The Ongoing Ancient Struggle To Control People Through
(Neh 5:11) Give back to them immediately their fields, vineyards, olive groves and
houses, and also the usury you are charging them--the hundredth part of the money, grain, new wine and
(Acts 12:20) ...they asked for peace, because they depended on the king's country for
their food supply.
Farmageddon: The Unseen War On American Family
Americans' right to access fresh, healthy foods
of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small family farms that
were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through
violent action, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out
Filmmaker Kristin Canty's quest to
find healthy food for her four children turned into an educational journey to discover why access
to these foods was being threatened. What she found were policies that favor agribusiness and
factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Instead of
focusing on the source of food safety problems, most often the industrial food chain policymakers
and regulators implement and enforce solutions that target and often drive small farms out of
business that have proven themselves more than capable of producing safe, healthy food, but buckle
under the crushing weight of government regulations and excessive enforcement actions.
Farmageddon highlights the urgency of food freedom,
encouraging farmers and consumers alike to take action to preserve individual's rights to access
food of their choice and farmer's rights to produce these foods safely and free from unreasonably
burdensome regulations. The film serves to put policymakers and regulators on notice that there is
a growing movement of people aware that their freedom to choose the foods they want is in danger, a
movement that is taking action with its dollars and its voting power to protect and preserve the
dwindling number of family farms that are struggling to survive.
The message has already reached
Capitol Hill. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D, ME) along with Ron Paul (R, TX) and Ed Perlmutter,
(D, CO) sponsored the Congressional screening of Farmaggedon. Pingree, who is also an organic farmer,
wants her colleagues to see the devastating effects regulatory policies are having on small
American farms.
Farmaggedon: The Unseen War on American Family Farmsvividly conveys the stories (including the now infamous Rawesome Food
raid) of numerous farmers who found themselves on the wrong side of government food policy. It is
hard to imagine our government using S.W.A.T. raids to deal with misdemeanors, nor is it easy to
fathom agents of the law seizing valuable farm products and equipment, particularly in cases where
there is no proof of harm. This movie enables viewers to come face to face with the harsh realities
of providing local, fresh, and healthy food.
Michigan DOA Thugs Force Dairy Farmer To Dump Raw
Published on Jul 26, 2014
While Americans in the nearby city of Detroit face life in third world conditions, unable to even
afford running water, the state of Michigan decided to direct its resources towards cracking down on a small food
co-op in Standish for having the utter audacity to provide milk, butter, cream and eggs to people who bought shares
in the organic dairy.
War on Self-Sufficiency
Gardeners Potential Agri-Terrorists
Published on Aug 6, 2014
You Might be a Racist: Using Gardening Terms Like “Soil Purity” is Racist
Citing the “crisis in white identity in multicultural Britain,” Pitcher asserts that
people who appeared on a gardening talk show were unable to communicate their bigoted political beliefs for fear of
being called racist and were therefore expressing, “their racial identity in other ways, such as talking about
In yet another example of the federal government’s war on self-sufficiency, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture shut down a seed library in Pennsylvania, claiming that a system whereby residents could
borrow heirloom seeds and then replace them at harvest time was a violation of the 2004 Seed Act, while a
commissioner warned that such behavior could lead to “agri-terrorism.
"Collecting rainwater is now
illegal in many states"
Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal
to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food
Since the story first broke, a lot has
happened. One reason for this could be that food is being poisoned. Collecting rainwater is now illegal in many
states. Your intake is being controlled. For more information, visit the following articles as well:
Raiding organic food stores. A sign of new times?
Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water
Why do people in America refuse to take active interest in their future?
S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to
our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
"If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public's right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and
every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and
consumption of food and agricultural products of one's choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural
law or, if you like, the will of God." ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower
It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control
over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.
Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto's Michael Taylor who gave
us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an
appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create —
without judicial review — if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food
supplements, food and farming.
In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with
contamination in the meat industry. Clinton's HACCP delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization
"WTO") meat packers since it allowed them to inspect themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors
(with no history of contamination), and centralized meat into their control. Monsanto promoted HACCP.
