" Look Into It - Posse Comitatus2




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Posse Comitatus 

Posse Comitatus2

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction, with the intention (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) of substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (today the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain "law and order" on non-federal property (states and their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States.


Psyops - Any form of communication in support of objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly.  Department of DefenseUS Army Field Manual 33-1

Acclimating The Public To Accept Troops On The Street!




In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment.





The Sleeping Giant Awakens on Live TV

Published on May 6, 2015

Military Colonel assures the public that the training facility that looks like a US town,
is in fact for training to fight anywhere in the world.


Posse Comitatus2

Military Training To
Deploy In American Cities

Jakari Jackson
May 15, 2014


David Knight and Staff Sgt. Joe Biggs travel to the Ft. AP military base outside of Bowling Greene, Virginia, where the military has constructed an elaborate small town training facility. Was it built to train the Army on how to take on “domestic terror” threats, which the government perceives as most of the US population? Watch Knight and Biggs explain what they’ve discovered.





 Posse Comitatus2

Leaked Documents Reveal Marine Corps ‘Urban Training Center’ Based on U.S. Town

Whistleblower says facility with Baptist church, farmhouses
used to train foreign and domestic groups

Mikael Thalen
May 16, 2014

RELATED: Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans

Newly leaked Marine Corps’ documents detail yet another military urban training center that more closely resembles a small U.S. town than a foreign combat zone.



The document, entitled “Military Operations on Urban Terrain Collective Training Facility,” reveals the specifics of a mock 30-acre town located on Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

Originally built in 1990, new additions to the facility, including a Baptist church, a police station and several farmhouses, have transformed the layout of the once “international” town.

According to the military whistleblower who provided the documents to Infowars, U.S. Marines at the facility have been tasked with training soldiers, law enforcement agencies and Homeland Security in skills such as fighting in wooded areas, urban patrolling, forcible entry and night fighting techniques. The facility is also being used to cross train foreign troops from the United Nations and NATO. The whistleblower noted that the vast majority of Marines were opposed to the shift in training and specifically had issues with DHS agents.



An aerial photograph of the training center reveals the location of several new structures including a water treatment facility, railroad tracks and the aforementioned farmhouses and police station. Although the map makes no mention of the Baptist church, several accompanying photographs show the church’s location.






A seperate aerial photo shows several of the town’s other features including a bank, soccer field, a bridge capable of accommodating an “M-1 tank” and a high school. According to a 1989 press release that mentioned the facility’s original structures, the high school’s gymnasium “can be used as a holding area for ‘evacuees’ or as a detention center for prisoners of war.”


The facility’s continuous upgrades perfectly illustrate the establishment’s public shift towards targeting conservative Americans deemed “extremist.”


Just last February, the U.S. Army unveiled a similar 300-acre urban training center in Virginia, complete with a Baptist church and underground subway system nearly identical to one in Washington DC. After months of being stonewalled, Infowars’ reporters David Knight and Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs traveled to the facility this week and uncovered several other suspicious structures.

While attempting to locate military personnel for an interview, both Knight and Biggs were detained by police and escorted to the base’s headquarters. Alex Jones contacted Fort AP Hill’s public information officer, Bob McElroy, to learn the fate of his reporters and to inform McElroy of the facility’s nefarious background.




The growing emergence of military training centers that resemble small American towns is unsurprising given the U.S. military leadership’s vocal opposition to conservatives, libertarians and those who identify with the Tea Party.

Just last October, Army troops at Mississippi’s Camp Shelby blew the whistle after being told that the American Family Association, a well-known Christian ministry, was a domestic hate group in line with Neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. Support of traditional family values was deemed hateful according to the presentation.

That same month, Fort Hood soldiers receiving a pre-deployment briefing were told that Christians, anti-abortion activists and Tea Party supporters were a major terror threat to the country. Soldiers were warned that anyone supporting such groups could face discipline under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Only months before in August 2013, conservative watchdog Judicial Watch obtained a Department of Defense training manual that listed supporters of “individual liberties” and “states’ rights” as likely “extremists” from “hate groups.”

A 2012 article in Forbes reviewed a report from the Small Wars Journal, where a retired U.S. Army Colonel and military historian explained “how the U.S. Military would crush a Tea Party rebellion.”

A leaked US Army Military Police training manual from 2012 entitled “Civil Disturbance Operations” brazenly outlined how the military would be used to confiscate firearms and kill Americans domestically during civil unrest. The manual also detailed how prisoners would be sent to temporary internment camps and “re-educated” to appreciate “U.S. policies” in accordance with U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations.

In April 2010, military soldiers in Kentucky trained to take on the Tea Party in a scenario surrounding protests against government health care.

Despite the growing number of training centers, the military has also begun increasing its presence in public with urban warfare drills. In 2012, Miami residents were shocked after military helicopters began firing blank machine gun rounds over the downtown area.

The nationwide program known as National Level Exercises 2009 (NLE 09) brought thousands of US and foreign troops onto American streets to train in martial law type scenarios. Each year, public information officials with the military, FEMA and Homeland Security refuse to divulge information surrounding the massive program.

In 2013, around two dozen soldiers practiced taking over the town of Gillett, Wisconsin in order to “conduct assessments” and meet with “local key leaders.” According to military officials, the operation enabled soldiers to “sharpen their skills” in advising the police chief on how to enhance the capabilities of local law enforcement.

In 2006, Infowars reported on the “clergy response team” FEMA program, which trains Pastors and other religious representatives to teach their congregations to “obey the government” during martial law by submitting to gun confiscation and forced relocation.



LINK: Clergy Response Teams


Homeland Security, who reportedly train in the mock town as well, have also frequently labeled countless mainline Americans as domestic terrorists. A 2012 study funded by the department deemed Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and “reverent of individual liberty” to be “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

In 2009, former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to disown a report from the department that labeled returning military veterans as one of the main terror threats.

Similarly, police are also being trained to view supporters of limited government as dangerous. The 2009 MIAC report, a training manual leaked to Infowars from an anonymous Missouri police officer, lists Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, and members of the Constitution party as potential domestic extremists.

Police in Michigan trained to shoot and kill a “disgruntled military veteran” at the state’s Fed­eral Correctional Institution last April as part of a multi-agency hostage drill. The scenario ended with the veteran being killed by militarized police in an armored military vehicle.

According to several people including former Navy SEAL Ben Smith, the Obama administration has asked top military brass if they would support orders to disarm and even fire upon U.S. citizens. Given the fact that the majority of military personnel align themselves with a conservative viewpoint, the apparent purge and demonization campaign is likely to intensify.

Full Documents:


This article was posted: Friday, May 16, 2014 at 7:24 am




Mastering The Human Domain

  • Who You Are – Collected information includes names, addresses, biometrics, social media accounts . 
  • What You Do – Travel history, communications, financial transactions and movement of physical assets. 
  • Who You Know – Relational information including family, friends, associates and organizations. 
  • Context – Contextual data such as demographics, politics, cultural norms and religion. 


A closer look at the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise, specifically its
“master the human domain” motto, reveals a larger agenda in regards to domestic policy.

...“They’re building an infrastructure of tyranny,” stated Infowars David Knight. “There’s a legal infrastructure with things like the NDAA, there’s a technical infrastructure with things like the capability to do dragnet surveillance, and then of course there is going to be a military and law enforcement infrastructure, and those are merging.”




Full Presentation






Jade Helm is planned to be conducted annually, the price of which is staggering; but we have
no money to Secure our Borders from Terrorists and the Drug Cartels?...It's time to wakeup.

LINK: Military Takeover Plans and Psyops





-- Psychological Operations --

“People in general just will NOT, take their heads out of the sand!”

Psyops, or psychological operations, is a term used to describe the techniques of psychological manipulation used in warfare. These operations are used to deceive, confuse, disrupt and demoralize the enemy, with an aim toward weakening enemy resistance or even causing enemy forces to surrender and enemy populations to capitulate.





Police State 1 | Police State 2 | Police State 3 | Police State 4 |

Military Illegally on American Streets | Military Training to Take on Americans |

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People | Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans |

Subverting The Public | Propaganda History | Bread and Circus





U.S. Army admits troops conducting law enforcement is illegal yet it continues to happen across the country on a routine basis 

Posse Comitatus2 

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order;
tomorrow they will be grateful,"

The high level globalist minion Henry Kissinger purportedly said in an address
to the Bilderbergers at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991.

(Links Below Give More Background And Insight To Henry Kissinger's
Revealing Statement Of Troops Being Needed To Restore Order)








Bilderberg Group

The United Nations


The Federal Reserve



The more impoverished the nation gets, the more society will break down, and then Americans will welcome a militarized police force.

