The Royal Canadian Mint recently introduced
and they say “it’s better than cash.”
MintChip: ‘The Evolution of Currency’ – Doorway to the Mark of the
Beastby SGT,
MintChip stores your money in digital bites. A the promotional
video touts, “Today’s digital economy is changing faster than ever. And currency has to change too… Money as we
know it, is fine, for today. But tomorrow is a different story. MintChip is currency in a digital form. Using a
chip you securely loadvalue onto a smart phone, USB device, tablet or cloud,MintChip is better than cash.”
The claim is that a MintChip transaction is completely private. But
the truth is that only cash, HARD cash (or better yet, physical silver and gold) can maintain your personal
financial sovereignty. A cashless society is a Luciferian Bankster’s wet dream end game. And it must not be
The Bankster’s have raped and pillaged every aspect of our society
since the inception of the privately owned Federal Reserve System in 1913. According to the limited GAO audit of
the Federal Reserve that was mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the grand
total of all the secret bailouts conducted by the Federal Reserve during the last financial crisis
was$16.1 trillion.
MintChip Cashless Economy
So let’s recap: The international banking elite has given the world
$700+ Trillion in derivatives fraud, the HSBC drug laundering fraud, the MF Global fraud, the high frequency
trading pilfering and stock market fraud, the manipulation of the precious metals and bond market fraud, the MERS
mortgage fraud, nearly countless individual frauds from both Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, and the international
LIBOR interest rate fixing banking fraud, just to name but a few recent FRAUDS and breaches of Bankster credibility
and trustworthiness.
Why on earth you would trust these criminals with your money on a
"Welcome to the
future of money where cash is obsolete and you're paying for stuff with your body?"
[Social scientist Heather] Schlegel says that a new payment system is already undergoing a test in Sweden. The
biometric machine looks at a user’s veins to identify them.
It’s called Quixter. It allows a user to place their hand over a reader that identifies the patron via their
unique vein patterns.
Thousands of people in Sweden are having futuristic microchips implanted into their skin to carry out everyday
activities and replace credit cards and cash.
More than 4,000 people have already had the sci-fi-ish chips, about the size of a grain of rice, inserted into
their hands — with the pioneers predicting millions will soon join them as they hope to take it global.
“It’s very ‘Black Mirror,’” Swedish scientist Ben Libberton told The Post of the similarity to the TV series
highlighting futuristic scenarios.
Like glorified smartwatches, the chips help Swedes monitor their health and even replace keycards to allow them
to enter offices and buildings.
They have particularly caught on, however, by enabling owners to pay in stores with a simple swipe of the hand,
a big deal in a forward-looking country that is moving toward eliminating cash.
The microchips were pioneered by former body piercer Jowan Österlund, who calls the technology a “moonshot” —
and who told Fortune magazine that he’s been hit up by hopeful investors “on every continent except
“Tech will move into the body,” the Biohax International founder told the mag. “I am sure of that.”
Österlund insists the technology is safe — but that has not stopped alarm bells from ringing, with some fearing
a link to a doubling in cybercrime in the country over the last decade.
Libberton, a British scientist based in Sweden, praised the “definitely exciting” potential health benefits of
accurate health metrics taken from inside the body.
“Think if the Apple Watch could measure things like blood glucose,” he told The Post.
But he also fears the mass of highly personalized data and how it could be used.
“The problem is, who owns this data?” he asked. “Do I get a letter from my insurance company saying premiums are
going up before I know I’m ill? If I use the chip to buy lunch, go to the gym and go to work, will someone have all
of this info about me? Is this stored and is it safe?”
Libberton added, “It’s not just about the chip, but integration with other systems and data sharing.”
And he fears Swedes are not giving enough thought to the potential dangers.
“People have shown they’re happy to give up privacy for convenience,” he said. “The chip is very convenient, so
could we accept our data being shared very widely before we know the risks?”
The trend coincides with Sweden’s march toward going cashless, with notes and coins making up just 1 percent of
Sweden’s economy. At the same time, the country has seen a dramatic decrease in some crimes — with just two bank
robberies last year compared to 110 in 2008.
Cashless Society - Alex Jones on Economics 101
Syndicated talk radio host and documentary filmmaker Alex Jones joins us on Economics 101
to discuss the cashless society. We discuss the looming reality of the scientific control grid and how people can
fruitfully resist it.
For more information on Alex Jones and his work, please visit his flagship site:
The evolution of Supermarkets is the RFID technology revolutioning the logistics
A video from IBM.
(Article Continued)
According to filmmaker Aaron
Russo, a personal friend of Nick Rockefeller – a direct heir to the Rockefeller banking empire, the
final goal of the banking elite is to move the entire civilized world to a cashless system under their total
control. All of your personal financial information and wealth, stored on an electronic chip which they can turn
off any time they like.
This disgusting, duplicitous andevil ‘cashless society’ meme has picked up
considerable steam in the mainstream financial press. As I highlighted in my articleCNBC Anchor and CFR Member Erin Burnett Pushes Her Bankster Master’s Agenda: What if
We BANNED Cash?, the Rockefeller founded CFR has been busy using its shill
TV personalities to peddle their cashless society agenda via their mainstream mocking bird media outlets. It’s
transparent and pathetic, but only if you know what your are watching. Sadly, million of Americans
Recently on CNBC,Erin Burnett, a CFR member and shill
for the Rockefeller banking syndicate stated the following: “What if we
got rid of cash? After all, cash is what keeps terrorists, drug dealers and gun dealers in
But with MintChip the hard sell for a move to a cashless society has gotten far
more sexy. Now the marketing will be targeted at the youth who will find the convenience of having their “money” on
their iPhone trendy and cool. Soon after, the Bankster’s will begin the push to implantable chips that can be
“safely” stored in the human body. Why bother with a clumsy e-device which you can simply scan your
MintChip marks the slippery slop into absolute pit of hell despotism, serfdom and
slavery. Your every financial move will be tracked and your every purchase logged. And if you step out of NWO line
you will relinquish the “privilege” of buying or selling. It will be the fulfillment of the Lucifierian Bankster
It will be a nightmare for free
humanity. Resist. Resist. Resist.
At all costs, resist.
12 Simple Steps to VeriChip
the World
Regardless of who may be behind
all the media attention being given the VeriChip – be it sinister spiritual forces preparing the way for the
Antichrist or capitalists eager to create a new billion-dollar industry or both – the goal is the same: to get
people used to the idea, so they will buy it. This is standard advertising strategy. The more people see or hear a
product being promoted, the more appealing it becomes. Eventually they are convinced they need it. (Joseph
We are the last generation with a
voice and free will to change the course of history. Everyone connected everywhere – smart
phones are to be the
tools of the Smart World Order; bringing an end to
cash, keys, drivers’ licences, etc. They are also intended to be used daily to
validate identity in the new ‘trusted’ Internet community.
The phone, or the chip that links the user’s ID to the phone, then becomes too valuable to
lose, and the only safe place is under the
skin. Unless we refuse to comply….
It goes something like this:
Create a climate of
Get everyone
Enable even the poor to carry a cell
Get everyone to talk about RFID and
biometrics: the first phase of acceptance is expectation.
Chip as many things and people as you
can (phones, pets, clothing, etc.) to make itnormal.
Set up a global ID system but keep
ithush hush.
Promote implants for health and safety,
so people think they’re good.
Make it so you can use your phone for
everything, especially payments and proving identity.
How do we know it’s really you? Your
biometrics please!
Cyber attack! Revolution! Please
protect us!
The economy collapses….. cash is gone,
and all payments are now digital.
Phones get lost and stolen; biometrics
get spoofed; carrying a phone is such a bother – and Verichips are just easier all
But… “Pssst!! Rewind!”
Time to change our minds.
We don’t have to cooperate. Awake and determined, we refuse to sign up with an Identity
Provider, and we refuse to pay for anything with a phone.
We make it plain: they can stick their NSTIC up their ***
Their planned revolution takes a different course:
Be part of the movement they didn’t expect.
We are the warriors, writing history:
By the year 2020, in a bid to be free, we stood up to the corporatocracy, and won.
“He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall
be my son.” – Revelation 21:7
Know More News Premiered May 22, 2019 Know More News with Adam Green Support Know More News! Paypal Donations - Patreon
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Bloomberg would have us believe that the banksters are quaking in their boots over the
possibility that Chinese-style payment apps and a truly cashless economy will be making its way to the West in the
near future. But is this the banksters' nightmare or their ultimate dream come true? Find out in this week's
edition of #PropagandaWatch.
What is The Federal Reserve?
