In the United States today, there are very few words that provoke as much outrage as the
name of Jesus. It is being banned from graduation ceremonies, chaplains all over America are being forbidden from
using His name in their prayers, and many school officials all over the nation have become absolutely fanatical
about eliminating every trace of Christian expression from their schools. One elementary school in North Carolina
even ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem that she had written to honor her
grandfathers. Political correctness is spreading like a cancer in this country, and our “freedom of religion” is
rapidly being transformed into a guarantee of “freedom from religion” for those that hate the Christian faith.
Without a doubt, there is a war on the Christian faith in America today. It is being waged in classrooms,
courtrooms and churches all over the nation.
Beach Goers Sign Petition to Ban Christian Symbols
from Public View
Satirical petitioner wages war against free speech while
wearing a Ron Paul t-shirt.
Kit Daniels
June 25, 2013
With the name Ron Paul emblazoned across his
chest, media analyst and political activist Mark Dice asked California beach goers to sign a petition banning
Christian symbols from public view.
“In your own home,
it’s fine,” Dice said to a lady as she scribbled her name onto his clipboard. “But once you come out in public,
you’re on public property.”
“I’m with you,” the lady said.
“No First Amendment for the Christians anymore, right?” Dice asked hypothetically.
“Ha ha ha ha, I’m with you,” the lady emphasized.
Another signer offered his own input. “My neighbors, every year for Christmas, they put up this big, old thing;
it offends me,” he said, seemingly oblivious that Christmas is a religious holiday.
This isn’t the first time Dice has used faux petition drives to show the trance-like, “us vs. them” mentality
prevalent in the general public. Earlier this month Dice asked beach goers to support the Holocaust Beach Party. Dice has also “pushed” a petition to repeal the Second Amendment.
Baldwin Exposes
Donald Trump's Tyrannical
Executive Order
LibertyFellowshipMT | Dec 16, 2019
Donald Trump's so-called "antisemitism" Executive Order Is abominable, reprehensible &
downright tyrannical. It is a blatant attack against the First Amendment protection of free speech and for all
intents and purposes elevates all things Jewish to royalty status in America--being granted official government
protection against any kind of criticism.
In this video, Chuck Baldwin exposes the fact that not only is Donald Trump a hack for
he is also a wanna-be tyrant--and this Executive Order proves it.
Examining Trump’s Executive Order
With Chuck Baldwin
Israeli News Live | Dec 14, 2019
Chuck Baldwin explains how President Trump sold out the constitution and also American people.
Trumps latest executive order is an assault on our free speech and Defies logic. Judaism can not be declared a
nation. It is a religion not a nation!
The Truth About Trump's Executive
Order on Antisemitism
First published at 02:48 UTC on December 14th, 2019.
Why are thousands and thousands of Jews standing up in strong opposition to President Trump's new
executive order that defines criticism of Israel with "antisemitism"? Watch this video to find out!
We Hold These Truths has released our, 29 minute, award winning documentary for free viewing.
Out of 700 international films submitted to the 4th Ammar Popular Film Festival in Tehran, Iran, in January, 2014,
our film, Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part 1, has been given a special award along with two
other documentaries. This film exposes what should be three, obvious truths: 1. The US has a war based economy that
is dependent upon the support for its many wars by Christians under the influence of Christian Zionism. 2.
Christian Zionism is a corruption of traditional Christianity that has been promoted for just over 100 years,
through the Scofield Reference Bible. 3. The Palestinians have been under a brutal military occupation by Israel
since 1967. An example of this brutality was an Israeli attack on Gaza that killed four and wounded 40 in 2002,
that was witnessed, videoed and reported by Charles E. Carlson, the Writer/Director of this documentary. This
attack was four years before Hamas came to power and 12 years before Israel's current attack on Gaza, "Operation
Protective Edge." This planned operation has turned into a genocidal assault on Gaza with the Israelis bombing
hospitals and schools, and civilian casualties hovering around 75%, while destroying the infrastructure of the
world's largest, open air prison (Bob Simon of CBS News described Gaza this way in 2009 in an interview with
Charlie Rose).
[Chuck Baldwin] Published: Thursday, February 20, 2020
Members of the “right” and “alt-right” love to use terms such as “the establishment,” “Deep
State,” “globalists,” etc., in describing freedom’s political enemies. And, yes, I often use those terms too. For
the sake of brevity, I will refer to the above as simply “the ruling class.”
Seldom, however, do conservatives
identify who actually comprises the ruling class. Typically when using those terms, conservatives are attacking
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and liberal Democrats in general.
While it is doubtlessly true that
many liberal Democrats are pawns of the ruling class, so are many conservative Republicans. The ruling class
monopolizes the philosophies, priorities and policies of both major parties in Washington, D.C.
The ruling class has mastered the
phony left-right paradigm to perfection. The entire political debate in America centers on the left-right paradigm.
If you are a Republican, Democrats are the enemy; if you are a Democrat, Republicans are the enemy. The entire
political world revolves around this notion.
It’s all a game, a façade, a
Here’s how it works: When the
ruling class wants to focus on building a socialist Welfare state, dismantling traditional cultural and religious
norms and enacting gun control, it puts liberal Democrats in power. And when it wants to focus on building the
Warfare State and creating foreign enemies for the purpose of expanding the “war on terror” and a global
surveillance state, it puts conservative Republicans in charge.
And when it comes to accommodating
the international bankers (translated: creating and increasing a debt-based economy), both Republicans and
Democrats happily play along. The only difference in the economic policies of conservatives and liberals in D.C. is
that liberals want to tax and spend, while conservatives want to borrow and spend. But both groups want to SPEND.
Neither party cares a tinker’s dam about sound money principles or fiscal responsibility. That’s why no matter who
the president is (including Donald Trump) or which party controls Congress (including Republicans), America’s
national debt and deficit spending continue to spiral upward.
This also explains why, no matter
who the president is (including Donald Trump), the same miscreants wind up in the president’s cabinet and
administration. Donald Trump’s administration looks like Barack Obama’s. Obama’s administration looked like G.W.
Bush’s. Bush’s looked like Bill Clinton’s, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
The president doesn’t pick his
cabinet and administration officials; the ruling class picks them.
Members, former members and fellow
travelers of the Local 12 of the Villains, Thieves and Scoundrels Union—otherwise known as the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC) and Bilderberg group—litter every presidential administration
regardless of political party. Donald Trump is on a pace to surpass both G.W. Bush and Barack Obama in the number
of CFR appointments, a mark he will undoubtedly surpass during his second term in office.
And then there is the problem of
Congress itself, which is precisely the institution that has been most corrupted by Israel and Jewish money.
Almost thirty years ago, American politician Pat Buchanan described Congress as “Israeli occupied territory.” As
a result, he was viciously attacked by the mainstream media and the political leadership of both parties,
demonstrating beyond all doubt that he was correct in his observation. Today the Israel Lobby in the United
States is far more powerful than it was in 1990, so much so that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
actually boasts to his voters that he directs U.S. policy.
Everyone in Washington knows very
clearly but will never admit that Israel has seriously corrupted the United States government and its elected
officials at all levels. But [Congressman Adam] Schiff did not mention Israel, nor did he express concern that
Israel’s clearly unsavory involvement with Trump transition team members General Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner
was never thoroughly investigated or included in the final Mueller report. One might assume that a deliberate
decision was made by some parties in power to avoid embarrassing Israel. Those parties almost certainly included
Schiff, who is Jewish, frequently
tells audiences about his love for Israel,sometimes complaining that it is treated unfairly. It might be suggested that if anyone
in the government is partial to a foreign power it is Schiff, and that foreign power is Israel, not Russia.
Unfortunately, Schiff is far from
unique. Perhaps he and a number of other Congressmen should register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act
of 1938, as required by law. Congressmen are not exempt when they work to benefit a foreign nation, though they
frequently believe themselves to be not subject to the very laws that they pass. In May,a letter was sent to the White House with the signatures of 400 [out of 435]
congressmen, purely to express America’s legislature’s solidarity with Israel and to give it a green light to do
whatever it wishes vis-à-vis its neighbors. The letter cites some questionable American interests relating to
Syria, but it also mentions Israel no less than 13 times.
Former Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney has recounted several times her experience in Washington. Here is a portion of her testimony as recorded
in The Atlantic:
Press TV: Let us talk about their
many reports that talks about the influence of the Israeli lobby, AIPAC on the United States politics in
general. Did you experience anything in that realm as far as one would call the interference in American policy
McKinney: Well, every candidate for
Congress at that time had a pledge. They were given a pledge to sign and I was new on the scene and the pledge
had Jerusalem as the capital city, the military superiority of Israel...
Press TV: American Congress people
have to sign this pledge?
McKinney: Yes, you sign the pledge.
If you do not sign the pledge, you do not get money.....
Press TV: I just want to get into
this pledge a little bit more. So this is basically something that is mandatory, that every Congressperson has
to sign saying that what Jerusalem as you said is the capital of Israel, and what else?
McKinney: You make a commitment
that you would vote to support the military superiority of Israel that the economic assistant that Israel wants
that you would vote to provide that.
Press TV: ...they are supposed to
be representing the people of the United States not a foreign country and yet they have to pledge allegiance to
a foreign state? No one questions this?
McKinney: That is what I was asked
to do and I made it public.
Cynthia told me in person all of
the above and much more. Suffice it to say that the vast majority of the congressmen on Capitol Hill in both
parties have sold their congressional votes and their loyalties to the State of Israel.
For years, Israel Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu (corrupt politician and mass murderer) has bragged privately and publicly that Israel controls
the United States. Here is a privately recorded video of Netanyahu bragging about Israel’s influence over
the U.S. Notice how he mocks the American people for being so gullible.
Israeli caretaker prime minister
Binyamin Netanyahu, who has been indicted for corruption and is facing an election soon, just boasted that his
ministry of strategic affairs has managed to undermine first amendment protections for free speech in the United
States by lobbying state legislatures to pass laws forbidding the boycott of Israel.
Gilad Erdan is the head of the
ministry of strategic affairs, which has spearheaded the attempt to undermine the US constitution and make
criticizing Israeli policy illegal in the United States. This effort is allegedly beingaided by Mossad, Israeli intelligence. Mossad intensively spies on Washington, D.C., and may have compromising information on
US politicians.
The American Israel Public Affairs
Committee or AIPAC is the main instrument of such Israeli policy pushes in the United States, and has never been
forced to register as the agent of a foreign state, as US law requires.
