" Look Into It - The Patriot Act










October 26, 2001

This is the date when President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act, and the federal government’s war against individual liberty began in earnest. Most of the unconstitutional eavesdropping, snooping, wiretapping, phone call intercepting, email reading, prying, financial records tracking, travel watching, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, by federal police agencies began with the implementation of the Patriot Act. The Department of Homeland Security and the “war on terrorism,” which have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people worldwide, and the usurpation of federal power at home, have all come about as an outgrowth of the Patriot Act. The USA Patriot Act has forever shifted the focus of American law and jurisprudence against constitutional government and individual liberty, toward a police-state mentality. The Patriot Act is even turning our local and State law enforcement agencies into military-style “Jackboots,” where police officers see themselves not necessarily as guardians of the citizenry, but, as often as not, as adversaries, where citizens are deemed to be the “enemy.”

Dates That Destroyed America
- Chuck Baldwin -




Judge Napolitano:
Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional


THE CONSTITUTION is being Destroyed!
(Patriot Act)


Senate Passes & Trump Quietly Signs Into Law Patriot Act Extension That Almost No Americans Support

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 22:43 UTC on November 23rd, 2019.

This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 11/22. | Full Episode Can Be Seen Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh9TMWBEZJY





Is "democracy" just a carefully managed con game? Professor Quigley not only spent decades researching and writing about those who secretly control the machinery of our “representative governments,” he was permitted to examine their secret papers. He was invited in, but he ultimately betrayed their trust when he exposed their plans and their methods.

- Joe Plummer -


G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula
Bill Clinton And More From The Archives!

Jason Bermas
Premiered Aug 20, 2019

G. Edward Griffin The Quigley Formula Bill Clinton And More From The Archives!
Another great speaker who lays out a compelling narrative of history in the archived series!


Bitcoin - 1HHdgXD5e1DJrDqbEGWbnvzj2eb739eVVo | #BermasBrigade #BritishRoyalty #ThePredatorClass

LINK: General Summary/Crash Course










The Patriot Act

A documentary that investigates the ways in which the civil liberties of American citizens and immigrants have been rolled back since the September 11 and the Patriot Act.

 unconstitutional documentary

The Patriot Act -- In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States Congress passed what became known as "The Patriot Act," a package of legislation President George W. Bush and his cabinet claimed was intended to help law enforcement officials take steps to stop terrorism. However, the bill was run through Congress so quickly that very few lawmakers were able to read it before it was passed, and it wasn't long before many Americans began to ask if the act posed a real threat to civil liberties and constitutional freedoms at home.






The Tenth Amendment Center

- Michael Boldin -

Nullify Everything!

Tenth Amendment Center | 3/25/18

A $1.3 trillion budget and $21 trillion in debt.
Democrats and republicans are in it together.
It's time to nullify all their unconstitutional acts!

national debt 


Quarantine: States, Feds and the Constitutions

Tenth Amendment Center | 3/18/20

A national emergency declaration, and many others on the state and local level too. Looking at the leading constitutionalist views of what can and can't be done.


Show Notes


"I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation."
- James Madison -


"The essence of government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands,
will ever be liable to abuse."

- James Madison -


"The people didn't fight the British to be brought under despotic rule under the notion of
'strong government,' or in form of elective despotism."

- Richard Henry Lee -







99.6 Percent of Patriot Act ‘Sneak & Peek’ Searches Unrelated to Terrorism
'War on terror' used to suppress domestic populations


by Mark Jaycox | EFF.org | October 27, 2014


The Patriot Act continues to wreak its havoc on civil liberties.

Section 213 was included in the Patriot Act over the protests of privacy advocates and granted law enforcement the power to conduct a search while delaying notice to the suspect of the search. Known as a “sneak and peek” warrant, law enforcement was adamant Section 213 was needed to protect against terrorism. But the latest government report detailing the numbers of “sneak and peek” warrants reveals that out of a total of over 11,000 sneak and peek requests, only 51 were used for terrorism. Yet again, terrorism concerns appear to be trampling our civil liberties.

Throughout the Patriot Act debate the Department of Justice urged Congress to pass Section 213 because it needed the sneak and peak power to help investigate and prosecute terrorism crimes “without tipping off terrorists.” In 2005, FBI Director Robert Mueller continued the same exact talking point, emphasizing sneak and peek warrants were “an invaluable tool in the war on terror and our efforts to combat serious criminal conduct.”

A closer look at the number of sneak and peek warrants issued (a reporting requirement imposed by Congress) shows this is simply not the case. The last publicly available report about sneak and peek warrants was released in 2010; however, the Administrative Office of the US Courts has finally released reports from 2011, 2012, and 2013.

What do the reports reveal? Two things: 1) there has been an enormous increase in the use of sneak and peek warrants and 2) they are rarely used for terrorism cases.

First, the numbers: Law enforcement made 47 sneak-and-peek searches nationwide from September 2001 to April 2003. The 2010 report reveals 3,970 total requests were processed. Within three years that number jumped to 11,129. That’s an increase of over 7,000 requests. Exactly what privacy advocates argued in 2001 is happening: sneak and peak warrants are not just being used in exceptional circumstances—which was their original intent—but as an everyday investigative tool.

Second, the uses: Out of the 3,970 total requests from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010, 3,034 were for narcotics cases and only 37 for terrorism cases (about .9%). Since then, the numbers get worse. The 2011 report reveals a total of 6,775 requests. 5,093 were used for drugs, while only 31 (or .5%) were used for terrorism cases. The 2012 report follows a similar pattern: Only .6%, or 58 requests, dealt with terrorism cases. The 2013 report confirms the incredibly low numbers. Out of 11,129 reports only 51, or .5%, of requests were used for terrorism. The majority of requests were overwhelmingly for narcotics cases, which tapped out at 9,401 requests.

Section 213 may be less known than Section 215 of the Patriot Act (the clause the government is currently using to collect your phone records), but it’s just as important. The Supreme Court ruled in Wilson v. Arkansas and Richards v. Wisconsin that the Fourth Amendment requires police to generally “knock and announce” their entry into property as a means of notifying a homeowner of a search. The idea was to give the owner an opportunity to assert their Fourth Amendment rights. The court also explained that the rule could give way in situations where evidence was under threat of destruction or there were concerns for officer safety. Section 213 codified this practice into statute, taking delayed notice from a relatively rare occurrence into standard operating law enforcement procedure.

The numbers vindicate privacy advocates who urged Congress to shelve Section 213 during the Patriot Act debates. Proponents of Section 213 claimed sneak and peek warrants were needed to protect against terrorism. But just like we’ve seen elsewhere, these claims are false. The government will continue to argue for more surveillance authorities—like the need to update the Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act—under the guise of terrorism. But before we engage in any updates, the public must be convinced such updates are needed and won’t be used for non-terrorist purposes that chip away at our civil liberties.








 The Patriot Act

A Feature Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney

The Future of Freedom:

Published on Jan 28, 2015

A 36-year veteran of America’s Intelligence Community, William Binney resigned from his position as Director for Global Communications Intelligence (COMINT) at the National Security Agency (NSA) and blew the whistle, after discovering that his efforts to protect the privacy and security of Americans were being undermined by those above him in the chain of command.


The NSA data-monitoring program which Binney and his team had developed -- codenamed ThinThread -- was being aimed not at foreign targets as intended, but at Americans (codenamed as Stellar Wind); destroying privacy here and around the world. Binney voices his call to action for the billions of individuals whose rights are currently being violated.

