Look Into It - India Biometrics 1.2 Billion People
"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more
controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will
be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files
containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous
retrieval by the authorities."
Without any statutory or constitutional authority, the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security is plotting to force all Americans traveling internationally to have their
faces scanned for biometric data. Pilot programs are already occurring at major U.S. airports. And for those
Americans who do not wish to have their privacy lawlessly invaded and their private biometric data collected and
analyzed by Big Brother, the feds have a ridiculous solution: just don't travel. Seriously. Big Business is jumping on board, too. And the mass-murdering dictatorship
enslaving Communist China is unleashing similar Orwellian schemes at airports to use biometric data and facial
recognition software, with Uncle Sam helping to blaze the trail. But as criticism grows, with terms such as
“police state” being used across the political spectrum, activists hope to quash the power grab in the United
States before it gets fully off the ground.
In America, the saga began 15 years ago, when Congress authorized the
collection of data on foreigners leaving the country. After September 11, Congress instructed Homeland
Security to set up a “biometric exit system.” Under the plan currently being rolled out, U.S. Customs and
Border Protection will collect biometric facial data, and combine it with the most advanced facial recognition
software and “cloud computing,” according to CBP officials quoted in media reports. Homeland Security
documents show pilot programs began last summer, with the feds using cameras between the boarding pass readers
and the airplane to “take a photograph of each traveler prior to boarding.” Those photos were then matched
with “previous-acquired photos of the same traveler.” When a match was not found, the traveler was ordered to
provide fingerprints. Airlines including Delta and JetBlue collaborated in the lawlessness.
The scheme to capture data on outbound foreigners has been approved by Congress on multiple occasions. However,
lawmakers have never once authorized the collection of such data on Americans. Most recently, President Donald
Trump issued an executive order clarifying yet again that the biometric scans were for
foreigners, not Americans. But U.S. officials acknowledge that all Americans will inevitably be scanned too. And
they say there is no way around out — no opt outs, no exclusions for U.S. citizens, nothing. The only way to
avoid having your biometric data captured, stored, processed, and analyzed by the federal government is to not
travel, according to Homeland Security. “The only way for an individual to ensure he or she is not subject to
collection of biometric information when traveling internationally is to refrain from traveling,” reads a June,
2017, Homeland Security report entitled “Privacy Impact Assessment Update for the Traveler Verification Service.” Refusing would
result in being denied boarding.
In short, unless you are willing to have the federal government scan your face's biometric data into its
Orwellian system, you are officially trapped in the United States, with no legal way out, forever. Eventually, it
will almost certainly expand beyond just traveling abroad, too.
But critics are sounding the alarm. “DHS has never consulted the American public about whether Americans should
be subject to face recognition,” wrote Harrison Rudolph, a law fellow at the Center on Privacy & Technology at
Georgetown Law, noting that Congress never authorized it. “What's even worse is there is good reason to think
Homeland Security's face recognition systems will be expanded.” Among other candidates for the biometric expansion
would be Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoints, where the rights guaranteed in the U.S.
Constitution are shredded on a daily basis by the federal government. “Must Americans really submit to a perpetual
line-up to fly?” Rudolph wondered after outlining the Orwellian implications. The far-left American Civil Liberties
Union has also raised privacy concerns.
Of course, similar developments are occurring around the world — particularly under totalitarian regimes, but
even under some Western governments that would be widely regarded as free. Authorities in Australia, Singapore,
Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Dubai, among others, are currently in the process of rolling
out biometric face-recognition schemes at airports. But perhaps the most troubling is the plot being unveiled by
the mass-murdering communist dictatorship in China. According to news reports, the regime is working with Baidu, a
Communist Chinese Party-controlled social media and search engine behemoth, to do facial recognition of passengers
at Beijing's international airport. Eventually, the regime plans to eliminate boarding passes, forcing all
travelers to submit to biometric facial scanning to get on a plane. Similar schemes are already in place at some
Chinese restaurants and theme parks. And this is just the start.
