oil and gas potential — including al-Omar, the country’s largest oil field. Prior to the war, these resources produced some 387,000 barrels of oil per day and 7.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually, and were of great economic importance to the Syrian government. However, more significantly, nearly all the existing Syrian oil reserves – estimated at around 2.5 billion barrels – are located in the area currently occupied by the U.S. government.

In addition to Syria’s largest oil field, the U.S. and its proxies in northeast Syria also control the Conoco gas plant, the country’slargest. The plant, which can produce nearly 50 million cubic feet of gas per day, was originally built by U.S. oil and gas giant ConocoPhillips, which operated the plant until 2005, after which Bush-era sanctions made it difficult to operate in Syria. Other foreign oil companies, like Shell, also left Syria as a result of the sanctions.

With the U.S. now occupying the area, the oil and gas produced in this region are already benefiting U.S. energy corporations to which Trump and his administration have numerous ties. According to Yeni Şafak, the U.S. along with the Saudis, Egypt, and Kurdish officials held meetings where decisions were made to extract, process and market the fossil fuels harvested in the region, with the Kurds being given a handsome share of the profits. As of 2015, the Kurds were said to be earning in excess of $10 million every month.

Syria’s Kurdistan exports its oil to Iraq’s Kurdistan, with which it conveniently shares a border, and it is then refined and sold to Turkey. Though no corporations are publicly involved, the deal between Syrian and Iraqi Kurds was brokered by unnamed “oil experts” and “oil investors.” The Kurds in Syria and Iraq did not even sign the agreement in person. They were subsequently “informed” of the agreement by the United States and instructed to supervise the operation.

A source in Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) told NOW News that “with regard to southern Kurdistan, it was a company and not the KRG that signed the deal, and it is [the company] that directly hands over the sums in cash every month.” Given that over 80 foreign companies are involved in the KRG’s oil trade, most of them U.S.-based, we can safely assume that many of the same players have also been involved in developing the oil trade of Syria’s Kurdistan.

Major corporate interests

The Trump administration’s numerous connections to the U.S. oil industry make this alliance clear. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who was fired in March, was previously the top executive at ExxonMobil, an oil company that unilaterally brokered an oil deal with Iraqi Kurds behind the back of the Iraqi government and has expressed interest in developing Syrian oil interests in the portion of the country currently occupied by the U.S.

ExxonMobil also had a major stake in the proposed Qatari pipeline, whose rejection by Assad was a likely factor in jumpstarting the Syrian conflict. Trump himself, prior to assuming the presidency, also had sizable investments in ExxonMobil — as well as in 11 other major oil and gas companies, including Total, ConocoPhillips, BHP and Chevron.

In addition, even though Tillerson has now gone, his replacement, Mike Pompeo, is equally a friend to the U.S. oil and gas industry. Pompeo is the “#1 all time recipient” of money from Koch Industries, which has numerous interests in oil and gas exploration, drilling, pipelines, and fossil-fuel refining.

While the U.S. occupation of Syria is no doubt motivated by a desire to exploit the region’s oil and gas resources for itself, the U.S.’ refusal to leave the area is also born out of a concern that, were the U.S. to leave, its chief rival, Russia, would claim the oil and gas riches of Syria’s northeast. Indeed, according to an energy cooperation framework signed in January, Russia will haveexclusive rights to produce oil and gas in areas of Syria controlled by the Syrian government.

Since 2014, the U.S. has been aggressively trying to limit Russia’s fossil-fuel sector, particularly its exports to Europe, andreplace them with U.S.-produced fossil fuels. As former Speaker of the House John Boehner wrote in 2014, “The ability to turn the tables and put the Russian leader in check lies right beneath our feet, in the form of vast supplies of natural energy.” Allowing the Russian fossil fuel sector to strengthen, whether in Syria or elsewhere, would harm U.S. strategic objectives, U.S. corporate bottom lines and the U.S.’ vision of maintaining a unipolar world at all costs.

Location, location: pipeline maps and a zero-sum game with Russia

In addition to its fossil fuel resources, Syria’s strategic location makes it crucial to the regional flow of hydrocarbons. Having the northeastern section of Syria under the control of the U.S. and its proxies could have a profound effect on future and existing pipelines. As The New York Times noted in 2013, “Syria’s prime location and muscle make it the strategic center of the Middle East.”

For that very reason, much of the U.S.’ Middle East policy has been aimed at seizing control of territory and pushing for the partition of countries to secure safe transit routes for oil and gas. In Syria such plans to partition the country for this purpose date back to as early as the 1940s, when European oil interests in the country’s northeast began to grow. Since then, several countries have tried to occupy parts of northern Syria to secure control of the region for these strategic purposes, including Turkey and Iraq in addition to Western powers.

A crucial pipeline already exists in northeastern Syria that connects Syria’s oil fields to the Ceyhan-Kirkuk pipeline. Though that pipeline sustained heavy damage in 2014, there are plans to rebuild it or build a new pipeline alongside it. Thus, northeastern Syria also boasts oil export infrastructure that could help Syrian oil travel easily to Turkey and thus to the European market.

In addition, the conflict in Syria – now in its seventh year – was, in part, initiated as a result of clashes over two pipeline proposals that needed to secure passage through Syria. Syria, not long before the foreign-funded proxy war besieged the country, had turned down a U.S.-backed proposal that would take to Europe natural gas from Qatar in favor of a Russia-backed proposal that would take natural gas originating in Iran.

Though those pipeline proposals are no longer as powerful in shaping motives as they once were – largely due to Qatar’s rift with other Gulf monarchies andimproved relations with Iran – the northeastern part of Syria remains key to U.S. objectives. According to the German publication Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, the U.S. has developed plans to build a new pipeline from the Persian Gulf to Northern Iraq and into Turkey through northeastern Syria, with the ultimate goal of supplying oil to Europe. Russia, for its part, opposes this plan, as it seeks to maintain its own lucrative exports of fossil fuels to Europe.

Water and land

Beyond fossil fuels and pipelines, northeast Syria boasts several other key advantages in terms of resources. Chief among those is water – a resource of prime importance in the Middle East. The U.S.-controlled portion of Syria is home to the country’s three largest freshwater reservoirs, which are fed by the Euphrates river.

One of those reservoirs now controlled by the U.S. and its proxies, Lake Assad, is the country’s largest freshwater reservoir andsupplies government-held Aleppo with most of its drinking water. It also provides the city with much of its electrical power, which is generated by Tabqa Dam, also located in the occupied territory. Another key hydroelectric power plant is located at Tishrin Dam and is also controlled by U.S.-backed proxy forces.

In addition to its abundant water resources, northeastern Syria is also home to nearly 60 percent of Syria’s cropland, a key resource in terms of Syria’s sustainability and food independence. Prior to the conflict, Syria invested heavily in bringing irrigation infrastructure into the area in order to allow agriculture there to continue despite a massive regional drought. Much of that irrigation infrastructure is fed by the occupied Tabqa Dam, which controls the irrigation water for 640,000 hectares (2,500 square miles) of farmland.

Game plan for occupation, partition

Unlike the northeast’s fossil fuel resources, the U.S. is not hoping to gain financially from the region’s water and agricultural resources. Instead, the interest there is strategic and serves two main purposes.

First, control over those resources – particularly water and the flow of the Euphrates – gives the U.S. a key advantage it could use to destabilize Syria. For example, the U.S. could easily cut off water and electricity to government-held parts of Syria by shutting down or diverting power and water from dams in order to place pressure on the Syrian government and Syrian civilians.