William Binney speaks out in this feature-length interview with Tragedy and Hope's Richard Grove, focused on the topic of the ever-growing Surveillance State in America.

On January 22, 2015: (Berlin, Germany) – The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is proud to announce that retired NSA Technical Director and GAP client, William "Bill" Binney, will accept the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence Award today in Berlin, Germany. The award is presented annually by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) to a professional who has taken a strong stand for ethics and integrity. http://whistleblower.org/press/nsa-wh...

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T&H: Re-Contextualizing History one Episode at a Time. Thank you for Tuning-In, and not Dropping-Out!




Still Report #288 - NSA's Bill Binney - Part 1

Published on Jun 28, 2014

New revelations on the scope of NSA spying on Americans - Part 1
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SR 290 - NSA's Bill Binney - Part 2

Bill Binney confirms that all content of all phone calls within the United States are recorded and one million a day are transcribed for permanent preservation.
Please consider supporting us there for as little as $1 per month. Go to billstill.com, click on the Subscribe button. You can Unsubscribe at any time. Or send single donations via PayPal to:
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Still Report #291 - NSA's Bill Binney - Part 3

Spying even on Supreme Court Justices!






Still Report #293 - NSA's Bill Binney - Part 4

Mr. Binney talks about the line between rightly classified material and that which is classified
to cover up evidence of a crime and much more.






Still Report #294 - NSA's Bill Binney - Part 5

Mr. Binney explains how NSA intel is disseminated to police domestically. He also answers the question: is there anything we can do to protect ourselves cryptographically? He explains that NSA has a "turn-key" totalitarian state set up, but they have not implemented its full potential. He also explains what we can do about it.






Still Report # 295 - Mr. Binney - Part 6

How to fix NSA. Regarding NSA's ability to record all the world's communications traffic: "For us it was just a trivial matter. It was just more racking and stacking. The only question was power & space."






Still Report #298 - NSA's Mr. Binney - Part 7

Published on Jul 7, 2014

Mr. Binney explains at what point NSA started capturing more than just "meta-data". He explains how many people in NSA know about the secret recording of all U.S. phone calls. He explains his goals for a revamped NSA: "I want them to do the intelligence job of predicting intentions & capabilities of foreign threats."






Still Report #299 - NSA's Mr. Binney - Part 8

Published on Jul 8, 2014

Mr. Binney explains the difference between Article 2 courts and Article 3 courts. "This is a covert government." He thinks it would be better to pick our politicians randomly from the phone book and let them serve only one 2-year term.






Still Report #302 - NSA's Bill Binney - Part 9

Published on Jul 9, 2014

Perhaps THE most incredible of Mr. Binney's revelations is that NSA has NO IDEA what Snowden took. Mr. Binney explains why.






SR 306 - Mr Binney - Part 10 - Final

Published on Jul 17, 2014

"... or you will acquiesce into a totalitarian state just like the Weimar Republic did."








MM23 - Binney Blocked in Berlin

Published on Jul 4, 2014

Yesterday, Mr. Binney went to Berlin to testify before the newly-formed NSA Inquiry Committee, but unbelievably, the live transmission of his testimony to Parliament's own public-access internet video channel was blocked.







Ex-NSA Analysts on Their Top-Secret Discoveries

Two former National Security Agency analysts talk about when they discovered the agency was collecting more data on American citizens.







'NSA owns entire network anywhere in the world'

- whistleblower William Binney -

Published on Jul 4, 2014

NSA global reach is omnipresent. The US intelligence controls the entire cyber network across the globe, violating individual piracy by storing endless data on its increasingly enlarged servers, former NSA crypto-mathematician, William Binney, told RT.

READ FULL SCRIPT http://on.rt.com/y1q1fy 










Stop Calling It Contact Tracing! - #PropagandaWatch | corbettreport | Apr 27, 2020

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=36172

What's in a name? Everything. Find out about the latest attempt to package the Orwellian total police state surveillance grid as something wonderful and wholesome—and why you should never, ever say "contact tracing"—in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.


Cell Phones Are Tracking Devices | TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL | Big Brother/Sis And Surveillance Systems |
Tattle-Tale Squads and Surveillance | Snitch Phone Application | Post Office Trucks Stasi Data Collection Nodes |
The NSA (National Security Agency) | DHS SPY GRID | Communications Takeover by EAS | Propaganda History |
World Health Organization | You Are Being Targeted | Quick Start (Site Recommendations) | General Summary/Crash Course 



We Need To Talk About Canada’s POLICE STATE Response To COVID-19(84)

Press For Truth | May 7, 2020

DONATE via Paypal https://www.paypal.me/PressforTruth | PFT DEMONETIZED! If I Had $1 For Every Subscriber? https://www.gofundme.com/pft-demoneti...

The Canadian government is currently ramping up their efforts to fight the spread of Covid-19 by giving sweeping powers to police and by taking big brother into the digital realm. Contact tracing apps are popping up on the provincial level and we may soon see a nationwide collective effort to track trace and database every single thing everyone does. Meanwhile families are being forcefully removed from their homes and taken to psychiatric facilities for peacefully protesting the governments abuse of power. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest police state news in Canada while also providing workable solutions on how to avoid being tracked by the government in this post Covid-19(84) world.











“We Need An Army Of Contact Tracers” – Meet The Enforcement Arm Of The “New Normal”

by Derrick Broze | 09 May 2020

As the people of the world grapple with a pandemic that is demonstrably less deadly than originally reported, the public is being primed to accept an exponential increase in invasions of personal liberty and privacy. Every day the public grows more weary of lock downs which seem to never end, and the bankrupting of individuals and businesses around the world. Amidst the frustration and protest a solution is being presented.

To return to normal, we are told, we must accept certain changes to how our world operates. Of course, this is actually a push to a “new normal” which will mark the world after COVID-19. Just like the attacks of September 11, 2001, there is the world we knew before, and there is the post-9/11 era. We are currently in the middle of the COVID-19 era and a shift to post-COVID19 life will not happen without the completion of local, state, national, and international programs which identify potential infectees, test them, and, if positive, quarantine them in their homes or other government facilities.

This is what is known as a contact tracing program. You have likely heard the term in recent days and weeks because a number of local and state bodies within the United States are considering or already launching contact tracing programs. Nations like China, Singapore, India, South Korea, and Israel have implemented these programs but have also faced criticism from digital rights advocates for violations of privacy protections.

So what exactly is contact tracing?

Contact tracing is a process of identifying individuals who may have come into contact with an infected person, collecting information about their contacts, and then tracing the contacts of infected individuals. All persons who may have come into contact with an infected individual are tested for infection, treated for the infection, and their contacts traced as well.

Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing calls for digital contact tracing using cell phones to notify individuals when they may have come into contact with an infected person or visited a hot spot of infection. Digital contact tracing apps use Bluetooth to track encounters, a move which is supposed to anonymize actual location data. Other forms of contact tracing apps involve the use of location data gathered from cellular networks.

Additionally, tech giants Apple and Google have promised to help slow the spread of the virus with new tracking apps that the public can download to report themselves as infected. Using Bluetooth, the phones will warn app users when they are near an infected person or a hot spot. The programs will use data from Android and iPhone users who volunteer for the program later this month. Jennifer Granick, a surveillance and cybersecurity attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union told Politico that the joint effort between the tech companies “appears to mitigate the worst privacy and centralization risks.” However, “there is still room for improvement.”