On February 12, 2020, Bibi
It was also not for nothing that
the American administration has taken this step together with us. In recent years, we have promoted laws in most
US states, which determine that strong action is to be taken against whoever tries to boycott Israel.
Confirming Israel’s intimidation of
U.S. State governments, Journalist Abby Martin is suing the State of Georgia for requiring her to sign an
anti-BDS manifesto before allowing her to speak at a college assembly in that State. Imagine, a State of the
United States requiring an American journalist to, in essence, swear loyalty to a foreign country as a condition
to speak at an American university.
In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott was recently invited to Israel to receive the Friends of Zion
Award (the same award was also given to Donald Trump and G.W. Bush). In his acceptance speech Abbott
said, “Anybody who is an enemy of Israel is an enemy of Texas.”
I thought the governor’s oath
included fidelity to the United States, NOT a foreign country. When did Greg Abbott take an oath to Israel? And
what does he have in mind for the citizens of Texas (“enemies”) who engage in their constitutional right to
participate in the BDS movement against Israel? Fines? Imprisonment? Torture? Death?
Speaking of Texas, in
2017,the Houston suburban city of Dickinson refused to provide emergency relief assistance
due to Hurricane Harvey to townspeople who would not sign an anti-BDS declaration:
The form includes a
clause headlined "verification not to boycott Israel". It states: "By executing this Agreement below, the
Applicant verifies that the Applicant: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the
term of this Agreement."
Please tell me what pledging
loyalty to a foreign country has to do with an American citizen receiving emergency assistance from an American
How is this not treason? How is
what all of these Israel bought-and-paid-for American politicians are doing not treason?
I bet most Americans are completely
unaware (because the Zionist-controlled media in America doesn’t tell them) of the way our U.S. Embassy in Israel turns a blind eye to Israeli atrocities committed against
Americans abroad.
One of the principal functions of a
United States Embassy overseas is to provide citizen services, which includes coming to the assistance of
Americans who are treated badly by the local government. It is a responsibility that most embassies take
seriously, with the exception of the facility currently located in Jerusalem. One has to understand that that is
so because the United States Embassy in Israel is like no other. In other countries, the American Embassy exists
to support American travelers, businesses and a broad range of national interests. In Jerusalem the Embassy
existsto support Israeli interests and to serve as an apologist every time the government of
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu goes on a killing spree or does something else that is similarly outrageous,
to include bombing neighboring Syria every other day.
America’s current ambassador,
former Trump bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman, has funded Israel’s illegal settlements, which did not in any way
complicate his confirmation as nearly everyone in Congress and the White House does not believe
thatthe Palestinians actually are human beings. Since taking up his position, Friedman has defended Israel when its army sharpshooters have shot down scores of
unarmed Gazans, including children, and has both praised and endorsed out-and-out theft by the Israeli
government in Jerusalem, on the West Bank and the Golan Heights.
What the U.S. Embassy under
Friedman will not do is put any real pressure on the Israeli government if its security forces or rampaging
settlers kill, beat, maim or torture an American citizen, especially if said citizen happens to be of
Palestinian descent. Indeed, Friedman is only the latest manifestation of Israel-first-itis among U.S.
Ambassadors, the rot having started inevitably with Bill Clinton, who appointed Australian citizen Martin Indyk
as the first Jewish ambassador to Tel Aviv. The two most recent ambassadors, Friedman and Daniel Shapiro, both
political appointees, have also been Jewish. Shapiro so enjoyed being an Israeli that hedecided to remain in the country after his appointment as ambassador was completed. He
now works for an Israeli government funded think tank.
The Israeli army and police have in
fact killed a number of American citizens without any real pushback from the Department of State or White House.
The unwillingness to confront Israel on any level stems from the formidableJewish power in the United States, which uses money and media control to corrupt the
political system at national, state and local levels.
Ask yourself why you have never
heard of these American citizens who were either murdered by Israel or who were shot in the head by Israeli troops
but miraculously survived:
Rebhi Barakat Kaid, 67, Columbus,
Ohio (killed August 1988)
Rachel Corrie, Washington State (killed March 2003)
Brian Avery, 24, Albuquerque, New Mexico (shot April 2003)
Tristan Anderson, 37, Oakland, California (shot March 2009)
Furkan Doğan, 18, Troy, New York, (killed May 2010)
Emily Henochowicz, Potomac, Maryland (shot May 2010)
Orwa Hammad, 14, Louisiana (killed October 2014)
Mahmoud Shaalan, 16, Florida (killed February 26, 2016)
Of course, these are only a few of
the ones whose stories have leaked out.
Oh! And let’s not forget the 34
American sailors and Marines who were murdered by the State of Israel on June 8, 1967, whenIsrael attacked the USS Liberty.
All of these Americans were
murdered by the State of Israel and their deaths covered up by the U.S. Embassy, the U.S. State Department and the
White House—regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican sat in the Oval Office. And this does not include the
thousands of people of all faiths who are routinely tortured by the State of Israel.
The above-referenced article
Inside Israel torture of
Palestinians is routine on the grounds of “necessity” and absurd “ticking-bomb” scenarios. The courts and the
medical profession aid and abet the practice. Over 1200 complaints regardingthe torture of Palestinians in Israeli prisons have not resulted in even a single
indictment of the torturers.
So, killing Americans as well as
many others and torturing prisoners are all in a day’s work for the Jewish state. What is disgraceful, of
course, is the fact that the United States government, which has the power to do something about it, instead
chooses to do nothing to stop the bleeding or even to demand inquiries to find out who is to blame. Instead,
Washington lavishes money and praise on Israel, reportedly America’s best friend and closest ally, while it also
avoids looking at the horrors that are evident to most of the rest of the world.
The John Birch Society deserves credit for having identified the CFR as part of
the ruling class, but few have dared to name the State of Israel.
Here is a relevant message that I delivered over a year ago that includes
pertinent information on both the CFR and Zionist Israel.
If Benjamin Netanyahu knows he
controls America, why don’t evangelical Christians know? It’s because they are bewitched and deceived by
thefalse doctrines of Christian Zionism.
It’s time to put Americans back in
charge of America.
*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing
audience, donations may be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
By Israel Shahak and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, August 03, 2019
Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Inc. 3 March 2013
The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone
of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the
Israeli military and intelligence establishment. (article first published by Global Research on April 29,
President Donald Trump has confirmed in no uncertain terms, his support of Israel’s illegal settlements
(including his opposition to UN Security Council Resolution 2334, pertaining to the illegality of the Israeli
settlements in the occupied West Bank). In recent developments, the Trump administration has expressed its
recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” is supportive of the “Greater Israel” project. It consists in the
derogation of Palestinian’s “the right of return” by “naturalizing them as citizens of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria,
Iraq, and elsewhere regionally where they reside”.
Bear in mind: The Greater Israel design is not strictly a Zionist Project for the Middle East, it
is an integral part of US foreign policy, its strategic objective is extend US hegemony as well as fracture and
balkanize the Middle East.
Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is intended to trigger political
instability throughout the region.
According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the
Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised
Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
Pastor Chuck Baldwin Counters Donald Trump's "Deal Of The
Century" With A True M.E. Peace Plan
LibertyFellowshipMT | Feb 18, 2020
This video is a brief response by Pastor Chuck Baldwin to a reader who, after reading Dr.
Baldwin's national column entitled "Trump's Deal With The
Devil," sarcastically asked him to propose his own Middle East peace plan if he didn't like Trump's
Now, stop and think, folks. The U.S. has dropped 200,000 bombs (the
number is probably greater than that by now) on seven Middle Eastern countries—each country
comparable in size to the states of Alaska, Texas, California, and Washington State. Try and
imagine seven states in the U.S. having 200,000 bombs dropped on them. Think of the death and
destruction that we Americans are supporting with our tax dollars. How many innocent people are
killed with each bomb and missile? Conservative estimates calculate that hundreds of thousands of
innocent people have been killed (and how many more wounded and maimed?) in America’s phony “war on
Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers
Who Share Christian Faith
The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting
their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and
non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis...”.
War on Christians has begun! - Military bans
Military Losing Their Religion - War On Christianity - Proposal Would Court-Martial For Religious
The statement, released to Fox
News, follows a Breitbart News report on Obama administration Pentagon
appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish
Christians in the military who express or share their faith.
(From our earlier report: Weinstein is the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and says
Christians--including chaplains--sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military are guilty of “treason,” and of
committing an act of “spiritual rape” as serious a crime as “sexual assault.” He also asserted that Christians
sharing their faith in the military are “enemies of the Constitution.”)
Being convicted in a court martial means that a soldier has committed a crime under federal military law.
Punishment for a court martial can include imprisonment and being dishonorably discharged from the military.
So President Barack Obama’s civilian appointees who lead the Pentagon are confirming that the military will make
it a crime--possibly resulting in imprisonment--for those in uniform to share their faith. This would include
chaplains—military officers who are ordained clergymen of their faith (mostly Christian pastors or priests, or
Jewish rabbis)--whose duty since the founding of the U.S. military under George Washington is to teach their faith
and minister to the spiritual needs of troops who come to them for counsel, instruction, or comfort.
This regulation would severely limit expressions of faith in the military, even on a one-to-one basis between
close friends. It could also effectively abolish the position of chaplain in the military, as it would not allow
chaplains (or any service members, for that matter), to say anything about their faith that others say led them to
think they were being encouraged to make faith part of their life. It’s difficult to imagine how a member of the
clergy could give spiritual counseling without saying anything that might be perceived in that fashion.
In response to the Pentagon’s plans, retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, who
is now executive vice president of the Family Research Council (FRC), said on Fox &
Friends Wednesday morning:
It’s a matter of what do they mean by "proselytizing." ...I think they’ve got their defintions a little
confused. If you’re talking about coercion that’s one thing, but if you’re talking about the free exercise of
our faith as individual soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, especially for the chaplains, they I think the
worst thing we can do is stop the ability for a soldier to be able to exercise his faith.”
FRC has launched
a petition here which has already collected over 60,000 signatures, calling on Secretary
Hagel is stop working with Weinstein and his anti-Christian organization to develop military policy regarding
religious faith.
The FRC petition has now exceeded more than 40,000 signatures at the time of this update.
Breitbart News legal columnist Ken Klukowski is senior fellow for religious liberty with the Family Research
Council and on faculty at Liberty University School of Law.