Though such actions target civilians and constitute a war crime, the U.S. has used such tactics in Syria before, such as in the battle for Raqqa when it cut off water supplies to the city as its proxies took control of the city from Daesh (ISIS). Other countries, like Turkey, have also cut off the flow of the Euphrates on two occasions over the course of the Syrian conflict in order to gain a strategic advantage.

By controlling much of the country’s water and agricultural land – not to mention its fossil fuel resources — the U.S. occupation will not only accomplish its goal of destabilizing Syria’s government by depriving it of revenue; it also invites a broader conflict from Syria and its allies, who are eager to prevent another long-term U.S. occupation in the Middle East and to reclaim the territory for Syria.

Another way the U.S. has the ability to destabilize Syria through its occupation of the northeast is its plan to have the Saudisrebuild much of the area. Though the U.S. initially allied itself with the Kurds in northeastern Syria, opposition from Turkey has led Washington to focus more on working with Arabs in the area, particularly those allied with or formerly part of Saudi-allied Wahhabi groups, in order to create a Saudi-controlled enclave that could be used to destabilize government-controlled areas of Syria for years to come. The area is set to become much like the Idlib province, which is also essentially an enclave for Wahhabi terrorists.

The U.S. plan to create a Wahhabi enclave in northeast Syria was directly referenced in a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report from 2012. That report stated:


Despite Daesh’s defeat, their presence in Northeastern Syria, as the DIA reveals, was cultivated to provide a pretext for the foreign control of the region.

Partition chess: thinking two moves ahead

Whether the Saudis or the Kurds ultimately end up dominating the portion of Syria currently occupied by the United States is besides the point. The main U.S. purpose in occupying the northeast portion of Syria is its long-standing goal of partitioning Syria, thereby permanently separating the country’s northeast from the rest of the country.

Throughout the Syrian conflict, the U.S. government has repeatedly tried to sell partition to the public, arguing that partition is the “only” solution to Syria’s ongoing “sectarian” conflict. However, this sectarianism was cynically engineered and stoked by foreign powers precisely to bring about the current conflict in Syria and ultimately justify partition.

WikiLeaks revealed that the CIA was involved in instigating anti-Assad and “sectarian” demonstrations as early as March 2011.Declassified CIA documents show that the plan to push partition by directly engineering sectarianism in order to weaken the Syrian state dates back to at least the 1980s. The partition idea was also repeatedly touted by the Obama administration, which stated on several occasions that it “may be too late” to keep Syria whole.

Though the Obama administration has come and gone, the Trump administration is also set to push for partition, thanks to the recent appointment of John Bolton to the position of National Security Adviser. As  MintPress recently reported, Bolton has long advocated for combining northeastern Syria with northwestern Iraq in order to create a new country, which Bolton called “Sunnistan,” that would dominate the two countries’ fossil fuel resources and would count on the key water and agricultural resources of the region to sustain the population. Bolton called for the Gulf Arab states, like Saudi Arabia, to finance the creation of that state – hence the Trump administration’s recent attempts to negotiate a “deal” with the Saudis by which they take over control of the U.S.-occupied portion in Syria if they agree to pay $4 billion for reconstruction.

Aiming at Iran

While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran.

As U.S.-based intelligence firm Stratfor noted in 2002, taking control of Syria’s northeast would greatly complicate the land route between Syria and Iran as well as the land route between Iran and Lebanon. In January, Tillerson made this objective clear. Speaking at Stanford University, Tillerson noted that “diminishing” Iran’s influence in Syria was a key goal for the U.S. and a major reason for its occupation of the northeast.

By cutting off the route between Tehran and Damascus, the U.S. would greatly destabilize and weaken the region’s “resistance axis” and the U.S. — along with its regional allies – would be able to greatly increase its regional influence and control. Given the alliance between Syria and Iran, as well as their mutual defense accord, the occupation is necessary in order to weaken both nations and a key precursor to  Trump administration plans to isolate and wage war against Iran.

With internal reports warning of the U.S.’ waning position as the “world’s only superpower,” the U.S. has no intention of leaving Syria, as it is becoming increasingly desperate to maintain its influence in the region and to maintain as well the influence of the corporations that benefit the most from U.S. empire.

Acknowledgment: Investigative journalist Rick Sterling, who specializes in the Syria war, provided MintPress with some images and pertinent information that was used in this story.

Whitney Webb is a staff writer for MintPress News and a contributor to Ben Swann’s Truth in Media. Her work has appeared on Global Research, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has also made radio and TV appearances on RT and Sputnik. She currently lives with her family in southern Chile.

ARTICLE: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2018/april/16/how-the-us-occupied-the-30-percent-of-syria-containing-most-of-its-oil-water-and-gas/ 



Why "Take the oil" is Illegal!

First published at 02:47 UTC on January 14th, 2020.

1. https://syria.liveuamap.com/

2. https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/articlei#section8

3. War Powers: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/warpower.asp

4. https://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/history/h_multi_sections_and_teasers/WarDeclarationsbyCongress.htm

5. 2001 9/11 law: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-107publ40/pdf/PLAW-107publ40.pdf

6. U.N charter: https://www.un.org/en/sections/un-charter/chapter-i/index.html

7. Geneva : https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/Article.xsp?action=openDocument&documentId=72728B6DE56C7A68C12563CD0051BC40

8. Hague Treaty: loc.gov/law/help/us-treaties/bevans/m-ust000001-0631.pdf







Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda (the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex Jones are a part of it.



Uncompressed Version Here:












Trump Okays Wider Syria Mission & Two New US Bases, Walking Back The "Leaving Syria" Claim

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 20:43 UTC on November 7th, 2019. | This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 11/6.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:





US Forces To Establish Permeant Military Post Near Syria’s Qamishli, Far From Al-Tanf Or The Oil

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 19:24 UTC on November 3rd, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 11/2.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:




The US Government Is Violating Its Own Sanctions Against Syria In A Stunning Display Of Hypocrisy

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 20:26 UTC on November 2nd, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 11/1.
Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:





Pentagon Revises Syria Mission Around "Controlling The Oil" & Moves In More MANY US Troops

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 19:06 UTC on October 30th, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 10/29.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:



"Withdrawn" US Troops Have Now Moved Back Into Syria & US Oil Company To Help Steal Syrian Oil

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 21:50 UTC on October 29th, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 10/28.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:





Mark Esper's Pentagon Briefing On Al-Baghdadi Raid & Stealing Syrian Oil, Broken Down LIE By LIE

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 21:49 UTC on October 29th, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 10/28.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:




German Minister Wants 40k NATO Troops To Occupy Syria, Using "Responsibility To Protect" Doctrine

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 20:08 UTC on October 25th, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 10/24.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:




US Sending Tanks & Potentially Thousands Of Troops To "Secure Syria's Oil" - It's Undeniably Illegal

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 20:07 UTC on October 25th, 2019. This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 10/24.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:








This is pure piracy. This is economic terrorism. 
The main purpose of the illegal economic sanctions is to terrorize the Syrian people by depriving them of their basic needs. And by doing so, the US and the EU are simply telling the Syrian people: “kneel or starve”.
- Kevork Almassian -



The Economic T
errorism of The UK, US & EU Against Syria
Western Piracy: Britain Seizes Oil TankerBound For Syria At US Request

  Syriana Analysis
Published on Jul 5, 2019

Yesterday Britain seized an Iranian #tanker, carrying oil on its way to the Mediterranean through #Gibraltar, that was bound for the Syrian people on the grounds that it violates EU sanctions, which are designed to cripple #Syria economically.

This is pure piracy. This is economic terrorism.

  The Last American Vagabond
Published on Jul 5, 2019

This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 7/4.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:


Oil Shortage Crisis Might Force the Syrian State to Liberate East Euphrates


[Picture Above] The US punishing the Syrian people for rejecting its intervention in their affairs


The USA & EU to Syria:
Kneel or Starve!