Microsoft is collaborating with the University of Washington on their own project which the university promotes as a privacy based contact tracing app. Researchers with the University of Washington and UW Medicine worked with volunteers from Microsoft to develop CovidSafe. The researchers stated that the app will alert users about potential exposure to COVID-19, but will do so without giving up anyone’s privacy.

“With CovidSafe, all information is stored locally on your phone unless you choose to share that you’ve tested positive,” explained Justin Chan, a UW doctoral student in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. “Only then is your data sent to a secure server, and the app alerts anyone who has been nearby. After these notifications are sent, all the information is deleted.”

CovidSafe is not the only attempt to build a privacy-based contact tracing program. In April, a team of researchers launched Coalition, a free contact tracing app designed to protect users’ privacy and protect communities during the COVID-19 crisis. Coalition claims to utilize secure Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and cryptography to protect a user’s identity by generating random anonymous IDs. The app uses Coalition’s Whisper Tracing, an open source privacy-first protocol that randomizes a user’s device identity and does not share identifiable information with the cloud.

Building a Contact Tracing Army

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently announced efforts by NY state to hire thousands of contact tracers. The state’s contact tracing program is being developed with $10 million from former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and support from Johns Hopkins University. Cuomo stated that applicants will need to go through a training program and pass an online exam before being granted the authority of contact tracer. The state’s program will involve identifying COVID-19 positive individuals, interviewing them about contacts in the previous two weeks, and then those contacts must isolate for two weeks.

By late April, calls for contact tracing had grown so loud that Congressman John Garamendi introduced a bill that would “expand volunteer opportunities within AmeriCorps and the Federal Emergency Management Agency”. Garamendi is the Co-Chair of the AmeriCorps, a nationwide volunteer force created by former President Bill Clinton in 1993. The Orwellian bill – “Undertaking National Initiatives to Tackle Epidemic Act” or the UNITE Act – would allow AmeriCorps and FEMA to create a national contact-tracing corps.

“The coronavirus pandemic has put an unprecedented strain on our society, and our nation requires a significant scaling of testing and contact tracing in order to flatten the curve and lift stay-at-home orders, Garamendi stated.

Coincidentally, the UNITE Act lines up with recent calls for a contact tracing “army”. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control called for more contact tracers in the state. Dr. Joan Duwve, the Director of Public Health for DHEC, said being able to test someone rapidly was necessary.  “We need an army of contact tracers to respond in a short time to someone who has a positive diagnosis,” Duwve said.

On the opposite side of the country, California Governor Gavin Newsom has partnered with the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of California, San Francisco to train more than 3,000 employees to become “coronavirus detectives“. During a live streamed press conference Newsom described the efforts as a training academy designed to build an “army” of 20,000 people who can test, trace, and isolate people who may be infected. Sonia Angell, California Department of Public Health director and State Health Officer, also stated that the new contact tracing program will be connected to California’s existing digital disease surveillance platform. Angell claims the database will be confidential.

The push for international contact tracing programs has also blossomed in nations like South Korea and China, who are praised for their aggressive approaches to slowing the growth of the virus. Forbes noted that South Korea has had a massive drop in COVID-19 diagnoses largely due to “mass rapid testing and comprehensive digitally-enabled contact tracing”. South Korea has also used GPS phone tracking, CCTV cameras, credit card transaction monitoring, and automated text alerts as part of a comprehensive universal contact tracing program.

The Chinese government approach is what you would expect from a totalitarian communist state: an all encompassing app that pretty much “controls your life.” Bloomberg describes China’s contact tracing app as a “public-private ‘health code’ system” which issues one of three risk assessments in the form of a colored QR code. “A green QR code, which denotes a low risk of having the virus, is the general default, while coming into contact with an infected person can trigger a yellow code and a mandatory quarantine. Red is for a likely or confirmed case,” Bloomberg reported. It does not take an extremely paranoid mind to see how this system could be easily abused.

The Indian government recently launched their contact tracing app –  Aarogya Setu – which quickly became the fastest downloaded app on record, with more than 83 million users. Although India is not the first nation to implement a nationwide contact tracing program, the nation lacks strong privacy and data protection laws for its more than 1.3 billion citizens. The Guardian reported that the pandemic is being “used as a pretext to erode privacy and freedom of speech in the name of ‘winning the war’ against coronavirus.” In April The Guardian revealed that a draft government memo explained how the data gathered by the contact-tracing app could be “de-anonymized” by government officials.

Israel’s attempted grab for tyrannical health surveillance powers were recently hampered by a decision from the Supreme Court which banned the intelligence community from tracing the phone location of those infected with COVID-19. The Israeli Shin Bet service was given emergency powers through the end of April before the court warned of a “slippery slope” where the surveillance tool could be used against innocent individuals. Whitney Webb recently reported that at least three tech companies involved in the build out of the “coronavirus surveillance system” have connections to Israel’s government and the usual Big Tech players.

Following The Orders of the WHO

In early April, Dr. Michael Ryan, the head of the World Health Organization’s team responsible for the international containment and treatment of COVID-19, called for looking into families to find potentially sick individuals and isolate them from their families.

“Due to lock down, most of the transmission that is actually happening in many countries now is happening in the household at a family level,” Ryan stated. “In some senses, the transmission has actually been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units… Now we need to go and look into families, and find those people who are sick and remove them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.

Ryan was also involved in the now-infamous Event 201, a global pandemic simulation, conducted on October 18, 2019, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and John Hopkins University Center for Health Security. Ryan’s bio states that “from November 2013 to October 2014 he worked with GPEI as Middle East Polio Response Coordinator” and partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (among others) for a vaccination program which reached 25 million children in eight target countries as part of 44 mass polio vaccination campaigns.

Ironically enough, the WHO released a document in 2019 which states that under no circumstances should contract tracing be used. The document, first reported on by independent researcher Kenny Palurintano, details the WHO’s views on Non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) in response to a pandemic. In section 6.1, “Contact Tracing,” under “quality of evidence”, it states, “There is a very low overall quality of evidence that contact tracing has an unknown effect on the transmission of influenza.” Additionally, under the “Executive Summary”, in Table 1, the WHO lists contact tracing under the heading “Not Recommend In Any Circumstances”.

Despite the WHO’s own documents denying the validity of contact tracing, officials in Ventura County are heeding the call of WHO official Dr. Michael Ryan. At a May 4 press conference, Ventura County Public Health Director Dr. Robert Levin said those who live in homes where they could expose family members to COVID-19 could be removed from their homes and moved into other health facilities.

“We also realize that as we find more contacts, some of the people we find are going to have trouble being isolated. For instance, if they live in a home where there is only one bathroom and there are three or four other people living there, and those people don’t have COVID infection, we’re not going to be able to keep the person in that home,” Levin stated. “Every person who we’re isolating, for instance, needs to have their own bathroom. And so we’ll be moving people like this into other kinds of housing that we have available.”

The Ventura County Public Health board did not elaborate on what other kinds of housing might be made available to those unable to quarantine at home.

If there is a silver lining to the growing support for contact tracing, it might be the public’s own hesitance to join. According to Forbes, nation-states need about 60 percent of their population to adopt and regularly use the tool for it to be effective. Forbes reports that most cities are not likely to achieve 60% or even 40% compliance. Unfortunately, Forbes reminds us, “It’s a relentless fight. And it takes an army of tracers.” Forbes also notes that cities will need to “force changes of behavior” before reopening society. Contact-tracing apps are being seen as one of the conditions of ending lockdowns—mandating and enforcing their use might become a logical next step.