In the United States today, there are very few words that
provoke as much outrage as the name of Jesus. It is being banned from graduation ceremonies, chaplains all over
America are being forbidden from using His name in their prayers, and many school officials all over the nation
have become absolutely fanatical about eliminating every trace of Christian expression from their schools. One
elementary school in North Carolina even ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem
that she had written to honor her grandfathers. Political correctness is spreading like a cancer in this country,
and our “freedom of religion” is rapidly being transformed into a guarantee of “freedom from religion” for those
that hate the Christian faith.
Without a doubt, there is a war on the Christian faith in America today. It is being waged in classrooms,
courtrooms and churches all over the nation.
The following is an excerpt from a speech that Rand Paul gave earlier this year…
There is a war on Christianity, not just from liberal elites here at home, but worldwide.
And your government, or more correctly, you, the taxpayer, are funding it.
Evidence of this war on Christianity is everywhere these days. The following are just a few examples…
-An elementary school in North Carolina ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem that she wrote to honor her two grandfathers that
had served in the Vietnam War.
-The Ohio Statehouse banned Christian pastors from using the name of Jesus when they open up the daily
sessions with prayer.
-The use of the name of Jesus was also forbidden in all prayers opening sessions of the North Carolina State-House.
-Last year, a federal appeals court ruled that prayers before commission meetings in Forsyth
County, North Carolina that included the name of Jesus were unconstitutional.
-Earlier this year, a Florida Atlantic University student that refused to stomp on the name of Jesus
was banned from class.
-A student at Sonoma State University was ordered to take off a cross that she was wearing because someone
“could be offended“.
-A teacher in New Jersey was fired for giving his own Bible to a student that did not own one.
-An open air preacher in Illinois was recently threatened with arrest for “scaring people” with the message of the gospel.
-A high school track team was disqualified earlier this year because one of the runners “made a gesture thanking God” once he had crossed the finish line.
-Volunteer chaplains for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department have been banned from using the name of Jesus in their public prayers. Sadly, this is
not an isolated incident. Chaplains all over the nation are now being banned from using the name of Jesus.
-In recent months, daredevil Nik Wallenda has walked a tightrope across Niagara Falls and has walked a tightrope
across the Grand Canyon, and yet both times the mainstream media has gone out of the way to keep the name of Jesus
out of news reports…
Wallenda, 33, the great grandson of legendary tightrope walker Karl Wallenda, walked across Niagara Falls on
a high wire, as hundreds watched on TV at a block party in his Florida hometown of Sarasota, Fla., and millions
of others tuned in for ABC television coverage.
Wallenda was fitted with a microphone during his tension-filled, 25-minute saunter at 200 feet high, and he
could be heard praising God numerous times as he walked the length of four football fields from New York to
A recently released 140 page report entitled “The Survey of Religious Hostility in America” included some more examples of how
Christianity is being systematically oppressed in America today…
A federal judge threatened ‘incarceration’ to a high school valedictorian unless she removed references to
Jesus from her graduation speech.
City officials prohibited senior citizens from praying over their meals, listening to religious messages or
singing gospel songs at a senior activities center.
A public school official prevented a student from handing out flyers inviting her classmates to an event at
her church.
A public university’s law school banned a Christian organization because it required its officers to adhere
to a statement of faith that the university disagreed with.
The U.S. Department of Justice argued before the Supreme Court that the federal government can tell
churches and synagogues which pastors and rabbis it can hire and fire.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs banned the mention of God from veterans’ funerals, overriding the
wishes of the deceased’s families.
A federal judge held that prayers before a state House of Representatives could be to Allah but not to
Are you starting to get the picture?
And one of the biggest battlegrounds for religious freedom in America at the moment is the U.S. military.
Right now, there are some very powerful forces that are trying to eradicate all expressions of the Christian
faith from the U.S. military. It has gotten so bad that a 23 year Air Force veteran was recently ordered
to remove his Bible from his desk, and the Air Force recently came out and announced that
service members are only allowed to talk about their faith if it “does not make others uncomfortable“.
The U.S. military is a far different institution than it once was. Today, political correctness rules the U.S.
Lt. Col. Kenneth Reyes is a Christian chaplain currently serving in the U.S. Air Force. He is stationed at
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska. As an ordained clergyman whose duties are to provide religious
instruction and spiritual counseling, he has a page on the base’s website called “Chaplain’s Corner.”
Reyes recently wrote an essay entitled, “No Atheists in Foxholes: Chaplains Gave All in World War II.” This
common saying is attributed to a Catholic priest in World War II, made famous when President Dwight D.
Eisenhower said during a 1954 speech: “I am delighted that our veterans are sponsoring a movement to increase
our awareness of God in our daily lives. In battle, they learned a great truth that there are no atheists in
the foxholes.”
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation was absolutely outraged when they heard about this. They demanded that
the commander of the base, Col. Brian Duffy, do something about the “anti-secular diatribe” that Reyes had
In the old days, a base commander would have had a good chuckle and then would have told the MRFF where to stick
their complaint, but the old days are gone.
These days, base commanders cower subserviently before politically correct organizations such as the MRFF. Just
check out what happened next…
Nonetheless, only five hours after MRFF’s complaint, the essay was removed from the website. Duffy has
profusely apologized to MRFF for not stopping this religious leader from sharing religious thoughts.
But this response—which again appears to be a violation of Reyes’s First Amendment rights—is insufficient
for MRFF. They said, “Faith based hate, is hate all the same,” and, “Lt. Col. Reyes must be appropriately
punished.” (Emphasis added).
And thanks to the MRFF, special edition Bibles for service members have been banned from being
sold on military bases…
Bowing to a complaint from a religious watchdog group, the Pentagon will no longer give consent for a
publisher to use the official emblems of the military services on a line of Bibles sold on base exchanges.
The group claimed victory, but an association of former military chaplains is demanding that Congress
overturn the Defense Department’s decision.
The Bibles, branded for each of four services as “The Soldier’s Bible,” “The Sailor’s Bible” and so on, are
published by LifeWay Christian Resources’ Holman Bible Publishers, a subsidiary of the Southern Baptist Bible
Convention, said Chris Rodda, the senior research director for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
The MRFF is a very insidious organization. It is headed up by a man named Mikey Weinstein. He has called
Christians “human monsters” and “enemies of the United States Constitution“. Weinstein is convinced that sharing the gospel
of Jesus Christ while in the military is “sedition and treason” and should be punished as such.
You would think that people like Weinstein would be dismissed as lunatics, but unfortunately under the Obama
administration he has been brought in as a special adviser to the Pentagon.
What a crazy world that we live in.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama himself has remained completely silent as a totally innocent American citizen is being
tortured in an Iranian prison. If that prisoner was a liberal activist, Obama would be moving heaven and earth to
get him released. But because he is a Christian, we haven’t heard a peep out of Obama, and many Christian leaders want an
One of the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders wants to know why President Obama has remained silent
as Iran tortures an American pastor held captive in one of the Islamic republic’s most notorious prisons.
Franklin Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, told Fox
News the imprisonment and torture of Pastor Saeed Abedini is a blatant example of “religious intolerance.”
“Many in the international community are expressing outrage over this blatant example of religious
intolerance,” Graham said. “I ask that our government do the same and demand that Pastor Saeed Abedini be
released and allowed to return home to his wife and family in the United States.”
We are rapidly moving toward a time when followers of Jesus will be treated as second class citizens in America.
The following are some other examples of this trend…
A War Games scenario at Fort Leavenworth that identified Christian groups and Evangelical groups as being
potential threats;
A 2009 Dept. of Homeland Security memorandum that identified future threats to
national security coming from Evangelicals and pro-life groups;
A West Point study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center that linked
pro-lifers to terrorism;
How quickly we have turned our backs on the values of our founders.
In a recent article, Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin tried to remind us of how far we have drifted from what our
founders intended…
It’s a good thing that George Washington is dead and military history effectively banished from our
campuses. Otherwise, we might used for our safety and defense.” In the same way, any assistant professor of
government hoping to achieve tenure will likely skim over certain sections of the first remember the general
order Washington issued upon taking command of the embattled Continental Army–and in Boston, no less. The
general “requires and expects of all officers and soldiers a punctual attendance at Divine services, to implore
the blessing of Heaven upon the means president’s Farewell Address, which reads: “Of all the dispositions and
habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports.”
Will America be able to stand if we continue to try to push every shred of the Christian faith out of public
What do you think?
I am sure that a lot of people out there have some very strong opinions about all of this. Please feel free to
post a comment with your thoughts below…
Priests threatened with arrest if they minister to military
during shutdown
In a stunning development, some military
priests are facing arrest if they celebrate mass or practice their faith on military bases during the federal
government shutdown.
“With the government shutdown, many [government service] and contract priests who minister to
Catholics on military bases worldwide are not permitted to work – not even to volunteer,” wrote John Schlageter,
the general counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, in an op-ed this week. “During the shutdown,
it is illegal for them to minister on base and they risk being arrested if they attempt to do so.”
According to its website, the Archdiocese for the Military Services “provides the Catholic Church’s
full range of pastoral ministries and spiritual services to those in the United States Armed Forces.”
In his piece, Schlageter worries about this restriction as Sunday nears. “If the government
shutdown continues through the weekend, there will be no Catholic priest to celebrate Mass this Sunday in the
chapels at some U.S. military installations where non-active-duty priests serve as government contractors,” he
Because of the lack of active-duty Catholic chaplains, the military relies on hiring civilian
priests to serve as government service and contract ministers. Those civilian priests are not allowed on the bases
during a shutdown, Schlageter wrote.
One Republican lawmaker on the House Intelligence Committee told The Daily Caller on Friday that
this “crosses a constitutional line.”
“The constitutional rights of those who put their lives on the line for this nation do not end with
a government slowdown,” Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo, a graduate of West Point and an Army veteran, said in a Friday
statement. ”It is completely irresponsible for the president to turn his back on every American’s First Amendment
rights by furloughing military contract clergy.”
Added Pompeo: “The President’s strategy during the slowdown, just as during the sequestration, is
to create as much pain as possible. However, this action crosses a constitutional line of obstructing every U.S.
service member’s ability to practice his or her religion.”
“From Boston to
Zanzibar, there is a worldwide war on Christianity,” declared Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky). He made the comments in a
speech discussing the slaughter of Christians at the 2013
Values Voter Summit on October 11. The Kentucky Senator added,
Across the globe, Christians are under attack, almost as if we lived in the Middle Ages or if we lived under
early Pagan Roman rule. . . It’s almost as if that is happening again throughout the Middle East.