Detroit Appeals To UN For Humanitarian Assistance

Several groups appealed to the UN on Wednesday to assist in providing affordable water to the residents of Detroit. In March, the bankrupt city sent 45,000 shutoff notices to residents with overdue bills. So far, nearly 3,000 have had their water service terminated, and many more fear they are next. RTs Manila Chan has more details on the circumstances of the plea for help.





Posse Comitatus Act





Veterans Now Public Enemy Number One


Alex bring to light the fact that the US military & international troops are training with
local police for a possible response to a "Threat from Veterans"






Military Vet Warns of Coming Red Dawn in America


Military Vet tells alex that other veterans are now training citizens to defend themselves.






GOP House Affirms Military Detention, As Thai Military Shows
How It Will Go Down For Politicians

The same day US Special Forces were practicing Urban Warfare in America with foreign troops from 16 nations, in one of those nations, Thailand, a military coup was rounding up politicians. Ironically, the GOP controlled House reaffirmed yet again, its approval of indefinite detention by the military. And on the same day, the Democrat controlled Senate approved a lawyer who wrote secret memos making secret arguments supporting drone assassinations of Americans, for a lifetime appointment to a court one level below the Supreme Court.

A General Writes the First After-Action Report on the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Why We Lost
Thai military detains politicians and activists
House Passes NDAA; Critical Amendments Fail, Others Succeed
Barron Narrowly Confirmed by Senate Despite Drone Memo




US Govt. Okays Lethal Military Force Against Americans

Despite President Obama going to great lengths to assuage the American people's concerns with the increased militarization
of federal agencies, a recently disclosed military directive suggests those fears could be legitimate.





DoD Directive Grants Military Authority to ‘Quell Large-scale, Unexpected Civil Disturbances’
Militarization of federal agencies across the board puts everyday Americans square in the crosshairs

by Adan Salazar | Infowars | May 29, 2014

Despite President Obama going to great lengths to assuage the American people’s concerns with the increased militarization of federal agencies, a recently disclosed military directive suggests those fears could be legitimate.

Yesterday, The Washington Times disclosed a disturbing Department of Defense directive detailing which instances may be appropriate for the government to use lethal military force on dissenting civilians.

In a December 2010 directive entitled, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities” (DSCA), the DoD discusses plans “regarding military support for civilian law enforcement,” which would go into effect if authorized by the President, Secretary of Defense, civil authorities or other qualifying entities.

“Federal action, including the use of federal military forces, is authorized when necessary to protect the federal property or functions,” Directive #3025.18 states.

Under the directive, additional authority is also granted to military commanders. From the directive:

“Federal military commanders are provided EMERGENCY AUTHORITY under this Directive. Federal military forces shall not be used to quell civil disturbances unless specifically authorized by the President in accordance with applicable law.. In these circumstances, those Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances…”

Not surprisingly, the DoD order does little to quell the fears of Americans worried over various governmental agencies arming to the teeth, as well as those concerned with increasingly hostile rhetoric geared to demonize Tea Party supporters, liberty lovers, returning military veterans and law abiding gun owners.


The militarization of federal agencies, under little-known statues that permit deputization of security officials, comes as the White House has launched verbal attacks on private citizens’ ownership of firearms despite the fact that most gun owners are law-abiding citizens,” contends Bill Gertz. Indeed, Second Amendment supporters are known for holding gatherings and protests, activities some may deem “large-scale” and “unexpected,” and which opponents may label “civil disturbances.”

Past military literature also outlines several groups the DoD expects to confront in said “unexpected civil disturbances.”

A DoD training manual disseminated last year, for instance, listed people who embrace “individual liberties,” and honor “states’ rights,” among other characteristics, as potential “extremists” likely to be members of “hate groups.”

“Nowadays,” the manual explained, “instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.”

The manual’s contents dovetails with previous government studies targeting similar groups, such as a study funded by the Department of Homeland Security which characterized Americans “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.

Another government document disclosed by Infowars in 2009 listed supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as potential “militia” influenced terrorists, and warned Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters “displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.”

Then there are the more tangible threats, such as local police departments acquiring armored vehicles designed for warfare, and outrageous bullet solicitations by federal agencies tasked with providing public services, like the US Postal Service, the Dept. of Education, the Social Security Administration and others.



The threat was such that last year one Ret. Army Captain Terry M. Hestilow bravely called out the Obama administration, concluding the DHS’ solicitations and acquisitions represented a “bold threat of war” against the American people.

Labeling the DHS purchases a “glaring threat of war against our nation’s citizens,” Capt. Hestilow declared the DHS’s acquisitions “can only be understood as a tyrannical threat against the Constitution of the United States of America.”

The fact the military has constructed a $96 million training facility in Virginia designed to resemble an American city could also constitute a tangible menace.

While the DoD directive provides some solace for citizens, in the form of prohibiting “armed” drones from being used for domestic DSCA purposes, the concession is overshadowed by the fact that mere years ago the government completely denied the existence of a drone program.

Of course, now it’s just common knowledge that surveillance drones are being used to monitor the border and are in use by the EPA to monitor farmers and ranchers, in addition to the fact that they were considered for use in the Bundy Ranch standoff last month.

At best, the language contained within the latest DoD directive provides an end run around posse comitatus; at worst, it can be construed as an admission by the feds that they anticipate a future quarrel with at least some portion of the American people, wherein military commanders may be required to make the call to aid local authorities in “controlling the situation.”





Obama Declares War on American People


Despite President Obama going to great lengths to assuage the American people's concerns with the increased
militarization of federal agencies, a recently disclosed military directive suggests those fears could be legitimate.





Inside the Ring: Directive outlines Obama’s policy to use the military against citizens

by Bill Gertz | Washington Times | May 29, 2014

A 2010 Pentagon directive on military support to civilian authorities details what critics say is a troubling policy that envisions the Obama administration’s potential use of military force against Americans.

The directive contains noncontroversial provisions on support to civilian fire and emergency services, special events and the domestic use of the Army Corps of Engineers.

The troubling aspect of the directive outlines presidential authority for the use of military arms and forces, including unarmed drones, in operations against domestic unrest.

“This appears to be the latest step in the administration’s decision to use force within the United States against its citizens,” said a defense official opposed to the directive.

Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities,” was issued Dec. 29, 2010, and states that U.S. commanders “are provided emergency authority under this directive.”

“Federal military forces shall not be used to quell civil disturbances unless specifically authorized by the president in accordance with applicable law or permitted under emergency authority,” the directive states.

“In these circumstances, those federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the president is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances” under two conditions.

The conditions include military support needed “to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and public order.” A second use is when federal, state and local authorities “are unable or decline to provide adequate protection for federal property or federal governmental functions.”

“Federal action, including the use of federal military forces, is authorized when necessary to protect the federal property or functions,” the directive states.

Military assistance can include loans of arms, ammunition, vessels and aircraft. The directive states clearly that it is for engaging civilians during times of unrest.

A U.S. official said the Obama administration considered but rejected deploying military force under the directive during the recent standoff with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his armed supporters.

Mr. Bundy is engaged in a legal battle with the federal Bureau of Land Management over unpaid grazing fees. Along with a group of protesters, Mr. Bundy in April confronted federal and local authorities in a standoff that ended when the authorities backed down.

The Pentagon directive authorizes the secretary of defense to approve the use of unarmed drones in domestic unrest. But it bans the use of missile-firing unmanned aircraft.

“Use of armed [unmanned aircraft systems] is not authorized,” the directive says.

The directive was signed by then-Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn. A copy can be found on the Pentagon website: http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/corres/pdf/302518p.pdf.

Defense analysts say there has been a buildup of military units within non-security-related federal agencies, notably the creation of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams. The buildup has raised questions about whether the Obama administration is undermining civil liberties under the guise of counterterrorism and counternarcotics efforts.

Other agencies with SWAT teams reportedly include the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Education Department.

The militarization of federal agencies, under little-known statues that permit deputization of security officials, comes as the White House has launched verbal attacks on private citizens’ ownership of firearms despite the fact that most gun owners are law-abiding citizens.

A White House National Security Council spokeswoman declined to comment.

President Obama stated at the National Defense University a year ago: “I do not believe it would be constitutional for the government to target and kill any U.S. citizen — with a drone or with a shotgun — without due process, nor should any president deploy armed drones over U.S. soil.”


The House defense authorization bill passed last week calls for adding $10 million to the Pentagon’s future warfare think tank and for codifying the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) as a semi-independent unit.

The provision is being called the Andrew Marshall amendment after the ONA’s longtime director and reflects congressional support for the 92-year-old manager and his staying power through numerous administrations, Republican and Democratic.

Mr. Marshall’s opponents within the Pentagon and the Obama administration persuaded Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel this year to downgrade the ONA by cutting its budget and placing it under the control of the undersecretary of defense for policy. The ONA currently is a separate entity within the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Members of the House Committee on Armed Services objected and added the $10 million to the administration’s $8.9 million request, along with a legal provision that would codify ONA’s current status as separate from the policy undersecretary shop.