The main purpose of the illegal economic sanctions is to terrorize the Syrian people by depriving them of their basic needs. And by doing so, the US and the EU are simply telling the Syrian people: “kneel or starve”.

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Syrians tell the U.S. occupation to get out of their country!

Syriana Analysis | Premiered Feb 13, 2020

Syrian residents from Khirbet Amo town in Qamishli force American occupation forces to leave the town and tell them: the U.S. must get out of Syria!
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What do you do if you were bombed, slaughtered & colonized for decades?

Syriana Analysis | Premiered Feb 6, 2020

Syrian residents from Khirbet Amo town in Qamishli force American occupation forces to leave the town and tell them: the U.S. must get out of Syria!
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f course, Washington’s logic is riddled with absurdity.
 To claim that its forces are acting in self-defense overlooks the glaring reality that the US-led military coalition has no legal mandate whatsoever to be in Syria in the first place. Its forces are in breach of international law by operating on Syrian territory without the consent of the government in Damascus and without a mandate from the UN Security Council."

- Finian Cunningham - (Article) Syria: US Flagrant Aggression is Absurdly Described as'Self-Defence' -



Syrian Exposes
Media Lies About Syria Withdrawal

Kentucky is in Syria (and other anomalies of MSM geography) - #PropagandaWatch

The Corbett Report
First published at 08:30 UTC on October 15th, 2019.

SHOW NOTES AND MP4: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=33519

Did you know that Kentucky is in Syria? Or that Tripoli is in India? Or that Caracas is in Singapore? No? Then you must not be paying enough attention in MSM Geography 101, class. Better hit the books!

Syrian Exposes Media Lies About Syria Withdrawal

partisan Girl
First published at 08:21 UTC on October 15th, 2019

A message to the American people from Syria - your media is lying to you. The truth about the released ISIS prisoners and why Israel wants the neocons to stay in #Syria.

A message to the American people from Syria - your media is lying to you. The truth about the released ISIS prisoners and why
Israel wants the neocons to stay in #Syria.

Email me to request TRANSCRIPT For translation. | SUBSCRIBE!
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Subverting The Public | MSM IS GARBAGE | Media Controllers | Media Controllers2 | Media Controllers3 |
Propaganda History | THE FAKE WAR ON TERROR


“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky

Article Here  , More Articles Here

By Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 03, 2019
Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc. 3 March 2013


The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first published by Global Research on April 29, 2013).

Greater Israel


President Donald Trump has confirmed in no uncertain terms, his support of Israel’s illegal settlements (including his opposition to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, pertaining to the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank). In recent developments, the Trump administration has expressed its recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Trump’s “Deal of the Century” is supportive of the “Greater Israel” project. It consists in the derogation of Palestinian’s “the right of return” by “naturalizing them as citizens of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere regionally where they reside”.

Bear in mind: The Greater Israel design is not strictly a Zionist Project for the Middle East, it is an integral part of US foreign policy, its strategic objective is extend US hegemony as well as fracture and balkanize the Middle East.

Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is intended to trigger political instability throughout the region.

According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

Article Here


 The Ongoing Illegal US Occupation Of Syria Is About Denying Syria Its Own Resources

The Last American Vagabond | Oct 23, 2019

This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 10/22.  Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:



One of the Greatest Deceptions
of Church History

Link: Christian Zionism







"We're Leaving...We're Staying...We're Leaving...We're Staying...We're Leaving...We're Staying...We're Stealing The Oil!"


You Are Being Played For A Fool!


f course, Washington’s logic is riddled with absurdity.
 To claim that its forces are acting in self-defense overlooks the glaring reality that the US-led military coalition has no legal mandate whatsoever to be in Syria in the first place. Its forces are in breach of international law by operating on Syrian territory without the consent of the government in Damascus and without a mandate from the UN Security Council."

[From Article Below]


[Absolute Must-Watch Videos]


"The U.S. is an Invader In Syria...The U.S. Has No Business in Syria."

"The US & the coalition are in Syria without any permission, w/o any lawful authority to be present."

U.S. Illegal Military Base in Syria

Lew Rockwell talks to RT Inter-national.

"The people the U.S. is supporting in Syria, for example the Kurdish-forces spend most of their time attacking Syrian Christians and the Armenian Christians, ethnically cleansing their villages killing people...U.S. NEEDS TO GET OUT OF SYRIA, STOP BRINGING ON WAR."


Overthrowing Assad: US Policy in Syria Undermines Legitimate Government

Published on Jun 30, 2017

Syria and Russia warn the latest accusations about chemical weapons are just a flimsy pretext for a new US strike on Syria. One America's Pearson Sharp has the latest, and spoke with Virginia Senator Richard Black, who says the US is waging an illegal war to overthrow President Assad.

"Some members of the coalition may say “We are in clear violation of international law, maybe this is not right.” Others bought into this coalition to be part of a group fighting ISIS, and now they are saying “Wait a minute. We didn’t go into Syria to fight the legitimate duly elected government of Syria; we went there to fight this terrorist organization.”…The coalition is certainly not there to help the Syrian people; it is there to help Saudi Arabia with its Wahhabi radical Islamic domination of the entire world beginning with the countries close to it".


Who Is The Aggressor In Syria?

Published on Feb 12, 2018

Just when it seemed the war in Syria might be winding down, it heats back up. First a Russian plane is shot down, then an Israeli plane is shot down after completing a bombing run on Syrian territory. Meanwhile the US continues occupying parts of northeast Syria with no legal basis in US or international law...

The Syria Narrative Comes Apart - With Guest Sen. Richard Black

Published on Apr 26, 2018

Nothing the US government tells us about Syria and the alleged chemical attack at Douma makes any sense. VA State Senator and retired US Army JAG officer Richard Black joins today's Liberty Report to draw on his experiences traveling to Syria and following the war. He does not believe what Washington is telling us and he makes a very good case for why we are being lied to.

"The thing that is concerning is that the United States has established a military base within the sovereign territory of Syria. Now up until now we've had four bases in Turkey Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan all training terrorist to invade the Syrian nation...this is one instance in which we actually have a 300 man base, which is actually located within Syria without the permission of the Syrian government of course, again in clear violation of international law..."

"We now have the Bush, Obama, Trump doctrine of regime change..."

US Expands Military Footprint in Syria to Eight Bases, ‘Modifies’ Kobani Air Base


More US Bases In Syria...Why Not Come Home?

Published on Jan 17, 2018

Why is the US building more military bases on Syrian territory without permission? Why is it funding and training a 30,000 strong border guard for Syria's borders with Turkey and Iraq? With ISIS defeated, does the White House really believe it has legal authority to keep US troops in Syria to "deter Iran"?


Trump: 'Just Kidding. We're Staying In Syria.'

Streamed live on Apr 5, 2018

That didn't take long. No sooner did President Trump vow to remove US troops from Syria, when after a meeting with Defense Secretary Mattis and other advisors resulted in another flip-flop. Like with the recent omnibus budget, he complained but went along with it. Will he pull out in six months as he more recently promised? Don't hold your breath!




Trump Lies Again: 'Just Kidding. We're Staying In Syria.'



The Truth About Trump’s Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Afghanistan And Syria


by Chuck Baldwin
Published: Thursday, January 3, 2019

As we all know, Donald Trump campaigned on a platform of disengaging U.S. forces from unconstitutional, perpetual foreign wars. However, the first two years of Trump’s presidency was a flagrant disavowal of that campaign promise. Not only did Trump not disengage our forces from these illegal and immoral wars, but, as I have documented, he dramatically INCREASED America’s involvement in these wars. In fact, President Trump has dropped more bombs on more people in his first two years of office than President Obama did in his entire last term in office. Plus, he sent thousands of additional ground troops to Afghanistan and Syria and several other countries.