Infowars Nightly News reporter Dan Bidondi polls public
knowledge in about the privately-owned Federal Reserve bank, comparing the informed position taken by 'End
the Fed' protesters and that of the average person on the streets of San Antonio. What is it the critics
understand that the general population has been kept in the dark about? Find out more in this special report
about the importance of the Fed and how it holds a grasp over our economy.
Texans Resist The Private Federal
Texans Resist The Private Federal
Occupy Wall Street
Protestor on Federal Reserve
This young man is brilliant.
It's A Wonderful Lie — 100 Years of the Federal Reserve
As we look back over the past hundred years, America has experienced the Great
Depression, multiple recessions, stagflation and the loss of 99% of the dollarʼs purchasing power - none of it
wouldʼve been possible without the Federal Reserve, creating bubbles and bursting them, enslaving us with debt and
destroying our purchasing power through inflation
Yes, itʼs been a wonderful lie — for the banksters
And many Americans are left like George Bailey. Facing the collapse of their dreams and financial ruin
There are striking parallels in Frank Capraʼs Itʼs a Wonderful Life to lies and tricks of the modern banker elite.
Human nature doesnʼt change and the greedy elite of 1913 and 2013 look much like Potter
Technocracy is a replacement economic system
for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development
and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group
of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the
1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic
Order” program.
The Roots of Technocracy with Expert Patrick M.
Alex welcomes to the broadcast The August Forecast & Review Editor Patrick M. Wood to discuss
how the global elite within the Trilateral Commission are replacing capitalism with their own technocracy in
order to create a New International Economic Order.
Click Image
Exposing the Dark Agenda Behind the
"Resource-Based Economy"
24/7 surveillance. Smart grid controls. Carbon rationing. Today we talk to
"Technocracy Rising" author Patrick Wood about the hidden history of technocracy, the dark plan for
a resource-based economy that is being pushed by the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and other
globalist institutions in order to bring about a completely managed, controlled and regulated
How Technocracy ENSLAVED The World - The REAL Deep
(with Patrick Wood)
World Alternative Media
Published on Jul 3, 2017
Josh Sigurdson sits down with author of 'Technocracy Rising' and
researcher Patrick Wood to talk about the most insidious groups of collectivists on
Earth... The technocrats. Patrick breaks down the power wielded by the technocrats
as they've incrementally risen to take over world policy going back to the 1930s.
Wood goes into the very real threat of a global centrally planned cashless society
implemented through the SDR. He also goes into the automation of jobs and who truly
benefits from the raise of minimum wages and guaranteed basic income.
Patrick then breaks down the beginning of the Trilateral
Commission. Of course Patrick co-wrote the book Trilaterals Over Washington in 1979
with writing partner Antony Sutton. From Henry Kissinger's illegal visit with Mao
Zedong to Zbigniew Brzezinski's hijacking of the Carter administration and
subsequent work with China in propping up the society as a technocratic one, the
Trilateral Commission has been right in the middle of all of it. As people commonly
talk about the "deep state", not many seem to know exactly what it is. The answer
is simple. The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The United
Nations and the global central banking cartel. Every president for decades, since
its inception have been deeply entrenched in the Trilateral Commission and CFR, if
not members themselves. This goes right up to current day! Trump's administration
is surrounded by Trilateral members and CFR members. This is incredibly important
information to get out to the populace and we at WAM truly hope people share this
around and help in the educational process because the mainstream media isn't going
to do it.
With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research,
Patrick M. Wood uses Technocracy Rising to connect the dots of modern globalization
in a way that has never been seen before so that the reader can clearly understand
the globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame.
Technocracy.News for more information and the book can be bought
"Technocracy in America" by Parag Khanna
Dr. Parag Khanna
Published on Nov 30, 2016
Technocracy in America...because democracy just isn't good enough.
Available January 10th, 2017.
How The Shadow Banking System Will Create A Global
Currency - BLOCKCHAIN 2016
World Alternative Media
Published on Feb 29, 2016
This is a must watch! Host Josh Sigurdson and author John Sneisen
were joined by derivatives and economic trend expert Stephen Kendal for a
presentation that may just change the way we look at the world. Stephen brought us
groundbreaking information that no one is talking about basically breaking down
step by step how central bankers intend to impose a world currency on the populace
using blockchain derivatives. This analysis has never been done before for the
masses to see and understand.
Stephen Kendal started by explaining derivatives and the different
types of derivatives. From that, he moved on to basic mortgage loans, bundled
loans, S.P.E. (Special Purpose Entity) or S.P.V. (Special Purpose Vehicles),
mortgage backed security (M.B.S.), collateralized debt obligation (C.D.O.), credit
default swap (C.D.S.), other types of derivatives. Stephen then wrapped everything
up by explaining blockchain technology and the future implementation of blockchain
by central bankers.Stephen predicts that we will soon see this implementation as
the economy crashes and central banks capitalize on their lack of accountability.
Basically, the creation of a New World Order as has been pushed for decades by the
highest up elites will emanate itself with blockchain derivatives forever dooming
the world economy.This is historic, but not only that, it's disastrous and
terrifying.If we can all come to understand what's happening right now, we may be
able to stop this.
Share this report on all social medias and let's make sure people are aware of
what's happening!
A big thanks to Stephen Kendal for providing us with this report as
well as sharing his excellent slides with us!
In the heat of the Great Depression during the 1930s, prominent
scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called
Technocracy that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of
elected politicians. Although this radical movement lost momentum by 1940, it
regained status when it was conceptually adopted by the elitist Trilateral
Commission (co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller) in 1973 to be
become its so-called “New International Economic Order.”
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of
Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 2
of 3)
Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 3 of
Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015
Author Patrick Wood discusses his recent book
"Technocracy Rising", in a 3-part interview. (Summary of parts, below)
Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite
globalization policies since the late 1970's, when he partnered with the late
Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. He
remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and
achievements in creating their self-proclaimed "New International Economic
An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by
profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical
world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty,
property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the
implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart
Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core.
Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the
nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on
Transhumanism, Technocracy and scientism, and how these are co-opting economics,
politics and religion around the world.
Part 1: Energy based Currency, Columbia
University origins of Technocracy, Eugenics, Population Control, and Agenda 21,
origins of Positivism and Scientism;
Part 2: Trilaterals, CFR, Rockefellers, U.N., 1992 Rio
Conference, Agenda 21 and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);
Part 3: Wood's work with Antony C. Sutton, the Origins of the
Trilateral Commission, Trilaterals and Larry King, and how the Trilateral
Commission influenced the U.S. Govt. since 1973 to present day. Thanks to Ernie
& Donna Hancock at for the use of their studio, and to Rick
Malchow for his assistance in bringing you this interview.
Glenn Greenwald "The Goal Of The U.S.
Government Is
To Eliminate ALL Privacy Globally!"
“Domestically, they’re pulling together all the data about
virtually every U.S. citizen in the country and assembling that information, building communities that you have
relationships with, and knowledge about you; what your activities are; what you’re doing. So the government is
accumulating that kind of information about every individual person and it’s a very dangerous
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his company
are suddenly facing a big new round of scrutiny and criticism about their cavalier attitude toward user
An early instant messenger exchange Mark had with a college friend won't help put these concerns to
According to SAI sources, the following exchange is between a 19-year-old Mark Zuckerberg and a
friend shortly after Mark launched The Facebook in his dorm room:
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at
Zuck: Just ask.
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Spy agency can easily manipulate the market through
latest surveillance hub
Kit Daniels
May 7, 2014
An upcoming surveillance hub monitoring all investment
transactions in real-time will allow the National Security Agency unparalleled ability to manipulate the stock
Through the use of the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA)’s latest database, which keeps investor data in the same centralized location, the NSA could
easily capture private, financial data on targeted investors and even influence the stock market as a whole.
And it appears that the dragnet database, called the Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System (CARDS), was
designed with such vulnerabilities in mind.
“I can’t think of any other reason that someone would invest so much time and so much effort into trying to
monitor every brokerage account in the United States in real time,” Porter Stansberry, the founder of the
Stansberry & Associates Investment Research Conference, said
on the Alex Jones Show. “That is an enormous technical challenge.”
He also added that even knowing something as simple as how many individual investors own certain securities
could be very, very valuable to select interests.
While one of the NSA’s roles is undoubtedly financial espionage, the database will also make it easier for
corporate entities and high frequency
traders to rig markets.
Indeed, three traders have already filed a lawsuit against CME Group Inc. for selling sensitive data to high
frequency traders.