Last month I noted that “We
are living through a repaganizing of the West that was transformed and lifted up by Christendom.” Paul calls out
the president and media for ignoring the slaughter, but in reality most people in the West are not paying any
attention to the vicious attacks against Christians around the world. While this is in part due to the larger media
blackout, the truth of the matter is that because of secularization, there is little spiritual discernment or
clarity to recognize great evil. Perhaps the entertainment culture that fuels many American churches, driven by the
perceived need to compete with the culture, exacerbates the ignorance on this issue too. Recently,
Kristen Powers and Mollie
Hemingway offered important articles highlighting the current plight of Christians around the world.
Watch Paul’s entire 19 minute speech below:
This article was posted: Monday, October 14, 2013 at 10:50 am
Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops
were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified
as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.
The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the
Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam.
A soldier who attended the briefing contacted me and sent me a photograph of a slide show presentation that
listed AFA as a domestic hate group. Under the AFA headline is a photograph of Westboro Baptist Church preacher
Fred Phelps holding a sign reading “No special law for f***.”
Fort Hood Soldiers Told That
Christians, Tea Partiers a Radical Terror Threat
“I was very shocked and couldn’t believe what I was
Paul Joseph Watson
October 24, 2013
During a pre-deployment briefing, Fort Hood soldiers were told
that Christians, Tea Party supporters and anti-abortion activists were a radical terror threat, enemies of
America, and that anyone found to be supporting these groups would be subject to discipline under the Uniform
Code of Military Justice.
That’s the explosive claim from a soldier who attended the half-hour briefing which took place on
October 17 and was devoted to how so-called “radical” groups were “tearing the country apart,” the soldier
told Fox
News, adding that the threat of Islamic terrorism was barely even mentioned.
Despite the fact that another soldier confirmed that threats of punishment were made during the
meeting, an official Fort Hood representative denied the allegations.
“I was very shocked and couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” the soldier said. “I felt like my
religious liberties, that I risk my life and sacrifice time away from family to fight for, were being taken
According to the soldiers, the counter-intelligence agent who conducted the briefing also said that
Christians who protest against abortion were planning to bomb family planning clinics and that the pro-life
movement was an example of “radicalization.”
“The American public should be outraged that the U.S. Army is teaching our troops that evangelical
Christians and tea party members are enemies of America and that they can be punished for supporting or
participating in those groups,” Liberty Institute Attorney Mike Berry told Fox News. “These statements about
evangelicals being domestic enemies are a serious charge.”
“Our community is still healing from the act of terrorism brought on by Nidal Hasan – who really is
a terrorist,” the unnamed soldier added. “This is a slap in the face. “The military is supposed to defend freedom
and to classify the vast majority of the military that claim to be Christian as terrorists is sick.”
This is by no means the first time that US Army top brass as well as sectors of the federal
government have identified Christians and other conservatives as terrorists.
Earlier this
month, it emerged that several dozen active duty and reserve troops at Camp Shelby in Mississippi were taught
that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, was a “domestic hate group.”
Alex Jones’ 2001 documentary film 9/11: The Road to Tyranny featured footage from a FEMA symposium
given to firefighters and other emergency personnel in Kansas City in which it was stated that the founding
fathers, Christians and homeschoolers were terrorists and should be treated with the utmost suspicion and brutality
in times of national emergency.
A Department of Defense manual that was leaked
in August revealed how the DoD was teaching that the founding fathers were “extremists” and would not have been
welcome in today’s military.
The recent firing of top
military commanders Navy Vice Adm. Tim Giardina and Maj. Gen. Michael Carey has increased speculation that
there are some very peculiar things happening within the U.S. military.
Earlier this week, former Navy SEAL
Ben Smith warned that the Obama administration is asking top brass in the military if they would be
comfortable with disarming U.S. citizens, a litmus test that includes gauging whether they would be prepared to
order NCOs to fire on Americans.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is
the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 11:32 am
Marine court-martialed for
refusing to remove Bible verse Military determined “could easily be
seen as
contrary to good order and discipline”
By Todd Starnes Published May 26, 2015
A United States Marine was convicted at a
court-martial for refusing to remove a Bible verse on her computer – a verse of Scripture the military determined
“could easily be seen as contrary to good order and discipline.”
The plight of Lance Corporal Monifa Sterling seems unbelievable – a member of the Armed Forces criminally
prosecuted for displaying a slightly altered passage of Scripture from the Old Testament: “No weapon formed against
me shall prosper.”
Sterling, who represented herself at trial, was convicted February 1, 2014 in a court-martial at Camp Lejune,
North Carolina after she refused to obey orders from a staff sergeant to remove the Bible verses from her desk.
She was found guilty of failing to go to her appointed place of duty, disrespect toward a superior commissioned
officer, and four specifications of disobeying the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer.
As it now stands – Sterling is unemployed and looking for work. It’s a process made harder because
of the bad conduct discharge from the military. Hopefully Liberty Institute will be able to restore this
Christian Marine’s good name and expunge the charge.
Both lower court and the appellate court ruled that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act did not apply to her case because displaying a Bible verse does not constitute
religious exercise.
However, a religious liberty law firm and a high-powered, former U.S. solicitor general have taken up her case
and have filed an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.
“If the government can order a Marine not to display a Bible verse, they could try and order her not to get a
religious tattoo, or go to church on Sunday,” said Liberty Institute attorney Michael Berry. “Restricting a
Marine’s free exercise of religion is blatantly unconstitutional.”
Sterling wised up and finally got legal counsel. Now representing her are the Liberty Institute along with
former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement, also a law professor at Georgetown University.
Clement most recently won a Supreme Court victory on behalf of Hobby Lobby against the Affordable Care Act.
Liberty Institute and Clement plan to argue that the appellate court should have applied the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act in Sterling’s case – protecting her right to post Bible verses as a form of religious exercise.
According to the appellate court’s decision, they were not convinced “that displaying religious text at a shared
government workstation would be protected even in a civilian federal workplace.”
They also considered the fact that Sterling’s desk was shared by other Marines.
“The implication is clear – the junior Marine sharing the desk and the other Marines coming to the desk for
assistance would be exposed to biblical quotations in the military workplace,” the court declared. “It is not hard
to imagine the divisive impact to good order and discipline that may result when a service member is compelled to
work at a government desk festooned with religious quotations.”
Festooned with religious quotations?
Attorney Berry points out that other Marines were allowed to decorate their desks. However, the lower courts
refused to allow that evidence to be admitted. And at the time of the incident – Sterling was not sharing a
“This was a conflict between her and her supervisor,” he
told me. “Her supervisor clearly said she did not like the tone of the Bible verses.”
Berry said the supervisor cursed at Sterling and ordered her to immediately remove the verses. She refused the
order. The following day, she discovered the verses had been removed and thrown in the trash.
“Adding insult to injury, the government charged her with the crime of failing to obey a direct order because
she did not remove the Bible verse,” Berry said.
According to court documents, the military maintains the “verbiage” – “No weapon formed against me shall
prosper” could “easily been seen as contrary to good order and discipline.”
“Maintaining discipline and morale in the military work center could very well require that the work center
remain relatively free of divisive or contentious issues such as personal beliefs, religion, politics, etc.”
Liberty Institute attorney Hiram Sasser told me it was outrageous “that such a small strip of paper could so
frighten a drill sergeant.”
“This is a very scary time when you are not allowed to have a very small printed Bible verse in your own
personal workspace because it might offend other Marines,” Sasser told me. “Our Marines are trained to deal with
some of the most hostile people on the planet. I don’t think they are afraid of tiny words on a tiny piece of
The Bible verse incident happened in May 2013. A few months later she was accused of failing to wear an
appropriate uniform because of a medical condition.
Berry told me he believes the military was trumping up the charge sheet “to make it look that things were worse
than they were.”
As it now stands – Sterling is unemployed and looking for work. It’s a process made harder because of the bad
conduct discharge from the military.
Hopefully Liberty Institute will be able to restore this Christian Marine’s good name and expunge the
Anything less could jeopardize the standing of every person of faith serving in the Armed Forces. Should that
happen – God help us all.
The “coming persecution of Christians” has already begun.
It is already here. So why is the mainstream media in the United States almost totally silent about this
phenomenon? When some politician somewhere around the globe inadvertently offends homosexuals or Muslims, it
instantly makes headline news.
But very few Americans are even aware that it has been estimated that 100 million Christians are currently facing persecution and thatapproximately 100,000 Christians die for their faith each year. As you are about to
see, Christians all over the world are being burned alive, beheaded, crucified, tortured to death and imprisoned
in metal shipping containers just because of what they believe. This persecution goes on year after year and it
is steadily intensifying. But the governments of the western world and the mainstream media are almost entirely
ignoring what is happening.
The information shared below is extremely graphic. Some of the websites that normally run my articles may want
to think twice before posting this one. The reason why I have included such graphic information is because I
believe that it is very important to accurately communicate what is truly going on out there. People need to know
the reality of the holocaust that is happening. The following are short excerpts from news stories about incidents
of Christian persecution that took place in 12 different countries around the planet. Sadly, the vast majority of
Americans have never even heard about any of these stories…
#1Christian Taxi Driver Pulled Out Of His Cab And Beheaded In Egypt: One attack involved taxi
driver Rafaat Aziz Mina, who was slaughtered in an Alexandria street just because he was Christian. In his early
twenties, he was killed on 16 August by a mob of Islamists who took to the streets after news reached them about
the military’s action against their camps in Cairo.
An amateur video shot by a resident shows a mob blocking cars, checking the passengers
inside. When Aziz’s taxi was stopped, one of the protesters noted a cross hanging from the rear view mirror.
Quickly, the young man was dragged out and kicked, punched and beaten to death. For several minutes, the
extremists defiled the lifeless body kicking and spitting on it, concluding their performance by cutting off his
head, which they left on the sidewalk.
#2Tortured To Death By U.S.-Backed Al-Qaeda Rebels In Syria: In late October, the
U.S-supported “opposition” invaded and occupied Sadad for over a week, till ousted by the nation’s military.
Among other atrocities, 45 Christians—including women and children—were killed, several tortured to death;
Sadad’s 14 churches, some ancient, were ransacked and destroyed; the bodies of six people from one family,
ranging from ages 16 to 90, were found at the bottom of a well (an increasingly common fate for “subhuman”
#3“Slaughtering Us Like Chickens” In The Central African Republic: Thousands of Christian
civilians sought refuge at an airport guarded by French soldiers Friday, fleeing from the mostly Muslim
ex-rebels with machetes and guns who rule the country a day after the worst violence to hit the chaotic capital
in nine months.
