The idea of an international rule of law appeals to our innate sense of justice,
but the most horrific plans are often cloaked in the most beautiful lies. Just as the ideals of international law
are used to cloak the imperial ambitions of the globalists, so too is the idea of seeking justice in these
controlled courtrooms a phoney pipe dream
Truth. Justice. Accountability. The idea of an international rule of law appeals to our innate sense of
justice, but the most horrific plans are often cloaked in the most beautiful lies. Just as the ideals of
international law are used to cloak the imperial ambitions of the globalists, so too is the idea of seeking justice
in these controlled courtrooms a phoney pipe dream. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore the only real
solution to this problem: removing the bodyguard of lies from the power elite and to withdrawing ourselves from the
systems that seek to legitimize their rule.
“People in general just will NOT,
take their heads out of the sand!”
Psyops, or psychological operations, is a term used to describe the
techniques of psychological manipulation used in warfare. These operations are used to deceive, confuse, disrupt
and demoralize the enemy, with an aim toward weakening enemy resistance or even causing enemy forces to surrender
and enemy populations to capitulate.
Who You Are – Collected information includes names, addresses, biometrics,
social media accounts .
What You Do – Travel history, communications, financial transactions and
movement of physical assets.
Who You Know – Relational information including family, friends, associates
and organizations.
Context – Contextual data such as demographics, politics, cultural norms
and religion.
Acloser look at the
upcoming Jade Helm military exercise, specifically its “master the human domain” motto, reveals a larger agenda in
regards to domestic policy.
...“They’re building an infrastructure of tyranny,” stated Infowars David Knight.
“There’s a legal infrastructure with things like the NDAA, there’s a technical
infrastructure with things like the capability to do dragnet surveillance, and then of course there is going to be
a military and law enforcement infrastructure, and those are merging.”