“The plaintiffs allege CME charged exchange and data fees
for real-time price data, and purported that the data was sold to the users in real time. The suit further states
that CME allegedly also charged high-frequency traders for the ability to see the data before others, including
people who paid and continue to pay CME for seeing the same data first,” reports the Wall Street
Since the 1987 stock market crash, the Working Group on Financial Markets, otherwise known as the Plunge
Protection Team, has also been a target of charges of
market manipulation.
The government itself routinely manipulates markets with the timing of announcements and the actual execution of
easing and bond buying programs.
Oher revelations in the past reveal that the NSA is more
than willing to monitor and manipulate financial transactions.
Last December, the White House report on the activities of the NSA suggested that the spy agency was already
hacking into financial institutions and altering the amounts
held in bank accounts.
“Governments should not use their offensive cyber capabilities to change the amounts held in financial accounts
or otherwise manipulate the financial systems,” the report recommended.
Trevor Timm, a former analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, asked if the recommendation implied that
the NSA was already doing just that.
And a few months earlier, in September, German news outlet Der Spiegel reported that the spy agency was also
tracking the global flow of money.
Under the “Follow the Money” program, the NSA collects credit card and other financial transactions into its own
financial databank, called “Tracfin,” which contains nearly 200 million records if not more.
“Further NSA documents from 2010 show that the NSA also targets the transactions of customers of large credit
card companies like VISA for surveillance,” the article continued. “NSA analysts at an internal conference that
year described in detail how they had apparently successfully searched through the U.S. company’s complex
transaction network for tapping possibilities.”
Alex Jones will make a rare public appearance as a featured speaker at the upcoming Stansberry &
Associates Investment Research Conference in Dallas, Texas on Saturday, May 31. For more information and tickets,
please visit
This article was posted: Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 5:54 am
"When through a
process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by
the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People
without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among
our principle men now engaged in forming an imperialism of [crony] capitalismtogovern the world. By dividing the people we
can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of
the common herd."
-- J.P. Morgan American financier, banker. --
History records that the money changers have used every
form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments
by controlling money and its issuance.
-- James Madison --
The Federal Reserve
What would happen if the Federal Reserve was shut down permanently? That is a question
that CNBC asked recently, but unfortunately most Americans don’t really think about the Fed much. Most Americans
are content with believing that the Federal Reserve is just another stuffy government agency that sets our interest
rates and that is watching out for the best interests of the American people.
But that is not the case at all. The truth is that the Federal
Reserve is a private banking cartel that has been designed to systematically destroy the value of our currency,
drain the wealth of the American public and enslave the federal government to perpetually expanding
"Fed" is a "bunch of organized
John Adams
"All the
perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation,
not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit
and circulation."
John Adams
Greenspan Admits The Federal
Reserve Is Above The Law & Answers To No One
**>> Greenspan implies the
fed is above the law. <<** He states
this at7:40
Truth in Media: 100 Years of the
Federal Reserve
100 years ago, this December, the United States Congress
created a central bank today, we know it as the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. What most people don't
know is that the bank isn't a federal entity and candidly, it really has nothing in reserves.Is the Federal Reserve
good for the United States? Is it even possible to get rid of it?
The first step toward truth is to be informed.
Global Debt Crisis
Simply Explained
In Conclusion in the face of this massive global social, political, and economic crisis,
the reaction of the world’s elite is to further centralize power structures on a global scale, to further remove
power from the rest of humanity and move it upwards to a tiny elite. This not only creates massive disparity and
inequality, but it establishes the conditions for an incredibly radicalized, restless, and angry world population.
As such, the centralized global power structures that elites seek to strengthen and build anew will ultimately be
authoritarian, oppressive, and dehumanizing.
Washington is owned by the private global
banking cartel that owns Wall Street. International law does not apply to this criminal cartel. They stole
trillions of dollars from the American people with help from corrupt politicians over a stretch of many decades,
culminating in the government bailout in 2008, and they have not been held accountable.
These bandits and looters could care less if America crashes and burns. In fact,
they want America to die because they want to institute a private world government upon its ruins. And they’re
doing a fantastic job at it because they’ve had decades of practice in nations in Latin America, Africa, and
Asia where they bought off greedy politicians, and robbed their people through the IMF/World Bank/WTO.
The entire business model of the private global banking tricksters is based on stealing the wealth
of nations, and destroying national independence in order to allow lawless multinational corporations to completely
take over. Read this article about how they do it.
Once nations are put into needless debt by these private global bankers, they put the squeeze on
them by forcing them to pay back usurious loans that make them go bankrupt. After the inevitable mayhem that
follows national collapse, they impose a military dictatorship so that the people can’t resist. Damon Vrabel calls
it the “death of nations.” He writes:
The fact is that most countries are not sovereign (the few that are are being attacked by
CIA/MI6/Mossad or the military). Instead they are administrative districts or customers of the global banking
establishment whose power has grown steadily over time based on the math of the bond market, currently ruled by the
US dollar, and the expansionary nature of fractional lending. Their cult of economists from places like Harvard,
Chicago, and the London School have steadily eroded national sovereignty by forcing debt-based, floating currencies
on countries.
Civilized nations stand up for themselves,
they don’t bow down to private bankers. America can prove to the world that it is civilized, honest, and free by
showing the global banking overlords the door.
The way to fight back against the global robbers at the privately owned Federal Reserve
Bank/IMF/World Bank and the big banks is entirely peaceful. It is a matter of exposing their deviance and deception
to the public, and then hitting the streets. An enemy can’t be defeated unless it remains in the shadows, striking
at will. Directing public light at the private global banking cartel’s evil influence over nations that are thought
to be free and independent by the people is the only way to bring an end to their crimes, and treachery against
A new civilization based on the divine values of freedom, justice, truth, and mutual respect among
nations, and private institutions, can’t be born unless we all come together as global citizens and fight back
against the unlawful rule of the private global banking cartel. Our countries are suffering because of their greed
and ruthless control.
The austerity measures that are being called for by the banks and the elite is bringing chaos onto
the streets of Europe on a scale never before seen, and it won’t be long before America enters the stage. We are
nearing the moment when the globalist conspirators behind the plans for a new world order will openly declare the
end of America. When they do, we shall declare the end of them, and fight for the rebirth of America, and all of
Only an order based on the rule of law and freedom should be accepted. The conspiratorial elite
intend to achieve a new world order through this period of engineered chaos not by law, but by brutal force because
it is the only way to impose a criminal, bank-owned government on a global scale. Despite their rhetoric, these
devilish traitors are not visionary thinkers because corrupt designs for a world state isn’t new in history. Their
arrogance is a cover. They will fail hard. And America will be set free from bondage, along with other nations.
“This is global government, a private corporate global government, taking over every major society
with the same formula. It is fraudulent, and it must be resisted, or we have no future. We cannot allow this new
dark age to begin,” says radio host Alex Jones in a YouTube video message entitled “It’s the Bankers or Us.” Watch
his message, and spread it.
There is a peaceful global revolution against the private global banking cartel, and it can’t be
stopped. Join it and help everyone live free, or die a slave under the empire of debt.
The derivatives market is the Las Vegas of the world's financial
super elite, worth anywhere between 2 to 8 quadrillion dollars compared to about 70 trillion dollars of world
GDP. We look at the so-called financial innovations of Wall Street from Collateralized Debt Obligations to
Mortgage Backed Securities.
We also look at US government's complicity; White House and Congress both vested
interests not only as recipients of Wall Street largess in the form of campaign donations but as major players with
criminal asymmetrical information and influence advantages.
A shopping street in Manchester has
banned cash as part of an experiment to see if Brits will accept a cashless society, while all London buses will
stop accepting cash payments from next month onwards.
The purpose behind the experiment, which will take place in Chorlton, South Manchester, is to “test
customers and business reaction to the idea” and is being overseen by credit card processor Handepay.
According to the Manchester
Evening News, the experiment is being conducted with the expectation that, “physical currency will disappear
inside 20 years.”
Meanwhile in London, the city’s network of buses will stop accepting cash payments
from July 6, with customers needing to use an Oyster card, pre-paid ticket or contactless payment cards in
order to travel.
“This is a major effort to move in preparation for the cashless society,” writes economist Martin
Armstrong, adding, “While the goldbugs have been touting that gold will rise and the dollar will collapse
because of fiat money, technology has passed them by making their arguments barbaric relics of the past.”
While the whole idea is being marketed as an inevitable consequence of the decline in cash payments
and the rise of credit cards and contactless payment technology, many in the privacy community see the elimination
of cash as another means of abolishing anonymity.
Following the Edward Snowden revelations last year, it
emerged that the NSA was “sweeping up the entire haystack” of credit card transactions for analysis while,
“obtaining purchase information from credit card companies.”