In 2008, Hillary Clinton, urged a powerful centralized food safety agency as part of her campaign for president.
Her advisor was Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller*, a giant PR firm representing Monsanto. Clinton lost, but
Clinton friends such as Rosa DeLauro, whose husband's firm lists Monsanto as a progressive client and globalization
as an area of expertise, introduced early versions of S 510.
S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, and human survival grounds.
1. It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of
contamination or an ill-defined emergency. It resembles the Kissinger Plan.
2. It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening
national security. It would end the Uruguay Round Agreement Act of 1994, which put US sovereignty and US law under
perfect protection. Instead, S 510 says:
Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the
agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the
United States is a party.
3. It would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even
direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into "the United States." Since under that law, the US is a
corporate entity and not a location, "entry of food into the US" covers food produced anywhere within the land mass
of this country and "entering into" it by virtue of being produced.
People's Freedom of Choice in Food is Being Removed:
James Stewart Reports
James Stewart, owner of Rawsome Foods, who was arrested for the crime of selling unpasteurized
goat milk, goat cheese, yogurt and kefir, stops by to give us an update on the latest Rawsome Foods Battle in Court
and the food police continued enforcement on other California natural food growers.
Rawesome Foods Raided... Again!
Stewart, and Sharon Palmer, the farmer who supplies him with raw
goat milk, are being held on bails in excess of $100,000 and are each charged with four felonies and several more
misdemeanors. Some examples of the charges are “processing unpasteurized milk,” “improper labeling of food,” and
“improper egg temperatures.”
The government has kept pursuing Stewart and his club for years,
despite a lack of any reports of illness or injury from consumption of his foods. Rawesome members argue that they
are part of a private club, not subject to government regulation, and that they are being persecuted for their
alternative lifestyles.
Bounty Hunters Snatch Raw Milk Seller, James
James Stewart, the 65-year-old raw "milk man" and founder of Rawesome Foods, was assaulted
near his home today by three armed men driving unmarked luxury vehicles with no license plates. Carrying firearms
on their hips and dressed in gangster-style street clothes, Satanic T-shirt imagery and tattoos, they claimed to be
making an "arrest" and verbally assaulted James, forcing his head against a car and screaming, according to
witnesses, "You better listen to me or you're gonna have a bad f*ckin' day!"
James Stewart's cell phone was on the entire time, and a phone witness told NaturalNews the arrest was conducted
"Nazi style." Meanwhile, James was screaming to anyone who would listen, "HELP ME! HELP ME! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS
Bounty hunters drive cars with no plates, carry weapons, intimidate witnesses
In the arrest video, James clearly says, "Sir I was trying to give you the information that I thought Mr. McAfee
was giving to me." James is referring to Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures, California's largest organic milk
producer. NaturalNews has confirmed that Mark McAfee, among several other people, had helped fund James Stewart's
bail bond.
Raw Milk Man
Overcomes State Tyranny
Mike's guests today include: James Stewart of Rawsome Foods who will break down recent victories
against state tyranny.
"It is the common
fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active.The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal
vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the
consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt."-- John Philpot Curran
Domestic Terrorism by Michigan Government
NaturalNews can now confirm that the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has, in total
violation of the Fourth Amendment, conducted two armed raids on pig farmers in that state, one in Kalkaska
County at Fife Lake and another in Cheboygan County. Staging raids involving six vehicles and ten armed men, DNA
conducted unconstitutional, illegal and arguably criminal armed raids on these two farms with the intent of
shooting all the farmers' pigs under a bizarre new "Invasive Species Order" (ISO) that has suddenly declared
traditional livestock to be an invasive species.
Obama Seizes Control Over All Food Production
Under Executive Order: Mike Adams Reports
NaturalNews "We told ya so" just
doesn't quite cut it anymore. As the American sheeple slept, selfishly refusing to take a stand against tyranny,
the Obama administration has been plotting what can only be called a total government takeover of America.
This executive order states that the President alone has the authority to take over all resources in the nation
(labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done "to promote the national defense" -- a phrase so vague that it
could mean practically anything.
