" Look Into It - Free Speech









Free Speech

1st Amendment:

Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly and to petition

 The right to express an opinion in public without being restrained or censored.

Anti Free Speech Attacks from Our Government





5 Founders on the Freedom of Speech

TenthAmendmentCenter | May 4, 2020

Franklin, Henry, Paine, Washington and Jefferson - views on the freedom of speech and press over nearly 70 years.
An essential, natural right.

Path to Liberty: May 4, 2020

JOIN TAC: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/members/

Show Archives: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/pathtoliberty/

Subscribe and Review on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/path-to-liberty/id1440549211





Chuck Baldwin Exposes
Donald Trump's Tyrannical
Executive Order

LibertyFellowshipMT | Dec 16, 2019

Donald Trump's so-called "antisemitism" Executive Order Is abominable, reprehensible & downright tyrannical. It is a blatant attack against the First Amendment protection of free speech and for all intents and purposes elevates all things Jewish to royalty status in America--being granted official government protection against any kind of criticism.

In this video, Chuck Baldwin exposes the fact that not only is Donald Trump a hack for Zionism;
he is also a wanna-be tyrant--and this Executive Order proves it.





Examining Trump’s Executive Order With Chuck Baldwin

Israeli News Live | Dec 14, 2019

Chuck Baldwin explains how President Trump sold out the constitution and also American people. Trumps latest executive order is an assault on our free speech and Defies logic. Judaism can not be declared a nation. It is a religion not a nation!






The Truth About Trump's Executive Order on Antisemitism

First published at 02:48 UTC on December 14th, 2019.

Why are thousands and thousands of Jews standing up in strong opposition to President Trump's new executive order that defines criticism of Israel with "antisemitism"? Watch this video to find out!





Act NOW to Stop the Zionist Anti-Free-Speech Plot
- HR 336 - #BDS -

Blackstone Intelligence Network
Premiered April 26, 2019

HR 336 is a terrible set of proposed laws being considered by the House of Representatives. This bill increases US tax funding for Israeli weapons, further obligates US troops to die for Israel & crushes free speech by those who choose to boycott Israeli goods over their mistreatment of native Palestinians. #BDS #Israel #HR336

To take action, visit https://www.blackstoneintel.com/hr336

Purchase a BDS shirt here: https://blackstone-intelligence.mysho...


MORE HERE: What Can We Do?





Israel Anti-Boycott Act - An Attack On Free Speech?

Streamed live on Jul 25, 2017

House Members and Senators have rushed to co-sponsor a bill that would make boycotting Israel a felony, punishable by up to a million dollar fine and 20 years in prison. Faced with the fact that such a bill is clearly an attack on the First Amendment, some are now claiming that they didn't know what the bill was about when they sponsored it. What's going on here?





N A T I O N A L D E B T ! ! ! ! ! !

How Zionist Israel is Robbing America Blind!




First published at 01:15 UTC on September 6th, 2019.

It doesn't matter if you are a hard-working American. YOU are not entitled to keep your own income. YOU are a cash cow for the Zionist state of Israel. America's labor force is Israel's Golden Goose. And I am going
to show you the financial statistics to prove it.

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The Govt is Raping You | Free Speech | MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX | SYRIA | YEMEN | Pawns On The Chessboard

General Summary/Crash Course





Tim Cook Hates Free Speech

Published on Dec 4, 2018

In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on the speech Apple CEO Tim Cook recently gave regarding censorship and free speech. The bottom line is Tim Cook hates free speech.

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 The Censorship Problem, The Regulation “Solution” & A 'DeepFake' End Game
- James Corbett Interview -

The Last American Vagabond
Premiered Jun 12, 2019

In a previous interview entitled "The Social Media Regulation Psyop," (link in the show notes) James Corbett and I discussed the orchestrated suppression and censorship of independent voices online, the reaction we all saw that followed, and the potentially pre-planned government "solution" to this manufactured problem; and if correct, what that would mean for the future of social media, independent news, and just freedom of speech & press in general.

Well In recent weeks we have seen massive purges on social media, initiation of anti-trust investigations, efforts to break up big tech companies, and of course interestingly timed massive internet outages. So what's really going on, and what's about to happen? Just as before, there is no better person in my opinion to have on to discuss these developments than James Corbett.

IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyseey - Animated Short Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j800S...

James Corbett's Links: https://www.corbettreport.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/corbettr... https://steemit.com/@corbettreport https://d.tube/#!/c/corbettreport https://www.bitchute.com/channel/corb...

TLAV's Past Interviews With James Corbett: James Corbett Interview - The Social Media Regulation Psyop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aLIH... James Corbett Interview - "Why Big Oil Conquered The World" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pVuP... James Corbett Interview - Social Engineering & The American Mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-5R5...