Now Trump is saying that he is going to withdraw all U.S. forces from Syria (ostensibly 2,000 in number) and half of our forces (reportedly numbering 7,000 troops) from Afghanistan. Of course, high level government globalists such as Senator Lindsey Graham and Secretary of Defense James Mattis are incensed at the announcement. Mattis tendered his resignation over the decision, and Graham has had lengthy discussions with Trump about the matter.

And, sadly, the majority of conservatives around the country are likewise chagrined. Remember that almost all (if not all) of these conservatives are also Zionists, and they know the only reason America is fighting these wars of aggression in the Middle East is for the purpose of assisting the offensive military machinations of the State of Israel. And they are pouting over the possibility that Israel might actually be stymied from some of its bloodlust and apartheid atrocities. They really shouldn’t worry, however. The U.S. has no intentions of cutting the bloody umbilical cord from the Zionist state.

RT.com has the story:

The US 'withdrawal' from Syria might not mean the end of all its Syria-related operations where Israel is concerned, as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reaffirmed Washington’s ongoing commitment to Israel’s security on Tuesday.

Speaking ahead of a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Brazil, Pompeo said the US’ commitment to Israel was unchanged, despite the pullout of US troops from Syria announced by the Trump administration last month. Pompeo said that the US effort to “counter Iranian aggression” would continue along with the “protection of Israel” just as it had before.

Earlier, Trump had reassured Israel that the US would take great care of Israel despite the withdrawal, citing the billions in foreign aid Washington gives to Israel every year.

And this report states:

Donald Trump has told Benjamin Netanyahu that the US is paying billions of dollars a year for Israeli security, and that Tel Aviv should not be worried about losing its influence in the region after US troops withdraw from Syria.

“I spoke with Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu]. I told Bibi, you know we give Israel 4.5 billion dollars a year. And they are doing very well at defending themselves,” Trump told reporters on his way back from Iraq where he paid a surprise visit to US soldiers stationed there. “We are going to take great care of Israel. Israel is going to be good,” US president added, replying to a question on how his announced withdrawal from Syria will impact Israel.

During Trump’s surprise, sudden visit to U.S. forces in Iraq, he made it clear that he has no intentions of withdrawing America’s troops from the Syrian theater.

RT.com again reports:

President Trump’s big announcement to pull US troops out of Syria and Afghanistan is now emerging less as a peace move, and more a rationalization of American military power in the Middle East.

In a surprise visit to US forces in Iraq this week, Trump said he had no intention of withdrawing the troops in that country, who have been there for nearly 15 years since GW Bush invaded back in 2003.

Hinting at private discussions with commanders in Iraq, Trump boasted that US forces would in the future launch attacks from there into Syria if and when needed. Presumably that rapid force deployment would apply to other countries in the region, including Afghanistan.

In other words, in typical business-style transactional thinking, Trump sees the pullout from Syria and Afghanistan as a cost-cutting exercise for US imperialism. Regarding Syria, he has bragged about Turkey being assigned, purportedly, to “finish off” terror groups. That’s Trump subcontracting out US interests.

What Trump seemed to be doing was reassuring the Pentagon and corporate America that he is not going all soft and dovish. Not at all. He is letting them know that he is aiming for a leaner, meaner US military power, which can save money on the number of foreign bases by using rapid reaction forces out of places like Iraq, as well as by subcontracting operations out to regional clients.

Most of the U.S. forces (5,000+) fighting in Syria are actually based in Iraq. And as Trump assured them, they are not going anywhere, in spite of the fact that Iraqi lawmakers have demanded that the U.S. leave their country. So, those anti-establishment Trumpites who think that The Donald has fulfilled some kind of anti-war campaign promise and is “sticking it” to the Deep State have yet again fallen victim to one of Trump’s masterful con jobs.

As Trump was telling the world that he is withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria, the U.S. Army was in the process of building two brand new bases in the Anbar province, less than 100 kilometers from the Syrian border.

And the Times of Israel reported that after holding extensive meetings with President Trump, ultra-globalist war hawk Senator Lindsey Graham gleefully ensured that Trump is NOT going to abandon the Syrian theater:

A senior Republican senator said Sunday that President Donald Trump had promised to stay in Syria to finish the job of destroying the Islamic State group — just days after announcing he would be withdrawing troops immediately.

“He told me some things I didn’t know that made me feel a lot better about where we’re headed in Syria,” the South Carolina lawmaker said.

Of course, now Trump is saying the withdrawal will take “months.”

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Now, reports indicate that the US will allow “months” for the withdrawal, as opposed to a specific 30-100 day timeline.

The new timeline presented and reported in the US now appears to be within 120 days; Trump says that the US is “slowly” bringing the troops home.

There are also new questions about the degree to which the withdrawal will be coordinated with Turkey. Trump made his decision after a conversation with the Turkish president on December 14. Ankara had threatened a military operation in northern Syria against the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), which it accuses of being linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Trump claimed on December 23 that the US withdrawal would be “slow and highly coordinated” with Turkey.

John Bolton, the national security adviser, is now planning a trip to the region – along with chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford and Syria envoy James Jeffrey – to discuss the withdrawal in Turkey and Israel. According to CNN’s Kevin Liptak, only Bolton will travel to Israel, not the whole delegation. This comes on the heels of reports that Israel had sought to convince Trump to slow down the withdrawal.

Trump is coordinating the war against Syria (and Lebanon, Iran, etc.) with Israel and Turkey in such a way as to provide those two countries with the opportunity to unleash their war machines (supplied by the United States, of course) against Syria (and eventually Iran) without risk to U.S. troops, while, at the same time, expanding U.S. efforts to oust Bashar al-Assad and take the war closer to Iran’s doorstep. Even with the assistance of American military forces, U.S. and Israeli proxy armies (ISIS, al-Nusra, etc.) failed miserably in their assignment to overthrow Assad. Trump is not angry about U.S. forces being there; he is angry that they failed to defeat Israel’s manufactured adversaries in the region.

But not only is Trump pandering to Israel and Turkey (a NATO member-state that is on the verge of allying itself with Russia over Washington’s agitating actions toward Ankara), true to his “make Big Business bigger” MO, here is the real story behind Trump’s military decisions in the Middle East—and it should horrify all men and women of decency. It won’t, but it should.

You should shudder as you read this report in the Military Times:

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis is out.

Mattis' resignation comes amid news that President Donald Trump has directed the drawdown of 2,000 U.S. forces in Syria, and 7,000 U.S. forces from Afghanistan, a U.S. official confirmed to Military Times, a story first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

This month, in the January/February print issue of the gun and hunting magazine “Recoil," the former contractor security firm Blackwater USA published a full-page ad, in all black with a simple message: “We are coming.”

Is the war in Afghanistan — and possibly elsewhere ― about to be privatized?

If Blackwater returns, it would be the return of a private security contractor that was banned from Iraq, but re-branded and never really went away.

[Blackwater founder Erik] Prince  has courted President Donald Trump’s administration since he took office with the idea that the now 17-year Afghan War will never be won by a traditional military campaign. Prince has also argued that the logistical footprint required to support that now multi-trillion dollar endeavor has become too burdensome. Over the summer and into this fall Prince has engaged heavily with the media to promote the privatization; particularly as the Trump administration’s new South Asia Strategy, which was crafted with Mattis, passed the one-year mark.