How exactly the cities, states, and nations will enforce the use of contact tracing apps remains to be seen, but we are already seeing a rise in reports of arrests of individuals who violate orders to close businesses, stay home, and practice social distancing. What should we expect to see when an individual or an entire community chooses to opt-out of contact tracing surveillance programs?

It is important to understand that contract tracing is only one part of an overall strategy which poses a danger to liberty and privacy. In addition to creating mobile apps which snitch on you, Apple, Facebook and Google are also sharing data with the government to help determine if the public is following social distancing guidelines. MIT Technology Review reported that at least one company is selling an app that uses machine learning Artificial Intelligence to monitor social distancing. Meanwhile, Reuters reported that Amazon is using similar software to enforce social distancing between their warehouse staff. There are also reports of “pandemic drones” flying above the skies of Connecticut and Maryland to monitor social distancing and take temperatures.

Together these technologies represent the foundation of the Technocratic State, built on top of the fears of a public which has been conditioned to accept any and all relief from the terrifying round-the-clock coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the public accepts the COVID1984 Technocracy in the name of “getting back to normal” it’s likely the world we have known will be regarded as a relic of a past era, a quaint idea of what life was like and what it could be, if only the public could defeat the new invisible enemy, COVID19. However, it’s important to understand the institutions which are benefitting from the current pandemic. Only by acknowledging the true power players – those who maneuver behind the scenes to profit and enslave – can the free hearts and minds of the world defeat the true enemy: COVID-1984.



H.R. 6666: 
$100 Billion Dollar Contact Tracing Bill About Controlling/Tracking Population
Ben Swann | May 12, 2020

A House resolution from Illinois Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush that would put Big Government in charge of tracking citizens’ movements as they relate to COVID-19 mitigation efforts — even sending health bureaucrats to “individuals’ residences,” “as necessary,” as the legislation states





LINK: Tattle-Tale Squads and Surveillance





Corporations Have Taken Over Our National Security


Published on Jun 4, 2015

Highly decorated, 36-year NSA veteran turned whistleblower Kirk Wiebe joins the show today to break down passage of the USA Freedom Act and the termination of the NSA's bulk data collection program.






The Patriot Act

Government’s “Secret Interpretation” of Patriot Act: “EVERYTHING” Is Relevant … So Spy on EVERYONE


Washington’s Blog
July 11, 2013

the patriot actSenators Wyden and Udall – both on the Senate Intelligence Committee, with full access to information on the spying program – have said that for at least 2 years that the government was using a “secret interpretation” of the Patriot Act which would shock Americans, because it provides a breathtakingly wide program of spying. And see this.

Wyden and Udall said that they couldn’t reveal to the public – or even other members of Congress who lack top security clearance – what the secret interpretation is … and that most Congress members weretotally ignorant about it.

The author of the Patriot Act and chairman on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations – Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner – says that the government has gone far beyond what the Patriot Act intended, and that the Act “was originally drafted to preventdata mining” on the scale that’s occurred.

A top NSA whistleblower told us that the secret interpretation is that the government spies on everyone.

The Wall Street Journal has just disclosed the specifics of the “secret interpretation”:

In classified orders starting in the mid-2000s, the court accepted that “relevant” could be broadened to permit an entire database of records on millions of people, in contrast to a more conservative interpretation widely applied in criminal cases, in which only some of those records would likely be allowed, according to people familiar with the ruling.

“Relevant” has long been a broad standard, but the way the court is interpreting it, to mean, in effect, “everything,” is new, says Mark Eckenwiler, a senior counsel at Perkins Coie LLP who, until December, was the Justice Department’s primary authority on federal criminal surveillance law.


Two senators on the Intelligence Committee, Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) and Mark Udall (D., Colo.), have argued repeatedly that there was a “secret interpretation” of the Patriot Act.The senators’ offices tell the Journal that this new interpretation of the word “relevant” is what they meant.

Interpreting “relevant” as meaning “everything” throws more than 200 years of American law on its head … plus a couple hundred additional years of British common law on which early American law was based. The most basic principle of evidence law is that only information actually relevant to the case can be admitted.

Moreover, top national security experts say that pretending that “everything” is “relevant” means that intelligence agencies will be swamped with useless information … which will make them less able to prevent terrorist attacks.

And the courts are providing no checks and balances on the spying program.

This article was posted: Thursday, July 11, 2013 at 5:19 am

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Republicans Move to Make PATRIOT Act Permanent


Kurt Nimmo
February 4, 2011

Freshly emboldened by their mid-term congressional wins, establishment Republicans are set to extend the unconstitutional police state Patriot Act. It is set to expire in three weeks and Republicans are eager to make sections of the legislation permanent.


Rep. Ron Paul is one of a small number of members of Congress who do not support the unconstitutional PATRIOT Act.

On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee postponed a vote to continue and extend the law. “Having this debate year after year offers little certainty to agents utilizing these provisions to keep the nation safe,” said ranking member Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

“Short-term reauthorizations lead to operational uncertainty and compliance and reporting problems if the reauthorization occurs too close to expiration,” Grassley continued. “If these provisions are necessary, we should provide more certainty rather than simply revisiting the law year after year given the indefinite threat we face from acts of terrorism, and that looks like decades ahead. We should permanently reauthorize the three expiring provisions.”

Grassley, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Intelligence Committee Ranking Republican Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., will introduce legislation to make the measures permanent.

The Senate leadership has initiated procedures for a vote on the legislation. “These are going to expire in a couple weeks so I would hope that all senators in both parties who have interest in that will meet with me and Sen. Grassley. None of us want to play politics on national security and we should get moving on this,” said committee chairman Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat.

Leahy introduced a reauthorization of the unconstitutional act last week that would extend and reform some provisions set to expire on February 28. Leahy’s reforms, known as the USA PATRIOT Act Sunset Extension Act of 2011, would limit the government’s power in gathering intelligence on individuals in the United States.





Repeal The Patriot Act!


Published on Mar 30, 2015

America, Congressman (R-KY), and Representative (D-WI) need your support. Earlier this week they introduced legislation into the House to abolish the PATRIOT Act. The cancer that has been metastasizing in the body politic of the United States and restore protections under the Constitution that have been violated since days after 9/11. The bill, dubbed The Surveillance State Repeal Act, H.R. 1466 (link is below) , would prohibit US spooks from plating backdoors into technology, as well as provide extended protections for whistleblowers such as Edward Snowden. In addition to repealing the PATRIOT ACT, the legislation would also abolish the 2008 FISA Amendments Act, which the NSA has largely used to claim it’s mass spying program is legal.

H.R. 1466 states that any future snooping involving American citizens would be subject to strict oversight and require warrants in all cases, as well as probable cause.

The legislation would also prohibit the government from forcing tech companies to install backdoors in their products to enable NSA surveillance. Law enforcement lobbying groups have been pushing for this for sometime, while security experts and those within the tech sector say it would be disastrous.
The new legislation would also provide for an independent controller to receive complaints from whistleblowers, and to protect them by reporting any valid information to Congress on their behalf.