The committee was concerned Mr. Hagel’s downgrade would “limit the ability and flexibility of ONA to conduct long-range comparative assessments,” the report on the authorization bill states.

“The office has a long history of providing alternative analyses and strategies that challenge the ‘group think’ that can often pervade the Department of Defense,” the report says, noting an increasing demand for unconventional thinking about space warfare capabilities by China and Russia.

In addition to adding funds, the bill language requires the ONA to study alternative U.S. defense and deterrence strategies related to the space warfare programs of both countries.

China is developing advanced missiles capable of shooting down satellites in low and high earth orbits. It also is building lasers and electronic jammers to disrupt satellites, a key U.S. strategic military advantage. Russia is said to be working on anti-satellite missiles and other space weapons.

“The committee believes the office must remain an independent organization within the department, reporting directly to the secretary,” the report said.

Mr. Marshall, sometimes referred to as the Pentagon’s “Yoda,” after the Star Wars character, has come under fire from opponents in the administration, who say he is too independent and not aligned with the administration’s soft-line defense policies.

The ONA is known for its extensive use of contractors and lack of producing specific overall net assessments of future warfare challenges, as required by the office’s charter.

One example of the ONA’s unconventional thinking was the recent contractor report “China: The Three Warfares,” which revealed Beijing’s extensive use of political warfare against the United States, including psychological warfare, media warfare and legal warfare.

“‘The Three Warfares’ is a dynamic, three-dimensional, war-fighting process that constitutes war by other means,” the report says.

A Pentagon spokesman had no immediate comment.


Navy Adm. James A. “Sandy” Winnefeld, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Wednesday that the Pentagon is deploying more and higher-quality missile defenses to counter potential nuclear attacks from North Korea and Iran.

“This is about ensuring we can deny the objectives of any insecure authoritarian state that believes acquisition of deliverable weapons of mass destruction is key to the preservation of its regime,” Adm. Winnefeld said in a speech to the Atlantic Council. “The number of states trying to achieve that capability is growing, not shrinking, with our principal current concern being North Korea, because they are closest in terms of capability, followed by Iran.”

He added that missile defenses are needed “because we’re not betting on Dennis Rodman as our deterrent against a future North Korean ICBM threat.”

He was referring to the heavily tattooed and pierced former NBA star, who has traveled to North Korea as a guest of leader Kim Jong-un. Mr. Rodman calls the dictator his “friend.”

“A robust and capable missile defense is our best bet to defend the United States from such an attack and is, in my view, our No. 1 missile defense priority,” Adm. Winnefeld said.

North Korea is continuing to develop long-range missiles and nuclear weapons. It recently threatened to conduct a fourth nuclear test, and analysts say signs from the closed communist state suggest the North Koreans may test a missile warhead.

Contact Bill Gertz at @BillGertz.





Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans 

Posse Comitatus2

In Operation Vigilant Guard, a Prison Planet.tv exclusive, Infowars.com reporters and filmmakers Rob Dew and Jason Douglass venture to Chicago, Illinois, to document the militarization of domestic response during disasters and terrorist events in the United States.

It is not simply the U.S. military -- specifically the National Guard federalized under the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act -- and Homeland Security along with local police participating in exercises held state-wide in Illinois, but the Polish and Latvian military as well.

The National Guard told the media that foreign soldiers would be "observers," but as this Prison Planet.tv exclusive video reveals Polish soldiers participated in the activities, including a raid on what appeared to be a meth lab but is described as a weapons of mass destruction facility.

Operation Vigilant Guard reveals the on-going effort to not only destroy Posse Comitatus -- once upon a time designed to prevent the military from working with state and local law enforcement -- but the globalist effort to incorporate foreign "partners" into any future effort to impose martial law and gun confiscation in response not only to hurricanes but a contrived terrorist event.

Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful," the high level globalist minion Henry Kissinger purportedly said in an address to the Bilderbergers at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991.

Is it possible after the next manufactured terror event they will also be grateful for the armed presence of soldiers from Poland and Latvia?






Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

Polish Troops Train To Take On American “Terrorists”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Law enforcement and military officials were keen to play down the presence of Polish troops during the recent Operation Vigilant Guard exercises in Chicago, but claims that the foreign personnel were there merely as “observers” were proven incorrect after they were filmed participating in drills which revolved around terrorism and mass casualty disasters.

Infowars reporters Rob Dew and Jason Douglass traveled to Chicago to document the increasing integration of foreign troops with American military and civilian authorities.

At a National Guard exercise being held in Toyota Park, a soccer stadium, Colonel Johnny Miller, the head of the drill, told Dew and Douglass, “Our partner country with Illinois is Poland, so we’ll have Polish military folks here,” adding that Polish law enforcement agencies, Polish FBI, as well as Latvian forces, would also be in attendance.

Miller said that the Polish personnel would be there merely as observers to incorporate what they had witnessed into their own counter-terror and law enforcement programs, a claim later disproved when the troops were seen participating in the programs.


Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans


Moving on to Elk Grove Village for day 3 of the exercise, SFC Mark Ballard of the Illinois National Guard said that the Polish forces would be “integrating into some of the civil military units that are participating in this exercise” as part of Illinois’ partnership with the Republic of Poland, a relationship based around “integrative training” and blending military and civilian forces in the event of a national emergency, as well as making this process of integration with foreign troops more “visible”.

The claim that the Polish forces were merely present at the exercises to observe was again proven false during a Homeland Security drill in Bensenville that revolved around a meth lab takedown.

Polish Major Lesniak said that the exercise represented “the next step” in the Polish military’s cooperation with the Illinois National Guard, adding that American forces in Poland were not engaged in similar exercises, thus confirming that these drills are solely aimed at preparing Americans to accept the sight of foreign troops conducting law enforcement duties.

On day 4, volunteers from Boy Scouts of America were brought in to take part in the exercises. This is telling given last year’s announcement of how Homeland Security is training boy scouts to take on and disarm “disgruntled veterans” who are described as “terrorists”. This is when it became apparent that gun-toting Polish BOA forces were directly participating in the exercises, something that the military officials had earlier mischaracterized.


Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans


During a subsequent exercise in the Chicago subway, Jose Santiago, Executive Director of Emergency Management and Communications, was keen to stress that the Polish forces were “observers” only, even after the Infowars film crew had recorded them directly participating in previous disaster exercises.

Operation Vigilant Guard reveals the on-going effort to not only destroy Posse Comitatus — once upon a time designed to prevent the military from working with state and local law enforcement — but the globalist effort to incorporate foreign “partners” into any future effort to impose martial law and gun confiscation in response not only to hurricanes but a contrived terrorist event.

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful,” the high level globalist minion Henry Kissinger purportedly said in an address to the Bilderbergers at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991.

Is it possible after the next manufactured terror event they will also be grateful for the armed presence of soldiers from Poland and Latvia?


Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans




Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans 

U.S. Army admits troops conducting law enforcement is illegal yet it continues to happen across the country on a routine basis

LINK: Posse Comitatus Act





Michael Savage: Janet Napolitano SECRET Deal Brings 15,000 Russian Troops to U.S. to Help in “Upcoming” Disaster


LINK: RAND Corporation





Foreign Troops Are Already Operating Inside America

FEMA denies report of Russian forces providing security at US events

Paul Joseph Watson
July 3, 2013

FEMA’s denial of a report that suggested Russian forces would be operating inside the United StatesForeign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans at “mass events” ignores the manifestly provable fact that Russian and other foreign troops are already active inside the US and have been for at least two decades.

Russian troops training on US soil.

The federal agency was forced to deny a report published by Infowars on Monday which cited an official Russian government press release that detailed a plan for Russian authorities to be involved in the “provision of security at mass events” in the United States.

“There will be “no exchange of security or military personnel” under a recently renewed partnership between the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry, a FEMA spokesman told RIA Novosti.”

“The agreement continues information-sharing meetings and observation opportunities with first responders and emergency managers,” the spokesman said.

This contradicts a June 25 press release issued by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies which said that, “The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters,” a deal that would include the “provision of security at mass events.” The dictionary definition of the word ‘provision’ is “the providing or supplying of something.”

The admission that FEMA and Russian authorities would “exchange experts” who would be active “during joint rescue operations in major disasters” clearly contradicts the claim that the deal was only about information sharing. Either the press release was inaccurate or FEMA is lying.

The accuracy of the Infowars report was then muddied by it being connected with an unrelated hoax published by a known disinformation website which falsely claimed Obama had requested 15,000 Russian troops for an “upcoming disaster” in America.

Even if we accept FEMA’s denial that Russian forces will be in place at “mass events” in the US, the fact that Russian forces are already operating inside America is proven.