Author and researcher Patrick Wood, who wrote
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, explained that the dangers of these
trends go even beyond what most critics have so far warned about. “It's horrendous,” he said in a brief phone
interview. “This will open the door for government-wide application of facial recognition for identification. The
very fact that you're monitored changes your behavior — that's social engineering. There's been much written on
this. When you put a subject under observation, they behave differently. This is the heart of technocracy:
surveillance and data. It's for the sake of social engineering. They're trying to take control of society, and
micro-manage it.”
He also highlighted developments in China, which he has repeatedly cited as a warning on the dangers of
technocracy. “What's happening in China with the very persistent surveillance is happening here,” Wood explained.
“We're maybe a year behind them.”
Plus, this will go far beyond international travel. “They want to know who you are, where you're going, what
you're doing, and so on,” Wood said. “If they can identify you at the airport, they can identify you anywhere.
Combine that with the technology that now has the ability to read your emotions, and you realize that your face
tells a lot more than just who you are. When you use some of the Artificial Intelligence software to analyze a
person's mood, they say they're looking for terrorists, they can tell whether you're happy, sad, depressed,
worried. What they're not saying is, what is to stop them from using the full psychographic capabilities, which
they already have anyway, against you. This is all part of it.”
Forcing Americans to submit to biometric ID schemes and face scanning to leave the country is not just
unconstitutional and illegal, it is a terrible idea that is ripe with opportunities for abuse. Americans must
resist. But rather than urging Congress to simply defund the latest lawlessness from the rogue bureaucracies, it is
time for lawmakers to comply with their oaths of office to the Constitution and shut down the entire constellation
of rogue federal agencies. These bureaucracies spend all day every day squandering tax money on unconstitutional
and increasingly totalitarian scheming. It is time for the federal government to obey the Constitution in its
Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics,
and more.He can be reached at [email protected].Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOUor on Facebook.
The Biometric ID Grid: An Open Source
READ THE REPORT HERE: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=21603 The biometric ID grid is
closing in as country after country implements biometric passports, biometric id databases and, yes, biometric
payment systems. If you're interested in contributing to this open source investigation and leaving info about your
country, please read the report on CorbettReport.com: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=21603
Technocracy is a replacement economic system
for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development
and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group
of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the
1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic
Order” program. https://www.technocracy.news/faq-2/
The Roots of Technocracy with Expert Patrick M.
Alex welcomes to the broadcast The August Forecast & Review Editor Patrick M. Wood to discuss
how the global elite within the Trilateral Commission are replacing capitalism with their own technocracy in
order to create a New International Economic Order. http://www.augustforecast.com/
Click Image
Exposing the Dark Agenda Behind the
"Resource-Based Economy"
24/7 surveillance. Smart grid controls. Carbon rationing. Today we talk to
"Technocracy Rising" author Patrick Wood about the hidden history of technocracy, the dark plan for
a resource-based economy that is being pushed by the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and other
globalist institutions in order to bring about a completely managed, controlled and regulated
How Technocracy ENSLAVED The World - The REAL Deep
(with Patrick Wood)
World Alternative Media
Published on Jul 3, 2017
Josh Sigurdson sits down with author of 'Technocracy Rising' and
researcher Patrick Wood to talk about the most insidious groups of collectivists on
Earth... The technocrats. Patrick breaks down the power wielded by the technocrats
as they've incrementally risen to take over world policy going back to the 1930s.
Wood goes into the very real threat of a global centrally planned cashless society
implemented through the SDR. He also goes into the automation of jobs and who truly
benefits from the raise of minimum wages and guaranteed basic income.
Patrick then breaks down the beginning of the Trilateral
Commission. Of course Patrick co-wrote the book Trilaterals Over Washington in 1979
with writing partner Antony Sutton. From Henry Kissinger's illegal visit with Mao
Zedong to Zbigniew Brzezinski's hijacking of the Carter administration and
subsequent work with China in propping up the society as a technocratic one, the
Trilateral Commission has been right in the middle of all of it. As people commonly
talk about the "deep state", not many seem to know exactly what it is. The answer
is simple. The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The United
Nations and the global central banking cartel. Every president for decades, since
its inception have been deeply entrenched in the Trilateral Commission and CFR, if
not members themselves. This goes right up to current day! Trump's administration
is surrounded by Trilateral members and CFR members. This is incredibly important
information to get out to the populace and we at WAM truly hope people share this
around and help in the educational process because the mainstream media isn't going
to do it.