Unfortunately, the bill stands very little chance of passing, given that so many bought and paid for representatives in Congress largely support the unconstitutional PATRIOT act because their hands are tied by special interests and hubris. Do you want a peaceful solution to the madness of Big Brother’s unwarranted overreach into our lives? Flood those phones and demand your representative support our Constitution by voting in favor of H.R. 1466. Take your power back. This country belongs to We The People. Representatives can be identified and contacted in the link below.



Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. we all want liberty. Find the free live feed at http://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jo...







Patriot Act Author: Congress Are “Cheerleaders” For NSA

Calls Feinstein bill “a joke”

Steve Watson
December 10, 2013

Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr., the man who authored the original PATRIOT Act of 2001, says that the House and Senate Intelligence committees, which are supposed to operate as oversight watchdogs of government spy agencies, have become “cheerleaders” for the NSA.

In an interview with The Hill, Sensenbrenner chided the leaders of the committees, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), saying that “Instead of putting the brakes on overreaches, they’ve been stepping on the gas,”

Sensenbrenner also said that the legislation proposed by Feinstein to restrict the NSA is “a joke,” and that it pales in comparison to his own bill, which now has 107 co-sponsors.

Feinstein’s view is essentially “if you like your NSA, you can keep it.” the 18 term Wisconsin Republican noted.

Sensenbrenner has also called for the firing and prosecution of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, after he lied to Congress about the NSA’s spying program.

Unlike his own legislation, which would ensure an end to bulk collection of communications data, Feinstein and Rogers’ bill essentially rubber stamps the mass spying program, while making meaningless “transparency” reforms.

“There is no limit — apparently, according to the NSA — on what they can collect. And that has got to be stopped,” he said during the interview, pinning further blame squarely on the Judiciary Committee, which paved the way in 2006 for the NSA to gain secret approval from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to use provision 215 of the Patriot Act to collect records on all U.S. phone calls.

“I don’t think the oversight was vigorously done by the Judiciary Committee,” Sensenbrenner said. “When I was running the Judiciary Committee, it was being vigorously done.”

While Sensenbrenner’s legislation would no doubt do more to rein in the NSA than the Feinstein bill, his opinion of whistleblower Edward Snowden outlines the fact that his ultimate goal is not to further empower the American people against government surveillance.

“He’s a criminal,” Sensenbrenner says of Snowden. “I believe that the Russians, in showing good faith, ought to return him to face the music.” he told reporters.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.com, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

This article was posted: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 11:31 am

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TECHNOCRACY - A form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control "technocracy was described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge"


The Roots of Technocracy with Expert Patrick M. Wood

Alex welcomes to the broadcast The August Forecast & Review Editor Patrick M. Wood to discuss how the global elite within the Trilateral Commission are replacing capitalism with their own technocracy in order to create
a New International Economic Order.




Click Image


Exposing the Dark Agenda Behind the "Resource-Based Economy"

Published on May 28, 2015

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=14902

24/7 surveillance. Smart grid controls. Carbon rationing. Today we talk to "Technocracy Rising" author Patrick Wood about the hidden history of technocracy, the dark plan for a resource-based economy that is being pushed by the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and other globalist institutions in order to bring about a completely managed, controlled and regulated society.

How Technocracy ENSLAVED The World - The REAL Deep State
(with Patrick Wood)


World Alternative Media
Published on Jul 3, 2017

Josh Sigurdson sits down with author of 'Technocracy Rising' and researcher Patrick Wood to talk about the most insidious groups of collectivists on Earth... The technocrats. Patrick breaks down the power wielded by the technocrats as they've incrementally risen to take over world policy going back to the 1930s. Wood goes into the very real threat of a global centrally planned cashless society implemented through the SDR. He also goes into the automation of jobs and who truly benefits from the raise of minimum wages and guaranteed basic income.

Patrick then breaks down the beginning of the Trilateral Commission. Of course Patrick co-wrote the book Trilaterals Over Washington in 1979 with writing partner Antony Sutton. From Henry Kissinger's illegal visit with Mao Zedong to Zbigniew Brzezinski's hijacking of the Carter administration and subsequent work with China in propping up the society as a technocratic one, the Trilateral Commission has been right in the middle of all of it. As people commonly talk about the "deep state", not many seem to know exactly what it is. The answer is simple. The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The United Nations and the global central banking cartel. Every president for decades, since its inception have been deeply entrenched in the Trilateral Commission and CFR, if not members themselves. This goes right up to current day! Trump's administration is surrounded by Trilateral members and CFR members. This is incredibly important information to get out to the populace and we at WAM truly hope people share this around and help in the educational process because the mainstream media isn't going to do it.


With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research, Patrick M. Wood uses Technocracy Rising to connect the dots of modern globalization in a way that has never been seen before so that the reader can clearly understand the globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame.

Technocracy.News for more information and the book can be bought here: link

"Technocracy in America"
by Parag Khanna trailer

Dr. Parag Khanna
Published on Nov 30, 2016

Technocracy in America...because democracy just isn't good enough. Available January 10th, 2017.


How The Shadow Banking System Will Create A Global Currency - BLOCKCHAIN 2016


World Alternative Media
Published on Feb 29, 2016

This is a must watch! Host Josh Sigurdson and author John Sneisen were joined by derivatives and economic trend expert Stephen Kendal for a presentation that may just change the way we look at the world. Stephen brought us groundbreaking information that no one is talking about basically breaking down step by step how central bankers intend to impose a world currency on the populace using blockchain derivatives. This analysis has never been done before for the masses to see and understand.

Stephen Kendal started by explaining derivatives and the different types of derivatives. From that, he moved on to basic mortgage loans, bundled loans, S.P.E. (Special Purpose Entity) or S.P.V. (Special Purpose Vehicles), mortgage backed security (M.B.S.), collateralized debt obligation (C.D.O.), credit default swap (C.D.S.), other types of derivatives. Stephen then wrapped everything up by explaining blockchain technology and the future implementation of blockchain by central bankers.Stephen predicts that we will soon see this implementation as the economy crashes and central banks capitalize on their lack of accountability. Basically, the creation of a New World Order as has been pushed for decades by the highest up elites will emanate itself with blockchain derivatives forever dooming the world economy.This is historic, but not only that, it's disastrous and terrifying.If we can all come to understand what's happening right now, we may be able to stop this.
Share this report on all social medias and let's make sure people are aware of what's happening!

A big thanks to Stephen Kendal for providing us with this report as well as sharing his excellent slides with us!

In the heat of the Great Depression during the 1930s, prominent scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called Technocracy that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of elected politicians. Although this radical movement lost momentum by 1940, it regained status when it was conceptually adopted by the elitist Trilateral Commission (co-founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller) in 1973 to be become its so-called “New International Economic Order.”

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 1 of 3)

Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015


 Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 2 of 3)

Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015

Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising Interview (Part 3 of 3)

Tragedy and Hope
Published on Sep 11, 2015

Author Patrick Wood discusses his recent book "Technocracy Rising", in a 3-part interview. (Summary of parts, below) http://www.technocracyrising.com/

Patrick Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since the late 1970's, when he partnered with the late Antony C. Sutton to coauthor Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II. He remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed "New International Economic Order.”

An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core.

Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Transhumanism, Technocracy and scientism, and how these are co-opting economics, politics and religion around the world.