Last year we reported on how Russian troops were invited to the US as part of a Fort Carson, Colorado drill focused around anti-terror training. Aside from learning how to target terrorists in America, the Russian soldiers were also told to go out and mingle with the local community by attending a baseball game in Colorado Springs.


Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans

Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans


The Department of Defense subsequently confirmed that 20 Russian Spetsnaz troops were set to train on US soil for a period of three weeks as part of a “formal bilateral exchange program between the U.S. and Russia.” Images of Russian troops working with US soldiers at Fort Carson can be seen above.

The process of acclimatizing Americans to accept the presence of foreign troops on US soil has been ongoing since the release of State Department Publication 7277, which is a blueprint for the harmonization of US and Russian forces under a United Nations framework.

There are numerous other instances where foreign troops have been active on U.S. soil as part of security exchange programs.

- In 2008, US and Canadian authorities signed an agreement that paves the way to using each other’s militaries on both sides of the border “during an emergency”.

- During FEMA’s 2009 NLE exercise, foreign troops from Mexico, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom were involved in a major exercise focused on “terrorism prevention and protection.”

- Back in July 2010, our reporters covered the Operation Vigilant Guard exercises in Chicago which involved Polish troops training alongside U.S. National Guard troops in drills focused around raiding terrorists and drug dealers.

- Alex Jones has documented foreign troops being trained on U.S. soil to deal with “insurgents” since the late 1990′s as part of “urban warfare drills”.

 - Only last month, foreign troops from Canada, New Zealand and Japan as well as observers from Australia, Chile, Colombia, Israel, Mexico, Peru and Singapore took part in multi-lateral exercises with US Marines under the banner of Operation Dawn Blitz, during which foreign soldiers staged a mock invasion of a beach in Southern California and then “moved inland for additional training ashore.”

- In addition, as Frank Drover details, “Troops and personnel under the command of the United Nations have been training all over the United States in joint exercises that include policing operations and terrorist suppression.”



Drover cites a 1994 UN training mission named Agile Provider (watch the clip above), during which 44,000 blue helmeted UN troops from nations such as France and the Netherlands trained in Georgia, North and South Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

- There were also fresh eyewitness reports of UN troops arriving for exercises in Texas, Florida, Mississippi and Georgia as recently as May of this year.

Watch a video report below from 2010′s Operation Vigilant Guard exercise where foreign troops trained with US Marines in a range of different security exercises.

Exercises involving foreign troops on US soil have become commonplace over the last 20 years as Americans become increasing acclimatized to seeing international forces prepared for involvement in domestic security operations, largely ignorant of the fact that this is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.












UN Accelerates Plan For Global Gun Confiscation After Collapse
United Nations hiring 'disarmament, demobilization
and reintegration' officers


The United Nations is gearing up for gun confiscation in the event of a societal collapse in numerous countries by hiring “disarmament, demobilization and reintegration” officers who will be trained to seize guns “from the civilian population.”

A posting on the United Nations Career Opportunities page announces a vacancy for the position of “Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer” under the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations based out of New York.


UN Publicly Prepares For Gun Confiscation In US


We know they have been planning it for years, and the documents are legion.
Now they are preparing to go operational.


The UN’s page on DDR operations explains what role the DDR officer will be expected to undertake;

Disarmament is the collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons from combatants and often from the civilian population.

Demobilization is the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces and groups, including a phase of “reinsertion” which provides short-term assistance to ex-combatants.

Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. It is a political, social and economic process with an open time-frame, primarily taking place in communities at the local level.

The objective of the DDR process is to contribute to security and stability in post-conflict environments so that recovery and development can begin. DDR helps create an enabling environment for political and peace processes by dealing with security problem that arises when ex-combatants are trying to adjust to normal life, during the vital transition period from conflict to peace and development.

Although the posting prompted feverish speculation that the UN was about to embark on a mass gun confiscation program within the United States, it’s important to note that the DDR program is only currently active in countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast and Haiti.

However, concerns are understandable given the acceleration in anti-Second Amendment rhetoric and executive action on behalf of the Obama administration since the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.

During a town hall event last week, Hillary Clinton asserted that gun control opponents should not be allowed to hold an opinion that “terrorizes” America.

Earlier this month, President Barack Obama also cited Australia’s draconian gun confiscation program as an example to be followed by the U.S.

“It’s no secret that the US government has been preparing riot gear, guns, ammunition, and detention centers for a major calamity that will likely involve violence and widespread civil unrest,” writes Mac Slavo. Should such an event ever take place the first order of business will include a declaration of martial law. And just as we saw during Hurricane Katrina, when the U.S. Constitution has been suspended gun confiscation is soon to follow.”

Since the 1990′s, Alex Jones and Infowars reporters have attended numerous urban warfare training drills inside the United States, many of which included exercises based around disarming American citizens. Foreign troops were also present at many of these drills.

Infowars first became aware of this story a week ago having been contacted by active duty military officials who saw the advertisement before it was posted publicly and we are currently working on a deeper angle that promises to provide further insight.

For anyone who still doubts that domestic gun confiscation would be plausible in the aftermath of a catastrophe, watch the short documentary below which highlights how authorities exploited Hurricane Katrina to seize firearms, including those belonging to residents who weren’t even affected by the disaster.


The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina

LINK: UN Arms Transfer Treaty (ATT) on Small Arms: Gun Grab Gradualism






Did You Know a Law Is On The Books to Disarm All Americans?
Law provides impetus for "ultimate world disarmament"
and U.N. control over military
Public law 87-297, the Arms Control and Disarmament Act signed by President Kennedy in 1961, provides an impetus to not only ban civilian firearm ownership but to also transfer control of the U.S. military to the United Nations.

“It is the purpose of this Act to provide impetus toward this goal by creating a new agency of peace to deal with the problem of reduction and control of armaments looking toward ultimate world disarmament,” the law states.

Public Law 87-297


The law was based primarily on State Department Publication 7277, The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, which advocates the complete disarmament of every country in favor of a permanent U.N. military force:


The over-all goal of the United States is a free, secure, and peaceful world of independent states adhering to common standards of justice and international conduct and subjecting the use of force to the rule of law; a world which has achieved general and complete disarmament under effective international control; and a world in which adjustment to change takes place in accordance with the principles of the United Nations.

In order to make possible the achievement of that goal, the program sets forth the following specific objectives toward which nations should direct their efforts:

  • The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their reestablishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force;
  • The elimination from national arsenals of all armaments, including all weapons of mass destruction and the means for their delivery, other than those required for a United Nations Peace Force and for maintaining internal order;
  • The institution of effective means for the enforcement of international agreements, for the settlement of disputes, and for the maintenance of peace in accordance with the principles of the United Nations;
  • The establishment and effective operation of an International Disarmament Organization within the framework of the United Nations to insure compliance at all times with all disarmament obligations.

Department of State Publication 7277 Dtd 1961 by SFCWizard77 

Since public law 87-297 was enacted, just about every president has worked to enact its provisions, including President Obama who signed a U.N. arms trade treaty which was rejected by the Senate.

“The right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer all means of armed resistance, including handguns, is denied to civilians by [Article 2] of the Arms Trade Treaty,” wrote Joe Wolverton II of the New American. “Article 3 places the ‘ammunition/munitions fired, launched or delivered by the conventional arms covered under Article 2′ within the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions, as well.”

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@RealAlexJones | @KitDaniels1776 



UN Arms Transfer Treaty (ATT) on Small Arms: Gun Grab Gradualism | DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People |

Federal Government Moves to Disarm Veterans | Founding Fathers Battle Gun Grabbers From the Grave |

DOJ MEMO TO OUTLAW AND CONFISCATE ALL GUNS | Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans |

Gun Control Leads To Genocide | Gun Control Hypocrisy! | 2nd Amendment








The Economy Isn’t Going To Recover, U.S. Government Preparing for Collapse
(and Not in a Nice Way)

Government knows and is getting ready,
but in ways that are very disturbing.

The Economy isn’t going to recover. The government knows this and is getting ready,
but in ways that are very disturbing.
 Published on Mar 13, 2013


The Economy isn't going to recover. The government knows this and is getting ready, but in ways that are very disturbing.
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One of the massive purchase orders for hollow points and buckshot:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jvs3ajoz5s... | Unfunded liabilities http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001...

Leaked Document: Government setting up military detention centers for Activists: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfkZ1y...

The document itself: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jvs3ajoz5s... | http://www.theatlantic.com/business/a...

Why a dollar and Euro Collapse is Guaranteed: http://stormcloudsgathering.com/why-d...



Police State 1 | Police State 2 | Police State 3 | Police State 4 | Posse Comitatus Act | Posse Comitatus Act 2 | Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists | Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists |
DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People



N A T I O N A L D E B T ! ! ! ! ! !

Visit USADebtClock.com to learn more!