The power to seize control and take over these resources is delegated to the following government authorities:
(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources,
veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial
(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;
(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;
(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;
(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and
(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction
This takeover is designed, in part, to "stockpile supplies" for the U.S. military. Authority for this total
takeover of all national resources is granted with nothing more than the writing of a single statement that claims
these actions are necessary to "promote the national defense." As stated in the order:
the authority delegated by section 201 of this order may be used only to support programs that have been determined
in writing as necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense:
(a) by the Secretary of Defense with respect to military production and construction, military assistance to
foreign nations, military use of civil transportation, stockpiles managed by the Department of Defense, space, and
directly related activities;
What all this means is that the U.S. government now claims the power to simply march onto your farm with guns drawn
and demand all your crops, seeds, livestock and farm equipment.
Think I'm exaggerating? Read it yourself!
And for those living in denial who refuse to accept the reality of what's happening in America, remember the
• When NaturalNews reported on the existence of the NDAA, we were told our reporting was misleading because Obama
opposed it and wouldn't sign it.
• When Obama betrayed America and signed the bill, we were told our reporting was misleading because "it didn't
apply to Americans."
• When Obama admitted it did apply to Americans, he announced that he would choose "not to use it on Americans" but
only by the grace of his restraint. Nobody who previously accused us of misleading the public had the integrity to
offer us an apology and say, "Gee, you were right, it DOES apply to Americans!"
• Now Obama has seized control over all food, farms, livestock, water and transportation across America. How many
brain-dead Americans will continue to live in denial and try to convince themselves this is not happening? Sticking
your head in the sand does not make this go away...
Michigan Pig Farmer Fights "Feral" Label by
Mike also welcomes Mark Baker of Bakers Green Acres, the Michigan farmer facing prosecution
for owning pigs with "feral" distinctions.
Feds SWAT Team Fruit & Vegetable
No you're not in a Twilight Zone episode; the Feds are targeting independence on every level.
Jonas Stoltzfus on The Alex Jones Show"Targeting of Amish
& Mennonite Farmers by the Government"1/3
Jonas Stoltzfus on The Alex Jones Show"Targeting of
Amish & Mennonite Farmers by the Government"2/3
Jonas Stoltzfus on The Alex Jones Show"Targeting of Amish
& Mennonite Farmers by the Government"3/3
Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or
Sell Homegrown Food
Since the story first
broke, a lot has happened. One reason for this could be that food is being poisoned. Collecting rainwater is now
illegal in many states. Your intake is being controlled. For more information, visit the following articles as
“If accepted [S 510] wouldpreclude the public’s right to grow, own,trade, transport,share, feed and eat each and every food that nature
makes. It will become the most offensive authority
against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be
unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, CanadaHealth whistleblower
It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax
during British rule, only S 510 extends control overall food in the US, violating the
fundamental human right to food.
Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit
from it, but Monsanto’s Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms,
appears to havedesigned it and is waiting as an appointed
Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create
—without judicial review — if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US
seed,food supplements, food and farming.
In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis
Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with contamination in the meat industry. Clinton’s HACCP
delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization “WTO”) meat packers since it allowed them to inspect
themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors (with no history of contamination), and centralized
meat into their control. Monsanto promoted
In 2008, Hillary Clinton, urged a powerful centralized food safety
agency as part of her campaign for president. Her advisor wasMark
Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller*, a giant PR firmrepresenting
Monsanto. Clinton lost, but Clinton friends such as Rosa DeLauro,
whose husband’s firmlists Monsanto as a progressive client and
globalization as an area of expertise, introduced early versions of S 510.
S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional,
and human survival grounds.
1. It puts all US food and all US farms
underHomeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the
event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency. It
resembles theKissinger Plan.
2. It wouldend US sovereignty over its own food supplyby insisting oncompliance with the WTO, thus threatening national
security. It would end the Uruguay Round Agreement Act
of 1994, which put US sovereignty and US law underperfect
protection. Instead, S 510 says:
Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be
construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other
treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.
3. It would allow the government, under Maritime Law,
to define the introduction of any food into commerce (evendirect sales between individuals) as smuggling into
“the United States.” Since under that law, the US is a
corporate entity and not a location, “entry of food into the US” covers food produced anywhere within the
land mass of this country and “entering into” it by virtue of being produced.