With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research,
Patrick M. Wood uses Technocracy Rising to connect the dots of modern globalization
in a way that has never been seen before so that the reader can clearly understand
the globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame.
Technocracy.News for more information and the book can be bought
"Technocracy in America" by Parag Khanna
Dr. Parag Khanna
Published on Nov 30, 2016
Technocracy in America...because democracy just isn't good enough.
Available January 10th, 2017.
How The Shadow Banking System Will Create A Global
Currency - BLOCKCHAIN 2016
World Alternative Media
Published on Feb 29, 2016
This is a must watch! Host Josh Sigurdson and author John Sneisen
were joined by derivatives and economic trend expert Stephen Kendal for a
presentation that may just change the way we look at the world. Stephen brought us
groundbreaking information that no one is talking about basically breaking down
step by step how central bankers intend to impose a world currency on the populace
using blockchain derivatives. This analysis has never been done before for the
masses to see and understand.
Stephen Kendal started by explaining derivatives and the different
types of derivatives. From that, he moved on to basic mortgage loans, bundled
loans, S.P.E. (Special Purpose Entity) or S.P.V. (Special Purpose Vehicles),
mortgage backed security (M.B.S.), collateralized debt obligation (C.D.O.), credit
default swap (C.D.S.), other types of derivatives. Stephen then wrapped everything
up by explaining blockchain technology and the future implementation of blockchain
by central bankers.Stephen predicts that we will soon see this implementation as
the economy crashes and central banks capitalize on their lack of accountability.
Basically, the creation of a New World Order as has been pushed for decades by the
highest up elites will emanate itself with blockchain derivatives forever dooming
the world economy.This is historic, but not only that, it's disastrous and
terrifying.If we can all come to understand what's happening right now, we may be
able to stop this.
Share this report on all social medias and let's make sure people are aware of
what's happening!
A big thanks to Stephen Kendal for providing us with this report as
well as sharing his excellent slides with us!
In the heat of the Great Depression during the 1930s, prominent
scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called
Technocracy that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of
elected politicians. Although this radical movement lost momentum by 1940, it
regained status when it was conceptually adopted by the elitist Trilateral
Commission (co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller) in 1973 to be
become its so-called “New International Economic Order.”
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of
Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 2
of 3)
Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015
Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 3 of
Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015
Author Patrick Wood discusses his recent book
"Technocracy Rising", in a 3-part interview. (Summary of parts, below) http://www.technocracyrising.com/
Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite
globalization policies since the late 1970's, when he partnered with the late
Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. He
remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and
achievements in creating their self-proclaimed "New International Economic
An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by
profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical
world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty,
property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the
implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart
Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core.
Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the
nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on
Transhumanism, Technocracy and scientism, and how these are co-opting economics,
politics and religion around the world.
Part 1: Energy based Currency, Columbia
University origins of Technocracy, Eugenics, Population Control, and Agenda 21,
origins of Positivism and Scientism;
Part 2: Trilaterals, CFR, Rockefellers, U.N., 1992 Rio
Conference, Agenda 21 and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);
Part 3: Wood's work with Antony C. Sutton, the Origins of the
Trilateral Commission, Trilaterals and Larry King, and how the Trilateral
Commission influenced the U.S. Govt. since 1973 to present day. Thanks to Ernie
& Donna Hancock at FreedomsPhoenix.com for the use of their studio, and to Rick
Malchow for his assistance in bringing you this interview.
http://findbiometrics.com/#&panel1-23 CLICK TO FIND
MORE ABOUT Lockheed Martin Biometrics. Anything unique about you can be used as a biometric - your iris, retina,
DNA, ear shape, finger & hand veins, face, voice, signature, the way you walk and type.
India Biometrics 1.2 Billion People
Biometrics in Schools. Your Finger is a
Biometrics in Schools: Your Finger is a Barcode
This invasive technology is being rolled out across schools in the UK and Europe. The next step before a cashless
totalitarian society. This company is a subsidiary to General Dynamics Information Technology, the same corporation
that owns the patent to the VeriChip!