The Last American Vagabond Links: DLive: https://dlive.tv/TLAVagabond DTube: https://d.tube/#!/c/tlavagabond Steemit: https://steemit.com/@tlavagabond Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/24yV... YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Cl... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheLastAmeri... Twitter: https://twitter.com/TLAVagabond Minds: https://www.minds.com/TLAVagabond Yours.org: https://www.yours.org/@thelastamerica... Diaspora: https://diasp.org/people/6ee8bc4084cc... Honest.Cash: https://honest.cash/profile/TLAVagabond Memo: https://memo.cash/profile/1Np4Z2d25RS... MeWe: https://mewe.com/profile/5bcfb5d2a5f4... SoMee: https://somee.social/profile/the-last... PocketNet: https://pocketnet.app/author?address=...








The 1933 Boycott of Germany vs the BDS Boycott of Israel

Blackstone Intelligence Network

In 1933, Jews outside of Germany organized a global boycott of that nation's goods, despite pleas by Jews within Germany not to do so. This video discusses that historic boycott and how it relates the current #BDS boycott movement against apartheid.

To take action, visit https://www.blackstoneintel.com/hr336

Purchase a BDS shirt here: https://blackstone-intelligence.mysho...





One of the Greatest Deceptions
of Church History

Link: Christian Zionism






Look Into It | Apr 18, 2020

What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?
By Andrew P. Napolitano - Wednesday, March 25, 2020


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” — Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

One of my Fox colleagues recently sent me an email attachment of a painting of the framers signing the Constitution of the United States. Except in this version, George Washington — who presided at the Constitutional Convention — looks at James Madison — who was the scrivener at the Convention — and says, “None of this counts if people get sick, right?”

In these days of state governors issuing daily decrees purporting to criminalize the exercise of our personal freedoms, the words put into Washington’s mouth are only mildly amusing. Had Washington actually asked such a question, Madison, of all people, would likely have responded: “No. This document protects our natural rights at all times and under all circumstances.”


Excerpts Read by Chuck Baldwin: Sermon Titled: "The Plague Of His Own Heart"



Look Into It






Why Americans must say,
"I Will Not Comply"

Technocracy News & Trends | Premiered Jul 22, 2020

Nonstop propaganda from national media continues to frighten people into mental paralysis and submission to health authorities. This Technocrat-led tsunami can only be resisted by
individuals who refuse to play their assigned role in the Great Panic of 2020.






Red Alert! Stealth Internet Attack Detected


Published on May 6, 2015

Please send the article around, make it viral!

Alex jones describes the attack by Facebook on the Infowars.com Facebook page for posting a picture of an ISIS fighter with a quote from Stalin. Please spread the video virally!


ALEXA CAUGHT FIXING INFOWARS RATINGS - http://www.infowars.com/alexa-caught-...

Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show


Bilderberg Group

World Trade Organization (WTO)

U.S. Military Killing Its Own Troops!





Journalist Who Covered Stratfor Hack Sentenced to 63 Months in Prison

Barrett Brown reported on Anonymous' hack of CIA firm


by Kit Daniels | Infowars.com | January 22, 2015


Barrett Brown, the independent journalist who covered the 2011 Stratfor hack by Anonymous,
was sentenced to 63 months in prison Thursday.




The journalist was sentenced after pleading guilty to charges of “accessory to hacking,” “transmitting threats,” and “interfering with the execution of a search warrant” as part of a plea deal he made with prosecutors in April.

“This breaks down to uploading YouTube videos that contained unfortunate statements, efforts to redact sensitive e-mails that had been procured by hackers, and hiding laptops in a kitchen cabinet,” Brown’s legal team said about the charges prior to sentencing.

Brown closely followed Anonymous as it leaked internal e-mails from the global intelligence firm Stratfor, which has close ties to the CIA.

He drew the attention of law enforcement after he revealed an Internet Relay Chat channel where members of Anonymous were distributing e-mails and other documents from the hack.

The Department of Justice claimed that by sharing a hyperlink to the IRC channel, “Brown caused the data to be made available to other persons online, without the knowledge and authorization of Stratfor and the card holders.”

Critics, however, argued that sharing a link to an IRC channel was not identity theft and called the case “prosecutorial overreach.”

“Brown’s prosecution is yet another transgression against media freedom in the land of the First Amendment,” WikiLeaks said in a statement. “It chills investigative reporting of national security issues and provides cover for the unholy alliance between government agencies and the security industry.”

Brown said the “novel, and sometimes even radical” claims the government made during his sentencing threatens “every journalist in the United States.”

“The government asserts that I am not a journalist and thus unable to claim the First Amendment protections guaranteed to those engaged in information-gathering activities,” he said in a statement to the court. “Your Honor, I’ve been employed as a journalist for much of my adult life, I’ve written for dozens of magazines and newspapers, and I’m the author of two published and critically-acclaimed books of expository non-fiction.”