"...True, the United States does enjoy the “benefit” of appearing supremely powerful, but this is only a cruel joke. When the Network is satisfied that all major obstacles to its unelected rule have been removed, it will be a simple matter to destroy the US dollar, “justifiably” cut off the flow of money and credit to the United States, and create the political incentive (necessity) for the United States to fully enter the new global system..."

-- Joe Plummer, Tragedy & Hope 101 Chapter 3 The Network “Recovers” America

LINK:  General Summary/Crash Course



(A very easy to understand 5min cartoon)


Wondering about the American economy? This animated video explains
inflation, stagflation, recession and more, all in 5 minutes.




Dylan Ratigan's Epic Rant on the International Banking Cartel and Political Corruption

MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan is mad as hell about the U.S. financial crisis--and he ain't gonna take it anymore! While convening a roundtable discussion on the market meltdown on eponymous MSNBC show on Tuesday, Ratigan exploded.

"We've got a real problem!" an exasperated Ratigan shouted. "This is a mathematical fact! Tens of trillions of dollars are being extracted from the United States of America. Democrats aren't doing it, Republicans aren't doing it. An entire integrated system, financial system, trading system, taxing system, that was created by both parties over a period of two decades is at work on our entire country right now. And we're sitting here arguing about whether we should do the $4 trillion plan that kicks the can down the road for the president for 2017, or burn the place to the ground, both of which are reckless, irresponsible, and stupid."

"I'm sorry to lose my temper," he continued. "But, I tell you what, I've been coming on TV for three years doing this, and the fact of the matter is that there's a refusal on both the Democratic and the Republican side of the aisle to acknowledge the mathematical problem, which is that the United States of America is being extracted."


MORE:  The Federal Reserve | Global Debt Crisis Simply Explained







Jackboot Society: Pure Tyranny on the Streets of America
Latest bill of rights evisceration:
Ohio Patriot Act arrests for not showing ID


Infowars Network | December 23 2005
By Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson



Listen to Alex Jones' rant on this issue

Bill Would Allow Arrests For No Reason In Public Place

American Police State: The Frog Has Cooked

Martial Law No Longer On The Horizon: It's Already Here - Part One

Martial Law No Longer On The Horizon: It's Already Here - Part Two

We never stop talking about martial law and that's because we are constantly fed with new examples of how America has turned into a police state right in front of our very eyes.

The latest instance comes out of Ohio and has been labeled 'the Ohio Patriot Act'.

According to News Net 5,

One state representative said it resembles Gestapo-style tactics of government, and there could be changes coming on the streets of Ohio's small towns and big cities.

The Ohio Patriot Act has made it to the Taft's desk, and with the stroke of a pen, it would most likely become the toughest terrorism bill in the country. The lengthy piece of legislation would let police arrest people in public places who will not give their names, address and birth dates, even if they are not doing anything wrong.

WEWS reported it would also pave the way for everyone entering critical transportation sites such as, train stations, airports and bus stations to show ID.

VIPER TEAMSSimultaneously, the Miami Police Department announced an identical 'shock and awe' program in which cops would randomly conduct sieges on buildings with no evidence linking them to terrorist activity and randomly check identification

The Miami and now Ohio model is akin to the police looking for a man driving a red Volkswagen in the western United States. They decide to raid a bank building in Albuquerque because the felon just might happen to be in that one building out of a list of potential hundreds of thousands.

It makes absolutely no sense unless it is designed to scare people into groveling to the overlords in black ski masks.

Concurrently also is the introduction of TSA VIPER squads to patrol mass transit facilities in major cities conducting searches and checking ID's.

This is to be implemented NATIONWIDE: "The so-called "Visible Intermodal Protection and Response" teams — or VIPER teams — will patrol Amtrak's Northeast Corridor and Los Angeles rail lines; ferries in Washington state; bus stations in Houston; and mass transit systems in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore."

VIPER TEAMSThe VIPER teams have nothing to do with preventing terrorism, they are there to get people to cower and accept they are under control. Air marshal spokesman David Adams has commented that there is no new intelligence indicating that terrorists are interested in targeting transportation modes.

The move into martial law comes shortly after the incident in Miami where reportedly mentally unstable man Rigoberto Alpizar was gunned down on board American Airlines Flight 924 for "saying he had a bomb".

We exposed the fact that witnesses reported that Alpizar never screamed that he had a bomb and passengers related that they were more frightened of Air Marshals putting guns to their head and threatening them not to look at what was taking place. The incident was a primer for the move to put federal militarized police on the streets and all over transport networks.

This is total Stasi America and it has nothing to do with keeping you safe as they tag on blanket amnesty provisions to the latest immigration bill. The borders are wide open and border patrol have in the past been ordered to stand down and not arrest illegals.

VIPER TEAMSThe one place where all this security and police presence would be its most useful, the border, is the only place that the federal government is willing to turn a blind eye to. Test runs where terrorists smuggle dummy nuclear bombs across the border without being apprehended were successfully conducted by Glenn Spencer's American Border Patrol on three separate occasions.

The federal government isn't concerned about that but they are concerned about demanding middle aged women present ID on buses in Denver and arresting men for donating travel tokens to people without the right change in New York.

This is textbook, mechanized, classic tyranny.

The very same people who grope pregnant women and make 90-year-old men remove their shoes in airports are now going to be on American streets.

Three years ago Governor Ridge announced that Americans would have to have an ID card to have a job and that we would all be graded on four different color coded levels of security clearance. Cameras scanning your license plates, cameras scanning the RFID tag on your inspection sticker, cameras biometrically scanning your face.

This is the implementation of the jackboot society and it has already arrived in major cities.

VIPER TEAMSSenate bill 742 in Oregon which was slimly defeated by just three votes would have classified terrorism as a plethora of completely unrelated actions. Downloading music, blocking traffic, writing a hot check or any form of protest. All these would be punishable by life in prison unless you agreed to attend a "forest labor camp" for 25 years of enforced labor.

These are actual bills being drawn up by our supposed representatives in government.

Does this sound like a sick joke? Yes, but the bill is real and it nearly passed.

Not even Communist China or Stalinist North Korea put people in labor camps for writing a hot check but this was actually debated in the 'land of the free'.

In Rhode Island, governors proposed a bill that would have outlawed criticism of the government, defining it as anarchy under World War One era rhetoric.

As the elite externalize their plans to the point where the agenda is crystal clear, more credible individuals of conscience step forward to oppose the slaughter of America.

VIPER TEAMSMaybe we should pay attention when Congressman Ron Paul warns that martial law is being implemented, or when Former Republican Congressman and CIA official Bob Barr says a military dictatorship is emerging. Or perhaps it's noteworthy when former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the Government is in the hands of total psychopaths hell bent on martial law.

Voting Hillary Clinton into office won't save us either. People need to become active in local government, especially in major metropolitan areas and demand that the Constitution, a document that President Bush refers to as a "God damned piece of paper," is recognized and upheld.

Only through constant activism, lobbying and vigilance can we escort martial law away from American shores and live peacefully in a society where we do not cower in fear of the armed security guard barking orders at us when simply walking down the street, "citizen, show me your papers."





A former Marine Corps Colonel who was stationed in Fallujah and trained Iraqi soldiers warns that the Department of Homeland Security is working with law enforcement to build a “domestic army,” because the federal government is afraid of its own citizens.In this exclusive in studio interview Ret. Col Martino covers the DHS buildup and solutions our overreaching corrupt government officials. 


Ret. Marine Col:

DHS Is Prepping For War With Americans


You Are Being Targeted | Assassination Program | Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists |

Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists | False Flag Event | BORDER CRISIS | WAR IS A RACKET |

Posse Comitatus Act | Clergy Response Teams | U.S. Military Killing Its Own Troops! | The NSA (National Security Agency) |

Tattle-Tell Squads and Surveillance | Total Despotism in America | NDAA





DHS Has Now Acquired Enough Bullets
To Wage 30 Year War!!







Document: Army Preparing to Use Lethal Force Against “Unarmed Civilians” During “Full Scale Riots” in U.S.

Training manual outlines "sniper response" during
crowd control operations


by Paul Joseph Watson | August 18, 2014

A document released by the U.S. Army details preparations for “full scale riots” within the United States during which troops may be forced to engage in a “lethal response” to deal with unruly crowds of demonstrators.

The appearance of the document amidst growing unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, with the National Guard now being called in to deal with the disorder, is an ominous coincidence.

The 132-page document, titled U.S. Army Techniques Publication 3-39.33: Civil Disturbances (PDF), was written in April 2014 and recently obtained by Public Intelligence.

The document makes it clear that the techniques detailed therein are to be applied both outside and inside the “continental United States (CONUS)” in the event of “unruly and violent crowds” where it is “necessary to quell riots and restore public order.”





The training manual outlines scenarios under which, “Civil unrest may range from simple, nonviolent protests that address specific issues, to events that turn into full-scale riots.”