Alternatives to cash that could still provide anonymity, such as crypto-currencies like Bitcoin,
are slowly being adopted by more stores and chains, but at nowhere near the rate required to provide a viable
competitor to the likes of Google Wallet and Paypal.
Google – The New Bank – Rollover BitCoin & Banks – Its
the Internet Revolution The real birth in electronic money is not Bitcoin, but Google
The real birth in electronic money is not Bitcoin, but
Google Wallet. Standing in line at Starbucks you will see the under 25 crowd pay with their cell phones. Sorry, but
Google is already there. Bitcoin cannot compete nor will traditional banks. Just as Amazon reduced book publishers
to a subservient role at their direction, and book stores went out of business, while the internet is rendering
newspapers obsolete, the trend to pay attention to is Google Wallet, which is targeting the traditional banks.
Google has launched in the US market its electronic purse known as the Google Wallet. This
form of electronic money enables users to pay for the internet as well as a rising number of stores like Starbucks.
However, Google Wallet also allows you to send and receive money. In Europe, the search
engine already has a banking license and could start at any time. Because Google’s Android operating system runs on
many smartphones, the company has the ready market globally. Google Wallet has the best
conditions to establish their electronic money in Europe including Germany and Switzerland than any other system.
The younger the generation, the greater the market share Google already has in place. Extending their business into
banking will be much easier than anyone anticipates. Google is poised to emerge as a bank that nobody seems to
quite appreciate at this time.
Apple’ latest iPhone is also equipped with a fingerprint sensor. The strategy in product
development is clear. With this technology, your cell phone can become the most secure credit card because it will
require your fingerprint to function. Apple is using this technology in its music platform iTunes that again is
used in a greater proportion as you move down the age group..
Facebook is also applying for a banking license in Ireland. They intend to offer banking using
its vast worldwide online network throughout Europe. We are looking at a younger generation moving rapidly to
electronic money much faster than the older generations even think is possible.
We will see Google and Facebook emerge with electronic accounts for a client-base that will increasingly move
away from brick-and-mortar banks rendering them obsolete just as Amazon wiped out a lot of bookstores. A Camera
shop that has been here in my neighborhood for 40 years is closing at the end of June. When I ask why? The response
was they cannot compete any long with their expenses.
Banks are dinosaurs and are simply incapable of competition. They are as incapable of competing as the local
camera store or the newspapers that cater to the older generations, not the younger. This is a wave of Creative
Destruction that is in part contributing to the rising systemic unemployment as technology renders many jobs
The Internet giants of Google, Apple and Facebook already have the millions of customers established. They are
tracking their buying behavior precisely. They can target customers like never before and making the next step in
banking to lending will be a breeze. Credit applications are already being approved electronically in minutes. This
makes much of the banking staff redundant.
Moving to electronic money is being aided by this technology shift. So while the older generation pray for
Bitcoin, the real money is in the hands of Google, Apple, and Facebook who do not have to sell their names to get
people to trust them and like PayPal, you can keep your account in your home currency and pay in whatever currency
you desire.
Companies will ne moving more and more toward this shift in money. Once we see Google, Apple, and Facebook move
to the next big step of lending, say goodbye to the banks of old. If someone online buys a book or bids for
something on Ebay, his Internet company might will simply then offer you the right loan. Consumer loans are
relatively set formulas and computers by default calculate the risks and decide approve of not.
In Germany just over a 25% of all Internet purchases is now being paid for using the Ebay’s subsidiary
PayPal, with estimates in volume exceeding almost 150 billion euros. Ebay’s subsidiary has
startled the financial industry and offers credit. You can link a credit card to the account and charge that card
automatically.The German banks are too traditional to even contemplate how to compete.
As the economy turns down, banks will be unable to comepte with rising costs in a down market. In Germany, the
Samwer brothers who have the online shoe retailer Zalando added Lendico, which has a similar
concept like Lending Club. This is part of the internet revolution that is as significant as the industrial
revolution was back during the 19th century. Banking is a rapidly collapsing industry just as newspapers.
Mainstream news will not be around much longer for the younger generation pay no real attention to them and shows
like MSNBC and FOX are really just propaganda selling their political views rather than reporting a fair and
balanced news service. Banking will be unrecognizable in another decade.
Central Banks in Other Countries to Require Biometrics to
You think the big brother surveillance state
is getting creepy here in America, check out what central banks are doing in other countries.
Via All Africa:
In line with the ongoing initiative of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the Bankers’
Committee (comprising Chief Executives of the nation’s deposit money banks), banks across the country are to begin
capturing of customer biometric data as part of Bank Verification Numbers (BVN).
The rollout of the BVN solution for the identification and verification of bank customers is
expected to begin in 1,000 selected bank branches across Lagos, as a prelude to a nationwide rollout.
This is in alignment with the phased approach adopted in executing the three-tiered
Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and cashless policy of the CBN.
That’s right. In addition to the Central Bank of Nigeria’s new cashless policy — which aims at “reducing” the amount of paper money and coins
circulating in the economy and encouraging more electronic transactions by adding a ‘cash handling charge’ — a
new biometric program will require customers to sign up for a Bank Verification Number and present themselves at
any branch for fingerprinting (all 10 fingers), facial image capture, and more.
No customer will be able to do any banking whatsoever without those fingerprints.
Some articles have also tossed around voice recognition and retina scans as well.
All to “revolutionize” banking…for people’s safety and security, of course.
CBN Governor Lamido Sanusi launched the new biometric registration at the head office on behalf of
the Bankers’ Committee in February. Punch quoted Sanusi as saying, “We have launched the Bank Verification Number today,
the timetable suggests that within 18 months, every customer would have been registered. This is a day that we
would remember for many reasons, not for where we are but where we are likely to get from here. Nobody can steal
this identity except he or she steals my fingers…”
Apparently this guy hasn’t seen a whole lot of science fiction films.
The nation of India has instituted similar measures, recently rolling out a massive biometric
identity system which aims to collect the iris and fingerprints of every single one of its over a billion citizens,
linked to a 12-digit identity number.
Never mind that iris scanners and fingerprint IDs have all been easily fooled. Someone has been
reading a lot of the Bible lately, specifically Revelations.
These types of measures are being rolled out in developing nations first, but don’t worry, they’ll
make their way here soon enough.
Eventually, no one will be able to buy or sell anything without giving up their biometrics to big
brother and his database.
U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo are already piloting voice recognition biometrics as I type this.
Food Stamp Dependency, Riots Lead to
Martial Law
Americans will be caught in the middle between
rioters and the police state
Kit Daniels
October 16, 2013
By encouraging mass dependency on the welfare state, the
Obama administration is ensuring that nationwide rioting due to a large-scale collapse of the food stamp program
will “justify” an explosive expansion of the police state.
The administration’s goal to dramatically increase food stamp enrollment, officially known as the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), follows a strategy called pressure from above and below, in which the
government deliberately creates problems in order to offer “solutions” which only expand government powers at the
expense of individual rights.
The government’s “solution” to nationwide rioting due to a crash in the food stamp system will no doubt involve
a federalized police state takeover, perhaps even martial law, with Department of Homeland Security tanks and VIPR
squads roaming America’s streets to supposedly “restore order” out of the chaos while ignoring the Bill of Rights
with impunity.
“The hidden objective will be to expand the power of the bureaucracy and to move the country closer to the
ultimate goal of total government,” wrote G. Edward Griffin in a related essay.
The government’s deliberate push for welfare dependency is obvious considering that the USDA spent vast amounts
of taxpayer money to encourage illegal immigrants to apply for food stamps through television and print ads.
On July 19, 2012, the Daily Caller
reported that the USDA began working with the Mexican government to “increase participation in SNAP.”
Knowing that there was more to the story, Judicial Watch made a Freedom of Information Act request the next day
asking for “any and all records and communications” relating to the USDA/Mexico food stamp partnership.
Nine months later, Judicial Watch received welfare promotional documents including a
Spanish-language flyer targeted to illegal immigrants, telling them that they do not need to “divulge
information” regarding their “immigration status” in order to receive welfare benefits for their children.
The USDA was running Spanish-language television ads promoting the food stamp program to illegal immigrants
as early as 2006, during
the Bush administration.
Once Obama took over, however, welfare enrollment exploded.
“Since President Obama came into office, SNAP participation has increased at 10 times the rate of job creation,”
Sen. John Thune (R-SD) said. “This explosive growth in both the SNAP enrollment and federal cost of the program is
This skyrocketing increase in government dependency is no accident.