“If I am not a journalist, then there are many, many people out there who are also not journalists, without being aware of it, and who are thus as much at risk as I am.”

Follow on Twitter:
@RealAlexJones | @KitDaniels1776 








Obama's War On Journalists Exposed


Published on Mar 9, 2015

David Knight and Joe Biggs break down the miscarriage of justice which occurred
during the trial of American journalist Barret Brown.










Police State 1

Police State 2

Police State 3

Police State 4


LINK: Free Speech






False Flag Legislation to Turn Free Speech Into a Privilege


LINK: Ambush / Undercover Journalism







Criticizing Islam Now a Thought Crime!

Political party leader Paul Weston was arrested by police and faces up to two years in jail for criticizing the religion of Islam during a public speech in the United Kingdom.Weston's "racially aggravated" hate crime consisted of him quoting Winston Churchill. Weston's arrest reveals the chilling implementation of thought crime in Britain and how political correctness is being used as a weapon with which to destroy the edifice of freedom of speech across the western world.



Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watso...
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlane








Facebook Considers New Restrictions on Gun Conversations

Social media giant working with gun grabbers to censor
support for the Second Amendment


Kit Daniels
March 4, 2014

Facebook is currently working with two anti-gun groups to further restrict firearm discussions on its various pages in a move that will likely lead to the outright censorship of gun topics throughout the social media site.

After Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action spent the past month pressuring Facebook to censor gun-themed fan pages, the company finally agreed to reconsider its current policies, according to the anti-gun publication Venture Beat.

An insider told the publication that the ongoing talks between the gun control groups and Facebook were “progressing” and that they have already made agreements yet to be disclosed.

Moms Demand Action, which publicly partnered with MAIG in December, began to pressure Facebook last month to change its stance on firearms.

The anti-gun group even produced a video meant to “shame” Facebook for allowing its members to post pictures of and privately sell guns, despite the fact that many such transactions are perfectly legal in the vast majority of states.

But the group’s attack on gun rights won’t stop there.

Last month, a New York mayor exposed that the true goal of these organizations is a nationwide gun ban.

“It did not take long to realize that MAIG’s agenda was much more than ridding felons of illegal guns,” Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mayor John C. Tkazyik wrote. “Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.”

Likewise, the pressure from these groups to force Facebook to censor legal gun sales will only lead to an outright ban on firearm discussions on the social media site.

And unfortunately, Facebook already has a long history of censoring pro-liberty statements and banning users who promote basic human freedoms.

Last year, Facebook deactivated the Facebook page of a Pennsylvania gun store after the store’s owner announced his intent to raffle off an AR-15.

Additionally, in late 2012, Facebook suspended at least 20 accounts operated by individuals in alternative media during a 24 hour period, claiming that they violated “Facebook policies.”

The company also banned an image which contained a quote by Mahatma Gandhi explaining how the British disarmed the population during their rule in India.

And the social media giant warned Infowars’ own Darrin McBreen not to voice his political opinion in 2011 and even deleted the official Alex Jones page over an image of the Gadsden flag in 2010.

These aren’t isolated incidents; Facebook routinely censors political posts by claiming that they violated its “Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.”

But by also pushing a gun control agenda, Facebook will only accelerate its current decline as millions of gun owners abandon the social media site.

This article was posted: Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 1:24 pm


LINK: 2nd Amendment







New Facebook Page: Boycott A&E, Support Free Speech

“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll
defend to the death your right to say it.”


Paul Joseph Watson
December 20, 2013


The treatment of Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson is being exploited by the establishment as part of a wider chilling effect on the First Amendment.

In an effort to crush free speech, control freaks have exploited the controversy as a means of greasing the skids for the censorship of all controversial comment.

Whether you agree with what Robertson said or not, many are now using the issue to claim that so-called “hate speech” should not be allowed in the public arena.

Today that hate speech takes the form of criticizing homosexual lifestyles, tomorrow “hate speech” could be designated as criticism of the state.

We must protect ALL free speech whether it is popular or unpopular.

“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” – Voltaire.

Please ‘like’ this new Facebook page to show your support for free speech and boycott A&E for abandoning the principles of the First Amendment. Find the page here.

“In a democratic country, people have the right to be homophobic as well as they have the right to support homosexuality — as I one hundred percent do. If people are basing their views against gays on the Bible, again they have a right of religious freedom there.”
Feminist and gay social critic Camille Paglia.

RELATED: National Boycott Launched Against Duck Dynasty Censorship

RELATED: The Qur’an is “Hate Speech” and Should be Banned

RELATED: Duck Dynasty Controversy: Bible to be Banned as “Hate Speech”?