The most shocking aspect of the document is the fact that it describes the deployment of a “lethal response” directed against “unarmed civilians,” including “sniper response” and “small arms direct fire.”

Under the heading “sniper response,” the document states, “Ensure that target leaders or troublemakers are targeted,” in addition to a passage which states, “Exploit the psychological effect of an attack.”



Under the heading “small arms direct fire,” the manual states, “Escalate gradually, starting with a small caliber, single round and work up to a large caliber, automatic.”

Another graphic which depicts “escalation of trauma” directs soldiers how to use “riot batons” in order to cause the necessary level of injury or death to the subject. “Deadly force final target areas” include the back of the neck, the solar plexus, the neck, the spine and the head.



In light of events in Ferguson, where a predominantly black community has faced off with militarized police, it’s interesting to note that the manual makes reference to civil unrest that can arise out of “ethnic hatred” and, “Community unrest (that) results in urban conflicts that arise from highly emotional social and economic issues.” The document also mentions how rioters target “retail stores,” as happened during the looting in Ferguson.  


Posse Comitatus Act

“Significant ethnic differences in a community can create an atmosphere of distrust, even hatred…… (and) can cause an eruption of civil disorder that can lead to full riots,” states the document.

Although the document makes reference to the Constitutional rights of American citizens it goes on to stress that such protections are null and void under a state of emergency, asserting that Posse Comitatus, which is supposed to limit the power of the federal government to use military personnel domestically, “does not apply” under declared “emergency authority” or “When the need for the protection of federal property or federal functions exists.”

It is important to stress that this training manual applies to U.S. Army operations in foreign countries as well as domestically on U.S. soil. Indeed, section 2-18 of the document goes into detail about domestic protests such as the 1999 anti-WTO demonstration in Seattle.

The emergence of the document as National Guard troops prepare to descend on Ferguson, Missouri to deal with looting and civil unrest follows a report we published just a few weeks before the outbreak of the Ferguson riots which documented how National Guard troops were training to detain unruly African-American citizens in prison camps before handing them over to police.

In a special video report, Alex Jones documented how the story was part of wider preparations by the government for domestic disorder that have been ongoing for years.

We have reported previously on similar documents that outline how the U.S. Army would be forced to resort to lethal measures in order to deal with unruly Americans during times of emergency within the United States.

In 2012 we covered FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, a U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers. The document makes numerous references to how government agencies like the DHS, ICE and FEMA will be involved in the domestic internment of U.S. citizens during “civil support operations.”

A second US Army Military Police manual that was leaked months later also outlined how military assets would be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

U.S. troops and National Guard also worked with local police to incarcerate Americans in detention camps during drills Alex Jones covered in 1999 in Oakland, California.

A report produced in 2008 by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”

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FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet





In the video below, Alex Jones highlights how the Guardian Centers video is yet another startling indication that authorities in the United States are preparing for civil unrest as America increasingly begins to resemble a militarized police state.


U.S. Army Training to Fight Black Americans


Posse Comitatus Act | Posse Comitatus2 | REX 84 | Fema Camps | Fema Camps 2 | Re-education Camps









TSA to Purchase 3.5 Million Rounds of Ammunition

TSA to Purchase 3.5 Million Rounds of Ammunition 

Enough for its agents to fire 9,400 bullets a day, every day of the year


Paul Joseph Watson
August 19, 2013

The Transportation Security Administration is set to purchase 3.5 million .357 SIG caliber bullets, enough for its agents to fire 9,400 rounds a day, every day of the year.

Image: YouTube

According to a solicitation issued by the agency on August 16, the TSA is looking to buy “3,454,000 rounds of .347 SIG Caliber Training Ammunition”.

Although TSA agents in airports are currently unarmed, last month the TSA announced its plan to hire the use of a firing range within a 20 mile radius of LaGuardia Airport in order to train TSA workers.

The federal agency’s huge bullet buy could signal an expansion of its controversial Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) program, where teams of armed TSA officers patrol railroad stations, bus stations, ferries, car tunnels, ports, subways, truck weigh stations, rest areas, and special events.

VIPR teams currently conduct around 8,000 operations a year. As well as providing security at transport hubs, VIPR teams are now being used to keep tabs on fans at sporting events.

Earlier this month it was announced that VIPR agents would now be patting down Americans “outside the airport” by conducting stop and search shake downs at transport hubs and public events.

As Government Security News notes, the amount of ammunition being purchased, “means the TSA could fire off more than 9,400 rounds per day, every day of the year, to consume that entire quantity annually.”

Significant bullet purchases by the TSA are likely to fuel concerns that the federal government is arming itself to the teeth in preparation for some form of domestic unrest or other catastrophe, following the Department of Homeland Security’s commitment to purchase more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the course of the last 18 months.

As we reported last week, Congressman Jeff Duncan’s attempt to get answers on why the IRS is also training its agents with semi-automatic AR-15′s designed for “standoff capability” has been ignored by the federal agency.

Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet










Link: Trump Openly Funds Terrorists









9/11 According to Donald Trump

"This is the same Donald Trump who on the campaign trail told Fox & Friends, 'Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi--take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.' Now, instead of opening the documents ON Saudi Arabia, Trump is opening the purse FOR Saudi Arabia."

-- Rev Chuck Baldwin: Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take America Into War, May 25, 2017 --


Learn More About 911 Here: INFAMOUS 9/11


“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.”

-- Donald Trump Fox and Friends on the morning of February 17, 2016 --

Donald Trump You May Find The Saudis Were Behind The 9/11 Attacks

Does Saudi Arabia Own
Donald Trump

Donald Trump Interview on FOX AND FRIENDS 2/17/16


- George W. Bush, 9/21/2001 - 

Trump Boasts of Killer Arms Sales in Meeting with Saudi Dictator, Using Cartoonish Charts

Trump kicked off his White House meeting with his authoritarian "good friend" Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman by pulling out charts listing the weapons the U.S. is selling to Saudi Arabia - Ben Norton reports.

TheRealNews | Published on Mar 20, 2018

"...What Trump did not acknowledge is that these billions of dollars of U.S. weapons are being used to massacre Yemeni civilians. In fact his meeting with the Saudi crown prince came in the same week marking the third anniversary of the Saudi war on Yemen.

Saudi Arabia has used this U.S. military equipment to relentlessly bomb civilian areas in Yemen, including hospitals, schools, residential houses, refugee camps, and even funerals. The U.S.-backed Saudi coalition has killed many thousands of Yemeni civilians, pushed millions to the brink of famine, unleashed an unprecedented cholera outbreak, and created what the United Nations says is the largest humanitarian catastrophe on Earth.

Trump expressed no concern whatsoever over the millions of lives being crushed in Yemen. Nor did he even mention the egregious human rights abuses committed by Saudi Arabia and its de facto leader Mohammed bin Salman, who has been purging his political rivals, imprisoning human rights activists, and crushing all dissent.

Instead, Trump made it clear that his political strategy is to sell weapons and rely on $400 billion of Saudi investment in key states that can help him win re-election." - BEN NORTON. 

Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate.

WHO: 24.4 Million in Yemen Need Humanitarian Assistance, Jan 18, 2019

"This support to the Saudi-UAE effort to wage this war in Yemen, though, is not legitimate. It's illegal. It was started by the Obama administration and continued and emphasized by the Trump administration. It's illegal. It's brutal."

-- Col. Larry Wilkerson --
Most of Congress "Likes War" and Opposes Ending US Support for Saudi War in Yemen.
TheRealNews, Published on Nov 6, 2017

“A lot of people at least the corporate media, the western media, the establishment media - whatever you want to call it - tend to tell us that this is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran...Is that true?” [Rick Sanchez]

It’s not to the extent that they talk about it at all. MSNBC ignored this conflict for two years as Fair showed. But, now that they are talking about it; what they need to point out is that the Houthis have been winning for two reasons: One is that they actually recommandeered billions of dollars of weapons the US supplied the deposed and dead dictator Saleh. And worked along side the Yemeni army which was formerly supplied by the US not Iran. Iran is supplying some political and media support but not the weapons that our government and the Saudis claim.  So the idea of a proxy war is false. The Houthis are an endogenous nationalistic resistance force that is fighting against a puppet government that poses an existential threat to them!” [Max Blumenthal]

--Rick Sanchez & Max Blumenthal--
The ABC’s of the War in Yemen with Max Blumenthal. RT, Nov1, 2018

"The UN embargo/blockade against Yemen and the Yemenis violates Genocide Convention article II (e): Deliberately inflicting on the group, conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part."

 Prof. Francis A Boyle --
YEMEN: A Genocidal War Against Children and Civilians Sanctioned by the UN, US, UK & NATO

"Boyle explained that the Saudis and their allies in the Gulf Arab Emirates wanted to establish full control over the entire Arabian peninsula and also of the choke point region at the head of the Persian, or Arabian Gulf through which all oil exports, including those of Iran and Iraq were shipped by sea. 'They want to control the entire Saudi Peninsula, all its resources, and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait through which all the oil and gas to Europe must pass,' he said."