Part 1: Energy based Currency, Columbia University origins of Technocracy, Eugenics, Population Control, and Agenda 21, origins of Positivism and Scientism;

Part 2: Trilaterals, CFR, Rockefellers, U.N., 1992 Rio Conference, Agenda 21 and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP);

Part 3: Wood's work with Antony C. Sutton, the Origins of the Trilateral Commission, Trilaterals and Larry King, and how the Trilateral Commission influenced the U.S. Govt. since 1973 to present day. Thanks to Ernie & Donna Hancock at FreedomsPhoenix.com for the use of their studio, and to Rick Malchow for his assistance in bringing you this interview.














Glenn Greenwald "The Goal Of The U.S. Government
Is To Eliminate ALL Privacy Globally!"






Mastering The Human Domain

  • Who You Are – Collected information includes names, addresses, biometrics, social media accounts . 
  • What You Do – Travel history, communications, financial transactions and movement of physical assets. 
  • Who You Know – Relational information including family, friends, associates and organizations. 
  • Context – Contextual data such as demographics, politics, cultural norms and religion. 


A closer look at the upcoming Jade Helm military exercise, specifically its “master the human domain” motto, reveals a larger agenda in regards to domestic policy.

...“They’re building an infrastructure of tyranny,” stated Infowars David Knight. “There’s a legal infrastructure with things like the NDAA, there’s a technical infrastructure with things like the capability to do dragnet surveillance, and then of course there is going to be a military and law enforcement infrastructure, and those are merging.”




Full Presentation








CIA-Funded Software Company Manages Private Data For Healthcare.gov

In-Q-Tel made “strategic investment” into software company
involved in Obamacare enrollment


Kit Daniels
October 24, 2013

A software company funded by the Central Intelligence Agency is managing data on Healthcare.gov, the Obamacare insurance exchange website.

In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital firm, invested heavily into Socrata, the software company who provides data collection and management for Healthcare.gov and Medicare.gov.

Through a press release, Socrata announced a “strategic investment and technology development agreement with In-Q-Tel (IQT), the independent strategic investment firm that identifies innovative technology solutions to support the missions of the U.S. Intelligence Community.”

“Under the agreement, IQT will make a strategic investment in Socrata,” the press release states. “The two entities will work together to further develop Socrata’s data consumerization platform for internal business analysts in data-rich organizations.”

“Users of Socrata’s technologies can transform raw data from multiple sources into more sophisticated and useful resources.”

In other words, Socrata will work with the CIA and other intelligence agencies to transform raw data into a format easily utilized and accessible to the intelligence community.

The CIA’s interest in Socrata is crystal clear considering that the Department of Health and Human Services is establishing a centralized Federal Data Services Hub, a comprehensive database of Americans’ private information made available to multiple federal entities.

Healthcare.gov captures the personal data provided during the Obamacare enrollment process for this spy grid database.

In-Q-Tel has been investing in firms developing data mining technologies for years.

In the early 2000s, In-Q-Tel invested in Keyhole Inc., the company that developed 3D “flyby” images of buildings and terrain from geospatial data collected by satellites.

Google later purchased Keyhole in 2004 and rolled its technology into Google Earth.

Around the same time, the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, Rob Painter, left his position to become the Senior Federal Manager at Google.

A former CIA case officer, Robert Steele, said that Google is “in bed with” the CIA.

Facebook also received funding through Accel Partners, a venture capital firm with ties to In-Q-Tel and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

This article was posted: Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 3:34 pm

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An independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security Council...There has been considerable criticism of the CIA relating to security and counterintelligence failures, failures in intelligence analysis, human rights concerns, external investigations and document releases, influencing public opinion and law enforcement, drug trafficking, and lying to Congress. In 1987, the former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, John Stockwell, said the CIA is responsible for tens of thousands of covert actions and destablization programs since it was created by Congress with the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. At the time, Stockwell estimated that over 6 million people had died in CIA covert actions.






The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a governmental agency belonging to the United StatesDepartment of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence). Also, it is the government agency responsible for investigating crimes on Indian reservations in the United States under the Major Crimes Act. The branch has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crime. The agency was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The agency headquarters is the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located in Washington, D.C. The agency has fifty-six field offices located in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation. More than 50 international offices called "legal attachés" exist in U.S. embassies and consulates general worldwide. 

'Federal Bureau of Investigation organizes almost all terror plots in the US' ...The report reveals that the FBI regularly infiltrates communities where they suspect terrorist-minded individuals to be engaging with others. Regardless of their intentions, agents are sent in to converse within the community, find suspects that could potentially carry out “lone wolf” attacks and then, more or less, encourage them to do so. By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize.







 Medical Martial Law 2020 | The Corbett Report | First published at 20:59 UTC on March 21st, 2020.

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=35444

As the lockdowns go into place and the military takes to the streets in country after country, the decades of preparation for medical martial law are finally paying off forthe pandemic planners. Today on this emergency edition of The Corbett Report podcast, James lays out the steps that have led us to the brink of martial law and the steps that are being taken to implement it now. Please help to spread this important information and to raise awareness of the crisis that we are facing.

"Here’s the bottom line. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 years for some new politicians to get in office and give your permission to be free. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 or 6 years for some federal court to tell you, “ok, you be free now.” You are supposed to stand up resist, refuse to comply and nullify unconstitutional federal acts – as soon as they happen. All the money and time you throw at firing congress or winning in federal court will never, ever work – unless you start resisting right here in your state. And, that resistance needs to be your first response, not your last."  - Michael Boldin, Article: James Madison: How to Stop the Federal Government


James Madison Refuse To Cooperate
James Madison:
How to Stop the Federal Government


By: Michael Boldin|Published on: Dec 15, 2014

In response to federal overreach, most people tend to focus on three types of actions to stop them: elections, conventions, and lawsuits. While they all have their place in an overall strategy to defend the Constitution, none of them should be the first step forward. That is, if you follow the advice of the “Father of the Constitution.”

Here’s what James Madison had to say in Federalist #46. The Influence of the State and Federal Governments Compared:

“Should an unwarrantable measure of the federal government be unpopular in particular States, which would seldom fail to be the case, or even a warrantable measure be so, which may sometimes be the case, the means of opposition to it are powerful and at hand. The disquietude of the people; their repugnance and, perhaps refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union, the frowns of the executive magistracy of the State; the embarrassment created by legislative devices, which would often be added on such occasions, would oppose, in any State, very serious impediments; and were the sentiments of several adjoining States happen to be in Union, would present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter.”

Let me translate. Madison said that when the federal government passes an unconstitutional measure there are powerful methods to oppose it – amongst the people and in the states. He also pointed out that those methods were available even for warrantable, that is constitutional, measures.

Madison told us of four things that should be done to resist federal powers, whether merely unpopular, or unconstitutional.

1. Disquietude of the people – Madison expected the people would throw a fit when the feds usurped power – even using the word “repugnance” to describe their displeasure. That leads to the next step.

2. Repugnance and Refusal to co-operate with the officers of the Union – Noncompliance. The #1 dictionary of the time defined repugnance as “disobedient; not obsequious” (compliant). If you want to stop the federal government, you have to disobey them. Madison also suggested that people would perhaps directly refuse to cooperate with federal agents. This is an approach we preach here every day at the Tenth Amendment Center. James Madison apparently knew what we know today. The feds rely on cooperation from state and local governments, as well as individuals. When enough people refuse to comply, they simply can’t enforce their so-called laws.

3, The frowns of the executive magistracy of the State – Here Madison envisions governors formally protesting federal actions. This not only raises public awareness; executive leadership will also lead to the next step – legislative action.