RELATED: Authoritarian Liberals Declare Duck Dynasty Christian Views “Hate Speech”

RELATED: Paglia: Duck Dynasty uproar ‘utterly fascist, utterly Stalinist’

This article was posted: Friday, December 20, 2013 at 11:27 am






Free Speech 

Dallas Sheriff’s Deputies Assault Free Speech Activists, Punch Alex Jones

Cops incite violence during peaceful demonstration


Paul Joseph Watson
November 22, 2013

Dallas Sheriff’s deputies violently assaulted free speech activists during the JFK 50th anniversary event, punching peaceful protesters including radio host Alex Jones in shocking scenes caught on live streaming video.




Protesters were peacefully assembled outside a barricade in downtown Dallas near the site of the official commemoration of JFK.

The barricades were opened and almost out of nowhere, Sheriff’s deputies marched through and forcefully pushed protesters back, with several being violently assaulted, including radio host Alex Jones who was punched in the stomach.

One of the victims of the violence was a father with his young daughter on his shoulders. The girl began crying, but was pulled to safety by her mother.

The police were working on behalf of the Sheriff’s department and also appeared to have been coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security.

Protesters chanted “shame on you” and began to push back against the police who then held their line.

The activists had been assured, under threat of lawsuit, that they would be given access to the area beyond the barricades after the official ceremony was over.

Regular Dallas police who appeared largely friendly before the incident began seemed surprised when the black-clad Sheriff’s cops arrived to instigate the violence.

Alex Jones immediately vowed to file lawsuits against both Dallas authorities and individual police officers who took part in the assault.

Protesters had gathered at the site to peacefully demonstrate against an order by Mayor Mike Rawlings to target individuals who handed out fliers or displayed signs in the area.

More videos and images will be added to this story soon.







The Watson Report


The Watson Report: The Real Agenda Behind Cybersecurity


Paul Joseph Watson explains why the real agenda behind cybersecurity is political oppression and the death of free speech on the Internet, and how the entire globe is now implementing Chinese style censorship policies to change the nature of the world wide web as we know it forever.

The model Senator Joe Lieberman has identified as the goal of cybersecurity for America is centered around keeping people oppressed by eliminating any means of widespread dissent and preventing people from organizing politically. It has nothing to do with providing security against foreign hackers and terrorists and everything to do with strangling free speech critical of the state.



FCC Plan to Censor Internet

How the FCC plans to seize authority over the internet






Matt Drudge Warns of Internet Takeover In New Video!


The Alex Jones Show: Matt Drudge talks about internet censorship while the secretive Bilderberg Group is set to discuss plans to implement an Internet ID to eviscerate anonymity on the web.






New Interview: Smashing Pumpkins Founder Billy Corgan Speaks Out


Published on May 11, 2016

In this exclusive new interview, Billy Corgan founder of the multi-platinum band Smashing Pumpkins provides an in depth interview on the current social justice warrior movement. Where is going right, should we listen to what they are saying, and how it will eventually end.

Link: Musicians Against The NWO







Tom Mullen on Freedom Watch


Tom Mullen discussed natural rights and A Return to Common Sense with the Judge






Ben Swann: The First Amendment, Speech, Religion and Press

 Ben Swann talks about the role of the first amendment as much more than just a recognition of your right to speech, or just the press.. it is the recognition of your right to believe, say and tell others whatever you like



 Free Speech







TSA/NSA: We Will Resist Their Tyranny: 10K Film Contest


 SEND YOUR LINKS TO [email protected]
Upload your video to YOUTUBE and Two Other Online Video Websites
Read more here

With an imperious hatred for the Bill of Rights, both the NSA and the TSA are
moving quickly to destroy our republic and our country. It is time for you to reassert
your right to free speech and our new contest will allow you to do just that.
One entry will receive a cash prize of $10,000 for the best video that mocks or scorns suppression
of free speech by either the TSA, the NSA or both.





NSA Parody Shirt Creator Speaks Out


Dan McCall, who created several t-shirts on the website Zazzle that featured parodies of the NSA's logo, has filed for declaratory relief, following the NSA's admission that it sent cease and desist letters on the grounds that "misusing" the logo constituted copyright infringement. McCall, with the help of the Public Citizen Litigation Group, is also suing the DHS for sending similar letters claiming it is against the law to modify any seal of the US government.





U.S. Copies China, Restricts Press



When Sky News reporter Mark Stone was detained by Chinese police during a live broadcast, the communist superpower essentially got caught red-handed while trying to stifle coverage of one of their most embarrassing authoritarian moments — namely Tiananmen Square.

What the world already knows about China's heavy-handed censorship was put on display after the British journalist made passing mention of the 1989 incident and was dragged away to a police van, with officials apparently unaware that the signal was still going out. This kind of behavior, while shameful, is perhaps expected in a place like China.

But the United States, renowned for its freedoms, has routinely intimidated its citizens for daring to film in public too, particularly when confronting controversial topics, establishing chilling blows to the First Amendment which guarantees free speech and a free press.