By pushing for massive enrollment into SNAP, the Obama administration is making a sizable number of people
dependent on welfare to the point where they will riot if they are denied access to food stamps, which the
government controls at whim.
The government can therefore trigger violent food stamp riots, either intentionally or through incompetence, and
DHS can exploit the ensuing chaos to expand its power while unleashing its stockpile of armored tanks and
two billion
rounds of ammunition onto We the People.
Under a two-prong attack of pressure from above and
pressure from below, the American people will be in serious danger of losing their lives, their rights and what
remains of the republic.
This article was posted: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 9:37 am
In the video below, Alex Jones highlights how the
Guardian Centers video is yet another startling indication that authorities in the United States are preparing for
civil unrest as America increasingly begins to resemble a militarized police state.
Feds Urge Banks to Call Cops on Customers Who Withdraw
$5,000 or More
War on cash intensifies
by Paul Joseph Watson | March 24, 2015
The Justice Department is ordering bank employees to
consider calling the cops on customers who withdraw $5,000 dollars or more, a chilling example of how the war on
cash is intensifying.
Banks are already required to file ‘suspicious activity reports’ on their customers, with threats
of fines and even jail time for directors if financial institutions don’t meet quotas.
But as investor and financial blogger Simon Black points out, last week, “A senior official from the Justice Department spoke to a
group of bankers about the need for them to rat out their customers to the police.”
Assistant attorney general Leslie Caldwell gave a speech in which he urged banks to “alert law
enforcement authorities about the problem” so that police can “seize the funds” or at least “initiate an
As Black highlights, according to the handbook for the Federal Financial Institution Examination
Council, such suspicious activity includes, “Transactions conducted or attempted by, at, or through the bank (or an
affiliate) and aggregating $5,000 or more…”
Black provides a chilling scenario under which an attempt to withdraw your own money from your bank
account could end with a home visit from the cops.
“As you pull into your driveway later there’s an unexpected surprise waiting for you: two police
officers would like to have a word with you about your intended withdrawal earlier,” writes Black, who accuses
banks of already operating as “unpaid government spies”.
“Do you need to withdraw cash to purchase a used car from a private seller? Or perhaps you are
pulling out some emergency cash for a loved one,” writes Mac Slavo.
“Either one of these activities are now considered suspicious and if your cash withdrawal amounts
to even a few thousand dollars your bank teller is under a legal requirement to alert officials about your
suspected criminal activity. And before you argue that you can’t possibly be a suspect because you have done
nothing wrong, consider that even being suspected of being a suspect is now enough to land you on a terrorist
watchlist in America.”
The war on cash is intensifying as authorities attempt to crack down on one of the few remaining
modes of anonymity.
Over in France, Finance Minister Michel Sapin hailed the introduction of measures set to come into force in September which will
restrict French citizens from making cash payments over 1,000 euros.
The new regulations, introduced in the name of fighting terrorism, will also see cash deposits of
over 10,000 euros during a single month reported to anti-fraud authorities.
Back in America, purchasing Amtrak train tickets with cash is being treated as a
suspicious activity as part of a number of behaviors that are “indicative of criminal activity”.
Banks are also making it harder for customers to withdraw and deposit cash, with Chase imposing new capital
controls that mandate identification for cash deposits and ban cash being deposited into another person’s
In October 2013, we also
reported on how Chase instituted policy changes which banned international wire transfers while
restricting cash activity for business customers (both deposits and withdrawals) to a $50,000 limit per statement
Push to Put Your Money in Google’s CIA Cloud
August 3, 2012
In Google’s Brave New World, all of your money will be in
the “cloud” – a metaphor for data stored and retrieved over the internet – and you will pay for stuff with a swipe
of a mobile device.
Google rolled out this “service” in 2011 and calls it “Google Wallet.” It stores credit and debit card
information on Google’s servers. Google has partnered with the multinational banksters at Citigroup and the scheme
currently works with MasterCard and Visa. It works with 300,000 plus merchants using Sprint’s Nexus S 4G phones.
Google has announced it will partner with all vendors of non-Android phones, including Apple, RIM, and
Imagine all your credit card and debit data sitting on the
CIA’s servers. Now imagine some time in the not too distant future when you become an enemy of the state – maybe it
was that post critical of the Pentagon on Facebook or that scathing email you sent to your congress critter – and
suddenly you can no longer access your money because you are locked out of the “cloud.”
If you think Google wouldn’t do this, think again. It is a key component of the
global elite’s control grid, now rolling out at breakneck speed.
Back in 2006, we reported on Google’s relationship with the CIA. Robert Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer and a former
clandestine services case officer with the CIA, told Alex Jones the CIA helped bankroll Google from the very
“I think Google took money from the CIA when it was poor and it was starting up and unfortunately our system
right now floods money into spying and other illegal and largely unethical activities, and it doesn’t fund what I
call the open source world,” said Steele, citing “trusted individuals” as his sources for the claim.
“They’ve been together for quite a while,” added Steele.
Google, moreover, is a key player in the military-industrial complex. “Google is linked to the U.S. spy and
military systems through its Google Earth software venture. The technology behind this software was originally
developed by Keyhole Inc., a company funded by In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm which is in turn openly funded and
operated on behalf of the CIA,” writes Eric Sommer.
“Moreover, Googles’ connection with the CIA and its venture capital firm extends to sharing at least one key
member of personnel. In 2004, the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, Rob Painter, moved from his old
job directly serving the CIA to become ‘Senior Federal Manager’ at Google,” Sommer continues.
Now that millions are addicted to mobile devices, the trick is to get them to agree to put their money in the
cloud and use their phones to pay for everything.
Total control can’t be far behind.
This article was posted: Friday, August 3, 2012 at 2:42 pm
Trenton, New Jersey (My9NJ) - We live in a
world where the security of our finances is just as important of a concern as the security of our homes.
Identity theft, fraudulent payments, and accidental misuse of funds are all realities in our fast
paced economy.
In recent years however, technology has played a huge role in securing financial assets. PINs and
security codes have been the status quo for basic financial security, but two friends in New Jersey are taking that
concept a step further by using vein scans to confirm a person's identity to secure financial transactions.
It’s called Pulse Wallet and it is a point-of-sale register and biometric payment terminal.
PulseWallet lets customers link their credit cards and other payment methods to their palms so they can leave their
wallets at home.
The co-founders are Matt Saricicek and Aimann Rasheed.
They say there are benefits to this new technology in all sorts of marketplaces.
“We were thinking about a convenient way to make a payment like using yourself, because you’re more
unique than anything out there, said Saricicek.
“Its part of you and you can’t lose it and you don’t even know what it is. It’s a password that you
don’t know you have as soon as you place it your good to go, so it’s something no one can steal, said Rasheed.
Pulse Wallet says it airlines want to use it as a new type of boarding pass.
Select retailers in New Jersey are in a beta program for the next three to six months. Mass
production of the devices is set to roll out in the spring.
The technology actually scans palm vein patterns underneath the skin. The company claims it is more
secure than fingerprints because there are no traces for someone to replicate and the scanning requires blood flow
for a proper read.
The company actually addresses the issue of the security involving a severed hand. The company states in its
frequently asked questions: "Firstly we hope that this will never happen. However, even if someone, somehow, got
away with sneaking a chopped off hand into any store, they wouldn’t be able to use it at check-out due to a lack of
blood flow in the severed hand. "
Pulse Wallet says it can also function like a normal credit swiping system if users or merchants
choose to opt-out on registering a their biometric profile.
Fujitsu announced that its palm readers will soon be installed in bank kiosks, building
lobbies, and other places where you might need to verify your identity at a checkpoint of some sort.
So far, Fujitsu's signed on Italy's UniCredit bank, which kicked off a test program late last year. As we've
reported in the past, you don't even have to touch the sensor; you can merely hover over it.
Palm Vein Scanners Could Eventually
Replace Your Wallet with Your Hand
Fujitsu's palm vein biometric system uses infrared sensors to capture an image of the veins in
your hand. For more, read
Cashless Society: India Implements First Biometric
ID Program for all of its
1.2 Billion Residents
Brandon Turbeville
January 12, 2012
Over the past few months, I have written several articles
dealing with the coming cashless society and the developing technological control grid. I also have written about
the surge of government attempts to gain access to and force the use of biometric data for the purposes of
identification, tracking, tracing, and surveillance.
Unfortunately, the reactions I receive from the general public are almost always
the same. While some recognize the danger, most simply deny that governments have the capability or even the
desire to create a system in which the population is constantly monitored by virtue of their most private and
even biological information. Others, either gripped by apathy or ignorance, cannot believe that the gadgets
given to them from the massive tech corporations are designed for anything other than their entertainment and
However, current events in India should serve not just as a warning, but also as a foreshadowing of the events
to come in the Western world, specifically the United States.