When several French helicopters landed at the airport, people sang with joy as they banged on plastic buckets
and waved rags into the air in celebration.
Outside the barbed wire fences of the airport, bodies lay decomposing along the roads in a capital too dangerous
for many to collect the corpses. Thursday’s clashes left at least 280 dead, according to national radio, and have
raised fears that waves of retaliatory attacks could soon follow.
“They are slaughtering us like chickens,” said Appolinaire Donoboy, a Christian whose family remained in
#4Shot For Refusing To Convert To Islam In Libya: A group of Muslims robbed two Egyptian
Christians living in Libya, then tied up and shot them to death after the two Copts refused their demand to
convert to Islam, relatives said.
On a rural road in Derna District in northeastern Libya on Wednesday (Sept. 25), a group of Muslims surrounded
Waleed Saad Shaker, 25, and Nash’at Shenouda Ishaq, 27, demanded their belongings and started beating them. During
the strong-arm robbery, the relatives said, the Muslims demanded that Shaker and Ishaq recite the shahada, the
declaration of conversion to Islam. When the two Orthodox Coptic Christians refused, the group of Muslims tied them
up and shot them.
#5Head Cut Off In Front Of A Camera For Converting To Christianity In Tunisia: A young man
appears held down by masked men. His head is pulled back, with a knife to his throat. He does not struggle and
appears resigned to his fate. Speaking in Arabic, the background speaker, or “narrator,” chants a number of
Muslim prayers and supplications, mostly condemning Christianity, which, because of the Trinity, is referred to
as a polytheistic faith: “Let Allah be avenged on the polytheist apostate”; “Allah empower your religion, make
it victorious against the polytheists”; “Allah, defeat the infidels at the hands of the Muslims,” and “There is
no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.”
Then, to cries of “Allahu Akbar!”— Allah is greater!”—the masked man holding the knife to the apostate’s throat
begins to slice away, severing the head completely after approximately one minute of graphic knife-carving, as the
victim drowns in blood. Finally, the severed head is held aloft to more Islamic slogans of victory.
The attack by armed gunmen was only the first in a 12-village spree of violence that left over 100 dead in
northern Nigeria’s Plateau State, a region that had previously been outside Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram’s
operational area and is the largely Muslim Fulani tribesmen’s homeland.
Yet Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the attacks and threatened even more violence.
#7Two Brothers Crucified For Their Faith In Ivory Coast: Two peasant brothers were brutally
crucified on “the example of Christ” as forces loyal to Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara continue to
target perceived supporters of his ousted Christian predecessor, Laurent Gbagbo.
Raphael Aka Kouame died of his injuries; incredibly his younger brother, Kouassi Privat Kacou, survived the
ordeal. The pair were badly beaten and tortured before being crudely nailed to cross-shaped planks by their hands
and feet with steel spikes on 29 May.
With the building demolished, the mob began to beat the pastor, his mother and church members, who were able to
flee and went into hiding for the night. The extent of their injuries is not known.
#9Suicide Bombers Kill 81 At A Church In Pakistan: A pair of suicide bombers killed 81 people
outside a church in northwestern Pakistan on Sunday in the deadliest attack yet on the country’s Christian
minority, reviving fears that the newly installed government is powerless to stop the resurgent Taliban’s reign
of terror.
The attack on the 19th-century All Saints Church in Peshawar took place as hundreds of worshippers were
streaming out of the church, police chief Mohammad Ali Babakhel told the newspaper Dawn.
“The suicide bomber tried to attack the people, but when he was stopped by the police, he detonated the bomb,”
he said. “The second blast was carried out inside the church.”
#1080 Lashes For Drinking Communion Wine In Iran: An Iranian court sentenced four Iranian men
to 80 whiplashes for drinking wine during communion and possession of a satellite antenna.
The court issued the sentence in the city of Rasht on October 6. Christian Solidarity Worldwide, an advocacy
organization for religious freedom, reported on the punishment last week on its website.
#11Imprisoned In Metal Shipping Containers In Eritrea: A representative of Open Doors, a
charity that works with Christians under pressure for their faith, said that many Christian men and women are
being held in underground dungeons, metal shipping containers and military detention centers.
“They face exposure, hard labor and insufficient food, water and hygiene. They are regularly denied medical
treatment for malaria and pneumonia contracted while in prison or diseases like diabetes, hypertension or cancer
that they may have arrived with,” said the representative.
#12Publicly Executed For Owning A Bible In North Korea: Eight people — their heads covered with
white bags — were tied to stakes at a local stadium in the city of Wonsan, before authorities shot them with a
machine gun, according to the source.
Wonsan authorities gathered a crowd of 10,000 people, including children, at Shinpoong Stadium and forced them
to watch the killings.
For the moment, things like this are not happening in the United States. But you would have to be extremely
naive to think that it never could happen here.
Animosity toward Christians is rapidly rising in this country. Anyone that spends much time cruising around the
Internet can see that very clearly. In fact, some bloggers recently suggested the castration and murder of Christians here in the United States.
All over the planet, the persecution of Christians is growing. And our own government is now demonizing us and
characterizing us as a “threat”.
The years ahead are going to be very challenging for those who choose to be Christians. If you are a Christian,
I hope that you are getting emotionally and spiritually prepared for that.
This article was posted: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 5:22 am
Pew Study: Christians Are The World’s Most Oppressed
Religious Group
February 6, 2014 - 1:40 PM
By Barbara Boland – Restrictions, harassment, and
intimidation towards people who practice their religion increased in every major region of the world in 2012 except
the Americas, with Christians the major target, says a new report by the Pew Research Center.
“Muslims and Jews experienced six-year highs in the number of countries in which
they were harassed by national, provincial or local governments,” the study found, but Christians continue to
be the world’s most oppressed religious group, with persecution against them reported in 110 countries.
A recent report by the Christian group Open Doors noted that “North Korea remains the world’s most
restrictive nation in which to practice Christianity,” followed by Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia,
Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen.
More than “5.3 billion people (76% of the world’s population) live in countries with a high or very
high level of restrictions on religion,” Pew noted, “up from 74% in 2011 and 68% as of mid-2007.”
A fifth of the world's nations (20%) also experienced religious terrorism or sectarian violence in
2012, Pew researchers found, which was “up markedly from 2007 (9%).”
President Obama expressed hope that the “Arab Spring” would give rise to greater religious freedom
in North Africa and the Middle East, which has had the world’s highest level of hostility towards religion in every
year since 2007, when Pew first began measuring it. However, the study finds that these regions actually
experienced the largest increase in religious hostilities in 2012.
Across the six years that Pew has conducted the study, Christians were being harassed for their
faith in 151 countries and Muslims in 135. Together they represent the world’s two largest religious groups and
more than half of the world’s population.
Jews, who make up less than 1% of the world’s population, experienced religious persecution in 95
countries. Researchers also found an increase in religious harassment in countries where Hindus, Buddhists or
followers of other traditional religions predominated.
"Among the world's 25 most populous countries, Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, Pakistan and Burma
(Myanmar) had the most restrictions on religion in 2012,” the report stated. Pakistan had the highest level of
social hostilities involving religion, while Egypt had the highest level of government restrictions on religious
practice, Pew found.
Religious persecution
Syria, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand and Burma rose to the “very high” level of social
hostility towards religion last year.
Women were harassed about the way they dressed due to religious reasons in almost a third of all
countries in 2012 – up from less than 7 percent in 2007.
This is the fourth report by Pew Research Center analyzing the global issue of freedom to practice
religious beliefs. “As part of the original study, published in 2009, Pew Research developed two indexes – a
Government Restrictions Index and a Social Hostilities Index – that were used to gauge government restrictions on
religion and social hostilities involving religion in nearly 200 countries and territories,” Pew says.
That first report created a baseline for each country, broken down into five geographic regions.
Subsequent reports have looked at changes in restrictions and hostilities in the individual countries, as well as
in the regions to which they belong.
Kim Jong-un, the supreme leader of North Korea, has called
for the execution of 33 people for reportedly working as accomplices to South Korean Baptist missionary Kim
Jung-wook and planning to help him create 500 underground churches.
The North Korean tyrant has asserted himself by ruthlessly and brutally murdering all whom he deems a threat to
his power. In August, Kim Jong-un executed by firing squad his ex-girlfriend/singer Hyon. She and eleven others in
her orchestra were executed with machine guns while the families of the victims watched in horror. Also, Kim
Jong-un ordered the execution of his own uncle, Jang Song Thaek, in December for allegedly being a “traitor to the
nation for all ages, and a despicable political careerist and trickster, human scum and worse than a dog.”
Last October, Kim Jung-wook was arrested and placed in jail for his plan to set up underground churches.
Supposedly having received help from South Korea’s intelligence agency, the missionary entered North Korea from
China and was heading for Pyongyang.
Read more
This article was posted: Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 1:17 pm
A Communist party campaign during which crosses have
been stripped from the roofs of more than 1,200 Chinese churches is being conducted “for the sake of safety and
beauty”, a government official has claimed.
Human rights activists accuse authorities in Zhejiang province in eastern China of using the protracted campaign to slow Christianity’s growth
in what is one of the country’s most churchgoing regions.
By some estimates, China is nowhome to 100 million Christians, compared with the Communist party’s 88 million
Since the government campaign began in late 2013, hundreds of places of worship have had bright red crosses
removed. Some churches have been completely demolished, while civil servants have been banned from practising
religion. Some observers suspect the campaign has the backing of the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and could be a
“pilot project” before a nationwide crackdown.
However, an official from Zhejiang’s ethnic and religious affairs bureau told the state-run Global Times newspaper the government had “merely
relocated the crosses out of safety concerns”.
“Generally speaking, the church staff and people are very supportive [of the removals],” the official added.
In fact, there is growing anger among China’s rapidly growing Christian community over the campaign, which has
affected both Catholic and Protestant congregations. Last Friday, a group of Catholic clergy – including an
89-year-old bishop – took to the streets to protest. “What they are doing feels like something from the Cultural
Revolution era,” complained one religious leader from Zhejiang.
This week, Catholic leaders in Wenzhou, a city known as China’s Jerusalem because of its large Christian
population, circulated an open letter claiming the removals had got “completely out of control”.
“Our diocese has been patient and reasonable – again and again we have shown tolerance, prayed, communicated and
observed, hoping that the haze would clear,” it said. “But they have not stopped. Rather, they have escalated the
campaign and have rushed to attack the cross, the symbol of peace and love.”