4. Legislative devices, which would often be added on such occasions – Madison keeps this open-ended, and in the years soon after, which I’ll cover shortly, we learn how both he and Thomas Jefferson applied this step.

Madison also told us that if several adjoining States would do the same it would be an effective tool to stop federal acts. To repeat, he said that doing this “would present obstructions which the federal government would hardly be willing to encounter.”

Judge Andrew Napolitano agreed recently and said that people need to stop enforcing unconstitutional federal laws. He also said that if you could get an entire state doing this, it would make federal laws “nearly impossible to enforce.”

What’s important to note here, are some glaring omissions. The powerful means that Madison told us would be used to oppose federal power successfully did NOT include federal lawsuits in federal courts. He also did NOT include “voting the bums out” as a strategy, either.


Compare that with how people generally respond to what they consider unconstitutional or unpopular federal acts today.

The first thing I tend to hear from people who are opposed to a federal act is the “vote the bums out” mantra. We’ll fire congress, right?

Or some people tell us we have to sue and let the courts decide.

I’ve got some news for you. There’s nothing from the founders – anywhere – in which they tell us that our first response to extreme, repeated violations of the constitution and liberty is to vote the bums out, or sue the feds in federal court. Nothing.


Thomas Jefferson followed up on this in 1798 with the same kind of advice. That year, the Adams administration passed a wildly unconstitutional attack on the freedom of speech with the Alien and Sedition Acts. In response, while sitting as vice-president, Jefferson secretly drafted the Kentucky Resolutions, and here’s a little of what he wrote:

“The several states composing the united states of america are not united on a principle of unlimited submission to their general government.”

“where powers are assumed which have not been delegated, a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy”

“that every State has a natural right in cases not within the compact to nullify of their own authority all assumptions of power by others within their limits: that without this right, they would be under the dominion, absolute and unlimited, of whosoever might exercise this right of judgment for them”

Madison was consistent in his views on this. In 1798, he also drafted and help pass something known as the Virginia Resolutions, a state-level “legislative device” in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Here’s a key part:

in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them.

Like Madison advised in Federalist #46, both he and Thomas Jefferson advised a state-level response to dangerous federal acts. In 1798, neither of them even mentioned voting or lawsuits.

Jefferson told us that a “nullification is the rightful remedy.” And Madison told us that states are “duty-bound to interpose.”

When Daniel Webster called on these same principles in response to military conscription plans during the war of 1812, he said:

“The operation of measures thus unconstitutional and illegal ought to be prevented by a resort to other measures which are both constitutional and legal. It will be the solemn duty of the State governments to protect their own authority over their own militia, and to interpose between their citizens and arbitrary power. These are among the objects for which the State governments exist; and their highest obligations bind them to the preservation of their own rights and the liberties of their people”

Here’s the bottom line. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 years for some new politicians to get in office and give your permission to be free. You are not supposed to wait 2 or 4 or 6 years for some federal court to tell you, “ok, you be free now.”

You are supposed to stand up resist, refuse to comply and nullify unconstitutional federal acts – as soon as they happen.

All the money and time you throw at firing congress or winning in federal court will never, ever work – unless you start resisting right here in your state. And, that resistance needs to be your first response, not your last.




Big Brother/Sis And Surveillance Systems

Big Brother/Sis And Surveillance Systems

There are over 30 million closed-circuit television cameras in America recording 24-7, catching the average citizen on film nearly 200 times daily. Every American has a 9-digit government Social Security number assigned to them at birth. We require government licenses to drive, to get married, and have pets, government passports to travel, and corporate credit cards to book tickets, make reservations, and shop online. Our phone lines are tapped and our emails are compiled and saved. Intelligence agencies and corporations share and maintain huge databases full of information on every citizen. The government, corporate, and media interests have all melded into one cohesive unit, propagating the “official” version of reality through every newspaper and TV set.

LINK: Big Brother/Sis And Surveillance Systems






Among the variety of ways of subverting a nation, coopting its monetary system is the most powerful tool in doing this. America was taken over in 1913...watch the documentary below to see how the Federal Reserve bank has trodden the Constitution and enslaved America in unpayable debt.




Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution

Click the following links to see more videos on this most important subject of debt enslavement.


The Federal Reserve

We Can't Pay It Back!






Dates That Destroyed America

- Chuck Baldwin -

February 3, 1913

This is the date when the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified and the personal income tax and IRS were instituted. This was a flagrant repudiation of freedom principles. What began as a temporary measure to support the War of Northern Aggression became a permanent income revenue stream for an unconstitutional--and ever-growing--central government.


Passage of the so-called “health care reform” bill in the House of Representatives this past Sunday, March 21 (I won’t even address the inferred unconstitutionality of Congress doing business on the Lord’s Day. See Article. I. Section. 7. Paragraph. 2.) drove yet another stake into the heart of America. For all intents and purposes, it is the health of the United States that is in dire need of healing. In fact, the US has been on extended life-support for decades. With its condition being rendered critical, and absent major surgery, its days are numbered. The passage of this bill only serves to further weaken an already frail Constitution. In fact, this one may prove to be the fatal blow. Lady Liberty may never recover.

The decision by Congress to socialize medicine in the US ranks among the most draconian, most egregious, most horrific actions ever taken by the central government in Washington, D.C. This bill rocks the principles of liberty and constitutional government to the core. It changes fundamental foundations; it repudiates historical principle. Oh! The same flag may fly on our flagpoles, the same monuments may grace our landscape, and the same National Anthem may be sung during our public ceremonies, but it is not the same America. The Congress of the United States has now officially turned America into a socialist state.

On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the health care bill into law, and as such, this date–along with March 21–joins a list of dates that have each inflicted unconstitutional, socialistic, and sometimes even tyrannical action against the States United and have, therefore, contributed to the destruction of a free America.



April 9, 1865

This is the date when General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to U.S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. Regardless of where one comes down on the subject of the Civil War, one fact is undeniable: Abraham Lincoln forever destroyed the Jeffersonian model of federalism in America. Ever since, virtually every battle that free men have fought for the principles of limited government, State sovereignty, etc., have all stemmed directly from Lincoln’s usurpation of power, which resulted in the subjugation and forced union of what used to be “Free and Independent States” (the Declaration of Independence). In fact, the philosophical battles being waged today regarding the recent health care debacle (and every other encroachment upon liberty and State power by the central government) have their roots in Lincoln’s tyranny.



July 9, 1868

This is the date when the 14th Amendment was ratified. This amendment codified into law what Lincoln had forced at bayonet point. Until then, people were only deemed citizens of their respective states. The Constitution nowhere referred to people as “US citizens.” It only recognized “the Citizens of each State.” Notice also that citizenship was only recognized among the “several States,” not among people living in non-State territories. Until the 14th Amendment, people were “Citizens of each State.” (Article. IV. Section. 2. Paragraph. 1.) The 14th Amendment created a whole new class of persons: “citizens of the United States.” This false notion of “one nation” overturned the Jeffersonian principle that our nation was a confederated republic, a voluntary union of states.



February 3, 1913

This is the date when the 16th Amendment was ratified, and the direct income tax and IRS were instituted. This was a flagrant repudiation of freedom principles! What began as a temporary measure to support the War of Northern Aggression became a permanent income revenue stream for an unconstitutional–and ever-growing–central government.