Since 9/11, these freedoms have been openly trashed as law enforcement and security guards have been trained to treat journalists as criminals and anyone with a camera as a potential terrorist. Despite Homeland Security's repeated attempts to profile journalists, and prosecute those who take pictures of federal buildings or record police or TSA encounters, recent court cases have upheld the fact that photography is NOT a crime, and free speech remains a protected civil right.

This special report details how Infowars reporters have repeatedly been harassed for filming in public places, a problem that is compounded by widespread ignorance on the part of police, TSA and security on location







False Flag Legislation to Turn Free Speech Into a Privilege 


As the Senate pushes through the new media Shield Law, ironically named the "Free Flow of Information Act", will Americans be duped once again into giving up their fundamental rights in the name of safety.

Journalists, this is no "protection", but prior constraint.

Here is the S.987 "Free Flow of Information Act of 2013".








Free Speech 

Kagan: ‘Disappear’ Free Speech If The Government Deems It Offensive


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.comquiet
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is perfect in every way – perfect that is if you think the role of the highest judicial body in the United States is to ban free speech, indefinitely detain Americans without trial, resurrect command and control socialism, while urinating on everything the Constitution stands for.

We already discovered Kagan’s penchant for treating Americans as guilty until proven innocent, or in fact just plain guilty without even the chance to be proven innocent, when she was quoted as saying, “That someone suspected of helping finance Al Qaeda should be subject to battlefield law — indefinite detention without a trial — even if he were captured in a place like the Philippines rather than a physical battle zone.”

So under that definition, if you send money to a charity later linked with some nebulous terrorist group then you are financing Al-Qaeda and could be thrown in Gitmo or some other CIA black site never to be seen again. And this is the woman being forwarded to sit on a body that is supposed to safeguard civil liberties? That would be like hiring Charles Manson to coach the high school basketball team.

But it gets worse. Now we learn that Kagan thinks certain expressions of free speech should be ‘disappeared’ if the government deems them to be offensive. On the surface that’s any opinion on racial, sexuality or gender issues, but since criticizing Obama is now deemed racist, where will it all end?

In a 1993 University of Chicago Law review article, Kagan wrote, “I take it as a given that we live in a society marred by racial and gender inequality, that certain forms of speech perpetuate and promote this inequality, and that the uncoerced disappearance of such speech would be cause for great elation.” (emphasis mine).

“In a 1996 paper, “Private Speech, Public Purpose: The Role of Governmental Motive in First Amendment Doctrine,” Kagan argued it may be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government,” reports World Net Daily.

Kagan also argued as recently as September that corporations shouldn’t be allowed to engage in free speech, and that the government can censor things like newspaper editorials, as well as the political opinions of radio talk show hosts or television reporters.

Chief Justice John Roberts blasted Kagan’s argument at the time, reports Newsmax.

“The government urges us in this case to uphold a direct prohibition on political speech. It asks us to embrace a theory of the First Amendment that would allow censorship not only of television and radio broadcasts, but of pamphlets, posters, the Internet, and virtually any other medium that corporations and unions might find useful in expressing their views on matters of public concern,” he wrote.

Kagan’s standpoint on free speech, that it is subject to regulation and definition by the government, has no place in America, completely violates the fundamental premise of the First Amendment, that even unpopular speech should be protected, and would be better suited for countries like Iran, Zimbabwe or North Korea.

Little surprise therefore when we learn that in her undergraduate thesis at Princeton, Kagan lamented the decline of socialism in the U.S. as “sad” for those who still hope to “change America.”

If Kagan is approved she is going to find an eager ally in White House information czar Cass Sunstein, who in a January 2008 white paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” called for the government to tax and outright censor political viewpoints it deemed unsavory.






Who needs free speech? That's apparently the level of ignorance of over a third of Americans.


A Third of Americans Say Gut The 1st Amendment




Free Speech

‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website

Information deemed “maliciously harmful to government”


Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


A political website that contained stinging criticism of the Obama administration and its handling of the Fast and Furious scandal was ordered to be shut down by the Obama campaign’s ‘Truth Team’, according to private investigator Douglas Hagmann, who was told by ISP GoDaddy his site contained information that was “maliciously harmful to individuals in the government.”


Obama Truth Team Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website



Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients, was given 48 hours by GoDaddy to find a new home for his website before it was deleted.

Hagmann was told the reason for the shut down was because the website featured “morally objectionable” material. After GoDaddy refused to identify the complainant, only saying that it was not “any official government agency,” further investigation by Hagmann revealed that the order came from a group tied to Obama campaign headquarters.

Speaking with the chief investigator in the GoDaddy Abuse division, Hagmann discovered, “Ultimately it was found that the complaint originated ostensibly with a group associated with the campaign to re-elect Barack Hussein Obama.”

Turning to his contacts within government, Hagmann then spoke with another source who confirmed that the ‘Obama Truth Team’ was responsible for the shut down order.

“I’m laying this right on the doorstep of the Obama Truth Team,” said Hagmann.