Addressing China’s Christian population, the letter concluded: “Let us speak out.”
Removals and demolitions have gathered pace in recent weeks despite such protests. A five-storey church in the
city of Wenling was demolished “voluntarily”, the government-controlled Zhejiang Daily newspaper announced on
Sunday. The newspaper claimed the church had expanded without going through the proper approval process. “It not
only affected city planning but also posed a severe threat to road safety,” the report said.
The “anti-church” campaign took an unusual turn this week after claims that officials had deployed groups of
incense-burning Buddhist monks to “provoke” Christians who were trying to defend their cross.
The Christian added: “They were trying to make us angry so that we would retaliate against them. They think that
anyone who opposes the government is a traitor, or someone trying to overturn the Communist party.”
Additional reporting Luna Lin
Obama Judge Fines School Over Christian Prayer Gov't turning Christians into second-class citizens
An Obama-appointed district judge fined a Mississippi school district over $7500 after a pastor
led a prayer before an optional school assembly.
All politics—as an enterprise of civilization—is moral. The entire debate about politics,
pursued at least under the American system, can be reduced to a single question: What is the proper use of force to
accomplish moral ends? People say you can't legislate morality. All legislation is a moral enterprise. If there is
not a justification for the use of power, then that use of power is illicit. That is what despots do. Aristotle
said famously that all law rests upon the necessary foundation of morality. Note that this kind of enterprise is a
prescriptive notion. In other words, Aristotle is saying that this is the nature of law and government properly
construed. It's supposed to be this way even though we know that sometimes people use their power meant for moral
ends as a means to immorally consolidate their own power and control over the very people they were entrusted to
serve. So politics is sometimes used poorly. But if you take politics as a thing, as such, at least in the American
system, the purpose of power is for the public good.
And the political enterprise is how we divvy up that power, how we use that power to accomplish those things that
are good in light of the restraints on power that we have in the Constitution. The American political enterprise is
a moral enterprise, and for those politicians who don't want to legislate morality, well they should probably get
out of the legislation business because this is their reason for existing. If they are not there to legislate
morality that is consistent with the public good, then they're not there for anything at all. They shouldn't be in
the business of politics.
In what amounts to one of the most blatant displays of how truly corrupt
the entire hierarchy of the establishment has become, church groups feeding the homeless are now being targeted by
law enforcement and local government around the nation.
Back on November 29th, I was alerted to the reality that a church group handing out meals for
Thanksgiving at a local park had been told by law enforcement to leave or face potential arrest. The story
was ultimately read by millions worldwide after it was syndicated from Storyleak through Infowars and other news
platforms. And while it was truly concerning, I was still under the impression that it must have been a remotely
isolated incident. On the night of December 5th, however, I was disturbed to find yet another church coming
forward in revealing a complete attack on their ability to feed thousands of homeless men and
In a story now reiterated by numerous other church heads who continue to contact me through email, a
Washington-based church out of Olympia is now facing government attack after handing out more than 5,000 meals per
month for the last two years. Now, amid the holiday season, the group known as ‘Crazy Faith Ministries’ has been
hit with a bureaucratic siege of red tape for handing out the thousands of meals via a public parking lot.
In the exclusive report up on Storyleak, Mikael Thalen writes:
“Although the group has had a long and highly supported presence in the area, complaints began arising regarding
issues such as vehicle traffic being blocked from the growing number of hungry people coming to be fed. In October,
Charles received notice from the Olympia Police Department that his group would no longer be allowed to use the
lot, although unable to cite any law broken.
Despite the city’s attempts, Crazy Faith politely declined to comply, saying the lot was the only area available
to use. Charles, who is of Native American decent, refused to give up the Native tradition of helping others in his
Unsuccessful in getting the group to vacate, the city is now attempting to use red-tape and bureaucracy by
passing a new ordinance that would require the group to purchase permits for any activity in city-owned parking
lots. Using any lot without permission from the city government could result in fines and jail time.”
That’s right, feeding the homeless now results in significant fines and even jail time — and that is entirely
unacceptable. I encourage everyone to share this article and spread the word about the objectively nefarious
actions of the law enforcement agencies who are now criminalizing church groups that simply want to feed the
homeless. Meanwhile, politicians siphon our income and get away with secret deals that amount to hundreds of
millions stolen each and every day.
This article was posted: Friday, December 6, 2013 at 1:08 pm
When the freedom of speech
of one group is being threatened, it is a threat to all of us. Just because you may not be a Christian, don’t
think that what you are about to read is not a problem for you as well.
truth is that any individual or group that does not “fit in” with the new “politically-correct” global
system that is emerging is going to be persecuted sooner or later. In our society today, it has
become quite fashionable to bash Christians. In fact, I am quite certain that some of the comments
that get left after this article will say really horrible things about Christians. But after “Big
Brother” is done with the Christians, are you sure that they will not come after you next? When I
speak of “Big Brother”, I am not just speaking of the government. In today’s world, giant
corporations and the mainstream media also play instrumental roles in the totalitarian police state prison
grid that is being constructed all around us. The elite control the government, they run nearly all
of the major corporations and they own most of the major media outlets. Anyone that does not
“conform” to their system is a threat. As time goes by, the persecution of those that attempt to
“rebel” against their system is only going to become more intense.
So if you are not a Christian, do not applaud when the system cracks down on
Bible-believing Christians.
You never know, you might be next.
The following are 18 examples of how Christians are being specifically targeted by
“Big Brother”….
#1 Home Bible
studies are now banned in
the city of San Juan Capistrano, California. According to city officials, regular gatherings
“of more than three people” in private homes are simply not allowed. One couple that has held home Bible studies
for years has already been fined twice and
is being threatened with even more fines.
#2 Paypal has initiated
“formal investigations” of
a large number of Christian websites and organizations. Apparently, many of these investigations have been
launched due to concerns that these websites and organizations do not hold to a “politically-correct” view of
According to WorldNetDaily, Paypal has targeted include Americans For Truth, Last Days Watchman and a host of other Christian organizations including “Abiding Truth Ministries, New
Generation Ministries, Noua Dreapta of Romania, Truth in Action Ministries, Dove World Outreach, Faith Word
Baptist Church, Family Research Institute and American Society for the Defense of Traditional
#3 In Wichita, Kansas
last year, a Christian minister was handcuffed and hauled off to jail by
police for sharing the gospel and handing out tracts to Muslims on
a public sidewalk. Apparently freedom of speech does not apply on the public sidewalks of America any
#4 In the UK, police
recently threatened a cafe owner with arrest for silently playing a Bible DVD on a small television on the back
wall of his cafe. The following is an excerpt from a Daily Mail article about this incident….
Mr Murray, 31, was left shocked after he was questioned for nearly an hour
by the officers, who arrived unannounced at the premises.
He said he had turned off the Bible DVD after an ‘aggressive inquisition’
during which he thought he was going to be arrested and ‘frog-marched out of the cafe like a
#5 Last year, a high
school student in Southern California was suspended for two days because he had private conversations with his classmates during which he discussed
Christianity. He was also banned from bringing his Bible to school ever again.
If that had been said about another minority group, it would have made front page
headlines for weeks.
#7 Down in Texas, the
Department of Veteran Affairs actually tried to ban prayers that include the words “God” or “Jesus” during funeral services for veterans.
#10 Back on February
20, 2009, the State of Missouri issued a report entitled “MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia
Movement“. That report warned that the following types of people
may be potential terrorists….
*anti-abortion activists
*those that are against illegal immigration
*those that consider “the New World Order” to be a threat
*those that have a negative view of the United Nations
#11 All over the
nation, “child protection agencies” are ripping an inordinate number of children out of Christian homes. In many of these cases the parents believe in homeschooling their children or they do
not believe in having their children vaccinated.
#12 On June 18, 2010
two Christians decided that they would peacefully pass out copies of the gospel of John on a public sidewalk
outside a public Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan and within
three minutes 8 police officers surrounded them and placed them
under arrest.
#13 A Christian
consultant was recently fired by Bank of America and by Cisco because they discovered a book that he had written that
expressed Christian viewpoints about social issues.
#14 A while back, a
federal judge actually ruled that the University of Californiacan deny course credit to applicants from Christian high schools that use textbooks that teach that it was God
who created the earth.
#16 The Obama
administration has announced that there is a whole host of laws that it will not be enforcing, but one thing that
the Obama administration has chosen to do is to aggressively pursue lawsuits against anti-abortion protesters.
#17During a Congressional hearing earlier this
year, U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee warned that “Christian
militants” might try to “bring down the country” and that such groups need to be investigated.
#18 According to a
shocking FBI document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI definition of “suspicious activity” now includes making
“extreme religious statements” and believing in “radical theology“.
The good news is that there still is at least a limited amount of religious
freedom in America. It may soon be gone, but at least we are in better shape than most of the
Almost 70 percent of the population of the world now lives in countries where
religious activities are highly restricted.
The sad truth is that the entire planet is moving away from freedom of
That is a right that we are supposed to be guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution,
but it should be obvious to everyone that our right to religious freedom is rapidly dying.
If you are not religious, don’t think that you should not be fighting for
religious freedom along with the rest of us.
Once they take some of our rights away, it will be much easier for them to take
all the rest of our rights away.
United we stand, or divided we will fall.
The Naked Zionist
4. Isis Plots Christmas Attack in US/UN moves Against Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex
Jones Channel, Dec 24, 2016.
5. Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, May 14,
“What would happen if the Jews pulled out of Israel today and left? Within a year there’d be nothing but people
murdering and killing each other and blowing each other up and fighting, because that’s what the middle east does.
You don’t build stuff; you don’t develop things; you don’t have a culture that’s based on renaissance; it’s all
based on conquest. And you’ll just start saying, You’re not as Shiite as I am, or you’re not as Sunni as I am, and
killing and blowing each other up in five minutes. That’s all I’m saying, for God sakes.” Alex Jones,
ISIS Plots Christmas Attack in US / UN Moves Against Israel, The Alex Jones Channel Published on Dec 24,
ISRAEL & PALESTINE Disclaimer: The information posted is for
educational purposes, and as with all videos and articles on this site, doesn't necessarily constitute an
endorsement of all an author's views and opinions.