Recently, India has launched a nationwide program involving the allocation of a Unique Identification Number (UID) to
every single one of its 1.2 billion residents. Each of the numbers will be tied to the biometric data of the
recipient using three different forms of information – fingerprints, iris scans, and pictures of the face. All
ten digits of the hand will be recorded, and both eyes will be scanned.
The project will be directed by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) under the premise of preventing
identity theft and social welfare fraud. India has rather extensive social welfare and safety net programs,
ranging from medical support and heating assistance to others aimed at helping the poor. Fraud is a rampant problem in India, especially in relation to these programs due to a
preponderance of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who often stuff welfare rolls with fake names and take the
money for themselves.
Yet, although the justification for the billion person database is the increased ability to accurately disperse
social welfare benefits, it will not be just the Indian government’s social welfare programs that have access to
and utilize the UIDAI. Indeed, even before the program has been completed, major banks, state/local governments,
and other institutions are planning to use the UIDAI for identification verification purposes and, of course,
payment and accessibility.
Yet the UID is going to be used for much more than social welfare programs. The UIDAI is in discussion with many
institutions (banks, local/state governments, etc.) to allow them to use the UID as a means of identity
verification. These institutions will pay the UIDAI some fee to cover costs and generate revenue. There seems to be
little doubt that once it is established, the UID will become a preferred method (if not the preferred method) of
identification in India.
Saenz also sees the eventuality of the UIDAI program becoming a means of payment and accessibility. He
Ultimately, I wouldn’t be surprised if the UID, with its biometric data, could be used as a means of payment
(when linked to a bank account), or as an access key to homes and cars. Purchase a meal with your fingerprint and
unlock your door with the twinkle in your eye. Similar results could be expected in other nations that adopted
biometric identification systems.
Saenz, and other proponents of the UID (UIDAI), have been diligent in pointing out that the program “is just a
number, not an ID card.” However, this claim is debatable. Saenz himself admits that State issued driver’s licenses
and identification cards will reference the UID information.
The question then becomes how much of that information will be referenced, and how that will be accomplished?
Will the information be included on the card? Will only part of the information be included on the card? Or will
the card reference back to the digital UID information to be then reconciled with the information that is present
on the card? Although the UID is obviously going to be utilized by other institutions outside of the social welfare
programs, no answers to these questions have been provided.
But, in the end, does it really matter if the information is collated into an ID card format if the government
already has access to that information digitally? More than likely, a national ID card will appear as a supplement
to the database already created by UID. Regardless, the private biometric information has still been taken from the
individual. The database is still there.
Indeed, government “officials” have already stated that the database will be used by intelligence agencies for the purpose
of monitoring “bank transactions, cellphone purchases and the movements of individuals and groups suspected of
fomenting terrorism.” This will be very easy to do since the UID number will be entered anytime an individual
“accesses services from government departments, driver’s license offices and hospitals, as well as insurance,
telecom, and banking companies.”
Nevertheless, proponents have also touted the fact that, at this point, the UID program is optional. But the
program will obviously not be optional for very long. As I have discussed in previous articles, the introduction of
a program such as a national ID card, biometric data, or cashless payment technologies is always followed by the
program becoming mandatory. The ultimate goal of an all-encompassing cashless surveillance program with no opt-out
provisions is always introduced by stealth and the Gradualist Technique.
At first, the program is introduced as a way to speed up transactions, increase efficiency, and provide
convenience. Soon, however, governments and businesses begin to transition out of the older methods of payment and
identification and focus more on the new technology. Identification using the traditional methods remain as an
option, but become viewed as cumbersome. Eventually, the alternative methods are phased out completely and mandates
replace what was once a personal choice.
As soon as Indian banks, businesses, and government social service offices begin to require identification using the UID, the ability to remain off the system and lead
what passes for a normal life will disappear.
This is exactly the intention with India’s new biometric ID program. In fact, the cashless society is a stated
goal of the UID program. CEO of MindTree’s IT Services, the company that was awarded the government contract for development
and maintenance of the UID, explained in an interview with ComputerWeekly that the “ID scheme will support a cashless society. He
said all vendors will have a biometric reader and citizens can pay for things with a fingerprint scan. Even a
bag of rice.”
No doubt, even after such an admission by a man who was instrumental in the development of the program, many who
read this article will still dismiss it as a “conspiracy theory.”
Nonetheless, this new monumental data mining effort by the Indian government dovetails with recent efforts in
the Western world to develop an electronic surveillance grid capable of tracking, tracing, and recording
every single movement and communication of every single citizen within a nation’s borders.
Only a totalitarian form of government would desire this information; and only a very determined totalitarian
government would actively work toward establishing it. India is only the first nation to openly sweep up its entire
national population into such a massive biometric database net. We cannot let our nation be the next.
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis
Marion University where he earned the Pee Dee Electric Scholar’s Award as an undergraduate. He has had numerous
articles published dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, and civil liberties. He
also the author of Codex
Alimentarius – The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real
Conspiracies and Five
Sense Solutions. Brandon Turbeville is available for podcast, radio, and TV interviews.
Please contact us at [email protected]
This article was posted: Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 8:02 am
SMARTcards in India
– The Move Towards a
Cashless Society
June 14, 2012
The World Bank helped finance a project in India that may
be the tip of the iceberg leading into a cashless society. The project has been ongoing since 2008, but more recent
activity has SMARTcards back in the news.
“SMARTcards” are arguably the best way for workers to save
their money, as evidenced by a few workers in the “news piece” below who say it’s “safer” than actual money,
however, all this seems like one big step in the right direction for a one-world global currency.
The application process is slightly invasive as well, requiring fingerprint scans of all 10 fingers.
At the end of last month, it was reported by Haveeru Online, a Maldives publication, that ID cards were being converted into
Last week the Indian government spurred controversy yet again when it was announced they spent $63,000 upgrading toilets in a government building and on
SMARTcards (seemingly for access to the bathrooms?). After receiving negative feedback on the plan they decided
not to go through with the SMARTcard portion, as one blogger notes.
Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World’s
First Cashless Society
by Michael Snyder | American Dream | May 27,
Will Israel be the first cashless society on the entire
planet? A committee chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief of staff has come up with a three
phase plan to “all but do away with cash transactions in Israel”. Individuals and businesses would still be
permitted to conduct cash transactions in small amounts (at least initially), but the eventual goal is to force
Israeli citizens to conduct as much business as possible using electronic forms of payment. In fact, it has been
reported that Israeli officials believe that “cash is bad” because it fuels the underground economy and allows people to avoid paying
taxes. It is hoped that requiring most transactions to be conducted in cash will reduce crime and help balance
the national budget. And once 98 or 99 percent of all transactions are cashless, it will not be difficult for
the Israeli government (or any other government) to go the rest of the way and ban cash transactions altogether.
But is a cashless society actually desirable? This is a question that people all over the world will have to
start asking as governments increasingly restrict the use of cash.
The government on Tuesday authorized establishment of a committee that will examine ways to eliminate cash
from the Israeli economy – the better to prevent citizens from cheating on their taxes. The committee will be
chaired by Harel Locker, director of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office declared that “around the world, it is recognized that cash is a
key element of the illegal economy and money laundering. It allows a wide gap between reported and actual
incomes, with the corresponding effect on tax revenues.” By eliminating cash, the PMO said, “it will be
possible to expand the tax base, and prevent money laundering.” The committee will study the issue from all its
perspectives and make recommendations, the PMO said.
The committee has had quite a few months to examine these issues, and now they have come back with their
recommendations. Just this week we learned that a three phase plan is being proposed…
A special committee headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief of staff, Harel Locker, has
recommended a three-phase plan to all but do away with cash transactions in Israel.
The motivation for examining a cash-less economy is combatting money laundering and other tax-evasion
tactics, thereby maximizing potential tax collection and greatly expanding the tax base. This is important
considering the enormous strain put on Israel’s national budget by the army, healthcare system and other public
The committee estimated that the black market represents over 20 percent of Israel’s GDP, and cash is the
facilitating factor. Cash enables tax evasion, money laundering and even financing terrorism.
So what do the specifics of the plan look like?
Well, there will be very strict limits on the use of cash for individuals and businesses, any violations will be
considered criminal offenses, and all Israeli banks will be required to issue debit cards to all account holders…
What the committee would like to see happen, pending government approval, is greater restriction on the use
of cash, limiting the use of checks as a means of payment and exchange for cash, and promotion of the use of
electronic (and therefore verifiable) means of payment.