April 8, 1913

This is the date when the 17th Amendment was ratified. This amendment overturned the power of the State legislatures to elect their own senators and replaced it with a direct, popular vote. This was another serious blow against State sovereignty. The framers of the Constitution desired that the influence and power in Washington, D.C., be kept as close to the people and states as possible. For example, the number of representatives in the House of Representatives was to be decided by a limited number of voters. In the original Constitution, the ratio of “people of the several States” deciding their House member could not exceed “one for every thirty thousand.” (Article. I. Section. 2. Paragraph. 3.) And when it came to the US Senate, the framers also recognized the authority of each State legislature to select its own senators, thereby keeping power and influence from aggregating in Washington, D.C. The 17th Amendment seriously damaged the influence and power of the states by forcing them to elect their US senators by popular vote. The bigger the State, the less influence the State legislature has in determining its US senator. Senators who answered to State legislators, each answering to a limited number of voters, are much more accountable to the “citizens of the several States” than those who are elected by a large number (many times numbering into the millions) of people. For all intents and purposes (at least in the larger states), US Senators are more like “mini-Presidents” than they are representatives of sovereign states.



December 23, 1913

This is the date when the Federal Reserve Act was passed. This Act placed oversight of America’s financial matters into the hands of a cabal of private international bankers, who have completely destroyed the constitutional principles of sound money and (for the most part) free enterprise. No longer would the marketplace (private consumption, thrift, growth, etc.) be the determinant of the US economy (which is what freedom is all about), but now a private, unaccountable international banking cartel would have total power and authority to micromanage (for their own private, parochial purposes) America’s financial sector. Virtually every recession, depression, and downturn (including the one we are now experiencing) has been the direct result of the Fed’s manipulation (again, for its own purposes and with Washington’s cooperation) of the market.



June 26, 1945

This is the date when the United Nations Charter was signed and America joined the push for global government. Ever since, US forces have spilled untold amounts of blood and sacrificed thousands of lives promoting the UN’s agenda. Since the end of World War II, in virtually every war in which US military forces have been engaged, it has been at the behest of the UN. And it is also no accident that America has not fought a constitutionally declared war since we entered the UN–and neither have we won one.

Furthermore, it is America’s involvement in the United Nations that has spearheaded this draconian push for a New World Order that George H. W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, Walter Cronkite, et al., have talked so much about. The United Nations is an evil institution that has completely co-opted our US State Department and much of our Defense Department. It is an anti-American institution that works aggressively and constantly against the interests and principles of the United States. But it is an institution that is ensconced in the American political infrastructure. Like a cancer, the UN eats away at our liberties and values, and both major political parties in Washington, D.C., are culpable in allowing it to exert so much influence upon our country.



June 25, 1962, and June 17, 1963

These are the dates when the US Supreme Court removed prayer (’62) and Bible reading (’63) from public schools. At this point, these two Supreme Court decisions were the most serious affront to the First Amendment in US history. Think of it: from before a union of states was established in 1787, children had been free to pray and read the Scriptures in school. We’re talking about a period of more than 300 years! Of course, the various State legislatures–and myriad city and county governmental meetings–still open their sessions in prayer, as do the US House and Senate, and even the US Supreme Court. But this same liberty is denied the children of America. There is no question that America has not recovered from these two horrific Supreme Court decisions. In effect, the federal government has expelled God not only from our public schools, but also from our public life! And America has not been the same since.



October 22, 1968

This is the date when President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Gun Control Act of 1968. Before this Act, the 2nd Amendment was alive and well in the United States. The Gun Control Act of 1968 turned a right into a privilege and forever forced the American people to bow to the altar of government when seeking to arm themselves. Interestingly enough, this Gun Control Act mirrored Nazi Germany’s Gun Control Act of 1938. In fact, the Gun Control Act of 1968 is almost a verbatim copy of Hitler’s Gun Control Act of 1938.

Our Founding Fathers could never have imagined that governments within the “several States” would ever be allowed to deny the people’s right to keep and bear arms. In fact, it was the attempted confiscation of the firearms stored at Concord, Massachusetts, that triggered the War of Independence in 1775. That the people of Massachusetts would be denied their right to keep and bear arms, as they are today, could not have been foreseen–and would never have been tolerated–by America’s founders.

Yet, most of the hundreds of draconian gun control laws that have been inflicted upon the American people have all come about as a result of the Gun Control Act of 1968.



January 22, 1973

This is the date when the US Supreme Court issued the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, which, in effect, legalized abortion-on-demand. These two decisions expunged the Jeffersonian principle that all men are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life (Declaration). Since then, more than 50 million unborn babies have been legally murdered in their mothers’ wombs. Abortion is, without a doubt, America’s national holocaust. It has opened the door to a host of Big Government programs and policies that have resulted in the wanton destruction of human life both in the United States and overseas. It has created an entire industry whose express purpose for existing is the destruction of human life. It has desensitized the conscience and soul of America. Furthermore, it has forced men of decency and good will to finance–with their tax dollars–the unconscionable act of killing unborn children.

And once again, another Jeffersonian principle was eviscerated. He said, “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” The Roe and Doe decisions violate this principle in the most egregious manner possible.



October 26, 2001

This is the date when President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act, and the federal government’s war against individual liberty began in earnest. Most of the unconstitutional eavesdropping, snooping, wiretapping, phone call intercepting, email reading, prying, financial records tracking, travel watching, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, by federal police agencies began with the implementation of the Patriot Act. The Department of Homeland Security and the “war on terrorism,” which have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people worldwide, and the usurpation of federal power at home, have all come about as an outgrowth of the Patriot Act. The USA Patriot Act has forever shifted the focus of American law and jurisprudence against constitutional government and individual liberty, toward a police-state mentality. The Patriot Act is even turning our local and State law enforcement agencies into military-style “Jackboots,” where police officers see themselves not necessarily as guardians of the citizenry, but, as often as not, as adversaries, where citizens are deemed to be the “enemy.”



October 17, 2006, and October 9, 2009

These are the dates when President G.W. Bush signed and President Barack Obama re-signed the Military Commissions Act. This Act is the outgrowth of the Patriot Act but has, in effect, terminated the fundamental protections of individual liberty, which are found in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. For all intents and purposes, the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act eviscerated the 4th and 5th Amendments, and do serious injury to several others. The Military Commissions Act also expunges the constitutional right of Habeas Corpus.



March 21 and 23, 2010

These are the dates when Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” the so-called “health care reform” bill that we spoke about at the beginning of this column. While Social Security and various Welfare programs have toyed with socialism in the United States, this bill is the largest and most expansive endorsement of socialism in American history. This bill socializes some 18% of the US economy by socializing the health care industry in America. The fallout and ramifications of this bill are going to be horrific.

When future historians review the demise of our once-great republic, they will observe that the above dates, including March 21 and March 23, 2010, were the dates that destroyed America. The American people have been far too tolerant for far too long.

People concerned about the future of freedom and prosperity in America should line up quickly and demand that their respective State legislatures and governors resist this new health care bill, even to the point of refusing to implement it in their states. More than 30 states are threatening to take the health care bill to court. But states must do more than that. They must follow the lead of the State of Virginia and pass legislation refusing to comply with it. Yes, I’m saying it: it is time for another State rebellion! If states do not stand up and draw their lines in the sand now, it will be forever too late.

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Donate using this link.

(c) Chuck Baldwin




-- Harriet Tubman --


"I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more,
if only they knew they were slaves."


Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently
on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures.

"A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those who would manipulate and control it.”

- Aldous Huxley -

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