The news of a leaning on a smaller number of privatized forces, instead of a larger U.S. military footprint — and contracted support for U.S. forces that knew few bounds and at times included coffee shops, base exchanges, restaurants, a hockey rink and local vendor shops — may be welcomed by current U.S. military leadership on the ground. That includes former Joint Special Operations Command chief Army Lt. Gen. Scott Miller, a source familiar with Miller’s approach told Military Times. Miller replaced Gen. John Nicholson as the head of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan in September.

In an [sic] previous exclusive interview with Military Times, Prince said he would scrap the NATO mission there and replace the estimated 23,000 forces in country with a force of 6,000 contracted personnel and 2,000 active-duty special forces.

The potential privatization of the Afghan War was previously dismissed by the White House, and roundly criticized by Mattis, who saw it as a risk to emplace the nation’s national security goals in the hands of contractors.

But Mattis is out now, one in a series of moves that has surprised most of the Pentagon.

Drastic change would “be more likely” now, one DOD official said.

That’s right. Donald Trump is preparing to replace U.S. military forces with mercenaries to fight Israel’s wars.

Here’s the horrifying part: These “private contractors,” i.e., mercenaries, operate in a manner that is totally unaccountable to the rule of law. Totally! They operate outside the Constitution, outside the Rules of Engagement, outside the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), outside the Law of Nations, outside law period—and also outside public scrutiny. There is virtually no accountability for whatever murders, rapes, plunderings or criminalities of any sort that these mercenaries commit.

The Pentagon has already admitted that U.S. Special Forces troops are under fire for “rampant crimes”:

After a string of horrific PR disasters saw elite US soldiers arrested for drugs, abuse, rape and murder, the Pentagon is cracking down on disciplinary issues in its Special Operations Command, according to a new report.

With "allegations of serious misconduct" piling up too high to ignore after two decades of war, General Raymond 'Tony' Thomas, head of Special Operations Command, and Owen West, head of Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict for the Pentagon, have outlined an ambitious 90-day plan to find out how the military's most elite corps lost its way.

Combining Special Forces units that are already plagued with rampant abuses of power with mercenaries who are virtually unaccountable to any human authority is a recipe for the worst kind of barbarity and atrocity. This is what the Roman Empire did during its last days of power and what Great Britain did in its failed war against the American colonies. And this is exactly what Donald Trump is preparing to do. In fact, Trump is already setting the table for an unaccountable military force by shutting down military watchdog groups, thus turning off the light of public knowledge and ensuring military unaccountability.

Donald Trump’s presidency—a presidency that is rife with graft, fraud, extortion, bribery, immorality and now government collaboration with unaccountable mercenaries and military units to wage war on behalf of foreign nations—is what happens when supposed Christian leaders such as Jerry Falwell, Jr., have their way.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Falwell said, “You don’t choose a president based on how good they are.” He also said in that interview that there was “nothing” Trump could do that would jeopardize his (Falwell’s) support. “Nothing” means no lie, no act of immorality, no theft, no act of betrayal, no act of murder or no act of wanton military slaughter would prevent Falwell from supporting Trump. Ladies and gentlemen, such an attitude is nothing short of insane idolatry. In essence, Falwell was saying that he knows how immoral, unethical, dishonest and violent Trump is, and he doesn’t care; it doesn’t matter to him.

Trump wasn’t kidding when he boasted that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and his supporters would still vote for him. Falwell proves that.

Tragically, Falwell is representative of the vast majority of evangelical Christian pastors and leaders in this country today. They have sold their souls (not to mention their spiritual birthright) to sit at Trump’s treacherous, tainted, twisted, thoughtless, tumultuous, terrifying, terrorizing, tortuous, tyrannical, Talmudic table. They should apologize for all of their sermonizing about the Ten Commandments, the beatitudes of Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, the Golden Rule, etc. They should take back all of their admonitions of honesty, integrity, morality, trust, fidelity, honor, adherence to law, etc.

Let’s face facts: These evangelical Christian “leaders” believe in situation ethics; they believe that some people are above the laws of men and God; they believe the principles of biblical morality and honesty are apportioned according to position and power (or the lack thereof); and their blind allegiance to the moral and ethical deviant Donald Trump has proven they never meant what they preached.

Christian people by the millions have supported, defended, lauded, extolled and glorified a man (Donald Trump) whose personal morals and ethics rival the most vile leaders in world history. Donald Trump is a man without conscience. His behavior is pathological and diabolical. And he is successfully searing the consciences of the millions of Christian people who have sullied their own hearts by willingly partnering with his incessant crimes.

Trump is not pulling troops out of Afghanistan and Syria; he is pulling the wool over the eyes of millions of Christians and conservatives.

© Chuck Baldwin





Trump Flip Flops on Syria Withdrawal,

- Weekly Update -

RonPaulLibertyReport | Oct 31, 2019

President Trump is reversing his foreign policy decisions so quickly these days that it almost seems like he overturns himself before making the decision in the first place.




Explained: Washington’s
REAL Mission in Syria


Just as Bush the Younger had done, and Nobel Laureate Obama before him, and Clinton before that – President Donald J. Trump and the US government are lying to Americans and the world.

By Stephen Lendman

US involvement in Syria has nothing to do with regional peace, stability and security, nothing to do with combatting ISIS.

It’s all about killing a nation, destroying its sovereignty, partitioning it for easier control, removing its legitimate leadership, installing puppet rule, plundering it, exploiting its people, eliminating an Israeli rival, isolating Iran, and enriching the US military, industrial, security complex from endless aggression.

On Thursday, US war secretary Mark Esper repeated what he said days earlier. Heavily armed Pentagon forces will continue controlling Syrian oil producing areas, on the phony pretext of “deny(ing) their access to ISIS — the scourge created and supported by the US he failed to explain.

During a Thursday joint press conference with his Australian counterpart Linda Reynolds at the Pentagon, Esper said the following:

“Our National Defense Strategy emphasizes that our principal concern is the Indo-Pacific region” — to counter China’s sovereign independence, its growing regional and global influence, it economic, financial, military and technological development, he failed to explain, adding:

“I need to redeploy (Pentagon) forces to the area” to increase the US military footprint in a part of the world not its own.

Asked to comment on Trump’s remark about wanting to take Syrian oil, Esper said the following:

“Yeah, the – the mission is, as – as I’ve spoken to, and I’ve conveyed it to the commander, and that is, we will secure oil fields to deny their access to ISIS and other actors in the region (sic), and to ensure that the SDF has continued access, because those resources are – are important, and so that the SDF can – can do its mission, what it needs to do in the region (sic).”

Asked “(i)s that a new mission, he failed to say it’s part of the overall Pentagon objective to transform Syria into a US vassal state, plunder its resources, and achieve the other aims explained above.

On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the US is stealing and smuggling $30 million worth of Syrian oil monthly “under the pretext of fighting ISIL.”

Separately, Zakharova explained that US/NATO-supported al-Qaeda-connected White Helmets are planning a new chemical weapons attack to be falsely blame on Damascus, saying:

“New confirmations of the information about the White Helmets’ activities emerge all the time.”

“According to the existing information, which the Syrian government regularly provides to the United Nations, the White Helmets, jointly with terrorists, are preparing new chemical provocations in Syria. They obviously aim at disrupting the peace process in the country,” adding:

They’re working with (US-supported) al-Nusra jihadists in Idlib province, the last major terrorist stronghold in the country — these elements heavily armed with US, other Western, Turkish, and Saudi-supplied weapons.

So-called ceasefire in northern Syria is illusory. On Friday, Russian reconciliation center head General Yuri Borenkov said 14 ceasefire breaches occurred in the last 24 hours alone — in Hama, Idlib, Aleppo, and Latakia provinces, adding:

Syrian forces in “Acre, Tel Rasha and Zuweiqat in Latakia province have been shot at by (US-supported) Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra) and foreign militants.”