BIOMETRIC Is The Way You Walk
By analyzing a person's body language, gait and other movements, behavior recognition software is
helping catch criminals and may be useful in the war on terror, as well as have medical applications.
Biometric ID And The Coming Cashless
National ID cards which contain your biometric information are currently being given to all of
India's 1.2 billion residents! This is an unprecedented advancement towards a big brother styled government who
tracks and traces everything you do. As these Orwellion developments continue let's fight it at every step of
the way by refusing to play along. When it comes to handing over biometric information for a National ID Card
global non compliance is key. Just say no to National ID!
Support alternative independent media by joining Press For Truth TV! http://pressfortruth.tv/register/
We receive no sponsorships or funding from anyone and rely on you the viewer to help us continue to do this work.
With your help I can continue to make videos and documentary films that are raising awareness all over the world.
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I will continue to work tirelessly at exposing the global elite and their plans for a new world order.
Thank you for your support. Dan Dicks - Founder of Press For Truth
Who You Are – Collected information includes names, addresses, biometrics,
social media accounts .
What You Do – Travel history, communications, financial transactions and
movement of physical assets.
Who You Know – Relational information including family, friends, associates
and organizations.
Context – Contextual data such as demographics, politics, cultural norms
and religion.
Acloser look at the
upcoming Jade Helm military exercise, specifically its “master the human domain” motto, reveals a larger agenda in
regards to domestic policy.
...“They’re building an infrastructure of tyranny,” stated Infowars David Knight.
“There’s a legal infrastructure with things like the NDAA, there’s a technical
infrastructure with things like the capability to do dragnet surveillance, and then of course there is going to be
a military and law enforcement infrastructure, and those are merging.”
The Indian government is ramping up efforts to fingerprint and iris scan the entirety of its 1.2 billion
citizens in an ambitious scheme to issue national ID cards with biometric details. The plan has so far already
enrolled 110 million people and issued 60 million numbers, with the aim of enrolling 200 million by this March and
600 million by 2014.
Find out about the history and consequences of biometric ID this week on GRTV - Behind the Headlines.
Corbett Report Radio 153 – The Biometric ID Cards
Cometh Corbett 06/13/2012
Tonight on the program James breaks down the coming biometric ID card scheme and its discontents.
In the second half of the program, Lt. Eric Shine joins in the conversation and we also discuss his ongoing court
case with the Coast Guard.
Indians signing life away for biometric ID cards
The people of India are signing their own death warrants as they agree to sign up to their
governments ID card system, claiming it will help cut fraud for benefit payments. The real reason is to help the
New World Order with population control and access to money, so the 1% can steal it al. For a supposed poor
country which the UK shovs billions to, India has lots of other people's money to waste.
It's worth remembering that this is the EXACT same system that the crooked New Labour government tried to force on
the British people, to comply with New Labour's NWO agenda.
Recorded from Sky News, 22 December 2011.
SMARTcards in India: the Move Towards a Cashless
- Alex Jones Infowars 2012-06-14
India SMARTcards; the move toward a cashless society -
World Bank
Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A
philanthropist? A global health expert? This question, once merely academic, is
becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates'
unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields
of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are
presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we
will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to
leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.
In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion
pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth
is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much
bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big
pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global
health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for
billions of people around the planet.
The takeover of public health that we have documented in How
Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health and the remarkably brazen push to vaccinate
everyone on the planet that we have documented in Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the
World was not, at base, about money. The unimaginable wealth that Gates has accrued
is now being used to purchase something much more useful: control. Control not just
of the global health bodies that can coordinate a worldwide vaccination program, or
the governments that will mandate such an unprecedented campaign, but control over
the global population itself.
There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his
remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area
power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential
people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates' rise as
unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who
Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to
answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections
of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.
Who Is Bill Gates?! MUST SEE Documentary By James Corbett
on Press For Truth!!
Press For Truth | First published at 18:06 UTC on May 26th,
Who Is Bill Gates is a documentary produced by James Corbett that explores the life
of Gates, his family background, his rise to power and how a software engineer
eventually became the trusted face of global health.