The  ‘Obama Truth Team’ is an outreach of the Obama 2012 re-election campaign that urges supporters to “help fight back against the attacks on President Obama and his record” by reporting supposed misrepresentations and lies. However,  as ABC News reported, the ‘Truth Team’ has mischaracterized legitimate criticism as smears in an effort to chill dissent against Obama. It has also been caught fibbing on a number of other occasions.

The same methods of intimidation were also very much in force during the 2008 campaign season. Under the guise of the ‘Obama Truth Squad’, influential public figures in Missouri including St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, and Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, promised to “respond quickly, forcefully, and aggressively” to “lies” about Obama.

As ABC News highlighted, this helped to create a chilling atmosphere in which “Missourians might be afraid of being prosecuted for criticizing Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.”

This is by no means the first time political websites have been shut down on a whim with no due process after official pressure is brought to bear on ISPs.

In December 2010 Amazon responded to pressure by Sen. Joe Lieberman and the Department of Homeland Security by axing the Wikileaks website from its servers.

GoDaddy itself is not renowned for its support for free speech. The company lost 37,000 accounts last year over its initial failure to oppose the controversial Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA).

Despite the fact that his son was getting married on the same weekend, Hagmann was eventually able to move his website - HomelandSecurityus.com - to another server before it was deleted by GoDaddy.

“It took an incredible number of man hours and it was a tedious (and costly) process, but I have successfully moved my site out of reach,” Hagmann told us.

Hagmann noted that his story from last month about a DHS inside source warning of coming mass civil unrest, which went viral on the Internet, was one of the primary reasons behind the effort to shut down his website.

Hagmann is now warning that any independent website which forcefully dissents against the Obama administration could be targeted next.

“I respectfully ask that you spread the word – that the Obama “Truth Team” is out in full force, scouring any U.S. based web sites of any size or influence (yet small enough to be pushed around) that contains any information deemed “objectionable” to the Obama re-election campaign. Perhaps it’s already too late. Regardless, people need to wake up now and listen to what we’ve been saying. There might not be a tomorrow,” Hagmann told us in an email.

Watch a video about the Obama Truth Squads below.



  Obama Missouri Truth Squads

 Obama sends the Truth Squad goons out to intimidate, harass and arrest Missouri citizens exercising their First Amendment Right to free speech. Is this what Obama was talking about when he discussed the need for a Civilian Security Force that should be as well funded and as powerful as our military?



Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.













free speech



Anti Free Speech Attacks from Our Government 1/2

Calls Increase for Government to Regulate Internet Journalists and Bloggers





Anti Free Speech Attacks from Our Government 2/2

Calls Increase for Government to Regulate Internet Journalists and Bloggers







Free Speech

Sunstein’s Paper Provides More Evidence COLINTELPRO Still Operational

Kurt Nimmo
January 14, 2010

cass sunsteinCass Sunstein’s white paper, entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” is an exclamation point in the latest chapter of a long history of government tyranny against citizens who organize in opposition to the government. Sunstein argues that individuals and groups deviating from the official government narrative on a number of political issues and events are a national security threat. The administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs formulates “a plan for the government to infiltrate conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings, according to a recently uncovered article Sunstein wrote for the Journal of Political Philosophy,” writes Paul Joseph Watson(Article Continues Below)




Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted
on Cognitive Infiltration of Conspiracy Groups


In a rare public appearance, The Obama Administration's Information Czar Cass Sunstein gave a lecture at the NYU Law School in NYC yesterday, prompting Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange to attend. Watch as Luke confronts Sunstein multiple times on an academic paper he co-authored back in 2008 entitled "Conspiracy Theories" in which he called for cognitive infiltration of conspiracy groups by the government.

You can download the paper for free here: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1084585

SALON article that appears in video: http://www.salon.com/2010/01/15/sunst...

*UPDATE* Infowars Article on Confrontation: http://www.infowars.com/obama-informa...





(Article Continued)

FDR, an icon for many liberals, sent the FBI after citizens who opposed his war policies.

Sunstein’s plan is a reformulation of a long-standing effort to subvert the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. Concerted government attacks against organized political opposition began soon after the founding of the republic — specifically with the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798 by the Federalists — but have gained critical momentum in the modern era.

During the First World War, the government created the Bureau of Investigation, predecessor to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and appointed J. Edgar Hoover as its head. Hoover’s Bureau of Investigation, with the assistance of police and the military — described as a “citizens auxiliary” — conducted mass raids against the anti-war movement of the time, according to documents released by the Church Committee in the 1970s. The Bureau, specifically designed as a national political police force, “rounded up some 50,000 men without warrants of sufficient probable cause for arrest” for the crime of opposing the First World War.