-- Vanessa Beeley, Journalist --
YEMEN: “Saudis, Emiratis and USA are Inflicting a War of Genocide Against the Houthis" - Prof. Francis Boyle

Whitney Webb Interview The Ignored Yemen Genocide:
"18.4 Million People Are Starving To Death"
The Last American Vagabond Published on Nov 1, 2018







Drug cartels across the border are just as brutal as ISIS

Horrific violence not isolated to Middle East


Ellen Weiss, Oct 23, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. officials have argued that atrocities committed by the militant group ISIS are barbaric and that the group is a threat to the homeland, but it’s worth remembering that the horrific violence perpetrated just across the U.S. border by Mexican drug cartels is equally barbaric and the cartels also pose a threat to Americans.

This week brought another bloody reminder of the cartel’s brutality. Mexican activist Maria Del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, a physician and citizen journalist who had taken a prominent stand against Mexican cartels on social media, died with a bullet in her head. And her killers, in an obvious effort to terrorize others, tweeted her murder.

Yes, as President Barack Obama noted in his Sept. 24 address to the UN General Assembly, ISIS is leaving a trail of rape, beheadings, dead children and mass graves. The numbers are terrifying: More than 5,500 people have been killed in Iraq since June, according to the United Nations.

But here are some numbers – also terrifying – from just across the U.S.-Mexico border: In 2013, Mexican drug cartels murdered more than 16,000 people, and Human Rights Watch estimates more than 60,000 people were killed in drug-related violence from 2006 to 2012.

Here’s the part, however, that seems to get overlooked. Mexican drug cartels have been spreading out across U.S. cities for years. From Texas, to Columbus, Ohio, to Raleigh, North Carolina – in 2010, at least 1,000 U.S. cities cited the presence of one of the four major drug cartels according to a U.S. Justice Department report.  According to that report:

There is no disputing that Mexican cartels are operating in the United States. Drug policy analysts estimate that about 90 percent of the cocaine, heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine on U.S. streets came here courtesy of the cartels and their distribution networks in Mexico and along the Southwestern border. DEA officials say they have documented numerous cases of cartel activity in Houston, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta.

Cartel violence isn’t restricted to one side of the border. “Spillover violence” has taken thousands of U.S. lives, according to the FBI. In other words, the cartel threat – while certainly different from the jihadist-style threat of ISIS – is nevertheless a threat.

A whole stream of disturbing statistics about the Mexican drug cartels was brought to light in an opinion piece written by Musa al-Gharbia, a research fellow at the Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts. This is not a list for the fainthearted:

Beheadings – Mexico is ranked directly below Iraq on the Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index. On May 13, 2012, Mexican authorities found at least 49 decapitated and dismembered bodies along a highway in Nuevo Leon state, between the cities of Monterrey and Reynosa.

Killing children and women - As if decapitations and hanging dead bodies from bridges wasn’t enough, the drug cartels have made a practice of targeting women and children to further terrorize communities or prove they are tougher than the next gang. Children are shot in cars, in their grandmother’s arms or sitting next to their parents.

Mass graves: Mexican authorities have discovered several mass graves with hundreds of corpses of victims of the drug gangs in recent years. Some are filled with victims of the drug wars, others with those murdered for refusing to join the gangs. Most recently, as part of the search for 43 young Mexicans studying to become teachers, searchers have found six mass graves but so far none of the bodies has been identified as any of the missing students. Six mass graves, and they still haven’t found the right mass grave.

As noted, the comparison between ISIS and the cartels has its limits. Operation Inherent Resolve (the silly name the administration has given America’s military action against ISIS) and the “War on Drugs” are about different threats. ISIS wants to vanquish all sorts of infidels, including Americans. The drug cartels are about business – and anyone who gets in their way – including Americans – is a target.

It comes down to this: If the U.S. is being spurred into action against ISIS because of indignation and a threat to Americans, then it is worth remembering that a beheading in Mexico is just as horrifying as one in Iraq or Syria – and a threat against Americans is still a threat whether it is the result of ideology or criminal drug traffickers.

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LINKS: C.I.A. | DEA and the Border Debacle | Troops Protect Government Drug Dealing





LINK: American Border Debacle


James O’Keefe Crosses The US-Mexico Border Dressed As Osama Bin Laden
O’Keefe: “I see no border patrol. I see no security."


by Patrick Howley | Daily Caller | August 11, 2014 

Investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe exposes the U.S.-Mexico border’s vulnerability to terrorism in his latest undercover project, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video reminds viewers of recent statements by the president and Obama administration officials that the southern border is secure. O’Keefe then proceeds to Hudspeth County, Texas, to easily cross back and forth cross the Rio Grande wearing the costume of modern history’s most recognizable terrorist.

I see no border patrol. I see no security,” O’Keefe said in the video before donning a bin Laden mask. “Thousands of people have stood in my footsteps right now. They’ve come from South America, Honduras, Guatemala, and they’ve all crossed the border. And if they can cross, anybody can cross.” (RELATED: The Time Fidel Castro Snuck Into America From Mexico)

O’Keefe’s work often distinguishes itself for proving taboo but accurate premises – in this case, that Islamic extremists are able to gain entry to the United States from Mexico, where drug cartels are linked to numerous terrorist organizations including Hezbollah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the strongest al-Qaida-like organization in the heart of the Middle East.

This summer has seen a whirlwind of terrorist activity on the southern border, with dire anecdotes pouring out of local news stations but ignored by the mainstream press. Security contractors found a Muslim prayer rug on the Arizona border, where 300 extremists affiliated with al-Qaida’s Somalia syndicate al-Shabab recently entered the United States unaccounted for. Terrorist watch-list suspects were also detained trying to get into the country through California. Country music legend Charlie Daniels revealed that, “I personally spoke with an Arizona law enforcement officer who had taken four what he called ‘Taliban’ out of the back of an 18 wheeler.”

Relevant on the contemporary merits, O’Keefe’s video also makes an important symbolic point thirteen confusing years after the attacks of 9/11. The terrorists we’re fighting today are more technologically savvy than their idol Osama bin Laden, the self-designed political figure who tried to fire history’s loudest shot. But their motives have not changed. And they have access to the United States.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/11/new-video-james-okeefe-crosses-the-border-as-osama-bin-laden/#ixzz3A6QksaDG



American Border Debacle


Ambush / Undercover Journalism




Holder to Create ‘Homegrown’ Terrorism Task Force
Obama admin ramps up targeting of political enemies


by Mikael Thalen | Infowars.com | June 3, 2014

Attorney General Eric Holder unveiled his plan to create a new Justice Department task force this week that will focus on the threat of “homegrown” terrorism.

In a video posted to the department’s website Monday, which was later removed, Holder argued that the focus on terrorism should “return” to the U.S. as opposed to remaining overseas.

“We face an escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders,” Holder said. “As the nature of the threat we face evolves to include the possibility of individual radicalization via the Internet, it is critical that we return our focus to potential extremists here at home.”

The “Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee,” an admittedly revamped version of Janet Reno’s post Oklahoma City bombing task force, will include U.S. Attorneys as well as members from the FBI and Justice Department’s National Security Division.

Holder pointed to a 2013 Congressional Research Service report that claims domestic terrorism has produced more than two dozen incidents since 9/11 as justification for the task force, specifically noting the Boston Marathon bombing and Fort Hood shooting.

“Horrific terror incidents like the tragic shootings at Fort Hood and last year’s Boston Marathon bombing demonstrate the danger we face from these homegrown threats,” Holder said.

Holder’s announcement comes only days after The Washington Times revealed a chilling Department of Defense directive that details instances in which President Obama believes he would be authorized to use lethal military force against American citizens. A U.S. official speaking with the Times also revealed how the Obama administration considered using military force against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his supporters.

Unsurprisingly, Holder’s announcement fails to mention that the vast majority of domestic terror plots since 9/11 have been created by the FBI, a point noted in the 2012 New York Times piece “Terrorist Plots, Helped Along by the F.B.I.


Judge Andrew Napolitano documents the federal government’s history of creating domestic terror plots.


In reality, Holder’s task force will undoubtedly focus on the Obama administration’s political enemies, mainly returning military veterans, conservatives and those who identify with the Tea Party. Such groups have been increasingly linked to terrorism by multiple federal agencies.

Just last month, a military whistleblower revealed documents to Infowars that showed how a military training center in North Carolina, also used to train police and the DHS, was updated to include a Baptist church and farmhouses. Once modeled after foreign cities, training centers, such as the U.S. Army’s new 300-acre “fake city” in Virginia, are now being modeled after U.S. towns and cities instead.