In a four part series this film covers his plan to monopolize
global health, to vaccinate the world, to create a population control grid and how
his eugenics ideology has shaped his world view. In this video Dan Dicks of Press
For Truth speaks with James Corbett of The Corbett Report about the making of the
film, life in a post Cover 19(84) world and most importantly what we as individuals
can do to help stop such a monolithic threat to society!
Digital Slave Currency Biometrics lead to a system of control more dangerous and
deceptive than anything seen throughout history
by Infowars | June 26, 2014
The social engineers who control the planet have been extremely open and
brazen about their plans to create a totally controlled society in which humans act and operate as biological
Technology has been developed over the past 100 years to
carry out dehumanization and eugenics in order create a system more dangerous and deceptive than anything seen
throughout history.
Alex goes back into the Infowars archive to cover his arrest shown in his first film America Destroyed By Design, where he illustrated that even as early as the 1990s,
biometrics were being implemented at drivers license facilities by way of thumbprint scanning in order to bring
in a unified national ID card.
As the brave new world of biometrics is being rolled out, are we certain we're not
setting ourselves up for a new level of identity theft? After all, each new biometric security measure that's
rolled out is quickly bypassed by hackers using simple techniques.
"No longer will you actually
need to be arrested to gather your fingerprints — we’re talking about millions nationwide willingly submitting
their biometrics to a database that most certainly is accessible by Apple and big
government. But don’t worry, the same company that has given
away all of your chats and personal data through the NSA’s top
secret PRISM program says that you’re perfectly safe. Security experts and high level tech analysts,
however, seem to disagree."
Apple iPhone 5S: Big
Brother’s Dream Come True
The latest iPhone is an ode to biometrics, spying,
and the Big Brother control grid
The Big Brother iPhone 5S in
action — via TechRadar.
The latest series of Apple’s iPhone
will not only continue to cultivate numerous apps that track your location through GPS and transmit data
directly back to corporations and government, but contain a fingerprint sensor that stores your fingerprint in
order to purchase apps and unlock the phone for use.
And that’s really just the beginning. As millions will most likely continue through the Apple food chain and
purchase this phone, the NSA and bloated federal government at large will be beyond ecstatic. Because after all,
it’s a real dream come true for the Big Daddy government spy state. No longer will you actually
need to be arrested to gather your fingerprints — we’re talking about millions nationwide willingly submitting
their biometrics to a database that most certainly is accessible by Apple and big government.
But don’t worry, the same company that
has given away all of your chats and personal data through the NSA’s top secret PRISM program says that
you’re perfectly safe. Security experts and high level tech analysts, however, seem to disagree. In addition to the
fact that it seems consumer trust is all
but dead in regards to Apple and its ties to the spying grid, it seems these ‘safety’ features are
actually quite vulnerable in reality, to the point now where hackers can access a massive database of fingerprints
just waiting to be taken and utilized fraudulently.
Of course Apple claims
that the fingerprint scans will be ‘local’ on your hardware, but of course the NSA and FBI would not let
such a precious database go to waste. And we already know that corporations are making big bucks spying on
the data of consumers. So in the event that Apple is ‘holding’ some of these fingerprints despite what they say
(the print is also used to verify app purchases, which leads me to believe that this at least would be stored
through a third party), a database of the fingerprints could be compromised. And I don’t think encryption will stop
“So … can biometric authentication be hacked? Almost certainly. I’m sure that someone with a good enough
copy of your fingerprint and some rudimentary materials engineering capability — or maybe just a good enough
printer — can authenticate his way into your iPhone… The final problem with biometric systems is the database.
If the system is centralized, there will be a large database of biometric information that’s vulnerable to
As we inch towards a world in which our electronics are based around biometrics, it becomes an eerie reality
that our Big Daddy, Big Brother system is continually holding our hands as we walk right into the current spy
system that our overlords continue to assert does not exist.
This article was posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 8:53 am
Just look at these pathetic sheep being herded in to be thumbscanned. It makes me so
NYPD gets high-tech upgrade with new portable fingerprint
Saturday, September 18, 2010, 4:00 AM
The NYPD is armed with a portable gizmo that
allows cops to immediately confirm identities at crime scenes with the roll of a thumb.