On Friday, Southfront reported that “al-Qaeda (and) Turkish-backed radical militants launch(ed) (a) large-scale attack in northern Latakia” province “on Syrian military positions and civilian areas,” adding:

The assault “reportedly (was) led by” (US/Ankara-supported) al-Nusra jihadists, along with “(o)ther factions of the terrorist group and elements of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA).”

“The new attack…coincides with a Turkish offensive on Kurdish-majority areas in northeast Syria. Radical SNA militants are leading the offensive, committing war crimes against civilians in the region.”

The struggle to liberate Syria from foreign occupation and plunder has miles to go because of US, NATO, Turkish, Saudi, and Israeli rage to eliminate the Syrian Arab Republic as it now exists.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: stephenlendman.org (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].


Continue this article at Stephen Lendman’s blog


"...At the end of the day, this is really just about Israel and protecting Israeli interests."

-- Maram Susli, aka Mimi al-Laham, aka Syrian Girl --







The Dire Threat of Israeli Zionist Control Over America

Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Apr 18, 2018

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the state of Israel.
No nation has posed as much danger to the survival of the United States as Israel.

I love history. Lessons learned by past generations can help us to navigate through today's tangled maze - if we are willing to pay attention to history's lessons. History repeats itself, so we benefit from studying previous events
to avoid making the same mistakes again.







Chuck Baldwin
The Signs Of The Times
Excerpt of Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Jan. 5, 2020 

The War Party Marches On
Published: Thursday, October 26, 2017

Now, stop and think, folks. The U.S. has dropped 200,000 bombs (the number is probably greater than that by now) on seven Middle Eastern countries—each country comparable in size to the states of Alaska, Texas, California, and Washington State. Try and imagine seven states in the U.S. having 200,000 bombs dropped on them. Think of the death and destruction that we Americans are supporting with our tax dollars. How many innocent people are killed with each bomb and missile? Conservative estimates calculate that hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed (and how many more wounded and maimed?) in America’s phony “war on terror.”


Subversion | Pawns On The Chessboard | Asleep at the Switch
War On Terror | [ AL-QAEDA EXPOSED!! ] | Obama Orders Children Murdered!! | Media Controllers3 | Propaganda History | Zionism 
Morality and Politics | Trump Openly Funds Terrorists | C.I.A. | C.F.R. | THOU SHALT NOT STEAL | Troops Protect Government Drug Dealing |
War Empire and the Military | General Summary/Crash Course



LINK: https://war.lookintoit.org




Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran

Written by Ron Paul | January 6, 2020

President Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told us the US had to assassinate Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani last week because he was planning “Imminent attacks” on US citizens. I don’t believe them.

Why not? Because Trump and the neocons – like Pompeo – have been lying about Iran for the past three years in an effort to whip up enough support for a US attack. From the phony justification to get out of the Iran nuclear deal, to blaming Yemen on Iran, to blaming Iran for an attack on Saudi oil facilities, the US Administration has fed us a steady stream of lies for three years because they are obsessed with Iran.

And before Trump’s obsession with attacking Iran, the past four US Administrations lied ceaselessly to bring about wars on Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Serbia, Somalia, and the list goes on.

At some point, when we’ve been lied to constantly and consistently for decades about a “threat” that we must “take out” with a military attack, there comes a time where we must assume they are lying until they provide rock solid, irrefutable proof. Thus far they have provided nothing. So I don’t believe them.

President Trump has warned that his administration has already targeted 52 sites important to Iran and Iranian culture and the US will attack them if Iran retaliates for the assassination of Gen. Soleimani. Because Iran has no capacity to attack the United States, Iran’s retaliation if it comes will likely come against US troops or US government officials stationed or visiting the Middle East. I have a very easy solution for President Trump that will save the lives of American servicemembers and other US officials: just come home. There is absolutely no reason for US troops to be stationed throughout the Middle East to face increased risk of death for nothing. [bold emphasis added]

In our Ron Paul Liberty Report program last week we observed that the US attack on a senior Iranian military officer on Iraqi soil – over the objection of the Iraq government – would serve to finally unite the Iraqi factions against the United States. And so it has: on Sunday the Iraqi parliament voted to expel US troops from Iraqi soil. It may have been a non-binding resolution, but there is no mistaking the sentiment. US troops are not wanted and they are increasingly in danger. So why not listen to the Iraqi parliament?

Bring our troops home, close the US Embassy in Baghdad – a symbol of our aggression - and let the people of the Middle East solve their own problems. Maintain a strong defense to protect the United States, but end this neocon pipe-dream of ruling the world from the barrel of a gun. It does not work. It makes us poorer and more vulnerable to attack. It makes the elites of Washington rich while leaving working and middle class America with the bill. It engenders hatred and a desire for revenge among those who have fallen victim to US interventionist foreign policy. And it results in millions of innocents being killed overseas.

There is no benefit to the United States to trying to run the world. Such a foreign policy brings only bankruptcy – moral and financial. Tell Congress and the Administration that for America’s sake we demand the return of US troops from the Middle East!


"I don’t believe them. Why not? Because Trump and the neocons – like Pompeo – have been lying about Iran for the past three years in an effort to whip up enough support for a US attack."

"Bring our troops home, close the US Embassy in Baghdad – a symbol of our aggression - and let the people of the Middle East solve their own problems."
















Bruce Fein on formal
US impeachment inquiry announcement

CGTN America | Sep 24, 2019

To help put in to context the announcement of an impeachment inquiry against U.S. President Donald Trump, CGTN's Mike Walter spoke with Constitutional Lawyer Bruce Fein


"But r
ight now, I'm certainly prepared to say that Trump's attacks on Syria are impeachable offenses for sure. 
It's a slam dunk to use that phrase.

-- Francis Boyle, professor of international law Univ of Illinois College of Law: Talk Nation Radio: Francis Boyle on How to Impeach Trump --




Trump Vetoes Yemen Bill,

Pakistan Gives MBS Humanitarian Award & New US Maps Show Golan As Israel's

The Last American Vagabond
Streamed live April 17, 2019

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news,
as we see it, from the last 24 hours.
Like What You See? Help Us Stay People Funded:



Whitney Webb Interview
The Ignored Yemen Genocide:
"18.4 Million People Are Starving To Death"
The Last American Vagabond
Published on Nov 1, 2018 

Joining me today is Whitney Webb of Mint Press News, someone I greatly respect and who has done extensive work
 exposing the true nature of what has been dubbed "The Forgotten War" and that is the US-backed invasion of Yemen.

Get a TLAV "Question Everything" T-Shirt or Sticker at: https://truthclothing.io/collections/... Like What You See? Help Us Stay People Funded: https://www.patreon.com/TheLastAmeric... http://paypal.me/TLAVagabond https://streamlabs.com/ryancristian  .Bitcoin Donations: 3HybuDuvH4x5uJHemgc7EW4ms2nz3F8Gah  IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyseey - Animated Short Film:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800S...


(AGAIN, Trump Vetoes Bill Blocking Saudi Arms)


US Blocks UN Rebuke Of Israel Destroying Palestinian Homes
& Trump Vetoes Bill Blocking Saudi Arms

The Last American Vagabond
Published on Jul 26, 2019
This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 7/23.

Full Episode Can Be Seen Here:

N A T I O N A L D E B T ! ! ! ! ! !

How Zionist Israel is Robbing America Blind!



First published at 01:15 UTC on September 6th, 2019.

It doesn't matter if you are a hard-working American. YOU are not entitled to keep your own income. YOU are a cash cow for the Zionist state of Israel. America's labor force is Israel's Golden Goose. And I am going
to show you the financial statistics to prove it.