4. It imposesCodex
Alimentarius on the US, aglobal
system of control over food. It allows the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), UN Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the WTO to take control of every food on earth and remove access to
natural food supplements. Its
bizarre history and itsexpected impact in
limiting access to adequate nutrition (while mandating GM food, GM
animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food, etc.) threatens all safe andorganic food and health itself, since the world
knows now it needs vitamins tosurvive, not just to treat illnesses.
5. It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in
the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US
security. SeeSeeds –
How to criminalize them, for more details.
6. It includes NAIS, an animal traceability program that threatens
all small farmers and ranchers raising animals. The UN is
participating through the WHO, FAO, WTO, and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in allowing mass slaughter
of even heritage breeds of animals and without proof of disease. Biodiversity in farm animals is being wiped out
tosubstitute genetically engineered animals on
whichcorporations hold patents. Animal diseases can
be falsely declared. S 510 includes the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), despite itscorrupt
involvement in theH1N1
scandal, which is now said to have been concocted by the
7. It extends a failed and destructive HACCP to all food, thus
threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production – put it in corporate
hands and worsen food safety.
8. It deconstructs what is left of the American
economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the
cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of
multinational corporations influencing the UN, WHO, FAO and WTO, with HHS, and CDC, acting as agents, with Homeland
Security as the enforcer. The chance to rebuild the economy based on farming, ranching, gardens, food
production,natural health, and all the jobs, tools and connected
occupations would be eliminated.
9. It would allow the government to mandate antibiotics, hormones,
slaughterhouse waste, pesticides and GMOs. This would
industrialize every farm in the US, eliminate local organic farming, greatly increase global warming from increased
use of oil-based products and long-distance delivery of foods, and make food even more unsafe. The five items
listed — theFive Pillars of Food
Safety — are precisely the items in the food supply which are the
primary source of its danger.
10. It uses food crimes as the entry into police state power and
control. The bill postpones defining all the regulations to be
imposed; postpones defining crimes to be punished, postpones defining penalties to be
applied. It removes fundamental constitutional protections
from all citizens in the country, making them subject to a corporate tribunal with unlimited power and penalties,
and without judicial review. It is (similar to C-6 in Canada)
the end ofRule of
Law in the US.
American Families Fightback Against FDA Raw Milk
Federal Govt Attempts to Seize
Control of Food Retail System
An InfoWars exclusive interview with Kristen Canty, the director and producer of the new
hard hitting documentary Farmageddon: The Unseen War on American Family Farms. Includes theatrical trailer of the
film and video footage of armed authorities raiding family farms and stores.
Small Heritage-Breed Pig Farmers Are Also Being
It’s not only raw-milk farmers who are facing the
‘food police.’ Small farmers raising heritage-breed
hogs are also being targeted, particularly in the state of Michigan where the Invasive Species Order (ISO)
went into effect last year.
The ISO prohibits anyone in the state from possessing what they define as "invasive species of swine," which
the state says are carriers of many parasites and disease, and a major source of damage to forests,
agricultural lands and water resources. While the dictionary definition of "feral" refers to an animal running
wild, Michigan authorities have taken it a step further and extended the definition to include enclosed private
hunting preserves and small farms that are raising heritage-breed pigs.
There is no genetic test to determine whether the species on these farms are truly invasive, so authorities
are basing their cases against these farmers solely on visual observations and characteristics so vague that
virtually any pig other than the familiar pink domestic breed raised on CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding
operations) could potentially be deemed "feral."
Any farmer or other individual found to be in possession of such a hog could be charged with a felony and
subjected to up to two years in jail and fines of up to $10,000 per violation. In one case against farmer Mark
Baker of Baker's Green Acres, who raises Mangalitsa "wooly" hogs, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources
(DNR), through the Michigan Attorney General, is asking the judge to impose fines of $700,000 for his 70
“illegal” pigs. Baker, however, is fighting back and has filed suit against the state of Michigan for loss of
livelihood due to the ISO. He told FTCLDF:4
“Because of the ISO, I have not been able to process or sell any pork in Michigan since April 2012
or sell the live pigs. This threatens the viability of my farm, my income and the health and well-being of
my family. The ISO is a threat to genetic diversity and freedom of choice as well as the ability of small
farms to make a living.This order denies consumers their rights to access foods of their
choice and violates property rights and the right to make a living. Farmers and other hog owners in
Michigan must either get rid of their now ‘prohibited’ property or become felons.”