Last October, Army troops at Mississippi’s Camp Shelby alerted media after a new training course labeled the American Family Association, a mainstream Christian ministry, as a domestic hate group similar to the Ku Klux Klan. A seperate briefing told officers to keep an eye on troops who supported such groups, insinuating that they were a domestic terror threat.

That same month, soldiers at Fort Hood were told that Christians, Tea Party supporters and anti-abortion activists were a major terror threat as well. Soldiers were told that support for such groups could result in disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

A Department of Defense training manual obtained by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch in August 2013 listed supporters of “individual liberties” as likely “extremists.” The manual also warned military personnel to avoid “active participation” in such groups, even banning them from “publicly demonstrating,” “rallying” and “fundraising.”

A 2012 report from the Small Wars Journal featured in Forbes even went as far as explaining “how the U.S. Military would crush a Tea Party rebellion.”

A Department of Homeland Security funded study uncovered in 2012 characterized Americans “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists. The study also links Americans who believe their “way of life” is under attack to terrorism as well.

In line with President Obama’s DoD directive, a leaked US Army Military Police training manual from 2012 also outlined how the military would be used against U.S. citizens during civil unrest. The manual even detailed how Americans would be “re-educated” under U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations to support all U.S. policies.

Former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to disown a 2009 report that labeled returning military veterans as the main terror threat. Incredibly, a story in New York Times published during the same time period revealed how Boy Scout Explorers were being trained to kill “disgruntled Iraq war veterans.”

Holder’s decision becomes even more apparent in light of the Obama administrations recent decisions regarding foreign terrorism. In 2013, President Obama brazenly waived a federal law designed to stop the US from arming terrorists in order to provide military support to the Al-Qaeda run “Syrian rebels.”

In fact, former U.S. State Department official Steve Pieczenik announced on the Alex Jones Show Monday that he is currently being charged by the Obama administration for complicity in the 1978 murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro due to his refusal to negotiate with Red Brigade terrorists.

Attempting to stay afloat in a sea of scandals, the Obama administration has become increasingly desperate to regain a positive public image. Given the documented history of the federal government’s involvement in facilitating terrorism, the administration will likely do whatever it can to create the necessary scenario to bolster its executive power.



Conspiracy Theorists Are Domestic Terrorists!

- #PropagandaWatch -

First published at 07:26 UTC on August 6th, 2019.

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=32302

The term "conspiracy theory" was weaponized by the CIA half a century ago. At first it was merely used to marginalize those who question government narratives. But now that weapon is being loaded and pointed at our heads. Can a "conspiracy theorist" false flag be far behind? James examines the new FBI document on conspiracy theorists
as domestic terrorists in this important edition of #PropagandaWatch.

LINKS: Propaganda History | F.B.I.



Man Crosses U.S. Border Dressed as ISIS Terrorist, Simulates Beheading
Stunt took place in exact spot where
feds say ISIS terror attack is imminent

by Paul Joseph Watson | September 5, 2014

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs crossed the U.S. border from Mexico dressed as an ISIS militant to illustrate how easy it is for anyone to get into America despite warnings that Islamic State terrorists are plotting to carry out attacks on the homeland from their base in Juarez.




Just miles from the center of El Paso, Texas, Biggs was able to cross a river from Mexico into America dressed as a jihadist, while simulating a beheading and waving an ISIS flag.

“We dressed up as an ISIS jihadi to be as obvious as possible and to show and illustrate just how wide open the border really is,” states Biggs.

Last month, James O’Keefe also demonstrated the porous state of the U.S. border when he crossed an unguarded footbridge in the upper Rio Grande while dressed as Osama Bin Laden.

Biggs’ stunt is shocking given that ISIS militants are currently operational in Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, Texas.

According to an alert released by watchdog group Judicial Watch which cites high level law enforcement and intelligence sources, “Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED).”

“Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.”

As we previously reported, the Vice President of the Border Patrol Council was silenced from commenting on the risk of an assault on the U.S. border by ISIS.

A recent report by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) found that illegal immigrants from over 75 countries are crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, including individuals from Syria where ISIS has announced the establishment of its Islamic caliphate.

Yesterday, Senator Rand Paul urged the White House to, “secure our own borders and immigration policy from ISIS infiltration,” pointing to the ISIS terror threat to the southern border.

The fact that it is so easy for ISIS militants, drug dealers and other terrorists to cross into America via the largely unguarded border while ordinary Americans face routine harassment at the hands of the TSA merely for flying within the country highlights the ludicrousness of the Obama administration’s claim that it is adequately protecting the homeland.

Last month, the TSA admitted that illegals were allowed to board planes within the United States without having to show any form of proper identification.

Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet 


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

How could there be a War on Terror and actually say that we're having a war against terrorism, and leave the borders wide open? If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States, and 9/11 really happened the way they want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Because the bankers want the borders open, because they want a one-world government. They want a North American Union. They don't want borders here. 9/11 was only a manifestation. It was done to create a fear in the American public, so that we will obey what they want us to do.




THE FAKE WAR ON TERROR | INFAMOUS 9/11 | False Flag Event | ISIS/ALQAEDA | America Armed ISIS!! |

Naked Body Scanners | American Border Debacle | Feds Radiating Americans | Illegal Checkpoints In America |

Mobile Van Radiating the Public | Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists |

The NSA (National Security Agency) | The Federal Reserve | Fusion Centers | TSA | N.W.O.



It’s no longer Al-Qaeda, it’s now supposedly
your friends and neighbors.  This is the prevailing
 of every tyrannical fascist regime in history

Attorney General Holder: American People Are Terrorists






Could Obama Face Impeachment For Bergdahl release

Total Despotism in America 

What happened in the last few weeks to change the Bergdahal situation? Was he a CIA operative, or was this a failed attempt to take the heat off the VA scandal?

Impeachment now very valid argument

Jay Carney 2013: we won't transfer detainess without consulting congress

Obama clearly broke the law

Is this a ramp up to "White al Qaeda"








AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example

Alex Jones breaks down the bigger picture behind
the move to turn the war on terror against American citizens


White House Tells Parents: Children Could Be Terrorists!

I have told you this was coming. Under the new homeland we are all the enemy in the eyes of the occupiers.

LINKS: You Are Being Targeted | Assassination Program | [ AL-QAEDA EXPOSED!! ] | Terrorism Big Dirty Secret | AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example | Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists | Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns | Posse Comitatus Act | Posse Comitatus2 | Police State 1 | Police State 2 | Police State 3 | Police State 4 | The Fake War On Terror









In 1991, the Club published The First Global Revolution. It analyses the problems ofhumanity, calling these collectively or in essence the 'problematique'. It notes (laments) that, historically, social or political unity has commonly been motivated by enemies in common: "The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself - when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one, or else one invented for the purpose. With the disappearance of the traditional enemy, the temptation is to use religious or ethnic minorities as scapegoats, especially those whose differences from the majority are disturbing." "Every state has been so used to classifying its neighbours as friend or foe, that the sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void to fill. New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons devised."




AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example



Several years ago, after his popular video “Mad As Hell” was released and Aaron Russo began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Nicholas Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo’s passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite’s CFR.  Watch the full interview here: Reflections and Warnings.



Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terror!

Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terrorism!


LINKS: Reflections And Warnings movie | Road to World Government | CASHLESS TRACKABLE SOCIETY | Educational System Dismantlement | The Fake War On Terror | 911 The Road to Tyranny | INFAMOUS 9/11 | N.W.O. | C.F.R.





The Next Terrorist Attack - What The Mainstream Media Isn't Telling You

You've probably heard the media talking about the impending terrorist attack, but here's what they aren't telling you.
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U.S. Naval history website where they admit that the attack that was used to justify the Vietnam war never happened: http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh...


The other information mentioned is extremely easy to find with a simple google [startpage] search. Don't be lazy.






-- Harriet Tubman --


"I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more,
if only they knew they were slaves."


Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently
on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures.

"A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those who would manipulate and control it.”

- Aldous Huxley -

LINK: Bread and Circus







"The globalists create confusion by design so that people see a smokescreen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just roll over and give up."

-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To Attack Syria --

Adaptation and Conformity
The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars








[Help Educate Family And Friends With This Page And The Links Below]




Foreign Troops Training To Confiscate Guns of Americans


Posse Comitatus Act | Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns |

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People | Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists |

Law Enforcement Requested Shooting Targets of Pregnant Women | Federal Government Moves to Disarm Veterans |

Prisons for American Veterans | Assassination Program | You Are Being Targeted | NDAA |

Police State 1 | Police State 2 | Police State 3 | Police State 4 movie |

Posse Comitatus Act | BOSTON POLICE STATE | The United Nations | NATO |

Psywars - The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars





look into it videos







invisible empire



hollerith dvd



obama deception


Aaron Russo 


Terror Storm final cut 



police state 4


blueprint of madmen