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The Govt is Raping You | Free Speech | MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX | SYRIA | YEMEN | Pawns On The Chessboard

General Summary/Crash Course










In the 1960’s an anti-war movement emerged that altered the course of history. This movement didn’t take place on college campuses, but in barracks and on aircraft carriers. It flourished in army stockades, navy brigs and in the dingy towns that surround military bases. It penetrated elite military colleges like West Point. And it spread throughout the battlefields of Vietnam. It was a movement no one expected, least of all those in it.  Hundreds went to prison and thousands into exile.  And by 1971 it had, in the words of one colonel, infested the entire armed services. Yet today few people know about the GI movement against the war in Vietnam.





Link: Pawns On The Chessboard






"But right now, I'm certainly prepared to say that Trump's attacks on Syria are impeachable offenses for sure. 
It's a slam dunk to use that phrase.

-- Francis Boyle, professor of international law Univ of Illinois College of Law: Talk Nation Radio: Francis Boyle on How to Impeach Trump --

Talk Nation Radio: Francis Boyle on How to Impeach Trump

David Swanson
Published on May 23, 2017


Link: Trump Openly Funds Terrorists




"By waging wars without a congressional declaration of war, Trump is knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately violating the Constitution. By doing so he is committing a “high crime,” one that
clearly warrants impeachment."

-- Jacob G. Hornberger --

Impeach Trump But Only for the Right Reason

May 20, 2019

Notwithstanding the fact that their Special Counsel Robert Mueller, after a long detailed investigation, found no evidence that President Trump illegally conspired with Russian officials in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, Democrats are still hell bent on impeaching Trump. The problem with their position, however, is that they want to impeach him for invalid reasons, reasons that do not amount to the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard set forth in the Constitution.

For one thing, while “conspiring” or “colluding” to establish normal and friendly relations with Russia is considered a cardinal sin by the U.S. national-security establishment and the Republican-Democrat political establishment, it does not constitute a “high crime or misdemeanor” under the U.S. Constitution.

Realizing that, Democrats are falling back on the notion that President Trump engaged in “obstruction of justice” with respect to Mueller’s investigation. The problem with that charge, however, is that “obstruction of justice” is the federal government’s counterpart to local governments’ offense of “disorderly conduct.” It’s a classic example of a nebulous crime that turns on subjective interpretation, one whose purpose is to enable officials to target anyone they don’t like whenever they want.

And if anything is clear, it’s this: Democrats hate Trump so much that they are willing to do anything they can to remove him from office before his term is up, including employing the nebulous crime of “obstruction of justice” to do it.

But no matter how much Democrats and others might dislike Trump, the fact is that he won the election. He defeated Hillary Clinton by securing more electoral votes than she did. Under our system of government, he has the right to be president. Using the “crimes” of conspiring to establish normal relations with Russia or “obstruction of justice” to remove him from office would be akin to Third World coups that oust democratically elected leaders who are disliked by their military-intelligence establishment or by political elites within the nation.

This is especially true given the possibility that it was the U.S. deep state that illegally meddled in the U.S. presidential election in an effort to get Hillary Clinton, who had a vehement anti-Russia mindset, elected president. Trump is absolutely right to want a full investigation into that possibility.

Does that mean that Trump should not be impeached? No. Trump should be impeached, but only for the right reason.

What is that reason? Illegally waging war against foreign regimes without the congressional declaration of war that is required by the U.S. Constitution.

The Constitution is the highest law of the land. It is the law that we the people have imposed on U.S. officials, including the president. When Congress enacts laws, such as drug laws, we the people are expected to obey them. By the same token, federal officials are supposed to to obey our law, the law set forth in the Constitution.

It is undisputed that Trump is waging wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. It is also undisputed that Congress has not issued a declaration of war against any of those nations. Those wars are killing people. Just last week, U.S. bombers killed 18 Afghan police officers who were engaged in a firefight with the Taliban. The Pentagon has called it a “tragic accident.” But one thing is for sure: If Trump was not waging this illegal war, those police officers would not have been killed by U.S. bombs. Trump’s undeclared wars in Syria and Iraq have also killed people in those two countries. With respect to Yemen, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof pointed out in his May 18 column:

It is Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that drop the bombs on Yemen, but Washington supplies weaponry and intelligence that allow this war to drag on indefinitely. American policy is to support the starvation of Yemeni children because they are ruled by a faction with ties to Iran.

By waging wars without a congressional declaration of war, Trump is knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately violating the Constitution. By doing so he is committing a “high crime,” one that clearly warrants impeachment.

That’s what Trump should be impeached for — illegally waging war without the constitutionally required declaration of war — not for some trumped-up charges of conspiring to establish normal relations with Russia or “obstruction of justice.” 

It is crystal clear that the federal judiciary isn’t going to enforce that particular provision of the Constitution. Therefore, it is up to Congress to enforce the declaration-of-war provision in the Constitution through impeachment.

If Trump were impeached for waging illegal wars under our system of justice, he and his lawyers would undoubtedly defend by claiming that other presidents, including Democratic presidents like Truman, Johnson, and Obama, did the same thing. But under well-established principles of criminal justice, the fact that some people have violated the law with impunity does not serves as a license for other people to also violate the law.

Also, the fact that previous presidents have violated the law without being impeached for it does not constitute a de-facto amendment of the Constitution nullifying the declaration-of-war requirement.

The problem, of course, is that Democrats, no matter how much they hate Trump and want to see him removed from office, are not about to impeach him for waging illegal wars in foreign lands. That’s because they simply want a Democrat to take his place as president so that they can be the ones waging these illegal undeclared wars, just as Truman, Johnson, and Obama did.

Needless to say, on this issue the Republican members of Congress are on the same page as their Democrat counterparts. The last thing any Republican member of Congress wants to do is impeach Trump for the right reason — waging illegal wars in foreign lands. That includes those Republicans who claim to revere the Constitution and those who refer to themselves as “strict constructionists.”

The discomforting fact is that when it comes to enforcing the higher law that we the people have imposed on the president with respect to waging war without a congressional declaration of war, the Republican members of Congress are as big a disaster as their Democratic counterparts. All of them — Republicans and Democrats alike — should be impeaching and convicting Trump but only for the right reason: waging illegal undeclared wars under our form of constitutional government.

This post was written by:  

Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a trial attorney for twelve years in Texas. He also was an adjunct professor at the University of Dallas, where he taught law and economics. In 1987, Mr. Hornberger left the practice of law to become director of programs at the Foundation for Economic Education. He has advanced freedom and free markets on talk-radio stations all across the country as well as on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and Greta van Susteren shows and he appeared as a regular commentator on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch. View these interviews at LewRockwell.com and from Full Context. Send him email.



The Douma Hoax:
Anatomy of a False Flag

The Corbett Report
First published at 04:40 UTC on December 7th, 2019.

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=34345

As whistleblowers and documents continue to destroy the narrative surrounding the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria last year, it is becoming increasingly apparent that this false flag event has been exposed. This week on The Corbett Report podcast, James goes through the remarkable timeline of the Douma hoax and breaks the spell that the propagandists have sought to cast on the public.







Support America's Troops -- Bring Them ALL Home!

Published on May 27, 2019


The Troops Did Not Die for Our Country or Our Freedom

 May 31, 2016

Yesterday, I received an email from an independent candidate for U.S. Senate in Alaska, Margaret Stock, which pointed out that she is a retired Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve and a former professor at West Point. In her email, Stock stated that she had served alongside and mentored soldiers “who have given their lives for our country.”

It would be difficult for me to find anything more nonsensical than that. Does she really mean what she says? Or is it just political pabulum?

Show me U.S. one soldier — just one — in the past 65 years who has died for his country or, as others assert, in the defense of our freedoms here at home. You can’t do it.