In 1920, Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer conducted a massive program in 33 cities and rounded up over 10,000 people. The Church Committee report (p.384) talks of “the abuses of due process of law incident to the raids.” According to Robert Preston (Aliens And Dissenters), the Palmer Raids involved “indiscriminate arrests of the innocent with the guilty, unlawful seizures by federal detectives” and other violations of constitutional rights. The Church Committee (p.385) “found federal agents guilty of using third-degree tortures, making illegal searches and arrests, using agents provocateurs.” Palmer and Hoover found no evidence of a proposed Bolshevik revolution as they claimed but a large number of the rounded up suspects continued to be held without trial.

The Second World War brought a new wave of government terrorism against political opponents. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a 1940 issued a memorandum giving the FBI the power to use warrantless wiretaps against suspected subversives, that is to say activists opposed to U.S. involvement in the war. FDR not only unleashed the FBI on activists, but concerned citizens as well. After giving a speech on national defense in 1940, FDR had his press secretary, Stephen Early, send Hoover the names of 128 people who had sent telegrams to the White House criticizing the address. “The President thought you might like to look them over,” Early’s note instructed Hoover.

Following the Second World War, the government engineered the immensely profitable (for the military-industrial complex) Cold War and the attendant Red Scare. In 1956, the FBI established COINTELPRO, short for Counter Intelligence Program. COINTELPRO was ostensibly manufactured to counter communist subversion, but as a numerous documents reveal the program focused almost exclusively on domestic opposition to government policies.

The Church Committee explains that COINTELPRO “had no conceivable rational relationship to either national security or violent activity. The unexpressed major premise of much of COINTELPRO is that the Bureau has a role in maintaining the existing social order, and that its efforts should be aimed toward combating those who threaten that order.”

“This is a rough, tough, dirty business, and dangerous,” former Assistant to Director Hoover, William C. Sullivan, told the Church Committee. “No holds were barred.”

This “rough, tough, dirty business” included infiltration of political groups, psychological warfare, legal harassment, and extralegal force and violence. “The FBI and police threatened, instigated and conducted break-ins, vandalism, assaults, and beatings. The object was to frighten dissidents and disrupt their movements,” write Mike Cassidy and Will Miller. “They used secret and systematic methods of fraud and force, far beyond mere surveillance, to sabotage constitutionally protected political activity. The purpose of the program was, in FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s own words, to ‘expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit and otherwise neutralize’ specific groups and individuals.”

After the Church Committee exposed COINTELPRO, the government claimed it had dismantled the program. However, in the 1980s, the Reagan administration legalized the tactics by signing Executive Order 12333.

Free Speech“There is every reason to believe that even what was not legalized is still going on as well. Lest we forget, Lt. Col. Oliver North funded and orchestrated from the White House basement break-ins and other ‘dirty tricks’ to defeat congressional critics of U.S. policy in Central America and to neutralize grassroots protest. Special Prosecutor Walsh found evidence that North and Richard Secord (architect of the 1960s covert actions in Cambodia) used Iran-Contra funds to harass the Christic Institute, a church-funded public interest group specializing in exposing government misconduct,” Cassidy and Miller continue.

In addition, North worked with FEMA to develop contingency plans for suspending the Constitution, establishing martial law, and holding political dissidents in concentration camps. Since the false flag attacks of September 11, 2001, the government has worked incessantly to fine tune plans to impose martial law. It has also worked to federalize and militarized law enforcement around the country.

Brian Glick (War at Home) argues that COINTELPRO is a permanent feature of the government. “The record of the past 50 years reveals a pattern of continuous domestic covert action,” Glick wrote in the 1990s. “Its use has been documented in each of the last nine administrations, Democratic as well as Republican. FBI testimony shows ‘COINTELPRO tactics’ already in full swing during the presidencies of Democrats Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. COINTELPRO itself, while initiated under Eisenhower, grew from one program to six under the Democratic administrations of Kennedy and Johnson… After COINTELPRO was exposed [by the Church Committee], similar programs continued under other names during the Carter years as well as under Nixon, Ford, and Reagan. They have outlived J. Edgar Hoover and remained in place under all of his successors.”

Sunstein’s call for authoritarian action against government critics — including outright censorship in addition to the established tactics mentioned above — reveals that COINTELPRO has indeed outlived Hoover.

“Some conspiracy theories create serious risks. They do not merely undermine democratic debate; in extreme cases, they create or fuel violence,” writes Sunstein. “Even if only a small fraction of adherents to a particular conspiracy theory act on the basis of their beliefs, that small fraction may be enough to cause serious harms.”

Sunstein’s analysis dovetails with that of the Department of Homeland Security. In its now infamous report on “rightwing extremism,” the DHS insists members of the constitutionalist movement (including Libertarians and advocates of the Second Amendment) are not only violent but also virulent racists (a conclusion provided pre-packaged by the ADL and the SPLC).