ISIS Plots Christmas Attack in US / UN Moves Against
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Dec 24, 2016
Globalists Move Against Netanyahu in Preperation Against Trump
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Jan 2, 2017
Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel
The Alex Jones Channel
Published on May 14, 2018
Alex Jones breaks down why he politically supports Israel in the midst of the
new conflict breaking out across the middle east between Israel, Syria, Iran, Russia, and the
United States.
Alex Jones Exposed as a Zionist Apologist AGAIN!
Know More News
Streamed live Jul 11, 2018
Know More News with Adam Green
With Trump elected the temporary hold on smacking Jones is over. Plus Alex went
full cuck mode for Israel. He said the Middle East other than the Jews, have no culture and
can't build anything. That they only know destruction. Funny because Europe colonized over half
the planet and started both world wars.
Alex Zionist Jones woodshed IV prayer for Netanyahu
How are Palestinians reacting to the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem and
violence in Gaza?
CBS News
Published on May 14, 2018
Noura Erakat, a human rights attorney and assistant professor at George Mason
University, discusses the Palestinian reaction to the U.S. embassy opening in Jerusalem and
examines the influence of Hamas on Palestinians in Gaza.
"The globalists create confusion by design so
that people see a smoke screen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just
roll over and give up."
-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To
Attack Syria --
Adaptation and
Conformity The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars Link:Psywars
Is the Government Targeting Patriots &
The mainstream media scoffs at the idea that Christians, Constitutionalists, and people who
advocate limited government have anything to fear from the US government. Jakari Jackson & David Knight examine
recent actions by the government that militarize the police and use the military as police.
DHS Targets Christian Gun Owners
In March, the Southern Poverty Law Center sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano urging the federal government to establish a task force
to investigate the supposed domestic terror threat posed by the likes of Alex Jones, We Are Change, Oath Keepers,
the Constitution Party, the Tyranny Response Team and thousands of other Americans who dare question the
On April 8, Michael Snyder wrote about a U.S. Army Reserve training presentation that labeled evangelic Christians
as "religious extremists" and Christian organizations as "hate groups."
"Topping the list is Evangelical Christianity," Fox News wrote about the presentation. "Other organizations listed
included Catholicism, Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Ku Klux Klan, Sunni Muslims, and Nation of Islam."
According to Undersheriff Ron Trowbridge's email, the DHS-funded Colorado Information Analysis Center training
session not only told troopers Christians pose a threat to law enforcement, but also asked if they would confiscate
firearms if ordered to do so.
Army Taught Christians Are
The Obama administration's Department of Defense was caught training U.S. troops that Catholics,
orthodox Jews, and evangelical Christians are to be considered "religious extremists," even equating the major
religions representing more than half of Americans with truly violent groups such as al-Qaeda, the Ku Klux Klan,
and Hamas. After the explosive revelations hit the headlines, outrage promptly ensued. Now, critics are calling for
an immediate public apology to the soldiers exposed to the hateful propaganda, as well as to the Christian and
Jewish communities targeted in the presentation.
Christians Demonized as Extremists
Are evangelical Christians rapidly becoming one of the most hated minorities in America? Once
upon a time such a notion would have been unthinkable, but these days things are changing dramatically. All over
the United States, evangelical Christians are being called "extremists" and evangelical Christian organizations are
being labeled as "hate groups". In fact, as I will detail later on in this article, a U.S. Army Reserve training
presentation recently specifically identified evangelical Christians as "religious extremists". This should be
extremely chilling for all evangelical Christians out there, because as history has shown us over and over again,
when you want to persecute a particular group of people the first step is always to demonize them. And that is
exactly what is being done to evangelical Christians today. Just look at how evangelical Christians are being
portrayed on television and in the movies. Just look at how much hate is being spewed at Christians on the
Internet. The Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU, both of which are considered to be among the most prominent
"civil rights" organizations in the United States, are seemingly obsessed with attacking evangelical Christians. It
has become trendy to bash Christians, and that is a very frightening thing. After they have finished demonizing
evangelical Christians, what will the next step be?
Silencing Christians
Unfortunately, many Christians around our
country are having their free-speech rights taken from them. Its happening more often than American citizens
realize. This 7 part video reveals the reality of the current antiChristian bias thats happening right here in
America, and what you can do to make a difference.
Renowned author and commentator Janet Parshall takes you on a journey across the country to meet citizens who have
been arrested for speaking out at a public rally, students who are being forced to attend classes that require them
to recite verses from the Koran and to stage their own jihad, and activists pushing social tolerance to such an
extreme that the Bible itself is being labeled hate speech.
For many, being 'politically correct' has replaced being "Biblically correct'. Hate crime is the new buzzword in
law enforcement. But how is hate being defined? What would these laws punish? Youll learn how this legislation
targets thought and freedom of speech that could make it illegal to believe in The Truth or even quote the Bible.
Already, in the name of tolerance, 75-year-old grandmothers face life in prison for comments at public rallies.
Homosexuals and transsexuals receive expanded protection, while Christians are treated as criminals. Host Janet
Parshall reveals how public school students are forced to view pro-homosexual propaganda (and may be suspended if
they object on religious grounds).
A woman who was a homosexual explains how she was delivered from the sin of homosexuality by the power of God
through Jesus and the Truth of the Word of God, The Bible. This video explains how homosexuals use the word, 'gay'
to describe themselves instead of any references to the sin of homosexuality.
Homosexuality is being promoted on the streets and in the schools, threatening Christian freedoms. Mary Morrison, a
shocked mother, said, And I specifically asked [school officials], I said, Youre telling me that my child is no
longer mine as long as hes on school property? And they said, That is correct. As a parent, put yourself in
Morrisons shoes. How would such a comment from school officials make you feel? Does the environment your child is
in dictate to whom he or she belongs? Christians must be salt and light in society to prevent the complete
corruption of our culture.
You dont have to file a lawsuit or carry a picket sign to make a difference. A simple phone call or email alerting
your elected officials to issues of concern can have quite an impact. Find out how to contact them at Stay informed by signing up to receive AFA Action Alerts, e-mail updates
that provide you with crucial information on issues of concern. Visit and click on Get AFA Action
Alerts. Also visit the official Web site for AFA Activism and
Kids learn firsthand that freedom takes a backseat to political correctness. A young girl learns shes not allowed
to sing a song about God in an after-school talent show. The Boy Scouts of America in Philadelphia face losing
their home of 80 years in an attempt by the city to force the group to accept homosexual Scout leaders. A veterans
hospital neutralizes its chapel by removing all symbols of Christianity, and discrimination expert Dr. Gary Cass
talks about violence and harassment aimed at Christians in recent months. Christian influence and symbolism are
steadily being stripped away in American society. Believers are increasingly turning to the courts as a last resort
in restraining antiChristian bigotry.
Police State America
Unlawful and shameful police actions against Christians
exercising their constitutional rights. Please voice opposition against the wrongful actions
depicted in these videos by writing, calling, and e-mailing the appropriate
Police State America
Unlawful and shameful police actions against Christians
exercising their constitutional rights. Please voice opposition against the wrongful actions
depicted in these videos by writing, calling, and e-mailing the appropriate
This extremely disturbing video shows what happened when a group of Christians tried merely to hold
up signs about Christianity at the 2012 Dearborn, Michigan Arab Festival. The Christians were viciously
attacked, verbally and physically, and ultimately stoned (see 9:30 minutes into the video).
Despite the U.S. Constitution that guarantees
freedom of religion, the police, who studiously ignored the mob violence, asked the sign-holders to leave saying
they were “endangering the public.” No police action was taken against the mob.
Despite losing two similar Freedom of Speech lawsuits in the past (one of which cost the City of
Dearborn $100,000), the city refused to protect the sign-holders’ constitutional rights, claiming lack of
manpower. According to the police chief, two police officiers would have been needed to protect the Christians.
The chief said this would be impossible, since there was a big crowd to watch. Ironically, there was no violence
or threat of violence (hence no need for police presence or protection) at any other location at the festival
except where the Christians were holding their signs.
At the end of the video, you will see the police threaten to arrest the Christians (who,
incidentally, never retaliated at the mob). After the Christians leave with a police convy as an escot, their
car is stopped and 12 officers appear to question and possibly arrest them.
For a full report, including an analysis of the legal issues involved (assault and battery, freedom
of religion and freedom of speech) click here.
Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Shocking images have
emerged which show the aftermath of Christian churches ransacked by NATO-backed Syrian rebels, illustrating
once again how western powers are supporting Muslim extremists in their bid to achieve regime change in the
middle east.
A photograph provided to us by a Christian woman in Homs, scene
of some of the bloodiest clashes of the conflict, shows a member of the Free Syrian Army posing with a looted
Catholic cross in one hand and a gun in the other while wearing a priest’s robe.
“Everyone knows simply removing these garments from the church is
a sin. The priest is the only one who wears them too. They even pray before putting them on. Him posing in
front of the funeral car as well is disgusting to the max,” our source told us.
“They destroyed the church and went in to film it. I know this
for a fact.”
“The Robes can only be worn by Deacons or Priests or Sub-Deacons,
and they a Christian man wouldn’t hold a Cross in one hand and a gun in another,” the woman adds
Another image shows a ransacked church in Bustan al-Diwan (Old
While Syrian rebels busy themselves ransacking Christian
churches, they’re also rallying around the Al-Qaeda flag just as their counterparts did in Libya.
This video showsSyrian “activists” flying the Al-Qaeda flag
during an anti-Assad protest in the northern Syrian town of Binnish.
In another clip, armed Syrian rebels address the
camera standing behind a table draped with the black Al-Qaeda flag.
Last month we highlighted a photo published by
French news agency AFP that shows a Syrian rebel wearing the Al-Qaeda flag on his arm accompanying UN observers
in the village of Azzara.
Why are western governments who are supposed to be engaged in a ‘war on
terror’ against radical Muslim terrorists handing those very same terrorists control over entire
A third image sent by our source shows another place of worship, Church Um Al
Zinar, with part of its roof missing thanks to Syrian rebels who have been portrayed by the international media
as saints despite their involvement interrorist bombings andmassacres.
The latest terror attack carried out by rebels occurred earlier today
whengunmen stormed a pro-government TV station,
bombing buildings and shooting dead three employees.
The sight of NATO-backed rebels desecrating Christian places of
worship is becoming a recurring theme.
Back in March we reported on shocking video
footage which showed Libyan rebels desecrating Christian and Jewish graves at a cemetery.
The clip shows Libyan rebels breaking apart headstones while
shouting “Allahu Akbar”. The men later try to smash up a large Christian cross statue with
Watch the clip below.