Police hope the technology - used primarily by the crime scene unit and warrant division - will
help speed up investigations by quickly generating names.
They first tested the mobile fingerprint devices about three years ago, using just a few of the
In recent weeks, the Police Department added about two dozen more. And they may not be done
"We're going to assess the technology and see whether or not we're going to add more," said Deputy
Inspector Kim Royster, an NYPD spokesman.
Cops using the handheld devices have to ask a person's permission before taking their prints.
The prints are then run through an electronic statewide database. If there's a match, police can
quickly determine a person's identity and check for outstanding warrants.
Law enforcement experts say the devices help cut through nonsense on the street when suspects try
to stall cops by using a seemingly endless string of aliases.
But not everyone is convinced.
If the NYPD's use of the devices becomes more widespread, the city may run into a challenge by
civil libertarians.
"We hope these machines will promote crime-scene identification and reduce mistaken-identity
arrests," said Chris Dunn, the NYCLU's associate legal director.
"But I worry they will make it far too easy for the police to take and keep fingerprints and photos
of law-abiding people."
Police officials rejected those concerns.
"If there's no hit, the fingerprint is erased," Royster said. "It is not kept on file."
The NYPD has about 20 of the MorphoTrak readers, at a cost of about $5,000 each.
They not only identify people; they also allow cops to take pictures of potential suspects they can
use to show to crime victims.
And they can be used to identify the dead at homicide and accident scenes.
Under Commissioner Ray Kelly, the Police Department has become increasingly dependent on
technology, a move that has helped it offset a decrease in the size of the force.
There are about 6,000 fewer officers than there were in 2001.
"The FBI's Next Generation Identification program is on scope, on schedule, on cost, and 60 percent deployed. The
Facial Recognition Pilot, which began operation in February 2012, searches criminal mug shots and provides
investigative leads. The Facial Recognition Pilot is evaluating and solidifying policies, procedures, and privacy
protections. Full operational capability for facial recognition is scheduled for the summer of 2014."
Key points in the bill:
Page 193: (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary is authorized to establish, manage, and modify the System, which shall—
"(ii) maintain records of the inquiries that were made, of confirmations provided (or not provided), and of the
codes provided to employers as evidence of their compliance with their obligations under the System; and
page 194:
"(vii) to confirm identity and employment authorization through verification and comparison of records as
determined necessary by the Secretary;
page 190: "(H) AUTHORITY TO MODIFY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS.—Based on a regular review of the System and the
document verification procedures to identify misuse or fraudulent use and to assess the security of the documents
and processes used to establish identity or employment authorized status, the Secretary, in consultation with the
Commissioner, after publication of notice in the Federal Register and an opportunity for public comment, may
modify, if the Secretary determines that the modification is necessary to ensure that the System accurately and
reliably determines the identity and employment authorized status of employees and maintain existing protections
against misuse, discrimination, fraud, and identity theft
Biometrics, ID cards, tagging, DNA
kits being pushed on kids
A Reader has alerted us to the
following website and stalls all around the country that are actively pushing biometrics, ID cards and "do it
yourself" DNA kits on children.
The reader comments:
I was shopping for groceries at my Local Albertsons when I saw the all too familiar
Child Fingerprinting tables. They are part of a Child ID program called Child Protection Education of
America. The fingerprint card produced in the "ID ME NOW" program not only contains the fingerprint
scans and a digital photograph of a child, but it also supplies instructions on how to perform a DNA
While there is considerable resistance to National ID cards with Biometrics, such
as retina scan, DNA, and fingerprints, they have no problem pushing this on kids " TO KEEP THEM SAFE
The rational behind the program according to KidsafeID is that "A child is reported missing
every 40 seconds in the United States alone."
Right, so carrying a biometric ID card will prevent that? The site goes on to say:
"In this situation, the first thing needed is an accurate and immediate description of
your child. Do not try to rely on your memory at this point - your mind will be so frantically focused on finding
your child that you may cause more confusion than clarity. Also, do not think that a child ID kept at home (like a
video, a home fact file, or a snapshot) will help in this situation."
So basically you will be so
out of your mind with worry that you will forget what your own child looks like - and a
normal picture of the child WILL DO NO GOOD.
What utter claptrap.