If realized, Cass Sunstein’s call for outright censorship and the absurd proposal to impose fines and taxes on people who hold political views contrary to those of our rulers will naturally result in a redoubling of political activity on the part of the truth movement (specifically mentioned as “kooks” by Sunstein) and Libertarians and Constitutionalists.

As history repeatedly demonstrates, when faced with a strong and determined political opposition government invariably turns to more brutal and violent methods to enforce its will. Our rulers understand this and that is why they are hurriedly finishing their high-tech police and surveillance grid. 




Ben Swann: NSA Using Copyright Claims to Stop Criticism? 

Ben Swann breaks the exclusive story of how the NSA is reportedly attempting to silence a t-shirt maker who criticized the agency by claiming copyright infringement.






Where Do You Draw The Line On Tyranny?


After returning from the annual reenactment of the battle of the Alamo in San Antonio, I learned of some heavy handed, illegal intimidation of people on the streets of Austin, instigated by SXSW.
In response, Alex Jones initiated a flash protest.

Any tyranny tolerated is another cut to liberty. Will we allow liberty to die incrementally — by a thousand cuts?










 World Trade Organization


Secret Globalist Treaty Threatens Internet Freedom

Obama poised to fast-track secret agreement


Kurt Nimmo
November 13, 2013

c1Wikileaks has released a 95 page, 30,000 word document spelling out details on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). The secret globalist agreement will have a significant effect on a wide range of issues including internet freedom, medicine, patents, and civil liberties. The cabal will meet in Salt Lake, Utah, between November 19 and 24.

The draft text for the TPP Intellectual Property Rights Chapter spells out provisions for implementing a transnational “enforcement regime” designed to supplant national laws and sovereignty with a globalist construct. The TPP is by far the largest and most oppressive economic treaty devised thus far. It will have an impact on a staggering 40 percent of worldwide GDP. The TPP is the forerunner to the equally secret US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TPP). Both treaties combined will cover 60 percent of world GDP and exclude China.

Enforcement will be accomplished by “supranational litigation tribunals to which sovereign national courts are expected to defer.” According to the document, the globalist courts can conduct hearings with secret evidence.

In addition, aspects of the treaty resemble SOPA and ACTA treaties with draconian surveillance mechanisms. In early 2013, thousands of websites “went black” to show solidarity in opposition to SOPA, or the Stop Online Piracy Act, legislation that seriously threatened the functionality of the internet. “SOPA was an attempt to put the power of information back in the hands of an elite few who are rapidly losing the ability to control what the masses are reading, hearing and seeing,” Mac Slavo wrote in January, 2012.

“Since the beginning of the TPP negotiations, the process of drafting and negotiating the treaty’s chapters has been shrouded in an unprecedented level of secrecy,” Wikileaks notes in a statement on the release of the TPP draft. “Access to drafts of the TPP chapters is shielded from the general public. Members of the US Congress are only able to view selected portions of treaty-related documents in highly restrictive conditions and under strict supervision. It has been previously revealed that only three individuals in each TPP nation have access to the full text of the agreement, while 600 ’trade advisers’ – lobbyists guarding the interests of large US corporations such as Chevron, Halliburton, Monsanto and Walmart – are granted privileged access to crucial sections of the treaty text.”

Obama is poised to fast-track the secret agreement. “The US administration is aggressively pushing the TPP through the US legislative process on the sly,” said Wikileaks editor Julian Assange.

“If instituted, the TPP’s IP regime would trample over individual rights and free expression, as well as ride roughshod over the intellectual and creative commons. If you read, write, publish, think, listen, dance, sing or invent; if you farm or consume food; if you’re ill now or might one day be ill, the TPP has you in its crosshairs,” Assange added.

This article was posted: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 10:23 am

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 World Trade Organization


For over 50 years, the Bilderberg group constructed the European Union by stealth, under the guise of trade deals.  Now the Elite are using the same secretive approach to complete the North American Union (NAU)— but this time, superstate integration is on the extreme fast track.  International agreements like NAFTA, GATT and APEC are just stepping stones in the formation of the NAU.


 This video clip from the Alex Jones film “Endgame” explains specifically how the Bilderberg Group has been using stealth for strategically paving the way toward full consolidation of the North American countries, for merging the populations, monetary systems, militaries, and highways of the United States, Canada and Mexico.











Dr. Benjamin Rush

"Education is favorable to Liberty. Freedom can only exist in a society of knowledge. Without learning, men are incapable of knowing their rights, and where learning is confined to a few people, Liberty can neither be equal nor universal."


The Constitution

Bill of Rights






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INTERNET FALSE FLAGS | FCC Plan to Censor Internet | How the FCC plans to seize authority over the internet | Big Brother/Sis & Surveillance Systems | Communications Takeover by EAS | Educational System Dismantlement | Silencing Christians | Hate Crimes  | Free Speech | Jailed for Bible Study | If I were the devil | Ambush / Undercover Journalism |



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