Libyan Rebels Destroy Jewish and Christian Cemetery
PUBLISHED: 14:27 EST, 8 September 2013 |
UPDATED: 01:08 EST, 9 September 2013
Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they ‘liberated’
their ancient village.
Opposition forces, including fighters linked to Al Qaeda, gained
temporary control of the Christian village of Maaloula after fighting with regime
The reports have reignited fears about western support for the
rebel groups, which are increasingly being infiltrated by Islamic extremists.
A Syrian military solider fires a heavy machine gun during clashes with rebels in
Government media has provided a different account of the battle suggesting regime forces are
A general view of Maaloula, northeast of the capital Damascus. Rebels including
al-Qaida-linked fighters
are believed to have gained control of the village
Syrian government forces stand guard in Maaloula village, a scenic mountain village
where people still speak the ancient Middle Eastern language of Aramaic
One Maaloula resident said the rebels, many of whom had beards and
shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great), attacked Christian homes and churches shortly after moving into
the village.
‘They shot and killed people. I heard gunshots and then I saw
three bodies lying in the middle of a street in the old quarters of the village. Where is President Obama
to see what has befallen us?’
Another Christian resident said: ‘I saw the militants grabbing
five villagers and threatening them and saying, “Either you convert to Islam, or you will be
Another said one church had been torched, and gunmen stormed into
two other churches and robbed them.
The beautiful mountain village, 25 miles from Damascus, is one of
the few places in the world where residents still use the ancient language of Aramaic, which was spoken
by Jesus and his disciples.
Historic: A church in Maaloula which is on a UNESCO list of tentative world heritage
State-run TV reported that all churches in Maaloula were now safe and the army
was chasing gunmen in the western hills
It has become a key strategic battleground in the Syrian civil war
because of its proximity to the capital. It was held by President Assad’s regime, but taken at the
weekend in a rebel advance spearheaded by the hardline Islamist al Nusra Front.
Villagers said they heard several foreign accents among the
rebels, with many feared to be Al Qaeda fighters imported into the conflict. A villager said he heard
mainly Tunisian, Libyan, Moroccan and Chechen dialects.
In a video posted online, a
rebel commander shouted at the camera: ‘We cleansed Maaloula from all the Assad dogs and all his thugs.’ But
Syria’s state news agency claimed the rebels had withdrawn and the regime had regained the village, saying:
‘The army inflicted heavy losses in the ranks of the terrorists.’
A Christian woman who spoke to the Associated Press on Thursday also said there were
reports that militants threatened villagers with death if they did not convert to Christianity
A church in Maaloula where fighting has been taking place overnight. A poster with the
portrait of Syrian President Bashar Assad is seen bottom right
Western media outlets have come under criticism from
Christians in Syria for turning a blind eye to atrocities carried out by Takfiri terrorist groups against the
Christian community in the war-torn country.
A new report by the news service of the Pontifical Mission Societies highlights the massacre of 45
Christians in the village of Sadad, northeast of Damascus.
The killing marks the biggest massacre of Christians in the Syrian conflict which began in March 2011.
The report also blamed the foreign-backed Takfiri militants for the massacre, and denounced the US
government and its mainstream media for remaining silent on the mass murder.
More Christians are now fleeing their homes as the persecution is worsening in militant-held territories in
the north.
Christians say kidnapping, rape and execution of Christians are being carried out by Takfiri militants and
those affiliated with the so-called Free Syrian Army.
Nearly three years of foreign-sponsored militancy in Syria has taken its toll on the lives of more than
100,000 people, according to statistics compiled by the United Nations, which also show that millions have been
displaced due to the turmoil.
The UN has repeatedly warned about the humanitarian situation in the country, saying that over nine million
people are in need of urgent aid due to the crisis.
This article was posted: Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 10:41 am
"We have arrived at a period in American and world history when
being awake is of utmost importance. Being in a position of leadership and yet asleep to critical issues at
such a time will certainly lead to the ‘disastrous results..."
Do you believe that parents should be able to spank their children? Do
you ever express that opinion to others? If so, then you could be sent to prison. Sadly, that is
exactly what happened to one pastor up in Wisconsin recently.
Aminister named Philip Caminiti was
sentencedto 2 years
in prisonfor simply teaching that parents should spank their children when they misbehave. Please
note that Caminiti was not accused of spanking anyone or of physically hurting anyone. He was put in prison
simply for his speech. He was put in prison simply for what he was teaching others to do. Whether you agree
with spanking or not, this should be incredibly sobering for all of us. Increasingly, speech is being
penalized in the United States. Much of the time, the focus of the attacks by the forces of political
correctness is on religious speech. If this trend continues, many of you that are reading this article might
be put in jail for the things that you say in the coming
When many of us were growing
up, once in a while our parents would take out a belt or a wooden paddle and give us a paddling on the behind
when we did something wrong.
Was there anything wrong
with that?
Of course
Yes, there is real child
abuse that goes on out there, but in the vast majority of instances spanking does not do any lasting physical
harm. Rather, it benefits the child because it helps them learn what is right and what is
I know that when I got a
licking on the behind as a child that helped me to remember not to do the same thing
But Dane County Circuit
Judge Maryann Sumiwas
absolutely horrified that some parents would actually use a wooden spoon to spank
their little children when they misbehaved.
Perhaps that judge should
actually try to spank someone with a wooden spoon some time. You simply cannot do much damage with a wooden
Instead of going after the
parents who were doing the spanking, prosecutors chose to go after the pastor instead. They claimed that
Caminiti was “the spoke in
the wheel of this conspiracy“.
Even after Caminiti leaves prison, he
will be forbidden from having any contactwith his old
Caminiti will be on
extended supervision for six years after his release from prison. Despite objections on constitutional
grounds by Caminiti’s lawyers, Sumi ordered that he not have any contact with the Aleitheia Bible Church
and have no leadership role in any church.
What in the world is
happening to this country?
Criminal predators are
literallyeating the faces off of
people, and yet authorities want to go after pastors that are encouraging their congregations to
follow the teachings of the Bible?
Have we stepped into a
really bizarre episode of The Twilight Zone?
Sadly, this is not the only
example of how our free speech is under attack these days.
Up in New York, a new bill
was recently introduced that would outlaw all “mean-spirited and baseless political
I think that would cover a
whole lot of people that leave comments onmy blog.
The following is how a
recent articleby Kurt
Nimmo described what this new law would require….
New York state
government is attempting to pass the measure in both the Senate and the Assembly. The legislation has been
referred to the Codes Committee in the Senate, and the Government Operations Committee in the
Both proposals are
identical and would effect messages posted on message boards, blogs, social networks, and “any other
discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.” The law would require
websites to post email addresses for “removal requests, clearly visible in any sections where comments are
posted.” Those demanding the removal of content they find objectionable, however, would have their
anonymity protected.
“Had the internet
been around in the late 1700s, perhaps the anonymously written Federalist Papers would have to be taken
down unless Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay revealed themselves,”
Kravets, writing for Wired.
Will we soon see laws such
as this nationwide?
Will all blogs and websites
soon be at the mercy of the politically correct police?
Up in Buffalo, New York it
is apparently now against the law to hand out Christian tracts on a public sidewalk. At least that is what one
man was told recently when he attempted to hand out tracts outside of an Italian heritage festival. The
following is from a recentWorldNetDaily article….
While handing out
tracts to willing recipients on a public street during a public festival, Owen was approached by a police
officer who declined to identify himself but told him that the Buffalo Police Department is “the law” and
he should stop handing out tracts.
According to the
lawsuit: “Subsequently, another police officer, Officer Slomka, arrived on the scene. She quickly informed
Owen that they could not hand out tracts in the festival and explained that the prohibition was ‘by our
orders.’ Owen asked for her name, and she replied: ‘Slomka, write it down.’ Owen advised that he believed
the tracts to be free speech; nonplussed, Officer Slomka reiterated that they couldn’t hand out tracts
there and had to go outside of the festival area to continue with their expressive
Then, “Owen inquired
as to whether they would be arrested if they continued to hand out tracts in the festival area, to which,
Officer Slomka replied: ‘Yes.’”
That almost makes me angry
enough to take a trip over to Buffalo and hand out tracts right outside the police
Even if you do not ever
distribute literature, you should be alarmed at how our freedom of speech is being
The truth is that whenever
anyone has their freedom of speech attacked it is an attack on all of us.
If we are not careful, we
are going to end up just like Canada.
At one high school up in
Canada recently, a student was suspended from schoolfor a
week for wearing a shirt with the following message….
“Life is wasted
without Jesus”
The student was told that
the shirt was “hate talk” and that he would be suspended for the rest of the year if he tried to wear it to
school again.
They are not going to be
satisfied until they have either shut all of us up or put all of us in prison.
It is imperative that we all
stand up for free speech while we still can. Once our freedom of speech is gone, the loss of the rest of our
freedoms will only be a matter of time.
Breaking: US Army Trains for
Martial Law In US
Shock investigation: Pentagon accelerates plan to
confiscate guns, prosecute US conservatives.
February 15, 2014
The federal government has been in a big hurry to
build a 300 acre city in just 2 years at an expense of $96 million in taxpayer funds in order to train the
military “for problems we don’t even know we have yet.” If you’ve been following Infowars, you’ve seen us
document over and over again what they’re training for with a detailed American city like this: martial law
within this nation.
And now,
The Telegraph is confirming the construction of this small town military simulation that will be used
to train troops for combat against the American people.
Unlike the urban training centers we’ve seen before where the buildings are just empty concrete block
structures or even plywood facades, this town is very detailed with glass windows, handicap parking signs,
speed limit signs, logos on the subway that match the DC metro, and even a small town steeple (that was
originally claimed to be a mosque). They’ve made it clear in manual after manual, scenario after scenario that
they perceive the enemy as gun owners, limited government conservatives, libertarians and Christians.
This article was posted: Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 10:00 am
Filmmaker Colin Gunn joins Alex in-studio to
give an inside look at his film IndoctriNation, exposing the nation's public school system and its attempts to
corrupt our youth and ready them for state control, all while undermining traditional Christianity. With an eye
on homeschooling as an alternative, Gunn breaks down the moral and ethical degradation posed by the modern
school system.
IndoctriNation Exposing The Nation's Public School System
IndoctriNation Exposing The Nation's Public School
IndoctriNation Exposing The Nation's Public School
"The globalists create confusion by design
so that people see a smoke screen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would
just roll over and give up."
-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War
Left To Attack Syria --
Adaptation and
Conformity The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars Link:Psywars
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