Fines and Family
Mark shares the DNR's latest request to the judge--worth $700k. He also introduces you to his
heroes. Please feel free to download and re post on your own channel. Thanks! Ways you can help:
1) July 12: Court at 111 Canal St. Lake City, MI starts at 2 pm, come early! It would be great to fill the 100
seats with supporters!
2) July 13: Celebration of the Farm at Baker's Green Acres, starting at 10 am, food at 1pm, ending at 9 pm or
so. Come for a hog roast fundraiser. A silent auction is planned and we have room for more donations--call
231-825-0293 or e-mail [email protected]. More information on our website
3) Join the community of supporters at Pledgie:
Are You Willing to Fight for Your Food Freedom?
The fight for food freedom isn’t just for those who love raw milk – it’s for everyone who wants to be able
to obtain the food of their choice from the source of their choice. Now heritage-breed pigs are being targeted
and there’s no telling what other small-farm, niche foods may be next. So please, get involved! I urge you to
embrace the following action plan to protect your right to choose your own foods:
Join the fight for your rights: The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is
the only organization of its kind. This 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization provides a legal defense for
farmers who are being pursued by the government for distributing foods directly to consumers. Your
donations, although not tax deductible,
will be used to support the litigation, legislative, and lobbying efforts of the FTCLDF. For a summary
of FTCLDF’s activities in 2012, see this
Support your local farmers: Buy from local farmers, not the industry that is working
with the government to take away your freedoms.
people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as
sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
--Thomas Jefferson --
World According to Monsanto
There's nothing they are leaving
untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm:
that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow
of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it -- it's strategic. It's more powerful
than bombs. It's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the populations of the world. The story
starts in the White House, where Monsanto often got its way by exerting disproportionate influence over
policymakers via the "revolving door". One example is Michael Taylor, who worked for Monsanto as an attorney before
being appointed as deputy commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1991. While at the FDA, the
authority that deals with all US food approvals, Taylor made crucial decisions that led to the approval of GE foods
and crops. Then he returned to Monsanto, becoming the company's vice president for public policy.
Thanks to these intimate links between Monsanto and government agencies, the US adopted GE foods and crops without
proper testing, without consumer labeling and in spite of serious questions hanging over their safety. Not
coincidentally, Monsanto supplies 90 percent of the GE seeds used by the US market. Monsanto's long arm stretched
so far that, in the early nineties, the US Food and Drugs Agency even ignored warnings of their own scientists, who
were cautioning that GE crops could cause negative health effects. Other tactics the company uses to stifle
concerns about their products include misleading advertising, bribery and concealing scientific evidence.
It is hardly surprising that the first thing Bayer did after completing their takeover of
Monsanto earlier this month was to announce that they were dropping the Monsanto name, merging the two companies'
agrichemical divisions under the Bayer Crop Science name. After all, as everyone knows, Monsanto is one of the most
hated corporations in the world. But Bayer itself has an equally atrocious history of death and destruction.
Together they are a match made in hell.
Codex Alimentarius
Government and corporate control of our food supply
What is Codex
The Codex Alimentarius
Commission, Latin for 'food code', is an inter-governmental body that sets guidelines and standards to ensure ‘fair
trade practices’ and consumer protection in relation to theglobal
trade of food. It
was established for this purpose in 1963 so has more than 40 years’ experience controlling food in an ever-more
globalized world. It has over 170 member countries within the framework of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards
Programme established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Codex will control: 1.
Vitamins, minerals and nutrients, 2. Genetically modified organisms, 3. Toxic residues, 4. Antibiotics, drugs, growth stimulants, and other hormones in food
animals, 5. Organic foods, and 6. Irradiation of food.