Most of those soldiers died because officials within the national-security branch of the federal government ordered to go to some foreign country thousands of miles away, where they were placed in a position of kill or be killed. In fact, many of them were first conscripted (i.e., seized) and then ordered to deploy.

Some soldiers volunteered to go and fight in order to improve their chances for promotion. During the Vietnam War I knew of an Air Force colonel who volunteered to go to Vietnam because he was convinced that that was the only way he could make general. I also knew of several officers who were trying to get to Vietnam in the waning stages of the war to pad their combat resumes.

One thing is for certain: Contrary to what Stock asserts, the deployment of U.S. troops in wars for the past 65 years have had nothing to do with defending America or the freedom of the American people for one simple reason: America and American freedom were never under attack.

Suppose that U.S. troops had not gotten involved in the Korean War in the early 1950s. Ask yourself: How many Americans would have voluntarily traveled to Korea and helped the South Koreans defeat the North Korean communists?

Answer: Zero! None! Not one single American would have done that, even if President Truman and his national-security establishment had pointed out the dangers that international communism posed to America.

Suppose the U.S. national-security establishment had never invaded Vietnam and simply decided to stay out of that country’s civil war. Suppose President Johnson, the Pentagon, and the CIA told Americans that a victory by North Vietnam would pose a grave threat to U.S. national security because the dominoes would begin falling to the communists, with the big domino (the United States) ultimately falling to the Reds.

How many Americans would have traveled to South Vietnam and joined up with South Vietnamese forces to help them prevent a communist victory?

Answer: Zero! None! Not one single American would have gone to fight the commies in Vietnam.

Suppose George H.W. Bush had refused to involve his army in his war against Iraq in 1991, but had exhorted Americans to travel to the Middle East and join up with forces that were attempting to reverse Iraq’s (i.e., Saddam Hussein’s) invasion of Kuwait. Suppose that Bush had told Americans that while the U.S. government had partnered with Saddam during the 1980s in his war on Iran, Saddam had since become a “new Hitler” who threatened the world.

How many Americans would have traveled to the Middle East to join up with forces attempting to liberate Kuwait from Saddam?

Answer: None! Zip!

Suppose George W. Bush had declined to invade Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks but instead simply put out an arrest warrant and bounty for Osama bin Laden.

How many Americans would have traveled to Afghanistan and Iraq to oust the Taliban and Saddam Hussein from power?

Answer: None. The only ones who would have gone over there would have been the ones looking for bin Laden in the hopes of collecting a large bounty.

If the U.S. government evacuated the Middle East and Afghanistan today, how many Americans would travel to Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria or the rest of the Middle East to fight ISIS and prevent it from taking over those countries?

Answer: Not one single one, including the infamous neocons who continue to tell us that “national security” is at stake. In fact, if all U.S. troops were ordered to withdraw from that part of the world today, not one single U.S. soldier, including officers and enlisted men, would seek to resign from the U.S. military and travel to Iraq and Afghanistan to prevent ISIS and the Taliban from winning and taking control in that part of the world.

So, does all that mean that the American people are cowards? That they are only courageous when it comes to sending the troops to do the fighting for them? That they’re not willing to put their lives on the line in the defense of their country? That they’re not willing to defend their own freedom and the freedom and security of their family members and countrymen?

No, it doesn’t mean any of those things. It simply means that the American people are not stupid. The reason they wouldn’t have traveled to South Korea or South Vietnam and helped them to defeat the communists is simply because giving their lives in a civil war thousands of miles away wasn’t worth it to them. If someone had told them that a communist victory in Korea or Vietnam could mean that the Reds would ultimately take over the federal government and run the IRS, they would have summarily rejected that notion as ridiculous.

The same holds true for the Middle East and Afghanistan today. Deep down, every American knows that it’s not going to make one whit of difference, insofar as the United States is concerned, if ISIS wins or if the Taliban wins. If they really believed that America’s existence and freedom were at stake, you’d see Americans traveling over there and volunteering to help the Iraqi and Afghan armies.

Oh, for sure, most (but certainly not all) Americans would have sympathized with the South Koreans and the South Vietnamese but they never would have gone over there to commit their lives fighting a communist unification of both countries.

Now, imagine that the United States were suddenly invaded by the troops of some foreign nation-state. How many Americans would come to the defense of their country, their families, and their freedom?

Answer: 98 percent.

Everything changes, however, when it comes to the U.S. national-security establishment, the totalitarian apparatus that came into existence with the Cold War. When the national-security establishment says that it’s imperative that U.S. military forces defeat North Korea or North Vietnam or Saddam Hussein or the Taliban or Iran or whoever, everyone hops to, clicks his heels, salutes, and automatically accepts it as gospel. People have converted the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA into their god — their idol — and heaven help anyone who dares to criticize what their warrior angels — the troops — do with respect to all those foreign interventions.

Suddenly, everyone’s mindset changes. “The troops in Korea are dying for our freedom!” “The troops are dying in Vietnam for their country.” “The troops are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq for their country and our freedom.”

It’s all a crock. They’re dying because the national-security state deemed it necessary to involve the United States in overseas conflicts whose participants never invaded the United States or threatened our nation or our freedom in any way.

It’s been a racket since the day the national-security establishment was grafted onto our original governmental system. It’s the national-security state that has gotten America into all these unnecessary wars and conflicts. And they’re not stopping. They’re now provoking two other major nuclear powers, Russia and China. If anyone thinks that nuclear war isn’t possible, he is naïve to the extreme.

Yesterday, the New York Times reported that suicides among soldiers who have experienced repeated deployments to the Middle East and Afghanistan are suffering record suicide rates. We all know about the family violence, the alcoholism, the drug addiction, and the depression that U.S. troops who have fought in that part of the world are experiencing.

And of course there are the dead — the soldiers who, we are told, made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedom. It’s all one great big lie, one that people feel is necessary to keep intact at all costs, just like everyone was expected to admire the emperor’s new clothes. The naked truth is that U.S. soldiers who died in all those overseas military adventures died for nothing — that is, they died for something that no American would have been willing to die for if the U.S. national-security establishment had not gotten America embroiled in those (illegal and unconstitutional) wars.

As our ancestors understood so well, there will always be monsters in the world in the form of such things as tyrannical dictatorships, civil wars, and famines. (See John Quincy Adams’ July 4, 1821, address to Congress entitled “In Search of Monsters to Destroy.”) America, Adams said, would not send soldiers abroad to slay any of those dragons but instead would serve as a sanctuary for people fleeing those monsters. He also pointed out that if America ever abandoned this non-interventionist philosophy, it would inevitably change America in drastic ways, for the worse. Who can argue that he was wrong?

The Cold War national-security state apparatus overturned that non-interventionist philosophy, committing America to a perpetual crusade to slay monsters overseas. That’s what every U.S. soldier has died for and sacrificed for during the past 65 years — not for freedom, not for our country but instead for such things as regime-change operations, coups, partnerships with dictators, and other vital interests of the national-security establishment, all with the aim of keeping that old Cold War dinosaur, the national security state, in perpetual existence.

The sooner Americans, including the troops, acknowledge this truth, as discomforting as it might be, the better off America and the troops will be, because then we can restore a constitutional republic to our land and make America, once again, a peaceful, harmonious, prosperous, and free country.

See my newest ebook: The CIA, Terrorism, and the Cold War: The Evil of the National Security State.






Morality and Politics | Total Despotism in America | The Fake War on Terror | Subverting The Public | SYRIA | YEMEN | Troops Protect Government Drug Dealing | Trump Openly Funds TerroristsMILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX | NATO | Pawns On The Chessboard | Asleep at the Switch | General Summary/Crash Course






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