The following guidelines were set out by the committee for the short-term:
Limit business transactions done in cash or by check to NIS 7,500 ($2,150) immediately, and reduce that
further to NIS 5,000 ($1,433) one year from the date of legislation;
Limit private transactions done in cash or by check to NIS 15,000 ($4,300);
Any violation of these limitswould be a criminal offensewarranting a stiff fine.
In conjunction with these new restrictions, Israeli banks would be required to provide all account holders
with debit cards to further promote electronic payments.
But of course this move toward a cashless society is not just happening in Israel.
In most Swedish cities, public buses don’t accept cash; tickets are prepaid or purchased with a cell phone
text message. A small but growing number of businesses only take cards, and some bank offices — which make
money on electronic transactions — have stopped handling cash altogether.
“There are towns where it isn’t at all possible anymore to enter a bank and use cash,” complains Curt
Persson, chairman of Sweden’s National Pensioners’ Organization.
And the U.S. is starting to move in that direction as well.
According to a study conducted by MasterCard, approximately 80 percent of all consumer transactions in the United States are now cashless.
But isn’t there a downside to all of this?
Just about everything that we do in life involves money. So yes, a government can track electronic payments to
make sure taxes are being paid and money laundering is not happening, but it would also enable a government to do
so much more.
If a government can track all of your transactions, it will essentially be able to monitor everywhere you go and
pretty much keep track of virtually everything that you do.
If you doubt this, just try to live without any money some time.
You won’t get very far without putting some gas in your vehicle.
And without being able to buy food, you will get hungry pretty quickly.
Are you starting to understand?
This is why governments love the idea of moving toward a cashless society. It would give them an immensely
powerful surveillance tool.
So let us hope that this does not happen in Israel or anywhere else in the world either.
Biometrics in Schools. Your Finger is a
Biometrics in Schools: Your Finger is a Barcode
This invasive technology is being rolled out across schools in the UK and Europe. The next step before a cashless
totalitarian society. This company is a subsidiary to General Dynamics Information Technology, the same corporation
that owns the patent to the VeriChip!
March, 2004
Jones - Cashless Society
Saturday the 13th of March, 2004 Jones
March 15, 2004
I woke up on Saturday the 13th of March,
2004 and told my wife that I hadn't been to Sea World since my visit to the Orlando park 20 years ago. We decided
to jump in the car and drive south from Austin to the aquatic zoo in San Antonio.
Upon arriving, we walked up to the ticket counter and began talking to the attendant. He told us
that a season pass was only $8 more than a daily pass. At that point I said, "great, we'll buy season passes." What
he didn't tell me is that I would have to go enroll in their "passport office."
I learned that 30 seconds after I bought it, and they directed me to an office that resembled a
driver's licence facility. After standing in line, we got our passes. Then, we were directed back to the turn
I was shocked when told by the security guard at the turn style, that I would have to biometrically
scan my right hand in order to enter the park. I refused and said that it was against my religion. I told them that
it was a part of a federal program in conjunction with major corporations to prepare us for the cashless society
that is being set up to track all of our purchases, activities, and is being used to build detailed psychological
profiles on all of us.
At that point she said, "wow, I'm glad you're telling me all of this," and looked very concerned.
Other attendants and security guards were nodding their heads and smiling at me. She told me that a lot of people
were uncomfortable scanning, and that if I didn't' want to I didn't have to.
I asked her and the gathering knot of employees why they didn't just use picture IDs. I had seen
all the derelict cameras at the "passport office" and was wondering why they didn't take a picture of me then. She
replied that she did not know, that the old IDs did have a picture on them, which had worked just fine.
We had a video camera in my wife's backpack, but we didn't think to use it because this was so
spontaneous. Later, after we had seen a few of the exhibits, Violet told me that I ought to go back and interview
By Wednesday we'll have a short report containing the video of our second interview with them.
Grocery stores, banks, public schools: they're all putting in Biometrics. 42 states through a
Federal mandate have now installed these systems in order to get a Driver's licence. This is about getting rid of
our jobs, creating the control grid and getting us into their system. It's about getting rid of the Sea World
attendants' job and replacing her with an automated tracking system.
New Disney RFID
Creepy New Disney RFID Bracelet to Allow Park Mascots
to Greet Your Child By Name
Frankly, Disney creeps me out, and my research affirms that those feelings are not at all
misplaced. When I saw that one of the new capabilities of Disney's ever-so-magical RFID bracelet program was to
allow the middle-aged guy with no background check who dresses like Goofy and wonders the park greeting kids all
day to know people's children *by name*, I thought this definitely requires a report.So remember kids, don't talk
to strangers (even if they know your name and are dressed like a giant smiling mouse) Disneyworld.
Trendy Cashless Society?
Welcome to the Electronic Concentration Camp
Ads are everywhere inundating us with the
idea that it's going to be so cool and hip and trendy when our wallets (and currency) are totally digital,
everything is automated, and they try to make us get barcodes tattooed on our bodies to verify our accounts... but
I think it's going to be a little more like In Time meets The Net meets Gattaca meets Hunger Games meets Terminator
meets Blade Runner meets The Matrix meets Idiocracy.
We'll be uploading our entire MINDS to computers by 2045 and our bodies will be replaced by machines within 90
years, Google expert claims:
666 It Has
Begun Published on Mar 3, 2015 Darrin McBreen explores the coming of the Mark of the Beast. RFID microchips
implanted under the skin and wearable technology (Smart Tattoos) will soon be mandatory. Meanwhile the European
Union and U.S. Cybercom develop plans for a worldwide standardized Internet ID system. Will you accept the mark of
the beast?
Predicted: Digital Slave
Currency Biometrics lead to a system of control more dangerous and
deceptive than anything seen throughout history
by Infowars | June 26, 2014
The social engineers who control the planet have been extremely open and
brazen about their plans to create a totally controlled society in which humans act and operate as biological
Technology has been developed over the past 100 years to
carry out dehumanization and eugenics in order create a system more dangerous and deceptive than anything seen
throughout history.
Alex goes back into the Infowars archive to cover his arrest shown in his first film America Destroyed By Design, where he illustrated that even as early as the 1990s,
biometrics were being implemented at drivers license facilities by way of thumbprint scanning in order to bring
in a unified national ID card.
FBI Will Have Up To One Third Of
Americans On Biometric Database By Next Year
Privacy group warns “even if you have never been arrested
you could be implicated as a criminal suspect”
Steve Watson
April 15, 2014
A leading privacy watchdog has warned that the FBI
plans to have up to a third of all Americans on a facial recognition database by next year.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation notes in a communique that some 52 million Americans
could be on the Next Generation Identification (NGI) biometric database by 2015, regardless of whether they have
ever committed a crime or been arrested.
The group managed to obtain information pertaining to the program via a freedom of information request.
The database will also hold fingerprints, of which the FBI has around 100 million records, as well as retina
scans and palm prints. Profiles on the system will contain other personal details such as name, address, age and
The system will be capable of searching through millions of facial records obtained not only via mugshots, but
also via so called “civil images”, the origin of which is vague at best.
“[T]he FBI does not define either the ‘Special Population Cognizant’ database or the ‘new repositories’
category.” The EFF writes. “This is a problem because we do not know what rules govern these categories, where the
data comes from, how the images are gathered, who has access to them, and whose privacy is impacted.”
A map within the EFF’s piece shows which states are
already complying with the program, and which ones are close to agreeing deals to do so.
The EFF notes that currently, the FBI has access to fingerprint records of non-criminals who have submitted them
for any kind of background check, by an employer or government agency. Going forward, however, all records, both
criminal and non-criminal will be stored on the same database.
“This means that even if you have never been arrested for a crime, if your employer requires you to submit a
photo as part of your background check, your face image could be searched – and you could be implicated as a
criminal suspect, just by virtue of having that image in the non-criminal file,” notes the EFF.
EFF points to a disturbing assertion from the FBI that it will not “make positive identifications,” via the
database, but will use it to produce “investigative leads.” The Feds claim that “Therefore, there is no false
positive [identification] rate.”
“[T]he FBI only ensures that “the candidate will be returned in the top 50 candidates” 85 percent of the time
“when the true candidate exists in the gallery.”” EFF states.
“It is unclear what happens when the “true candidate” does not exist in the gallery—does NGI still return
possible matches?” the feature asks, noting that those identified could potentially be subjected to criminal
investigation purely because a computer has decided that their face is similar to a suspect’s.
EFF continues: “This doesn’t seem to matter much to the FBI—the Bureau notes that because ‘this is an
investigative search and caveats will be prevalent on the return detailing that the [non-FBI] agency is responsible
for determining the identity of the subject, there should be NO legal issues.’”