Whether or not you believe this company is controlled by someone else higher up or is simply
cashing in on the current march towards the biometric surveillance police state, it is acclimatizing our children
and making them think that having your retina scanned and your DNA logged is normal and necessary to keep you
The company even suggests tagging children like they are dogs.
"It's is also important for children to have a
resourse with your contact information on them. If they are injured or lost, the identifying information can
help law enforcement or concerned citizens contact you. ID tags, complete with parent name and phone numbers,
can be tied into shoes, backpacks, wallets, fanny packs or purses."
Use this page to
contact KidsafeID and voice your disgust.
Coming Soon: A Biometric Fingerprint Scan Just to Leave the
Promo video shows user scanning fingerprint to leave
containment area of TSA-backed detention pod
Paul Joseph Watson
November 19, 2013
TSA ‘detention pods’ currently being rolled out at major
airports across the U.S. have biometric and object-detecting capabilities, according to promotional material from
Eagle Security Group, the company that manufactures the devices.
Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday
As we reported yesterday, the pods, which critics have likened to cattle
grids, are currently in place at Syracuse International Airport as well as Atlantic City International Airport
terminal exits. These portals were designed and approved by TSA which is important,” said Syracuse Airport
Commissioner Christina Callahan.
Travelers enter the pod where they are briefly detained before a green light shows and they are
allowed to leave the terminal.
People who suspected the devices may be performing some kind of x-ray scan may not be far off the
mark. Although such procedures are not currently in place, the pods do have the capability to incorporate
“human/threat object detection/containment,” according to the official brochure for the ‘Access Control &
Exit Lane Breach Control Systems’. The brochure also brags that the devices can detect “threat objects as small as
a dime.”
The pods can also function as biometric scanners. A video demonstration shows a user biometrically
scanning his fingerprint before he is allowed to leave the containment area.
“The identity of the user is guaranteed via fingerprint, iris or facial recognition scans before
they are allowed to complete their passage from non-secure to secure areas. The Eagle ACP (Access Control Portal)
with integrated biometrics of your choice is a complete solution,” states the company’s website.
The pods can also be monitored by HD surveillance cameras which “can be
configured and accessed remotely, enabling multiple, authorized users to view live and recorded video at any time
and from virtually any networked location in the world.”
Critics complain that the pods are just another expensive attempt by the TSA to treat the traveling
public like prisoners. According to Karen De
Coster, the pods are a way “to remind you that you are a captive” and are “meant to make you feel like a
prisoner who cannot leave.”
Watch a video breakdown below of the system’s capabilities by blogger Linc
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is
the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 6:06 am
Parents Stop Biometric Hand Scanner Program At Public
Wash. school district scanned students’ palms
without parents’ prior consent
Kit Daniels
December 3, 2013
A school district in the state of Washington has
stopped its use of biometric hand scanners at schools which uniquely identified each student after parents flooded
a school board meeting last night to complain.
Similar to a retina scanner, the hand scanners introduced
by the Puyallup, Wash. School District identified the unique vein patterns in each student’s palm in order to
deduct the lunch price from that student’s pre-paid school lunch account.
“There has got to be other ways than scanning my kid to figure out who he is,” Tim Snyder, a father, said at
last night’s school board meeting according to the News Tribune.
Snyder’s wife Jenna pointed out that if the school district transferred the students’ biometric information
off-site, it still exists as data somewhere.
Another parent, Jonny Holmes, stressed the psychological concerns in addition to the blatant violation of
“I would prefer that my son be addressed by his name, not as a number and not a palm print,” he said to the
The News Tribune also reported that the parents learned about the hand scanners not from the school district but
from news reports after their introduction.
The scanners were in use at Wildwood Elementary School for a week and Stahl Junior High School for a month.
This is not the first occurrence of a school district implementing invasive technologies which treat children
like cattle.
Last month, we reported that a charter school in Oakland, Cali. was installing “gunshot detectors” inside
classrooms which could monitor the
schoolchildren in real-time.
"I freed a thousand slaves; I
could have freed a thousand more, if only they knew they were slaves."
Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who
are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic
"A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time,
not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other
worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the
encroachments of those who would manipulate and control it.”