“This is not how our system of justice was designed and should not be a system that Americans tacitly consent to
move towards,” the EFF piece concludes.
It is somewhat remarkable that when Google announced the release of its Glass product, it was forced to
ban applications with the capability for facial recognition due to a huge privacy
backlash. The Federal government, however, continues to use such technology unhindered to create biometric
profiles on anyone and everyone.
The Department of Homeland Security also has its own facial recognition program, which it routinely outsources to police departments. Meanwhile, new innovations in facial recognition
technology continue to be billed as potential tools for law enforcement, including the prediction of future crime.
Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of
Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from
Nottingham Trent University.
This article was posted: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at 12:20 pm
“This is the future if nothing is done to stop it,” is the
ominous way
The Atlantic describes the recent Big Brother tactics used by LA County Sheriffs to “police” areas such as
Compton. Residents were unaware (“A lot of people do have a problem with the eye in the sky, the Big
Brother, so to mitigate those kinds of complaints we basically kept it pretty hush hush“)that, as the
police stated, “we literally watched all of Compton during the times that we were flying, so we could zoom in
anywhere within the city of Compton and follow cars and see people,” as they trialled a new system which if
adopted, would mean Americans can be policed like Iraqis and Afghanis under occupation. As
The Atlantic concludes, the sheriff didn’t conclude that the “wide area surveillance” wouldn’t be like
Big Brother after all, just that Big Brother capabilities would help to solve more crimes… so why not
tryout mass surveillance?
In a secret test of mass surveillance technology, the Los Angeles
County Sheriff’s Department sent a civilian aircraft over Compton, California, capturing high-resolution video of
everything that happened inside that 10-square-mile municipality.
Compton residents weren’t told about the spying, which happened in 2012. “We literally watched all of
Compton during the times that we were flying, so we could zoom in anywhere within the city of Compton and follow
cars and see people,” Ross McNutt of Persistence Surveillance Systems told the Center for
Investigative Reporting, which unearthed and did the first reporting on this important story. The technology
he’s trying to sell to police departments all over America can stay aloft for up to six hours. Like Google Earth,
it enables police to zoom in on certain areas. And like TiVo, it permits them to rewind, so that they can look back
and see what happened anywhere they weren’t watching in real time.
If it’s adopted, Americans can be policed like Iraqis and Afghanis under occupation…
Sgt. Douglas Iketani acknowledges that
his agency hid the experiment to avoid public opposition. “This
system was kind of kept confidential from everybody in the public,”he said. “A lot of people do have a problem with
the eye in the sky, the Big Brother, so to mitigate those kinds of complaints we basically kept it pretty hush
hush.” That attitude ought to get a public employee summarily terminated.
“Our first initial thought was, oh, Big Brother, we’re going to have a camera flying over us. But with the
wide area surveillance you would have the ability to solve a lot of the unsolvable crimes with no witnesses, no
videotape surveillance, no fingerprints.”
Notice that he didn’t conclude that the “wide area surveillance” wouldn’t be like Big Brother after all,
just that Big Brother capabilities would help to solve more crimes.
So why not try them out?
He later explains that while the public may think its against this, we’ll get used to it:
I’m sure that once people find out this experiment went on they might be a little upset. But knowing that we
can’t see into their bedroom windows, we can’t see into their pools, we can’t see into their showers. You know,
I’m sure they’ll be okay with it. With the amount of technology out in today’s age, with cameras in ATMs, at
every 7/11, at every supermarket, pretty much every light poll, all the license plate cameras, the red light
cameras, people have just gotten used to being watched.
Many Americans elect their own sheriffs. This is the future if
nothing is done to stop them.
This article was posted: Monday, May 5, 2014 at 5:45 am
The US intelligence whistleblower
Edward Snowden has warned that entire populations, rather than just individuals, now live under constant
“It’s no longer based on the traditional practice of targeted taps based on some
individual suspicion of wrongdoing,” he said. “It covers phone calls, emails, texts, search history, what you
buy, who your friends are, where you go, who you love.”
Snowden made his comments in a short video that was played before a debate on the proposition
that surveillance today is a euphemism for mass surveillance, in Toronto, Canada. The former US National
Security Agency contractor is living in Russia, having been granted temporary asylum there in June 2013.
Forget the Internet - soon there will be the OUTERNET:
Company plans to beam free Wi-fi to every person on Earth from space
By Daily Mail Reporter
An ambitious project known as Outernet is aiming to launch hundreds of miniature satellites
into low Earth orbit by June 2015
Each satellite will broadcast the Internet to phones and computers giving billions of people
across the globe free online access
Citizens of countries like China and North Korea that have censored online activity could be
given free and unrestricted cyberspace
'There's really nothing that is technically impossible to this'
You might think you have to pay through the
nose at the moment to access the Internet.
But one ambitious organisation called the Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) is planning to
turn the age of online computing on its head by giving free web access to every person on Earth.
Known as Outernet, MDIF plans to launch hundreds of satellites into orbit by 2015.
And they say the project could provide unrestricted Internet access to countries where their web
access is censored, including China and North Korea.
Using something known as datacasting technology, which involves sending data over wide radio waves,
the New York-based company says they'll be able to broadcast the Internet around the world.
The group is hoping to raise tens of millions of dollars in donations to get the project on the
The Outernet team claim that only 60% of the world's population currently have access to the wealth
of knowledge that can be found on the Internet.
This is because, despite a wide spread of Wi-FI devices across the globe, many countries are unable
or unwilling to provide people with the infrastructure needed to access the web.
The company's plan is to launch hundreds of
low-cost miniature satellites, known as cubesats, into low Earth orbit.
Here, each satellite will receive data from a network of ground stations
across the globe.
Using a technique known as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) multitasking, which is the sharing of data
between users on a network, Outernet will beam information to users.
Much like how you receive a signal on your television and flick through channels, Outernet will
broadcast the Internet to you and allow you to flick through certain websites.
'We have a very solid understand of the costs involved, as well as experience working on numerous
spacecraft,' said Project Lead of Outernet Syed Karim, who fielded some questions on Reddit.
'There isn't a lot of raw research that is being done here; much of what is being described has
already been proven by other small satellite programs and experiments.
There's really nothing that is technically impossible to this'
But at the prospect of telecoms operators trying to shut the project down before it gets off the
ground, Karim said: 'We will fight... and win.'
If everything goes to plan, the Outernet project aims to ask NASA for permission to test the
technology on the International Space Station.
And their ultimate goal will be to beginning deploying the Outernet satellites into Earth orbit,
which they say can begin in June 2015.
OUTERNET: Company To Provide Free
Wi-Fi to the World Via Space Satellites
OUTERNET: Company To Provide Free Wi-Fi to the World Via Space Satellites
History records
that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain
their control over governments by controlling money and its
- James Madison -
James Paul Warburg was a German-born American banker. He was notably well
known for being the financial adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt. His father was banker Paul Warburg, member of the
Warburg family and "father" of theFederal Reserve system.
A failed attempt to recruit Aaron Russo resulted in recent
light being shed on the CFR, The Fake War On Terrorism,
And A Cashless Society
Several years
ago, after his popular video “Mad As Hell” was released and Aaron Russo began his campaign to become
Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Nicholas Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing
Russo’s passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the
elite’s CFR. Watch the full interview here: Reflections and
Aaron Russo talks about the CFR, The Fake War On
And A Cashless Society
Aaron Russo talks about the CFR, The Fake War On Terrorism, And A Cashless
Who You Are – Collected information includes names, addresses, biometrics,
social media accounts .
What You Do – Travel history, communications, financial transactions and
movement of physical assets.
Who You Know – Relational information including family, friends, associates
and organizations.
Context – Contextual data such as demographics, politics, cultural norms
and religion.
Acloser look at the
upcoming Jade Helm military exercise, specifically its “master the human domain” motto, reveals a larger agenda in
regards to domestic policy.
...“They’re building an infrastructure of tyranny,” stated Infowars David Knight.
“There’s a legal infrastructure with things like the NDAA, there’s a technical
infrastructure with things like the capability to do dragnet surveillance, and then of course there is going to be
a military and law enforcement infrastructure, and those are merging.”
"The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance
of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.
Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date
complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to
instantaneous retrieval by the authorities."
"We have arrived at a period in American and world history when being awake is of utmost
importance. Being in a position of leadership and yet asleep to critical issues at such a time will
certainly lead to the ‘disastrous results..."
-- An excerpt from, Asleep At The Switch: An Open Letter to America's Pastors --